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1. _____ he understand what you were talking about?

2. My sister _____ play tennis now.

3. I _____ walk when I was less than a year old.
4. (Polite) _____ you tell me what time it is, please?
5. Can you help me? I ________ never understand this.
6. Yesterday I ________ finish my geography project.
7. She will ________ wait in line like everyone else.
8. All employees ________ on time for work.
9. We ________ forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.
10. If you are under 13 you _____ to get your parents' permission.
11. Your daughter may ________ try on a few different sizes.
12. The doctor _____ get here as soon as he can.
13. Do you _____ work next weekend?
14. Bicyclists _____ remember to signal when they turn.
15. Angela, you _____ leave your clothes all over the floor like this.
16. Our parents went to many countries. They ........ talk to many people with a lot of languages
17. You became a famous person last year because you ........ answere all questions in the quiz show on tv
18. Our grandfather was very old. Although he was it but he ........ run fastly
19. He was very strong. He was stronger than me. I want to be like him. But I ........ because I was not strong
20. We are worry we ........ come to the important meeting tomorrow morning
21. While Fiana syalima was 17, she ........ run fifty kilometres in one day
22. Are you very busy now?. Not yet for now. But I ........ help you until my rest time is over
23. We were very poor now. We ........ eat some food because we have no money in our pockets
24. You have a trouble and mistake in your ears. May be you ........ hear what They say to you now
25. My bed was broken. So I ........ sleep because I did not repair it yet before
26. We have no water now. So when we want it, we ........ drink the water well
27. I want to cut some vegetables and the others. But my knife is broken. So I ........ cut it very well
28. We had many tasks from our lecturer. We wanted to make some writings for the task. While we satrted it, we
forgot, our pens and pencils were nothing. We ........ write for the tasks
29. After she was sick in hospital. She ........ walk well. Her legs were injured by the accident last morning
30. You _____ keep my secret.
31. This is an opportunity that comes once in a life time, so we _____ take it.
32. In order to be a good salesclerk, you ______ be polite to a customer.
33. We _____ go to the concert. They say it will be an awesome concert this year.
34. I ______ go now. I have class in ten minutes.
35. You ______ introduce me to Dr. Gray. He is such a kind-hearted person.
36. All students in the third semester _______ declare a major.
37. Tomorrow I will have my final exam, so I _____ study tonight.
38. The class trip to the art museum is a compulsory, so we _____ go.
39. I ______ stop smoking. Smoking burns my money a lot.

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