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Informática Teórica

Andrés A. Aristizábal P.

Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística


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1 Proofs
Discussion and exercises

2 Equivalence relations
Presentation of next topic

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Proofs Aims


1 Proofs
Discussion and exercises

2 Equivalence relations
Presentation of next topic

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Proofs Aims


Know and understand the different kind of proof techniques.

Be able to use any proof method to verify a property or theorem.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


1 Proofs
Discussion and exercises

2 Equivalence relations
Presentation of next topic

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Proofs Discussion and exercises

Discussion of the previous reading material

Presentation of concept maps

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Show that the square of an even number is an even number using a
direct proof.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Show that the square of an even number is an even number using a
proof by contradiction.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Use a direct proof to show that every odd integer is the difference of
two squares.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Prove that if n is an integer and 3n + 2 is even, then n is even using:
a) a proof by contraposition.
b) a proof by contradiction.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Prove or disprove that the product of two irrational numbers is

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Prove or disprove that the product of two rational numbers is rational.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Prove or disprove that the product of a nonzero rational number and an
irrational number is irrational.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Prove that if x is rational and x 6= 0, then 1/x is rational.

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Prove that if n is a positive integer, then n is even if and only if 7n + 4 is

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Proofs Discussion and exercises


Prove that m2 = n2 if and only if m = n or m = −n

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic


1 Proofs
Discussion and exercises

2 Equivalence relations
Presentation of next topic

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

A relation R on a set A is called an equivalence relation if it is reflexive,
symmetric, and transitive.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

A relation R on a set A is called an equivalence relation if it is reflexive,
symmetric, and transitive.

In order to understand the previous notion let us verify if the following

examples are equivalence relations or not.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

A relation R on a set A is called an equivalence relation if it is reflexive,
symmetric, and transitive.

In order to understand the previous notion let us verify if the following

examples are equivalence relations or not.
Let R be the relation such that x R y if and only if x, y ∈ Z

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

Is R reflexive?

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

Is R reflexive? Since x ∈ Z then x R x and R is reflexive.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

Is R reflexive? Since x ∈ Z then x R x and R is reflexive.
Is R symmetric?

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

Is R reflexive? Since x ∈ Z then x R x and R is reflexive.
Is R symmetric? We assume that x R y then x, y ∈ Z. Therefore y R x
and R is symmetric.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

Is R reflexive? Since x ∈ Z then x R x and R is reflexive.
Is R symmetric? We assume that x R y then x, y ∈ Z. Therefore y R x
and R is symmetric.
Is R transitive?

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence relations

Is R reflexive? Since x ∈ Z then x R x and R is reflexive.
Is R symmetric? We assume that x R y then x, y ∈ Z. Therefore y R x
and R is symmetric.
Is R transitive? We assume that x R y and y R w then x, y , w ∈ Z.
Hence x R w y R is transitive.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Let R be an equivalence relation such that a R b if and only if a ≡ b (mod m)
on the set of integers.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Let R be an equivalence relation such that a R b if and only if a ≡ b (mod m)
on the set of integers.

Since a − a = 0 y 0 is divisible by m then a R a and R is reflexive.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Let R be an equivalence relation such that a R b if and only if a ≡ b (mod m)
on the set of integers.

Since a − a = 0 y 0 is divisible by m then a R a and R is reflexive.
We assume that a R b then a − b is divisible by m thus a − b = km where k is
an integer. It follows that b − a = (−k )m and since −k is an integer b − a is
divisible by m. Thus R is symmetric.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Let R be an equivalence relation such that a R b if and only if a ≡ b (mod m)
on the set of integers.

