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Date:-31.05.2022 SCR/C-18/29/05/22
Dear parents,

Greetings from SCR GLOBAL SCHOOL!!

This is to enlighten you that, With God’s grace and your anticipated cooperation,
In 4 years we have almost replenished the targeted milestone with the seats
available in our SCR GLOBAL branch. We whole heartedly CONGRATULATE you
and our whole SCR FAMILY for this awe- inspiring achievement. SCR GLOBAL is
the proudest guardian which holds awesome open doors for your children.
We are highly obliged to all the parents who are a part of the SCR FAMILY for
their utmost trust and support to relinquish their wards in our hands and to have
belief in us that, we will deliver perpetual success in all the fields.

This achievement wouldn’t be possible without the immense support of our

fabulous and hardworking management, who give their best to deliver the targets
of our schools curriculum. Our management and staff stands as the roots of the
READ, LEAD AND SUCCEED, We at SCR GLOBAL highly emphasize on the
upliftment of the students and make them utmost capable to compete with the
harsh challenges that come in their way. Excellent academics has always been our
main motive, along with that we also focus on overall development of the child
and fulfill the expectations of our parents. SCR GROUP OF SCHOOLS has been
serving for education since 21 years and it was only possible with the practice,
faith and hard work of all who are associated with us. We promise a lot more
furtherance for successful future of our GLOBALIANS.

We are one through this, and we will together commend this accomplishment.
CONGRATULATION! To every one of us!

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