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Porous SiGe Nanostructures Formed by Electrochemical Etching of Thin Poly-SiGe


Article  in  Journal of The Electrochemical Society · May 2004

DOI: 10.1149/1.1695531


7 533

11 authors, including:

Manuel Avella Juan Jimenez

Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies Universidad de Valladolid


A. Rodríguez Jesus Sangrador

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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C326 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共5兲 C326-C332 共2004兲
0013-4651/2004/151共5兲/C326/7/$7.00 © The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

Porous SiGe Nanostructures Formed by Electrochemical

Etching of Thin Poly-SiGe Films
T. Del Caño,a L. F. Sanz,a P. Martı́n,a M. Avella,a J. Jiménez,a A. Rodrı́guez,b
J. Sangrador,b T. Rodrı́guez,b,z V. Torres-Costa,c R. J. Martı́n-Palma,c
and J. M. Martı́nez-Duartc
Departamento de Fı́sica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad de Valladolid, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
Departamento de Tecnologı́a Electrónica, E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
28040 Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Fı́sica Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain

We have studied the effect of the current density 共J兲 and etching time in the formation of porous poly-SiGe 共pp-SiGe兲 layers, with
Ge fractions in the 0 to 0.55 range, by electrochemical etching. The starting material was unintentionally doped polycrystalline
SiGe thin films, deposited in amorphous state by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition and subsequently crystallized. pp-Si
structures were found to be homogeneous at large scale and show nanocrystalline of around 5 nm for low J values. The pp-SiGe
structures show nonuniformities in their structure; the nanocrystal size is around 10 nm for low J and decreases for high J values
and increasing etching times, reaching values of 2-4 nm. The composition of the pp-SiGe films, for low to moderate J values,
shows a slight Ge enrichment. For high J values, in samples with x ⫽ 0.38, all the Si was etched and the composition of the
porous layer is pure Ge. This effect is not so strong for samples with high Ge fractions (x ⫽ 0.55). The dominant radiative
recombination mechanism is not excitonic; we associate it with recombination via defects in the crystalline structure of the porous
film or states at the interface nanocrystals/native SiO2 .
© 2004 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.1695531兴 All rights reserved.

Manuscript submitted October 31, 2003; revised manuscript received November 27, 2003. Available electronically April 7, 2004.

