Class Paper 01

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Answer all the questions

1. Show that the sum of the real roots of the equation ( x 2 + x❑−2❑ )( x2 + x ❑−3❑ ) =12 is -1
2. Find the path of the point passing through the points A(2,-1) and B(1,3)
3. Show that
4. Show that
5. Solve
6. A and B are two points which are (-1,4) and (5 - 2) respectively
i. AP/PB=1 ii. Ap/PB=2 Find the coordinates of point P
7. Find d2 y/dx2 when x=1+ sin t and y =1- cos t d2 y/dx2

8. x/y + x= 6 Find the equation of the tangent drawn at the point (2,1) to the graph.

9. Show that if the quadratic equations ax2+bx=c and ax2+cx+b=0 have a common root then
a+b+c. Find the equations that satisfy the remaining roots of the two equations
I. Separate fractions
10. The coordinates of points A, B, C are (6,3), (-3,5), (4,-2) respectively. P is a point whose
coordinates are (x,y). Show that the area of PBC= Find the coordinates of the remaining
vertices of the quadrilateral where one vertex (1,2) intersects the diagonals (3,-1).

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