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CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDER (MEDICAL AND Which intervention would the nurse implement


A. Sponge the client’s forehead.
Instruction: choose the best answer of the B. Obtain a pulse oximetry reading.
following questions. C. Take the client’s vital signs.
D. Assist the client to a sitting position.
5. The nurse is assessing the client diagnosed
1. The client is admitted to the telemetry unit with congestive heart failure. Which
diagnosed with acute exacerbation of signs/symptoms would indicate that the
congestive heart failure (CHF). Which medical treatment has been effective?
signs/symptoms would the nurse expect to find A. The client’s peripheral pitting edema has
when assessing this client? gone from 3+ to 4+.
A. Apical pulse rate of 110 and 4+ pitting B. The client is able to take the radial pulse
edema of feet. accurately.
B. Thick white sputum and crackles that clear C. The client is able to perform ADLs without
with cough. dyspnea.
C. The client sleeping with no pillow and D. The client has minimal jugular vein
eupnea. distention.
D. Radial pulse rate of 90 and capillary refill 6. The nurse is assessing the client diagnosed
time <3 seconds. with congestive heart failure. Which
2. The nurse is developing a nursing care plan laboratory data would indicate that the client is
for a client diagnosed with congestive in severe congestive heart failure?
heart failure. A nursing diagnosis of “decreased A. An elevated B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP).
cardiac output related to inability of B. An elevated creatine kinase (CK-MB).
the heart to pump effectively” is written. Which C. A positive D-dimer.
short-term goal would be best for the D. A positive ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scan.
client? The client will: 7. The health-care provider has ordered an
A. Be able to ambulate in the hall by date of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
discharge. inhibitor for the client diagnosed with
B. Have an audible S1 and S2 with no S3 heard congestive heart failure. Which discharge
by end of shift. instructions should the nurse include?
C. Turn, cough, and deep breathe every two A. Instruct the client to take a cough
(2) hours. suppressant if a cough develops.
D. Have a pulse oximeter reading of 98% by B. Teach the client how to prevent orthostatic
day two (2) of care. hypotension.
3. The nurse is developing a discharge-teaching C. Encourage the client to eat bananas to
plan for the client diagnosed with increase potassium level.
congestive heart failure. Which interventions D. Explain the importance of taking the
should be included in the plan? Select all medication with food.
that apply. 8. The nurse on the telemetry unit has just
A. Notify health-care provider of a weight gain received the a.m. shift report. Which client
of more than one (1) pound in a week. should the nurse assess first?
B. Teach client how to count the radial pulse A. The client diagnosed with myocardial
when taking digoxin, a cardiac glycoside. infarction who has an audible S3 heart
C. Instruct client to remove the saltshaker from a. sound.
the dinner table. B. The client diagnosed with congestive heart
D. Encourage client to monitor urine output for failure who has 4+ sacral pitting
change in color to become dark. a. edema.
E. Discuss the importance of taking the loop C. The client diagnosed with pneumonia who
diuretic furosemide at bedtime. has a pulse oximeter reading of 94%.
4. The nurse enters the room of the client D. The client with chronic renal failure who has
diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The an elevated creatinine level.
client is lying in bed gasping for breath, is cool 9. The nurse and an unlicensed assistive
and clammy, and has buccal cyanosis. personnel (UAP) are caring for four clients on
a telemetry unit. Which nursing task would be A. Creatine kinase (CK-MB).
best for the nurse to delegate to the B. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).
UAP? C. Troponin.
A. Assist the client to go down to the smoking D. White blood cells (WBCs).
area for a cigarette. 14. Along with persistent, crushing chest pain,
B. Transport the client to the intensive care unit which signs/symptoms would make the
via a stretcher. nurse suspect that the client is experiencing a
C. Provide the client going home discharge- myocardial infarction?
teaching instructions. A. Midepigastric pain and pyrosis.