SiGe presents several advantages respect to Si, e.g., higher mo- interval. Shi et al.9 reported two luminescence peaks, at 198 K, one
bility, faster response, and shorter exciton lifetime with the corre- of them located at 1.72 eV associated with porous Si, and the other
sponding increase of the radiative recombination efficiency. In ad- one at 1.96 eV and associated with porous SiGe, those peaks look to
dition to the confinement effects due to the nanocrystals size, converge in one peak at 1.86 eV at room temperature. Radiative
tunable emission could also be expected from porous SiGe within a recombination of quantum-confined excitons, recombination via de-
large range of Ge atomic fractions, because the band gap of SiGe fects or dislocations in the crystal structure of the porous layer, and
changes by 0.22 eV between x ⫽ 0 and 0.8, and then drops abruptly also small units containing only a few Si atoms that are responsible
to the band gap of crystalline Ge. Porous SiGe with Ge fractions up for the light emission have been proposed as tentative source mecha-
to 0.41 共although most of the studies are done for Ge fractions up to nisms for the luminescence emission of porous Si.2-6,10 The PL spec-
0.2兲, have been reported to be formed by different processes 共elec- tral parameters were found in another work to be independent of the
trochemical and stain etching兲 on different types of starting materi- alloy composition, current density and etching time, which allowed
als, like multicrystalline bulk SiGe alloys,1 SiGe layers grown by the authors to exclude excitonic recombination as the origin of the
molecular beam epitaxy 共MBE兲2,3 or strain relaxed SiGe films de- luminescence.11 In porous Si, the band at 1.70-1.75 eV is attributed
posited in an standard Si-epitaxy horizontal tube reactor.4 In all to oxide-related radiative defects at the Si/SiOx interface.12 Also,
cases the SiGe layer was doped with boron in the 1017 to defects in the silicon oxide or at the Si/SiO2 interface have been
⬎1019 cm⫺3 range. The intensity of visible photoluminescence 共PL兲 pointed out as the origin of the luminescence in the red spectral
of porous SiGe formed by anodization of SiGe layers grown by range 共1.6-2.0 eV兲 of Si nanocrystallites embedded in SiO2 formed
solid state MBE 共SSMBE兲 and strain relaxed SiGe has been found by thermal oxidation of a polycrystalline silicon layer.13 As anodized
to be nearly as intense as that of porous Si per unit volume of porous Ge shows a peak at 1.17 eV and after thermal oxidation of
nanostructure.5,6 Also, PL intensity in porous SiGe has been reported the sample the peak shifts to 2.15 eV; this band is associated with
to significantly decrease with increasing Ge fraction for porous radiative recombination through localized states at or near the
samples formed by electrochemical or stain etching of epitaxial Ge-GeO2 interface.14 Also, the PL peaks at 2.1 eV found in the
SiGe layers.2,4 The method proposed in this work, low-pressure Ge-SiOx and Si-SiOx systems have been associated with oxide re-
chemical vapor deposition 共LPCVD兲, can be used to deposit amor- lated defects in silicon dioxide, such as the so-called E⬘ center.6
phous or polycrystalline thin SiGe films on large areas of different In this paper, we present a study of porous SiGe structures, start-
substrates like silicon, silicon oxide, metal or glass; therefore porous ing from unintentionally doped polycrystalline thin films obtained
poly-SiGe films can be formed on them using a simple and low-cost by solid phase crystallization of amorphous SiGe films deposited by
procedure compatible with well established semiconductor device LPCVD, formed by electrochemical etching. The Ge fractions in-
manufacturing technologies. In addition, it has been reported that vestigated range from x ⫽ 0 to x ⫽ 0.55. The morphology of the
porous poly-Si films have a smoother surface and a more uniform samples has been analyzed by atomic force microscopy 共AFM兲, the
microstructure than porous Si, properties which are advantageous composition of the porous layers and the nanocrystal size by mi-
for diverse applications of this material.7,8 These expectations make croraman spectroscopy, and the luminescence emission and its uni-
the fabrication of porous poly-SiGe for applications in integrated formity by microphotoluminescence spectroscopy.
optoelectronics a very attractive research field, that has not received
up to now a so great deal of attention as porous Si. Experimental
The origin of visible luminescence emitted by porous SiGe re- The original unintentionally doped SiGe layers, 240 nm thick,
mains a matter of controversy. Previous work on porous SiGe using were deposited in amorphous state by LPCVD at 450°C and subse-
different kinds of starting material and preparation conditions report quently annealed in vacuum at 625°C until their complete crystalli-
on the existence of a luminescence peak in the 1.65-2.1 eV energy zation. More experimental details on the deposition process are
available elsewhere.15 The Ge fractions of the polycrystalline layers
were determined by X-ray diffraction 共XRD兲, they were in the range
E-mail: of x ⫽ 0-0.55. The sheet resistance of the polycrystalline layers,
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共5兲 C326-C332 共2004兲 C327

