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Race Name: Erinye

Ability Scores: +2 Cha, +1 Dex

Size: medium
Languages: common and one of infernal or celestial

Age: unknown
Alignment: lawful evil
Size: average height of 6ft, with builds similar to humans

 Your creature type is Fiend rather than humanoid
 Devil’s Sight: you can see normally in normal and magical darkness. When you reach 20 th level, you gain
Truesight equal to 30ft.
 Wings: you have a fly speed equal to 30ft.
 Charming Demeanour: once per long rest, you can attempt to charm a creature that can see you and is within
60ft of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency + Cha). On a success they are
immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. On a fail, they are charmed by you. While charmed by you in this
way the creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability, doing everything in its power to fulfil your
wishes. This charm lasts until you dismiss it, until the creature dies, or until you charm another creature in this

Erinyes originally appeared as imposing yet beautiful figures, so attractive that they could be easily mistaken
for celestials. An erinyes generally stood around 6 ft (1.8 m) tall, weighed approximately 150 pounds (68 kg).
Although they were naturally female, erinyes could appear as idealized versions of the sexes of any mortal race.
Their natural forms normally possessed glowing red eyes, as well as large, feathered wings that stayed regardless of
the form that they took. After Asmodeus' ascension to godhood, the erinyes lost their wings, and received hooves
and fangs in return, which made them look beastly.

Erinyes were not only physically stunning, but dangerously capable, highly disciplined and unfailingly loyal to their
lords. When hunting mortal souls they showed both ruthlessness and cunning, exploiting their angelic appearance
and tempting those they came across into committing wicked acts.
The relationship between erinyes and other devils was a conflicting combination of admiration and hatred. Having
come from celestials as opposed to damned souls, erinyes viewed themselves as innately superior to other baatezu,
causing a mutual disdain between them and their devil kin. Other devils greatly envied the erinyes, yet at the same
time, were inspired by their indomitable fury. Feelings of lust and idolization clashed with hostility so much so that
the two groups occasionally disobeyed their superiors and met one another with violence.
Favored by Dispater for their beauty, skills, and unshakable allegiance, erinyes were common within Dis. Stygia also
possessed a large population of erinyes, with a whole regiment being responsible for protecting Levistus's frozen
tomb was from aerial intrusion. They could be found in great numbers within the political labyrinth of Maladomini,
and within Grenopli specifically they acted as patrollers in order to dispel or counter offensive magic and all other
attempts at violence. Along with paeliryons, the seductive erinyes enjoyed a noble position and noticeable favoritism
within Glasya's court, who often provided them targets for corruption to her erinyes personally, particularly those of
the self-righteous faith. Hunters were known to stalk the skies of Malbolge for intruders without letters of safe
passage, often capturing charismatic enemies for Glasya to torture or seduce at her leisure.
Even erinyes that did not work under archdevils often directly reported to the Dark Eight as opposed to having an
intermediary master. While some served as servants or were simply concubines, others had vastly superior tasks
such as spying on both enemies and allies. Many erinyes were responsible for bringing justice to Hell, although the
method with which they did so varied greatly. Donning horned helms and stylized armor, erinyes warriors brought
death to those that defied their infernal masters or the orders of Asmodeus himself. As arbiters of justice, they acted
on behalf of Hell and were responsible for tracking down those that broke infernal contracts. Others acted on the
other side of the law, helping to free mortal souls by acting as legal counsel for those that did not receive what they
were promised or were forced into making their deals. The role that earned erinyes the most respect among their
devilish peers however, was that of the temptress.

Unlike almost all other devils, erinyes were capable of entering the mortal world of their own volition, and used this
ability to collect mortal souls. The traditional method used to achieve this goal was through seduction, although they
were forced to use magic to disguise their wings if they did not attempt to use their celestial heritage as cover. They
entered the mortal world alone, as they were incapable of bringing others with them, and searched for mortals that
they could lure back to Baator. Only one person could return to Hell with them at a time with inorganic matter being
left behind, forcing the victim to try and escape Baator while dangerously underequipped or be turned into a lemure.
When seducing mortals they spoke rather than communicating telepathically, and could speak a wide variety of
When seduction was not sufficient, erinyes had other methods to enrapture mortals, such as offering Faustian
bargains and other forms of deals. While erinyes normally led battle-focused devils such as barbazus, merregons,
or kytons, they would also command mortal warriors as some were willing to sell their souls in exchange for training.
As well as devils, erinyes were also occasionally put in charge of managing small cults. Those that chose to take
up wizardry usually studied enchantment magic to enhance their pre-existing ability to charm.

Erinyes were the only types of devils to have possibly been born rather than made from mortal souls. Unlike most
devils that were capable only of siring children, erinyes were capable of carrying them. It was unknown if erinyes
gained the ability before or after their descent but the ability to become pregnant was another reason they often
refused promotion. They were protective and cautious parents that hid colonies of their young away from the eyes
of those that would interfere with their development.
While some reports claimed that devils could not be promoted into erinyes, others purported that the rank could
serve as a reward for sluggish devils that overcame their earlier blunders despite numerous trials, such as abishai.
Abishai that were promoted into erinyes were said to have their features rearranged by numerous kocrachon in
order to make them more appealing to mortals and somehow had syllables added to their true names to make
summoning them more complicated. It was rumored that only 500 erinyes were allowed to exist at one time, with
lesser baatezu being promoted to fill their positions when current erinyes were promoted into higher forms.

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