D. Help position the client who is having a B. Diaphoresis and cool clammy skin.
portable x-ray done. C. Intermittent claudication and pallor.
10. The charge nurse is making shift D. Jugular vein distention and dependent
assignments for the medical floor. Which client edema.
should be assigned to the most experienced 15. The client diagnosed with rule-out
registered nurse? myocardial infarction is experiencing chest pain
A. The client diagnosed with congestive heart while walking to the bathroom. Which action
failure who is being discharged in the should the nurse implement first?
morning. A. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin.
B. The client who is having frequent incontinent B. Obtain a STAT electrocardiogram.
liquid bowel movements and vomiting. C. Have the client sit down immediately.
C. The client with an apical pulse rate of 116, a D. Assess the client’s vital signs.
respiratory rate of 26, and a blood 16. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed
pressure of 94/62. with a myocardial infarction who is
D. The client who is complaining of chest pain experiencing chest pain. Which interventions
with inspiration and a nonproductive should the nurse implement? Select all
cough. that apply.
11. The client diagnosed with congestive heart A. Administer morphine intramuscularly.
failure is complaining of leg cramps at B. Administer an aspirin orally.
night. Which nursing interventions should be C. Apply oxygen via a nasal cannula.
implemented? D. Place the client in a supine position.
A. Check the client for peripheral edema and E. Administer nitroglycerin subcutaneously.
make sure the client takes a diuretic 17. The client who has had a myocardial
early in the day. infarction is admitted to the telemetry unit
B. Monitor the client’s potassium level and from intensive care. Which referral would be
assess the client’s intake of bananas and most appropriate for the client?
orange juice. A. Social worker.
C. Determine if the client has gained weight B. Physical therapy.
and instruct the client to keep the legs C. Cardiac rehabilitation.
elevated. D. Occupational therapy.
D. Instruct the client to ambulate frequently 18. The client is one (1) day postoperative
and perform calf-muscle stretching coronary artery bypass surgery. The client
exercises daily. complains of chest pain. Which intervention
12. The nurse has written an outcome goal should the nurse implement first?
“demonstrates tolerance for increased A. Medicate the client with intravenous
activity” for a client diagnosed with congestive morphine.
heart failure. Which intervention B. Assess the client’s chest dressing and vital
should the nurse implement to assist the client signs.
to achieve this outcome? C. Encourage the client to turn from side to
A. Measure intake and output. side.
B. Provide two (2)-g sodium diet. D. Check the client’s telemetry monitor.
C. Weigh client daily. 19. The client diagnosed with a myocardial
D. Plan for frequent rest periods. infarction is six (6) hours post–right femoral
13. Which cardiac enzyme would the nurse percutaneous transluminal coronary
expect to elevate first in a client diagnosed angioplasty (PTCA), also known as balloon
with a myocardial infarction?
surgery. Which assessment data would require D. “Just because your chest doesn’t hurt anymore
immediate intervention by the nurse? doesn’t mean you are out of
A. The client is keeping the affected extremity danger.”
straight. 24. The client has just returned from a cardiac
B. The pressure dressing to the right femoral catheterization. Which assessment data
area is intact. would warrant immediate intervention from
C. The client is complaining of numbness in the the nurse?
right foot. a. The client’s BP is 110/70 and pulse
D. The client’s right pedal pulse is 3+ and is 90.
bounding. b. The client’s groin dressing is dry
20. The intensive care department nurse is and intact.
assessing the client who is 12 hours post– c. The client refuses to keep the leg
myocardial infarction. The nurse assesses an S3 straight.
heart sound. Which intervention should the d. The client denies any numbness
nurse implement? and tingling.
A. Notify the health-care provider immediately. 25. The male client is diagnosed with coronary
B. Elevate the head of the client’s bed. artery disease (CAD) and is prescribed
C. Document this as a normal and expected sublingual nitroglycerin. Which statement
finding. indicates the client needs more teaching?
