Media Bypass, Sept 1996, Vol 4 No 9

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September 1996 • Vol. 4, No. 9
Preparing for War ? ~
Jim Thomas
Administrative Assistant to the Publisher
Bobby Pruitt
Will the lives of American military men and women be sacri-
ficed in an effort to ensure a second Clinton term as president?
The threat of war is always a fearful thought. It becomes even 0
more so when war is used to further the private agenda of public
officials. An alarming possiblity exists that our troops are being
sent into harm's way solely for political purposes. We already ~
have witnessed the deaths of our troops in the Saudi Arabia bomb- a:
ing. Should they even have been stationed there?
Bob Sides Today, we see further evidence that our military may be used as 1'1
Director of Satellite Communications
Greg Meadows
Broadcast Productlo.n Coordinator
pawns in the struggle by politicians to retain power over this
nation. ...Illa
Why have 800 troops from the lOlst Airborne at Fort Campbell
Michael Crawley 0
Legal. Counsel
been deployed to the Middle East? Is America's military might
being prepared for a war? The Clinton Administration continues to
oulders. meddle in matters they should not.
Fi!m llnaging If Clinton's cohorts cannot point to specifics that indicate a
g Solutions, Inc. direct, real threat to our national interests, they should refrain from
intlng by their globe-hopping meddling in the affairs of other nations, and,
Harmony Printing & Development Co. return our troops to the safety of our shores immediately.
Graphic Designer
CAM II Ken Harper
chael Brown
d Carroll
. Cash
--------------Across Our Nation--------------
,L~'Wrence Myers
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Lesson in Manners V::i
Dr. Thomas Sowell
Despite the sad circumstances that have brought some federal
folks to Camden (Ark.) to investigate a local church fire, it appears ~
Gus R. Stelzer
Mark& Tina Terry our community might have given them a positive experience to -~
James Thomas
'r Williams take home. >-..

bout ~ubscriptio:nll,
According to a report of a conversation overheard at a local \Q \Q
~MtJrg or radio inter
1 business, federal agents should have learned a little about how 0\
eal)jrl.g ($12) 477-867Q. '
pni (CST) Monday
civility and manners still exist in a small southern town. ~
Bypass Magazine Apparently, one of the agents entered the local business, flashed ..... ~
cl)tions, Inc. assume no his impressive badge and let it be known that he was of such
respdnsihility for the reliability of advertise- b;;
ments presented in the magazine. Thank you. importance that his needs were to be served ahead of those cus- ~
tomers who had preceded him. >:l
The owner of the business is said to have politely explained to
the agent about the customers ahead of him. When the agent ~
appeared unimpressed with the small town notion of customers OQ>:l
being served in order, the business owner explained to the agent N.;:::. .
that when he left town, his other customers would still live here ~
and that he fully intended to fill his customers orders in the order Oo I

they had been placed. a

mayor may a
Media Byptt,SS, So, the agent was told politely, he would be served in the order -!::..

its staff, or its aavertJsers. All submissions that he arrived, just as all the other customers would be served. b;;

to Me.diq, Bypass or; its editorial staff

become the property of Media Bypass/Txee Top
Thus one of the fine folks of Camden was able to provide some ~
Communications fuc.. Contents© 1996 Media big city fellas with a valuable service free of charge - a lesson in ~ V::i
Bypass. Reprint permission: call812-477-8670.
civility and manners. V::i
Camden News, Camden, Ark. 1

Media B1nass
Election '96

Constitutional Candidates
Attempting to gain elected office
without the support of the
Democrat or Republican parties is
difficult in of itself. The task
becomes more challenging when
confronted by voter apathy and
a lack of funding. The key to
success, according to, Candace
Turner, the executive director of
the Committee to Elect
Constitutional Candidates, is to
focus maximum effort at the
neighborhood precinct level.
Page 24 ..................... By Rich Azar

Clinton's Career
Actions, or the lack of them,
follow us through life. Bill
Clinton's political history offers
readers a chilling display of the
man behind the public persona he
has carefully crafted. Part one of
our series on Clinton's career
examines his rise to political
power in Arkansas.
COVER STORY Page 26 ...... By Clayton R. Douglas

Dole's Career
"Angel of Death" Career politician, pet of the
special interest groups, the bane
"There are old spies and there are of We the People, Robert Dole's
political history is a textbook
bold spies, but, there are no old example of how to succeed in a
Congress that serves the financial
bold spies." Charles Hayes may masters of this country and
abroad. His debilitating influence
well be the exception. His long on the nation's economy is
directly linked to his actions on
tenure as a CIA operative has behalf of special interests. Who
did Dole serve during his long
ended but he's still in the game. tenure in the Senate?
Page 30 ...... By Clayton R. Douglas
Page 32 ..................... By Lawrence Myers

Freemen Update .......... Pg. 10

John Doe #2:

on the Lam ................... Pg. 12

C.A.L.L. Rally............... Pg. 15

Kentucky Bar............... Pg. 16

Operation Boptrot.. ...... Pg. 17

Brown Crash Update ... Pg. 18

MBRN Update ............. Pg. 20 Gus Stelzer.................. Pg. 8 Dignity of Children ....... Pg. 40

School Vouchers .......... Pg. 22 Dr. Thomas Sowell. ..... Pg. 9 Nullifying an Election ... Pg. 40

Media/Law.................... Pg. 36 Jim Thomas ................. Pg. 21 Using Pepper Spray. .... Pg. 41

Grand Jury................... Pg. 38 Dr. Walter Williams ...... Pg. 23 Subsidized Sleaze ....... Pg. 42

Michael New Returns .. Pg. 39 Sarah McClendon ....... Pg. 37 Christian Teachers ....... Pg. 43 ~
Atlanta Bombing .......... Pg. 46 Open Letter to Pregnant Troops .......... Pg. 43 ~
IRS Commissioner...... Pg. 48 ~
Home Schooling .......... Pg. 47 Headline Bias .............. Pg. 44 \Q

I Corrections & Clarifications I s·
Missouri Voting .......... Pg. 4 * The August report "Economic System Corrupt: Former Harvard ~
Insider" incorrectly reported author Kenton W. Elderkin holds an MBA 1:)
Losing the Farm ......... Pg. 4 from Northwestern University. The degree was earned from Northeastern "'
University. ~ ()q
FDA Tyranny............... Pg. 4 *Orson Welles fan P.T. called to advise the Welles quote on page 3 of the N
August issue was said by Welles while in character during the movie "Third s·
Man." .......
Pay As You Go .......... Pg. 5 I
* Many readers have requested followup information related to the a
Christian Identity report in the July issue. Pastor Pete Peters ' address is I

"Free" Education ........ Pg. 5 "Scriptures for America," 122 Mason Lane, Laramie, WY 82070. Books

can be ordered from Sacred Truth Ministries, P.O. Box 18, Mountain City, ~
Christian Identity ........ Pg. 6 TN 37683. ~

'all their glory.
~n.r'lrt•~~and telephone n for the purpose of verification. Address
letters to: Editor, Media Bypass, P.O. Box 5326, Evansville, IN 47716.
Fax: 812-477-8677. Telephone: 812-477-8670. Email:

30 percent, Keyes 9 percent. A full 26 per- Food Supplements

cent were UNCOMMITTED. This is the Access Targeted
full extent that Buchanan "won." At the state Dear Editor,
level, Dole won 14 delegates and Buchanan Early in April of 1996 Congress passed
won 11, with Keyes getting two (those two and the President signed into law S1028 &
may have been given to Dole now) . HR3103. Congress, without telling anyone,
Despite the explanations I was given, I slipped in unnoticed a rider to that bill (now
doubt that Buchanan was nudged out fairly. law) which gives the FDA authority to close
Still, given the facts , my thunder was stolen down all health food stores and now require
too much to make a stink about Buchanan a doctor's prescription for vitamins, herbs,
Missouri's Voting Process
and Missouri. and other food supplements.
I mean, he did not win Missouri when the The FDA is now working on implement-
Dear Editor, three stages of elections were completed. ing this new law. It's a done deal.
I talked to you on the telephone a week He only won the first part, and even then This rider is the United Nations World
or so ago in regard to the Votescam article in ONLY if you don't count the whopping 26 Health (WHO) Organization Codex Ali-
the May issue. percent uncommitted delegates. mentarious Commission Program to control
I was concerned because Mr. Collier I think it was a little deceiving for Collier all food supplements worldwide. The com-
claimed that Pat Buchanan won in Mi ssouri , to state that Buchanan won Missouri. Still, mission members are all from the giant
and the Republican headquarters told me he Buchanan was very close to taking Dole, drug companies and the public has zero
did not. You said you would like to hear even with the "official" numbers, and indeed representation.
what I could find out about this. the media did not shout about it. Not long ago Norway passed into law
First let me say that the reason I contact- And, as Collier stated, why was this this identical program and already their
ed them was not that I doubted Mr. Collier. honest election so atypical of the rest of government has closed down more than
I was very angry that the mainstream media the country if the rest of the country was half of their health food stores and closings
suppressed this event and I wanted the satis- honest? continue there.
faction of hearing the Republican headquar- Thank you so much for what is surely a This program is required by all signa-
ters admit to me the truth. very exhausting job. Your magazine is enor- tures to the GATT treaty so it is now being
I wanted them to give me their explana- mously valuable to this country. Keep the implemented in the U.S. and to hell with
tion as to why it was suppressed, and to be established powers angry! what the public thinks about it.
sure they knew people were aware and angry. Steve Davis This whole situation is a prime example
I also wanted to clarify things so I could write Wadesville, IN of what the Freemen of Montana and simi-
newspaper editors and politicians without lar groups this country are trying to alert the
making mistakes that would discredit me. Are You Ready public to.
The answer they gave, that Buchanan did To Lose The Farm? I think our Congress has a lot of explain-
NOT win, took me by surprise. Dear Editor, ing to do. I also suspect that most of them
What I have found out is that Media Is the media deaf, dumb and blind? Can have no idea what they voted for.
Bypass (Mr. Collier) was indeed co!Tect, no one see that Bob Dole is throwing this Shame on them.
"sort of." Missouri held their local caucus election the same way George Bush did, and Joseph Guardiani
elections March 9. for the same reason ? Bozeman,MT
At this level the people onl y nominate One talk show host who always backs
delegates from their district, those with the losers said he wondered who was giving Pleased With Your Reporter
most backing win the nomination. I am told Dole such bad adv ice. Dole is not taking Dear Editor,
that in many areas almost no one attends the advice. Dole is taking orders, from David Recently we were honored by the fact,
caucuses, and often the same people are Rockefeller. you sent your reporter Lawrence W. Myers
elected year after year without even com- Why should the CFR want fellow travel- to cover our meeting, where Jim Wickstrom
mitting themselves to a candidate. er Bob Dole, when they already have Bill was speaking.
Half of these delegates will go to a Clinton, CFR member, who has been fol- Your publication is indeed blessed to
Governors Convention and half to a State lowing orders explicitly. have an associate on staff displaying such
Convention where votes are cast as to how Besides, Clinton has this great scheme professionalism as your man Myers.
many delegates each presidential candidate working whereby he is not responsible for We find your magazine to be by far a-
will get from those delegates going to anything that happens in the executive head of the other publications we've been
San Diego. branch . What better setup could they want? exposed to.
At the local election stage, committed Pat H. Hadsell Please find the enclosed check to enter
delegates were: Buchanan 35 percent, Dole Alvarado, TX our subscription.
-- - -- -- -- - - - - -- - - - -


Keep up the good work and may you

enjoy the many blessings I'm certain await
cost of the interest on the national debt.
Gluttonous taxes are progressively con-
family. Mr. Schweitzer responded by saying
that was the problem. The men had lost the i:II
you as you pursue your noble endeavor.
John & Elaine Roberts
suming America's standard of living because
we continue to ignore the real economic
freedom of this country. He felt that men
should be the Notary Publics because they
Athens, TN malignancy called "bonded indebtedness."
If we as a nation and states are to survive
should take the responsibility for getting the
freedom back for this country. He also said n
Eyewitness as viable communities, our governments women could be notaries.
Sees Different Story must stop borrowing. The governments I would suggest the issues of women til
Dear Editor, must follow the examples of wise and thrifty having standing or no standing is more part
I read the article by Sarah McClendon companies and people who invest or save of a philosophical point of view, than it is
(June, 1996) with a degree of amusement their money before they buy an item they necessarily part of Common Law.
and astonishment. I do not know what this can't immediately afford. I wanted to clarify this for your readers
reporter is talking about: "obsolete 1960 Where is the logic in buying a $I ,000 and thank you.
computers." For the information of yourself item on credit because you can't afford to Gwenn Wycoff
and your readers, Sarah is just plain wrong! spend that amount, when at the end of that Managing Director
The computers I used during my last assign- credit cycle the item cost you, depending
ment prior to retirement were Pentiums on the interest rate, about $I, 150? You are There Is No "Free" Public
with CD-ROMs as well. We had laser print- $150-plus poorer than if you had saved Education
ers as well. In fact, the digitizing of the the same monthly payments for the year, Dear Editor,
battlefield we were involved with utilized collected the interest and paid cash. As the November election draws near,
state-of-the-art equipment and we had NO Maybe you, as an individual, don't pos- candidates can be expected to increase their
troubles with contractors at any point. sess this financial discipline, but there is appeals to voters with promises of taxpay-
Soldiers in the field had excellent equip- absolutely no reason for a government with ers' money. During his commencement
ment as well that which was "hardened" to needs or wants something to invest dedicat- speech at Princeton University, President
the extremes of the battlefield as to climate, ed taxes over a period of time, and when Clinton proposed a $1,500 per year tax
environment, etc. it has accumulated the funds it needs, it pays credit for college students attending public
If one would just think for a moment as it goes. colleges, or a $10,000 tax deduction for
and consider what" 1960s computers" were: Donald Gill the parents of students attending private
tubes, punch cards, etc. One would surely West Warwick, RI colleges. He added that he wants to increase
realize that McClendon does not know the number of years of "free education"
what she is talking about...period! A Time And Place For All Issues from 12 to 14 years.
It is sad that this sort of misinformation Dear Editor Clinton's $5.8 billion proposal will like-
is being put out. I can only wonder what Your May, 1996 Media Bypass carried a ly lure some young voters to choose him in
the intent is? To malign the military whose wonderful article on the Freemen. All of us the Fall. But it will entice even more of the C;j

role is the defense of the nation including at Perceptions magazine truly support your professors and bureaucrats whose jobs will
those who are detractors. good work and especially the research that become far more secure should Congress
Richard H. Whaley went into this particular article. enact his scheme. All federal funding in the ~
Salem, Utah We personally have been involved with field of education, however, remains totally ~
people who know these Freemen, and have
had correspondence with Mr. Schweitzer.
The word "education" does not appear in
Should Pay As It Goes On page 38 of your May, 1996 issue, you the document Clinton and all government \Q

Dear Editor, wrote what a Freeman believes: employees have sworn to uphold. Federal ~
It isn't the cost of Social Security, "3) Women -- A woman has no standing aid has led a sharp decline in the quality of ~
Medicare, welfare, minimum wage, pen- among sovereigns unless she is a single schooling just as it has Jed to a sharp
sions, etc. that has driven the country, the woman. Even then, although she is respon- increase in its cost.

states and almost every city and town into sible for her own actions, she had no author- As taxpayers have learned, there's no
financial chaos. ity to vote, sit on juries, or conduct war. such thing as "free" education, or "free" 1::1
What has fueled the fire of America's Their women historically have been sub- anything the government provides. The fed- "'"'
financial chaos is the interest and other costs servient, although this is not always the eral government must be forced to obey the ~
related to bonded indebtedness. case." Constitution which mandates complete sep- 1::1
The federal government has amassed Recently, I was invited to participate aration of school and federal involvement. s·
such a gigantic bonded indebtedness it can't in the setting up of a Common Law Court God Bless America.
afford to pay on the principal and is just here in Southern California. Several women Maxine Cleghorn 0:,
about managing to pay the growing annual were involved. Some of them were married. La Crescenta, CA
interest on the national debt. I always like to share with others what
The government pays more on interest LeRoy Schweitzer said on his own video. (Editor's note: Please remember to &;,
to service the national debt than the cost of He made a statement that only men include your telephone number in
all the social programs combined. Social should be Notary Publics . The women in the your letters to the editor. We cannot
programs aren't consuming the budget, the class he was teaching at the time protested. publish letters that do not include a ~
budget is being devoured by the exorbitant One woman said she wore the "pants" in the telephone number. Thank you.) 5
(Editor's Note: We received a large number of letters from carried off wholesale by the Assyrians and replaced by a new popu-
readers who felt compelled to share their thoughts about the lation of interlopers!
Christian Identity report by reporter Lawrence Myers pub- They then wrote this into the official history they were compil-
lished in the July issue. The selection below is a sample of the ing, known today as the Old Testament.
range of reader reactions to the report.) This, I think, is one of the first recorded examples of the fully
conscious construction of a racial myth for political purposes . And
Dear Editor, what an example it set: the codes of Ezra and Nehemiah, a real
Several comments, if space permits, on Lawrence W. Myers' manual for ethnic cleansing, helped to inspire the author of the Nazi
"Chosen People" essay on Christian Identity (July 1996). Nuremberg Laws along with many other modern racists, including
(1) Mr. Myers seems not to understand exactly why Christian those who want to make America a "Christian Nation."
Identity is anti-Semitic. Identity accepts, first, the Zionist premise By all means, let us learn and love our myths, but let's not
that people's inherent "birthright" to a piece of land is based on their believe them.
ancestors having lived there a couple of thousand of years ago. (4) Regarding Jewish Defense League terrorism, Mr. Myers is
Identity then marries this proposition to its own peculiar theory of largely correct in stating that no one in the U.S. media "suggest-
Saxon origins . ed ... that Judaism somehow predisposed individuals to commit
According to this philosophy, then, modern Jews have no "legit- these offenses ."
imate" homeland (except, perhaps, the "Territory of the Khazars"?). In the Jewish press, however, there is quite an extensive discus-
This anti-democratic notion, which assigns rights to people on the sion of the Jewish religious roots of this kind of terrorism and
basis of their real or mythical racial origins instead of the place its affinities with hate crimes inspired by Muslim or Christian
where they actually live, is racist in its attitude toward Jews, for the fanaticism.
same reason that institutional Zionism is racist in its attitude toward David Finkel
the Palestinians. Detroit, MI
(2) While it is impossible to know what percentage of Jews may
have ancestral origins in the land of Israel (a majority of the world
Jewish population has lived outside Palestine since several hundred (Editor's Note: The following is a response from reporter
years before Christ, and much of the historical record was destroyed Lawrence Myers.)
in the violent breakup of the Ancient world), the notion that "most Dear Mr. Finkel,
modern adherents to Judaism ... originated from .. .the Territory of the The purpose of outlining the beliefs of Christian Identity was to
Khazars" is hilarious. convey that which the rest of the press has systematically failed to
Myers cites Arthur Koestler's The Thirteenth Tribe, an entertain- do. If Judaism was as misrepresented as Identity is in this country,
ing work which he probably didn't read, since he misspelled the Jews would also demand and indeed deserve fair accurate coverage.
author's name, but apparently knows nothing of the well-document- Regarding your issues:
ed record of Jewish migration to Eastern Europe following the I. Christian Identity, like most religions, would meet your defin-
medieval expulsions from Christian Spain and Portugal, England, ition of anti-Semitic, since few faiths accept the premise that Jews
France, etc. The Khazar conversion in reality helps illustrate that are God's Chosen People. History tends to be apolitical, and accu-
Jews--like other peoples, by the way, Arabs and Anglo-Saxons sations of history being composed of "undemocratic notions" is fair,
included--are almost surely of diverse rather than single ethnic accurate but irrelevant.
origins. 2. Your finding humor in the so-called "fiction" of Koestler's
Myers might consult Weinryb's The Jews of Poland for some of work is notable, since, although a typo appeared in the spelling of
this history, as well as a brief account of how the "Khazar origins" the author's name, his book does indeed sit in my library, and, as a
myth--the myth which Koestler got hold of and turned into popular Jewish author, though he may not meet your particular acceptance,
fiction--originated. his books sold well until he was murdered in Paris by someone who
(3) Speaking of Saxon origins, which is surely a fascinating evidently took exception to his opinions.
topic, I take it the Identity theory derives from searching for a solu- 3. Amazingly, while you defend Israel in your writing, which
tion to the "mystery" of the Lost Tribes of Israel. calls itself "The Jewish State," you label American Christians "mod-
The question is: Why is there any "mystery" to solve? ern racists ... who want to make America a Christian Nation. This is
The story that the Ten Tribes of Israel were dispersed after the a Christian nation, sir, founded on an Israel Identity message. It may
Assyrian conquest of 722 B.C. was probably cooked up 150-200 be insensitive to assert this truth in the modern era, but it does not
years later, for purposes that are historically and politically enlight- change what the record clearly reflects.
ening even today. Regarding "our myths" is it not the case that, since the early part
The priestly elite of Judea had been taken into captivity by the of this century, there has been extensive Jewish revisionism perpe-
Babylonian conquerors in 586 B.C. and spent the next 70 years in trated in America against most Christian faiths to instill this notion
forced exile (until freed by the Persians). During this time, they of a "Judea-Christian" ethic, when both faiths are indeed inconsis-
planned for their return to Zion, where they intended to create a tent with the core beliefs of one another? Since you don 't question
"purely" Jewish State, to be ruled by themselves. the content of this article as it pertains to what the Identity adherent
To assure their own unchallenged supremacy, they knew they believes, is it not the case that you are simply offended by the rare
must destroy competing shrines and priestly factions, based espe- but accurate reporting of the Identity message, as much as anything
cially in the northern territory formerly known as Israel, as well as else?
forcing Judean men to divorce their Israelite wives and so forth. Lawrence Myers
They concocted therefore a story that the "real" Israel had been
Dear Editor,
On reading Mr. Lawrence W. Myers' article on "Christian
group any more than the Mormons, or the black Hebrews, or the
Nation of Islam. I
Identity" I feel that Media Bypass as well as Mr. Myers should stay
out of the theology department. To claim the modern day church or
They all use simil ar arguments claiming the Abrahamic
Covenant and identifying themselves as God's Chosen People.
the Christian Identity movement has claims on the Abrahamk
covenant is dealing someone a cerebral short hand.
I can't speak for the founding fathers of this country, but to say
they believed white Europeans were God's chosen "race" of people n
Mr. John Walvoord in his most recent book, The Prophecy
Knowledge Handbook states that, "In the history of the church
is misleading. Many of them were grounded in Scripture, and used
terms like "New Israel," or "God's Chosen People," or "Promised
the eschatological or prophetic portion of Scripture has suffered Land."
more from inadequate interpretation than any other major theologi- In the Bible the promise to Abraham was ultimately fulfilled in
cal subject." the coming of the Messiah ; the promise goes way back to Adam
The reason for this is that the church turned aside from a normal and Eve and it started with the descendants of Seth. God chose
grammatical literal interpretation and are subverting all the major Abraham and created the nation of Israel through his grandson
doctrines of the faith, including prophecy. Jacob's 12 sons.
Mr. David Hunt writes in A Cup Of Trembling, the church God revealed His Jaw to them through Moses. The promise to the
was never given the task of establishing an earthly kingdom. nation about the land was conditional (read Deuteronomy Ch. 4 )
After spending 40 days with their risen Lord, during which time When Jesus came, the old Covenant was done away with. Just
He spoke to them of things pertaining to the kingdom of God' look through the Gospels and see all Jesus' warnings to "this gener-
(Acts 1:3). The disciples knew the right question to ask: "Lord, wilt ation." After His death and resurrection, in 40 years, a biblical
Thou at this time restore again the kingdom of Israel (verse 6)?" generation, the Temple and the city of Jerusalem were destroyed.
The italicized words set forth four simple truths: The Temple in Jerusalem was the only place Jews were to
1) It is Christ (Thou), not the church, who will do this special worship and sacrifice. After the sacrifice of Jesus, animal sacrifices
work; were meaningless. And so was the term "Chosen People" as it
2) It will be done at a future time predetermined by the Father referred to a race physically.
(verse 7) ; Now, God's Chosen People are all who are "born" spiritually into
3) A kingdom which once was will be restored, and; God's family by trusting in His Son. They are of all nations, kin-
4) The restoration will be to Israel (not the church) of a kingdom dreds, and tongues.
it once had. The church has nothing to do with any of it." Nor The founding fathers wanted to have a nation founded on the law
does the church or any other group of people have any right to of God in the Bible and many of them were "God's Chosen People,"
claim the Abrahamic covenant which rightly belongs to the not ethnically but spiritually, and of course they used those terms .
Jewish people. Any nation that follows God's moral laws will prosper even if not all
Dr. Gregory E. White profess Christianity.
Fort Collins, CO Debbie Dewey
Dear Editor, Arlington Hts., IL 1:.1)
Concerning Christian Identity, the Apostle Paul warned both
Timothy and Titus to avoid endless genealogies which produce Dear Editor,
arguments, quarrels and controversy (1 Timothy 1:3-6 & Titus 3:9). We have enjoyed Media Bypass for many months and hope to do ~
The writer of Hebrews (chapter 8) tells us that Jesus is a high so for a long time. ~
priest of a new covenant superior to the old covenant, making the In reference to "The Chosen People," (July, 1996), we find the
old one obsolete. doctrine of the 10 lost tribes as espoused by Christian Identity quite .......
puzzling. If lost, they were lost centuries before the birth of our \0
Paul chastises the Galatians because they started with the Spirit, \0
Saviour, Jesus Christ, who said in Matthew 15 :24, " I am not sent 0\
but are lured to the law (Galatians 3: 1-5). He goes on to tell that
there is neither Jew, Greek slave, free male or female, but we are all but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." ~
one in Christ (Galatians 3:26-29).
The theology of Christian Identity is the same as the late Herbert
It would seem that even our omniscient God lost track of them
or else the angels announcing Christ's birth would have appeared

W. Armstrong who claimed to be a prophet. He predicted that in a European sky. Further, Jesus would have been born in a ~
America would be carried away to Europe in captivity by the year European barn instead of a stable in Bethlehem. ~

1975. When 1975 came and went, his wife had a "revelation" that he Nor does it seem that our Lord caught on during his whole "'"'
made an error in his calculations. lifetime. When Jesus sent the 12 forth , he commanded them, "Go ~
Christians being duped by these false doctrines should read not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans ~
Galatians and Hebrews carefully and prayerfully. The Spirit was
given freely on the day of Pentecost. Why would any Christian want
enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel
(Matthew 10:5,6). We do not believe the disciples headed for

to give up their freedom in Christ and go back to the law where only England personally. I
a few people over a long period of time ever possessed the Spirit As G. K. Chesterton said a long time ago, "He who won 't believe 0
of God? the Bible, will believe anything!" In any case, the doctrine appears 4::..
Carl E. Mowbray to be profitable, considering the expensive leather jacket on the t:x:l
Mt. Vernon, KY cover.
Dear Editor, Rev. and Mrs. Wiley White
Regarding the Christian Identity movement, the federal govern- Homer, New York ~
ment has no right to judge someone's religion, this is not a hate 7
By Gus R. Stelzer . ("I'"'~~" 1''% \kd'·' ll\p.'" \!.'"""'"

