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Science and Technology in the


A Historical Timeline Infographic

1 Pre-Colonial Period
Engineering became prominent during the pre-Spanish era, where
agriculture was made abundant by the development of the majestic
Banaue Rice Terraces of the Ifugao Tribe. It is illustrated in the Laguna
Copperplate Inscription that mathematics was evident even in the pre-
colonial era. A system of weight and measurements were also developed
to measure gold accurately. Mastering geometry and using convexity and
concavity when it comes to shipbuilding guarantee safety while sailing.
(Wikipedia, 2022)

2 Spanish Colonial Period

It was 1521 when the Spaniards made their efforts to invade the Philippine

soil. After doing so: The Spaniards began dispersing formal education

throughout the country and established scientific institutions. Religion,

writing, reading, mathematics, and music were taught in educational

establishments. Agricultural methods were introduced to the natives, and

sanitation became prominent. The University of Santo Tomas is one of the

most evident traces that the Spaniards left since they established colleges

and universities across the country. (Wikipedia, 2022)

3 American Period and Post-Commonwealth era

On July 1, 1901, the Philippine Commission established the Bureau of
Government Laboratories, which helped spark further scientific
research and studies. The Bureau was in charge of studying tropical
diseases and laboratory projects. The Science department focused its
attention more on agricultural innovation, the processing of food, the
establishment of pharmacies, and the procurement of medicine.
(Wikipedia, 2022)

4 Marcos Era and Martial Law

It was in the Philippine Constitution, Article XV, Section 9 (1),

where Marcos declared that science and technology must be

prioritized to help advance the country's national development.

He then enacted many laws that aimed to promote science and

technological welfare. The evidence includes Marcos'

establishment of PAGASA through the Department of National

Defense to ensure environmental safety and to use the scientific

data to promote the safety of the people. (Wikipedia, 2022)

5 How Technology Helps Farmers in the

Present Time
"From the use of satellite imaging and drone technology, the
implementation of e-commerce platforms, and more direct
deposit of cash assistance to farmers and fishers, among
others, Dar noted that technology and innovation are the keys
toward modernization and industrialization in the Philippine
farming." (Gomez, 2021)

6 In the Future
In the future, science and technology will continue to
transcend and in doing so, further improve our quality of life.
It will help us solve obstacles whether it may be
anthropological or if it manifests as a natural disaster. We
have developed a tool we discovered for our greater purpose
and it has helped shape our past, present, and hopefully our

Gomez, E.J (2021) iFarms brings technology to farming. Manila Times

Wikipedia (2022) Science and technology in the Philippines

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