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: : :

Seven important Chinese strokes Dot Across or


Left falling

Right falling



Rule of Stroke order Rule Top to bottom Left to right Across, then down Falling left, then falling right Saam1 Bei2 Sahp6 Example Three Than Ten Stroke

Yahn4 People Field Small

Outside, inside, close the bottom Tihn4 Middle, then sides for symmetric Siu2

Count the number of strokes of the following Chinese characters and write down in the boxes provided.

Chinese Character Number of Strokes Chinese Character Number of Strokes Chinese Character Number of Strokes Chinese Character Number of Strokes Chinese Character Number of Strokes

Writing Tips: Read aloud at the same time when you write each character

One (yat1)

*write the stroke from left to right Two (yih6)

Three (sam1)

Four (sei3)

Five (ngh5)

Six (luhk6)

Seven (chat1)

Eight (baat6)

Nine (gaau2)

Ten (Saahp6)

For zero, we will also use (lihng4), or simply O (lihng4) Read the following numbers aloud at least 5 times. Repeat until you are familiar with them.

1. 2.

Write down the followings numbers in Chinese characters

999: ______________________________ 27422028: _________________________ 13572468: _________________________

Writing Tips: Read aloud at the same time when you write each character Human/People (yahn4) like a human stretching out his two legs

Big (daaih6) the character , human, outstretching his two arms as well

* means adult, (siu2) means small Sky/Day (tin1) a stroke on top of the character , meaning the sky is something big above

I (ngoh5)

You (neih5) *the left-hand part has meaning of (yahn4, human)

He (ta1) *the left-hand part has meaning of (yahn4, human) She (ta1)

look similar to , but left hand side is (neuih5, girl)

We (ngoh5 muhn4) add the plural meaning to pronoun, e.g. - You, - They Is/am/are (sih6)

is not (bat1 sih6) * means not In question, + e.g. ? Are you a boy? Boy (naahm4)

Girl (neuih5)

*Usually for Boy/Girl, we will use the term / where (haaih4 ji2, child) Good/Nice (hou2)

And (woh4)

Write the Chinese characters for the followings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You ___________________ She is (a) girl ___________________ Boy ___________________ ________________________ ______________________________

They and I

He is not (a) nice person

Have (yauh6)

Dont have (muht6 yauh5) At (somewhere) (joih6)

(jyuh6 joih6, live in) My (ngoh5 dik1)

*guess what is meant by Dad (ba1 ba1)

Mom (ma1 ma1)

Elder brother (go1 go1)

Younger brother (daih6 daih6)

Elder sister (je2 je2) *sometimes (ji2 ji2)

Younger sister (muih6 muih6) , , all has the girl on the left hand side


(go3) *it is a classifier that put between number and object, e.g. , three people

Two (leuhng4) same meaning as (yih6, two), but is used with classifier in counting e.g. use , instead of ,

Read the following sentences aloud for at least 5 times:

1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

He is my elder brother. ____________________________________________________

Write the Chinese characters for the followings:


I like(, hei2 fun1) my mother and father. ____________________________________________________


Her elder brother lives in Hong Kong (). ____________________________________________________

Student (tohng4 hohk6)


(hohk6 saang1) also means student, means same, means learn

School (hohk6 haauh6)

Teacher (louh4 si1)

Study (duhk6 syu1)

Read book (hon3 syu1) (hon3 dihn6 sih6) watch TV, (hon3 dihn6 ying2) watch movie

Like (hei2 fun1) Read the following sentences aloud for at least 5 times:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Country (gok3 ga1) (ga1) family, (ga1 yahn4) family member

Chinese (jung1 man2)

(jung1 man2 tohng4) Chinese lesson, (jung1 gok3) China English (ying1 man2)

(ying1 gok3) England

French (fat3 man2)

(fat3 gok3) France

Mathematics (sou3 hohk6)

Music (yam1 ngohk6) (ting1 yam1 ngohk6) Listen to music Subject (fo1 muhk6)

What (sahm6 mo1) You like what? = what do you like?

Why (weih6 sahm6 mo1) Put in front, e.g. ? Why do you like Chinese?

Because (yan1 weih6)

Therefore (so2 yi3) Read the following sentences aloud for at least 5 times:

1. 2. 3.

Will (wui3)

(bat1 wui3) Will not

Can (nahng4)


(bat1 nahng4) can not

May (ho2 nahng4) Need to (yiu3)

dont need to
Very (hang2)

very good
Read the following sentences aloud for at least 5 times:

1. 2.



How much (do1 siu2) means many, means few

Dollar (yuhn4)

Hundred (baak3)

Thousand (chin1)

$7325 is What are ,

, ,

How about $4,556? ________________________________________________ This (je2)


That (nahn5)

Read the following sentences aloud for at least 5 times:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Hour (sih4)

Minute (fun1)



How about 6: 53? _______________________________ Year (nihn4)


Month (yuht6)

For months of a year, count from 1 to 12. From January to December, it is to Day (yaht6)

and both mean day

Year-old (seui3) Up/above (seuhng6)

Down/below (hah6)

and are pictures. is a person standing above the ground, is something buried below the ground. Morning (jou2)

Afternoon (mh5)

can use to represent different time, also means morning, is afternoon, is the noon Night (maahn5)

Yesterday (jok3 tin1) Today (gam1 tin1)

Tomorrow night (mihng4 maahn5) Or

How about /?

Last year (heui3 nihn4) This year (gam1 nihn4)

Next year (mihng4 nihn4)

Week (sing1 keih4)


, while from Monday to Saturday : to This week is , next week is , last week is
Sunday is Left (jo2)

Right (yauh6)

Before (chihn4)

means the day before yesterday After (haauh6)

means the day after tomorrow Also (yah5)


Finish the table below Chinese 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8. English

Yesterday morning Today is Sunday 3:25 a.m. (bun , half)



This week and next week The day before yesterday is Monday

10 .



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