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MODULE 1: Promoting Spoken Interaction

in the Chilean EFL Classroom

Instructions 2

Rubric 6

Template 11
The assignment task is a four-stage process which aims at applying the key aspects to be analyzed in each module. What is expected to achieve is the SUCCESSFUL level of
competence, being the EXCELLENT one assigned to those assignments who exceed expectations.

The components in blue that you will encounter in the rubric will be assessed in each module, the rest of the criteria will be added in the new module assignments.

Instructions Assignment Module I

In Module I, you analyzed strategies to implement interactional talk in the classroom through controlled and freer practice, as well as providing scaffolding for students to achieve
the challenge. Now, it’s your turn to design a lesson that promotes Spoken Interaction with your students including the following information:

1. Class profile: Describe the grade/class size/ unit/level of English (beginning, intermediate, advanced)/ interests and learning preferences.
2. Objetivo de aprendizaje: Which OBJETIVO DE APRENDIZAJE will you develop? (Choose one OA from Eje de Expresión Oral)
Eje Expresión oral --> 5th grade - 6th grade
Eje Comunicación oral --> 7th grade - 8th grade
3. Learning Outcome: Design your lesson LEARNING OUTCOME to maximize interaction among students. (In Module II, you will analyze how to write SMART Learning
4. Procedure: choose an interactive pattern (individual, pair/group work/ whole class) and provide the instructions for the lesson. Write specific instructions you would give
to your students. Include what activities will you include in the stages of the lesson:
A. Opening: You can choose a warmer to motivate students. This stage may or may not be related to the lesson content. Which activity would you choose?
B. Simulation: A lead-in to the main activity is provided to create interest in the lesson. Which introductory activity would you plan to engage learners in maximizing oral
C. Instruction: The main activity of the lesson. Which activity would you include in your lesson to promote oral interaction? Would you use controlled, freer practice or
both? Which scaffolding techniques would you include to support your students?
D. Closure: The lesson may be reviewed and future learning previewed. (This stage will be developed in Module IV, please take the timing of this activity into
consideration to set it aside.)
5. Reflection: How would you include some aspects from this module in your teaching practice? (Reflect upon the experience of lesson design to promote spoken
interaction. Use these questions to guide your reflection).
- What steps did I follow to plan the activity?
- How did I feel when I was planning the activity?
- What was good and not so good about the experience?

Components Excellent Successful Needs Development MODULES
Each component will be
assessed in:
Class Profile Describes the context of the Describes all required aspects Does not describe the context OR 2 MODULE 1
Describe the grade activity in detail including all the mentioned in “class profile” or more aspects are missing.
you select for this required aspects adding description.
assignment, the sociocultural aspects*.
number of students in
that class and which
unit from the national
syllabus you will focus
on. Describe their level
of English, their
interests, and their
learning preferences.

Learning outcome The LO is linked to the national The LO is linked to the national The LO is not clear because: MODULE 2
Provide your learning syllabus, describing the cognitive syllabus, describing the cognitive skill. (any of the reasons below)
outcome for the lesson skill. - It does not state the skills and/or
based on the national
syllabus (Bases The learning outcome is The learning outcome is SMART contents that need to be developed
curriculares). SMART (specific, measurable, (specific, measurable, achievable, in the lesson.
achievable, relevant, and/or relevant, and/or time-bound). - It is not linked to the national
The learning outcome is time-bound). syllabus.
SMART. - It is not SMART.
The LO includes attitudinal skills. - It describes the activity students
will perform, not the cognitive skill
and content.

Success criteria Includes more than 2 success Includes at least 2 success criteria The Success criteria (any of the MODULE 2
Statements of what criteria that are linked to the LO that are linked to the LO, using clear reasons below):
students are expected to using clear language and language and describing what - are not present
do to demonstrate that a
learning outcome has describing what successful successful learning looks like. - are not linked to the learning
been achieved learning looks like. outcome.
- don’t aim at the skill, content, or
Includes at least one SC related OA (National curriculum) students
to attitudinal skills. develop in the lesson.
Assumptions Describes at least 3 or more Describes at least 2 assumptions: Does not describe the participants’ MODULE 2
What you think learners assumptions mentioning both: assumptions on what learners
already know and what what learners already know AND One assumption makes reference to already know or possible difficulties.
may be difficult for them
what may be difficult for them. what learners already know. OR
AND The description does not correspond
It includes how students might to an assumption.
behave with different activities. One assumption makes reference to OR
E.g.: students might feel what learners don't know. The description does not correspond
engaged with the activity since to the LO.
they like technology

