QT Issue 3 - Queer Collaborations

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QT: Queer Collaborations

Building a Queerious Commun ity

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QC 2011 Special Edition Issue 3 2011

QT Issue 3 Welcomes careful drivers

Contents Page
2. Editorial 3. Genderfuck Ball 4. QC - Evening Social Events 6. CCQN Officers Report 7. Queer Camp 8. Cross Campus Queer Games 9. What are Safer Spaces 10: RQV: Safer Queer Venues 13. Milisha: Return to Earth 15. PRIDE WA 17. Welcome to QC 2011 18. Genderfuck Ball Photos 21. Equal Marriage in WA 22. WA Gender Project. 24. Musicians for Marriage 27. #queerperth at a glance 28. ECU Needs Representation 31. Post Queer? 32. Social Media & Blogs 33. Music and Movies 35. CCQNWA Meta
Download Registration forms from http://ccqn.net.com/documents or ask your Queer department officer! Get the latest information about QC at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter

Issue 3 of QT is here... or there, depending on where youve taken it! This issue is packed full Queer nutrients to ensure you get through to Queer Collaborations, nourished and fully excited and survive the event which has a record 7 day duration this year. In this issue we take a look at some aspects of QC as WA and CCQN prepares to host this event in conjunction with Curtin University. This isnt an official guide to QC - its just another issue of QT, but its the QC special, so look out for some insight into what you can expect come July 4th. Meanwhile QT is covering the usual community articles, updates from your Queer departments, reviews, articles, photographs and hopefully much more. This issue is meant to be informative as well entertaining for both local and interstate readers. Take a deep breath, and lets get through this together! Adele Knowles

From the Editor

Thankyou for contributing!

QT is a volunteer based Q-Zine from the Cross Campus Queer Network of WA: Wed like to thank the following people for the contributions to issue 3: Adelaide Knowles, Michael Pilkington, Rhiahnon Kennedy, Chris Latham, Kingsley Norris, Zoe Hyde and Paul Van Lieshout Hunt.

Genderfuck Ball 2011

How we fucked gender on May 7.
CCQNs Genderfuck Ball is an annual tradition which never ceases to amaze. Fantastic outfits, fabulous performances and some serious fundraising for Queer Collaborations. 2011 was no different, with 100 genderfucking guests descending upon Bar138 in the heart of Perth all in the name of defying the gender binary. Money raised was donated directly to the Queer Collaborations 2011 Organising Collective to aid the travel of our interstate guests to conference. This year we were blessed with good weather, after last years rain soaked eveneing, which kept everyone indoors. Everyone looked amazing and every year its a unforgettable night. There were many different outfits and attititudes, from super villains, idols, local celebrities and the most interesting self-made interpretations that fucked gender every which way from Sunday. Our talented MC Duchess Silk carried us through the night which featured performances by local drag king heroes Kevin Razorline and Johnny Rock, with Poppa Cherry joining in and Billy Elliott bringing the party. Miss Kitty le Hot also set the stage on fire with a tantalizing routine while the fabulous Panache closed out the evening in style. CCQN would like to say a huge thank you to DJ Drew for providing tunes all night and a big congratulations to Sophie Hesford and Lady Sublime, who walked away with prizes as Best Dressed for the night. Thank you as well to everyone that came along and made the night worthwhile. Throughout the night, we held auctions, to raise extra money in addition to door sales and this year our sexy sexy volunteers raised records amounts, with those in attendance willing to pay handsomely for a drink, a dance and maybe a cuddle. Thanks to Creative Whimsy for providing mementos for winning bidders and volunteers and to Matt from Bar 138 for providing drink vouchers for the winners. CCQNs own Kingsley Norris took some snaps on the night which you can check out in this edition of QTonCampus or online at www.outinperth.com and www.ccqn.net. Thanks to everyone that helped in the organisation of the event, especially Michael Pilkington, Adelaide Knowles, Shamini Joseph, Kingsely Norris, Rhys Carey, Bridget Moore and Matt Clarke. Thanks to everyone who performed, put themselves up for auction and of course, everyone who attended - you make the event what it is!



Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter

Queer Collaborations isnt just about the serious stuff. Its also about giving Queers from around the country plenty of opportunities to network, share stories and build new friendships. In 2011, the Organising Collective has put together a range of events to keep delegates busy after a long day of workshops. If you havent registered for QC2011, you can still access these events for $10pp by contacting the Organising Collective on ccqn.qc2011@ gmail.com. QC Art Exhibition & Querelle 2011 Launch QC2011 Official Performance Night

Queer Collaborations 2011 Evening Social Events



6 10pm, Tuesday July 5th, 7pm Midnight, Wednesday Free Range Gallery (339 Wel- July 6th, The Court Hotel (50 lington Street, Perth) Beaufort St, Northbridge) The art exhibition is an opportunity for all QC2011 delegates to showcase their artistic voices over a range of mediums. This years exhibition is entitled Village People referring not only to queer identity, but our entwined community. Wine and nibbles will be provided for all attendees, which will also allow you to get a first look at this years Querelle, with the official launch taking place during the exhibition. Querelle is an annual Queer publication released at Queer Collaborations and in 2011, has been produced by the Queer Collectives at Australian National University and Canberra University. Be sure to come along and take a look at these fantastic projects coming to Perth from all over Australia. Tune those guitars and hit that pitch, its time to show off your skills! As part of the official night time events, the Organising Collective have lined up, no QC would be complete without a performance night!

Queer Beers for Queer Collaborations

7pm 10pm, Wednesday July 6th, UWA Tavern (35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley)

A Reclaiming Queer Venues Fringe Event as part of Queer Collaborations - an alternative chill out event where you can be yourself. The night will feature poetry, performance and board games at the UWA Tavern. Be part of building a safe and inclusive cultural With a flurry of our interstate evening. The event is open brethren registering to perform, to all QC participants and the (so make sure to come give broader community. Entry by them your support!), weve gold coin donation for those also got some local talent ready not attending QC. Bring your to knock your socks off! Dont friends, bring your zines. forget to bring those dance shoes as the resident DJ hits the decks.