Free Trade Concerns Prompts

Response to Reader's Letter
Government Double Standards Punish U.S. Companies
II: (Editor's Note: Mr. Gus Stelzer presents herein his response to a My father was already unemployed and I was the only wage
Ill reader's letter to the editor.) earner in a family of eight. Moreover, by 1933 the added tariffs
In taking issue with my critique of the Free Trade Trojan Horse amounted to only $4.1 million, or less than 1/lOOth of one percent
(May MB), Ed Dentzel's letter (MB July) contains many flaws. I of GNP.
would not ordinarily respond to such categorically flawed commen- To imply that such a miniscule amount in a $103 billion econo-
tary, but the issue is too vital to our national well-being, so I cannot my (as of 1929) could be the cause of a 45-percent drop in GNP to
stay silent. $47.6 billion in 1933 is ludicrous. My book devotes 12 pages to why
Dentzel contends that free trade policies are not a problem. the Smoot-Hawley charge is more than a red herring, it is a lie of
He agrees with me that the U.S. has passed "legislation which Hitlerian proportions.
severely hampers business," but seems blind to the fact that when Dentzel agrees that "consumers cannot consume their way to
government extends exemptions from these costly laws to foreign prosperity" but then says "they can save their way to it." Nonsense!
producers (many of whom are U.S. corporations who have gone To say that spending is the same as saving is an oxymoron.
"offshore" for the specific purpose of evading our laws) while True, one may "save" a few pennies or dollars on goods that carry
encouraging them to sell those products in our markets virtually tax a lower price, but "spending" on consumer goods reduces wealth,
free in competition against U.S. - based firms who are not granted regardless of how low the price may be. Next time you write a check
similar exemptions, government is guilty of double standards that take a look at your new bank balance.
violate several provisions of our Constitution, notably the equal To the contrary, only production by fairly-compensated people
protection clause. I must question the moral conscience of anyone creates wealth.
who cannot see the immorality of such policies. That basic law was confirmed in 1850 by Frederic Bastiat in
As a consequence, America has suffered nearly $2 trillion in his book, "The Law," in which he wrote: "Man can live and satisfy
trade deficits since 1971. his wants only by ceaseless labor. This process is the origin of
Because trade deficits measure production forfeited to other all property."
countries, and production is the origin of all wealth and tax rev- Anyone who believes consumers are best served by "lowest
enues, these deficits are responsible for the loss of over 15 million price" without regard for who produces the goods, or who earns the
jobs (and their related social devastation), and over $4 trillion in tax money and at what pay scales, has bought into a Fool's Gold
revenue, not counting another $2 trillion in lost tax revenue result- Fantasy.
ing from a 20 percent decline in real wages for 85 percent of our Dentzel also suggests we "get rid of minimum wages" and
work force due to being pitted aga inst less costly political mandates become a "lean, mean fighting machine."
in countries from whence most imports arrive. Does he really mean we should return to the deplorable living
As a consequence of these trade and wage deficits, our federal and work standards of average Americans, and the unconscionable
debt is now $4.8 trillion higher than just 25 years ago, costing gap between rich and poor, that prevailed before the Crash of 1929
the average household $7,000 a year just to pay the interest on and throughout most of the 1930s?
that debt. Does he really want people to accept $10 for a 48-hour work
To say that "free" trade across our borders has not severely week, with no pay for overtime, no medical plan, no two-day week-
harmed our socio-economic order is a reflection of gross naivete, a ends, no vacation pay, no severance pay, no retirement plan, not
deliberate lie, or stubborn adherence to the archaic theories of Adam even a coffee break, like I did in 1930?
Smith and David Ricardo which are no more apropos to today 's If that is his idea of a lean, mean fighting machine," let him go to
economics than should the Pony Express of 1850 be the model Mexico, Brazil or Bangladesh and join the millions who live in
for today's transportation systems. abject poverty.
Dentzel says a series of high import tariff acts, like Smoot- It has no place in America. No nation ever achieved high living
Hawley of 1929, also assisted in "The Crash." Like many other free standards by exploiting its own people.
traders who haven ' t done their homework, Dentzel has fallen victim
to a lie.
"The Crash" occurred in October, 1929, eight months before (Mr. Gus Stelzer has spent a career in the corporate busi-
Smoot-Hawley was enacted in July, 1930 by which time we were ness world. He is the author of "The Nightmare of
already in a deep depression. Camelot... An expose of the Free Trade Trojan Horse.")
Dr. Thomas Sowell copyri~h• 19% Med ia By""" Maga1ino :II
Liberals Misguided in Their Perceptions ~
Community Service Column ;II
Sparks Angry Retorts ::a

Some things are so bad that they are good -- at least as examples None of this says the way to repay such moral obligations is by
of what to avoid. An angry letter from a reader states in a nutshell that peculiar set of activities which liberals arbitrarily choose to call
the confusion surrounding so many of our current controversies over "community service."
social policies. The whole point of my column was that there are many enor-
What got this reader riled up was a column of mine criticizing the mously important services that do not fall into that category. The
concept of "community service" as it is actually applied-- and espe- eye surgeon who saved my son's sight was just one example.
cially the idea of making such "service" mandatory in our schools Not only do I not expect to get paid for helping Jess fortunate
and colleges. Here are some of the reader's comments: people, I have myself spent my own money helping others -- per-
"MY' You must have had a strange childhood. What kind of par- haps more money than I spent on myself last year.
ents would instill in you such thoughts? Your picture would indicate Nor am I unusual. I happen to know that Clarence Thomas and
that you have had an opportunity to have received some type of Walter Williams have often helped others with both their money
community service in your lifetime. and their time.
"We pride ourselves in wanting to help others and not get paid. Just recently I learned at a private gathering that a nationally-
Do you feel you should be paid to help those who have less known and long prominent conservative has been helping a ghetto
than you?" school in New York with both time and money.
"When did God appoint you to decide who is a parasite and who Unlike self-righteous liberals, such people seldom mention such
is a sucker?" things, except to friends.
"I for one, believe your articles are absolutely pathetic. You may None of this is either new or unusual. Two centuries ago, Adam
have just confirmed your reservation in Hell!" Smith, the father of laissez-faire economics, engaged in many acts
Skipping over whether the thoughts expressed in my column of charity that no one knew about, until his personal papers were
were instilled in me by my parents or were derived from my own
experience, what of the notion that my picture makes me a likely
examined after his death .
The era of laissez-faire capitalism in late nineteenth-century ~
recipient of community service? America was also an era of unprecedented philanthropy. t;1
While my picture shows me to be black, the mere fact that it To this day, the public libraries, the educational institutions, the ~
shows me to be human means that I would never have grown to many foundations and other charitable activities sponsored by
adulthood without many years of efforts by others -- not just to pro- Carnegie, Rockefeller and other philanthropy in general reach new .........
vide for my physical survival, but also to do all the things that go heights, not only in terms of the total amount of money donated, but \Q
into civilizing and educating a human being . We are not fish, who also in terms of the percentage share of the American people's 0\
enter the world self-sufficient, so we all owe much to others. income that they voluntarily gave to others. ~
One of the many advantages of private philanthropy
over government programs is that private charitable activ-
ities are in a better position to distinguish between those
who are simply unfortunate and those who are parasites. ~

If you cannot make that distinction, you are almost

certain to be played for a sucker, not only by the direct ~
recipients of largess, but also by those who make careers ~
out of dispensing the taxpayers' money.
Liberals love to believe the only possible reasons for


anyone to oppose their particular social policies are self-
ishness, greed, racism and other moral deficiencies. a
Liberals love to flatter themselves that no one could
a I
possibly disagree with them for any honest or decent ~
Incidentally, it would be interesting to know when
God appointed this angry reader to decide who goes 22
to Hell. 9
By Gerald Carroll - cop)ngh• 1996 ~~<"'" B)pa" ~~..g.l7!ne

Legal History in the Making By Justus

Freemen's Efforts to Oppose Tyranny
Federal Courtroom Serves as Forum for Common Law

Just hours before the explosion of TWA common law documents that challenge the only representing himself, he's representing
Flight 800 dominated news reports on the jurisdiction of federal court. He claims in all the Freemen at their request.
night of July 17, the Montana Justus Free- a "certified question" document that he There was a huge law library on the
men were making legal history in a federal and Petersen were"unlawfully detained" Freemen's Justus Township ranch, and
courtroom in Billings, Mont. by a "foreign power" upon their arrests Schweitzer made the most use of it, practi-
The group of 18 Freemen were paraded March 25. cally internalizing such complex law books
before U.S . District Judge James M. Bums The other Freemen insist they, too, are as the United States Code (USC) and
in three separate meetings in court on that being illegally detained by a foreign power. Unified Commercial Code (UCC), which is
day. It was clear this would be no typical In a separate "memorandum of law," an extension of "common law," or biblical
court session. Schweitzer lays out the foundation for set- law, the basis of Freemen legal ideology.
The Freemen wore regular street clothing ting up a common-law venue in Judge Such knowledge, federal probers con-
during the hearings. Judge Burns did not Burns' courtroom . tend, led to the Freemen dispensing so-
wear his characteristic robe; instead, he wore Both documents were accepted by Judge called "paper terrorism" directed toward
a bow tie and street clothes. Bums for further review, without objection, federal officials the Freemen accuse of
No fewer than 20 attorneys were in the and he gave parties 10 days to submit objec- violating the law.
courtroom -- but were spectators only. tions in writing. He was supposed to render Perfected commercial liens, deposited in
Despite vocal protests by Freeman leaders some type of decision as to the veracity of domestic and foreign banks, were the pri-
during earlier court hearings, this time there the Freeman arguments in a matter of days. mary weapons used by the Freemen, and use
was no shouting. Instead, civilized conversa- Whether the Freemen will ever be able of these tactics has been deemed illegal.
tion prevailed. Ideas were exchanged. An air to stand trial for their "crimes" remains to Hence the current legal tangle.
of cooperation was evident. be seen. Other activity during the July 17 court
All this after a highly-publicized 81-day "Judge Burns has little choice," said a visit astonished onlookers and legal experts
standoff that started March 25 with the courtroom observer who has followed the alike, but interpretation of events differed
arrest of Freeman leaders LeRoy Schweitzer unfolding Freeman story since its inception among mainstream media reports and
and Daniel Petersen. It ended June 13 with and requested anonymity. Freemen sympathizers' views.
the apprehension of the remaining Freeman "Because the arrested Freemen refuse to "Judge Burns yesterday [July 17] entered
suspects. be booked, fingerprinted or even arraigned the U.S. District Court in Billings, Montana,
The total number of Justus Freemen peo- properly, there is technically no case against without a robe -- and openly acknowledged
ple arrested has reached 24, with 14 facing them -- or at least that is Schweitzer's inter- the divisions of the court [between regular
federal charges of mail and bank fraud, pretation of events," the observer noted. and common-law venues]," wrote Kevin
threatening the life of a judge, anned rob- This spills over into how the jailed Petersen, son of accused Freeman Daniel
bery and firearms violations . Freemen are being treated. According to Petersen , in an urgent e-mail dispatch
All the arrested people have refused to reliable sources very close to the situation, from the improvised "Freedom Center" in
cooperate with authorities. None have been the Yellowstone detention facility in Billings.
booked, and all have refused to be finger- Billings, already overcrowded, has no space Throughout the standoff and ensuing
printed . They also refuse to be recognized for non-violent offenders like the Freemen. detentions, the Freedom Center has acted as
by their "regular" names, referring to them- Consequently, according to sources, the an information-coordinating center in
selves by their first and middle names -- Freemen have been kept separately in a Billings between the jailed Freemen and the
their Christian names . gymnasium-type room, and have many spe- general public.
Schweitzer, for example, refers to him- cial privileges. "Judge Bums addressed the court, dis-
self as LeRoy Michael in legal documents Furthermore, according to the observer, cussing his personal history, the missing
he has prepared on his behalf, and in Schweitzer has access to computers at robe, the Dred Scott case, Abraham Lincoln
defense of the other Freemen. Yellowstone's jail. Judge Burns has also and the 'slumber' that the nation has been in
Schweitzer, during the July 17 courtroom ordered the Freemen be supplied with since the 14th Amendment!" said the
session, incorporated the use of powerful copies of statutes, since Schweitzer is not Petersen dispatch, implying Judge Burns
was coming down on the side of the
Freemen on certain issues.
He also lobbied directly through Judge
Bums, according to a May 13 letter to Free-
any time be removed from the case by the
federal judiciary.
A report on the incident, published in the men advocate Warren Stone of Belgrade, He was originally appointed to the feder-
July 18 edition of the Billings Gazette, par- Mont. al bench by President Richard Nixon. I
tially confirmed the Freedom Center's report "In our case the newly-selected judge Freelance writer Pat Shannan was more I
but offered a different recollection of events, James Burns sent me a short order stating direct in his view of the July 17 proceedings, 0
notably that Schweitzer brought up the 14th we did not have to follow their local rules faxing a two-page report on July 22 that z
Amendment issue, not Judge Burns. and we could enter our papers into court indicated the Freemen would be released "in
"Later, Burns acknowledged the Freemen with any heading we choose," Schweitzer a matter of days ."
as Justices and heard Chief Justice LeRoy
Michael Schweitzer hold a deportation hear-
wrote during the time he was held in the
Springfield. (Mo.) Medical Center prison
"On Wednesday, July 17, Freeman
LeRoy Schweitzer sat as Chief Justice
ing whereby the six Freemen justices were
extradited out of the U.S. District Court
This would again imply Judge Burns is
Schweitzer in a Billings, Montana, court-
room and directed the first Common Law
and into the District Court of the United sympathizing with the Freeman position and Grand Jury to be heard in 135 years in
States (national side)," the Freedom Center allowing the common Jaw venue to overtake America," Shannan bluntly wrote. 0
account reads. "Judge Burns is waiting his own jurisdiction in federal court. "In a complete turnaround, [Judge]Burns
for written orders from the Common Law In another e-mail dispatch from the recognized the authenticity of the common
supreme Court on the aforementioned Freedom Center, dated July 19 and distrib- law court while he stated he was disappoint-
subject." uted in part by Tom Clark's Liberty Law e- ed in the American public for falling into an
The newspaper account basically con- mail newsgroup (Media Bypass, July 1996, ignorant slumber, allowing the nation to
firms the Freedom Center version, only the page 39), Judge Burns' delicate balancing reach the point that it has."
wording was modified slightly to make it act is perceived as risky on his part. Shannan went on to describe how
appear Judge Bums was only mollifying the "At the hearing yesterday, when Judge Schweitzer and the other five common Jaw
Freemen present, and not caving in on the Burns appeared without the black robe, he "justices" issued an order "that the Supreme
issue of jurisdiction and court proceedings. told all the attorneys that he was aware that Court ... abort the forthcoming trial of the
"He [Judge Burns] encouraged the they would object to him not being robed, Freemen by the federal judiciary (and]
Freemen to submit their objections in and that their objections would be noted for release them from custody.
writing ... At one point, Schweitzer stood, the record, and overruled. "The 22(sic) American Nationals have
declared himself chief justice of their "He made statements and conducted him- now been acquitted of all charges, unless
supreme court and started to talk about self so as to recognize LeRoy as the justice someone from the federal side of the fracas
extradition proceedings," the newspaper of original jurisdiction, and recognized Dan can quickly find something unlawful about
reported. Petersen as a notary as distinguished from a this proceeding."
Other Freemen seated with Schweitzer at notary public. He [Judge Burns] no doubt The Freedom Center's initial reaction on
the time of these exchanges included Elwin deserves prayer. Direct contact with him the Internet was also more direct. "We have
Ward, Rodney Skurdal, Stuart Waterhouse, while he is dealing with this case is not WON!!!!!!!!"
Emmett Clark and Russell Landers. encouraged, so as not to give even the (Gerald A. Carroll is an adjunct assistant
The July 17 session was a climax of more appearance of wrongdoing." professor at The University of Iowa's ~
than three months' effort by Schweitzer, In short, Judge Burns might be recog- School of Journalism and Mass Communi- ~
including behind-the-scenes contact with nized as an ally of the Freemen on one
hand, but a judge who is endangering his
cation and author of "Project Seek," a com-
pendium of so-called conspiracy theories
some elected officials in Washington .......
through third parties. own career as a result, and who might at and reasons behind their existence.) \0




From left, Justus Freemen Elwin Ward, Rodney Skurdal, LeRoy Schweitzer, Stuart Waterhouse, Emmet Clark and V:J
Russell Landers attend common law hearing in Billings, Mont. federal courtroom.
N By J.D. Cash cnp)rrght 11JIJ6 '-kt.h.l B)P·''" \t.r~.vrrh.'

German National Linked To Okla.
:c City Bombing Suspct # 2

Suspect on the Lam and Predicted Never to be Found

News reports focusing on a white-separatist compound in eastern may have been Brescia's "handler" in what ultimately became a hor-
Oklahoma as a possible nerve center for the Oklahoma City bomb- ribly failed sting operation.
ing conspiracy have sporadically appeared since last year's attack Elohim City residents claim McVeigh never visited the com-
on the Alfred P. Murrah federal building. Expect to read and hear pound (at least one call to the compound was made on McVeigh 's
more, as an increasing number of witnesses are coming forward prepaid calling card). But it has been established that the supposed
to help cement the alleged bond between the ten·orist bombing "mastermind" of the act received a 1993 traffic ticket on a backroads
and Elohim City. highway a few miles from the entrance to the compound.
In the eye of the storm are two people with established ties to the John Doe No. 2?
compound: Michael Brescia, 24; and Andreas Carl Strassmeir, 37. ''The person in the [published] sketch is an old friend of McVeigh's,
The theory holds that one possible motive for the bombing was named Mike," Connie Smith told the FBI just four days after the
retribution for the execution of avowed white supremacist Richard bombing. Smith's daughter, Catina Lawson, said she was among a
Wayne Snell, who died as scheduled in the electric chair just 12 group of friends that included Timothy McVeigh, Michael Brescia,
hours after the bombing. Snell had murdered a black Arkansas state Andreas Strassmeir and Michael Fortier back in the early 1990s (the
trooper and a pawnshop owner in Texarkana who, Snell later admit- precise dates are in dispute). McVeigh had been stationed at nearby
ted, he mistakenly thought was Jewish. Fort Riley prior to exiting the military, and settled in the area.
At the time of his death, Snell had become a martyr to certain ele- Smith tol d this reporter that at the time of the first FBI interview
ments of the "right-wing fringe." As regular Media Bypass readers she could not recall Mike's last name, but does now. When shown
will recall, prison officials told the FBI that Snell had boasted that a a photo of Brescia taken in 1990 during his stint at LaSalle
building would be blown up on the day of his demise, and spent his University, she did not hesitate.
last earthly hours laughing at the devastation and saying, "See! I told "Yes, that is Mike Brescia, Tim 's friend," she said. "My daughter
you boys this would happen." Catina introduced me to him at a convenience store one day that
The Rev. Robert Millar, a Christian Identity minister who found- summer [apparently 1993]. Tim was with him."
ed Elohim City, pastored Snell in his final hours. Snell's body She also identified another photograph supplied by this reporter:
is buried at Elohim City. His daughter and some other relatives "Why yes .. .if that person 's name is ahh, Andy, and if he is
maintain homes there. Brescia and Strassmeir formerly resided at German ... then yes, he has been to my house with some of my
the colony. daughter's friends."
Today, Brescia apparently is on the lam (perhaps staying in She continued, "Andy ran around with the same group that
Canada with members of the neo-Nazi group "National Front," summer. My daughter and her roommate [knew] those guys
according to investigators with a major net- -- there were a lot of parties and so forth ."
work news program pursuing the story). Her daughter, who now lives in Wyoming, confirmed that
Strassmeir, a former West German intel- McVeigh "was in a circle of my friends that partied a lot. "I
ligence officer, is living in a fashionable was in high school, but I had a fake ID and so I could get into
home in his native Berlin under the legal the bars and meet soldiers," she recalled.
protection of German officials appointed However, Lawson said it's "really not true" that she was
by his father, former Secretary of State to McVeigh's girlfriend. "We were just friends . But my room-
Berlin Guenter Strassmeir. The younger mate was really wild and she may have messed around
Strassmeir was whisked out of this country with Tim. I'm just sick that those guys could have killed
to Germany via Mexico by the German all those people."
equivalent of our Delta Force, the vaunted With regard to McVeigh 's personality, she said, "I thought
counter-terrorism unit GSG-9; his lawyer Tim was a really good guy. He was quiet and shy around girls,
says the abrupt exit was necessary due to until you got into a subject he was interested in, then he
death threats and other harassment spawned by news accounts. would really change, suddenly he was the professor and was very
Both Strassmeir and Brescia are coming under increasing scruti- much the authority-- he could take command then ."
ny for their possible links to the OKC bombing. Law enforcement Lawson said McVeigh was most interested in "politics and
sources have confirmed that Strassmeir was an intelligence opera- the screwed-up government. He hated what was happening to
tive for the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), and the country."
Lawson characterized Brescia as "really a hunk. My room- In a prepared statement, Strassmeir's attorney, Kirk Lyons, -..0
mate .. .would rent a room at the Dreamland in Junction City claims his client "may" have met McVeigh at a summer 1993 gun
[Kansas], and Brescia and Fortier and Tim would come over and show in Tulsa, and "may" have given McVeigh a business card fea-
party with us." turing his Elohim City 2
Lawson also identified a photograph of phone number. The
Strassmeir, who she said "was around some
of the time. He's got a German accent. I
remember him bragging about his father
being a big political deal over in Germany.
"Either Andy is
their snitch or he
is under investigation
chance meeting and
subsequent phone call
two years later was the
full extent of the rela-
I remember that he was arrogant, a real tionship, Lyons said. N
jerk." and has been for a long time.'' Lyons added that
Lawson said that after seeing McVeigh on Strassmeir "was work-
--FBI agent
television following his arrest, she called the ing on a neighbor's
FBI's 800 number for people having informa- fence for several days
tion about the bombing. before the bombing and the woman he worked for made notes on a
"I told them everything, about all of those guys ... They came to calendar that will prove Andy never left Oklahoma at that time."
see me again, recently [last May], and they had a lot more questions Lyons declined to produce the calendar or the woman's name.
about Brescia. I guess they believe me now," Lawso n said. Also, Lyons confinned the CAUSE Foundation, which he is works
A couple of other witnesses in Junction City also recall a tall, for, received a 20-minute phone call from McVeigh the day before the
lanky German. bombing (as reported by the FBI, based on telephone records).
"My wife and I were up at Fort Riley, fishing at a small lake An assistant who fielded the call said McVeigh never identified
called Cameron Springs, just a few days before the bombing," said himself, and was ranting and raving about Waco.
retired school teacher Larry Wilde. "Two fellows walked by and I With regard to allegations that Strassmeir was in fact an ATF
struck up a conversation. The taller, dark-haired guy is a German, operative, Lyons said, "Andy would never work for the federal gov-
you know .. .I thought he might work at the fort. So I asked him if ernment in such a capacity!" The lawyer maintains that associating
he worked for the government, but he just laughed and got in a his client with McVeigh is a "red herring" to fool the press and
truck and left." divert attention from McVeigh's obvious guilt.
Wilde's wife also recalled the incident. "It was spring and the Agent Confirms ATF
fishing was slow, so I decided to go mushroom hunting. I went back Recruited Strassmeir
into the woods where those two men had come from and found six Lyons' denials run counter not only to eyewitness accounts, but
sticks of dynamite and some other explosives," she said. also to the claims of sources at the FBI who say the mysterious
The Wildes immediately reported the incident to military police German "tourist" was recruited by the ATF to infiltrate Elohim City
at Fort Riley, who dispatched an explosives detail to the scene. and other elements of the "white supremacy" movement in America.
"They said the dynamite was inert," said Mr. Wilde. "The other stuff One FBI agent, who spoke only on condition of anonymity,
was what they called 'det-cord' and they said it was fake, too. I don't claimed several senior FBI supervisors, tiring of the alleged ~
know much about that stuff, but it looked real to me." coverup, are now distancing themselves from mounting evidence
Strassmeir's Lawyer Claims that the bombing was a "blown {ATF} sting operation." ~
Client Has 'Ironclad' Alibi Another high-level FBI source, who likewise demanded ~
As reported in the London
Sunday Telegraph, Strassmeir--
anonymity, confirmed ATF computer "indices" reflect "substantial"
intelligence-gathering activities in which Strassmeir participated.
who earlier admitted that his Indices are classified computer-generated files maintained by \0
West German military assignments federal law enforcement agencies, and are used by intelligence units 0\
sometimes included covert pro- to track data on suspicious groups and individuals . The computer ~
jects and training -- told interview- records are expected to become hotly-contested targets of defense
ers he settled in the United States discovery requests, and could potentially prove useful if lawyers

in 1989 as part of a "special pro- claim McVeigh fell victim to entrapment.
ject" he was promised by the "Either Andy is their snitch or he is under investigation and has l:l
Justice Department. been for a long time," the agent said. "And considering the fact that "'"'
Although he never commented it was Strassmeir that McVeigh made the call to ... well, why do you ~
publicly on the nature of the project, it is known that in 1993 FBI suppose he wasn't interviewed right after that became known?" He
Director Louis Freeh announced a joint U.S.-German project to
share intelligence on neo-Nazi terrorist groups.
added, "Could it be that Andy's being protected?"
If in fact Strassmeir was being protected, it wouldn't have been


