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1.Who is the first man who ever lived? (Adam)

2. Who was swallowed by a very large fish?( Jonah)

3. Who is the person that God used to lead the Israelites out of Egypt? (Moses)
4. Who was the person who killed the giant named Goliath? ( David)

5. Who was the first king of Israel? (Saul)

6. What occupation did Jesus have prior to his ministry? (Carpenter)

7. What is the name of the city in which Jesus was born? (Bethlehem)

8. What is the name of the sea upon which Jesus walked? Sea of Galilee

9. What is the name of the river in which John the Baptist baptized people? (Jordan)

10. What is the name of Andrew's brother (both were disciples)? (James)

11. Who was the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron? (Putiel)

12.who climbed the sycamore tree just to see Jesus of

13.It was the name Jesus gave to Simon, his first disciple?

15. An ancient city in the Jordan Valley known as “ The

city of palms”( Jericho)

16. He was named Israel because he struggled with God

and with men, and he always won? ( Jacob)

17. Jesus begins his work in? ( Galilee)

18. Who anointed Saul as a king? ( Samuel)

19. The meaning of the place Bethlehem( house of bread)

20. Instead of Jesus, he was chosen by the Jews to be

released by Pilate.(Barabbas)

Multiple CHOICE
1.Who was the son of Omri, the king of Israel?




2. How many letters are in the longest name in the Bible?


 18 (Maher-shalal-hash-baz



3. What was the name of Paul's famous teacher?





4. What judge of Israel was born in Bethlehem?




5. The king of Geran of the Southern coast of Palestine who made a covenant with Abraham at Beersheba? (D Abimelech.)

A. Ananias B. Jairus C. Joab D. Abimelech

6. The woman who was brought to king Xerxes in the Royal palace who made her queen ( B. Esther)

A. Ruth B. Esther C. Vashni D. hegai

7. The prophet who confirmed the story of Bathsheba to king David that made her son Solomon the third king of Israel( B. Prophet Nathan)

A. Prophet Adonai B. Prophet Nathan C. Prophet Abishag D. prophet Zadok

8. He is a prophet whose words blazed like a torch. ( A.Elijah)

A. Elijah B. Elisha C. Josiah D. Moses

9. The place of Simon who was forced by the soldiers to carry Jesus cross. ( C. Cyrene)

A. Alexandria B. Galilee C. Cyrene D. Canaan

10. What is the sixth commandment in the book of Deuteronomy? ( A. Do not commit adultery)

A. Do not commit adultery B. Do not commit murder C. Do not steal D. Do not commit false witness

True or False

1. Abraham died at the age of 175( True)

2. Joseph married virgin mary to stop any unpleasant gossip(False)
3. It was three o clock in the afternoon when Jesus met a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well( False)
4. The book of Baruch is written by Baruch( True)
5. Jesus was buried in a previously used tomb? ( False)
6. God revealed his name to Moses as Yahweh( False- I am who I am)
7. God gave the ten commandments to Moses at Mt. Tabor? ( False, Mt. Sinai)
8. Abraham had twelve children( False- 7 Children)
9. The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle of Jesus that is reported in all four gospels ( True)
10. It was at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians( False- Cyprus)
11. Peter denied Jesus for three times in the gospel of Matthew( True.)
12. Jesus started his ministry after He was Baptized by John? (True)
13. Fourteen years went by before Paul moved back to Jerusalem(True)
14. “ Meanwhile these things remain: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is Faith( False- Love)
15. Seven days before the Passover, Jesus

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