lightly p-type, ranges from 1010 ⍀/ for pure Si to 3.5 • 102 ⍀/䊐
for SiGe with x ⫽ 0.55. The lateral grain diameter is around 1000
nm for x ⫽ 0 and below 300 nm for SiGe with x ⫽ 0.55, as deter-
mined from transmission electron microscopy 共TEM兲 measure-
ments. The grains exhibit 共111兲 preferred orientation for x ⫽ 0
which progressively disappears as the Ge fraction increases, in such
a way that the films with x ⬎ 0.3 are almost randomly oriented
polycrystals. A detailed study of the film properties can be found
elsewhere.16 The porous SiGe nanocrystals were formed by electro-
chemical etching of the poly-SiGe films. The wafers were coated
with an aluminum layer on their back side. To form a low resistance
ohmic contact, they were annealed at 450°C for 30 min in forming
gas. The wafers were cut into 1 ⫻ 1 cm2 pieces which were
mounted into a sample holder with an exposed area to the electro-
chemical etching solution of 0.64 cm2 . The electrolyte consisted of
a 2:1 HF 共48 wt %兲: ethanol 共98 wt %兲 mixture. The samples were
electrochemically etched under illumination from a 100 W halogen
lamp using current densities in the 10-80 mA/cm2 range. Etching
times of several minutes, similar to those reported in the literature
共usually in ranging from 3 to 60 min兲 produce the peeling and even
the complete etching of the our polycrystalline thin films. To avoid
this, we have kept the total transferred charge below 800 mA
• s/cm2 for all the anodization processes. Thus, the etching times
ranged from 6 to 25 s. Finally, the samples were rinsed in ethanol
and stored in vacuum to minimize the oxidation of the layers due to
prolonged air exposure. No subsequent treatments of any kind were
carried out in the as-anodized samples. The samples were analyzed
by the different techniques trying to minimize the time elapsed after
they were extracted from their vacuum storage, to reduce the effects
of ambient oxidation on the porous structures.
Atomic force microscopy 共AFM兲 measurements were carried out
to determine the sample structure and roughness using a Topometrix Figure 1. 3D 1 ␮m2 scanned area AFM images of porous samples obtained
TFM 2010 Discoverer instrument. The microscope was operated in from polycrystalline layers of 共a兲 x ⫽ 0 and 共b兲 x ⫽ 0.38 by anodization at
contact mode using a Si3 N4 tip and interaction forces ca. 0.02 nN. 10 mA/cm2 for 20 s. The scanned area is the same in both cases, thus allow-
Photoluminescence was measured in the scanning mode at room ing direct comparison between the structures.
temperature, under the excitation of the 488 nm line of an Ar⫹ laser.
The laser beam was focused onto the sample surface using a micro-
scope objective. The emitted light was also collected by the objec-
tive lens and driven to the monochromator, where it was analyzed 共RMS兲 of up to 5 nm is found, and the vertical nanometric columns
and detected by a photomultiplier tube cooled by a Peltier stage. The seem to be not as well defined as they were for porous poly-Si. The
sample was mounted on a motorized X-Y stage. To obtain two di- etching rate appears to be nonuniform in the whole area, and some
mensional monochromatic maps, a narrow spectral window was se- depressions and voids are formed. The size of these structural fea-
lected in the monochromator and the sample was moved using the tures is in agreement with the grain size of the starting poly-SiGe
X-Y stage. Local spectra were also obtained at selected points of the films, which is around 300 nm for this composition, pointing to a
samples. The beam diameter on the sample surface is around 1 ␮m. preferential etching at the grain boundaries. These results evidence
Microraman spectroscopy measurements were carried out with a that the final structure depends on the crystallographic quality of the
DILOR X-Y Raman spectrometer, exciting with the 514.5 nm line starting layers. Similar result has been reported for porous poly-Si.13
of an Ar⫹ laser. The beam size at the focus was slightly smaller than As-anodized samples with x ⫽ 0.55 show a cracked quasi-
1 ␮m in diam. The detection was done with a liquid nitrogen refrig- continuous layer on their top that do not allow to reveal the porous
erated CCD multichannel detector. The Raman spectra were re- structure by AFM 共not shown兲. Wong et al. reported that a crystal-
corded in selected areas revealed by the PL maps in view to corre- line silica layer is grown on the top of the as-anodized porous
late luminescence and structure. poly-Si.8
Composition and nanocrystal size.—Micro-Raman measure-
Results and Discussion ments were carried out to establish a relation between the structure
Morphology.—After the electrochemical etching, the porous lay- and the electrochemical etching parameters. The Raman spectrum
ers presented a dark aspect to the naked eye, revealing the existence provides information about several aspects relevant to the porous
of a rough surface. The morphology of the porous layers was char- structures. In particular, composition, and crystal size can be
acterized by AFM. Square areas with 1 ␮m side were scanned. For studied.18 The results reported by other authors about the effect of
samples with x ⫽ 0 and low anodization current density and time the forming process on the composition of the porous alloy layers
(10 mA/cm2 and 20 s兲 the surface was very homogeneous. The 3-D appear disperse, it has been reported that: the Ge fraction in the
AFM image of the scanned area shown in Fig. 1a reveals the for- alloy 共initially x ⫽ 0.5) decreases after the anodization at
mation of island-like structures around 55 nm wide and 6 nm high, 20 mA/cm2 for 10 min 共suggesting preferential etching of Ge兲,19 it is
which corresponds to the expected morphology of porous Si. More- maintained after anodization of epitaxial SiGe layers with Ge frac-
over, the morphology analysis leads to surface roughness values tions up to x ⫽ 0.2,5 and finally, that it increases after stain etching
共RMS兲 of 1.7 nm, in good agreement with previously reported data of the SiGe alloys with initial Ge fraction of x ⫽ 0.25.20
for porous silicon.17 Drastic morphological changes are observed in Raman spectra of a sample with x ⫽ 0 before and after etching
the samples based on the SiGe layers. For samples of x ⫽ 0.38 with a current density of 10 mA/cm2 for 20 s are shown in Fig. 2.
anodized with 10 mA/cm2 for 20 s 共see Fig. 1b兲, surface roughness For this low value of the current density, the porous poly-Si presents
C328 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共5兲 C326-C332 共2004兲