Gourmet BBQ & Queer Cinema Night LGBTIQuiz!

Evening Social Events

7pm 10:30pm, Friday July 8th, UWA Tavern (35 Stirling 6:30 10:30pm, Thursday July 7th, Murdoch University Hwy, Crawley) (90 South St, Murdoch) Think youve got the smartest queer mind in the nation? An event proudly brought to Ready to best your fellow you by the Murdoch Queer genderbenders at history, Collective. To kick off this special night, the Collective has literature, science, pop culture prepared a gourmet barbeque in and queer knowledge? Prizes awarded for the three highest Murdoch Universitys scoring tables. Rock up at 7pm Refectory (exits onto Bush to sort tables and grab some Court) followed by a fantastic dinner, for a 7.30 start! night of Queer cinema, covering a wide range of interests from sport and comedy, to drama and documentary. Renovations permitting; 3 cinemas will be showing 2 movies each, all of which are just a short walk from one another so you can pick and choose what to watch.

Idols - End of Conference Party

7pm Midnight, Saturday July 9th, Bar138 (138 Barrack St, Perth) As conference nears its end, therell be plenty of reason to celebrate and so the QC2011 Organising Collective is inviting you to their very own end of conference party! The evening is about Idols and is completely open to interpretation. Come dressed as your favourite Queer idol, a fashion icon, an inspiring politician, a significant historical figure, a particular singer/ songwriter who also dabbles in filmand TV, or even just something that you idolise be creative! Drink specials and finger food provided (vegan, vegetarian and more) thanks to Bar138. Prizes for best dressed up for grabs- so dress to impress!


Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter

Semester one is over and were finally here at the biggest event of the year Queer Collaborations 2011! Thanks to everyone who has been working hard throughout the year in order to make this event happen. Its been a big focus of what weve undertaken this semester and its nearly over! Despite the giant QC elephant hanging over our heads, the collective has worked hard to bring a number of wonderful and well attended events to the peeps. Events like the Quiz Night and the Genderfuck Ball were major fundraising successes and huge thanks must go to all those who helped organise them AND everyone who attended these annual events raised significant amounts of money for QC and the solidarity and support has been tremendous. We antagonised transhobia in community venues such as the Court Hotel, in a campaign that brought public criticism to the venue owner Bree Day, which has jolted a new wave of interest in Queer Venues in Perth, which continues to bring new events and locations to the queer community in Perth. We marched around Forest Chase, We snogged on Hay Street and weve watched endless movies, snacked on an unknown about of BBQ goodies, and sung out Idol style until we couldnt stand the sound of our voices. Most important of all, weve managed to stick together throughout an overloaded and overworked semester. Thanks everyone for supporting CCQN in semester 1! QUEER LOVE FOR ALL! Adelaide Knowles

from the officers

And so we find that semester two is almost upon us! While QC2011 has certainly been at the forefront of our minds, we havent forgotten about what remains ahead of CCQN for the rest of the year and as youll notice from this edition of QTonCampus, theres plenty to keep you busy. July 30th will see UWA host a collaborative Queer Officer Training session which we encourage you to attend if youre at all interested in a Queer Officer position in 2012, or just wanting to contribute your past and present experiences. August is of course the month of Queer Camp which is taking place at Forest Edge, Waroona, which brings us to Pride during the month of October! This year, were working hard to reduce the clashes between campus Pride Week events and ensure some really positive support for all campus Pride events. Well also be keeping an eye out on what the City of Perth is planning for the annual Parade and Fairday, as well as looking to promote the events of campus Ally departments around the state. Well keep you informed as the semester progresses through our mailing list, which if you havent joined can be found at http://ccqn.net/form/sign-up/ as well as monthly meetings and plenty of Tweeting through @ccqnwa. Wishing you all a fantastical QC2011 and we look forward to seeing everyone again in Semester Two!

Semester 1 is over !

And then QC and then..

Michael Pilkington


Queer Camp is back in 2011!

This annual CCQN weekend away is back and is the perfect opportunity to spend some time with your fellow Queers, make some new friends, catch up with the old ones, attend workshops, share ideas, get motivated for Semester Two and partake in the annual Cross Campus Queer Games!

The Basics

Queer Camp runs for three days and two nights and will this year be taking place at the Forest Edge Recreation Camp in Waroona from Friday Aug. 5 7th. Check out the campsite at www.forestedge.net This is a fully accessible, self-contained venue. Meals, accommodation, entertainment and bus transfer to and from the venue are included in the cost of registration.


Queer Camp is always what you make it. But its also about idea sharing, collective organising and skill sharing. If youve got a workshop youd like to run, then why not give it a go? We can accommodate anything from discussion groups, creative building projects, mental and physical health workshops, the list goes on. Make camp a better experience for everyone by getting people involved and giving your fellow campers a skill or an idea they can walk away with.

Cross Campus Queer Games Now Included!

CCQG or Cross Campus Queer Games is an annual CCQN tradition which sees teams from each Queer Department in WA play off against each other in a variety of mini games including tug-o-war, relays and heaps more. Winning campus scores the brand-new CCQG Trophy and will host the games in 2011!


5 meals will be provided to keep you camping strong, this includes Fri and Sat dinner, Sat and Sun breakfast, Sat lunch with vegetarian, vegan and other food options. Although you will need to BYO drinks (alcoholic or not) or additional food.


Queer Camp is $70 per person (includes meals, accommodation and bus transfer). This can be paid either by cash to a Queer Officer, Direct Deposit to CCQN or via PayPal (check the rego form for details).


