Set Theory or Venn Diagram - 1

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A Venn diagram is a diagram that represents the relationship between and among a finite group
of sets. It was introduced by John Venn around 1880. These diagrams are also known as set
diagrams or logic diagrams showing different sets of operations such as the intersection of the
set, union of the set, and difference of sets. It is also used to represent subsets of a set.

For example: a set of natural numbers is a subset of whole numbers which is a subset of
integers. The relationship between a set of natural numbers, whole numbers, and integers can
be represented by the Venn diagram.

Some basic formulas for Venn diagrams of two and three elements:

(1) Venn Diagram for 2 Sets:

Formula: n(A ∪ B) = n(A ) + n( B ) - n(A ∩ B)

Venn diagram in case of two elements

X = number of elements that belong to set A only
Y = number of elements that belong to set B only
Z = number of elements that belong to set A and B both (AB)
W = number of elements that belong to none of the sets A or B
From the above figure, it is clear that
n(A) = x + z ;
n (B) = y + z ;
n(A ∩ B) = z;
n ( A ∪ B) = x +y+ z.
Total number of elements = x + y + z + w

(II) Venn Diagram for 3 Sets

n(A ∪ B ∪ C) = n(A ) + n( B ) + n(C) - n( A ∩ B) – n( B ∩ C) - n(C ∩ A) + n(A ∩ B ∩ C )
Venn diagram in case of three elements

Key Notes:
Total = A+B+C – Both (AB) – Both (BC) –Both CA) – None + All three (ABC)

A = (a + w + z + y) Both (AB) = (w + z)
B = (b + w + z + x) Both (BC) = (x + z)
C = (c + x + z + y) Both (CA) = (y + z)
Only (A) = a All three = z
Only (B) = b Both (A) to/and (B) = (w + z)
Only (C) = c Both (A and B but not C) = w
Only (A) to/and (B) = d Both (B and C but not A) = x
Both (A and C but not B) = y
At least – one of the three = none
Step-1: First our target to find the value of (z)
Step-2: Next target is to find (w, x, y)
Step-3: Finally, find the value of (a, b, c)

Problems on Two Variable Venn diagram
Q-1: In a college, there are 500 boys. Among them, 150 boys plays Hockey and 50 boys plays
only Football, 10 boys playing both Football and Hockey. Find how many boys neither
playing Hockey nor Football?

Ans: 300
Q-2: In a class of 50 students, each of the student passed either in Mathematics or in Science
or in both. 10 students passed in both and 28 students passed in Science. Find how many
students passed in Mathematics?

Ans: 22
Q-3: The population of a town is 10,000. Out of these 5400 persons read newspaper ‘A’ and
4,700 persons read newspaper ‘B’. 1,500 persons read both the newspapers. Find the
number of persons who do not read either of the two newspapers?

Ans: 1400
Q-4: In a school 150 students passed X – standard examinations. 95 students applied for Group-
I and 82 students applied for Group-II in the higher secondary course. If 20 students
applied neither of two, how many students applied both Groups?

Ans: 47
Q-5: In a group of 60 people, 27 like cold drinks and 42 like hot drinks and each person likes
at least one of the two drinks. How many like both cold drink and hot drink?
Ans: 9
Q-6: In a group of 100 persons, 72 people can speak English and 43 can speak French and each
person speak at least one of the two languages. How many can speak English only? How many
can speak French only and how many can speak both English and French?
Ans: (57, 28, 15)
Q-7: In a college, 200 students are randomly selected. 140 like tea, 120 like coffee and 80 like
both tea and coffee.
Find out:

(a) How many students like only tea? (60)

