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LAGOS SATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION {CURRICULUM SERVICES DEPARTRAENT ge ; EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK PREFACE Lagos sate instr of Education Gurievlum Services Department blated thea in 2015 by producing fr the ist tne eer in Nigeria the Early Cidheed Care ‘Schemes of Work rom the National Curculum. This snguae pioneering effort ‘thetmehelpedtostreamine and regulate what was taughtatvarious preschool thedotteathststate, (Our quest for excellence, at Lagos State Is known for, in offering the best posstilties for our young cilren to garner knowledge, skis, attudes anc feelings that ate eral to transforming them into great and response citizenry shat hasinformed the review ofthe 201SECCE Schemesof Work. “This document encapsulates the vision of Lagos State Goverment that Exty Cchishood Care Eduction s the bedrock fr greater sucess in our chldret ‘eduestonpureut ‘The various subjects have ben systematically presented through simple nd ea5y tose aetvitos hat shouldawalen the geniuses thelearnersatthislevelandat ‘thesometime help thecare-gvers/teachers De atthel very bes. we nope, through this document, that the proliferation of vation of teaching materials that ae inappropriate for two to fiveiyar-olés wil be thingotthe par. “The Headteachers and other practitioner of Early Childhood Care Euston ae charged to ensure teadhers/are-gers employ the use of simultaneous multisensory instruction approach (the combination of Kinesis, vsion ane aucitory) in implementing this document as this isthe 23st century aporeach 0 teachingatthisevelofedveation. We sincerely hope thatthe caregivers/teachers wil find this document nandyin providing ppl withinpiring sndifechanging earring experience {eon sate matey edeaton EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK INTRODUCTION LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION a Early Childhood Cae and Development Education (ECCE) i concerned ‘with the care and education of children aged 0-5 year or just before the age of formal schooling. The age 0-5 years is perceived os the period of | immense opportunity for growth and development. tis aerial period in the development ofthe child as experience gained at this stage may make ‘or marth child permanently. “The Federal Government of Nigeria has translated the Convention onthe Rights ofthe Child (CRC) into Child Rights Act and furermore into Universl Base Edueation (UBE) Act 2004 which placed Early ‘Childhood Education (ECE) into the mainstream. These laws and acts ‘provide forinterventions and actions that will improve the well being of [Nigerian children The Nigerian Educational Research and Development ‘Council (NERDC) and United Nations International Children Eucation Fonds (UNICEF) took the lea in providing a National Curriculum for ECE, ‘The Curriculum planning emphasizes and caters forthe physical development and stimulation of the child. I addresses al the ertcal aspects of ealy childhood cae which yields the highest dividends ad the ‘mor sustinable gains for children and their families communities and thenatons othe wes ined at aol suring eh sa ot ntriton inclusive. ‘The integrated approach to ECE compises programmes on various topes ‘hat ae grouped into eight (8) themes which focus and reflect onthe objectives of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), These are: ‘Physical Development Affective Psychosocial Development ‘Cognitive Development Foods end Nutrton Heath ‘Water and Environmental Sanitation Scanned by CamScanner AGS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK + Safety Measures 1+ Proteston Issues ‘The Lagos State Ministy of Education reviewed and compiled these themes into efght (8) Nursery subjects which are arranged into weekly teachable topics fr the thee terms in an academe year to produce Unified Schemes of Work for Pre-Primary classes (Nursory classes). ‘The subjoes are aranged as follows: Piysical Development (PD) Serial Habits Letter Work ‘Number Work Health Habits ‘Basie Science and Technology Civic Eaveation ‘Yoruba Languoge for Kindergarien Closs (Age $) Only “These subjects are seranged into four (4) age cohorts of learning, which 0-2 years ~ Créche/Playsroup Ii 3 years Nursery One it, 4 years— Nursery Two WS years Kindergarten The objectives, contents, activities and caring/leaming materials are selected and prescribed for every topic. Some emergent issues such a8, HIVIAIDS, Peace and Gender Issues are also