There is no dispute that McVeigh attempted to contact someone the first time. According to tow-truck owner-operator Kenny Pence
at Elohim City on April 5, 1995 while staying in a Kingman, AZ. of Muldrow, Okla., Strassmeir appeared to enjoy powerful connec- a
hotel , just two weeks before the bombing.
tions in the United States. Pence's firm regularly towed and stored -h
Rev. Millar's daughter-in-law fielded the call, which she claims vehicles impounded by police. Pence said he will "never forget" one ~
was for Strassmeir, and told McVeigh that Strassmeir wasn't
around. The message left for him was that McVeigh would be "vis-
such incident in February 1992.
"That guy was a real strange cookie," Pence said of Strassmeir.
iting soon." The call came just seconds after McVeigh had tele- "I towed his car in after it had been stopped at a roadblock near that ~
phoned a Ryder truck rental establishment in Arizona. Elohim City place. Wow, did I catch hell for that!" 13
N The roadblock ostensibly had been set up to check for driver's Arkansas gun robbery. McVeigh's phone records reflect that he
=It licenses, registration and proof of insurance; Strassmeir was cited traveled constantly around the U.S. during that same period.
for not having a driver's license (he later obtained one in Tennessee). Neither man had any visible means to support such extensive
w Pence continued, "The next day, I got calls from people from the travel. Also, the government presented evidence to the grand jury
0 governor's office, the State Department, the district highway patrol showing the fertilizer allegedly used in the bomb had been pur-
e:a office, some lawyer in Houston and some general, or something, in chased weeks before the hold-up.
nor Nichols were charged in the robbery. But
z the Carolinas. All these people told me that this guy Strassmeir was Neither McVeigh
individuals believed to be part of a wide-
a: some big shot and his car needed to be released
said this whole thing was a big mistake and not
him a
recent arrest
scheme to
of four
overthrow the federal government may eventual-
...... either."
Then came the bombshell: "The guy from the State
ly establish a nexus to Strassmeir, Brescia, Elohim City and the
Oklahoma City bombing.
Dunagin's People
Department said that Strassmeir had diplomatic immu- Immediately after Mc-
nity in this country and so no one could mess with him," Veigh and Nichols were
Pence recalled. arrested, the media quoted
Lyons concedes that "some calls were made" in his FBI sources who claimed
client's behalf. He also confirmed that state law the two could be connect-
enforcement officers searched a briefcase Strassmeir ed to a string of Midwest-
left in the car, and found applications for government ern bank robberies.
employment with the Immigration and Naturalization Calling themselves the
Service and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Aryan Republican Army,
"So what?" Lyons said, claiming the search violated the modern-day James
his client's rights. Strassmeir simply was looking for a Gang hit 12 small banks
job, Lyons said, but he wasn 't a U.S. citizen and had no between Jan. 25, 1994 and
work permit. the bombing. For several
"He was just a tourist here," Lyons said. "All Andy weeks after the bombing,
did was try to find a wife and settle down. He did some the campaign continued
s.~ ... ~NI- with a few more heists,
odd jobs for cash and that is it." C1996 Tribune Medla Setvlces, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
"Tourist" Strassmeir, Media Bypass has learned, and ended with the arrests
was issued a Social Security number and a Tenn- ''This is such a terrible, senseless act last January of two princi-
at of violence that only five groups are pal suspects in Ohio.
essee driver's license after taking up residence
claiming credit for it." The FBI nabbed Peter
Elohim City. This apparently counters the claim that
Strassmeir could not obtain necessary documents to obtain regular K. Langan, 37, and Richard Lee Guthrie, Jr. , 38. Guthrie reportedly
employment. swapped information with the FBI for a cigarette and a cup of
Meanwhile, Rev. Millar said the ATF had put up "wanted coffee, and pointed agents in the direction of a storage locker con-
posters" around Elohim City several weeks before the Oklahoma taining evidence in Shawnee Mission, Kan., two hours east of
City bombing. Upon learning that a member of his community Junction City.
could be a source of trouble, Millar went to the Little Rock, Ark. Two younger members of the suspected gang were picked up in
ATF office and explained that Strassmeir no longer resided at late May near Philadelphia, PA, Scott Stedeford, 27, and Kevin
Elohim City. McCarthy, 19, were arrested for their alleged roles in the scheme. As
Indeed, a "BOLO" (Be On the Lookout) for Strassmeir was dis- it turns out, the pair had links to Elohim City as well.
tributed by the Tulsa ATF office just a few weeks before the bombing. "Kevin stayed with us for a few months before the bombing,"
The BOLO noted "ATF is to be notified" if Strassmeir, "an ille- said Rev. Millar. Stedeford." ... both came to us from a mutual friend
gal alien ... known to carry a .45 automatic at all times," was stopped in Pennsylvania, Mark Thomas."
by law enforcement. The result was as anticipated -- Strassmeir's Thomas, who claims to be the eastern U.S. leader of the Church
perceived legitimacy was reinforced at Elohim City, and his of the Aryan Nations, has admitted as much to reporters, and further
reasons for disappearing were entirely logical to the innocent resi- claims that he was at Elohim City in the days prior to the OKC
dents there. bombing.
Still, some observers have wondered why the ATF would be Guthrie was the first to enter a plea agreement in the case. He
involved in what would appear to have been an immigration matter. told investigators and the media that proceeds from the robberies
Incredibly, neither Strassmeir nor Brescia were interviewed by were to be used, in part, to finance the overthrow of the government.
the Justice Department while in this country. But officials there do Only hours after he told a Los Angeles Times reporter that he intend-
claim to have interviewed more than 21,000 other people. ed to write a book about the entire scheme, Guthrie was found
Robbery Connection Resurfaces hanged in his cell.
The grand jury that investigated the bombing surmised it was Next to make a deal was young Kevin McCarthy. He testified at
financed by the armed robbery of an Arkansas gun collector on Nov. a recent pretrial hearing that he met Langan in November, 1994, at
5, 1994. But legitimate questions remain as to how Timothy a restaurant in Van Buren, Ark.
McVeigh and Terry Nichols could have supported themselves for Van Buren is about 13 miles east of Elohim City. Also present at
the year prior to that robbery. the meeting, according to McCarthy 's testimony, was Mark
According to published accounts, Nichols and his wife made Thomas. McCarthy said plans to rob more banks were the main
numerous trips to the Philippines during the 12 months prior to the topic of discussion.
-~---------------------------------------------------- --~---~-

Gone But Not Forgotten

In January of this year, Strassmeir departed for Berlin and
hot summer-- taldng the media's description of there being lots of
violence in the cities of this country."
Brescia moved to the Thomas farm near Allentown, Pa. Shortly Mrs. Snell said her husband never indicated that he anticipated :II
afterward, Brescia formed a rock band called "Cyanide" with the bombing, and "he certainly did not spend his last hours laughing
McCarthy and Stedeford. However, the group's future was shattered about the tragedy. His attorneys who were with him told me he was r-
with the arrest of two members and the disappearance of a third.
Brescia's close friend Dennis Mahon of the White Aryan
extremely sad about the whole thing."
Furthermore, "Richard was not the evil person you the media
Resistance (WAR) says the feds may never catch up with the man, have made him. He was the scapegoat for those who would not stand r-
who reportedly is traveling with one of Rev. Millar's granddaughters. up and take the responsibility of their acts. He was a brave soul who
"Mike has dramatically changed his appearance and is now in cared about people," she said. al
Canada .. .he is much too smart to be captured," Mahon said. Mrs. Snell noted her husband was not executed for the murder of 0
Meanwhile, Strassmeir appears content to continue living in his a black Arkansas state trooper, as previously reported. In fact, he :a
parents' flat in a fashionable district of Berlin. He lately has been giv-
ing interviews to reporters in which he drops tantalizing details of the
was serving a life sentence for that crime when he was executed, 12
hours after the bombing, for the murder of a pawn shop owner. "If a
bombing, often referring to an unnamed source and always mindful
to add that he came to the U .S. to work on a project for the Justice
Department that did not include blowing up federal buildings .
you err in this, a matter of record, how can we, your readers , believe
the rest of that article?" she asked.
She further discounts reports that her late husband was a member
of the Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord (CSA). She said that ;II
in fact, her husband "refused to do the biding" of James Ellison, PI
Widow Snell Refutes Claim whom she said was "top dog at the CSA." !;;
Husband Bragged on Deathbed Finally, with reference to Mr. Snell being buried at Elohim City,
"My husband would not have been interred there had I known. If I
The widow of convicted murderer Richard Wayne Snell claims had the resources, I would move his remains now!"
that contrary to our reporting and that of other media outlets, her late Reporter J.D. Cash concedes that Mrs. Snell is correct in noting
husband never bragged the Oklahoma City bombing was in retribu- her husband was in fact executed for the pawn shop murder, not that
tion for his scheduled execution. of the police officer. Cash, and the magazine, regret the error but
"Richard Snell did not brag that there would be a 'bombing' or otherwise stand by the story. -- Rich Azar
any such thing before his execution," Mary Snell wrote in a letter to
the publisher. "His conversation to me was that he expected a long

Patriots To Gather for Labor Day C.A.L.L. Rally in D.C.

A Labor Day grassroots rally on Capitol Hill to "reclaim your * "Your constitutional right to own firearms in defense of life and
Bill of Rights" features an eclectic blend of music, politics and liberty has been severely restricted .. .The goal of total firearms pro-
patriotism, according to event organizers. hibition is being actively pursued at every level of government, and
The rally, offered by a coalition of patriotic organizations, is by both Democrats and Republicans alike."
"moving ahead at lightning speed," said Terry Sanders, executive * "Your home, property, possessions and bank accounts can be ~
director of Citizens Against Legal Loopholes (C.A.L.L.), which is easily seized without your ever being found guilty of a crime and ~
co-sponsoring the event.
More than 40 speakers are scheduled to discuss sovereignty, the
often without charges even being filed."
*"Your children are being 'dumbed down ' by an educational sys-

Second Amendment, immigration, asset forfeiture, land rights, legal tem determined to make Americans 'competitive' with the third-
reform, the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the United Nations and many world labor market. Thomas Jefferson has been erased from the his-
other pressing issues . tory books." ~
The lineup includes Libertarian presidential candidate Harry * "The two-party political system ignores the Constitution, and
Browne and independent Charles Collins; Colorado state Sen. exists solely to propagate its own expansion. The entire judicial sys- Q:j
Charles Duke; Aaron Russo, "Mad as Hell"; Larry Pratt, Gun tem has been corrupted into a rubber stamp of political intent. Both
Owners of America; constitutional attorney Larry Becraft; retired are openly hostile to even the most basic rights and values that l::l
Air Force Gen. Ben Partin; Aaron Zelman, Jews for the Preservation Americans have so long cherished." "'"'
of Firearms Ownership; Dr. Eugene Schroder, on the Emergency * "Law enforcement has become America's largest growth indus- ~
Powers Act; Terry Reed, author of "Compromised"; Michael New, a try. Police are arming themselves with the latest automatic weapons l::l
soldier discharged over his refusal to don U.N. insignia; Sheriff and infrared sighting systems. Military advisers are now training s·
Richard Mack; Howard Phillips, U.S. Taxpayers Party; James local police nationwide on military tactics and house-to-house
Collier, co-author of "Votescarn," and many other notables. search techniques. Building prisons has become a greater priority "-
The events of Saturday Aug. 31 will conclude with an "All-Star than building schools ." a
Jam Session Under a Star-Spangled Sky" on the Capitol Mall. "The * "The United Nations has admitted the year 2000 as the date by .h.
National Grassroots CoaUtion Rally" will run all day Sunday. The which they will establish their New World Order and one-world ~
sense of urgency is reflected in grassroots literature: global government. Foreign troops and military equipment are
* "Your combined total taxes now exceed 50 percent. Economists already stationed on American soil."
predict that children born in the 1990s will be paying over 85 per- Anyone wanting more information on the rally is encouraged to ~
cent of their earnings to taxes by the time they enter the job market." call C.A.L.L. at (619) 755-9319 or (609) 797-9520. 15
By Rich Azar cop\ll~hl Jl)l)(l Muh .• lhp..-.. . . \l.i!..'d/llll

Secret Memo Blocks Bid to Become

Member of Kentucky Bar Association
U.S. Supreme Court Victory Fails to Influence Decision
A would-be Kentucky lawyer who possessed of the requisite character and against the committee in federal court,
claims he was blackballed without due moral fitness" to be a lawyer, Sparks but a judge ruled the committee was
process by a money-grubbing bar associa- claimed the Kentucky bar has "numerous appointed by the Kentucky Supreme Court,
tion is fighting back, and in a testament to convicted felons practicing law;" that he which enjoys immunity from civil liability
his legal skills has won a unanimous deci- never lied on his application; that the misde- with regard to its judicial functions.
sion before the U.S . Supreme Court. meanor criminal charges, of which he was For his part, Beaver said Sparks "has
Jerry M. Sparks' 16-year battle against never convicted, were part of a messy blamed me for 16 years for his failures. He
the Kentucky Bar Association's Character divorce; and that the Pennsylvania and needs to get on with his life."
and Fitness Committee continues apace. Maryland admission procedures are, like Beaver said his sole involvement in
The Kentucky Supreme Court recently Kentucky 's, "corrupt." Sparks ' case was the initial interview, and
rejected Sparks' motion that cited precedent "Even if all [Beaver's] charges were true, that "at the time he applied, the rule was that
for him to be "waived" into the bar without I was entitled to a hearing where I could anyone who had failed the test three times
passing the exam; Sparks said he now confront my accusers," said Sparks, explain- anywhere else was ineligible. I had no
intends to pursue criminal fraud charges. ing he later learned he was entitled to a choice in the matter."
The Louisville resident and graduate "notice of hearing" at which he could chal- In 1986, Sparks took the matter before
of the University of Baltimore Law School lenge Beaver's claims under the Fifth the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in
says it all began in 1980 when, as a prereq- Amendment's due-process clause and other Cincinnati [case no. 85-5629]. Sparks said
uisite to taking the Kentucky bar exam, constitutional grounds, Kentucky Supreme he felt confident that the three-judge panel,
he briefly was interviewed by Junius Court rules and existing case law. which seemed "sympathetic" to his plight,
Beaver, Jr. , a lawyer representing the fitness Instead of giving notice, Sparks said, would overturn the decision.
committee. the state bar association gave him the shaft It arrived about a year later, but instead
After the interview by collecting the $100 appli- granted immunity to "a guy [Beaver] who
but before Sparks took cation fee on each of his four wasn't even a judge, but a lawyer." He
the test, Beaver wrote to tries, knowing his was an claimed the judges ' purported turnabout
the Kentucky State exercise in futility. suggests "either someone got to them ... or
Board of Bar Exam- Sparks said he thought he they were trying to protect their own corrupt
iners, noting that Sparks passed the exam every time. system."
"has been divorced" and Prior to taking his fourth Sparks, still representing himself, headed
"arrested twice in the exam in 1983, Sparks said he in 1988 to the U.S. Supreme Court, which in
state of Maryland ... asked the bar association to an 8-0 decision remanded the case back to
once for breaking and provide his file per the state's the Sixth Circuit for "further consideration"
entering and once for open-records law, but was in light of its recent Forrester v. White deci-
assault." refused. The next day, he sion [484 U.S .219; 98 L. Ed. 2d 757
Beaver added that showed up in Lexington "act- (1988)]. It also ordered the bar association
Sparks "took the Mary- ing like Mr. Nice Guy with committee to pay Sparks $200 for legal
land Bar Exam six times my coat and tie on," and again costs incurred.
and has not passed it, '------'::...::..'-='-"':..:.:..-=--c..:....'-'-=------' requested to see the folder. In turn, the Sixth Circuit, in an October
and the Pennsylvania Bar Exam two times The secretary, apparently new to the job, 1988 decision, ruled that Forrester v. White
and did not pass it." retrieved it, he said. (involving a sex-discrimination action
Based on these and other concerns, "DO NOT PASS" was scribbled on the brought against a state court judge who, per
including a claim that Sparks lied on his outside of the folder, Sparks said. Inside, he his administrative authority under the
application regarding his previous unsuc- found Beaver's 1980 "smoking gun" letter Illinois Constitution, had discharged a
cessful bar exams, Beaver wrote that he that he claims proved the fitness committee female probation officer) is "entirely distin-
could "not recommend Sparks for the taking had acted in bad faith . guishable from this case and, therefore, does
of the February 1980 exam." "You can bet they never dreamed that I'd not require that we change our previous
Regarding the allegation that he was "not find that letter," he said. Sparks filed suit decision."
The fitness committee's actions were "at
least quasi-judicial and, that being so, they
Supreme Court, not a lawyer anywhere
down the line in Kentucky, who has won a
Court's decision not to waive him, which
effectively ended his hopes of becoming a
were entitled to absolute immunity as well," unanimous [U.S. Supreme Court] decision, lawyer, Sparks said he "felt like committing
according to the ruling. and here they spent $155,000 just to get excusable homicide. They've destroyed my :a
Sparks said he was outraged. "There is
absolutely nothing judicial about a five-
minute interview by a mere lawyer of a
prospective bar applicant before he takes the
exam," Sparks said.
"Is it any wonder why many good
beat," he said.
Sparks claimed that in response to his
legal battle, a new bar application was fash-
ioned in 1989 which reads: "I hereby
release, discharge and exonerate the
Kentucky Character and Fitness
livelihood." Sparks, who currently works as
a paralegal, said he intends to pursue crimi-
nal charges against the fitness committee
alleging fraud and obstruction of justice.
"Whether it's Kentucky or Maryland or
wherever, they are only going to pass so
Americans have lost faith in our judicial sys- Committee ... from any and all liability of many because there are already too many 0
tem? The system, instead of doing what is every nature and kind growing out of or in lawyers. I don't think I'd have been black- II
right and just, protects their own corruption.
They just rubber-stamped their original
anywise pertaining to the furnishing or
inspection of such documents, records or
balled if my mommy or my daddy or Uncle
Tom was in the club," Sparks said. :a
opinion." any other pertinent information ... The under- A spokeswoman for the Kentucky Bar
Sparks claimed a prominent lawyer and signed further waives absolutely any privi- Association said she could not discuss
courthouse insider told him the state spent lege he/she may have relevant to his/her Spark's case due to privacy concerns. The
more than $155 ,000 defending itself against good moral character and fitness to perform current chairman of the fitness committee
his action. the responsibilities of an attorney under could not be reached for comment.
"What's that tell you about my legal abil- Kentucky laws."
ity? There isn't a judge in the Kentucky After learning of the Kentucky Supreme

Feds Plan Major Shake-Up

Operation BOPTROT lives. Federal authorities are looking Sometimes 30 to 40 percent, or even an entire shipment, would
closely into the campaign finances of Governor Paul Patton (D) of disappear. The skimmers were making lots of money selling the
Kentucky. According to Charles "the Angel of Death" Hayes, confiscated cocaine back into the U.S. market.
indictments are forthcoming and there will be a top-to-bottom Whatever the individual roles and motivations, the system acted
shake-up of the Kentucky State Police. in such a way the U.S. government stole cocaine from the Medellin
Operation BOPTROT was supposed to have concluded, accord- cartel and sold it themselves on the U.S. market.
ing to the Lexington Herald-Leader reports detailing the big stories This is not to say the effects in Afghanistan were not a success
of 1995:
"All good things must come to an end, including federal investi-
also. The demand for coke by Russian soldiers increased not only
because of the growing personal use by them, but also because
gations . The feds closed the most successful investigation of public the soldiers would buy supplies to take home when on leave. ~
corruption in Kentucky history -- Operation BOPTROT. But by 1985 the demand for cocaine, both for sale in the U.S. ~
"Nabbed: 20 people, including 15 current and former lawmak- and for distribution in Afghanistan, exceeded the supply obtained
by confiscation. So elements of the U.S. government made a deal
ers, a top governor's aide and a former state auditor," {December .......
30, 1995}." with the Medellin cartel for increased supplies. \0
But Hayes says the BOPTROT investigations are continuing. When people complained to Casey about the diversion of his 0\
Corruption in Kentucky has been around for some time. Sally original plan, Casey would point to the high-level U.S . government ~
Denton's "The Bluegrass Conspiracy" (a book, not the band), pub- officials involved -- ones he indicated he was afraid to cross.
lished in 1990, tells about gun and drug smuggling in Kentucky, and Some of the pilots carrying cocaine between Mena and Miami

the connections between the Las Vegas Mafia and the highest levels would air-drop quantities at designated locations in Kentucky. ~
of state government. Officials were bribed to look the other way, or were consulted to ~
Some find the real origins of Operation BOPTROT in drug help manage the operation. This may have been the real beginnings
smuggling into and out of the Mena, Ark. , airport. Mena represent- of the corruption that led to Operation BOPTROT. ~
ed the brainchild of the CIA's Bill Casey, who wanted to do to What, specifically, the more-recently elected Governor Paul
Russian soldiers in Afghanistan what had been done to U.S . soldiers Patton was involved in remains to be seen. But the AOD says his s·
in Korea and Vietnam: namely, turn them into drug addicts. days are numbered.
The idea was to take cocaine confiscated in U.S. drug raids and Patton's communication director, Melissa Forsythe, told Media I
to collect it in places like Mena. Then it would be flown to Miami, Bypass by telephone on Aug. 8, "We're not aware of any" federal a
Fla. and then on to Turkey, and finally carried overland into investigation linked to the governor or to the state police. The ~