Head to http://ccqn.net/queer-camp/ to download a form!


Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter



Its time to break Murdochs recent domination of this event, having won 3 out of the 4 Cross Campus Queer Games since it began in 2007, defied only once by UWA in 2009. Traditionally held by the winning campus, this year the Queer Games are a part of Queer Camp happening on Saturday August 6th at Forest Edge Waroona. Compete and support your University take home the glory and the CCQG trophy! Who will it be? Compete in your favourite events, like the dance off and prepare for some surprises as Murdoch tries to retain the trophy and the glory. Well see you there, with your Queer Department colours flying high!


What are Safer Spaces?

We say safer realising that no space can be entirely safe for everyone. Although there is often discourse on equality, we realise that not everyone experiences spaces in the same way as others. Safer spaces are welcoming, engaging and supportive. We want all members of our collective and its subsequent meetups and events to be spaces where people take care of one another. We want people to feel that they can let their hair down and be themselves, knowing that they will be supported. We are asking people to be proactive in creating safer spaces.

and continually question the privilege you have (e.g. from being older, from being an experienced activist, from utilising the space more frequently, from your ethnicity, from your gender, etc). Its YOUR responsibility to ensure you arent taking up too much space, and devaluing or disregarding the opinions and experiences of others.

Do you want to contribute to the next issue of QT ? Send submissions to ccqnwa@gmail.com

What we need to do to create a safer space: Respect peoples physical and emotional boundaries Always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing personal boundaries People observing safer spaces are asked to Respect peoples opinions, beliefs, be aware of their language and behaviour, differing states of being and differing and to think about whether it might be points of view offensive to others. This is no space for Be responsible for your own violence, for touching people without actions. Be aware that your actions do their consent, for being intolerant of have an someones religious beliefs or lack effect on others thereof, for being creepy, sleazy, racist, Take responsibility for your own ageist, sexist, heterosexist, transphobic, safety and get help if you need it ablebodiest, classist, sizist, or any other Look out for kids at all times and try behaviour or language that may not to leave anything around that would perpetuate oppression. endanger kids The space is drug free. There can be no definitive list of behaviours / comments / situations which Any individual or group engaging in viomake people feel uncomfortable. The lence or verbal assault (including sexual main thing is to concentrate on how your violence and harassment) within the space actions are affecting others, and modify will automatically be excluding themyour behaviour as appropriate. selves. The gathering will be asking them to leave the convergence space Try to remain open to discussion of ways to improve communication in the space, Adelaide Knowles


Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter

Pride WA, Daniel Smith, attracted more than 80 people. Significantly the meeting attracted three members of the Legislative Council, Greens MLCs Giz Watson and Lyn McLaren and ALP MLC Lisa Baker; as well as Connections Nightclub owner Tim Brown, and Grahame Watson, Out in Perth editor.

While the forum provided an important opportunity to allow members of the community to express their concerns and There have been growing concerns within frustrations regarding the character of the Court Perths LGBTI community over the state of the and Connections, the meetings primary focus citys two main queer venues. These concerns, was on achieving practical action to resolve which initially emerged as informal grumblings concerns. The possible actions identified were: have, during the part of this year, increasingly * to identify existing venues that could be taken on more concrete forms. First with the colonised as Queer friendly venues and to creation of a Facebook group Perth needs a investigate the possibility of establishing a new new gay pub , which had 300 members in its venue with a range of services and facilities for first two days of existence and now has more the queer community than 700 members. The establishment of group * taking direct action to highlight the problems sparked an article in Out in Perth that aired at both the Court and Connections and acting some of the issues and gave the owners of both to create safer spaces in the venues through this the Court Hotel and Connections a right of reaction formal documentation and lodging of ply to the concerns, the Cross Campus Queer complaints regarding problems Network then initiated a community forum un- * seeking to work with Pride WA to establish a der the title of Reclaiming Queer Venues held queer accreditation process for venue on March 26. endorsement CCQN in its call and media statements in the lead up to the forum identified four issues regarding venues which had motivated it to call the meeting. These were: hostile and sometimes violent security; discrimination against trans people; indiscriminate and arbitrary bannings and the enabling of sexual assault through the continued admittance of sexual predators The aim of the meeting would be to generate action that could make Perths Queer Venues safer and more inclusive of both the Queer community and the broader Perth community. The forum, which was chaired by Shamini Joseph, UWA co-Queer Officer, and prominent community member and former co-president of In the wake of the meeting there have been a number of important developments which have strengthened the campaign. This has included the establishment of Reclaiming Queer Venues (RQV) as an independent campaign coalition and a number of WA queer and queer supporting organisations adopting statements around the Court Hotel. Since being established as coalition RQV has created its own campaign website and Facebook presence as well as a Facebook page QueerCritique Perth. QueerCritique Perth initiative exists to allow members of the queer to rate Perths bars, clubs and other venues based how queer-friendly they are.

Rate Perths venues go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/QueerCritique-Perth/189801837724177?sk=wall.

Pride WA, the WA Gender Project and Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) have all made statement raising concerns regarding the Court Hotel. The Pride WA statement, passed at its AGM on March 28, criticised the Court Hotel for not contributing financially to Pride while it holds a Pride After Party that directly competes with Pride WAs major annual fund raising event. The WA Gender Project has concerns regarding the number of complaints from Perths Transgender and Transexual community regarding a sudden rise in alleged discrimination by Court Hotel Staff. These complaints relate to allegations that staff have prevented trans patrons from using the toilet they identify with, and have suggested that they use the disabled toilet if they are unwilling to use the toilet associated with their legal sex. Both the male and female toilets at the Court feature signs stating that patrons of the opposite sex found the toilet will be evicted. In an open letter to the Court PFLAG states that it is concerned at alleged increases in violence and discrimination towards members of Perths lesbian and gay community and that as the only gay and lesbian pub in Perth, it is important

weekend and thats enough for us to believe they feel accepted. RQV spokesperson Shamini Joseph rejects this argument, More people accessing a space or a pub doesnt make it safer. You need a management who take drink spiking and claims of violence seriously which the Courts management doesnt appear to be doing. If the Court was serious they would be looking at better training for their security staff, so people feel like are protected. On its Facebook page, the Court Hotel has made reference to community concerns about the need to reclaim venues, by implying that the campaign is motivated by hostility to straight people and arguing wethink you should reclaim your venue! The more the gay and lesbian and extended community come to the venue the more gay and lesbian the venue will be! Its that simple!

