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1. Public speaking can be very stressful, it can increase heart rate and breathing most
especially to those who have social anxiety. What part of the nervous system is
activated during extreme or stressful situations?

A. Parasympathetic Nervous System

B. Somatic Nervous System
C. Autonomic Nervous System
D. Sympathetic Nervous System

2. After experiencing palpitations from delivering a speech, you managed to calm down
and control yourself as you were taking your seat. What part of the nervous system
enabled you to do this?

A. Parasympathetic Nervous System

B. Somatic Nervous System
C. Autonomic Nervous System
D. Sympathetic Nervous System

3. An injury to this part of the brain can lead to visual field cuts, difficulty seeing objects
or colors, hallucinations, blindness, inability to recognize written words, reading or
writing, inability to see objects moving, and poor processing of visual information.
What part of the brain is this?

A. Frontal Lobe
B. Temporal Lobe
C. Occipital Lobe
D. Parietal Lobe

4. A person with cerebral palsy loses the ability to move, maintain balance and posture.
This is due to a defect in a certain part of the brain which is responsible for
coordination of voluntary movement, gross and fine motor control, balance and
equilibrium. What part of the brain is this?

A. Cerebellum
B. Parietal Lobe
C. Frontal Lobe
D. Occipital Lobe

5. Paul Broca was exploring areas of the brain used for language and noticed a
particular part of the brain that was impaired in a man whose speech became limited
after a stroke. This part of the brain is the largest and is responsible for controlling
speech, reasoning, planning and consciousness.

A. Cerebellum
B. Parietal Lobe
C. Frontal Lobe
D. Occipital Lobe

6. Auditory learning is a learning preference in which student learns most effectively by

listening. They would prefer listening to a lecture over reading a textbook, or hearing
the instructions for a project instead of figuring it out hands-on. What part of the
brain is actively stimulated when one is an auditory learner?

A. Cerebellum
B. Parietal Lobe
C. Temporal Lobe
D. Occipital Lobe

7. These messengers pass signals to each other throughout the nervous system. For
example, they might carry a message from the brain to your hand to move away
from danger, or they may carry a message from the hand to the brain saying a pot is

A. Brain
B. Hormones
C. Neurons
D. Electrical Impulses

8. A learner in your class reacted emotionally when you raised your voice at him. This
is due to his emotional trauma caused by his unfortunate upbringing. Memories that
have strong emotional components tend to stick and create a constant response
whenever faced with familiar situations. Which part of the Limbic System influences
emotion and the body’s automatic fear response?

A. Hippocampus
B. Amygdala
C. Thalamus
D. Hypothalamus

9. Frank is a dyslexic learner, he finds it hard to process written materials, making it

more difficult for him to recognize, spell, and decode words. Which part the brain is
responsible for language processes?

A. Frontal Lobe
B. Temporal Lobe
C. Occipital Lobe

D. Parietal Lobe

10. A learner who was rewarded with a box of chocolate for getting the highest rating on
their test will most likely repeat the same effort to get the highest grade again. When
this neurotransmitter is released, it creates feelings of pleasure and reward, which
motivate you to repeat a specific behavior. What is this neurotransmitter?

A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
C. GABA acids
D. Adrenaline

11. Mary, your student, was diagnosed with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), she has a limited attention span, she finds it hard to stay focused and alert
in all your activities leading you to use a different teaching approach for her. Looking
at the biological causes of this behavior, what neurotransmitter is responsible for
keeping us alert and focused?

A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
C. GABA acids
D. Adrenaline

12. ADHD in learners is characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of

hyperactivity, impulsivity and restlessness that is caused by erratic mood. A chronic
deficit of this neurotransmitter may trigger symptoms of ADHD. What is this
A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
C. GABA acids
D. Adrenaline

13. When levels of this neurotransmitter get too low, it's difficult for the body to relax
after a stress-induced neurotransmitter release. Low activity of this neurotransmitter
might lead to insomnia which is rooted from anxiety.

A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
C. GABA acids
D. Adrenaline

14. The rooting reflex allows a newborn baby to find his/her mother’s breast or a bottle
to begin feeding. It's one of several reflexes, or involuntary movements, that babies
are born with which help them through their first weeks or months of life. What
theory proposes that humans have biological tendencies that help them survive?
A. Theory of Evolution
B. Survival Theory
C. Biological Theory
D. Instinct Theory

15. A child’s ability to learn language is biologically determined - the human species has
evolved a brain whose neural circuits contain linguistic information at birth. The
child's natural predisposition to learn language is triggered by hearing speech and
the child's brain is able to interpret what s/he hears according to the underlying
principles or structures it already contains. What is this theory?

A. Language Acquisition
B. Language Predisposition
C. Language Evolution
D. Theory of Language

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