Figure 2. Raman spectra of a Si sample before 共a兲 and after 共b兲 etching the
original polycrystalline layer at 10 mA/cm2 for 20 s to form the porous
poly-Si sample. The distance between ticks in the vertical axis represents 500

phonon confinement as observed by the down frequency shift of

around 2 cm⫺1 and the asymmetric broadening of the TO Si-Si Ra-
man band. The estimated size of the Si nanocrystals, after subtract-
ing the contribution of the substrate, is close to 5 nm. In porous
SiGe samples prepared by etching layers of x ⫽ 0.38 with
10 mA/cm2 for 20 s, one cannot appreciate a significant phonon
confinement effect since the Raman bands are neither down shifted
nor broadened after the anodization, see Fig. 3. This means that
crystal sizes below 10 nm are not dominant. This is consistent with
the AFM data, that reveal smaller structures for Si than for SiGe, as
shown in Fig. 1. At this low anodization current density
(10 mA/cm2 ), one cannot appreciate Ge enrichment and basically
the Raman spectra indicate that the composition of the layer is con- Figure 4. 共a兲 Raman spectra obtained at two different points of a porous
served after the anodization process. poly-SiGe sample obtained from a SiGe layer of x ⫽ 0.38 using a high
Figure 4a shows two examples of Raman spectra obtained in a anodization current density (80 mA/cm2 ) for 9 s. The distance between ticks
sample with x ⫽ 0.38 anodized using a current density of in the vertical axis represents 100 counts. The spectra have not been shifted.
Note the full enrichment of Ge and the two components of the Ge-Ge band.
共b兲 Plot of the Ge-Ge peak frequency as a function of the peak fwhm. The
data are obtained from several spectra taken at different points of the sample.

80 mA/cm2 for 9 s. These spectra evidence a complete enrichment

of Ge, since the Si-Ge and Si-Si related bands are no more observed,
during the anodization. The Ge-Ge band consists of a peak around
296 cm⫺1 and a broad shoulder in the low wavenumber side. The
first peak corresponds to Ge nanocrystals less than 5 nm in diameter,
while the broad band seems to correspond to either a Ge amorphous-
like phase or very small Ge nanocrystals. Figure 4b shows the peak
frequency (⬇296 cm⫺1 for nanocrystalline Ge兲 vs. the full-width at
half-maximum 共fwhm兲 plot obtained from a set of Raman spectra,
similar to those shown in Fig. 5a, recorded at different regions of
this sample. There is a linear correlation between both parameters
that demonstrates that the estimated crystal sizes are distributed in
the interval between 4 and 7 nm. Note that the presence of the broad
band in the low energy side accounts for the presence of even
smaller crystal sizes.
The Raman spectra corresponding to porous samples obtained
from a polycrystalline layer with x ⫽ 0.55 by anodization at
Figure 3. Raman spectra of a SiGe sample with x ⫽ 0.38 before 共a兲 and
after 共b兲 etching the original polycrystalline layer at 10 mA/cm2 for 20 s to 20 mA/cm2 共which can be considered a low value in the interval
form the porous poly-SiGe sample. The distance between ticks in the vertical considered here兲 for 25 s and at 80 mA/cm2 for 9 s are shown in Fig.
axis represents 100 counts. The spectra have been shifted for a sake of 5, together with the reference spectrum acquired before the sample
clarity. was etched. A down frequency shift and an asymmetric broadening
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共5兲 C326-C332 共2004兲 C329

Figure 5. Raman spectra of SiGe samples with x ⫽ 0.55 共a兲 before and 共b兲
after anodization at 20 mA/cm2 for 25 s or 共c兲 at 80 mA/cm2 for 9 s. The
distance between ticks in the vertical axis represents 100 counts. The spectra
have been shifted for a sake of clarity. Note the progressive down frequency
shift and the asymmetric broadening of the bands as the etching current
density increases.