D. Administer morphine intravenously. a. “I should keep the tablets in the
21. The nurse is administering a calcium dark-colored bottle they came in.”
channel blocker to the client diagnosed with a b. “If the tablets do not burn under
myocardial infarction. Which assessment data my tongue, they are not effective.”
would cause the nurse to question c. “I should keep the bottle with me in
administering this medication? my pocket at all times.”
A. The client’s apical pulse is 64. d. “If my chest pain is not gone with
B. The client’s calcium level is elevated. one tablet, I will go to the ER.”
C. The client’s telemetry shows occasional 26. The client with coronary artery disease asks
PVCs. the nurse, “Why do I get chest pain?”
D. The client’s blood pressure is 90/62. Which statement would be the most
22. The client diagnosed with a myocardial appropriate response by the nurse?
infarction is on bedrest. The unlicensed A. “Chest pain is caused by
assistive personnel (UAP) is encouraging the decreased oxygen to the heart
client to move the legs. Which action muscle.”
should the nurse implement? B. “There is ischemia to the
A. Instruct the UAP to stop encouraging the leg myocardium as a result of
movements. hypoxemia.”
B. Report this behavior to the charge nurse as C. “The heart muscle is unable to
soon as possible. pump effectively to perfuse the
C. Praise the UAP for encouraging the client to body.”
move legs. D. “Chest pain occurs when the
D. Take no action concerning the UAP’s lungs cannot adequately
behavior. oxygenate the blood.”
23. The client diagnosed with a myocardial 27. The client is scheduled for a right femoral
infarction asks the nurse, “Why do I have to cardiac catheterization. Which nursing
rest and take it easy? My chest doesn’t hurt intervention should the nurse implement after
anymore.” Which statement would be the procedure?
the nurse’s best response? A. Perform passive range-of-motion
A. “Your heart is damaged and needs about exercises.
four (4) to six (6) weeks to heal.” B. Assess the client’s neurovascular
B. “There is necrotic myocardial tissue that puts status.
you at risk for dysrhythmias.” C. Keep the client in high Fowler’s
C. “Your doctor has ordered bedrest. Therefore, position.
you must stay in the bed.” D. Assess the gag reflex prior to
feeding the client.
28. The nurse is preparing to administer a beta 33. The nurse is discussing angina with a client
blocker to the client diagnosed with who is diagnosed with coronary artery
coronary artery disease. Which assessment disease. Which action should the client take
data would cause the nurse to question first when experiencing angina?
administering the medication? a. Put a nitroglycerin tablet under the
a. The client has a BP of 110/70. tongue.
b. The client has an apical pulse of 56. b. Stop the activity immediately and
c. The client is complaining of a rest.
headache. c. Document when and what activity
d. The client’s potassium level is 4.5 caused angina.
mEq/L. d. Notify the health-care provider
29. Which intervention should the nurse immediately.
implement when administering a loop diuretic 34. The client with coronary artery disease is
to a client diagnosed with coronary artery prescribed a Holter monitor. Which
disease? intervention should the nurse implement?
a. Assess the client’s radial pulse. a. Instruct client to keep a diary of
b. Assess the client’s serum potassium activity, especially when having
level. chest pain.
c. Assess the client’s glucometer b. Discuss the need to remove the
reading. Holter monitor during a.m. care and
d. Assess the client’s pulse oximeter showering.
reading. c. Explain that all medications should
30. Which client teaching should the nurse be withheld while wearing a Holter
implement for the client diagnosed with monitor.
coronary artery disease? Select all that apply. d. Teach the client the importance of
a. Encourage a low-fat, low- decreasing activity while wearing
cholesterol diet. the monitor.
b. Instruct client to walk 30 minutes a 35. Which statement by the client diagnosed
day. with coronary artery disease indicates that
c. Decrease the salt intake to two (2) the client understands the discharge teaching
g a day. concerning diet?
d. Refer to counselor for stress a. “I will not eat more than six (6)
reduction techniques. eggs a week.”
e. Teach the client to increase fiber in b. “I should bake or grill any meats I
the diet. eat.”