Joseph rejects the claim that the campaign is heterophobic, Wanting to reclaim queer venues isnt anti-hetero. Straight people are welcome in any queer space, as it is queer culture which makes a venue queer. Were not asking for less straight people to come to the Court, were asking for less homophobia, transphobia and general objectification of gay culture in our own pubs. Were asking Under these growing criticisms the for management to understand and promote ownership of the Court Hotel has been forced this culture rather than actively exploiting to respond, however their responce has thus and knowingly profiting from its demise. far failed to satisfy it critics. In response to The development of Reclaiming Queer concerns over safety, Bree Day, the Courts Venues is an important development in queer owner told the March 29 West Australian political activity in Perth. Action that has the Our venue is safer than it has ever been. We ability to not only achieve safe and genuinely welcome all peopleregardless of their sexual inclusive venues in Perth, but also to preferences and our patrons enjoy themselves empower the community to act in its own regardless of which way they identify. interests. Thousands of people enjoy the Court every Chris Latham

To get involved in the campaign emailinfo@reclaimingqueervenues.com or visit reclaimingqueervenues.com

BUILDING A QUEERIOUS COMMUNITY RQV: Perth Queer Community Organises to Achieve Safer Venues



#hackgender presents

Alien Worlds

Friday 26th August @Bar138 on Barack St Doors open at 7.00pm Tickets $10

SUPPORT THIS EVENT BY FOLLOWING MILISHA MAGAZINE ON FACEBOOK AT http://www.facebook.com/pages/Milisha-Magazine/106846309358548 OR join the forums http://milishamagazine.com/forum/#/



Milisha Magazine Issue 3 coming soon

Do you want to contribute to Milisha Magazine? Send submissions to allyneeds@milishamagazine.com
or psychologically to your express gender identity beyond the confines and boundaries imposed by biology. It is not an exact science and people going through this process need as much support as we can give them, they need to be reminded they are not alone which could include providing spaces for gender diverse people at various stages of their life journey and establishing a network of support. Sadly the private struggles of trans* and genderqueer people is often overlooked due to a lack of trans* safer spaces and a focus on look at gender diverse people as one type of Queer person the capital T in LGBTIQQAPP - when in fact there are many different transgender experiences, that need to be made a focus. Milisha is looking for trans and genderqueer members of the community to provide feedback on issues such as events, meet ups, actions and skill sharing. Milisha is currently undertaking a number of projects which include a regular Trans/Genderqueer event at the very lovely Bar 138 on Barrack St in the city, but in order to make this happen, we need support Its easy, just join the forums, like us on Facebook or follow on Twitter. All the information is easily accessible via the website: http://milishamagazine.com or follow @allyneeds and #milisha on Twitter, AllyN (editor of MM)

After 6 months of inactivity, thanks in large to technical difficulties the Milisha website is back up and online with a new look and a more active attitude. Milisha is now looking to take the trans and genderqueer agenda into public spaces, promoting autonomy and communication between peoples of diverse gender and/or sex. If supported, the community stands to gain a regular Genderqueer event in Perth thanks to the wonderful people at Bar 138, meet-ups and a zine! Discussions about trans issues in Perth have gone under the radar for too long and we want to address some of those issues internally, create policies and strategies allowing people to speak out against transphobia and cis-related privileges by creating safer spaces with the intention of better organising for a trans-specific agenda and actions in our state. Being trans* or genderqueer means that you do not identify with the sex assigned at birth and are taking measures socially, physically

Return to the Earth


Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter


2011a hard year for the community. As our community evolves with the times are we evolving to keep it strong? Where are all the floats in the Pride Parade? Where are all the people turning up to community events? What on earth has happened to people becoming members of Pride WA? Its a struggle to keep people, particularly youth, engaged in what is happening around them. Without successful fundraisers and volunteersand without an engaged and active community, how will community groups survive? The ultimate question is, what will happen if our community groups evaporate awayif we dont have a Pride Parade or services like the Freedom Centre, GRAI or GLCS? Whats more do we want to find out what would happen? The Freedom Centre saved my life anonymous. Is it because people dont have the time in their uber busy schedules to help the community? Or are we just getting more lazy as time goes on? Perhaps its a bit of both.

THE DEATH OF THE COMMUNITY 2011, what does the Perth queer community have to show for itself? Were on the verge of marriage quality, the city is rife with homophobia and transphobia, community groups are struggling to survive and meet the needs of those that use them, youth are slowly becoming less and less engaged, volunteers are an endangered species and the point of having a pride parade is being debated. Welcome to the most isolated city in the world, where the state government thinks its cool to spend a ridiculous amount of money on sport stadiums rather then arts and cultureor helping the homeless. The Perth queer community is becoming complacent. Theres an air of I dont care, we pretty much have same-sex marriage. Is this really a reason to stop working on creating a stronger community? Whether or not marriage equality does, somehow, get pushed through parliament, we are still fighting a battle. A battle for issuessuch as mental health in the diverse sexuality and gender community or gender rights for transexuals.




