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АЯ 21-21 Жақсылық Ақтөре

Лексикология и стилистика английского языка

Midterm Control 1

1-Answer the following  questions.

1. What does Special lexicology deal with?
Special lexicology deals with the words of a definite language. Ex.: English
lexicology, Russian lexicology, Uzbek lexicology and so on. Descriptive
lexicology studies the words at a synchronic aspect. It is concerned with the
vocabulary of a language, as they exist airehe present time. Historical or diachronic
lexicology deals with the development of the vocabulary and the changes it has
undergone. Ex. In descriptive lexicology the words «to take», «to adopt» are
considered as being English not differing from such native words as «child»,
«foot», «stone» etc. But in historical lexicology they are treated as borrowed
2. What is the morpheme?
A morpheme is the smallest meaningful and syntactical or grammatical unit
of a language that cannot be divided without changing its actual meaning. For
instance, the word ‘love’ is a morpheme; but if you eliminate any character such as
‘e’ then it will be meaningless or lose the actual meaning of love. Now we can say
a morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit of a language by which meaningful
words are formed.

3. What is the basic elementary unit of the derivative structure?

The basic elementary units of the derivative structure of words are: •
derivational bases, • derivational affixes, • derivational patterns Derivational
relations are the relations between words with a common root but of different
derivational structure.

2. Practical assignment

1.Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological fusion:

  show one's teeth
2.Find out the dominant synonym from the given list
3.Which of the following phraseological units is not motivated
to show one’s teeth
4.Define the way the following words have been created:
blood- lo bleed
5.Define the examples of phonetic motivation from the following variants
bang, cuckoo, burr, splash
6.Which of the following words are homonyms proper
tear (n) - tear (v)
7. To know the way the wind blows is
phraseological combination
8.The word “statesman” is the example of           …….
morphological compound
9.The word “lady - killer” is…… compound
derivational compounds
10.“Smog, chunnel, faction, medicare” are the examples of
11.Red flower is a (an)
phraseological unit

12.The word “blackbird” is

neutral compound
13.Define the way the following words have been created: ping-pong, chit-
chat, rift-raft
by means of reduplication
14.What type of lexicology studies the properties common to all languages?
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, which studies the vocabulary of a
language. Its basic task is to study the origin, the different properties of the
vocabulary of a language. In other words, lexicology is concerned with words and
set phrases which function in speech. Lexicology also studies all kinds of semantic
relations (synonyms, antonyms etc) and semantic grouping (semantic fields).
Etymologically the word «lexicology» is a Greek word: «Lexic» means «word»
and «logos» -learning. There are 5 types of lexicology: 1) general; 2) special; 3)
descriptive; 4) historical; 5) comparative.
15.What is the approach which deals with the changes and development of
vocabulary in the course of time ?
There are two principle approaches in linguistic science to the study of
language material: synchronic and diachronic. With regard to Special lexicology
the synchronic approach is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as it exists
at a given time. It's Special Descriptive lexicology that deals with the vocabulary
and vocabulary units of a particular language at a certain time. The diachronic
approach in terms of Special lexicology deals with the changes and the
development of vocabulary in the course of time. It is Special Historical lexicology
that deals with the evaluation of the vocabulary units of a language as the time
goes by.
16.Find the case of homonymous affixes
-er (painter), -er (bigger), 

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