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August 2022

New City, New Team, Same God Prayer Requests

I have officially moved to Eau Claire and have started working
Pray that God would
with my new Northwest Wisconsin staff team! I am really happy
provide the additional
to be on this new team and I have felt so welcomed and
financial support that I
encouraged. Most of our students don't start school until after
am in need of.
Labor Day so we have been spending a lot of time as a team
If you are interested in
praying, planning and preparing for the fall semester. Although
giving monthly,
there are so many new things to learn as I transition to a new
increasing your current
location and a new team, I have been encouraged by the vision
giving or giving a one
and mission of NWWI Cru:
time gift, I would love
to connect with you.
Vision: Trusting God to create movements of students and faculty
that are secure in their relationship with Jesus, share their faith as
Pray for me, my staff
a way of life, and are sent out to change the world for Christ.
team and student
leaders as we reach out
Mission: Win, Build, and Send Christ-centered multiplying disciples
to freshman this fall
across NWWI. Pray for
As I reflect on these statements, it makes me even more excited
many opportunities to
for students to arrive back on campus. I love getting to be a part
share the gospel.
of how God works in and through college students. It doesn't
matter if I am in Iowa, France or Wisconsin, God and His heart for
Pray for the

all people, including college students, stays the same.

upperclassman women
I am trusting God for many things this year and as I recount the
that I get to disciple this
evidence of His faithfulness in my life, I know that He will continue
year: Amanda, Deanna,
to remain faithful in all things.
In Christ, Hannah, Abby and
Kristi Noreen
Thank you so much for your
Continue to pray for me
continued partnership. 218-368-6722

as I seek to find a new
You are an important part of church and community
what God is doing and I in Eau Claire.
304 E MacArthur Ave
wouldn't want to do this Eau Claire, WI 54701
without you!

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