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Zakila Duncanson

Jesus and His Time

Journal 6

1. October 8- (DA) Chapter 25- The Call by The Sea - God takes us as we are, but he wants us to come
to Him honestly. Once we surrender ourselves to Him, He will receive us with open arms. This was
an encouraging chapter to read because it’s sometimes hard to completely surrender our lives to Him.
2. October 9- (DA) Chapter 26- At Capernaum- God comes to us humbly and tries to put Himself in our
shoes.While reading this verse, I saw how much of a loving God he is. In this chapter, he proves who
He is by getting on our level and showing His love.
3. October 10- (DA) Chapter 27- “Thou Canst Make Me Clean”- Jesus always preformed miracles and
they always had people shocked, but it mostly always caused people to start trusting in Him. God always
shows us who He is, but it is up to us to trust in His will.
4. October 11- (DA) Chapter 28- Levi-Matthew- Before we believe in Christ, we should aim to get rid of
ourselves. This was something that resonated with me because it is something I find hard to do some-
times. God will see me through and there will definitely be a time where I will fully trust in Him.
5. October 12- (DA) Chapter 29- The Sabbath- God was amazing in giving us this day to rest and be one
with Him. It reminded me to continue keeping it holy and spending the day engrossed in Him and His
6. October 13- (DA) Chapter 30- “He Ordained Twelve”- Even though we are sinful, God still wants us to
be in partnership with Him and live a life that represents Him. We are to be under His divine instruction
and follow His will for our lives.
7. October 14- (Bible Passage)- Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the
one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both
God and money.” This verse reminds me of that we are to stay out of the world and try our best to be who
God wants us to be.

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