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• Ambulatory schizophrenia - Borderline PD • Oppositional defiant disorder: child's temper outbursts, active refusal to

• Other name for borderline PD: As-if personality; Pseudo-neurotic comply with rules, negativistic, hostile, and defiant behaviors
schizophrenia, psychotic character disorder • Separation anxiety - emerge in infants <1yr and child awareness of parting
• Similarities of borderline PD & bipolar mood disorder: impulsivity, mood from mom or caregiver
instability, mood swings • Alcohol - most common substance abused by adolescence
• Diff dx of sudden agitation: cerebrovascular, substance-induced, CNS • Confidentiality - obligation to keep secret
infection • Antisocial PD - prevalent among prisoners
• Diff dx of impulsivity: bipolar mood, ADHD, Borderline PD • Suicidal ideation - thought of serving one’s own death
• Diff dx for violent/agitated: CNS infection, substance induced, bipolar mood • Suicide attempt: Self-injurious behavior with non-fatal outcome + intention to
disorder die
• Suicide survivor: lost a relative or loved one • Emergency: active suicidal ideations; violent; alcohol withdrawal such as
• Narcissistic PD: special and expects special treatment; no empathy; selfish; alcohol delirium; alcohol seizures, neuroleptic malignant syndrome
grandiose feelings; self-importance • Non-emergencies: passive suicidal ideation, substance abuse, psychotic
• Dependent PD: relying approval to other person; prone to illness; hx of symptoms
chronic physical illness • Females > Males - attempting suicide
• Autistic disorder: Qualitative impairment in social interaction • Female < Male - completing suicide due to fatality of methods
• Dyslexia: defect in system in reading • Generalized suicide: most common psychiatric diagnosis associated with
• Bullying: can be emotional, verbal, physical suicide cases is depressive disorder; As high as 95% of suicide cases have a
• Conduct disorder: aggression&violation of right of others; threatening & comorbid mental disorder. Psychiatric patients have a higher risk for suicide
intimidating others bullying; staying out at night than nonpatients.
• Histrionic PD: unable to maintain deep & long lasting attachments; seductive • Suicide: must ask about plans or attempts, imperative to ask about intent to
behavior; psychosexual dysfunction; attention-seeker die., it is imperative to ask about suicidal feelings, ideations, and behaviors.
• Confidentiality breached: homicide, suicide, subpoena • Competence - determined on the basis of an individual's ability; task-specific
• Defense mechanisms used with PD: isolation, splitting and not general/absolute; legal term
• Intellectual disability: subaverage intellectual functioning from birth or early • Indication for hospitalization: suicide attempt
infancy • Legal responsibility in psych cases: accused is not criminally responsible if
• Enuresis: Bed wetting his/her unlawful act; plea for insanity implies that offender suffers from mental
• Encopresis: Fecal incontinence illness that makes him/her unaware of wrongdoing; an evil content cannot be
• Schizotypal PD: poor interpersonal relationships; magical thinking & child like established when an offender's mental status is abnormal enough to deprive
fantasies offender of capacity for rational intent.
• Out patient treatment plan: suicidal ideations but no plan/attempt • Competence: capacity to weigh decision-making factors and make reasonable
• Forensic psychiatry: child custody; juvenile offenders; child abuse; evaluate - decisions
mental status in legal determination; to determine ability to stand trial; • Important of suicide risk: To determine treatment plan (to hospitalize or not)
capacity of patient to give consent/make decisions • Ruminant disorder: effortless & painless regurgitation of partially digested food
• Hx of suicide attempt: best indicator for INC suicide risk in the mouth after a meal
• Px w/ agitation in ER: prioritize - to rule out general medical conditions • PTSD Tx: SSRIs, Anti-adrenergic drugs; psychotherapy; behavioral therapy
• HIGH risk of suicide: Male, comorbid substance use disorder, hx of suicide • Drug availability & social acceptability - major determinants of initial
attempt; active suicidal ideation&planned, access of fatal/lethal method; experimentation with a drug
comorbid depressive disorder; comorbid chronic illness • Passive Aggressive personality - clinical, pessimistic, aggressive, complaining
• LOW risk of suicide: socially integrated about feeling under appreciated, intentional delaying when dealing with other
• Suicide and safety assessment: suicide attempt, plan, intent to die people’s requests
• Involuntary hospital: danger to others, self, and unable to care for themselves • Treatment of bulimia: SSRI, BZD, Supportive psychotherapy; Imipramine,
• Decision to hops with suicide ideation: active suicidal ideation/ plan of action Fluoxetine, Carbamazepine
• Schizotypal PD: Oddities in Behavior, thinking, perception, fam history of • Effect of alcohol blood level in brain & behavior: 0.1 voluntary action usually
schizo become perceptibly, 0.3 percent, commonly confused or stuporous, 0.4
• Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: temper outbursts at least 3x per percent to 0.5 , coma
week, irritable or angry mood bet temper outbursts • OC personality - combination of childhood and genetic exp, bet 2-7% of
• Tourette’s disorder: most severe form of tic disorder; both vocal and motor population has OCP, prevalent PD
tics. • Alcohol intoxication delirium: diaphoresis, fever, tachycardia
• Mothers w/ high level of anxiety have babies who are: irritable, hyperactive, • Effects of Neurotransmitters: Serotonin reduces depression, impulsiveness,
probs w/ feeding and sleeping and rumination and can produce a sense of general well-being; Increased
• Avoidant PD: inferiority complex; sensitive to rejection; timid; lack of self dopamine concentrations in the central nervous system produced by certain
confidence; wishes to participate in activities; isolated psychostimulants (e.g., amphetamines) can induce euphoria
• Cluster A: odd and aloof (paranoid, schizoid, shizotypal) • Introversion personality - comfortable alone; know few people; reflective and
• Cluster B: dramatic, impulsive, and erratic (borderline, antisocial, narcissistic, reserved
histrionic) • PD: duration expressed in decades; predisposing factors for other pscyh
• Cluster C: anxious and fearful (avoidant, dependent, OC) disorders, common and chronic
• Parasuicidal behavior- symptoms of borderline PD • Factors of suicide: higher concordance in monozygotic twins; twin and
• Schizoid: nonhuman interest, solitary interest, cold and aloof; little interest in adoption studies
having sexual experiences, lacks close friends; takes pleasure in few activities • Alcohol is associated with: more sleep fragmentation, with more and longer
• Pica: eating soil while planting episodes of awakening; with a decrease in rapid eye movement sleep (REM
• Psych treatment for children & adolescence: Residential, Day, and Hospital or dream sleep) and deep sleep.
Treatment, Pharmacotherapy, Individual Psychotherapy and Group • Effects of alcohol on fetus: microcephaly, growth retard, short palpebral
Psychotherapy fissure
• Social stressors: Chronic family discord, abuse and neglect, academic failure • Effects of alcohol: vitamin B deficiency, fatty livery, achlorhydia, gastritis
• Acute treatment for agitated px: olanzapine, haloperidol, diazepam, • Effects of amphetamine: impaired judgement, hypervigilance, euphoria
tranquilizer, 1st and 2nd gen. antipsychotics, benzodiazepines • Caffeine intoxication: psychomotor agitation, anxiety, muscle twitching
• Child abuse: fearful, docile; precocious sexual behavior, failure to thrive • Caffeine withdrawal: fatigue, depressive symptoms, headache
• Psychopath alerts: precocious sex behavior, drop in acad performance, • Pharmacology of amphetamine: less addictive than cocaine, release of
delinquent catecholamine, rapid onset.
• Transient tics - common type of tic disorder; Affects up to 20% of children • Street name of amphetamine: Speed
<18y/o • Wernicke-Korsakoff: ataxia, amenstic disorder, thiamin def
• Antisocial PD: conduct disorder w/ onset <15 • Effects of cocaine: dilated pupils constriction of peripheral BV, inc heart rate
• ADHD: persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactive and impulsive • Blackout: hippocampus and temporal lobes, alcohol blocks the consolidation
behavior that is more severe than expected of new memories into old memories; transient global amnesia

