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‘Lourse Code: TOU i horas EDUCATION ‘OU 041 -Risk Management : . SAS Day 6 Nan 5; ica Ann Sure Bogdan Lowndes, fsa « poree (MCF) sac sgserena A ci = LVL LLV cesT “Lesson title: Risk Analysis Materials: Lesson Objectives SAS At the end of this module, I should be able to References: 1. Understand the importance of identifying and analyzing Risk 2. Know what criteria should be measured 3. Know what level of risk a business encounter Teacher's Gade Productivity Tips: A. LESSON PREVIEW/REVIEW Enumeraie at least 5 occupation that fall under Low. Average and High risk workplace, LOW RISK WORKPLACE. AVERAGE RISK WORKPLACE | HIGH RISK WORKPLACE i waiters Look Syne cologi Sts fl t EGE So aaecacaraes at Sales\ady | Physicians | Teachey Chemist zl Hovseketpe |_ Electrician Cashion las Pier | Activity 1 Instruction: The Graph is illustrating the Cost Risk analysis of one business. What is your interpretation on the result of this analysis? Cost Risk Analysis The higher fee Waner ratty £ a : oneNe CoA: TOU Ek Mans 1 SAS Day 6 0 & ren eardes Erica Ann ¥. oO dBsHMo4 fege ~I206 (MIby 1) Aetay 3. Shilling Actes é 4 Actin Mtr completing each oxrce, OW may Yer oh Ky a Coarecans of ce Arerene before looking atthe fecdback. for Feedback. Try tn complete Prcreise 5 Practice the Risk Analysis Assessment table, different risks. You co cts say that you have your own HotcMrestaurant and you eng: tee table by stating the possible problems or teas of your busincxy nop the 1 box provided below. 2 Interpret the | | | ACCEPTABLE TOLERABLE, 4 1 | | | Shortage Equipment IMPROBABLE | Experienced | Breakdown | risks | Travel \ fe esa ie | | Property | otininat Cyoer | POSSIBLE ie | ; | : | Ovime, | on) | ae Eyposucy, | Anvervogt! Bi psa _ __ - | Continue: | Gvest SI Premises Food and | Resta sey cs | enanging” | PROBABLE | ii | Liaor lity Prodvex Tecnnels gy | 2 a ae _| tisivey | a improbaicle) possible , or probable risk, they ae classified! | io i 1 inte aweptale , tole abl. mauceptable , intolerable but acceptable docsrit mec thot tt isp harmful: in every e Rein Course Cute: FOU D4 Risk Managemen SAS Dag Boguiren jLourges Erica Ann F. Desa Gin Fea BSHIM AOS. [9:90 -[2:00 (MIP) ‘ Exercise 2 Check your Risk 4 (shaded with red). Y problems. U alysis Matri, at the bottom right portion of the table awrite the 2 threats betow and know the root Whore your major threats ean be found. tuse of these threats and think on how to lessen the Colamities and other vance ns Business ' i : Panderic Caused tyes | threats. can't deg concrete selution | Buy we cam mitigate sans. Like fir the restavrant we later cupttoy con deliver She orders ana in WETS WE com ass a provi, colin Yat avle to be rented: Cortieeastiy Change is the orly constant jn the worid 2 that cause for the Flactuating trends i the, Chenging morket: We can adapt for phe charges - Adjust - caSues METS are important. we can also” make ovr WH teen thot the consveer will deFinitery | demanas fee hon response the questions a. Who's responsible in doing Risk Analysis? eryone _es pecially _ those in _o workplace 1b, Ifa business don’t mind risk s, what would be the possi Business Might fail and can't find ony solutions fh its ies - s

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