Afghanistan to be sold cheaply to Russian soldiers. governor's legal counsel, Dennis Fleming, was present during 6:,
When the operation began in 1983, there was only modest skim- the call.
ming by the drug couriers: three or four kilos-per-hundred. But
since few records were kept comparing the amount arrived to the ~
amount shipped, the skimming percentages quickly increased. --J. Orlin Grabbe 17

az Three Causes Blamed for Crash of

Secretary Ron Brown's Plane
IG Air Force fails to conduct safety investigation
The U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board ("AlB") Rep011 did Ambassador Galbraith tell Time (and, apparently, Newsweek) the
on the April 3, 1996, crash of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's worst storm of the decade was raging while he was at the airport
plane (call sign "IFO 21") near Dubrovnik, Croatia, 7,156 pages in waiting for the Brown plane to land? Here is what Mr. Galbraith had
21 volumes, was released at a Pentagon press briefing on June 7, a to say to the AlB under oath when asked about the weather:
month after my cover article about crash was finalized (Media Q: " ... you're quoted as saying that it is the worst weather in
Bypass, June 1996). Dubrovnik in 20 years or 10 years ..."
It is clearly impossible to critique comprehensively all the data in A: "I - I - I. . . What I said was that I am told by local people in
a 7,000+page report in a short article, so I have covered the portions Dubrovnik that this is the worst weather in 10 years .. .it was a state-
of the AlB Report below that I felt were of the most interest. ment meant to indicate that the weather was truly abysmal. .. In my
According to the AlB Report, the crash had three causes: 1) com- experience, the airport has been closed, at least to commercial
mand failure (an Air Force requirement that the aerial approach to flights in much less severe weather. .. "
airports like the one at Dubrovnik be specifically certified as safe As I reported in June, confirmed by my calls to Aviation Week,
before Air Force planes used them was not obeyed by the 86th despite the ambassador's statements, the weather was nothing out of
Military Airlift Wing that "owned" the Brown plane); 2) aircrew the ordinary: a steady 14 mph wind, with light to moderate rain, S-
error (principally, "although the published final approach indicates mile visibility, broken clouds at 400 feet (500 feet per the AlB
a course of 119 degrees, IFO 21 tracked outbound from the KLP Report), and a solid overcast at 2,000 feet. No lightning or thunder-
(abbreviation for Kolocep Island) beacon on approximately a 110 storms were present when the Brown plane was cleared to land. The
degree course until impact," the flight crew also failed to realize the AlB Report completely agrees with the account of the weather given
approach required two radio direction finding receivers, and the in the June Media Bypass, not the weather reported by Ambassador
crew did not identify that they had passed the Missed Approach Galbraith.
Point ("MAP") at which point they were required to break-off the Furthermore, the president of the AlB, Brigadier General Charles
approach without attempting to land); and 3) an improperly Coolidge, said at the June 7 press briefing, "The weather was not a
designed instrument approach procedure (the Croatians are said not substantially contributing factor or a cause of this mishap ... On the
to have followed international aviation rules to ensure that the day of the accident, the weather remained good enough to allow the
approach was free of obstacles, specifically the 2300-foot mountain aircraft to land at Dubrovnik using an instrument approach."
that IFO 21 hit). I continue to believe that it is not out-of-bounds to consider
As reported in June, the Air Force, in a very unusual decision, whether, for some reason, there was a very early attempt to make the
decided not to conduct any safety investigation designed to weather at the time of the crash appear far worse than it actually was
prevent future crashes. Instead, it conducted a "legal investigation" and thereby seem severe enough to have been a major reason for the
designed, according to Air Force regulations, for "all purposes other crash. On April 11, I faxed the appropriate addressees at the
than mishap prevention." National Transportation Safety Board and the Air Force Office of
I continue to believe this was not the wisest approach, a conclu- Flight Safety concerning the discrepancy in the weather and also
sion echoed in a May 23 letter to the AlB by a publisher of aero- raised the weather issue several times as a radio guest shortly after
nautical charts: "This investigation, which apparently is motivated the crash. These faxes might have been the reason that the AlB
by concerns other than accident prevention, is not, in our view, the Report pursued the discrepancy in the weather reports with the
best of enhancing safety." ambassador.
My June article asked why mainstream media reports describing FINDERS WERE REQUIRED?
the airport weather at the time of the crash were materially mislead- The AlB Report (and the June 7 press conference) indicated that
ing and appeared to blame the crash, at least in part, on extremely IFO 21 would have been required to have two Automatic Direction
severe weather. According to Time , "the worst storm of the decade Finding ("ADF") radios to fly the approach to Runway 12 legally
was raging" as the Brown plane approached the runway. Newsweek via the ground-based nondirectional ("NDB") beacons KLP and CV
reported, "the worst storm in ten years." Hillary Clinton (who had (abbreviation for the village of Cavtat) (See Figure 1). Why the Air
flown on the same plane about a week before the crash) wrote the Force believes two ADFs are required is far from clear.
Brown plane landed "in a violent rainstorm." According to the AlB Report "Guidance for changing NAYAIDS
Time spokesmen informed me its source for the airport weather [in this case using the KLP's ADF radio signal to fly to KLP and
was the American Ambassador to Croatia, Mr. Peter Galbraith, who then switching to CV to fly to CV from KLP] when established on
was present at the Dubrovnik airport at the time of the crash. Why the final approach is not explicitly stated in AFM 51-37.
"However, in the opinion of both the Air Force Flight Standards According to the AlB Report, the actual path (apparently near the
Agency and the Air Force Advanced Instrument School, changing bottom of the solid overcast) the pilot flew, based on radar data from
the navigation receiver providing final approach guidance is not the AWACS, was also 9 degrees to the left (110{SYMBOL 176 \f
allowed. "Symbol"}) of the proper path (119{SYMBOL 176 \f "Symbol"})
"The result is a requirement for two ADF receivers for this spe- through the air and ended abruptly on the northwest side St. John's
cific approach: one for the final approach guidance [tuned to KLP] Hill (See Figure 1).
and one to identify the Missed Approach Point [at CV, and 2,500 feet
above mean sea level]."
Did the pilot misread his instruments and make the fundamental
mistake of setting up a course that was 10 degrees "off" (the 9
It is unclear how the lack of explicit regulatory guidance in AFM degrees difference in the AlB Report being an approximation of an ;II
51-37 coupled with two informal "opinions" produces a regulatory exact 10 degrees error), and therefore fly a path through the air of fl2
"requirement." 110 degrees (to the mountain) rather than the correct path to Runway :a
Secondly, the specific AFM 51-37 citation is to paragraph 12 (119 degrees)?
13.1a2(h). By its own terms, this paragraph applies only if the CV If the pilot made this mistake, why didn't the co-pilot catch it the
NBD provides a specific type of fix called a "step down fix," but the way he would be expected to? Even if the pilots made this basic mis-
CV NOB does not provide this type of fix. Paragraph 13.1a2(h) take, a second fundamental error is required for the Brown plane to
with its reference to a "step down fix" also provides the basis for the hit St. John's Hill.
two "opinions" cited in the quoted statement. Since the CV NOB After descending to just above the published approach's
does not provide a "step down fix," the two opinions cited also Minimum Descent Altitude ("MDA") of 2, !50 feet above mean sea
appear questionable on their face. level (1,632 feet above the airport elevation of 518 feet) the pilots
Furthermore, Croatian airlines (and its predecessor airlines) have would have to fly to the MAP above the CV NOB , the point at which
been safely tlying the KLP-CV approach to Runway 12 at they were required to break off the approach by climbing out to the
Dubrovnik for around 20 years using only one ADF. Finally, half right, away from the mountains and toward the Adriatic Sea, if they
the Air Force pilots questioned by the AlB stated that if they were did not have the runway in sight below the broken cloud cover about
flying the approach in a plane with only one ADF receiver, they 500 feet above the ground (See Figure 1) .
would first tune to KLP and then Even though the AlB Report's
tune to CV to navigate between .JEPPES!;N DUBROVNIK, CROATIA AWACS radar data indicate that the
123.6 CILIPI
KLP and CV.
plane's speed varied from a high of
118.5 NOB Rwy 12
According to the AlB Report, HD• :ua KLP 230 knots (-265 mph) over KLP to
Ah Set: hPa Tranl leve!: 8'1 ATC
tw .. EHr Y: !9 hPil T·ans011h. 'iY:.O"(S982"' ,A,p1 . £1•~ 528'
the ADF receiver on the Brown a proper landing speed of about 135
('' •,"\. c-T• ..... <i"; ) ,.-.., -'\.:,
plane was tuned to KLP at impact. . --~ ".· .• ' r " i•,;,.. '\ knots just before impact, the AlB
\·---~~1~ 2"~ _- :< , \ ~ \ ~
This implies the pilots never tuned '""' '\.;_;:__./ •, . -"'~2l Report assumes that the pilots deter-
'--....__ _ Beacon ~"""-..
their one ADF to CV, even though it ~­ mined the MAP by using a stopwatch
IO!Jfl -,,

is clear that flying "from" the KLP M"-"fAS~~-/9c \ 2021'

to keep track of the time spent on
""' "'oeo .·........ ~· ------....... ~~"
~ ":&'
NOB would be expected to provide 62-a
(~~ the approach after passing over the

il> . ...

less accurate course guidance the eyp,

~ •
r\. c~c6o·
11 CV-.' BeaCOI
KLP NOB , a nearly impossible proce-
further the airplane moved away Path Plane Should HaVe '-. . ' -'o~;. ~'!! 9'_ ) dure if the plane's speed is varying
from KLP (11.8 nautical miles from
Flown Be~ween Tbe KLP
Beacon & The ·cv Beacon
', ,• 1 ,
3oo' 1~
\ (and one the AlB Report agrees was ~
Prior To Fl-ying 1.9 Nautical ' , , • •. ~ ,.. r~f
the start of Runway 12) toward the Miles Southeastii-ly And Landing ' , , f"...,~-. . .~-. . . : : .,<~~~· not allowed according to the instruc-
On Runway 12 ......._,, """R ''1.7b'"\~~
airport and flying "to" CV would be tions for the approach to Runway 12). ga
unway "-:::::.-:·
expected to provide more accurate )) )(Official Flight Path -
Crash Site On Northwest Side Of
Of course, had the single ADF been .........
Hi(l~« \()
course guidance the closer the air- ""A
2,300 Foot Peak (St . John's tuned to the CV NOB, the rapid swing \()
At ''X'' \.-:.~....
plane moved toward CV (only 1.9 of the arrow on their gauges would 0\
nautical miles from the threshold of
..... .... .... have indicated the plane had reached ~
KLPNDB [11.8 Nautical Miles From Start of Runway 12]
Runway 12) and the airport. 4ooo·• · the MAP over CV. >:l..
It is for this reason that I, a "fair
(~462'} ~ ............. 1•
1 ,.. . .
~. M~~:~l ~~Utlca12149'(1t11Jr';
[I -
CV Let' .
OCA.(H) RWY 12 Did the pilots make both these inde-
weather" pilot licensed in 1965 pendent fundamental errors on their
(not a pilot at present), thought that ... fN(Y 1:2 518' approach to Runway 12? If they did ~

re-tuning the ADF to guide on CV

TOOI$FlTHRE.iH 11.8 -- - - -
MISSED APPI!OA'"' Turn RIGHT to KLP NOB climbing to 4000' (3482'!
1.9 -0

not, did their ADF somehow fail to "'"'

after passing over KLP was the -
_ .. _. __ . ·
rece1ve · f ormatiOn
t he proper m · f rom
obvious procedure to follow if I had only one ADF receiver on my KLP (or possibly, CV)? The apparent suicide of the Croatian ~
plane (Both the KLP and CV NBDs were test-flown soon after the chief of maintenance for these navigation aids three days after
crash and found to be functioning nominally).

the crash is certainly a tantalizing fact. Was this death merely a
By determining the gauge settings that were "frozen" when the The final cause of the crash according to the AlB Report was -h.
plane hit the mountain, the AlB Report indicates that the Brown the miscalculation by the Croatians of the 2,150-foot MDA. ~
pilot set markers on his individual gauges that took information from Applying a variety of U.S. and International Civil Aviation
the plane's one ADF receiver that caused him to manually fly a Organization (ICAO) criteria, the AlB Report specified a variety of
course 9 degrees to the left of what the Air Force later determined to higher MDAs, from 2,822 to 3,400 feet, needed for a "legal" ~
be the proper setting. approach to the Dubrovnik airport using the KLP NOB. An 19
MDA higher than 2,300 feet would make it this airplane couldn't have landed there CONCLUSION
physically impossible for the plane to have [Dubrovnik airport] under these [instrument] As I stated in the June article, it is by no
hit the 2,300 foot high St. John's Hill. conditions, correct? If you went over CV and means clear the Brown plane's approach to
Despite the higher MDAs called for in correctly identified CV, you can't conduct a Dubrovnik airport was sabotaged in some
the AID Report, a reliable source tells me stabilized approach in 1.9 miles from the alti- manner. However, for the crash to have been
the ICAO has independently checked the tude that you list as having been proper [Air an accident as the AlB Report concludes,
methodology and the calculations of the Force MDAs of 2, 822 feet and higher]." one must believe that two well-trained and
Croatian MDA of 2, 150 feet and found them A: "It's immaterial to the issue at hand." well-thought-of pilots made at least two fun-
both to be appropriate. Q: "No transport category jet could land damental errors on what did turn out to be
A second, independent source has pro- under the MDA you recommend there [in their final approach. Though very rare, such
vided confirmation and also told me the Air the AID Report]." basic and costly errors have occurred before
Force was aware the ICAO supported the A: "It's immaterial to the issue. No, it, in and will happen again in the future .
Croatian-designed approach well before the fact it's directly relevant to the issue in that In any event, I believe the admitted focus
AID Report was published, although the had the correct [Air Force] MDA been pub- of the AID Report on "legal liability" rather
AID Report fails to mention that the ICAO lished, that would have been, hopefully, than future accident prevention was not the
considers the Croatian-designed MDA clearly evident to the crew. They would best approach to take. As a former accident
appropriate. have looked when they knew they had to investigator for the National Transportation
The Croatian accident investigation make an instrument approach. They [would Safety Board and the Air Force told USA
report, expected to be released in early discover that] they did not have an instru- Today (May 1, 1996), "They just want to
October, should shed some additional light ment approach compatible to the airfield. blame the dead pilots and go home. That
on the MDA issue. In any event, the Brown They would have gone to an alternate will satisfy the news gods and the congres-
crash was the first crash on approach to the [another airport]." sional gods, and then they'll be done with
Dubrovnik airport in at least the last 20 The general did not appear to realize that it."
years (Runway 12 is over 10,000 feet long he was saying that use of the Air Force
and can handle jumbo jets up to and includ- MDA would mean that no jet transports
ing the largest commercial transport, the could ever land on Runway 12 under instru- (Hugh Sprunt is a Dallas-based CPA
Boeing 747). ment conditions using the significantly who obtained his pilot's license in
The higher the MDA over CV, the steep- higher MDAs calculated in the AID Report. 1965. After graduating from MIT with
er and more difficult the approach to reach According to my calculations, the MDAs BS and MS degrees, he served as a
the start of Runway 12. Thus, the higher in the AID Report would require a 737-type commissioned officer on three govern-
MDAs called for in the AlB Report pro- aircraft to descend at a rate roughly four to ment research ships in the Atlantic and
voked the following exchange at the press five times faster than the descent rate speci- worked with Fleet Numerical Weather
briefing on June 7 between a well-informed fied for the KLP-CV portion of the approach Central in Monterey, California. He
reporter and an Air Force general: (2,700 to 3,400 feet per minute versus has a number of contacts in the avia-
Q: "But general, if in fact you establish roughly 700 feet per minute between KLP tion industry and has studied aviation
the MDA called for in the [AlB] Report, and CV) . accident reports for 30 years.)

New Programs and Equipment Bolster Radio Network

Improvements in Media Bypass Radio Network (MBRN) pro- "The goal is to provide several hours a day of quality programming
gramming, equipment and personnel, place the network in a solid on both satellite and shortwave and constantly expand our listener-
position for the future. "I think it's coming along. I see nothing but ship. We've added 20 new affiliates with Pastor Joe Chambers."
continued growth," predicted Jim Thomas, publisher of Media MBRN recently completed a major technical overhaul, as many
Bypass Magazine and CEO of Tree-Top Communications, Inc. of our off-time listeners are aware of with the constant sound checks
"Home Schooling" with host Sherri Pitman is now broadcast and intermittent programming. A dedicated digital line has been
Monday through Friday at ll am Eastern on shortwave signal 9.400. installed to take the signal from our studio to the satellite uplink and
"The Intelligence Report" with hosts Mark Koernke and John new signal receiving equipment has been installed to bring in a qual-
Stadtmiller currently broadcast Monday through Friday at 7 pm ity signal from our hosts.
Eastern on shortwave 9.955 and "Liberty Law" with Larry Becraft "We've had successful testing of the programming being brought
broadcast on Saturday at I 0 am Eastern on shortwave 9.400. in digitally," said Thomas, who is also MBRN's chief engineer.
"We are developing a series of quality programming for the "That should eliminate many of our technical problems."
network, and as shortwave time comes available we intend to A new multiple line Gen tner analog receiving and digitizing
simulcast the appropriate programming," according to Greg hybrid system for multiple co-hosts/guests/caller lines has been
Meadows, Director of Satellite Communications and Marketing for added for better coordination of the phone lines. An 800 call-in
the network. line is currently being installed for our syndicated shows. Our
"In fact, we're grateful to David Franz of WGTG for making exact satellite location is now Galaxy 7, transponder 14, 7.71 mega-
shortwave time available for Home Schooling," Meadows added. hertz audio.
By Jim Thomas Copyri)-!111 1!)1)() !Vkdia Hypas . . rvl<i _!!<I/I IK'

Heed the Definitions When =

Considering Income Taxes
Tax Forms and Instructions Are Deceiving
This is only one of many articles I have written in past issues of Now we will get back to the "zero L-----
Media Bypass pertaining to income taxes. Some have complained tax return."
about the many advertisements on taxes in the magazine. Many of The Form 1040 does not provide a place to list receipts. If one
the articles do relate to what you buy from advertisements. writes receipts, or anything else for that matter, an automatic fine of
Herein I will give you some information that has proven suc- $500 is assessed. The forms that I have seen did have the term
cessful in cases that I personally know about. First, keep in mind the "receipts" written on it and the fine was levied.
IRS may charge you with a penalty for not filing. Of course the figure "0" was listed in the amount for income tax
However, not paying any tax is strictly a civil matter. Thus one calculated and owed. Perhaps a slight modification might be in
should not go to jail when a proper tax form has been filed, even if order, perhaps "see attached statement."
no taxes have been paid. Such a term should not be considered frivolous. This "attached
Of interest herein is a "zero tax return." This is a return wherein statement" could well have the proper columns on it to show
the assessment for income taxes is "zero." Before continuing with receipts in one column and income in another.
this return, let us provide some background information. If this is done, then such a statement must be included in each
The 16th Amendment clearly states: "The Congress shall have no column of the 1040 form so that you cannot be accused of not fill-
power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source ing it out. Also your attention is invited to the fact that "0" is a valid
derived ...... " number and the courts have also agreed.
Note that the power relates to "income" and not to sources! The Please do not construe the above information as advice because I
terms "income," "sources," and "derived" are of utmost importance do not give advice. but I can report on what I have seen work!
and their meaning must be well-understood. Now let us look at "Tips." Are "tips" really taxable? I only know
Income is always derived from a source. Since income is "profit what the code states .
or gain" there must be a source from which the profit or gain is Internal Revenue Code Section 6053: Reporting of tips.
derived. This statement must be true because how can one make a (a) Reports by employees: ~
"Every employee who, in the course of his employment by an '"t:l
profit from nothing?
Any retail merchant will tell you that all his/her receipts for mer- employer, receives in any calendar month tips which are wages ... or ~
chandise is not gain or profit (income). First the merchant must tips which are compensation ... ." (emphasis. added). ~
deduct the cost of the merchandise and the selling expenses before
a gain or profit (income) is derived-- and then the income or profit
When I eat out and receive reasonable service, I always leave
a tip for the waiter or waitresses . I do not pay her/his salary and I
tax is made by self assessment. do not pay his/her wages . What I leave on the table is gratuity or \0
But when one is not in business, all receipts coming in are tax- a gift and it has nothing to do with the Internal Revenue Code 0\
able, according to the IRS . Section 6053. ~
Is not this a double standard? This is the hogwash the IRS wants Moving down to Section 3121 of the IRS Code, we find the def- E;•
you to believe, but it is not so! inition for wages : "For the purposes of this chapter, the term wages
Remember that "income" is not defined in the IRS code. means all remuneration for employment, including the cash value of
Congress has never defined "income," but the courts have defined all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash ..... " l:l
"income" as an accounting profit or gain . How often do you write a check for your tips? I do not use cred- "'"'
Example: "There is a clear distinction between "profit," and
"wages," or compensation for labor. "Compensation for labor"
it cards thus I always leave any tips in the form of cash on the table
and this does not come under the purview of wages or renumera- i
(wages) cannot be regarded as profit within the meaning of the law. tions for employment! s·
The word "profit" , as ordinarily used, means the gai n made upon any Hey folks, if you are not reading the Internal Revenue Code, you
business or investment - a different thing altogether from the mere are missing out on a lot of fun .
compensation for labor." Oliver vs Halstead 86 SE2d. 859 (1955). In Indiana we have a state sales tax wherein foods are exempt.
The IRS 1040 tax form and instructions are meant to deceive you Water is not a food in this state! How long can you live without
into reporting your sources of income instead of income itself. water? The Indiana Tax Court has recently ruled that our property 6;,
The fact of the matter is: If one works for wages, salary, or com-
pensation, no income has yet been derived from such. However, it
tax assessments are unconstitutional. The law in Indiana exempts
any unconstitutional tax in this State. Do you really think that I will
may be derived if properly invested and a profit or gain is returned get a property tax refund for taxes paid during the past 20 years in ~
on that investment. the state? see Taxes, pg. 22 21
en By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
a:w <"l"""'" l'''"· l ,..l""'""\1'"' 1'"'"'"'.

g Dole Endorses Socialist School Plan
.:1 Seeking to align himself more closely with conservatives before be given to home schoolers . That's a sure path to disaster. The feds
0 the Republican convention, Bob Dole has endorsed a federal school would not only monitor and license these caring mothers the way
voucher program. But if he had done his homework, he would have
known that conservatives have grave reservations about putting pri-
vate schools on the dole.
social workers do welfare recipients--but also determine what and
how many hours they teach. Goodbye home schooling.
Already Americans are taxed to the hilt to pay for failing public
Mr. Dole's idea is a four-year pilot program that would cost $5 schools. Already states are strapped by intrusive federal regulations
billion, with half the bill paid by the federal government, providing that have transformed many schools into condom-distributing, mul-
the states foot the rest. Four million students from mostly poor fam- ticultural petri dishes. Now, Republicans are supposed to get behind
ilies would get grants to attend private schools. This is "a civil rights a program that will do to private schools what the feds have done to
movement for the 1990s," he said. Is it? public ones?
For decades, conservatives have debated with liberals on educa- It's safe to say that Mr. Dole's idea won't go far. Of course teach-
tion. Liberals say money needs to be redistributed from rich districts ers' unions oppose vouchers. But so does an organized movement of
to poor ones, and overall spending increased dramatically. Bosh, say religious and economic conservatives in the Republican Party.
conservatives. The answer lies with local control, returning to George Roche of Hillsdale College says vouchers would remake
basics, and rewarding achievement. Throwing more money at the private schools "into the image of the very public schools that have
problem especially federal money will not work. failed so miserably." Ronald Trowbridge adds that "if government
To which side of the debate does the voucher idea belong? vouchers are extended to private primary and secondary schools,
Vouchers means new federal spending in a new federal education 'private schools' will become virtually extinct. "
program that violates the lOth Amendment. Columnist Samuel Francis says if vouchers pass, the nation's
Vouchers guarantee perpetually higher budgets for the "private and parochial schools would soon be homogenized by the
Department of Education, which will distribute them. Vouchers get same government that has already ruined public schools."
the feds involved in the funding and running of private schools, Looking at the budget figures, Charlotte Allen, writing in the
something not even Mr. Clinton's Goals 2000 does. American Spectator, is shocked by the sheer cost. Taxpayers will
Even Mr. Dole's pitch is strangely class-based : We should take "find themselves obliged to pay for a private-school system on top
from the rich, who send their kids to private schools because "they of a public-school system." Worst of all , they will "leave us even
have the money, " and give to the poor, so they can have "choice" more in thrall to a powerful central government."
too. Pat Buchanan, who once backed them, says he took "a hard sec-
The implication is that disparities in wealth are inherently unjust; ond look at those school vouchers ." Now he predicts they will
it takes subsidies to make people truly free . Only the far-left used to "entail greater state contamination and control. " Why not "give the
talk like this. billions back to taxpayers?" in tax cuts , he asks.
Of course rich ·people have more "choice" than poor people, and Economist Murray Rothbard was once asked what he proposed
not only in the schools they attend. Rich people can live in nicer in place of vouchers. Abolish the Department of Education, he said,
homes, drive nicer cars, dress better, eat fancier food, if they so repeal regulations on private schools, cut public school budgets, and
choose. Mr. Dole says "that's not the way it ought to work in insure local control. Finally, Dr. Rothbard said, the best voucher is
America. " a person's own hard-earned dollar; government should let us keep
Oh? There's a name for the system that allows such disparities: what we earn.
it's capitalism. Those who work hard, save, and invest benefit mate- Instead, Mr. Dole has proposed yet another far-flung federal pro-
rially, as they should. And by spending their own dollars on private gram. On this issue, as with many others, he has abandoned the true
schools, people are investing in the future of their children. conservative position, and thrown in his lot with the big-spending,
How strange that Mr. Dole would be the one to offer such a rad- egalitarian left.
ical critique of this system. (Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. is president of the Ludwig
What 's brand-new in Mr. Dole's plan is that vouchers would also von Mises Institute in Auburn, Ala.)

mxes ~~--------------------------
continued from pg. 21
If so, I will share it with you kind readers! Then if the state thought it valued to low, they could purchase the
Our State is looking for a constitutional method of assessment. I property and resell it. He thought the idea was too simple but did
called up the local township assessor and told him the problem was have some merit. People might understand how it works!
very simple: Just have all property owners assess their own prop- We assess ourselves for income taxes and other taxes, why not
erty voluntarily and sign a statement that they would sell the prop- property? The state could save millions of dollars in overhead.
erty at the assessed valuation. Take care and I will visit with you again next month .