• Medicinal uses of marijuana: nausea, vomiting, epilepsy, chronic pain

• Marijuana is associated with: prematurity, strabismus, LBW
• Comorbid conditions in anorexia nervosa: schizophrenia
• Amphetamine withdrawal: profuse sweating
• Neuropharmacology of Cannabis: Cannabinoid receptor is highest in basal
ganglia, cerebellum, hippocampus; tolerance and dependence are quite
rampant; cannabinoid receptor is linked to G protein
• Evaluation of suicide in emergency room : MSE, History, Psychological testing
• Familial factors in anorexia nervosa: good communication, high level of
hostility, low level of nurturance and empathy
• Hyperphagia (INC appetite) is seen in mania, depression, anxiety
• Serious adverse effects of amphetamine: stroke, MI, hypertension
• Risk factors of suicide: impulsivity, fam history of suicidal behavior, exposure
to fam violence
• Alcohol withdrawal: fatigue, malnutrition, physical illness and depression,
tremor, autonomic hyperactivity
• Clinical features of anorexia nervosa: distorted body image, refusal to
maintain minimal body weight, fear of weight gain
• Tx of anorexia nervosa: dynamic expressive treatment cognitive behavioral
treatment, medical treatment
• Features of antisocial personality: anxiety or depression, absence of
delusions and other signs of irrational thinking, inability to conform to social
• MSE of paranoid personality: Thought content shows evidence of projection,
prejudice, and occasional ideas of reference.; Some premises of arguments
may be false but speech is goal directed and logical;Manner is often
humorless and serious
• Durkheim theory of suicide:
• EGOISTIC SUICIDE - those who are not strongly integrated into
any social group
• ANOMIC SUICIDE - persons whose integration into society is
disturbed so that they cannot follow customary norms of behavior.
It also refers to social instability and a general breakdown of
society's standards and values.
• ALTRUISTIC SUICIDE - those susceptible to suicide stemming
from their excessive integration into a group, with suicide being the
outgrowth of the integration
• Substances detected in urine: cannabis, alcohol, amphetamine
• History seen in alcoholism: attention deficit disorder, anti-social personality,
conduct disorder
• Features of depressive personality - self-concept centers around beliefs of
inadequacy, worthlessness, and low self-esteem, Is critical, blaming, and
derogatory toward self, Is negativistic, critical, and judgmental toward other
• High suicidal risk: older than 12 years of age with aggressive behavior hx,
girls who have run away from home, are pregnant, or have made an attempt
with a method other than ingesting a toxic substance, Those who have made
previous suicide attempts

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