31. The elderly client has coronary artery c. “I will drink eight (8) ounces of
disease. Which question should the nurse ask whole milk a day.”
the client during the client teaching? d. “I should not eat any type of pork
a. “Do you have a daily bowel products.”
movement?” 36. The charge nurse is making assignments for
b. “Do you get yearly chest x-rays?” clients on a cardiac unit. Which client
c. “Are you sexually active?” should the charge nurse assign to a new
d. “Have you had any weight change?” graduate nurse?
a. The 44-year-old client diagnosed
32. The nurse is discussing the importance of with a myocardial infarction.
exercise with the client diagnosed with b. The 65-year-old client admitted
coronary artery disease. Which intervention with unstable angina.
should the nurse implement? c. The 75-year-old client scheduled for
a. Perform isometric exercises daily. a cardiac catheterization.
b. Walk for 15 minutes three (3) times d. The 50-year-old client complaining
a week. of chest pain.
c. Do not walk outside if it is less than 37. A client is being seen in the clinic to R/O
40˚F. mitral valve stenosis. Which assessment
d. Wear open-toed shoes when data would be most significant?
a. The client complains of shortness of d. Assess the client for abnormal
breath when walking. bleeding.
b. The client has jugular vein 42. Which signs/symptoms should the nurse
distention and 3+ pedal edema. assess in any client who has a long-term
c. The client complains of chest pain valvular heart disease? Select all that apply.
after eating a large meal. a. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
d. The client’s liver is enlarged and the b. Orthopnea.
abdomen is edematous. c. Cough.
38. Which assessment data would the nurse d. Pericardial friction rub.
expect to auscultate in the client diagnosed e. Pulsus paradoxus.
with mitral valve insufficiency? 43. The client is being evaluated for valvular
a. A loud S1, S2 split, and a mitral heart disease. Which information would be
opening snap. most significant?
b. A holosystolic murmur heard best at a. The client has a history of coronary
the cardiac apex. artery disease.
c. A midsystolic ejection click or b. There is a family history of valvular
murmur heard at the base. heart disease.
d. A high-pitched sound heard at the c. The client has a history of smoking
third left intercostal space. for 10 years.
39. The client has just received a mechanical d. The client has a history of
valve replacement. Which behavior by the rheumatic heart disease.
client indicates the client needs more teaching? 44. The client who has just had a percutaneous
a. The client takes prophylactic balloon valvuloplasty is in the recovery
antibiotics. room. Which intervention should the recovery
b. The client uses a soft-bristle room nurse implement?
toothbrush. a. Assess the client’s chest tube
c. The client takes an enteric-coated output.
aspirin daily. b. Monitor the client’s chest dressing.
d. The client alternates rest with c. Evaluate the client’s endotracheal
activity. (ET) lip line.
40. The nurse is teaching a class on valve d. Keep the client’s affected leg
replacements. Which statement identifies a straight.
disadvantage of having a biological tissue valve 45. The client with a mechanical valve
replacement? replacement asks the nurse, “Why do I have to
a. The client must take lifetime take antibiotics before getting my teeth
anticoagulant therapy. cleaned?” Which response by the nurse is
b. The client’s infections are easier to most appropriate?
treat. a. “You are at risk of developing an
c. There is a low incidence of infection in your heart.”
thromboembolism. b. “Your teeth will not bleed as much
d. The valve has to be replaced if you have antibiotics.”
frequently. c. “This procedure may cause your
41. The nurse is preparing to administer valve to malfunction.”
warfarin (Coumadin), an oral anticoagulant, to d. “Antibiotics will prevent vegetative
a client with a mechanical valve replacement. growth on your valves.”