By Dr. Walter Williams c.. pyri~hri'!%MediaBvp'"'M"~"'""' 0

Defending Your Rights Viewed ...
By Many as Extremist CIJ

Congressional Democrats and the news media love to label cer- Try to tell them that freedom of the
tain Americans as extremists . Usually, the victim of their appellation press is an anachronistic, simplistic
is the American who demands that government respect both the let- idea inconsistent with a complex, dynamic society. They still won't
ter and spirit of the United States Constitution. accept any government regulation of what they print and broadcast.
The Gun Owners of America and the National Rifle Association Why is it that news media people and liberals are so "extremist"
are extremists because they fight government encroachments on our when it comes to First Amendment guarantees and can easily find
Second Amendment guarantee to bear arms. In that regard, there are jurisdiction for government restrictions on other liberties? The
some other extremists who should be identified. simple answer is people love freedom for themselves but not
Patrick Henry warned, "The militia, sir, is our ultimate safe- for others .
ty.... The great object is that every man be armed .. . everyone who is But of greater explanatory worth is the fact that free speech is
able may have a gun." critical to a tyrant's pursuit of tyranny. Once a tyrant has accom-
Richard Henry Lee said, "To preserve liberty, it is essential that plished that goal, free speech becomes a thing of the past as well.
the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught That was surely the pattern of 20th century tyrants like Hitler,
alike, especially when young, how to use them." Stalin, Castro and Mao.
The framers gave us the Second Amendment not so we could go An extremist like Thomas Paine warned, "Those who expect to
deer or duck hunting but to give us a modicum of protection against reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of
congressional tyranny. supporting it."
The Fifth Amendment says: "(N)or shall private property be We can't rest on the fact that the framers gave us the world's
taken for public use without just compensation." There's nothing greatest Constitution. In 1789. Benjamin Franklin admonished,
complicated about those 12 words. "Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance
You tell me: Which of those words permits the Fish & Wildlife that promises permanency; but in this world, nothing can be said to
Service to come upon your property, find a red-cockade woodpeck- be certain, except death and taxes."
er and then prohibit you from using 1,000 acres, resulting in a $1.8 Do you think Clinton should enact an executive order banning ~
million loss of value, as in the case of North Carolina farmer? Fourth of July celebrations? After all, why honor a bunch of anti- "'tt
Americans shouldn't passively comply with tyrannical acts like government extremists? ~
this. Of course, politicians and the news media would label me an ~
extremist. But I'm proud to be in good
Thomas Jefferson's seal said, "Rebel- \Q
lion to tyrants is obedience to God." 0\
And, if you're like many and think I'm ~
too critical and suspicious of govern-
ment, there's another with similar suspi-

George Washington said, "Govern- ~

ment is not reason, it is not eloquence. It """"

is force. Like fire, it is dangerous servant ~
and a fearsome master."
Liberals and the news media are con-
stitutional extremists in one way. They


revere the portion of the First Amend- '-

ment that says, "Congress shall make no
law... abridging the freedom of speech, or .h.
of the press." If you don't believe they ~
have an "extremist" vision of the First
Amendment, ask them in what ways
Congress should regulate the press "in ~
the public interest." They'll say none. 23
CD By Rich Azar (IIP\I I);! hl jl)l) (l 1\ k d . .~ Jh p.•'" :\ 1.1!..'.1/ 11\l


...1-0 Obstacles for Constitutional
Candidates Include Apathy, Funding
Apathy. Lack of funding. Vote fraud . purses in violation of the Fourth Amend- percent of the vote in the two-way
Outright hostility. Such are the obstacles to ment," she said. "It was definitely an overre- Republican primary, her first bid for politi-
electing constitutional candidates, accord- action ... and we were thrilled to see the cal office.
ing to people who have tried to work within newspaper endorse my husband's position." "I knew there wasn' t going to be a lot of
the existing political structure to effect With regard to political affiliation, Turner funding, but I felt if I pounded the pave-
change. said constitutional candidates should, "look ment, distributing brochures, I might get a
Candace Turner, executive director of at their own local county or state and see good response. But people are just so apa-
the Committee to Elect Constitutional [which party] has the best chance of win- thetic, and I came to the conclusion that
Candidates, said she has helped coordinate ning, what kind of network they have and go people are going to get the government they
efforts with candidates from all 50 states. in that direction a lot of counties deserve -- it's just
Since January, the undertaking has fea- in America, you have to run
"But people are not the government I
tured weekly conference calls in which Democrat to have a shot, but in our just so apathet- deserve," she said.
hopefuls for local, state and national office - county Republicans generally win ." ic, and I crune Gentry noted she
- Democrats, Republicans, third-party can- She said involvement with the two to the conclu- raised about $10,000 in
didates and independents -- shared ideas and major parties does not require sion that people cash, donated equip-
formulated strategies. adherence to whatever objection- are going to get ment and services from
Turner, of Sarcoxie, Mo., said her group able positions they may hold. the government those "sympathetic to
has sought to build from the ground up, con- Furthermore, Turner rejects the they deserve the cause."
centrating first on electing constitutional view that involvement in politics is -it's just not the Her platform in-
candidates to grassroots positions such as futile because "a national emer- cluded "conservative,
government I
precinct committeemen. "It's at the neigh- gency will be declared and the elec- pro-life, pro-family,
borhood precinct level where the most tion 's canceled" or any of numerous pro - Constitution"
important education takes place," she said. other excuses forwarded in some quarters. issues, and while the media generally gave
Efforts to organize and network at the "They were talking about World War III her a "fair shake," Gentry said the most
state level "died for a lack of funding . That's when Gorbachev stepped down, and it intense criticism came from "militia-slash-
the biggest obstacle to recruiting constitu- didn't happen," she said. "If you're not survivalist types. They were saying, 'The
tional candidates and helping them succeed, involved, what's the alternative? You only U.N. is going to be here any day, anybody
at least at the state and national levels ...and get out of an endeavor what you put into it." running for office is a fool.' And they didn't
there 's so much apathy. The grassroots con- [Anyone wanting to learn more about just keep that view to themselves -- they
stitutionists, even the regular voters, won't constitutional candidates can write Candace went on radio and convinced others not to
even come out to meet the Turner at PO Box 134, Carterville, get involved. Of course, these same people
candidates," she noted. Mo. , 64835 ; or can call (417) 673- were selling survivalist gear."
Turner's husband Les 1905; or contact her via e-mail at Gentry said she ran as a Republican for
is running as a "Christian or nix@ two reasons. First, she said her views are
constitutionist" in an People wanting to in line with what she perceives to be "truly
eight-way Republican pri- participate in the conference calls, Republican, not like the 'RINOs' --
mary race for Jasper held every Wednesday at 10 p.m. Republicans in Name Only. I wasn't willing
County Commissioner. Eastern, should call (61 0) 856- to surrender the party to those people."
His campaign has cen- 7743 .] She added that as a practical matter, her
tered around property and Among those constitutionally congressional district historically has over-
privacy rights, including minded candidates who ran in the whelmingly voted Republican.
"unconstitutional search- primaries as Democrats or Repub- "The biggest obstacle was greed" on the
es" at the county courthouse that were insti- licans for philosophical and/or practical rea- part of voters with a vested interest in big
tuted after the Oklahoma City bombing. sons was Karen Gentry, who lost to incum- government, she said. "There were small
"The judge and sheriff decided we need- bent Rep . Bill Thomas for California's 21st business owners and farmers, for example,
ed to have extra security at the courthouse, District seat. who would compromise on social issues for
searching everybody and all the women's Gentry, 42, of Bakersfield, garnered 21 fiscal issues -- so long as their businesses
were thriving economically, the general con- She suspects vote fraud in her race for
several reasons, including the media predict-
ment of the IRS and the Fed, and a U.S. exit
from the United Nations.
dition of the country was of no concern t"'
... Probably my biggest mistake, if you want ing the "exact outcome" even as the polls "Get yourself on as a steering committee 1'1
to call it that, was criticizing NAFTA and were closing. Her polling data had indicated member and fight for these issues," she said. n
GATI. The farmers here in the central valley
are doing well under those agreements,
a "close race," she said, "and the secretary of
state's office said if I didn't like the out-
"Force a confrontation."
Running on a third-party or independent

never mind how everybody else is doing."
Gentry noted her political bid "has actu-
ally been a good experience. That's the case
come, just sue them. As a plaintiff before, I
know that's a joke."
Kidd previously ran in 1994 for
ticket is an exercise in futility, according to
a self"proclaimed "America-First populist"
who concedes that his run U)
anytime you learn something." Her advice to
other constitutional candidates is simple:
the same seat under the American
Independent Party banner. She
for Congress as a Dem-
ocrat likewise met little
"Survey your district to see what's important said her polling data showed a success.
to people, what the range of issues are -- and close race in part because Herger John Kucek, 69, of
you have to address them, even if they're had been widely criticized for Watchung, N.J. , garnered
not what you consider to be the most changing his mind from nay to yea 7 percent of the vote in the
important." two days before the NAFTA vote, state's June 4 primary for
Once that's accomplished, Gentry said, which she said has hurt ranchers the 11th Congressional
people may be more receptive to views on and many farmers in her district. District seat. "That was
pressing but more complicated issues such "The only way to regain control with a campaign budget of
as the Federal Reserve. of politics in this country is that less than $100," he said.
Devvy Kidd, another constitutionist who people must literally march, in mass, "But here in New Jersey, all the minor party
ran and lost as a 1996 Republican California demanding paper ballots that are hand- candidates put together only get maybe 2
congressional hopeful, says her running counted," she said. "John F. Kennedy said, percent."
days are over because she is convinced that 'Those who make peaceful revolution A semi-retired certified public accoun-
vote fraud has negated the will of the people. impossible will make violent revolution tant, Kucek said the party machinery and
"I will never run for public office again inevitable.' I'm no big fan of his, but I think numerous editorial writers skewered him for
with electronic ballot machines," said the those words are prophetic." being a "Holocaust revisionist." Kucek said
candidate for California's Second Congres- Kidd said she believes politicians are he does not deny that large numbers of Jews
sional District. "I will not take people's aware of a growing public furor, "But I don't and other "undesirables" were killed in Nazi
money, whether they gave five dollars or a think it's going to make any difference. Germany, but he does question the "six mil-
thousand, if it is predetermined that I'm not They are factually challenged and intellectu- lion figure" and other historical elements of
going to win." ally shallow. They have no conscience. the atrocity.
Kidd said she "registered as a Republican People like Dole and Gingrich have lied for He added that while he shares many
more than 25 years ago because America is a so long to themselves that they believe their beliefs prevalent in patriot quarters, "I never

Republic, not a democracy. But my loyalty is own lies." got a chance to say much about it because all
not to a political party. It is to truth, to our She noted her high hopes for the 1994 they wanted to talk about was my views on
country, to all we have stood for and all we Republican freshman class have been the Holocaust." ~
will stand for in the future." dashed. "The biggest mistake Revisionist views aside, Kucek offers ~
Kidd, 47, of Oroville, they made was their failure to
use a very valuable tool, frank-
several arguments against running as a third-
party candidate. "While most patriots are
Calif., lost the two-way pri- .......
mary race to five-term Re- ing [free mailing] privileges . reluctant to run as candidates in either of the \0
publican incumbent Walter They could have mailed out two establishment parties as a matter of 0\
Herger, who garnered 86 per- millions of flyers explaining the stubborn pride, there are a few undisputable ~
cent of the vote by "official" danger of the IRS to the repub- facts about our political system. One is that
tally, as compiled by comput- lic before anybody knew what running in a major political party does not

er software. was happening, but they didn't. mean you have to accept or go along with
"What is the psychologi- They went about curing the their leftist agenda." l::l
cal value in having an out- symptoms and now, they are so Another "indisputable fact," according to
come like that? People would tied up in PAC money, they Kucek, is that "it's impossible for any inde- ~
say, 'Gee, I voted for her but maybe she's all throw the patriot community a scrap here pendent third-party candidate to get elected
wrong, maybe it is baloney," said Kidd, and there to say they are real constitution- to any office above the level of mayor unless s·
whose campaign themes included abolish- ists, but they are not." he has several million dollars to spend on
ing the IRS and Federal Reserve. Given her dim view of vote-counting pro- advertising." I
"One of the things I've discovered, after cedures, Kidd said that rather than run for Kucek believes "an effective third party a
having been in every state of the union, national office, politically active patriots can never be built because of the powerful -h.
is that people may not fully grasp the might consider becoming delegates to 'lesser of two evils syndrome,' which forces ~
Federal Reserve and its impact on the local state conventions. She noted the Texas even the most patriotic voter to vote for one
economy," Kidd said. "But the IRS, like Republican Party's platform gained wide major party candidate, out of fear that the
love, is a universal language -- everybody attention (though virtually ignored by the other major party candidate may win." ~
hates them." mainstream media) by calling for abolish- see Candidates, pg. 26 25
By Clayton R. Douglas c""~"~h, l<l% \kd,,,,h""" \ld~d/lllc'

! History Reveals Clinton Not The

a Noble Man He Presents to The Public
ambitions of the poor boy, who, without Kennedy's background and
The Early Years breeding, could only emptily mock the outward, regal bearing with-
President John F. Kennedy met July 24, 1963, with a group of out the benefit of inner convictions and conventional morals?
young men whose trip was sponsored by the American Legion. It Was the young man from Hope already being groomed for a
was just another photo opportunity, one of many, for the photogenic political career by powerful men or did a dark, terrible, lustful angel
young president. see Clinton with the popular president and silently put a checkrnark
The tall, smiling, equally photogenic young man in the photo beside his name?
with Kennedy was 16-year-old William Jefferson Blythe Clinton. It was not just a chance meeting.
After that meeting, young William Clinton, of Hope, Arkansas Bill Clinton, even in 1963, had chosen a career in politics. He had
would be off to loaf through college and, later, on to a political campaigned hard for the privilege of taking the trip to Washington.
career that would carry him into the highest office in the land. Even at that young age, Clinton was carefully cultivating his back-
It is impossible to determine if the meeting between Clinton and ers and supporters while keeping a detailed, daily card file on every-
Kennedy had some deeper meaning? Did it somehow shape the one he met. (Flash of deja vu ... see Craig Livingstone inside the top

continued from pg. 25
"Ninety percent of the people are not seven-way primary race on Sept. 3, was a future. I am a candidate who is not afraid to
interested in substantive issues. They will delegate to the party's May 4 convention and act, not afraid of making political enemies
invariably vote for one of the two major par- successfully inserted a platform plank and not afraid of having his political career
ties. They look upon politics through the declaring, "The Nevada Republican Party ruined. We can only save ourselves from
eyes of a sports fan and proudly proclaim supports the doctrine that the people of the anarchy and eventual dictatorship by invok-
their condition, such as, 'I'm a Giants fan! I State of Nevada own all of the public land ing the political process now, while we still
am a Democrat!' They don't really know in Nevada and that the State shall enforce have a little time left."
why, they just are," Kucek said. that doctrine." He said demographics in Nevada's Second
A Nevada congressional candidate, who The former intelligence officer (and occa- Congressional District were largely responsi-
gained local fame in 1993 as the "Sagebrush sional Media Bypass contributor) also has ble for his decision to run as a Republican: "A
Murderer" when the feds accused him of been highly critical of judicial corruption. Republican is going to win" the general
killing plants while grading a road, claims "Judges are not loyal to the law, they are election to replace incumbent Republican
that "invoking the political process now is loyal to the power which is represented by Barbara Vucanovich," he predicted.
the only way to avert bloodshed." the money," he said in a campaign release. Echoing a theme common among consti-
Pat McMillan, 53, of Searchlight, Nev., "Following the money, we see clearly that it tutionist candidates, McMillan said "money
says he was the "first person in the West comes from the same trough that feeds the is the main obstacle" in his campaign, par-
to successfully defend against Bureau of runaway federal system. This unholy mar- ticularly with regard to advertising budgets.
Land Management criminal charges." riage has bred a custom among state and "Unfortunately, most voters are unin-
McMillan had graded sagebrush off a one- federal judges that ultimately control them, formed, and they respond mainly to the flash
eighth mile stretch of road leading to his to rule in the best interests of government cards, the sound bites on television," he said.
gold mine, and argued the federal govern- employees, system insiders and powerful Because the advertising money isn't there,
ment "owns no land in the state and has no special interests." the media has essentially presumed
legislative jurisdiction." McMillan concedes he suffers from a McMillan is not a serious candidate and thus
The criminal charges were dropped, he lack of name recognition, but has concen- essentially ignored his campaign, he said.
says, because the feds thought prosecution trated on bringing rural voters, among those However, McMillan said in early August
might prove potentially embarrassing. A most affected by a runaway federal bureau- that he was about to target 50,000 primary
civil administrative procedure was used by cracy, out in droves. voters with a direct-mail pamphlet outlining
the feds to seize his mining claims and "The runaway bureaucracy must be his views .
equipment; the case is under appeal. tamed," he said. "If not, the nation faces the
McMillan, a Republican running in a potential of violent upheaval in the near
secret vault carefully reviewing the hundreds of names on secret FBI
files! See Bill and Hillary looking at each other saying, "I thought
concealed and many falsehoods were glibly, persuasively voiced and
even believed," Morris wrote.
you hired him.") Even today, when reports of screaming and shouting matches 1'1
The photographic record of the meeting with Kennedy would between the president and first lady minutes prior to his inaugura- n
be used many times to further the political career of Bill Clinton.
Soon after shaking hands with Clinton, Kennedy met his violent
tion and in the White house have surfaced, it is hard for most
Americans to reconcile these reports with the smiling, waving,
death. Eyewitnesses stated there was more than one shooter. Over
30 witnesses met with unfortunate, untimely and suspicious
seemingly happy couple we saw on TV.
It is hard for us to believe the man who took an oath to protect
and defend the Constitution, would have done the most of any pres- U)
While not suggesting that young Clinton was in anyway involved
in Kennedy's death, there have been an uncanny number of deaths of
ident since Roosevelt to dismantle it.
The meteoric rise of Bill Clinton as a politician is almost
people who got close to Clinton, up to and including his term as unprecedented. He seemed to live a charmed existence while charm-
president of the United States. ing the public with his boyish smile and earnest words.
Not counting the Branch Davidians who burned to death at Waco, His political career really began while attending Georgetown
or people on planes accompanying the FOB (Friends of Bill), over University. A female student recalled in Morris's book, "He just
30 deaths of Clinton associates have been recorded since Clinton made you feel wonderful when he talked to you."
took his oath of office in 1992. But his opponents called him "the usual politico" and coined the
From C. Victor Raiser II, the co-chairman of his campaign term "S lick Willie" to his chagrin. In a letter home, Clinton made the
finance committee, to his former state police bodyguards, Steven comment, "People - even some of my political enemies - confide in
Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeahan, and Conway Libow, all of me." Why would a 20-year-old college student have "political ene-
whom were shot to death in the attack on Waco, to the more well- mies"?
known White House counsel Vincent Foster and former U.S. "It was the eyes that gave it away, " said Philip Hodson in an
Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, the dead have one thing in interview with Morris about Clinton."They moved on before he fin-
common; they all had somehow come in contact with William ished talking with you." Obviously, the charm was entirely superfi-
Jefferson Blythe Clinton. cial.
Born William Jefferson Blythe, young Bill lost his father in an Clinton's manipulative abilities became apparent when he was
automobile accident before he was born. His mother, Virginia, confronted with the possibility that he would have to serve his coun-
remarried Roger Clinton soon after. Bill adopted Clinton's last name. try in the dreaded Vietnam War. He enlisted the help of his Uncle
After losing the family business because of a drinking problem, Raymond, and through Raymond, Arkansas Senator Fulbright.
Roger moved the family to Hot Springs under the protective wings In desperation at the thought of becoming just another 'grunt" ,
of his brother, Raymond Clinton, a successful and well-connected more cannon fodder for the New World Order's unpopular war,
businessman. Raymond was Bill's mentor and contributed greatly to Clinton and his mother approached Winthrop Rockefeller's (the dark
Bill Clinton's education and career. angel smiled as the Rockefellers took note of the brash boy with no
Hot Springs was a hot bed of corruption at the time. A favored moral obligations) appointee to the Selective Service, Willard
playground for organized crime, gambling and prostitution were "Lefty" Hawkins. ~
easily available and both Raymond and Roger were active partici- Hawkins referred him to Col. Eugene Holmes, commander of the
pants, benefiting directly from the slot machines in many a back ROTC unit at the University of Arkansas and, in a two-hour inter- ~
room. view, expressed his desire to 'join the program.' ~
It was an atmosphere of tolerance, a wink and a nod to criminal- Holmes told him he would have to enroll in the university in
ity that may have translated into the easy acceptance of corruption, order to be eligible. Clinton promised Holmes would hear from him .......
once a month while he was putting his affairs in order. Holmes \0
payoffs and drug use that permeates Clinton's family (younger \0
brother Roger's conviction on cocaine charges - allegations about assumed Clinton was going back to Oxford and would be back in 0..
Hillary), friends (Jim McDougal - convicted for his part in Arkansas within a couple of months. ~
Whitewater, and Dan Lassiter - convicted on cocaine trafficking -
pardoned by Clinton) and associates (Webster Hubbell, assistant

attorney general under Janet Reno pleaded guilty to mail fraud and The College Days ~(:::)
tax evasion). The year was 1968 when he told 20-year-veteran Selective
Roger Clinton was an abusive drunk but Clinton never allowed Service executive secretary, Opal Ellis, that he was too well educat- """"
his private hells to surface before his adoring public. ed to go to war as a mere private. ~
In Roger Morris' incredibly precise and detailed "Partners in Ellis' recollections record Clinton's first public temper tantrum. (:::)
Power," a family friend is quoted as saying, "Now that I know what "He was going to fix my wagon [and] pull every string he could s·
was really happening inside that place, I'm blown away with how he think of," she recalled.
never let on, never let himself go. He covered up like a dog burying A change in the law a few short months later saved Clinton from I
a bone real deep." the draft. He did not enroll in the University of Arkansas and did not a
Morris's book continues, "Early on, the boy who would be presi- follow through on his promise to Col. Holmes. I
dent inhabited the divided world so characteristic of his later profes- Holmes was very bitter towards Clinton . Clinton in 1992 told the b;:;
sion, the chasm between public and private realities. Like many LA Times, "it was just a fluke" that he was not drafted. Holmes told
other children of alcoholics, he learned to 'lie automatically,"' as one the world that Clinton "purposely deceived me, using the possibility
observer put it, "without any sense of guilt." of joining the ROTC as a ploy... purposely defrauding the mili- ~
"His was a home as many looked back on it, in which much was tary ... both in concealing his anti-military activities overseas and his 27
counterfeit intentions for later service. He gave his word and backed Indeed, in 1976 Bill Clinton ran for and won the office of attor-
out." ney general for Arkansas at the age of 30 with the help of well-
When Clinton learned he was in no danger of being drafted, he placed and well-heeled backers. He became governor five years

z wrote a self-aggrandizing letter denouncing the war, the draft and later.