included inthe Nursery Curriculum. The ECE prepares the child for smooth transition into primary schools which ensures universal access to primary education. It is also to ‘provide enough caze and supervision for the childfen while parents are at work. iv DEVELOPMENTAL Mi CRECHE {LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILOHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK. STONES _0- 18 MONTUS (ONE (1) MONTH. A child should be able to * bring both hands towards hs or her mouth ‘um towatds familiar voices and sounds suckle the breast and touch it with his or her hands hhave BCG and DPT immunization be registered offically (Birth registration) should be able to open eyes and see ‘THREE @) MONTHS ‘A child shouldbe able to: ‘tum head towards bright colours and light ‘make Fists with both hands rmave eyes to loud sounds iegle and kick with logs and arms esjving playing and coping make coding sounds breastfeed frequently DTP immunizations sleep well during the day ‘TWELVE (12) MONTHS A child should be abe to: ‘+ sitwithout support ‘raw! on hands and knees and pull up to stand {uy o imitate words and sounds and Fespond to simple requests. potty or toilet training when a child is not using disposable nappy enjoy playing and clapping picking things up with thumb and one finget start holding objects such as spoon and cup and attempt self feeding oO Scanned by CamScanner {LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION. {EARLY CHDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK + give affection to specie person + say two or thre words + brcast ee fquenlly and have other foods thece to Five times 2 ay ‘+ bavemeastes immunization (9 months) EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS. Acti should be able to: walk ursided + enjoy paying and clapping play with Lego ‘+ anange simple puzzles + improve on seleoding + improve on wile training inate songs and dancing steps + Ged ive osx times a day + smile always EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING TOOLS HEARING - ihe chil: ‘doesnot run foards the source of new sounds or voices has frequent car infections (discharge from ea, earache) + docs nt respond wien you call unless he can see you + watehesyourlips when you speak talks ina very loud or soft voice does not ak or talks strangely SEEING ifthe child: is ofen unable o find small objets which he/she has dropped + has red eyes or chronie discharge from eyes, spots on the eyes, 2 cloudy appearance to eyes, frequently rubs eyes + fen burps into things while erating or moving around, {sometimes o always eroses one or both eyes (after six months of age) {LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK ‘TALKING ~if the child ‘+ does not say mama (or equivalent) by 18 month of age) UNDERSTANDING -if the cit + docs not react to own mame by age L ‘cannot identify pans of face by age | PLAYING - if the cht: * doesnot enjoy playing games by the age of I year MOVING ~if the child is unable wo st unsupported by 10 months DEVELOPMI MILESTONES 1-2! PLAYGROUP, Acchild should be able to: walk, climb and run carry an object while walking + point to objects or picture when they are named (e.g. nose, eyes ete.) + recognize family members, people and objects, ‘= say several words together + scribble if given pencil or erayon + enjoy simple stories and songs 4 imitate the behaviour of others © begin to eatby self ‘repeat words that others say ‘© use two or three-word sentences * feed five to six times a day + lear to defecate in an appropriate place Scanned by CamScanner LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE EDUCATION SCHEMES OF WORK EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING TOOLS HEARING - if the child: * does not respond when you call unless he/she sees you * watches your lips when you speak © talks in a very loud or soft voice ¢ does not talk or talks strangely SEEING - if the child: « holds head in an awkward position when trying | to look at something has red eyes or chronic discharge from eyes, spots on the eyes, a cloudy appearance to eyes. TALKING - if the child: ; ¢ cannot name a few familiar objects or people by age 2 UNDERSTANDING -~ if the child: " so e seems to have difficulty in understanding things you say, when compared to other children of the same age PLAYING - if the child: © does not play with common objects (e.g. spoon, pot, ball) by age 2 MOVING - if the child: © cannot walk without help by age 2 04 ‘ Scanned by CamScanner

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