General Guide To File Naming Conventions and Folder Hierarchies

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Information & Digital Literacy for University Success

Academic Skills for University Success Specialization

The University of Sydney Centre for English Teaching

General guide to file naming conventions and folder hierarchies


Be Consistent. Decide on a naming style and Vary your naming system for different files.
stick to it. Save downloaded materials with the existing
Include key information in folders and file file name.
names that will help you to recognize the Save downloaded materials in your
contents easily. ‘downloads’ folder.
Change file names of downloaded materials Use date formats DDMMYY/MMDDYYYY
to be consistent with your own system. (your computer will file them alpha-
Save downloaded materials in the numerically, so 0 will always come before 1
appropriate folder in your hierarchy. etc. Therefore, 01011901 will *always* come
before 28012016 even though,
Use date format YYYYMMDD.
chronologically, the second is newer).
Abbreviate if necessary, and keep track of
Repeat information.
what they mean (e.g. UoS = Unit of Study).
Use long file names.
Use author surnames only.
Use spaces in file names.
Use _underscores_ or use-dashes-to-
separate-words or CapitaliseTheFirstLetter.

Example folder hierarchy

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