of the Raman bands, indicating phonon confinement effects, is also

observed. These effects are stronger as the current density increases.
No amorphous-like contribution are observed. Some Ge enrichment
of the crystals keeping the alloy nature of the layer and phonon
confinement is detected. This suggests that the lower reactivity of
Ge reinforces the Si-Ge bonds, more abundant at this composition,
partially inhibiting the etching of the silicon atoms. No bands related Figure 7. PL spectra of porous samples obtained from polycrystalline layers
to trigonal GeO2 were found in any of the samples studied.21 The with x ⫽ 0, 0.38, and 0.55. The samples were anodized at 10 mA/cm2 for 20
increase of the anodization time also results in a broadening and s in all cases. The spectra have been shifted for clarity. The positions of the
down frequency shifting of the Raman bands. See Fig. 6 for the two bands have been marked 共see text兲.
influence of the etching time at 80 mA/cm2 in the Raman spectrum
of a sample with x ⫽ 0.55, which reveals the presence of smaller

size crystallites for increasing anodization time. Therefore, the size

of the nanocrystals can be reduced either by increasing the current
density or the time of the electrochemical etching.
Photoluminescence emission.—Typical photoluminescence spec-
tra of samples with different compositions anodized at 10 mA/cm2
during 20 s are shown in Fig. 7. The spectrum consists of a broad
band that can be fitted by at least two Gaussian subbands, labeled
B-1 and B-2, respectively. Band B-1 is centred around 635-640 nm
共1.95 eV兲 and its fwhm is between 230 and 260 meV. The center of
band B-2 is located around 708 nm 共1.75 eV兲 and its fwhm ranges
from 160 to 200 meV. There is not a consistent relation between the
spectral parameters 共intensity, peak wavelength and linewidth兲 and
the composition of the layers. The energies of these bands lie in the
range of energies reported by other authors for porous SiGe formed
on epitaxial layers.2,5,6 It should be noted that the porous poly-SiGe
samples practically show the same spectrum than the Si ones,
and that for the large range of compositions inspected
(0 ⬍ x ⬍ 0.55), no consistent peak shift was observed although
the band gap of monocrystalline SiGe with a Ge fraction of
x ⫽ 0.55 is 0.2 eV narrower than the one of pure Si.
The luminescence emission for samples anodized at high current
Figure 6. Raman spectra of porous poly-SiGe samples obtained from a
density showed the same spectral shape as the one obtained for
polycrystalline layer with x ⫽ 0.55 by anodization at 80 mA/cm2 for two
lower anodization current, with some intensity variations, see Fig. 8.
different times, 共a兲 6 and 共b兲 9 s. The distance between ticks in the vertical The high energy peak, B1, seems to be reinforced. However, a clear
axis represents 100 counts. The spectra have been shifted for a sake of shift of the peak energy to the blue is not observed; therefore the
clarity. Note the progressive down frequency shift and the asymmetric broad- crystal size reduction, for high current densities, is not accompanied
ening of the bands as the etching time increases. by a concomitant shift of the emission spectrum toward higher en-
C330 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共5兲 C326-C332 共2004兲