(b) How many students like only coffee? (40)
(c) How many students like neither tea nor coffee? (20)
(d) How many students like only one of tea or coffee? (100)
(e) How many students like at least one of the beverages? (180)
Q-8: There are 35 students in art class and 57 students in dance class. Find the number of
students who are either in art class or in dance class.
(a) When two classes meet at different hours and 12 students are enrolled in both activities. (80)
(b) When two classes meet at the same hour. (92)
Problems on Three Variable Venn diagram
Q-1: In a class of total 71 students like three different subjects Maths / Physics / Chemistry. At
least each studying one of the three subjects. 41 students like Maths, 22 like Physics, 48
like Chemistry. 13 students like Maths to Physics, 21 students like Maths to Chemistry
and 15 students like Chemistry to Physics. How many students like all three subjects?
Ans: (9)

Q-2: In a competition, a school awarded medals in different categories. 36 medals in dance, 12

medals in dramatics and 18 medals in music. If these medals went to a total of 45 persons
and only 4 persons got medals in all the three categories, how many received medals in
exactly two of these categories?

Ans: (13)

Q-3: Each student in a class of 40 plays at least one indoor game chess, carrom and scrabble.
18 play chess, 20 play scrabble and 27 play carrom. 7 play chess and scrabble, 12 play
scrabble and carrom and 4 play chess, carrom and scrabble. Find the number of students
who play (i) chess and carrom. (ii) Chess, carrom but not scrabble.

Ans: (i) 10 (ii) 6

Q-4: In a class 106 students, each student studies at least one of the 3 subjects Maths, Physics
and Chemistry. 48 of them study Maths, 51 of them Physics and 53 of them Chemistry.
16 students study Maths and Physics, 17 students study Maths and Chemistry and 18
students study Physics and Chemistry.

Find out:
(a) The number of students who study exactly two subjects? (11+13+12)=36
(b) The number of students who study more than one subject? (11+13+12)+5=41

(c) The number of students who study all three subjects? (5)

(d) The number of students who study exactly one subject? (20+22+23)=65

(e) The number of students who study Physics and Maths but not Chemistry? (11)
Q-5: 100 college students were surveyed and it was found that all of them have visited at least
one of the three towns; Austin (TX), Boston (MA) and Chicago (II).
53 of the students visited Austin.
52 of the students visited Boston.
65 of the students visited Chicago.
19 of the students visited Austin and Boston.
28 of the students visited Boston and Chicago.
31 of the students visited Austin and Chicago.
38 of the students visited exactly one of three cities; Austin, Boston and Chicago.

Find out:
(a) How many students visited only Austin? (11)
(b) How many students visited only Boston? (13)
(c) How many students visited only Chicago? (14)
(d) How many students visited both Austin and Boston but not Chicago? (11)
(e) How many students visited both Boston and Chicago but not Austin? (20)
(f) How many students visited both Austin and Chicago but not Boston? (23)
(g) How many students visited all of three cities; Austin, Boston and Chicago? (8)

Q-6: 100 People took part in Wine tasting survey and the following results were recorded.
86 liked Wine-A
89 liked Wine-B
90 liked Wine-C
83 like Wine-A and Wine-B
85 like Wine-B and Wine-C
81 like Wine-A and Wine-C
80 like all three Wines

Draw Venn diagram and then find:

(a) How many people like none of the three Wines? (4)
(b) How many people like Wine-A but not Wine-B? (3)
(c) How many people like any Wine except Wine-C? (2+3+1)=6
(d) How many people like exactly two of the three Wines? (3+5+1)=9
(e) Given that a person likes Wine-A, find the probability that they like Wine-C? [ ]

Q-7: In a survey of 500 students of a college, it was found that 49% liked watching football,
53% liked watching hockey and 62% liked watching basketball. Also, 27% liked
watching football and hockey both, 29% liked watching basketball and hockey both and
28% liked watching football and basketball both. 5% liked watching none of these games.

Find out:
(a) How many students like watching all the three games? (15 % of 500) = 75.
(b) Find the ratio of number of students who like watching only football to those who
(9% of 500) 9
like watching only hockey. = [ ] = 3:4
(12% of 500) 12
(c) How many students like watching only one of the three given games? (9% + 12% +
20%) of 500 = 205
(d) How many students like watching at least two of the given games? (12 + 13 + 14 +
15)% i.e. 54% of 500 = 270.


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