Anticipated The teacher shows his/her The teacher shows his/her awareness There is little or no awareness of MODULE 2
problems and awareness describing 3 potential describing 2 potential problems for potential problems for the learners
solutions problems for both the learners both the learners AND the teacher AND teachers.
Aspects learners may AND the teacher, and proposes and provides appropriate and No solutions are proposed
have difficulties with or effective, feasible, and contextualized solutions. OR
be unsure about. Issues
for teachers, how will the contextualized solutions. The solutions are not related to the
teacher deal with these? problems exposed above,
E.g. Classroom OR
management The number of problems does not
match the number of solutions.

Procedure Procedure Procedure Procedure MODULE 1

Describe the activities In at least 2 of the lesson stages, In the instruction stage, students The activities do not relate to the
that you will developed topic OR do not promote interaction
students perform an activity(ies) perform an activity(ies) that promote
A. Opening: a warmer that promote the following the following spoken interaction skills: among students.
to motivate students spoken interaction skills: - short exchange of phrases OR
(this may or may not be - short exchange of - fixed expressions Activities promote 4 or less of the
related to the lesson following spoken interaction skills:
phrases - casual expressions
B. Simulation: a lead-in - fixed expressions - back channeling - short exchange of phrases
activity to create - casual expressions - opening and closing phrases - fixed expressions
interest in the lesson. - back channeling - casual expressions
C. Instruction: the main - opening and closing - back channeling
activity of the lesson to
promote oral phrases - opening and closing phrases
interaction. (controlled, OR
freer practice or both) Students have the chance to
Describe the
scaffolding techniques
perform a freer activity with their
to support your peers developing all the spoken
students interaction skills.
D. Closure: the lesson
may be reviewed and
future learning
previewed. (This
stage will be
developed in Module
IV, please take the
timing of this activity
into consideration to
set it aside.)

Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions MODULE 1

The description of the The language used in the The language used in the instructions Instructions are not always specific,
tasks for each stage is instructions is student oriented. is student oriented.
divided into smaller
concrete, sequential. They are too
steps. The instructions All the instructions are specific, All the instructions are specific, long and/or the description is too
are specific, concrete, concrete, sequential, and concrete, sequential, and promote the confusing. They are not divided into
and sequential, promote the use of L2 along with use of L2 along with the lesson. smaller steps. No other support but
promoting the use of L2. the lesson. Some sort of support is mentioned. oral instructions are provided.
Besides, the teacher provides
the description of the activity and
explicit instruction s/he would
give to the students.
Scaffolding Scaffolding techniques Scaffolding techniques Scaffolding techniques MODULE 1
techniques The activities are supported by The activities are supported by The activities are not supported by
The activities are scaffolding techniques that scaffolding techniques that contribute scaffolding techniques.
supported by procedural contribute to the students’ to the students’ success in the OR
or content techniques.
success in the different activities. different activities. The scaffolding techniques are not
The teacher uses at least one of The teacher uses at least one of the related to the activities performed by
the techniques from both types techniques described in either the students.
of scaffolding (procedural and procedural or content scaffolding: OR
content scaffolding) The scaffolding techniques are not
Procedural scaffolding: preparation suitable for the learners.
Procedural scaffolding: time, pair work, modeling.
preparation time, pair work, OR
modeling. Content scaffolding: items on board or
Content scaffolding: items on chunks on cards, scripts, and
board or chunks on cards, speaking sequences.
scripts, and speaking sequences.