The client’s international normalized 46. The client had open-heart surgery to
ratio (INR) is 2.7. Which action should the replace the mitral valve. Which intervention
nurse implement? should the intensive care unit nurse
a. Administer the medication as implement?
ordered. a. Restrict the client’s fluids as
b. Prepare to administer vitamin K ordered.
(AquaMephyton). b. Keep the client in the supine
c. Hold the medication and notify the position.
HCP. c. Maintain oxygen saturation at 90%.
d. Monitor the total parenteral a. Lidocaine.
nutrition. b. Atropine.
47. Which client would the nurse suspect of c. Digoxin.
having a mitral valve prolapse? d. Adenosine.
a. A 60-year-old female with 52. The client is exhibiting sinus bradycardia, is
congestive heart failure. complaining of syncope and weakness,
b. A 23-year-old male with Marfan’s and has a BP of 98/60. Which collaborative
syndrome. treatment should the nurse anticipate
c. An 80-year-old male with atrial being implemented?
fibrillation. a. Administer a thrombolytic
d. A 33-year-old female with Down medication.
syndrome. b. Assess the client’s cardiovascular
48. The charge nurse is making shift status.
assignments. Which client would be most c. Prepare for insertion of a
appropriate for the charge nurse to assign to a pacemaker.
new graduate who just completed d. Obtain a permit for synchronized
orientation to the medical floor? cardioversion.
a. The client admitted for diagnostic 53. Which intervention should the nurse
tests to rule out valvular heart implement when defibrillating a client who is
disease. in ventricular fibrillation?
b. The client three (3) days post– a. Defibrillate the client at 50, 100,
myocardial infarction being and 200 joules.
discharged tomorrow. b. Do not remove the oxygen source
c. The client exhibiting during defibrillation.
supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) c. Place petroleum jelly on the
on telemetry. defibrillator pads.
d. The client diagnosed with atrial d. Shout “all clear” prior to
fibrillation who has an INR of five defibrillating the client.
(5). 54. The client has chronic atrial fibrillation.
49. The telemetry nurse is unable to read the Which discharge teaching should the nurse
telemetry monitor at the nurse’s station. discuss with the client?
Which intervention should the telemetry nurse a. Instruct the client to use a soft-
implement first? bristle toothbrush.
a. Go to the client’s room to check the b. Discuss the importance of getting a
client. monthly partial thromboplastin time
b. Instruct the primary nurse to assess (PTT).
the client. c. Teach the client about signs of
c. Contact the client on the client call pacemaker malfunction.
system. d. Explain to the client the procedure
d. Request the nursing assistant to for synchronized cardioversion.
take the crash cart to the client’s 55. The client is exhibiting ventricular
room. tachycardia. Which intervention should the
50. The client shows ventricular fibrillation on nurse
the telemetry at the nurse’s station. implement first?
Which action should the telemetry nurse a. Administer lidocaine, an
implement first? antidysrhythmic, IVP.
a. Administer epinephrine IVP. b. Prepare to defibrillate the client.
b. Prepare to defibrillate the client. c. Assess the client’s apical pulse and
c. Call a STAT code. blood pressure.
d. Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation. d. Start basic cardiopulmonary
51. The client is experiencing multifocal resuscitation.
premature ventricular contractions. Which 56. The client is in complete heart block. Which
antidysrhythmic medication would the nurse intervention should the nurse
expect the health-care provider to order implement first?
for this client? a. Prepare to insert a pacemaker.
b. Administer atropine, an 62. The client is diagnosed with acute
antidysrhythmic. pericarditis. Which sign/symptom warrants
c. Obtain a STAT electrocardiogram immediate attention by the nurse?
(ECG). a. Muffled heart sounds.
d. Notify the health-care provider. b. Nondistended jugular veins.