I by no means want to discredit the people who are actively involved in our community. They after-all work incredibly hard. But why are the same people doing so many things. Why are they left to pick up the extra work load?
One thing is for sure. Our community is struggling. But do any of us really give a crap? Who needs to work on equality when our finger tips are touching marriage equality? Lets all sit on our hands and do nothing. Lets bite the hand that feeds us. Our community. Get on board this year. Lets turn 2011 around for our community. Volunteer, even if its for one hour a week. Turn up to those events youre starting to miss! Show compassion and love for the people in your community. Living in a bubble will only last until it pops. If youve got an idea on how to create a more interactive community, email me and lets get the ball rolling! paul@pridewa.asn.au 0451147488 Paul van Lieshout Hunt Pride WA Inc (Committee of Management) AllThingsQueer Radio (Program Coordinator)

Turn the dial to 92.1 RTR FM on Mondays at 10pm to listen to All Things Queer

Tune into RTR 92.1 every Monday 10pm - 11pm for all the latest queer news, goss and music of Perth. Plus... therell be prizes and giveaways. If youre not a local, you can still listen to the show live online or download the shows. Featuring Current Affairs, News, Local stories and international, perthonalities and personalities ALL THINGS QUEER covers everything worth talking about in the Perth LGBT+ (DSG) community! All Things Queer aims to provide Perths queer community with entertainment, news and information that is relevant to us... and having a lot of fun doing it. We promote a healthy community and give people who arent Queer an insight into our culture and life!

Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter


Oh what? QC 2011 is already here? That was definitely a quick 12 months. Weve spent the past few weeks scrambling to try and sort out all the loose ends while your registrations pour in.




Do you want to contribute to the next issue of QT ? Send submissions to ccqnwa@gmail.com

It has definitely been a steep learning curve for many of us but weve taken it in our stride, as we tried (andsome of us failing miserably!) to juggle organising QC with study, work and a social life (Ha! students have asocial life?). But we hope that after much dedication and stress, weve come up with a conference that verymuch embodies our theme: Educate, Empower, Equip. Weve taken all the motions from QC 2010 and implemented them as best as we could into QC 2011. Youll notice a new Rural and Regional Caucus and a Consent Plenary. As well as continuing to hold Asexual and Bi/ Pan caucuses. We acknowledge that QC will never be 100% perfect, but we hope that everyone can walk away at the end of the week feeling like theyve gained from their experience. Queer Collaborations is all about the people. You create the content and make it a unique experience every year. Weve had big shoes to fill after a spectacular QC at Wollongong in 2010 and we hope that weve managed to live up, or exceed, everyones expectations. Speaking of/to people, dont forget that one of the most important aspects of QC is our Safer Spaces policy. Its all about respect. A simple rule of thumb is to respect others as you wish to be respected yourself, not everyone is comfortable with certain things you are used to and just like genders and sexualities, we are all different, yet come together for a common cause. We want to thank everyone who has made the long trek to Perth this year. As a journey we have to make almost every year to participate in QC, we understand the difficulties that come with trying to fundraise enough money to ensure that no one who wants to go, misses out. With that being said, welcome to Perth and Curtin University, and a big, warm welcome to Queer Collaborations 2011! QC Organing Collective 2011

Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter

Photos: Kingsley Norris




Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter





Equal Marriage Making Inroads in WA

Closer than ever before?
Were here, were queer and now we might finally be getting married. The news of an Equal Marriage Policy adoption at WAs State Labour Conference is the big step weve been looking for - an adoption of an Equal Marriage Policy from one of the two major political parties - So now. its Labour and Eric Ripper leading the charge.... Leading...Well, that is if you dont count the Greens, or the Sex Party, or Rainbow Labour, or the Socialist Alliance and many other partes except either Labour and Liberal . This could be a big step out of the Familys First / Christian Democrats closet for major parties, who now (at least in WA) statistically are proposing to give the people what they want. A chance to vote for Equal Marriage at the next state election. Who would have thought our politicians capable of that ? According the recent polls, not only do most people support same sex marriage (as many as 80% of Australians that voted support same sex marriage), they are also of the opinion that it is inevitable that queer marriage will be made legal It makes you wonder then, why major parties have taken so long to listen to the people and actually debate the nature of the Equal Marriage Act, rather than debate whether it should exist at all. I think it is a credit to activists and Queer Human Rights groups in WA who have continued to organise and come to rallies in Forest Place, marching, screaming and demanding marriage equality for all sexualities represented by our government.

Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter

Thanks to groups like Gay and Lesbian Equality, Equal Love WA and the Cross Campus Queer Network of WA who have put a lot of effort into the continuing campaign for equality, we are closer than ever before. The news of WA State Labour bringing Equal Thanks also to politicians like Rachel Siewert and Giz Watson, who have also been Marriage to the people at the next election, some of the strongest supporters in our comfollows hot on the heels of Equal Marriage, munity. that is same sex and gender diverse marriage rights being awarded in New York City. Hooray - Maybe this will accelerate a chain reaction among the weestern world, which started in Europe and is now entering its final stages for introduction into Australia (we hope). I wonder what kind of mad world it would be, if we were not presented with a Queer Marriage proposal at the next federal election. Its one of the things the Liberal and Labour can be sure the people want amidst the controversy of Super Taxes and Carbon Taxes. The next chance for you to show your support is coming up August 13th at 1pm at Forest Place on the 7th anniversary of the ban on same sex marriage. I think there is a mass wedding planned - which means another perfect excuse to go op-shopping.