Since a − a = 0 y 0 is divisible by m then a R a and R is reflexive.
We assume that a R b then a − b is divisible by m thus a − b = km where k is
an integer. It follows that b − a = (−k )m and since −k is an integer b − a is
divisible by m. Thus R is symmetric.
We assume that a R b and b R c then m divides a − b and b − c. Therefore
there exists integers k , l such that a − b = km and b − c = lm. Adding the two
formulas we have a − b + b − c = km + lm = (k + l)m hence a − c is divisible
by m and R is transitive.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence classes

If two elements x, y are related by means of an equivalence relation,

we say that x and y are equivalent. Then, if two elements are
equivalent they belong to the same equivalence class.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence classes

If two elements x, y are related by means of an equivalence relation,

we say that x and y are equivalent. Then, if two elements are
equivalent they belong to the same equivalence class.
Let R be an equivalence relation on a set A. The set of all elements
that are related to an element a of A is called the equivalence class of
a. The equivalence class of a with respect to R is denoted by [a]R . That
is [a]R = {b | a R b}. When only one relation is under consideration, we
can delete the subscript R and write [a] for this equivalence class.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Equivalence classes

If two elements x, y are related by means of an equivalence relation,

we say that x and y are equivalent. Then, if two elements are
equivalent they belong to the same equivalence class.
Let R be an equivalence relation on a set A. The set of all elements
that are related to an element a of A is called the equivalence class of
a. The equivalence class of a with respect to R is denoted by [a]R . That
is [a]R = {b | a R b}. When only one relation is under consideration, we
can delete the subscript R and write [a] for this equivalence class.

If b ∈ [a]R , then b is called a representative of this equivalence class.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Let R be the relation on the set integers such that a R b if and only if
a = b or a = −b. What are the equivalence classes of a ∈ Z. What
are the equivalence classes of 0 and 7?

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Let R be the relation on the set integers such that a R b if and only if
a = b or a = −b. What are the equivalence classes of a ∈ Z. What
are the equivalence classes of 0 and 7?

[a]R = {a, −a}

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Let R be the relation on the set integers such that a R b if and only if
a = b or a = −b. What are the equivalence classes of a ∈ Z. What
are the equivalence classes of 0 and 7?

[a]R = {a, −a}
[0]R = {0} y [7]R = {7, −7}

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Generally speaking, what is the class [x]R if R is the relation mod m?
How do we call these classes?

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Generally speaking, what is the class [x]R if R is the relation mod m?
How do we call these classes?

If we have x ≡ y mod m then x − y is divisible by m,

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Generally speaking, what is the class [x]R if R is the relation mod m?
How do we call these classes?

If we have x ≡ y mod m then x − y is divisible by m, which takes us to
the fact that x − y = km, where k is an integer,

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Generally speaking, what is the class [x]R if R is the relation mod m?
How do we call these classes?

If we have x ≡ y mod m then x − y is divisible by m, which takes us to
the fact that x − y = km, where k is an integer, therefore y = x − km.

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Generally speaking, what is the class [x]R if R is the relation mod m?
How do we call these classes?

If we have x ≡ y mod m then x − y is divisible by m, which takes us to
the fact that x − y = km, where k is an integer, therefore y = x − km.
Since k is any integer, then:

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Generally speaking, what is the class [x]R if R is the relation mod m?
How do we call these classes?

If we have x ≡ y mod m then x − y is divisible by m, which takes us to
the fact that x − y = km, where k is an integer, therefore y = x − km.
Since k is any integer, then:
[x]R = {..., x − 2m, x − m, x + m, x + 2m, ...}

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Equivalence relations Presentation of next topic

Generally speaking, what is the class [x]R if R is the relation mod m?
How do we call these classes?

If we have x ≡ y mod m then x − y is divisible by m, which takes us to
the fact that x − y = km, where k is an integer, therefore y = x − km.
Since k is any integer, then:
[x]R = {..., x − 2m, x − m, x + m, x + 2m, ...}
The equivalence classes of the relation congruence modulo m are
called the congruence classes modulo m.

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Next class

Exercises and section

Reading material Section 7.5 (in Moodle)
Exercises: 29,30,32,35,41,43 32,33,36,38,40

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