57. The client is in ventricular fibrillation. c. Bounding peripheral pulses.
Which interventions should the nurse d. Pericardial friction rub.
implement? Select all that apply. 63. The client is admitted to the medical unit to
a. Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation. rule out carditis. Which question should
b. Prepare to administer the the nurse ask the client during the admission
antidysrhythmic adenosine IVP. interview to support this diagnosis?
c. Prepare to defibrillate the client. a. “Have you had a sore throat in the
d. Bring the crash cart to the bedside. last month?”
e. Prepare to administer the b. “Did you have rheumatic fever as a
antidysrhythmic amiodarone IVP. child?”
58. The client who is one (1) day postoperative c. “Do you have a family history of
coronary artery bypass surgery is carditis?”
exhibiting sinus tachycardia. Which d. “What over-the-counter (OTC)
intervention should the nurse implement? medications do you take?”
a. Assess the apical heart rate for one 64. The client with pericarditis is prescribed a
(1) full minute. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
b. Notify the client’s cardiac surgeon. (NSAID). Which teaching instruction should the
c. Prepare the client for synchronized nurse discuss with the client?
cardioversion. a. Explain the importance of tapering
d. Determine if the client is having off the medication.
pain. b. Discuss that the medication will
59. The client’s telemetry reading shows a P make the client drowsy.
wave before each QRS complex and the rate c. Instruct the client to take the
is 78. Which action should the nurse medication with food.
implement? d. Tell the client to take the
a. Document this as normal sinus medication when the pain level is
rhythm. around “8.”
b. Request a 12-lead 65. The client diagnosed with pericarditis is
electrocardiogram. complaining of increased pain. Which
c. Prepare to administer the intervention should the nurse implement first?
cardiotonic digoxin PO. a. Administer oxygen via nasal
d. Assess the client’s cardiac enzymes. cannula.
60. Which client problem has priority for the b. Evaluate the client’s urinary output.
client with a cardiac dysrhythmia? c. Assess the client for cardiac
a. Alteration in comfort. complications.
b. Decreased cardiac output. d. Encourage the client to use the
c. Impaired gas exchange. incentive spirometer.
d. Activity intolerance. 66. The client diagnosed with pericarditis is
61. The client is diagnosed with pericarditis. experiencing cardiac tamponade. Which
Which are the most common collaborative intervention should the nurse
signs/symptoms the nurse would expect to find anticipate for this client?
when assessing the client? a. Prepare for a pericardiocentesis.
a. Pulsus paradoxus. b. Request STAT cardiac enzymes.
b. Complaints of fatigue and c. Perform a 12-lead
arthralgias. electrocardiogram.
c. Petechiae and splinter d. Assess the client’s heart and lung
hemorrhages. sounds.
d. Increased chest pain with 67. The female client is diagnosed with
inspiration. rheumatic fever and prescribed penicillin, an
antibiotic. Which statement indicates the client
needs more teaching concerning the
discharge teaching?
a. “I must take all the prescribed
b. “I may get a vaginal yeast infection
with penicillin.”
c. “I will have no problems as long as
I take my medication.”
d. “My throat culture was positive for
a streptococcal infection.”
68. Which potential complication should the
nurse assess for in the client with infective
endocarditis who has embolization of
vegetative lesions from the mitral valve?
a. Pulmonary embolus.
b. Cerebrovascular accident.
c. Hemoptysis.
d. Deep vein thrombosis.
69. Which nursing diagnosis would be priority
for the client diagnosed with
a. Anxiety related to possible long-
term complications.
b. High risk for injury related to
antibiotic therapy.
c. Increased cardiac output related to
valve regurgitation.
d. Activity intolerance related to
impaired cardiac muscle function.
70. The client diagnosed with pericarditis is
being discharged home. Which intervention
should the nurse include in the discharge
a. Be sure to allow for uninterrupted
rest and sleep.
b. Refer client to outpatient
occupational therapy.
c. Maintain oxygen via nasal cannula
at two (2) L/min.
d. Discuss upcoming valve
replacement surgery

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