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CAMELOT RECORDS Those Were the Days

Mr. Miguelito Salde worked very hard as salesman of recorded music. He represented a
company which distributes compact discs (VCD and DVDs) of foreign labels For about
years, he personally called on dealers in Metro Manila and the provinces to convince
them to buy his products. His exposure to the industry provided him with the right
mindset to establish his own recording outfit.

With his mind working Miguelito hatched a plan on how he would go about operating his
own company the Camelot Records. In addition to his knowledge about the market he
collected information on the production aspect of recording. The plan and the required
information were all stored in Miguelito's memory.

Later, Miguelito mentally prepared a financial plan, as well as a personnel recruitment

program no matter how crade they were. When he thought that his business plan was
complete, he began to implement it with the required speed. He worked systematically
by following procedures he alone knew and explaining to his recruits the exact functions
of each

Within a few months of operating the company was able to produce two CDs of original
Finn Local singers and composers were tapped. The market received the products with
moderate response. Miguelito went on producing more recorded music until one of the
Find the CDs became a commercial hit! This feat catapulted the company to recognition
by the industry. The company's commercial hits wen followed by other hits in

All of the successful efforts of the company were made without the benefit of a written
plan What Miguelito did was to personally supervise all activities from hiring talents to
priding directions to salesmen. He did this vigorously with the company's total work for

As the company grew with more productions and more than 200 employees, Miguelito's
immediate subordinates started to worry that their boss must be feeling the burden of a
workload that was getting heavier as the years passed the staff felt that their leader
must begin to delegate some of the responsibilities to qualified persons. They thought
that to be fully organized, a written plan must be devised so every employee could
effectively assist in implementing the various projects of the company.

When the staff mentioned to Miguelito about the importance of a written plan, Miguelito
replied by saying “This company was organized without a written plan; it became
successful without a written plan it will continue to be so without a written plan"

For classroom use only.

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