August 13 Forest Place 1pm

Felix Nyan


Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter


not conform to traditional gender roles, but are not transsexual. Needless to say, a lot of trans people are unhappy about the current state of affairs. Trans people want (and need) to be able to access medical treatment (as necessary), but do not accept being labelled as disordered. Broadly speaking, the problems with the current classifications can be summarised as follows: (i) an individuals identity is considered to be the problem, rather than their anatomy; (ii) classifying transsexualism as a mental disorder is disempowering, paternalistic, and highly stigmatising; (iii) in some cases, the current classification system works against the interests of trans people by actually preventing access to treatment (why would you need physical intervention for a mental disorder?); (iv) the notion of gender identity disorder is misused to treat children who will not actually turn out to be trans, but rather same-sex attracted; and (v) classification as a mental disorder legitimises attempts by (some) psychiatrists to cure trans people. With regard to the last two points, the history of how the present classifications were developed is an interesting one, and is closely related to the pathologisation of homosexuality. After considerable pressure from activists, homosexuality was removed from the DSM-II. However, gender identity disorder was subsequently added to the DSM-III.

Our Identities are not Disordered

The Australian public health system, like most health systems around the world, is based on the following premise: an individual must be recognised as having a medical condition in order to receive treatment for that condition. Thats perhaps not the best model for a health system, but its the way it currently works, and will do for the foreseeable future. This is of particular relevance to trans people (particularly transsexual people), who want to alter their bodies with hormones, surgery, or other such methods. There are currently two systems that are used to classify medical conditions, and they overlap somewhat. The World Health Organisation (WHO) publishes the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), whilst the American Psychiatric Association publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The current version of the former system (ICD-10), contains an entry for transsexualism in the section titled disorders of adult personality and behaviour, whilst the latest version of the DSM (DSM-IV-TR) contains an entry for gender identity disorder. The two entries are defined somewhat differently; the latter is much more wide-ranging, and can also include people do



Our Identities are not Disordered

Some have argued this was a backdoor attempt to enable anti-gay psychiatrists to continue their efforts to cure homosexuality. This is not idle speculation: try an Internet search for Kenneth Zucker reparative therapy children. So, whats the solution? Some draw a parallel with the battle to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and argue that we should mount a similar campaign to remove gender identity disorder. The reality, though, is more complex. Removing these classifications entirely would prevent trans people from obtaining the limited care that is currently available. Remember, no condition means no treatment, and the costs of transition add up. Hormones (particularly some anti-androgens for trans women, or puberty-blocking GnRH agonists for children) can cost tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. Surgery (if needed) isnt cheap either. Some (wealthy, middle class) trans people still push for this approach, arguing that people can choose to pay for treatment privately, but this is a classist argument that marginalises the most vulnerable in our society. It is also implicitly a racist argument. The solution then, is twofold. Remember that we have these competing classification systems? Thats fortunate for us, because it means we can reclassify transsexualism as non-pathologising condition somewhere else in the ICD, (perhaps as a endocrine condition?), that reflects its probable aetiology as a neurological variation of sex development. Maybe give it a name-change too. Once achieved, we can then push for complete removal of gender identity disorder from the DSM. Encouragingly, moves to change the ICD are already afoot. The WHO is aware of the problems with the current system, and have called for submissions on what a revised ICD-11 might look like. Changing the DSM will prove harder. The planned fifth edition of the DSM does not look promising, and gender identity disorder has widened to include people with intersex conditions. However, with sufficient pressure, and direct-action strategies such as those used by the activists who worked to de-list homosexuality, it can be done. For more information about ways you can help with the campaign to depathologise trans identities, see: http://www.wagenderproject.org Zo Secretary, WA Gender Project (Inc)

Zoe will be a part of the Queer Collaborations Trans Plenary at Curtin University on Friday 9th July at 11.00am - 12.30pm with Aram Hosie and Lex Randolph


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TWEET Musicians for Marriage Equality in New York

Grizzly Bear (@grizzlybear) As a gay man in a 7 year relationship getting married later this year, I cant tell you How thrilled I am about NY marriage equality!!! (Ed) Passion Pit (@passionpit) Way to go New York! #progress #equality Best Coast (@bestycoastyy) Yay New York!!!! Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) The revolution is ours to fight for love, justice + equality. Rejoice NY, and propose. We did it!!! Zooey Deschanel [of She & Him] (@therealzooeyd) Hooray for New York! Its about time! Tegan & Sara (@teganandsara) Same Sex Marriage Passed in NEW YORK!!!!!! We are cheering and elated here on the West Coast. JD Samson [of MEN and Le Tigre] (@jdsamson) i cant believe im not going to be in new york tonight. omg. please go out on the street people. please dont sit in front of your computer Scissor Sisters (@scissorsisters) Im so proud to be a New Yorker, where marriage equality has been realized! Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue) Go NYC!!!!! #equalityforall Love is love is love!!!!! John Legend (@johnlegend) Happy that New York passed marriage equality tonight. A victory for human rights. Progress.

Michael Pilkington

The State home to the Greatest City in the World may actually be starting to live up to its name, as July 24th saw New York became the latest state in the US to enact marriage equality. Historically passing legislation in the State Senate by a clear majority, New York joined Connecticut, Washington DC, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont to now recognise and allow couples of the same sex to be wed. New York might be the home for many things, but its certainly a special place in the heart of many of our most beloved musicians. And it so it was with great delight that the world saw hundreds of prominent singers, bands and songwriters use their prominent public voice to come out in support of the movement for marriage equality, helping flood Twitter with tags of #marriageequality and #NY4M, which began trending here in Australia shortly after the announcement. Heres just a small collection of Tweets from the global music community which displayed some great signs of solidarity and hope for global marriage equality;



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Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter

#queerperth at a glance

The Court has not been everyones favourite venue in 2011, but for many it is still the only licenced all hours gay bar in Perth. The event is open during the day and offers a range of meals - specializing in gourmet pizzas, drag queens and kings and pop music. Its a great venue with after extensive renovations improving the indoor areas and the staged Outdoor area. A great night out, but dont expect a perfect one.

