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Emergence of Bangladesh and the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Emergence of Bangladesh :
Amidst the background of the nationalistic struggle against British colonial rule in India since the
mid 20′s of the last century, Hindu-Muslim communal tensions led in 1947 to the partition of
India and Pakistan was created as a homeland for Muslims. [1] This unnatural separation of the
Bengali society on the basis of religion created deep fissures in a society – which had hitherto
been pluralistic in character. The Province of East Pakistan was physically separated from West
Pakistan by a thousand miles. This physical separation, as well as total cultural isolation between
the two peoples caused Pakistan to become an unrealistic state from the very beginning.
Language movement :
Despite the fact that Bengali is the mother tongue of the majority of the people of this country,
from the very beginning of the creation of Pakistan, the conspiracy to keep Urdu as the state
language of East Pakistan continued.[2] In 1947, Muhammad Ali Jinnah declared Urdu and Urdu
to be the only state languages of Pakistan. As a result, loud protests were heard. After the
proclamation of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the language movement began to intensify. At first the
students continued this movement but later the whole country declared solidarity with the
students. As a result the morale of the students increases and they start moving
forward. Convinced of the status of Bengali as the state language, the students staged a
procession on 21 February 1952.
 The extreme outburst of consciousness that arose among the Bengali nation through the
language movement took place from 1971 to 1971. It was able to have an impact on the national
life of Bengalis everywhere. From then on, Bengalis realized his Bengali sense of
nationalism, The vigilant watchdog of his culture.  The direct result of the movement was the
realization of the identity of the Bengali nation and the motivation to unite. It was this movement
that inspired the Bengali nation to engage in the armed struggle for the establishment of an
independent sovereign Bangladesh.

Election of 1954:

In the first general election of East Bengal held on 10 March 1954, the United Front won by a
wide margin on the basis of 21 points. The United Front won 223 of the 237 Muslim seats. On
the other hand, the ruling Muslim League got only 10 seats. [3]Although the United  Front
government is very short lived, the importance of this election alliance in history is immense.
Because it was the first united demand for the right of self determination of Bengalis against the
oppression of the Pakistani ruling class was made through the formation of the United Front in
Impact of military rule:
In 1956, General Ayub Khan abandoned the conventional democratic system to usurp power and
took the initiative to introduce a strange and new electoral structure, which is known as basic
democracy. Basically, basic democracy is a kind of limited democracy, in which only a certain
number of people had the right to elect a president. In 1959, an order was issued to introduce
basic democracy. A four-tiered democratic structure existed in this system.
6 points of historical significance and independent Bangladesh
The 6 points were the certificate of liberation of the Bengali nation. The seeds of our freedom
were embedded in the 6 points. Without the 6 points, the mass uprising of '69 would never have
taken place. And if there was no mass uprising, there would not have been an election of 1970
and if there was no election, there would not have been a war of liberation. These 6 points were
the life demands of the Bengalis to liberate the oppressed, downtrodden, exploited and
disadvantaged Bengali nation from the clutches of the West Pakistani ruling class. Father of the
Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman presented these historic 6 points on June 7, 1966.
Agartala Conspiracy :
The Agartala conspiracy case is one of the important events in the political history of Pakistan at
that time.[4] The people of East Pakistan continued one movement after another to assert their
rights and demands. On June 19, 1968, the proceedings of what would come to be known
as the Agartala Conspiracy Case went underway in Dhaka cantonment. A new chapter
was inaugurated in the chronicles of time, one that would redefine the Bengali nation,
indeed reinvent the Bengali ethos. 

The mass uprising of 1969

On 24 January 1969, the agitating masses marched in violation of the ruling party's repression
and evening law aimed at overthrowing the Pakistani military rule.[5] On the day police fire on
the procession. Protesters broke the walls of the secretariat and set it on fire. The people changed
the name of Ayub Gate to Asad Gate. Agartala conspiracy case was withdrawn in the wake of
public outrage and mass uprising and the main accused Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
was forced to release all the accused. Ayub's dictatorship fell.

1970 election :
After the 1954 election of the United Front, the election of 1970 was free and fair. That is why
this election is of utmost importance. Besides, the election of 1970 is very important in many
ways behind the rise of Bengali nationalism and independent sovereign Bangladesh. The people
of East Bengal were humiliated and deprived in all aspects socially, politically, economically and
culturally. Encouraged by the unprecedented victory in the 1970 elections, the people of East
Bengal fought for their rights and Bangladesh was born on the world map in 1971 after a long
and bloody nine-month war of liberation. The 1970 elections paved the way for the Bengali
independence movement. The result of this election was the rise of independent sovereign
Bangladesh on 16 December 1971 through various movements, struggles and a long nine-month
bloody war of liberation.