rambling about his convictions or lack of them.
Years later, Clinton's staff did its best to find and destroy the let-
ter, only to learn a copy had been made and released during the '92
In his book, "Compromised," author Terry Reed wrote, "As I sat
in a dimly-lit World War II ammunition storage bunker outside Little
Rock, Arkansas [with Governor Clinton and CIA agents], I observed
u presidential campaign. the. CIA compromise both political parties. I can attest to something
w Little has been said in the corporate media of the anti-war activ- that I, like others, had often wondered about: Does the CIA sponsor
w ities referred by Clinton in his letter to Holmes. But there is mount-
ing evidence that Clinton was much more than your ordinary draft
candidates to the office of U.S. president? The answer is yes. I wit-
nessed the creation of a counterfeit president!"
However determined he might have been to avoid dodging Viet
Cong bullets, his loyalties did not lie with his fellow protesters.
September, 1969 Clinton stopped off in Washington to volunteer Arkansas: a banana republic
for the Vietnam Moratorium Committee. The movement was grow- under CIA control.
ing beyond college-age students and encompassing older, more John Cathey recruited Terry Reed in February, 1982.
moderate Americans. A pilot with experience in intelligence in Vietnam, and the secret
The young man from Hope began widening his sphere of influ- war in Laos, Reed was brought in to train pilots for the CIA's clan-
ence and activities. He helped organize anti-war rallies which he destine efforts in Nicaragua. Cathey, a CIA operative, is better
would deny later in his race for the presidency. known as former marine, Colonel Oliver North.
He organized and worked in rallies in Oslo, Norway as well as The operation, initially begun by then- Vice President George
Sweden and London. More disturbing was his trip to Russia at the Bush, continued on into the Bush presidency. In order for the
end of 1969 and into 1970. operation to succeed, it required the cooperation of Arkansas state
Why did he go and who paid for the room at the prestigious officials.
National Hotel just off Red Square? If he was just hanging out, Reed remembers Clinton was an eager and active participant in
always hungry and broke, as one Arkansas journalist reported anoth- the illegal activity. So was Barry Seal, the infamous drug smuggler
er student saying, why, as recently as 1995 did Clinton talk in glow- and government informer.
ing terms of his many "friends" in the Politburo? The government was well aware of Seal's activities. He had pho-
Why did he choose to celebrate D-Day in Russia rather than tographed the loading of cocaine onto his plane for the DEA, smug-
Britain? The answer may lie within the files of the CIA. gled arms to the contras for the CIA, dropped cash onto future assis-
A beleaguered President Johnson, ordered the CIA to "Get me tant attorney general Web Hubbell's ranch, provided cocaine for
some commie organizers and money behind this student sh--." President Clinton's good friend and political supporter, Dan Lassiter,
Two former CIA agency station chiefs have said they used cash and flew thousands of illegally assembled weapons out of this
payments, accommodations and help with the U.S. draft boards to country.
recruit students at Oxford. Seal knew too much about the CIA, about Bush, Governor
Because of the delicate nature of our intelligence arrangements Clinton and about the Colombian drug cartel. All were involved in
with England, the students were handled like high-level agents. illegal activity. All had reasons to want him dead. Seal was killed in
Several retired CIA agents have gone on record to state Bill New Orleans.
Clinton was then, and may be now, an asset of the agency. He was With the attention of the nation focused on Arkansas, North and
regularly debriefed, meaning his involvement with the anti-war Seal, the weapons business was moved from Arkansas to Mexico.
movement was that of an informer, a deep cover spy for the From one banana republic to another, Reed's handlers would
agency.In return, the CIA promised to help the young, ambitious say. Reed helped to set up operations there, until he learned his
men with their careers. company was being used as a front for drug smuggling.
Terry Reed in 1987 "crossed the Rubicon," going from a CIA Tyson Foods, Stephens, Inc. (BCCI) and others who have benefited
asset to a liability. Suddenly, he found himself wanted on trumped the most from his elections, care little for the man himself, and are r-
up charges emanating from Arkansas. already hedging their bets by backing Bob Dole as well. Ill
The untimely deaths of people who might be able to testify Clinton's dealings with these powerful figures as well as the n
against Clinton started in Arkansas. Kevin Ives and his friend Don
Henry were killed and a train accident staged after they stumbled
details of Clinton's much ballyhooed but seriously flawed Arkansas
Developmental Fund Association (ADFA) are spelled out by Larry

onto a drug deal near Mena. Nichols in the video, "The Clinton Chronicles." 2
Attorney Gary Johnson was beaten severely and a video surveil- Nichols was one employee who refused to feed at the same ,..
lance tape used to monitor visitors to his apartment was stolen . trough with Clinton's other associates and hangers-on. U)
~ Johnson was a neighbor of Jennifer Flowers. Clinton was a star of
the video .
It was not until he lost his governorship in what would have been
his second term, that Hillary finally decided to adopt the Clinton
The worst case, by far, is one that has received virtually no pub- name due to the ire her use of Rodham raised while married to
licity. Steve Dunleavy, writing for the New York Post on June 2, the governor.
1996, tells the story of Wayne Dumond, who has spent the last II Indeed, without Hillary's concessions and back room deals,
years in jail for a crime he did not commit. Clinton would have succumbed to his vices and his career would
Dummond's story began 12 years ago while he had been talking have gone the way of Gary Hart and other forgotten politicians.
to a church group about missing cars and the prevalence of drugs in This is not to say that Hillary is any more honest or forthright
the area of his Arkansas home. than her husband. Her mouth is just as foul, her temper just as
When a local girl was raped, the sheriff, pointed the finger at volatile, her liberalism just as close to communism as Bill's. Her
Dummond. The girl could not pick Dummond out of a lineup until affairs are simply better kept secrets.
she was taken into another room and showed a picture of him. The More and more journalists are breaking the barrier of silence that
girl identified two other men, one surrounds the White House like the
of whom she had dated. barricades on Pennsylvania Avenue.
They had alibis, Dumond did-
'"It can be proven, to anyone Roger Morris' mind-blowing book,
n't.The girl was Clinton's cousin. with the courage to see, that "Partners in Power," has turned up the
While Dumond was awaiting Cllnton is both a master heat on the president and first lady. A
trial, two masked men broke into respected historian, Morris' impecca-
his home in March, 1985, tied him manipulator who, turn, is in bly-researched book makes it impossi-
up, raped him and castrated him. being used by others. As the ble for this administration to shrug off
Sheriff Coolidge Conlee retrieved the facts as "patriot rhetoric."
Dumond's testicles from the blood-
list continues to grow, one Twenty-five-year FBI veteran Gary
splattered house and placed them would have to surmise there is a Aldrich and his partner, Dennis
in a jar on his desk. "That's what dark angel with a bloody sword Sculimbrene, were in charge of inter-
happens to people who fool around viewing the White house staff for
that watches over Cllnton." Vl
in my county," he said. national security. Are they satisfied
There was no reaction from that our country is in good hands?
then-governor Clinton. Hardly. ~
The sheriff was eventually nabbed by the FBI on unrelated drug Gary has resigned and is creating a stir with his book, "Unlimited ~
and extortion charges, sentenced to 160 years in prison where he
died of "natural causes".
This partnership has control of the White House, the FBI and
After four and a half years, the Arkansas parole board recom- foreign policy. Yet Hillary refers to her Secret Service guards as \0
mended Dumond go free for time served. John R. Starr, managing "pigs" while shunning the FBI agents who are supposedly there ~
editor of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, recorded the following reac-
tion from Clinton:
to protect them.
Are we better off after four years under the Clintons? Or are we ~

"Clinton had a romping, stomping fit. The victim was a distant one giant step closer to a police state, martial law or a one world
relative and St. Francis County [where this all took place] had a lot government? We'll answer these questions in the next issue,
of votes and he deeply resented being under pressure to free "Clintons in the White House." Next month. ~

Dumond." """"
It can be proven, to anyone with the courage to see, that Clinton ~
is both a master manipulator who, in turn, is being used by others. (Clayton R. Douglas is the publisher of "The Free ~
American" newspaper, a regular columnist for "Motorcycle
As the list continues to grow, one would have to surmise there is a
dark angel with a bloody sword that watches over Clinton. Industry," "Media Bypass Magazine," and "Easyrider" mag-

The smiling, enchanting politician has shown a remarkable con- azines. He is pleased to be listed as Armed and Dangerous
sistency. He consistently turns his back on the people while opening by the ADL and to be considered an extremist threat by the ~
his arms to the bankers, the lawyers and the representatives of the founder of Southern Poverty Law Center, Morris Dees. Mr. .h.
rich and powerful. Douglas is the author of the new, fictional, "Trevor McGee ~
Bill Clinton has rarely held a real job. He has merely held posi-
tions that have carried him through the times when his political
Adventure Series". His opinions and conclusions are his
and his alone. Threats or compliments may be mailed to ~
fortunes have turned. P.O. Box 2016, Tijeras, New Mexico 87059.) ~
Those who use Clinton to further their own political agenda, like
29 J
,"l"""h' i""" "led •.• lhp.•" ,~., ..."""
U» By Clayton R. Douglas

Big Money has Led Dole

Through His Political Career


"I know there are California oranges and Florida oranges. When Here s how it works in Bob Dole's world, as described by Real
I'm in Florida, I like Florida oranges. Today, I think California People for Real Change PAC. We will use, by way of example,
oranges are the best, of course, " -- Bob Dole, in California, 3/25/96. Dole s largest contributor, Dwayne Andreas of Archer Daniels
Midland (ADM). ADM is an agricultural giant that recently settled
Bob Dole is a practiced, polished professional politician. That is government charges of price-fixing and bribery by paying $25 mil-
not necessarily a compliment. Like an actor playing a certain role, lion in fines.)
"What has Dole received? Hundreds of thousands of dollars in
an accomplished politician can make you believe he has your best
campaign money, plus dozens of flights on ADM's jets at little or
interests at heart.
Compared morally to Bill Clinton, Dole is a sterling character. no cost. Plus speaking fees, and large donations to Dole's 'founda-
But, for that matter, so is Joey Butafucco! tions,' special foundations set up to evade donation limits , including
The question we should be asking is how well the candidates, if $100,000 to the Better America Foundation. Shortly after Elizabeth
elected, will do their job of upholding the Constitution of this coun- Dole took over the Red Cross, ADM gave a solid million dollars to
try. After all, that's what they swear an oath to do when they become the Red Cross, which certainly made her job easier. Plus, Bob and
Libby enjoy an exclusive luxury condo in Florida that Dwayne
The dictionary defines president as the chief executive officer of Andreas helped them get. And ADM gave $1 ,572,268 in "soft
a republic. Clinton obviously doesn't know what his job is, he keeps money" to the Republican Party.
What has ADM received? Dole helped arrange and protect a $3.5
referring to the U.S. as a democracy!
Is Bob Dole any more qualified for that office? Will Dole stand billion tax credit for ethanol (54 cents per gallon).
up to the heavyweight financial interests in defense of the rights of ADM makes 60 percent of this ethanol and receives $2 billion
the people? directly from this tax credit. ADM also has given Clinton $270,000
Unfortunately for the American people, the answer, arrived at and he has helped the company as well. Dole's own office issued a
after review of an immense amount of evidence, is that Bob Dole is press release last year calling him "Senator Ethanol."
In 1990, Dole held a trade bill hostage until the House agreed to
exactly what the Democrats perennially accuse Republicans of
being, a tool of big business. extend the ethanol tax credit, and put duties on imported ethanol. In
In a glaring example of corporate gratitude, Bob Dole gathered 1991 , Dole added an amendment to a highway bill making it harder
the legal limit of $37.5 million in campaign contributions by March, for refiners to supply methanol, the chief competitor of ethanol.
1996. It came in at a whopping $500,000 a week. The limit has not In 1993, he pushed the Bush administration into issuing new reg-
stopped Dole from bringing in millions more through different orga- ulations that increased the role of ethanol in government clean-air
nizations , foundations which closely skirt the line of legality when programs. Dole has defended his role in ethanol by saying it helps
it comes to raising funds for his personal needs. Kansas farmers, who produce a lot of corn, and the media has gen-
When it was legal for senators to charge for speaking engage- erally bought this argument.
But ethanol accounts for a tiny percentage of corn use, and many
ments, Dole made a bundle. When that became illegal , his wife,
Elizabeth began speaking to the very same special interests and lob- economists doubt the ethanol program has any effect on corn prices
bying groups. Elizabeth also has a very high paying job as head of at all.
Besides ethanol, Dole has delivered a lot to ADM . He used his
the Red Cross.
After the Oklahoma City bombing, Edie Smith, mother of two considerable clout to protect price supports on sugar, which make
ADM's competitive product -- corn syrup -- more profitable . He got
boys killed in the blast, revealed that contributions from concerned
Americans addressed specifically to her, were being confiscated ADM board member Jack Vanier's daughter a job with the federal
from her mail and put into a general fund. Agriculture Department in 1988, and hired Andreas' granddaughter
Elizabeth Dole and her husband only escaped scandal through himself in 1994.
Way back in 1971 , according to a Nixon White House memo,
the silence of the media after the incident. Smith was the one who
asked where the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms was dur- Andreas' son-in-law got an Environmental Protection Agency job
ing the bombing. Most recently, Smith and her mother were 2 of 462 after Dole "absolutely insisted" on it. And Dole supports the Export
members of families of victims who applied for benefits -- 460 were Enhancement Program, a corporate subsidy that gave ADM more
than $134 million between 1985 and 1995 ."
approved. Guess who was turned down?
According to Dole's good ADM friend, Dwayne Andreas , "The If you are a dyed-in-the-wool Republican who hates Bill Clinton,
only place you see a free market is in the speeches of politicians. it is going to be a bad election year. Virtually all of Bill Clinton's leg- r-
People who are not in the Midwest do not understand that this is a isl ative victories over the last three and a half years, he owes to Bob l't
socialist country." Dole. NAFTA, GATT, WTO, the Brady Bill , the Crime Bill, the n
Socialist indeed. Bob Dole may call himself conservative yet, Anti-Terrorist Bill , the Mexican Bailout, sending the troops to
after 35 years in the Senate, Dole has not reduced the size of the Bosnia and all of Clinton s leftist judicial appointments have been
federal government, cut one program of significance or reduced supported by and pushed through Congress by Bob Dole.
the spending of the federal government. The running joke in
Washington is, "What's the difference between a Republican
Bob Dole is not Clinton's competitor, he is Clinton's collaborator.
According to Paul Craig Roberts, in The Washington Times,
Congress and a Democrat Congress? A Republican Congress passes before Bob Dole helped lead the Clinton terror bill through the
the Democrat legislation ." Senate, that "The Republican Congress is about to sweep away
The problem is, no one is laughing. Washington Times reporter 1,000 years of achievements of English jurisprudence just because
Doug Brandow wrote, just prior to Dole leaving Congress, "Leading Republicans fear they can ' t beat Bill Clinton on the politics of anti-
Republicans have defended the most archaic and offensive outlays - terrorism ... The so-called Anti-Terrorist Bill destroys every safe-
- draft registration and the National Endowments for the Arts, for guard against tyranny that centuries of struggles against oppression
instance. The GOP Congress passed an anti-terrorist bill that vio- have put into the Jaw. Habeas Corpus would bite the dust along with
lates civil liberties while doing nothing to combat terrorism. bans against secret trials and secret evidence. Simply put, it would
"Indeed, there are no more useless creatures than Centrist turn every federal law enforcement agency into the Gestapo."
Republicans. Rhetorically committed to a free market and fiscal Mr. Roberts also states a very frightening fact, "No terrorist
responsibility, they consistently vote for more government and less group in the United States has yet matched the acts of terror com-
freedom." mitted by the FBI at Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho."
ADM. is not a isolated incident that could be overlooked. Bob Dole has backed out on his promise to repeal the Crime Bill ban
Dole can and often does count on companies like Carl Lindner"s against assault weapons.
American Financial, Chiquita Banana and Koch Industries, who Dole supported Clinton's plan for warrantless gun searches in
have given $225,000 to Dole 's Better America Foundation, $27,250 Chicago and has remained silent on his action . The facts indicate
to his presidential campaign and another $25,000 in soft money to Bob Dole is as capable of instituting a police state as Bill Clinton.
the Republican Party. In straw pole after straw pole, from Arizona to California to New
David Koch also hosted a fund-raiser on Dole's birthday which Hampshire, Pat Buchanan drew a majority of the votes from these
raised $150,000. There are many more, and Dole 's campaign and assemblages.
contributors have been fined by the FEC more than once. Bob Dole received fewer that one percent of the votes cast.
Just how blatant is Dole? Don McAlvaney's Intelligence Advisor Only a coalition of Keyes and Gramm supporters prevented
reports the Tax Reform Act of 1986 Buchanan from getting the Cal-
Dunagin's People
would have cost the Iowa-based ifornia endorsement.
Ruan Trucking Company addition- In Arizona, Buchanan won by a

al for a fleet of trucks that were landslide, yet, when the votes were
ordered in 1985 with a 1987 deliv- counted in the primary, it was Dole
ery. Dole tried to introduce a bill and Forbes. Was this the result of the
that would specifically exempt the most negative media blitz ever? Or ~
Ruans from the tax increase but were votes being manipulated even gs
such naked influence peddling was more than usual? Fiery Buchanan's ........
loss to the dull Dole may be the first \Q
too much for even the most jaded \Q
veterans of the Senate, yet Dole time the New Hampshire primary 0\
persevered. has ever failed to predict the next ~
The senator slipped the Ruan tax presidential candidate.
break into a special resolution to This upset can be attributed to

correct bookkeeping mistakes Dole's well-heeled backers as well
such as misspelled names, incorrect as the media. Buchanan s America- ~

dates, etc. When that trick didn't first rhetoric goes against the plans """"
work either, Dole grafted the Ruan of the New World Order. Dole has ~
amendment onto an obscure Senate no plans to allow Buchanan to ~
~ N
bill that authorized the sale of e1996 Tnbune Media Services, Inc. All Rigllts Reserved. speak at the convention. s·
ConRail and reduced government Dole has also strayed far from
payments for cataract surgery.
"Of course I have values . ... the anti-abortion stance of the

Dole 's special interest favor to

It's just that they're for sale." majority of the Republican Party as
his contributors reads: "The amendment made by Section 201 [of well as giving in to the anti-gunners. He has been courting Colin -+::...
the Internal Revenue code, repealing the investment tax credit] shall Powell, Council on Foreign Relations, pro-abortion, pro-homosexu- t.:l;:l
not apply to trucks, tractor units, and trailers which a privately-held al , and on May 1 announced the Republican National Convention
company in Des Moines. Iowa contracted to purchase in September. will be turned over to Gov. George Bush Jr. of Texas and Gov.
1985. Maybe more Americans should start reading the bills their Christine Whitman of N.T, a rabid anti-gunner and pro-abortion iJ:l

Congress is passing. Republican. see Dole, pg.35
Text and photographs by Lawrence W. Myers ("'~''''~~~, 19% ~kdJ.Jil'P·'" ~~.,~.~~ "'"

There is an old saying in espionage, Media Bypass magazine. Arguably one of my around that same time.
which suggests "There are old spies, and the most sought after retired agents in the An attorney by education and a govern-
there are bold spies, but, there are no old U.S. intelligence community, the running ment-trained expert in tracking and hunting
bold spies." This polite warning is given to fox has quit running and as of January of narco-terrorist money launderers by profes-
all Clandestine Services operatives at the this year has, at least officially, retired. sion, the murky details of Hayes' 30-plus
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during The United States government suspected year career as a contract agent for the CIA
their initial training. Discretion, extreme it might have a problem with Charles S. include covert and sometimes violent activ-
caution and careful consideration of risk are Hayes in the mid-1950's, when, as an Air ities in the Soviet Union, China, and most
what makes a good intelligence operative. Force officer he parachuted into a desolate recently in Central and South America.
If there are any old, bold spies in this post portion of Oklahoma on a two-week sur- He has not been without controversy.
cold-war era, they will likely tell of the leg- vival training mission equipped only with a Operations he conducted and supervised in
end of the old "Running Fox," a computer knife and two matches. Brazil in the 1980s are still classified,
spy named Charles Hayes, who has had his Young Captain Hayes returned to post unavailable even to the Senate Select
hands in the game since before the Bay of clean-shaven, shoes shined, and weighing Committee on Intelligence. He has been
Pigs, and who, last year, came in from the three pounds more than when he jumped out deposed by government lawyers dozens of
cold when he was featured in a series of arti- of the plane. He was recruited into the intel- times in the past year, over dozens of cases.
cles known as "Fostergate" in the pages of ligence community from the military acade- Yet, he suggests that most of what he knows,
(\~p~Ti)2.h1 !'llJ(l i\h'di;1 B~p;1"" \la)-!:1/ilh.' :.
has yet to wet a line this season. Purchasing
the parts and equipment to maintain a
Retired CIA Operative ... recently acquired Cray Model 3B supercom-
puter takes up most of his time.
A "Computerized Coup d'Etat?"
The whereabouts of this monster number
cruncher is one of the best-kept secrets in
America. Hayes and his fellow Fifth
Columnists have installed the system in the
back of a 48-foot tractor-trailer, complete
with backup power supply and reportedly
connected to the Internet and elsewhere
through illegally "cloned" cellular telephone
interconnect access software, a charge
Hayes denies.
What he and his associates may be hack-
ing into next, is also kept secret, until the
information is used to confront someone in
Though fluent in a number of foreign lan- government or corporate America.
guages, Hayes has probably caused the most For the past decade, Chuck Hayes' name
discomfort for his opponents recently has tended to appear in the most unusual
because of his proficiency in Cray computer case files. For example, according to the last
assembly language. two months' phone bill of murdered inves-
Hayes and a small cell of experienced tigative reporter Danny Casolero, every time
retired CIA computer hackers, commonly he contacted a key source on the financial
known as "the Fifth Column" have effective- scandal story he worked on till the day he
ly disrupted the international financial mar- was found dead, he also contacted Hayes to
kets, derailed a number of promising corpo- apparently fill him in on the story or get
rate careers, and in many ways, altered the more leads to run down. Hayes will not dis-
American political landscape in a way cuss Casolero except to say he was one of
unprecedented in this century. With their the few reporters he ever trusted in his
exploits featured on the Internet almost
every day this year, the men of the Fifth
Since the Fostergate story broke, govern- ~
Column have become somewhat of a legend ment agencies have taken an interest in the ~
as an entertaining though potentially ~
unpleasant road hazard along the informa-
tion superhighway.
Media Bypass readers will recall that it \0
was Hayes who provided James Norman 0\
with the details of money laundering and ~
he will likely take with him to his grave. secret Swiss bank accounts tied to key gov-
He has also, by most accounts, per- ernment officials in Washington last year. It

formed great service to his country, many was Hayes who predicted in August, 1995,
times over. For example, a retired agent who that congressmen would begin "dropping ~
does not personally approve of Haye's like flies from public office" over these
unconventional methods recalled that the alleged activities. ~
largest-ever U.S. Customs seizure of pre- According to the House Banking ~

t cious stones from Brazil is credited to Hayes

for an operation he supervised in the mid-
Subcommittee, it was also Hayes who
assisted in the exposure of several multina-


~ 1980s. He and his hackers penetrated the tiona! banking scandals in the past six

illegal traffic in narcotics, cash and jewels months. a

by several groups associated with the Hayes, now in his early 60s, recently quit
a I
Columbian Cali and Medellin drug cartels. smoking, monitors his blood pressure every ~
Almost a half a billion dollars in diamonds,
jade and other precious stones were inter-
morning and is back to daily workouts in the
ancient Chinese martial art he has studied Air Force cadet
cepted and made their way into the U.S. for most of his adult life. He resides near a Charles Hayes presented with ~
Treasury as a result. fishing resort in southeastern Kentucky, but award in 1950s
( np\ 11~hl J l)l)(l \h d1.1 lh p 1'\" \1,1!.! 1/llll

exploits and activities of the Fifth Column. disclose their possession of these accounts FBI hacker in 1993, for example, and this
When Congressman Jim Leach's Banking and request the money be returned," he evidence helped make the case.
Subcommittee began to look at systematic noted. When Gene Rightmyer of the Bureau of
money-laundering allegations against a This phenomena may have something to Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) told
number of U.S . corporate interests in 1995, do with potential criminal charges facing federal authorities in May 1995, that he had
the first stop for congressional investigators these politicians for taking illegal bribes, deleted all of his mailing list records from
was the home of Chuck Hayes. collecting and not reporting receipt of so- his personal computer regarding the now
And, when politicians began to resign called "soft money" and income tax evasion. infamous ATF "Good 01' Boy Roundup," an
from office late last year, Chuck Hayes Though he declines to be specific about IRS hacker retrieved every bit of the infor-
became known on the Internet as "the Angel who gets what these days, it is suspected by mation in a matter of minutes.
of Death" as his emmisaries began handing some in federal law enforcement that many To be sure, some hacking activities are
"packets" of intercepted bank wire transfer of the unprecedented so-called "early retire- much more complicated and probably will
records to these national figures, outlining ments" in Congress this year are attributable always remain classified. Government com-
their secret accounts and advising them their to the folks from the Fifth Column. And, puter wizards are known to have applied
funds are now in the possession of the U.S . according to Hayes, for every high-profile their clever skills, for example, to save the
Treasury. elected official who gets a packet, there are lives of U.S. fighter pilots in Operation
"It's a funny thing about these elected sometimes dozens of smaller government Desert Storm.
officials," laughs Hayes, while sitting at officials and bureaucrats who also get the During the first hours of the air war in the
Gulf in 1991, a team of CIA hackers broke
into Saddam Hussein's air defense computer
system and inserted a "virus" into the Soviet
built hardware that caused all of the Iraqi air
defense artillery weapons to be off target by
several degrees when U.S. Air Force
bombers flew overhead.
At least one of these hackers is reported-
ly part of Hayes' small group of associates
and consultants who are now out of govern-
ment service but evidently not without an
ability and interest in breaking into elec-
tronic records files. Hayes declined to com-
ment on the background of any of his

The current crop of Fifth Column hack-

ing enterprises is attributable to an inten-
tional "back door" programming routine
placed into most international bank wire
software packages currently in service
In order to acquire a level of compatibil-
exam nes
H~,v·~~ gauges on a ity among international money institutions,
hydraulic mule used for aircraft maintenance . this particular software is reportedly the
This is but one of millions of dollars in military standard in more than half of the major
equipment and hardware he has acquired over the years. banks in Europe and most of the banks in
the U. S.
home in a leather chair in his library, sipping unpleasant news and decide to retire from Understanding the basic premise of the
a Makers Mark Gold bourbon and ice from government service. complex hacking enterprise engaged in by
a crystal glass. Professional Hackers-Uncle Sam's the Fifth Column is not that difficult. For
"When politicians are handed a packet, "Secret Weapon" example, officials admit Hayes and associ-
they are each advised that the funds in their The federal government has employed ates likely legally obtained most of the com-
Swiss banks or Caymen Island accounts computer hackers for more than two ponents of their Cray computer system
have been electronically transfeiTed and are decades. These experts break into personal through a number of purchases at U.S.
now in the possession of the U.S. Treasury computers for the IRS and the FBI almost Department of Defense auctions over the
Department, and they need only file a stan- every day. The threat letter mailed by the past few years.
dard recovery claim form to get the money World Trade Center bombers was retrieved Although most of the older Cray circuit
back. Oddly enough, none have decided to off of their computer hard drive by one such boards retired from government service are
l ."l'' 1 !_•.'Ill I (}11{, \kd1:1 It\ 1'·1'-' \l.t~',l / 111>"

generally dismantled and reclaimed for their are looking into people's supposedly secret tions of their computers from folks like the
substantial gold content, "it is not difficult bank accounts and emptying those they Fifth Column.
for a skilled technician to repair these know contain illegal or laundered money. Although he is confident that counter-
boards to the component level and use them "The IRS does it, with, and sometimes measures can prevent unauthorized comput-
for their actual intended purpose," according without, a warrant, hundreds of times a day. er access, he adds that what Hayes and his
to a congressional investigator who The CIA has actually been doing this to ter- rogue associates are doing is "probably ille-
suspects Hayes and his fellow hackers prob- rorist groups and spy rings for years. The gal...but what are the odds of anyone they
ably purchased most of the supercomputer Massad has turned bank record hacking into target complaining to the authorities?"
parts legally on the government surplus mar- a fine art. The fact that retired CIA employ- Hayes, who was working on yet another
ket. ees are now doing this on their own to project at his home when visited earlier this
The legality and complexity of what American politicians and government offi- summer, looked through his powerful naval
these rogue agents are evidently doing with cials is not at all particularly difficult to binoculars out over the valley he now calls
the hardware has the concern of many agen- imagine," he said. "If they are catching home, smiled and suggested he has "a lot of
cies, including the FBI. Amazingly, the Fifth criminals, I really don't have much of a surprises" in store for a number of politi-
Column appears to be exploiting a flaw in problem with it." cians before the 1996 presidential election.
the modified Promis software used by most The analyst, who asked that he not be What these surprises are, and what they may
in the banking industry today. Evidently, identified for this story, recently retired from mean, "will be obvious before the end of the
breaking into bank accounts is not all that federal law enforcement and is now year," he said. "Lets just say, we are now in
complicated. employed as a consultant paid to protect what can only be called an extremely target-
"It is sort of like you buying a very large corporations from the electronic penetra- rich environment."
and expensive safe from me," suggests a
retired government computer analyst famil-
Yef N-\Cfn.!EK9~i'URSI~ rt~e: A'T /:1.. ?Lfl.Ce: Of' W"Rt:..UIP
iar with the Fifth Column. "The safe is sold
as being impenetrable, with a heavy titani- { ..
um steel door and a complex combination
only you possess. Though all that is true,
what you don't know is that I have built a
secret door in the back of this safe. To apply
this analogy to the banking software in
question, once you buy my safe, I can now
enter your house without going through any ~
doors, walk up to your safe without leaving ~

as much as a footprint on your carpet, and I ~

can peek inside your safe anytime I want.
"If and when I do browse through your
property, I find something you are not
allowed to have, something you have secret- \Q
ly stored in this safe, I can take it away from 0\
you, without much risk of you complaining
about it publicly. That is what these Fifth