The Court (50 Beaufort St)

Bar 138 on Barrack is another Perth Venue with a visible Pride Flag (inside behind the Bar) and has in the past and is currently hosting queer events. It used to play host to Bent and is currently hosting Handbag on the 1st of July. It has also played host to the annual CCQN Genderfuck Ball for the last two years, and will be hosting the first #hackgender event in late August. Something to look forward to from this supporter of the Queer community!

Bar 138 (138 Barrack St)

Connections is the Perths oldest Queer Nightclub, opening in the 70s and the partys been going ever since. Located on James St in Northbridge it is a late night venue for dancing and partying into the early hours of the morning. Connections is popular on Wednesday, and on the weekend. It is known as THE GAY CLUB in Perth, so if you want to stay out all night, Connections is the place to go. In fact why not make it a double, by going to Connections after youre done at the Court?

Connections (81 James St)

Located in the trendy Highgate to Mount Lawley strip, Luxe Bar is Perth`s leading cocktail bar and lounge. Well known for its lavish lounge interior, Luxe Bar has now remodeled its outdoor amphitheater and lounge with a edgy bamboo theme. Luxe Bar welcome a diverse and funky crowd and is the perfect place to enjoy boutique beers, fine wines and creative cocktails. Groove the weekend away to their top lineup of DJs and percussionists.

The Luxe Bar (446 Beaufort St)


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Resuscitation or Resurrection
Weve had a good start to 2011, but at the midway point of the year, I am sad to say Edith Cowan university... Where are you !?


Need Representation
There is a small space at the Joondalup Campus and an equity space at the Mt Lawley campus, but it is our job to ensure that you have safe spaces, not just attempted safe spaces - this could include help from CCQN lobbying for better spaces, proper representation and a budget for organising events and helping people attend Queer Collaborations which can be a costly process for most WA Queer Students. If this sounds like you please contact us IMMEDIATELY at ccqnwa@gmail.com Weve already had difficulty in first semester and youve missed some great events, but there is still a whole semester left in 2011, its not too late to attend events like Queer Camp, the Masquerade Ball - and for CCQN meetings to be held at ECU. It is very important that we reconnect with ECU and I encourage all CCQN members to supportive of anyone who volunteers, because it will only get more difficult as time passes. In previous years the Queer collective was known as Exult and it had its own space, but lack of student representation might have collapsed all that was fought for in previous years. In case youre still looking for inspiration Ive included a motivational poster, to remind you that anything is possible. You will have support every step of the way. w/love CCQNWA Collective

Adelaide Knowles

The Cross Campus Queer Network is a collective organising body which comprises representatives from all our state campuses, but this year, it is unfortunate that ECU does not have any Queer Officers to represent the Queer students of their campuses in Mt Lawley and Joondalup. Over the past few years there has been a struggle, but this is the first year participation from ECU has been non-existent. Even so, if you somehow made it Queer Collaborations or to the Genderfuck Ball, thats great, but your life could be made a whole lot easier with representation. What Im hoping is that you are an ECU student, or you might know someone who is, who is Queer and interested in liasing with CCQN by attending collective meetings, and communicating with queer students from your campuses to invite them to such wonderful events as Queer Collaborations, Genderfuck Ball and Queer Camp. You will receive extensive support from Michael Pilkington and myself at events such as O-Days and sign people up to a Queer Collective mailing list, which we can also help you with. But most conveniently, you can host meetings at the ECU campuses which are the most Northern of our state Universities, which increases the accessubility of the Cross Campus Queer Network, which we want!




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Everyone loves a Masquerade. The Murdoch Queer Collective has organised just such an event for CCQNWA members at the Murdoch Tavern on the 20th October. A Masquerade ball is a masked affair filled with mystery, intrigue and creative liscence. The classic beauty of anonimity and the rules we may break when we hide our face are just some of the reasons Masquerades have gone on throughout the centuries. So dress yourself in mystery, practice being enigmatic, and dont forget to do it all in layers! See you there!




Post-Queer or Just a Boggart?

I was queer before it was cool - Just so you know. According to the Kinsey Scale, everyone is a little bit homosexual and heterosexual. So what is the tipping point that makes someone identify as either a heterosexual or a homosexual? If the truth is in between as bisexuals would tell you - then identifying as Queer has suddenly become rather non-commital in the heterosexual OR homosexual arguments - which proves that the Queer movement is a Sexual Equality movement and not a homosexual movement. spectrum is to have never questioned your sexuality, resulting in a strictly cis-gendered heterosexuality. Just saying it makes it sound a little uncommon. But... you know what? I dont feel like a majority - I dont feel like Im Queer-Winning at the moment, because despite the fact that I am happy to identify as queer, the issues and obstacles specific to my being a trans*person seem to overwhelm the muddy war for legal recognition for people of diverse sexuality and gender. Eventually the whole notion of diverse sexuality will get thrown away and it will once again just be sexuality whether homo, hetero, trans, bi, pan, omni, a, poly - it will just be sexuality right? But that is uninteresting, isnt it? Being normal? Heaven to the yes!

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Consider that within LGBTIQQPA there is are only two distinct homosexualities Lesbian and Gay, two homo-inclusive sexualities - Bisexual and Pansexual - and five diverse representations of sexuality, gender and identity which do not disclose whether or not they are homosexual - Trans*, Intersex, Questioning, Queer and Ally. But Its because once upon a time being Queer really we tend to just tote to the world that was about homosexuality, it represented we are Queer. homosexuals only, because the periphory of non-homosexuals didnt have the voice or It would surprise many an observer to note the courage to identify as Queer because they that Queer is inclusive for heterosexuals, didnt have to - They awkwardly fitted into who may present latently in Bisexuals, or society because why would you bring that Pansexuals without pre-determination, in on yourself? But now it is more acceptable Allies, and those Questioning their sexuality. now it almost a choice for straight people to Trans* people too can also have heterosexual identify as Queer because it is a movement relationships, although there is still a lot of towards equality and acceptance. But for a red tape and complications when it comes to raging, angry homo-sexual that can be one legally defining relationships which may or huge gagging timewaster. may not be heterosexual where one or both members of the relationship is trans. It can be interpretted as overly political and controlled by mainstream interests, which And so technically - If youre queer youre in the end damages and corrupts the original not necessarily homosexual right? In fact Queer Identity, which is Queers for Queers, the only way to be exluded from the Queer not Queers for social integration.


