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Race Name: Boggle

Ability Scores: +2 Dex

Size: small
Speed: 25ft
Languages: common, sylvan

Age: unknown
Alignment: any chaotic alignment
Size: on average 3ft tall with slender builds

 Fey: your creature type is Fey rather than humanoid
 Darkvision
 Uncanny Smell: you have advantage on Perception checks relying on smell
 Oddly Stretchy: you can squeeze through spaces half your size and pass through the space of any creature larger
than you.
 Boggle Oil: you excrete non-flammable oil from your pores. You choose whether the oil is slippery or sticky and
can change the oil on your skin from one consistency to another as a bonus action.
o Slippery Oil: While coated in slippery oil, the boggle gains advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks
made to escape bonds, squeeze through narrow spaces, and end grapples.
o Sticky Oil: While coated in sticky oil, the boggle gains advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to
grapple and any ability check made to maintain a hold on another creature, a surface, or an object. The
boggle can also climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
ability check.

Boggles were 3 ft (0.91 m) tall creatures, humanoid in shape but who walked hunched over with their knuckles
dragging along the floor. A pair of large ears rested on the sides of their bulbous heads. Rubbery and hairless flesh
covered their small frames, oddly stretchable and compressible, and ranging from blackish-blue to dark grey in
It was there that the similarities between boggles ended, as past that point they had no common features. Noses
could be large, long, flat, or slits, while their limbs could be lanky, or oversized for their diminutive forms. Arms, legs,
hands, feet, torso, abdomen, and facial features were all disproportionate in several ways, making individual boggles
immediately visually distinct. Old boggles were made recognizable by their lack of elasticity compared to their kin,
while younger boggles were far bouncier.

Often engaging in random acts of mischief, a boggle's love of pranks was regularly demonstrated whether desired or
not. A myriad of methods to vex people were often at a boggle's disposal such as spoiling milk, lighting socks, tying
shoelaces, stripping bed sheets, hiding tools, frightening animals, breaking dishes, throwing things at walls or
knocking on doors only to disappear. More boisterous boggles might grab people from beneath their beds, replace
weapons with broken variants, or hide the pieces of important equipment. Boggle pranks were generally more
mischievous than malevolent, although some were known to lure adventurers into dangerous situations, misplace
infants and sometimes even replace them with baby animals.

When forced to engage with others directly, boggles were whiny, babbling and cowardly. It was in fact their
cowardice that typically offset their desire for trickery, as entities with strong presences were capable of forcing
them into line. They possessed an intellect similar to monkeys, lacking in decorum and knowledge but compensating
with cleverness and cunning. Whimpering when confronted directly, boggles made use of taunts and blusters only
when their targets could not reach them.
Despite their lack of confidence, a boggle in its lair was an aggressive creature, as sly as it was insatiable. Like
monkeys, they had no concept of treasure outside of shiny trinkets such as gold, gems, or polished pieces of
garbage. Charismatic souls could befriend boggles, especially by appealing to their love of food and sweets, although
camaraderie as constrictive as alliances was usually short lived.

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