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Study your market / niche in different localized areas

Talk with existing customers(Ask them why they search for x term)
Use long tail keywords and short keywords in business title
Add keyword modifiers to your keywords
Identify search terms that might be too hard to rank
Find keyword opportunity gaps
Perform keyword search on your competitors
Analyze results of a competitor search
Identify radius related keywords
Brainstorm local content ideas
Follow the content workflow to create local content
Optimize each factor in content for E-A-T
Update your NAPW & Business description
Create local video content
Review comment sections on blogs to learn more about your audience
Optimize your site for mobile
Create a google my business account
Optimize site for voice search
Do keyword research for each location/country or region
Create location pages
Feature local pages
Create content based on local news, stories, and events
Break topics down into keywords
Study the directory list
Optimize urls
Optimize anchor text
Try to add 3-4 internal links per 1500 words
Add encryption to your site so visitors feel safe
Improve load time
Ensure valid CSS and HTML
Submit your sitemap within Google Search Console
Increase brand mentions on Local Radio, TV Station, YouTube, Videos, Podcasts, Instagram
Get reviews, and register your site on review sites
Build citations
Check in your most popular pages if your images have ALT tags. Always prioritize the ones
Check ifthe most
you're visitors.
using structured data markup and
Implement tags
Check GSC for Crawl Errors and URL Errors
Check for HTTP Status errors
Check for Title Lengths above 75 characters
Check for Meta Descriptions above 160 characters
Check for Thin Content
Create your Robots.txt file
Check for Duplicate Pages
Check if any of your pages have content that was copied from another source using Copyscape

Check for Redirect Errors on GSC

Check if there are any strange Anchor Texts coming from backlinks to your website
Check if the pages of your website are receiving a good amount of internal links
Check for low-quality incoming backlinks
Check your website structure. Is your content buried down internally on your site?
Importance (1 Time
to 5) Taken
Daily 5 60 min
- 5 30 min
- 5 10 min
- 5 5 min
Monthly 5 20 min
- 5 15 min
Monthly 5 15 min
Monthly 5 20 min
Monthly 4 30 min
Bi weekly 4 20 min
Quarterly 5 1 hour
Bi weekly 5 1 hour
One time 5 10 min
- 5 5 hours
Monthly 5 30 min
Quarterly 3 -
One time 3 30 min
Monthly 4 -
Quarterly 5 30 min
One time 4 -
Monthly 3 20 min
Monthly 4 -
One time 4 20 min
One time 3 10 min
Quarterly 4 1 hour
Quarterly 5 1 hour
Quarterly 4 -
One time 4 1 hour
One time 5 -
One time 4 -
One time 5 30 min
Quarterly 4 -
One time 5 1 hour
Quarterly 5 1 hour
One time 4 30 min
One time 4 20 min
One time 4 20 min
One time 4 10 min
One time 4 10 min
Quarterly 4 10 min
Quarterly 5 10 min
Quarterly 4 10 min
Quarterly 5 10 min
Quarterly 4 10 min
Quarterly 5 1 hour

Quarterly 5 10 min
Quarterly 4 10 min
Quarterly 4 30 min
Quarterly 4 10 min
Quarterly 4 10 min

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