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Race Name: Harpy

Ability Scores: +2 Cha, +1 Dex

Size: medium
Speed: 20ft
Languages: common, one other of your choice

Age: generally live up to 25-30 years, but can live up to 50

Alignment: chaotic evil
Size: roughly the same builds as humans, with most harpies having long, slim builds

 Darkvision
 Wings: you have a fly speed equal to 40ft, provided you aren’t wearing medium or heavy armour.
 Talons: your talons can be used as natural weapons that do 1d4 slashing damage rather than your normal
unarmed strike damage.
 Luring Song: you sing a magical melody as an action. Every humanoid and giant within 300ft of you that can hear
the song must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency + Cha) or be Charmed until the song ends.
You must take a Bonus Action on your subsequent turns to continue singing. You can stop singing at any time.
The song ends if you are Incapacitated.
While Charmed by you, a target is Incapacitated and ignores the songs of other harpies. If the Charmed target is
more than 5ft away from you, they must move on their turn toward you by the most direct route. It doesn't
avoid Opportunity Attacks, but before moving into damaging terrain, such as lava or a pit, and whenever it takes
damage from a source other than you, a target can repeat the saving throw. A creature can also repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If a creature's saving throw is successful, the Effect ends on it.
A target that successfully saves is immune to your song for the next 24 hours.

A harpy had the upper body of a female humanoid and the lower body of an reptilian creature, with scaly legs,
clawed feet, and clawed hands with knotty fingers. Harpies had coal-black eyes in faces like cruel old women, with
hair that was filthy, tangled, and crusted with old dry blood. They possessed powerful leathery wings with which
they could fly and carry away their victims.
Harpies did not wear any clothing but would adorn themselves with jewellery or trinkets from their victims.

There was no physical difference between male and female harpies. The males possessed breasts just like the
females did, leading to the misconception that male harpies did not exist.

Harpies were notoriously malevolent and sadistic, taking enormous joy in hurting, torturing, and killing their victims,
and were always seeking more. They were fond of entrancing travellers with their songs and luring them to
shockingly cruel dooms. When they were done playing with their captives, they slew them and finally devoured

Female harpies could lay as many as twenty eggs at will from the age of two, but only around three of those would
successfully hatch, and any deformed young were killed by a parent. It was unclear whether harpies looked after
their young or not, but if they did, it consisted of nothing more than feeding their young, similar to birds.

The lifespan of a harpy was up to 50 years, but most died around 25–30 years. When old age weakened a harpy, it
was killed by its kin.

They were almost exclusively carnivorous, but if meat was unavailable, they would resort to eating vegetation. Their
preferred food was fresh demihuman meat, especially elves. Due to the natural resistance elves had to the harpy's
song, harpies viewed their meat as an especially rare delicacy.

Harpies made homes in groups of six or more individuals within marshlands or in caves near shorelines, which were
preferably near well-traveled routes. They were often encountered alone, in pairs, or in packs of seven to a dozen
harpies known as "flights". However, a tribe of harpies, known as a "scream", could be as large as two
hundred. There was no social structure to harpy life. There was constant quarreling, which sometimes resulted in
fights to the death. When deaths did occur, harpies were willing to eat their own kind. Otherwise, harpies ventured
out to hunt, and their victims were often brought back to the lair to be killed and eaten.

Harpies were generally uninterested in treasure or wealth, but they would always take at least one possession from
a victim back to their lair as a symbol of their kill.

A few successful harpies took up the bow as archers, mastering this tactic and going it alone as cruel hunters,
bandits, and mercenaries, usually operating as bandits when not hired as mercenaries. Such harpies acquired much
wealth in the form of the tools of their trade.

It was not unknown for harpies to cooperate with other evil humanoids if it served their interests.

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