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Race Name: Dogai

Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +1 Int

Size: medium
Speed: 30ft
Languages: common, infernal

Age: immortal
Alignment: chaotic evil
Size: 6ft

 Darkvision
 Shadow-made: all dogai are physically identical, appearing as 6ft tall, 185lbs huamoids with greyish-purple skin
and red eyes.
 Shadow Form: as an action, you can assume a shadowy form. While in this form you cannot be distinguished
from ordinary shadow provided the area is in complete darkness. You also have advantage on Stealth checks to
hide in areas of complete or semi-darkness. If you are perceived while in your shadowy form, you appear as an
indistinct humanoid being. However, if subjected to light bright enough that it is able to dispel shadow, the form
o You can use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
o The ability lasts for an hour.
 Innate Spellcasting: beginning at 5th level, you can cast Dimension Door once per long rest, using Intelligence as
the spellcasting ability.

Given the immense role that assassination of rivals played in the grand game of political intrigue that took place in
the Nine Hells, it was no surprise that the assassin devils were important servitors in the retinue of any devil. Rarely
did they serve as the masterminds, existing to serve the dark will of their masters behind the scenes through
eavesdropping, the discovery of illicit information, taking out specific targets, and otherwise lurking in the courts of
beings as mighty as pit fiends and archdevils.
Part of what made dogai such capable assassins were the rules of Hell itself. According to the twisted and arcane
(both literally and figuratively) rules of Baator, dogai were not allowed to enter the pacts that allowed devils to
summon others for support but were compensated for this in the most lethal of ways. Assassin devils could not face
retribution, at least officially, for killing any other devil, even their own bosses, which under normal circumstances
would universally result in execution.

It was precisely because of their efficiency and skill that dogai were outcasts on the fringe of baatezu society,
untrusted by all other devils. Most devils assumed the worst of them when they appeared, with even the greatest
tyrants of Hell avoiding them, for a dogai on the move was one with a mission. Assassin devils typically trained to
be rogues, but fittingly, all were inherently capable of training as assassins. Experienced dogai often did so, and were
the elite killers of their kind, feared by all devils due to the possibility they could be lurking anywhere.

Clerics of Dispater could call on assassin devils through planar ally spells, for the paranoid Iron Duke obtained the
service of dozens of dogai and sometimes sent them to his vassals as servitors and spies. He rewarded them with
gems, magic items, and other tokens, although since they were always on assignment, most dogai invested wealth in
utilities, such as healing potions or cold iron blades Many dogai reported directly to Asmodeus himself, covertly
revealing the secrets of their patrons to him. Rather than respond to the deception with accusations or attacks, most
devils typically tried to dispose of spies, or trick them into giving Asmodeus information that it would benefit them
for him to know.
Fortunately for those wary of assassin devils, they also performed similar functions in the mortal realms, taking out
threats to baatezu plots and gathering secret information. For example, a paeliryon whose plans had been
repeatedly foiled might send a dogai to learn more about the interlopers before reporting back. Afterwards, the
corruption devil could send appropriate resistance to prevent the individuals from accomplishing their goals.
The predecessors of the dogai were not expert killers, but mere shadows native to Hell with vague levels of
sentience and malevolent will. Asmodeus had ordered them to be collected and melted in a pit of fire, after which
their essences were reforged into the assassin devils

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