Get the latest information about Queer collaborations at http://ccqn.net/QC or follow #QC2011 on Twitter



The Wellington Young Feminists Collective A social group of self-identified feminists who enjoy casually smashing the patriarchy over wine and cheese. All ages and genders welcome. Were a fun bunch. http://wellingtonyoungfeminists.tumblr.com/

Nina here nor there: My Journey beyond Gender by Nick Krieger Sydney Star Observer on Twitter A gender-bending exploration of the land Australias one-stop GLBTI news source between man and woman, a queer coming-of- print, online and social media. Based in age story, a family dramedy, and a tale of first Sydney but provides a wonderful queer news love. Ambitious, sporty, feminine capital-L service via Twitter - probably the best queer lesbians had been Nina Kriegers type, for news service in Australia. friends that is. She hadnt had a girlfriend in Follow @star_observer on Twitter. seven years, a period shed been traveling almost non-stopsearching for what, or avoiding what, she didnt know. But when she lands in San Franciscos Castro neighborhood, her roommates introduce her to a whole new world, full of people who identify as queer, who modify their bodies and blur the line between woman and man, who It Gets Better Project Australia defy everything Nina thought she knew about This internationally queer positive project is now happening in Australia and on Facebook. gender and identity... Nick blogs at.. http://www.facebook.com/itgetsbetteraustralianproject http://ninaherenorthere.com/




Do you want to contribute to the next issue of QT ? Send submissions to ccqnwa@gmail.com

Meet Jo, Vez, Adam and Kev who together make the emerging sound of We Build Pyramids. Indie, Rock sure they are those things, but also theyre awesome - You can access their two major tracks on Triple J Unearthed at http://www.triplejunearthed. com/Artists/View.aspx?artistid=44733 or check them out and MySpace at http://www. myspace.com/webuildpyramids - and I really think you should. While theyre still a very new band, they are already a top class act, and I am looking forward to hearing more from them soon. Their two releases Time to Grill and Pinstripe are already rocking across Perth and will blow you away - Time to Grill is a classic indie rock ballad that has everything in the right places leaving you with a warm well drunk sense of soul - its a delicate song, but they pull it off in style. The second track Pinstripe is my favourite which is about a a girl who youd like to notice, but probably dont - unless you see the rainbow in her face? The song arranges itself thanks a great lead on guitar and wonderful perfomance of the vocals. Follow them on Facebook - do the search!

We Build Pyramids

If there was one movie you had to see this summer it should be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II, and because of your obsession you might feel like movies cinema experiences are only complete in 8 parts. So then X-Mens 5th installment X-Men First Class might just be the ticket. You see the story goes that extraordinary people with extraordinary costumes make extraordinary connections in order to forge a raging queer scene back in 60s getting ready to rock Stonewall AND while this was happening, the human race started to mutate - giving extraordinary powers to a select few who use their powers to flatter potential fuck buddies in hotels and bars. Throw in to the mix a frigid chameleonic rebel and the magnetic, the charismatic, umm, whats his name..? He says to call him Magneto (Im like whatever its your hour) and youve got a party. So what could break up such an orgy of wholesome freak evolution? That guy that always takes the life out of the party, in fact takes the life out of most things, nuclear reactors etc. Typical. Call the cops.

X-Men First Class

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Cross Campus Queer Network Meta

Activity on the website has been a bit quiet, due to the larger task of organising the Queer Collaborations conference - weve just been too busy! The website is still a great resource, and regular posting should resume in Semester 2, when we can reset and get back into building our network and promoting content on the website. If youd like to have some input on the website, or are interested in linking your blog, suggesting links or want to contribute directly by posting to the website, please send your enquiry to: ccqnwa@gmail.com As you know many of our events are available on Facebook and regular updates available through the @CCQNWA twitter account. Please make sure to look them up and follow if youd like to connect via social media. Similarly if you have photographs youd like to see either on the website or the Facebook page, forward those to the same email address. The website will hopefully be more accessible in Semester 2 for workgroups to organise and provide public information to those who wish to subscribe to it. Particularly projects like It Gets Better and the Safe Schools initiatives, which we hope will get more of a focus in semester 2. We look forward to your contributions and input in Semester 2 to make the website, what you want it to be.


QT is distributed once every two months in a print run, and a digital copy is made available via the website. The theme for this issue was Queer Collaborations: Building a Queerious Community, which ties in with the Queer Collaborations conference happening July 4-11 at Curtin University. Hope you made it! Contributions are not restricted to the Issues theme only, you can contribute whatever you like, but it does help the continuity of the issue if we have contributions that have the same background theme. The theme for the next issue is Bisexuality which will be set for release as soon as possible really... It just depends on content. This may or may not be in addition to the bisexuality zine, it will just depend on what comes in to us. Please send contributions to ccqnwa@gmail.com This will be the fourth issue for QT this year, and there may only be 5, unless we get support for a 6th issue. Please support QT so it continues into the future.

Contribute to QT

QT is over for another 12 months! Dont worry well be back in August for the Bi-sexual Edition! QT is Q-Zine made by volunteers of the CCQN for whoever would like to read it. If youd like to volunteer an article, or make any contribution the details of how to do so are on the inside of this back page! Look forward to hearing from you.

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