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Assessment Two

SUBJECT NAME: Management Attributes and Skills


Marks 25%

Due Week 10

Word Limit. 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Please read the Case Study “Sun Spot”

You are required to submit meaningful responses to the three questions that
appear underneath the case study

Please use a minimum of five academic references not older that 2015.

Use Harvard Referencing to include appropriate in–text citations

Rubric for presentation

Criteria: 5 3 2 1

1. Provide a Effectively Described Superficially Failed to

clear described relevant theory described the adequately
overview of relevant theory related to this theory or describe a
the case and related to this topic but could chose a theory
the key topic have provided theory that related to
issues/theori detail. was not this topic.
es involved closely related
to the topic.
5 marks

Applied the Applied the Superficially Failed to

2. Apply the
theory to the theory to the applied the effectively
theory in
answers, answers however theory to the apply the
demonstrating a could have answers, theory to
the case
sound demonstrated a showing the
understanding greater level of limited answers.
of the theory. understanding. understandin
g of how to
apply theory
10 marks
in practice.

3. Student was Student was Student Paper was

Communicate clear and mostly clear and lacked clarity difficult to
confidently confident in confident in their and follow, poor
and clearly their communication. confidence in writing and
your ideas, communication The structure of the paper, grammar.
provided a and provided a the answers and/or the
clear paper with a could have been lacked a clear
structure clear structure. clearer. structure.

5 marks

4. References Greater > 5 Academic References References

highly relevant references (at may be either are
academic least 5) support insufficient, inappropriat
references are the essay, with inappropriate, e,
5 marks
cited and well- mostly not well insufficient,
integrated in the appropriate integrated, poorly cited
essay, with citations and cited or and
appropriate reference formatted. formatted.
formatting using formatting using
the Harvard the Harvard (<5
Referencing Referencing Style. references)

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