Resources Materials and resources are Materials and resources are chosen Materials and resources are not MODULE 2
Describe the resources chosen according to the tasks according to the tasks and are present in the lesson plan.
and materials used in the and are detailed for each stage detailed for each stage of the lesson. Materials do not match the learning
Include the resources of the lesson. E.g.: Video from youtube outcomes for the lesson.
and material in the Materials are suitable for the E.g.: Book “Stepping up” page 45 Materials are just listed.
designated area. students’ characteristics and the E.g.: video
learning outcomes, promoting E.g.: students’ book
the development of contents and
E.g.: video about healthy habits
of children in Chile.
E.g.: Book “Stepping up” page
45, text about healthy habits

Differentiation The differentiated task The differentiated task addresses no The differentiated task addresses MODULE 3
The differentiated task: addresses the following aspects: less than five of the following four or less of the following
- considers learners' aspects: aspects:
preferences and
characteristics. ➔ considers learners'
- offers a varied level of preferences and ➔ considers learners' preferences ➔ considers learners' preferences
challenge in activities. characteristics. and characteristics. and characteristics.
- offers authentic learning ➔ offers a varied level of ➔ offers a varied level of challenge ➔ offers a varied level of challenge
- the activities are
challenge in activities. in activities. in activities.
sequenced, or one ➔ offers authentic learning ➔ offers authentic learning ➔ offers authentic learning
step at a time. experiences. experiences. experiences.
- uses appropriate didactic ➔ the activities are sequenced, ➔ the activities are sequenced, or ➔ activities are sequenced, or one
resources. or one step at a time. one step at a time. step at a time.
- provides decision-making
opportunities for ➔ uses appropriate didactic ➔ uses appropriate didactic ➔ uses appropriate didactic
learners. resources. resources. resources.
- offers varied interaction ➔ provides decision-making ➔ provides decision-making ➔ provides decision-making
patterns. opportunities for learners. opportunities for learners. opportunities for learners.
- considers all students in
the classroom.
➔ varied interaction patterns. ➔ varied interaction patterns. ➔ varied interaction patterns.
➔ consider all students in the ➔ consider all students in the ➔ consider all students in the
classroom. classroom. classroom.

The teacher just mentions the
differentiation activity/ies. However,
the description is vague.

AFL activities At least one of the AfL activities The AfL activities or all the AfL The AfL activities or all the AfL MODULE 4
The AfL activity/ies: or all the AfL activities presented activities presented along the lesson activities presented along the lesson
- is linked to the OA. along the lesson address the address at least three to four of the address less than three of the
- allows students to be
familiarized with the following aspects: following aspects: following aspects:
- includes feedback that ➔ is linked to the OA. ➔ is linked to the OA. ➔ is linked to the OA.
allows making ➔ allows students to be ➔ allows students to be familiarized ➔ allows students to be
- considers students’
familiarized with the SC. with the SC. familiarized with the SC.
differences in the ➔ includes feedback that ➔ includes feedback that allows ➔ includes feedback that allows
classroom allows making adjustments. making adjustments. making adjustments.
- promotes students’ ➔ considers students’ ➔ considers students’ differences in ➔ considers students’ differences
participation (self differences in the classroom the classroom in the classroom
and/or peer
assessment). ➔ promotes students’ ➔ promotes students’ participation ➔ promotes students’ participation
participation (self and/or (self and/or peer assessment). (self and/or peer assessment).
peer assessment).
The teacher just mentions the AFL
activity/ies. However, the description
is vague.

Reflection The teacher reflects on the The teacher reflects upon the effective The reflection is off-task or makes ALL MODULES
The teacher describes implicit assumptions behind the application of knowledge and skills little reference to the question being
and analyzes some decisions made in the lesson acquired in the module. asked.
aspects of this course in
his/her teaching plan, on the consequences of the
performance according to strategies included in the lesson
the new Estándares de plan, on how the lesson
Formación. connects with the curriculum,
and on the criteria/rationale
behind the decisions made.

(*) Estándares para la Profesión Docente, Marco para la Buena Enseñanza, descriptor 1
Complete Name: Camila Alejandra Oyarzún Garcés
Date of Submission: August 21st
Context: Face to face / Remote / Hybrid / Other: Face to face

Class profile: This is a 5th grade class from a subsidized school from a rural school in the Padre Las Casas city, La Araucanía region. There are 25 students (12
women and 13 men). The students have a beginning level because during the pandemic they did not have English classes; however, they participate a lot in
classes. In this class there are 7 students with special need, 2 permanents and 5 temporaries. In this opportunity they will work in unit 3 called “What we eat?”. In
general, in this group the students are active participants in the lessons, with an excellent behavior and self-discipline, they are responsible, punctual and
organized, they really like to play games, compete and participate in everything, so we can work in pairs, groups or with the whole class. In general, they have
problems with speaking because they are ashamed of their pronunciation.

