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ENGLISH - Grade 10 Activity Sheet

Quarter 1 - Module 2

Name of Learner: __________________ Date: ___________________

I. Activity Title: Textual Aids

II. Learning Competency: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-
linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text (EN10RC-Ia-2.15)
Learning Target:
1. Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa; and
2. Explain illustrations from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa

III. Activities
Study the given information carefully and answer the activities that follow. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

Key Points

Text aids are parts of the text that signal you to look over because it states important
information. They often enhance information from the text and sometimes supply information
not found in the text. Textual aids can help you better "see" and understand the information
thus enhance your comprehension. They provide visual explanations of concepts and
relationships and enable you to grasp and recall information easily.

Activity 1. Title
Look at the picture and answer the questions. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

1. What is the title of the story?
2. What do you think is the story all about?
3. What is the effect of the title in bold and capital letters?

Activity 2 Concept Mapping.

Read the selection and provide the details needed in each box. Write your answer on your answer
Greek Drama

The drama was the crowning glory of the Athenian Age, which has been called by
different forms. It has been called by different terms. It has been called by the Age of
Pericles because Pericles was the ruling power in Athens at the time. It has also been
called the Athenian Age because Athens became the white-hot literary center of Greece,
and it has been called the Golden Age because the drama flourished during this period.
There were three great tragic writers: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, and there
was Aristophanes, the greatest writer of comedy the world has ever produced.

The spirit of an age is more completely represented by its poetry than by its prose.
Accordingly, we can best trace the character of the three different stages of civilization
among the Greeks in the three divisions of their poetry. The epic belongs to a period
when the minds of the people were deeply influenced by legends handed down from
antiquity. Lyric poetry developed in a more republican form of government when each
individual could express one's personal aims and wishes, and all the depths of human
emotions were unlocked by the inspirations of the poets. Dramatic poetry appeared as an
expression of
the summit of Greek civilization in the very prime of Athenian power and freedom.

Dramatic poetry was the organ of prevailing thoughts and feelings of the time. This is why
the drama marks the high tide of literature, and the golden age in the literary history of a
nation coincides with the period when that nation produced its great dramatists.

Epic poetry relates the actions of great heroes told in a noble and grand manner. A
drama, as its name implies, presents action; it does not relate. The dramatist plunges us
into the story and makes us directly experience the event that is presented to our eyes.
Consequently, the drama makes us understand human life with depth and force, which no
other type of literature can do.

Activity 3. Graph Analysis

Study the graph and answer the following questions. Write your answers on the activity sheet.

1. What does the slope of each line on the graph show?
2. Which runner completed the 100m race in the least amount of time? What was his time?
3. Which runner started out the fastest?
4. What was Charlie doing between 8 seconds and 10.5 seconds?
ended last? At what time?
6. How does the graph help you in understanding the text?

Activity 4. Compare and Contrast

Examine the diagram below and answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in the activity

1. What type of textual aid is it?

2. What specific information does the diagram show?
3. What are the similarities and differences of birds and bats?

Activity 4. Pie Cuts

Each wedge in the pie chart represents a form of expense. Pick out your answers from the box
below. Write the expense on the line. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Description Expense

Greatest expense Instruction

Least expense Miscellaneous
Second most expense Operation
Second least expensive Interest on loans
Third least expensive Capital outlay

(Example: Answer for item 2. Capital Outlay)

V. Tell me your thoughts

Complete the statement below.

In this activity, I learned that __________________________________________________.

I find difficulty in answering ___________________________________________________.
In answering the activity I ask help from _________________________________________.

VI. References
ADM English Quarter 1 - Module 4: Textual Aids p. 8, 18,19, 20, 22, 26, 27

Prepared by: Joanim I. Canillas/SCNHS/Engl.10 Teacher/09486965244

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