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Daniel, John Lloyd V.

March 18, 2022

BSBA-OM Year 1

1. What is Global Governance?

 Global governance comprises operations at the international, transnational,
and regional levels that cross national borders and is based on rights and
laws enforced through a combination of economic and moral incentives.

2.  What is a "nation-state"?
 A nation-state is a territorially bounded sovereign government (i.e., a state)
ruled in the name of a group of citizens who identify as a nation.

3.  Identify at least 3 International Organizations involved in global governance.

Give its Mission, Vision, Goals and sample activities.
-VISION- “To reduce and eliminate extreme poverty, to ensure
sustainability of economic and social development, to strengthen human
dignity and rights and to prevent violent conflicts.”
-Mission- is “the maintenance of international peace and security.”
Eradicating conflicts across the globe is the pivotal duty of this organization.
-Goals- The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945
after the second world war by 51 countries committed to maintaining
international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations
and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights,
-Activities- the work of the United Nations covers five main areas: Maintain
international peace and security, Protect human rights, Deliver humanitarian
aid, Support sustainable development and climate action and Uphold
international law.

 European Union
- VISION- “where people in all our regions and cities can realize their full
potential. We aim for lasting improvement in the economy.
- Mission- “to guarantee peace, freedom and security in and around Europe.
To promote and protect democracy and universal rights in Europe and
around the world. To strengthen Europe’s economy and to promote solidarity
around Europe by working in partnership with national, regional and local
- Goals- “To offer EU citizens freedom, security and justice, without internal
borders, while also controlling external borders. To work the sustainable
development of Europe, promoting equality and social justice. To establish
an economic union, with the euro as its currency.
- Activities- “The core activities of the EU, including the customs union,
business competition rules, trade agreements, and for eurozone countries,
monetary policy.

 World Health Organization

- VISION- “I envision a world in which everyone can live healthy,
productive lives, regardless of who they are or where they live.”
- Mission- “To develop and improve healthcare services and infrastructure
in under-served regions worldwide.”
- Goals- “The goals of World Health Organization are, Promoting
development, Fostering health security, Strengthening health system,
Harnessing research, information and evidence, Enhancing partnerships and
Improving performance.
- Activities- “Developing partnerships with other global health initiatives,
conducting research, setting norms, providing technical support and
monitoring health trends around the world.

4. Identify and discuss at least three of the most pressing problems in the global
South and come up with viable recommendations as to how to address these
 Some countries in the Global South are experiencing so-called poverty, a
lack of human rights, and natural resource depletion and misuse. The global
south's problems decrease their productivity and stifle their economic
growth. Due to its ease of sale and great demand, fossil fuels remain the
primary source of income in the global south. Globalization has sucked the
poor of the south's resources and knowledge into the global market,
depriving them of their life-support systems, livelihoods, and lifestyles.
However, globalization enables businesses to develop more cost-effective
ways to manufacture their goods. It also boosts global competition, which
lowers prices and provides customers with a wider range of options. Reduced
expenses enable individuals in both poor and rich countries to live more
comfortably and less money.

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