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Grade Level: TEN

Learning Area: EARTH SCIENCE
Quarter: FIRST

1. Explain what causes the tectonic plates to move.
2. Realize the importance of convection current underneath the Earth.

II. CONTENT: Convection Current


A. References: Learner’s Material Grade 10 Science.
Teacher’s Guide Grade 10 Science.

B. Other resources: PPT Presentation

Ask the students to define the concept of Plate tectonics theory.
Plate tectonic theory tells us that the Earth’s lithosphere is divided
into several plates.
Let them enumerate the different movement of plate boundaries.
Divergent Boundary
Convergent Boundary
Transform Boundary
Explain the idea of continental drifting.
The idea of continental drift was first proposed by alfred wegener. It
says that the continents were once part of a larger continent called
pangeaea. Pangeaea then broke into several pieces that drifted
away from each other, eventualluy creating the present continents.

As we have discussed last meeting, that theory of Alfred
Wegener was never accepted by his colleagues despite of
presenting numerous evidences. That is because Alfred
Wegener was never able to explain what could possibly
cause the movement of the continents.
If it were you, would you believe that something as large as
a continent would be able to move? Yes, that’s a bit hard to
just believe. But believe me it is true. Scientistist have
already discovered that the continents or the plates rather
are actually moving. What do you think causes the plates to
move?….. That’s what we will discuss for today.

How do you think something as large as a continent can

move? Can you imagine it moving?
What do you think is the reason for the movement of the

Activity: Push me up and aside
Materials: (Teacher may use improvised materials.)
Dropper 500 ml beaker Alcohol lamp
Food color (blue) 350 ml water Tripod

1. Pour 350 ml of water into the beaker. Put a small drop of food color at
the bottom of the beaker using the dropper.
2. Place the beaker on the tripod, then put the alcohol lamp in the side
where the food color is located.
3. Looking from the side of the beaker, observe what will happen to the
food color.

 How does the food color behave?
It mixed with water. It moves with the water.
 Describe what the movement of the food color is.
It moves up from the part where there is heat source. Then it
moves back down when it reaches the top. It moves in a cycle.
 Why do you think the food color behave/move in that manner?
Maybe because the water is heated.
 What happens to the water particles when heated? Why?
When heated, water particles will move away from each other.
 Do you think the temperature of the water inside the beaker is the
same all through out? Why?
No, the area nearer the heatsources should be hotter.
 How would you describe the temperature gradient in the mantle?
The water at the bottom is hotter than the water near the

Did you know that the mantle also has temperature gradient?
The part of the mantle near the core is hotter than the part near
the surface/crust.
 If we use this setup as an analogy on what happens to the magma in
the mantle, how would you describe its movement?
The materials in the mantle should move the same way the
water did. The hot materials would move up while cool materials
will move down.
 How do you think convection currrent may cause plate movement?
Since the plate floats above the mantle, the movement of the
material in the mantle must be pushing the plates too.


The students will watch a video clip about convection current.

Science Idea: Convection current is the transfer of heat energy when

there is a significant difference in temperature between two parts of a fluid.
When this temperature difference exists, molecules of hot fluid rise and
molecules of cooler fluid sinks, and then current or movement are created
in the liquid. Further, as the temperature of a certain material rises, its
density becomes less.
(Let the students expound on the concept as shown from the video)

Video that shows that the convection current in the mantle causes the
plates/crust to move.

G. EVALUATE: Ask first if the students has still any questions.

In a whole sheet of paper, ask the students to Illustrate and explain briefly
how convection current makes the plates move.

Prepared by:
Teacher Applicant

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