Column hackers are basically doing. They iS'

Dole _____ _____ _____ __ '\:j
continued from pg. 31
Once upon a time, the big spenders were committed to America.
While the politicians and their backers milked us, it was a small
to most -favored-nations like China, while Americans go hungry. ~
You can thank Dole for the situation. You won ' t find him in 1:)
price to pay for America's rise to the top as a world power. N
Washington though. Try his ADM-subsidized condo in Florida or
Today, the allegiance of those high rollers and industrialists is to his government-subsidized digs inside the Beltway.


a New World Order. Once their ill-gotten gains were merely hidden Perhaps the final word on Dole should belong to Stanley G. "-
overseas; today, whole factories and millions of American jobs have Hilton, a former aide to Dole in the '70s and '80s who left on good
been sent to foreign countries. enough terms to get a letter of recommendation from Dole ... before
The finished product is now imported into America, duty-free, he wrote his book, "Senator for Sale": ~
and sold back to us, not a savings but at highly inflated prices.
While food prices creep up in our grocery stores, American prod-
"I have come to believe that he lacks any real commitment to the
conservative agenda of his own party or to any other agenda, and
ucts, like wheat and corn, traditionally grown by family farms, are that he is largely a special interest slot machine, a human pendulum ~
now produced by giant conglomerates like ADM, and are being sold dancing to the tune of the highest bidders." 35
By Gerald Carroll < "1"""1" I'''"' '1""·' ll'l"" ,~., ... '"'"

Major Legal and Media Players

Huddle in Guarded Conference
When Reno, Nevada-based freelance reporter June Wisniewski refusing to reveal confidential sources of information for her stories
tried to cover the National Conference on the Media and the Courts on the case. Smith was the mother who confessed to the drowning
in May at the University of Nevada-Reno, she was turned away. of her two young boys after first making up a story that a black man
"Security was tight everywhere," said Wisniewski. "You couldn't kidnapped them.
get in to cover any of the meetings." Decker also indicated the subject of the "common law courts"
Wisniewski, also a member of the Reno-area patriot community, movement was also approached in discussion groups, but was not a
has good reason to be suspicious of the U.S. judicial system, and the formal topic during the conference. During the conference, the
ultimate motivation behind such a conference. Montana Justus Freemen were still holding out, surrounded by the
She has battled the court system in New Jersey since 1989 in a FBI and espousing the widely-held patriot view that the regular
legal dispute over the settlement of her late father's estate. The strug- court system was unconstitutional and illegal.
gle has left her financially ruined and ill of health and during the While the conference was ostensibly formed to deal with con-
legal fight she took the judicial system to task via the written word. flicts between the media and the judiciary, Wisniewski and other
The intrepid Reno reporter was the only writer allowed to cover observers felt it was a concentrated effort on the part of the nation-
Randy Weaver's keynote address at Jubilation '96, a conference al judiciary to twist the arms of the mainstream press and force
sponsored by The Jubilee newspaper in April on the shores of Lake members of the media to cooperate with judges and lawyers, or face
Tahoe. "consequences."
"The conference was a reporter's dream, but the press was Some evidence exists to back the concerns of Wisniewski and
not invited," Wisniewski wrote in the May, 1996, issue of the other Reno-area patriots who tried to gain access into the conference
American's Bulletin, based in Oregon. sessions. First, of the 10 private discussion groups formed, all 10
"The mainstream media blew it. They kept misquoting and "group facilitators" were judges. Participants in the discussion
writing mis leading things about Randy and government tangles groups were mixtures of attorneys and media personnel, including
with other conference speakers, so they were not invited to the more judges.
(Jubilation) conference." The keynote address by Catherine Crier, a former CNN broad-
Because of Wisniewski's background and commitment to keep casting personality now with ABC News, also contained veiled ref-
Americans informed, she was strongly attracted to the more recent erences to a vast collaboration between legal authorities and the
National Conference on the Media and the Courts. press in order to keep most Americans from realizing the truth about
"There were panel discussions about their harsh and abusive legal apparatus .
many aspects of the legal system and how Crier, a lawyer and judge before she switched to
the media cover it, " recalled Wisniewski broadcasting as a career, stated: "There are underly-
recently. "However, there were also pri- ing beliefs that brought us to our [legal and media]
vate discussion groups that received little, professions. Those underlying beliefs are being
if any, media attention and that restricted undermined."
participation to a select few." Crier blamed "sensationalist, irresponsible report-
Overall, 120 judges, lawyers and jour- ing" and "lawyers who feed off publicity" for this
nalists participated in the event, staged by crisis in the legal system, according to a report by
the National Judicial College of the Associated Press correspondent Sandra Chereb, who
University of Nevada-Reno. Financial was allowed to cover Crier's address.
backing for the enterprise was provided "The public as a result ... has become disillusioned
by a generous grant from the Donald W. Reynolds School of "Crier concluded in a vast understatement of the collective hostility
Journalism located on the UNR campus. Few, if any, of the invitees that Americans around the country have faced when dealing with an
had to pay their own expenses to the event. all-powerful , monopolistic judiciary.
"I find it interesting," said Twila Decker, contacted by Media Relations between people victimized by the court system and
Bypass at her hotel on the second day of the conference. "There judicial officials themselves will probably not improve as a result of
appears to be a genuine attempt by judges and lawyers to find some this conference, Wisniewski believes. "Why else would they keep
common ground when it comes to coverage of judicial proceed- most of this conference secret to the outside world?" she asked.
ings." Media coverage of her New Jersey case certainly failed to reflect
Decker, a reporter for The State newspaper in Columbia, S.C., the vast amount of personal and emotional damage inflicted on
was jailed by the judge in the Susan Smith double-murder case for Wisniewski in the seven see Media, pg. 37
By Sarah McClendon c .. pHi~l" i''"" c'"""'··· '""~~,... ,,.. 111.
Researcher Identifies I0
Top Spenders ol PAC Money z
Washington, D.C.--Big contributions to either Democratic or Despite these concrete examples of how money talks in writing
Republican parties and office holders usually means the donors will legislation, there is no reform in campaign financing in sight.
get their special requests written into law, says Karen Evans, lone Members of Congress continue to get money from the federally-
woman researcher in the securities industry. registered PACs.
Call it fund-raising, gifts, contributions or political action com- Those PACs funnel money to legislators who can help them. Very
mittees (PAC's )--all those are just other words for "buying votes," few congressmen refuse to accept PAC money.
she said from her Dallas, TX., location. The number of PACs has grown from 608 in 1974 to 4033 in
Her documentation shows the worst offenders in Congress are: June, 1996, according to legislative records.
Senators Phil Gramm (R-TX), Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY), Chris When Gramm was told of Karen Evans' research, he snorted and
Dodd (D-Conn), Representatives T. Bliley (R-Va.), and Jack Fields said, "But nobody knows her." He may be surprised to find her care-
(R-Tx) . ful research has been a source of articles in such publications as the
Is it just a coincidence these men hold important committee posts Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine and Texas Business.
in securities, banking and related fields? Ralph Nader, the nationally known lobbyist for "people,"
Gramm is chairman of the Senate Banking Committee's subcom- requested copies of her research.
mittee on securities and banking-related fields . D'Amato is chair- What will happen to her now? She recently lost her job. She will
man of the Senate Banking Committee, Bliley is chairman of the continue to work at home but is contemplating a move to
Senate Commerce Committee and Fields is chairman of the House Washington where she would be an asset to a congressional inves-
Commerce Subcommittee on Finance. tigative committee staff, but who will give her a job?
Evans said the usual pattern she found to be followed by these She became interested in following securities after she watched
men, and others, is that after receiving the big donations or hono- her friend, the late M.K. Peterson, a Dallas oil man, lose millions
rarium for making a speech to a group of specialists, actions fol- through a stock broker's failure to carry out instructions. She aided
lowed in committee and on the House or Senate floor favoring the his research which was aimed at correcting faults in the investments
special interest of the donors. business. After he died, she has continued on her own.
Gramm received $898,210 from 1985 to 1995 from the banking, "There have been those who have tried to intimidate, dissuade,
securities and brokerage industries which he tried to protect from
federal regulation.
warn, ignore and possibly prevent my efforts," she said.
In addition, Gramm received $1.2 million from the health care
industry from 1979 to 1994. During this time, he visited every state Media------
continued from pg. 36 ~
opposing the Clinton health care plan and promised that it would
only pass "over my cold, dead political body." years since her father, Joseph Wisniewski Sr., died, leaving the
Texas insurance companies gave him large sums after his speech family a legal tangle that has yet to be resolved. \0
against government insurance companies replacing private insur- "My father died in January, 1989, without a will, leaving an ~
ance companies. estate valued at over $710,000," she wrote in the March 1996 issue ~
In 1994, Gramm killed a bill that would have given the Securities of The American's Bulletin.
and Exchange Commission an additional $16 million to police reg- "[Court]Surrogate Ann Conti, Union County, N,J., appointed
istered financial advisors. my brother Joe Wisniewski [Jr. }, of Falls Church, Va, as adminis-
There has been evidence from the commission that this was trator of the estate ... and (allegedly) conspired with him to hide 1:)
much needed. Gramm was the only one in the Senate who voted a $250,000 stock portfolio, an $18,000 estate car, an insurance
against a bill to require financial advisors to be bonded and to dis- policy, over $84,000 in savings bonds, and to undervalue an estate ~
close conflicts of interest to their clients. house by over $74,000," Wisniewski said. 1:)
It also would have barred felons from stock trading. Gramm
maneuvered to keep the bill from coming to a vote in the Senate.
Tactics used in this case were outlined in a memo dated May
25, 1995, in which Conti allegedly outlined strategies to be used

D'Amato consistently represented the interests of Wall Street and against Wisniewski. A court official allowed Wisniewski to read I
pushed for laws that would make it more difficult for investors to the memo, and she has since tried in vain to secure a copy of it
file class-action suits against brokers . despite it being deposited into a case file that is supposedly public
8 I
Dodd was quite active in getting the Senate to override the veto information. ~
of the Democratic president, Bill Clinton, of a law to curb securities
fraud lawsuits.
"You can see why I don't have much faith in the legal system,"
said Wisniewski, who has been watchdogging the courts since. "I
The president was indeed overridden and thus the law to curb just hope this Reno Conference wasn't just another power play by ~
lawsuits against fraud in securities took effect. the judges." 37
By Michael Brown cop)llghl 1996 \k'h" B'"·"' \l.•g·'"""

Recording Names of Grand Jury

Members Helps Ensure Fair Trial
Before anyone can stand trial for a feder- Procedure 6, Title 18 United States Code. make any part of it mere surplusage. U.S. v.
al criminal offense he or she is supposed to These rules were supposed to give guidance Monroe, 943 F. 2d I 007, l 0 15 note 8 (9th
be indicted by a grand jury, supposedly 16 to the courts in how to follow the earlier, cir. 1991 ).
to 23 fellow citizens acting independently of constitutional procedures (apparently un- Once Rule 6(b)(2) and its intent have
either the prosecuting attorney or the judge. known to the people who wrote the rules, been ignored, there is no way to verify
The grand jury, having made an "investi- unfortunately). whether 12 or more legally qualified jurors
gation" (as every practicing attorney knows, Compare the rules to the questions raised voted to indict or the grand jury foreman
no grand jury ever makes an investigation by them and the procedures in modern fed- simply scribbled a number he thought
as it is simply a mindless mob that uses a eral courts: appropriate over his signature. No investiga-
prosecutor for a brain), dutifully returns a Rule 6(a): Were there in fact 16 to 23 tion can ever be made as to how a grand
"true bill." members of the grand jury present at the juror voted. United States v. Kilpatrick, 16
Another human being is then faced with session that indicted the criminal defendant? F. 765, 770 (D.C.W.D.N.C. 1883).
being deprived of I0, 20, or more years of If so, was a record kept of the names of "The failure to record the
his life, taken away in the current farce those individuals? names of the 12 or more grand
known as a "jury trial ," complete with a It was in this country before the Amer- jurors who voted to indict
biased judge, unethical prosecutor, lying ican Revolution, under common law. Trial Defendant/Appellant renders the
government witnesses and, of course, de- of Major Bonnet and Others, 15 State Trials indictment void.
fense attorneys who can most charitably be 1231 (So. Carolina 1718) (23 grand jurors "Defendant's request that the
described as human slugs (who make little called and sworn, names recorded). concurrence forms signed by the
or no effort to restore their client-- or victim Rule 6(b)(l) : How can one challenge twelve grand jurors who found the
-- to his former life via an acquittal). any array of grand jurors if their names were indictment be disclosed pursuant
In times past there were elaborate proce- not recorded? to Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)(3)(c)(i) is
dural safeguards to ensure a man didn't lose Rule 6(b)(2): How can one challenge the granted. Fed. R. Crim. P. 6 (f)
his liberty through slight or careless investi- legal qualifications of a single grand juror if requires an 'indictment may be
gation. One of the most important of those the names of those who voted to indict were found only upon the concurrence
procedures was the method of recording the not recorded? See, e.g., U.S v. Thompson, of 12 or more jurors.' Failure to
names of those who voted the indictment. 144 F 2d 604, 606 (2nd Cir. 1944) return an indictment by such pro-
Today that vote simply consists of the (Honorable Learned Hand naming disquali- cedure renders the indictment
grand jury foreman asking for a "show of fied jurors). void." Gaither v. United States,
hands" to put someone on trial. The foreman See also U.S. v. Williams, Federal Case 413 F.2d 1061 (D.C. Cir. 1969).
counts the number of raised hands, writes No, 16,716 (C.Ct.D.Minn. 1871) (names of United States of America v.
the number on a "concurrence form" (or bal- grand jurors finding indictment). Michael G. Kumball, United
lot), a form provided by the Administrative Rule 6(c): The Rule 6(c) voting record States District Court for the
Office of the United States Courts, and signs filed with the clerk of the court in this case District of Alaska Case No. A-91-
his name underneath that number. is simply a standard form supplied by the 059 CR. (Ruling of Judge
In times past, the grand jurors (there had Administrative Office (form DC 530 identi- Fitzgerald.)
to be a minimum of 12 concurring in the fying the court, the date, the location, the That Judge Fitzgerald's ruling is the cor-
finding of the indictment) all signed their number of grand jurors concurring to indict rect one is easily seen.
names on the ballot or the indictment itself and the signature of the grand jury foreper- Grand jurors can be challenged in open
or answered in open court as to how they son. U.S. v. Deffenbaugh Industries. Inc., court before indictment. United States v.
voted (or both). 957 F. 2d 749, 757 (lOth Cir. 1992). Burr, Federal Case No. 14, 693 note 3
The present system provides a refuge for If 12 or more grand jurors voted to indict, (1807) .
dozens of anonymous cowards who simply the certificate of the foreman is not conclu- Anything less makes "challenge to the
would not sign their names to the injustices sive evidence of the fact. U.S . v. Terry, 39 F. array" meaningless.Those grand jurors were
they know full well they are visiting upon 355, 357-358 (D.C.N.D. Cal. 1889). sworn by name.
their fellow citizens (federal gun law, IRS If only the number of grand jurors voting (Id. This author finds it odd the United
crime, etc.). to indict is recorded and not their names, States v. Burr, Federal Case No. 14692d, see
The procedures discussed in this article Rule 6(b)(2) is rendered mere surplusage. U.S. v. Fromme, 405 F. Supp. 578, 582
are found in Federal Rule of Criminal Courts may not construe a statue so as to (E.D. Cal. 1975) @ 582, is still being quot-
ed as valid case law in modern court cases
and Federal Case No. 14, 693, the very next
indictment. U.S. v. Helriggle, Federal Case
No. 15, 344 (C.Ct.D.C. 1827).
Powell v. Alabama 53 S.Ct. 55. 62-63
part of the same case, is being and has been Indictments not found by at least twelve Holding an inquiry "after the fact" to see
totally ignored for generations). good and lawful men are void at common if twelve qualified grand jurors actually
Those grand jurors could be objected to law. Crowley v. United States, 24 S.Ct. 731 , voted an indictment is not an option. No a
for bias, partiality, ignorance, incompetency
or other causes. It is the duty of the court to
735 (1904).
Our Constitution was framed in the lan-
investigation can ever be made as to how a
grand juror voted. U.S. v. Kilpatrick 16 F.
ascertain if grand jurors were qualified. guage of the English common law. Denver v. 765, 770 (D.C.W.D.N.C. 1883) (i .e., if you -=
Any person, as amicus curiae, can sug-
gest the unfitness of any juror. See U.S. v.
Jones, 69 F. 973, 976, D.C.D. Nev. 1895).
R.G.R Co. U.S., 241 F. 614 (8th Cir. 1917).
One test which has been applied to deter-
mine whether due process of Jaw has been
didn't record it, forget it.).
Today the modern federal courts hold
that a criminal defendant is not normally
Only, of course, if the indictment by accorded in given instances is to ascertain entitled to the name of his grand jurors. In re
grand jury proceedings in this aspect (as what were the settled usages and modes of Grand Jury Investigation, 903 F. 2d I 80, 182
opposed to investigation, deliberation, and proceeding under the common and statute (3rd Cir. 1990).
voting) are held in open court. law of England before the Declaration of
A formal vote is required for a grand jury Independence, subject, however, to the qual-
indictment. The Federal Grand Jury. 22 ification that they be shown not to have been (Editor's Note: This report is the
F.R.D. 343, 393 n. 350. Under the original unsuited to the civil and political conditions second in a three-part series that exam-
practices in this country the grand jury of our ancestors by having been followed in ines the original intent of the grand
members had to endorse the foot of this this country after it became a nation. jury and the perverted use of it today.)

Michael New Returns Home, Begins Court and Legislative

Campaign to Protest Army Bad Conduct Discharge
A round of congressional courtesy calls and celebrations involv- [legal] briefs came from talk radio and information found in alter-
ing family, friends and supporters marked the mid-July return of native publications such as yours," he said.
Army Spc. Michael New to the United States. Meanwhile, a mid-September vote is scheduled on H.R. 3308
New finished his stint as an Army medic by outprocessing named, in Orwellian fashion, the "Armed Forces Protection Act,"
at Schweinfurt, Germany, and arrived home in Conroe, Texas on Ray said. Among the objections is a clause stating that a president
July 12. New was given a bad-conduct discharge for his refusal to must merely certify that sending U.S. troops to serve under U.N .
wear U.N. blue when his unit was transferred to the former command is in the "national interest." Critics fear the bill would
Yugoslavian republic of Macedonia, claiming it represented an erode congressional authority in foreign policy decision-making.
unconstitutional shift of his allegiance from the U.S. Constitution
to the U.N. Charter. He has taken his fight to federal court, seeking
Although amendments that purportedly address those concerns
have been contemplated, Ray said the bill is "fundamentally ~
restoration of his honorable service record. "Getting my discharge flawed." An alternative bill that would forbid such presidential ~
upgraded to honorable is the first step," he said. power has stalled due to a lack of sponsors; Ray said "four or ~
New said his position is more "pro-American than anti-U.N .. .I
had little knowledge of the U.N., but I knew much more about the
five" congressmen had vowed to introduce the bill but are now
back pedaling.
Constitution." New is the product of home-schooling. New headed back to his hometown of Conroe for a July 28 rally \Q
New's attorney, retired Marine Col. Ronald Ray, noted his on the steps of the Montgomery County Courthouse, during which 0\
client has "sadly been portrayed as an anti-U.N. soldier," even he explained his position. "Standing is an important posture in life. ~
though he "served with distinction in the U.N. operation, Operation People stand when the national anthem is played. When the flag
Southern Watch in October and November, I993 in Kuwait. passes, people stand and cover their hearts. On political issues