nanocrystals has a beneficial effect on the intensity of the lumines-

cence emission.
The origin of visible PL emission in these porous poly-SiGe
samples can be analyzed based on the different results presented up
to now. The Raman spectra show that there are phonon confinement
effects in the samples, depending on the anodization conditions.
Nanocrystals from a few nm 共2-3 nm兲 to 10 nm 共limit of the Raman
sensitivity兲 are estimated 共see Fig. 2, 4a, 5, and 10兲. The indepen-
dence of the PL spectra on the composition of the porous poly-SiGe
films and on the size of the nanocrystals exclude exciton recombi-
nation inside the nanocrystals as the source mechanism for lumines-
cence. Although the expected shift due to the composition could be
compensated by the reduction in the crystallite size, such an exact
matching of the two effects over the analyzed composition range
appears unlike. Furthermore, we did not found any PL peaks related
with porous Ge, either the peak at 1.17 eV reported in as-anodized
Ge or the 2.1 eV peak presented in oxidized porous Ge, associated
with localized states at or near the Ge-GeO2 interface,21-23 even in
the porous layers formed by anodization of low Ge fraction samples
at high current density, which are formed mostly by Ge nanocrys-
tals. Also, no band related with GeO2 was detected in the Raman
spectra of the samples; therefore pure Ge nanocrystals and Ge-GeO2
interfaces can also be excluded as the origin of the PL. Finally, the
luminescence cannot be associated with either the band tail states of
the amorphous phase since the amorphous phase was not detected in
some of the Raman spectra.6,24
The remainder recombination mechanisms can be recombination
at defects in the crystalline structure of the porous film, which has
been reported even for porous layer formed from monocrystalline
SiGe, and recombination at electronic states located at the interface
between nanocrystals and the surrounding native SiO2 grown due to
the exposure of the samples to the atmosphere. The first of these
mechanisms could play a more important role in our porous layers
than in the work of Schoisswohl et al., due to the higher density of
defects expected in our porous layers, because the original films
Figure 8. PL spectra of porous samples obtained from polycrystalline layers were polycrystalline instead the crystalline layers.5 Also, the Gauss-
with x ⫽ 0.38 and 0.55 for two different anodization conditions (80 mA/cm2 ian shape of the PL spectra spectra is feature ascribed to a localized
for 9 s and 10 mA/cm2 for 20 s兲. The two sets of spectra have been shifted state.25 However, at the present time we don’t have enough data to
for clarity. exclude the recombination at states located at the interface between
the nanocrystals and a native oxide (SiO2 ) grown by the air expo-
sure of the samples. Note that interface states must be present, be-
cause some of the layers presented regions with very low lumines-
ergies, as it would be expected if excitonic recombination is the cence emission, which supports the formation of states of different
main luminescence mechanism. nature either radiative or nonradiative.
The spatial uniformity of the luminescence emission over the
sample area was also analyzed. Monochromatic PL maps acquired at Conclusions
1.87 eV for samples electrochemically anodized with a current den- Porous poly-SiGe layers were fabricated by electrochemical an-
sity of 10 mA/cm2 during 20 s are shown in Fig. 9. The emission in odization of unintentionally doped polycrystalline SiGe layers ob-
the sample with x ⫽ 0 is rather homogeneous through the whole tained by LPCVD and solid phase crystallization. The luminescence
area, a detail is displayed in Fig. 9a. Porous poly-SiGe samples of these as-anodized porous poly-SiGe structures, with no additional
show a more inhomogeneous luminescence intensity distribution at treatments, has been demonstrated. A wide range of Ge fractions
the mm scale. See for example the PL distribution for a porous (0 ⬍ x ⬍ 0.55) and anodization current densities (10-80 mA/cm2 )
sample formed using a layer with x ⫽ 0.55 (10 mA/cm2 , 20 s兲 was used. The composition of the porous films depends on the com-
shown in Fig. 9b, which shows a strong emission in the center and position of the original polycrystalline layer, and on the etching
weak luminescence in the meniscus region, probably due to a lower parameters. The morphology of the films seems to depend on the
current density in this region during anodization. Luminescence crystalline characteristics of the starting material. For low current
nonuniformity at large scale was a common feature to all the porous densities, the composition of the porous poly-SiGe films show a
poly-SiGe layers studied, illustrating the difficulties of the anodiza- light Ge enrichment in relation with the starting polycrystalline SiGe
tion process in these layers compared to Si. However, ignoring the layer; the same behavior is observed for samples with high Ge frac-
small center and the meniscus regions, luminescence intensity is tions anodized with higher current densities. Samples with low Ge
rather homogeneous in the other parts of the samples. The inhomo- fractions anodized at high current density show a very substantial
geneity was already observed by micro-Raman measurements, see Ge enrichment. The nanocrystal size decreases for increasing current
Fig. 4a. The regions of the sample with a high luminescence inten- densities and etching times. The visible luminescence spectra were
sity show phonon confinement effects. Figure 10 shows two Raman not dependent on the composition and only showed a weak depen-
spectra 共Ge-Ge band兲 corresponding to different regions of a porous dence on the anodization process parameters, which excludes exci-
sample (x ⫽ 0.55, 20 mA/cm2 , 25 s兲 with different luminescence ton recombination inside the nanocrystals as the main radiative re-
emission intensities. There is a clear asymmetric broadening and combination mechanism. Luminescence can be interpreted in terms
downshift of the Raman bands of the spectra acquired in the regions of recombination at defects inside the nanocrystals or at interface
of high PL intensity. This result suggests that the existence of small states associated with the interface nanocrystal/native SiO2 . New
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共5兲 C326-C332 共2004兲 C331

Figure 9. Monochromatic 共1.87 eV兲 PL maps of porous samples obtained from layers of 共a兲 x ⫽ 0 and 共b兲 x ⫽ 0.55 by anodization at 10 mA/cm2 for 20 s.
For x ⫽ 0, the scanned area is 1.2 ⫻ 2.2 mm2 and the intensity scale ranges from 0 to 1.77 in arbitrary units. For x ⫽ 0.55, the scanned area is 3.0
⫻ 5.6 mm2 and the intensity scale ranges from 0 to 2.9 in arbitrary units.

research on porous SiGe layers undergoing post-growth treatments

are now in progress in order to elucidate the origin of the
visible luminescence emission and the possibility to get excitonic

This work was funded by Spanish government through C. I. C. y
T. project MAT2001-2446-C04-01.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid assisted in meeting the publication
costs of this article.

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