1971 Liberation War:

 On 16 December 1971, Bangladesh emerged as an independent sovereign state in the court of
the world. But this independence of Bangladesh was the result of a long struggle. [6]The Bengalis
ruled West Pakistan, Expresses strong hope for freedom from exploitation and oppression. The
resistance movement of the Bengalis started with the freedom struggle of Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman on 7 March 1971 at the Race Course Ground. On the black night of March 25,
1971, the Pak-Hyenas launched a surprise attack on the sleeping unarmed Bengalis and killed
many Bengalis. In the context of this incident, on the night of March 25, before the arrest of
Awami League leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib, he declared the independence of
Bangladesh. But his announcement was not heard by the common people. The next day, on 26
March, the then Army Major Ziaur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh on behalf
of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from the Kalur Ghat radio station in
Chittagong. Hearing the announcement, the Bengalis formed an armed resistance against the Pak
army. In 1971, the Bengalis resisted the Pak army through guerrilla warfare. After a long 9-
month war, Bangladesh became independent on 16 December 1971 Gains international
recognition as a state. So the liberation war is so much emergency for Bangladesh.

Since the birth of Pakistan in 1947, the majority East Pakistan has been politically crippled and
kept in the face of West Pakistan. Ignoring democracy, they continue to rule the country through
dictatorship, one dictatorship and militarism. They established colonial rule over East Pakistan
and improved West Pakistan by carrying out maximum exploitation in every field of society,
politics, economy.
Despite the fact that the majority of the people are Bengalis, the number of Bengali
representatives in the cabinet of Pakistan was very small. The Pakistani rulers have been
reluctant to hold elections to the national and provincial assemblies to disrupt the democratic
All the plans of the state of Pakistan were made from the headquarters of the central government
in West Pakistan. As there was no representative in East Pakistan, they were deprived of fair

Hundreds of steam rollers of injustice are running on this nation. This war has been the final
solution to the oppression and misrule perpetrated by the Pakistanis on the people of this country
since they came to power. This is just a stage in the voice of Bengalis against injustice, injustice
and oppression. In fact, our war against West Pakistan has been going on for many years, not just
9 months.
That war was a war to establish justice against injustice, a war to establish human rights against
arbitrariness. Hundreds of thousands of Bengalis had to lose their lives due to unbridled
oppression and injustice in West Pakistan and many mothers and sisters lost their dignity.
Numerous structures including roads, bridges and culverts, houses, schools and colleges were
Leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman:
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the architect of the Bangladesh. He is one of the
greatest Bengali of the past thousand years. He is supreme command of the liberation war. He is
one of the greatest leader of the world. He struggled for the freedom of the people of then the
East Pakistan from the beginning of the Pakistan.
[7] This great leader came of a respectable Muslim family on March 17, 1920 at Tungipara, a
village under the district of Gopalganj. His father’s name is Sheikh Lutfar Rahman and his
mother’s name is Saiera Khatun. He obtained his B.A degree from Islamia College under
Kolkata University. After then he got himself admitted into the Department of Law, University
of Dhaka.  Since then, his political leadership role has developed more effectively and he
brought independence of Bangladesh and saved the people from exploitation.
We achieved the independence of Pakistan from the British colonial rule in 1947, and Pakistan
had two parts—East Pakistan and West Pakistan. The then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was

about one thousand miles away from West Pakistan. At that time, a minority of 3.27% of people
spoke Urdu and a majority of 56 % of the total population spoke Bengali. In spite of the vast
majority of the Bengali speaking people, Pakistani rulers-imposed Urdu as the state language.
The Governor General of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah on the  Raman Racecourse Ground on
March 21,1948, and at the Convocation  Ceremony of the University of Dhaka on March
24,1948  declared, “Urdu, and only Urdu shall be the state language of Pakistan” Our leader
Sheikh Mujib organized the movement throughout the country against that declaration. He was
then a founding member of the East Pakistan Muslim Students Language. He started his political
career as a joint secretary of the foundation. On October 14, 1949, Sheikh Mujib was arrested on
a charge that he led a procession of hungry people. He was confined in jail for more than two
years and five months. the Bangabandhu announced the six-point programme in 1966, and called
it, “Our demand for survival.” 
The government of Pakistan arrested the Bangabandhu and others to stop the movement. 
In 1968, Sheikh Mujib was implicated as an accused on a charge of sedition and was put on trial
in the historic Agartala Case in which there were 35 accused of which he was number 1. The
case led to mass upsurge in 1969 and the government was forced to withdraw the case and
release him on February 22, 1969.  Bangabandhu’s historic speech on March 7, 1971 on the
Racecourse Maiden came to the agitating people as a guideline for the nation to strengthen and
promote the movement. On the midnight of 25 March, the invading army launched attacks in
different places of Dhaka on the unarmed and innocent sleeping people. He declared the
independence in the early hour of 26 March . The Pakistan army again arrested him. An analysis
of his prison history indicates that during the 25 years of Pakistani rule, Mujib had to spend 12
years in prison and faced death sentences twice. He is the father of the nation . The Bengali will
forever be grateful to him for his contribution

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