OA (Bases Curriculares- Priorización Curricular):

OA12: Participar en diálogos con pares y profesores al realizar las siguientes funciones: expresar gustos y preferencias.

Lesson learning outcome: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to express their likes and preferences (orally) about healthy and unhealthy
food by using phrases such as I like , I love, I don`t like and I hate.

Lesson duration: 60’ lesson.

Stage Timing Interaction Procedure (Write the step by step)


Opening Individual - The teacher asks how are you today?

Activity that usually involves a
10 Pair Work - Students answer (happy, good, so so, ok)
warmer to motivate students.
This stage may or may not be
Group work - Students are asked if they know the words healthy, unhealthy or junk food or fast food?
related to the lesson content. Whole Class - Some students answer food is comida, and fast is rápido
(Highlight the
chosen one) Teacher : very good! So what is healthy and unhealthy? (some students guess) Let`s see a video to
help you confirm your ideas.
Students are going to watch a video about healthy and unhealthy food from Steve and Maggie show.

They confirm their answers , so the whole class is asked again So what is healthy and unhealthy?
(students answer saludable y no saludable)
That’s right! Well done!

Simulation 15 Individual - Preparation time:

Activity that promotes Pair Work -
communication among
students and introduces the Group work - Now students have to listen and read to Mark and Kim talking about a shopping list (audio 16, page 26
topic of the lesson. Usually Whole Class -
known as lead-in students’ book- speaking sequence)
(Highlight the
chosen one)
(individual) Students have to identify the food in the text and complete a chart (love, like, dislike and
hate) in their notebooks and they have to add 2 extra food in each category of their chart. Then the
teacher asks if the food in their chart is healthy or unhealthy.

Close pair work:

Students have to look an image, read, and ask their partner who are talking: the boys or the girls.
(activity 3, page 26.) Then share their answers to the class.
Then asks his/her partner what is in the bag of this image? Again they share their findings with the
class. (The teacher uses the data to project the image on the wall)

Instruction 20 Individual - Finally, as students know new vocabulary about healthy and unhealthy, students must go around the
Interactional talk activity(ies) Pair Work - class and interview 5 classmates about their food`s preferences, they must add that answers to their
during the lesson that
include(s) skills to promote Group work -
communication among
students. Opportunities for
Whole Class - previous chart (love, like, dislike, hate)
controlled or freer practice are (Highlight the
described as well as
scaffolding techniques to chosen one) The teacher asks a volunteer to show in front of the class how they have to perform this activity.
support students

Students have to use phrases on the wall to ask: What food do you like? What food do you love?
What food do you dislike? What food do you hate?

And to answer they must provide full sentences: I like________________, I

love__________________, I hate________________, I dislike_____________________

At the end of the class they can share their findings.

Closure 15 Individual - Exit ticket: (printed copies)

Pair Work - Complete these sentences as an exit ticket:
Group work -
Whole Class -
Today I learn________________________
(Highlight the
chosen one) My favorite part of the class was_________________________________.
What was difficult for you?____________________________

Reflection: How I would include some aspects from this module in my teaching practice (100- 150 words)

As a teacher it is so important to learn new techniques and strategies to teach English, stay updated, study and put in practice all the
methodologies, activities and new ideas with the students.
I have learned a lot of new things in just Module 1 such as freer practice, controlled practice, scaffolding. I use two of them, not always, but I
am going to include a lot of freer practice activities now and exit tickets. I am going to print exit tickets and keep it in a special box to be
prepared and I want to create a PPT with questions to develop oral skills, for example: how are you today? How is the weather?who is your
favorite singer, etc. I think that I am going to have good results because I have active students. I love phrases on the wall too! I cannot
imagine all the knowledge that I am going to acquire and put into practice soon.

Use these questions to guide your reflection.

- What steps did I follow to plan the activity?

- How did I feel when I was planning the activity?
- What was good and not so good about the experience?

Complete the following statements:

- The steps I followed to plan my activity were use the text book plus the planning used in the workshop, it was like a guide to start working for my first

- When I was planning this activity, I felt overwhelmed because this planning has a lot of requirements and steps to follow and also because it was a hard
week for me… my daughter and mom were sick, my husband was working far away and I have to take a lot of tests and evaluations to close the

- What was good about this experience was that I focus on the rubric and details of it, but something I didn’t like was that I spent a lot of time writing it.

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