He was awarded a certificate of excellence while he was serving people ask, 'Where do you stand? What is your position?'
in a U.S. uniform under a U.S. commander. Michael simply under- "For generations, people in America have taught us how to stand. ~

stands the Constitution, he had read the Army regulations, and They have shown us what to stand for and what to stand against. I """"
it was a matter of being for something, not against."
New said he does not fancy himself a hero, but does believe
fate may have played a role in his battle. "There are thousands
am here today for no other reason than the fact that I made a stand
as a U.S. Army Specialist on Oct. 10, 1995. It was a simple act. The
course set before me was clear. I had no question about where to

of people across America, across the world, taking stands that stand that early fall morning in Schweinfurt, Germany," he said in

mean just as much," he said. "For whatever reason He has, it prepared remarks.
appears God has chosen me at this time to bring this issue into "I have done what I am able to do. Let my stand serve as a sign a
the spotlight." to you of how far we have gone in subjugating the United States
Ray said one of the "heroes" has been the alternative media. "At military to the United Nations military. However, I must tell you I 6:,
the top of the ladder are talk-show hosts who gave us the opportu- do not intend to become a symbol, only a sign to point out, in this
nity to make our case and be challenged by listeners, and a lot case, a hazard. I do not want to be held up as something extraordi- ~
of these listeners provided us information that we might not nary. I did only what I had to do to be able to keep my oath and live ~
have found any other way. Fully 30 percent of what's in our with myself," New said. 39
Our Life & Time s • Our Life & Time s
Federal Judges Seek
to NullifY Ron Paul's
Primary Election Victory
A constitutionally-minded candidate who
won a primary election against the Repub-
lican incumbent claims federal judges may
void the result due to alleged gerrymandering
in three Texas congressional districts.
Ron Paul defeated RepubUcan incumbent
Rep. Greg Laughlin with 54 percent of the
vote in the March 12 RepubUcan race to rep-
resent Texas' 14th Congressional District.
Paul, who served in the House from 1976 to
1984, authored the first-ever congressional
term limits proposal and retired as a testa-
ment to the principle. He also was the 1988
Libertarian candidate for president.
"Unbelievably, federal judges can cancel
the primary and let Laughlin run again,"
Paul said in a press release. "No, this is not
some third-world backwater. Contrary to
what the Constitution calls for, federal
judges can wipe our victory off the books
and pretend it never happened, with the
Establishment chortling as they do it." Bringing you uncensored news from
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled
three Texan congressional districts, two in
Houston and one in Dallas, were unconstitu- Judges also could opt to void races only in athletes to see if they've been using illegal
tionally redrawn with respect to blacks and the affected districts and those adjacent, he drugs.
said. The case stemmed from a seventh-grader
Hispanic populations. The court instructed
a three-judge panel to "deal with it," said Paul was scheduled to face Democrat in Veronia, Ore., who wanted to try out for
Paul's press spokesman Michael Sullivan. nominee Charles Edward "Lefty" Morris in the school football team but, understand-
Sullivan said options include drawing November. "Even if I have to defeat the ably, didn't want to submit to a random
new district lines and voiding all of Texas' Establishment all over again in a redrawn urine test. Who -- either adult or child --
congression al primaries, followed by a district, it will make our ideas better known would want someone peering over them
November free-for-all among major and for November, and it will stir the people's while they 're going to the bathroom? Yet,
minor party candidates, then a runoff "if outrage at such abuse," Paul said. that's the only way drug urinalysis tests
somebody doesn't get 50 percent plus one." However, he added that with the potential can be conducted to be valid, and the
for a "partially new district, I will face new schools could do it, even if there wasn ' t
voters. I must educate them and I must do so the slightest evidence that a particular child
"Ther e come s a in a hurry ... and that means I must raise had been using drugs. That's like letting
time in a man's life it would please all the D.C. the police ransack every home in a neigh-
creeps if I have to face an uncertain future borhood, on the off-chance that they might
when to get where with an empty campaign account." find something illegal in one of those
he has to go -- if Information about Paul's candidacy is homes.
Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the
available by writing to Box 602, Lake
there are no doors Jackson, Texas, 77566. majority opinion, said that taking urine sam-
ples from boys and girls was a tiny intru-
or windo ws -- he sion, because, after all, kids in school sports
walks throu gh a OF 'WAR ON DRUGS' often undergo medical exams and have to
Many of the most asinine, unbelievable dress and shower communally anyway.
wall." attacks on privacy are done in the name "School sports," he said, "are not for the
--Bern ard Malam ud of fighting illegal drugs. One of the most bashful."
ridiculous is taking urine samples from Yet just six years earlier, in a 1989 case
(1914 -1986 ), "Long bashful adolescents. In June, 1995, the U.S. involving drug testing of U.S . Customs
agents, that same Scalia called urinalysis "a
Work, Short Life" Supreme Court ruled that public schools
type of search particularly destructive of
can take random urine samples from student
Our Life & Times • Our Life & Times ce=
A father who allegedly committed child
abuse by giving his unruly nine-year-old l't
daughter one swat with a paddle has decid-
ed to challenge the ruling. a-
A lower court offered to dismiss the case,
a civil matter brought under Ohio's domes- ...-t
tic violence statutes, if only Jeffrey Clark, of I
Middletown, would agree not to spank the l't
child again. Clark refused to surrender the rl2
right of corporal punishment, and appealed
the case with the help of the non-profit
Rutherford Institute.
Rutherford attorney Tom Condit said
Clark applied "one swat with a small wood-
en paddle -- he wouldn't use his hand
because he believes hands should be used
for affectionate touches." He said the girl
was working on a craft project and repeated-
ly ignored her father's request to get ready to
leave. The girl finally "stormed and stomped
around the house, and threw the craft project
in the trash can. He didn ' t like her attitude"
our nation and around the world ... and so disciplined her, Condit said.
When the girl returned to her mother's
home (the Clarks are divorced), the woman
privacy and offensive to personal dignity." JUDGE: PEPPER SPRAY purportedly discovered a bruise but took no
Apparently, the U.S. Supreme Court OK FOR HANDCUFFED pictures and did not seek medical treatment,
thinks gruff, gun-toting federal cops should PROTESTERS Condit said. "She apparently called one of
have more privacy than your 13-year-old A federal judge in mid-July tossed out a those meddling social-service agencies at V)

daughter. lawsuit against Dallas police officers who school or something" and the case was
In some schools these Orwellian anti- debilitated handcuffed, non-violent abortion launched, he said.
drug measures are taken to extremes. Many protesters with pepper spray, according to Oral arguments on the appeal were heard ~
schools -- not just those in the inner city -- The Rutherford Institute. in mid-July, and a decision is expected by ~
have metal detectors at the door, photo-
ID badges for all the kids, armed guards
The institute's lawsuit, which charged
police with unreasonable force and other
early fall , Condit said.
"Child abuse is a serious matter in our
patrolling the hallways, TV cameras to tort actions, was dismissed by a federal dis- society and should be treated as such," he
monitor the kids' activities, and random trict court judge in Dallas, according to said. "But cases like this trivialize the con-
searches of purses, jackets, lockers, book- Kelly Shackelford, southwestern regional cept when one swat is considered abuse. Our ~
bags, cars and other personal property. coordinator for the group that specializes in legislative and judicial decisions should
What's next -- guard towers and barbed the defense of religious liberty. encourage parents to discipline children to

wire? The officers, who surrounded the citizens foster respect and obedience."
Don't laugh. Often these supposed anti- before spraying them, were reprimanded by -- MB staff l::l
drug, anti-gang measures are taken to ridicu- the police department. But the judge ruled
lous extremes . A 13-year-old Virginia girl that while their actio ns may have been STIJDENT OF SCRIPTURE ~
was suspended from school when school "unnecessary," they were not "unreasonable." SKIPPED PASSAGE: l::l
officials found her carrying Benadryl, an
allergy medication that is completely legal
The protesters were arrested about two
years ago outside the North Dallas Women's
An Alabama man who lost an early
and available in Walgreen 's stores every- Clinic. After being arrested for trespassing, morning Bible-quoting contest killed the
where. all "went limp as a symbolic gesture that man who beat him, police said.
While some such measures may be nec- they would not walk away from the unborn,"
Gabel Taylor, 38, was shot once in the .1:..
essary in a public school system plagued Shackelford said. "This decision is an out- face outside his Dadeville apartment on July ~
with illegal drugs and violence, it also teach-
es kids another lesson: How to live in a total-
rage. The entire incident was caught on
camera, yet these citizens are being denied
18. Taylor, a preacher's brother, and the sus-
pect, Freddy Shely, Jr., 33, were testing each
itarian society. their day in court." other's knowledge of Scripture and a dis- ~
-- The Financial Privacy Report -- MB staff agreement ensued over a passage, according 41
Our Life & Tim es • Our Life & Tim es
* Christine Killer, of Cheshire, Conn. and the state out of taxes."
to eyewitnesses. Shely retrieved his Bible
"Oh yes, it's a daily conversation piece. More than a dozen of the police officers
and realized he was wrong. The suspect
People will say things like, 'You don't look have asked tax expert Irwin Schiff to partic-
apparently abandoned his vehicle in Atlanta
like a killer.' The name is of German origin. ipate in the legal defense.
and remained at-large as of early August,
As for my being teased, not very often. The officers maintain that their under-
according to Dadeville Police Chief Terry
Maybe they were afraid." standing of the IRS tax code is that payment
Wright. The interstate flight led local
* Ben Mussolini. The man, from New of the federal income tax is voluntary, thus
authorities to call in the FBI, he said.
York, told Royko, "Hey, forget it. I've been they do not assume any liability for payment
He said Taylor and Shely "got started
through this before. I don't feel like talking of that tax.
quoting Scripture, and then they got to
about it." The investi gation uncovered evidence
talking about who had the most power to
--MB staff that groups of city workers were similarly
conjure up spirits, an almost voodoo kind
evading taxes, the mayor said.
of thing." The suspect threatened Taylor,
NYC COPS CLAIM SfATE At the initial court appearance, one
saying, "I'll kill you before the night is
NOT PART OF U.S., detective said, "I have been brought here by
out" and left with two other people who
DECLINE TO PAY TAXES the use of coercion and threats .. .This court
had witnessed the exchange before alleged-
Up to 700 municipal employees includ- has no jurisdiction and I request to be
ly returning, Wright said.
·- MB staff ing 15 arrested police officers allegedly released."
sought to avoid paying taxes by claiming -- MB staff
that New York is not a part of the United
Sen. Jesse Helms says he hopes he can States. PEACEKEEPERS
entirely cut off funding for the National Some of the officers who were arrested AND PARENTS
in mid-July have sent letters to the IRS As many as 70 U.S. soldiers in Bosnia
Endowme nt for the Arts next year. Of
declaring themselves outside the sovereign- have become pregnant since Operation Joint
course he's been on the warpath for years
ty of the U.S. government and therefore not Endeavor began in December, representing
now, but a new film funded in part by the
subject to tax laws, according to published nearly 5 percent of the women deployed as
NEA with taxpayer money really blew his
reports. part of the peacekeeping mission, according
cork. It's called "The Watermelon Woman"
Since 1992, the officers did not pay an to the Pentagon.
and features what's called "the hottest dyke
estimated $450,000 on $1.6 million in Between 60 and 70 Army soldiers were
sex scene ever recorded" as well as an
income, investigators said. They were sent back to their home bases in Germany
appearance by a star of the "Porno Afro
charged with tax evasion, failure to file and "due to medical profiles associated with
Homos" performance troupe. Other recent
conspiracy to defraud the government. becoming pregnant during the deployment,"
NEA projects: $36,000 for an art museum
"Thi s is pure out-and-ou t cheating," Pentagon spokesman Army Lt. Col. Rick
display of the genitals of 39 famous women
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani told the Associated Scott said.
as imagined by various artists; $50,000
Press. "If they were ideologically con- Analysts said the pregnancies highlight
to the Phoenix Art Museum, which is
cerned, they would have quit their jobs, the problems of women's deployability and
exhibiting an American flag in a toilet; and
rather than trying to cheat the United States the often-negative impact on morale in
a $20,000 grant, one of its last fellowships
under new laws, to a guy in Maine who pro-
poses to roam city streets wearing a six-foot
cardboard male organ.
--John Elwin's Political Dynamite


Syndicated columnist Mike Royko of the
Chicago Tribune recently searched a com-
puterized national telephone registry, look-
ing for names that might bring smirks in
everyday life. He found more than a few,
* Paul Crapper, of Lehigh Acres, Fla.
"I'm perfectly happy being a crapper," he
told the columnist. "People make remarks,
but I just pass it off or say something like:
'I'm like Alka-Seltzer. I bring relief.'"
* Susan Geek. Of her married name,
Geek said, "I believe we are the only Geeks
in North Carolina." Royko observed that
"might be a matter of debate."
Our Life & Times • Our Life & Times 0
"After one day the ACEA was told to
leave the conference," according to a press
release from the Rutherford Institute, which ...litPI
has taken up the case.
.. "This lawsuit is about a blatant abridge-
ment of a citizen's constitutional right to
exercise responsible free speech under the
~ First Amendment," said Rutherford attorney ...
/ ' Michael E. Stubblefield. "If indeed, as Justice
Harlan pointed out in Cohen v. California,
'one man's vulgarity is another's lyric,' sure- f/2
ly there is still room in our 'free society' to
accommodate the unprofane speech of one
whose ideas about certain educational pro-
grams merely differ from those of the
official educational establishment."
The lawsuit seeks monetary and punitive
damages , and a permanent injunction
against further interference in the ACEA's
right to free speech. The AEA did not return
mixing men and women during military Chicago Bulls megastar Michael Jordan is a request for comment.
operations. the ultimate example of this trend. Athletic -- MB staff
Jim Boyle, an Army spokesman in shoe manufacturer Nike pays Jordan $20
Europe, said soldiers serving in Bosnia are million a year (far more than his Bulls salary) RESEARCHER:
not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages to endorse their products. Jordan's face can HEADLINE BIAS
while on deployment, but there is no ban on be found on posters in even the most obscure EVIDENT IN PRESS
engaging in sexual relations. "There's no comers of the globe. There may be places
specific policy on having sex during the where more people have heard Jordan 's name A researcher who, like many others, sus-
operation other than what is contained in the than the name of Jesus Christ! pects a "liberal media bias" recently con-
UCMJ," he said. How does Nike pay Jordan 's substantial ducted a word search on a database known
The Uniformed Code of Military Justice endorsement fee? By moving shoe-making as "Newspaper Abstracts" that contained VJ
prohibits fraternization among officers and
enlisted personnel. It also makes adultery a
jobs from America to Indonesia, where
Third World serfs are paid 20 to 42 cents
articles and headlines from 27 major
American newspapers from 1989 through
crime. an hour. Ironically, American kids who June 13, 1996. The findings of researcher ~
-- The Washington Times want to "be like Mike" may pester their Michael J. Bumbulis, as posted on the ~
parents to buy high-priced Air Jordans, but Internet, reflect the following with regard to ~
TEDDY 1WO-FACE their parents can' t afford the shoes because the articles themselves : .........
Sen. Ted Kennedy ripped into corporate their Nike jobs were shipped to Asia! \Q
America for layoffs and downsizing, slam- -- The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor Word #times used
ming big business for greedily pursuing Religious right 963 ~
"ever-fatter profits." CHRISTIAN TEACHERS Religious left 210 ;::;·
Funny thing, though. Kennedy's wife BOOTED FROM Radical right 191 ~
holds stock in Philip Morris, IBM and NEA CONFERENCE Radical left 98 ~
AT&T, all of which engaged in massive fir- !::l
A lawsuit claiming an unconstitutional Far right 858
ings and all of which saw stock prices climb abridgment of free-speech rights was filed Far left 368 """"
as a result. Kennedy, of course, is by no July 29 after the Arkansas Christian Educa- Extremist right 106 ~
means alone as a politician who decried the tors Association (ACEA) was removed from Extremist left 26 !::l
layoffs while profiting from them. a conference for distributing materials criti- Ultra-right 61 ;:;;·
-- John Elwin's Political Dynamite cal of outcome-based education. Ultra-left 14 .........
The lawsuit names the Ozark Unlimited Fringe right 161 Oo

BAD SPORTS Resources Co-Op -- which receives local, Fringe left 46 a

Sports mania has grown to such heights state and federal funds -- as defendant. The Extreme right 223 -h.
that famous athletes are portrayed as role co-op sponsored a conference at which the Extreme left 38 ~
models and centerpieces of international ad Christian educators' booth was placed adja- Radical religious right 20 ~
campaigns. It is hardly uncommon for a cent to the Arkansas Education Association, Radical religious left 2
person to describe their favorite star as an an affiliate of the National Education The researcher noted, "Actually there is ~
"idol." Association . no reference to the radical religious left ... the 43
Our Life & Times • Our Life & Times
term 'left' was used as a verb, i.e. 'the radi-
cal religious right left the conference.' "
The report also surveyed use of the words
"conservative" and "liberal," and found that
"83 percent of the time extremists are por-
trayed as conservatives."
Headlines reflected similar patterns ,
"which is especially significant because not
everyone reads every article in a paper, but
they usually read every title."
-- MB staff

Some may be taking life a little too
* A city official in Archer City, Texas
warned that anyone defacing the newly-
painted water tower would be spanked.
Within days, "You must give us a spanking"
was scrawled on the tower.
-- MB staff We're keen on helping, and so, you can unauthorized banking activity" and it could
write to: CrossWinds Publishing, 118 S. be fined up to $25,000 for each day it "ille-
FOUNDATION NEEDS Avenue N, Post, Texas 79356 . gally" operates, and ultimately would be
The mailing address for the Republic of shut down.
Texas is PO Box 460554, San Antonio, Baccus told the newspaper that Republic
Sl MILLION OF IT attorneys and judges have thoroughly
America's taxpayers recently forked Republic of Texas, 78246. The phone num-
over $1 million to a "Holocaust foundation" ber is (21 0) 349-8994, or you can check out researched the legality of operating a bank
headed by Stephen Spielberg, the Holly- the Republic's home page at as a private, independent entity.
wood director with a purported net worth In other Republic-related news, officials "I know it's going to be a battle," he said.
of more than $700 million . of the "sovereign nation state body politic" "But we have the legal documents to show
Since 1993, Spielberg-- director of such engaged in a paper war for the soil of Texas that we can operate. Let them say what they
C/) blockbusters as "E.T." and "Jurassic Park" - have announced a constitutional convention will or may."
- has given $266,000 to Democratic candi- is scheduled for July 4, 1997, "wherein all -- MB staff
dates and political campaigns, according to sovereign Citizens of the nation of Texas
"'t-I the Federal Election Commission. shall have opportunity under their right to HOLlAND 1
a Beneficiaries of the Hollywood mogul's self-determination to resolve the following IN LEGAL LIMBO,
00I moolah include Sen. Barbara Boxer (D- issues," including: HOLIAND 2
....... * The creation and adoption of a new
Calif.) who, not coincidentally, was among POSTPONE D
:0:: those politicians who presented Spielberg a state constitution.
";::j Criminal charges of allegedly threatening
~ blown-up $1 million check, drawn on the * A "popular vote on whether to request
U.S. Treasury, at a late July ceremony. that the people of the united States of public officials in Montana filed against F.
~ Two years ago, Spielberg set up the America amend their constitution to provide Joe Holland of Indiana are in legal limbo
following a judge's order, while Holland's
"Survivors of the Shoah Visual History for the lawful admission of a foreign nation."
federal trial on a 34-count indictment alleg-
Foundation," which is recording on video- * A popular vote to decide "terms of the
~ agreement" if the U.S. "amends its constitu- ing tax evasion and other charges has been
~ tape testimony from thousands of Holocaust

~ survivors. "The fact that the United States
government has supported this project will
tion in accordance" with the above.
In another recent development, the state
Holland pleaded guilty last December
~ be a tremendous help in gaining support banking commissioner warned the Republic to a Montana charge of "criminal syndical-
~- from governments and individuals world- of Texas has "no authority" to issue a char- ism" when he intervened in a militia mem-
....... wide," Spielberg told the Washington Post . ter for a new South Dallas bank. ber's dispute with game officials over rais-
-- MB staff Jasper Baccus , a longtime businessman ing elk. Holland asked the state attorney
~ and civil leader, obtained the charter from general, "How many of your agents will
~ READERS WANT MORE the Republic and as of early August was come home in body bags before you will

~ ON TEXAS REPUBLIC reportedly reviewing potential sites. hear the pleas of the people?" The state
claims that's a threat; Holland claims it's
~ Several readers have requested the mail- Th e Dallas Morning News quoted Texas
V:J ing address for the Republic of Texas Mag- Banking Commissioner Catherine Ghiglieri merely a question to underscore the gravity

44 azine and for the Republic 's home office. as saying the bank would be viewed as "an of public discontent.
Our Life & Times • Our Life & Times 0
Holland entered the plea in anticipation Ron Brown Airplane Crash government misconduct that could damage
of challenging its constitutionality during
the appeal process. Prosecution and defense
Blamed on 16
Air Force Officers
the president.
Washington insiders had been predicting ...
attorneys mutually agreed to delay sentenc- The careers of 16 members of the Air that if Brown was indeed facing criminal Ill
ing pending a ruling from the Montana Force have .been sacrificed by the Clinton indictments, he would retaliate by telling all
Supreme Court.
However, the state's high court recently
Administration in order to explain away the
death of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown
he knew to federal investigators.
In a related development, in a Croatia-
ruled that Holland must be convicted and and 34 others on April 3 as their plane sponsored report of the crash, due out next ...
sentenced before it will consider the case.
Both sides have filed a motion to withdraw
approached a Croatian airport.
Air Force officials told the Washington
month, investigators sharply refute the find-
ings of the Air Force report.
the appeal. Post none of the officers are facing criminal --MB Staff 1:12
Meanwhile, Holland's scheduled Aug. 5 charges related to the crash.
Indiana trial on the federal charges was post-
poned until Oct. 21. Holland and his wife,
The officials said Article 15 of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice will be
Shirley, were charged in June with tax eva-
sion, bankruptcy fraud, money laundering
applied in the punishment of the two high-
est-ranking officers involved, an Air Force
and other financial crimes. They remain free
on signature bonds pending trial.
brigadier general and colonel. They have
been relieved of command.
-- MB staff Military officials said the decision was Effective Oct. I, 1996, the following
made after it was determined the officers subscriber address change policy
SURVEY WINNER involved allowed the plane to use the airport will be implemented:
OVERLOOKED despite it not being certified for use by mili- Address changes received after the
Somehow, even after several pairs of eyes tary planes in bad weather conditions. 15th of each month will require a
had scrutinized our list of market survey The crash has been the center of a contro- $2 handling and mailing fee for each
winners, the list was incomplete as pub- versy that includes an earlier decision by the change. This policy assists the magazine
lished in the August issue. Air Force to conduct only a culpability inves- in not having to raise subscription prices.
The overlooked winner, Earl Petrik, CA, tigation and not hold a safety investigation. Thank You.
joins the other nine survey drawing winners Allegations of wrong-doing linked to the

,. o~
.~, cu-- ~m·~e~nJt
. . a.
in receiving a free one-year subscription to Clinton Administration emerged immediate-
the magazine. ly after the crash when it was learned the
They are: Ron Vogel , MI; G.E. Delaney, president's wife and daughter had used the
MD; Douglas J. Ohmen, CA; Alice Braeger, same plane only a week before the crash.
WI; Phyllis W. Lomax, NJ; George Wright,
LA; Paul R. Kusmierski , PA; Ann F. Lewis,
AL; Joe Helm, NM.
A series of mysterious deaths linked to
the crash has kept followers of the issue
focused on allegations that Brown had been
D t;l
-- MB staff prepared to make public his knowledge of ~



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0 By Gerald Carroll
! Feds Ignore Otter To Help In
; Solving Atlanta Bombing
~ investigation concerning the Robert Starr case," Johnson's
Militia activists offering to assist in the investigation of the July from our
continued . "Based on news reports concernin g a pipe-bomb
27 pipe-bomb explosion in Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park have memo
been ignored by government authoritie s, despite compelling early made of galvanized steel with nai ls attached, and a white male with
southern accent [phoning 911 and stating a bomb explosion
suggestions that a suspect in the case, security guard Richard Jewell , a soft
had nothing to do with the bombing. was imminent], we became concerned that the tragedy might be
individuals who we learned of through our investigation on
The horrifying explosion , which took place at 1:19 a.m. on July linked to
case who fit this profile."
27 at the base of a lighting and sound tower in the park, killed one the Macon
person an injured I 05. A Turkish videographer running to cover the Strangely, however, Johnson and Lord were silenced on com-
incident also died of cardiac arrest Coverage of the incident was menting about these "informants" by a gag order issued at 5 p.m. on
July 26 -- over eight hours before the bombing. The order
immediate and widespread, with major networks strongly hinting Friday,
that unnamed "domestic terrorists" were responsible. "prohibits us from disclosing more about the suspects," Johnson
timing of this "gag order" is an alarming indication that
U. Johnson of the Georgia-based Civil Defense League, civil wrote. The
agencies antic ipated an imminent terrorist incident in or
rights attorney Nancy Lord and Alabama militia leader Jeff Randall federal
Olympic venues during the Summer Games.
have worked in tandem to uncover evidence that disgruntled gov- around
ernment informants could well be viable suspects in the case -- but However, Johnson and his Georgia colleagues had already sound-
alarm on May 11, stating in an e-mail dispatch: "Through our
the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) have ed the
shown little enthusiasm for probing such possibilities. investigation, we believe that paid government agents [Danny and
Barker] were attempting to make bombs to stage a terrorist
Johnson and Lord have been working intensively in Georgia Kevin
since militia leaders Robert Starr and James McCranie were arrest- strike at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, this summer and
the Georgia Militia. This clandestine activ ity is called
ed on April 26 and charged by federal agents with conspiracy and blame
possession of an "unregistered explosive device (pipe-bombs) ." 'Operation Piedmon t' Piedmont Road is a major thorough fare in
which passes Piedmont Park and Georgia State University.
According to the government's own testimony during prelimi- Atlanta
"We have turned this information over to the proper authorities.
nary hearings in this case -- and pursuant media reports, particular-
names are withheld at this time so as not to comprom ise our
ly by the Macon Telegraph -- the pipe bombs reportedly belonging The
to the two accused men are smiliar in construction to the one used investigat
Randall , whose computer base was used to distribute Johnson's
in Centennial Park.
up on May 22 with a bulletin indicating the ATF
The U.S. government's witness, ATF agent Steve Gills, also tes- alert, followed
ts" were in danger.
tified under oath that Starr had no knowledge of such evidence being "informan
McCranie stated that he wanted "It has come to our attention that the lives of Kevin and Danny
placed on his property, and that
may have been threatened," Randall wrote. "As you all
nothing to do with making pipe bombs. The government has also Barker
the Barker brothers were the paid ATF confidential infor-
stated in its response to defense attorney Lord's motions the confi- know,
(CI #62 and Cl #63) in the Starr/McCranie case.
dential informants had "participated" in the burying of evidence on mants
"We ask, if you hear of anyone threatening these people please
Starr's property.
Randall immediately at (205) 570-0638 . I will immediate-
"We were concerned that the illegal activities of these informants call Jeff
this information over to the proper authorities. We do not
were not over," Johnson wrote in an urgent e-mail message to mili- ly turn
these people harmed in any fashion. Their testimony is crucial
tia information networks on the Internet "During the first week after need
the case and also crucial to exposing ATF 'Operation Piedmon t'
the arrests, we provided the FBI, at their (sic) request, information to
about them, including photographs." Piedmon t is an operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
to implicate and coerce militiamen into manufacturing or
Starr, McCranie and another Georgia militia member, Troy Firearms
nting with explosives ."
Spain, are now being held without bond until their trial , scheduled experime
As a result of these exchanges, many in the patriot community
for a Sept 3 start Against the written protests of the defense, Starr
asking if this so-called "Operation Piedmont" was in any way
and McCranie were relocated to the U.S. Penitentiary in Atlanta, were
to the actual Centennial Park bombing, and if appropriate
Ga., shortly before the Olympics, at the request of the U.S. Marshals connected
Service, for "security reasons." suspected individuals were being sought for questioning. Sadly, the
"suspect" is Richard Jewell, a lowly security guard with few, if
"Upon learning of the tragedy at the [Centennial] Park at about only
connections with militia or governm ent
[1:15] a.m. July 27th, we immediately began going over evidence any,
Jewell was working the locale of the bombing and reportedly
helped people escape the area when authorities closed in on a "sus-
been done by informants who are known to have instigated illegal
activity in Georgia in the past."If he [Starr]listened to the 911 tape, P:
picious" knapsack containing three pipe bombs, one of which later
blew up and scattered shrapnel over a wide area. He appeared on
talk shows and described his "heroic" efforts. However, former
he might recognize the voice," Johnson said. "He offered to assist
the government in any way possible to find the culprit."
Other more recognized publications began to pick up on the issue
employers were leery of Jewell's claims and contacted the FBI,
which launched a massive search of Jewell's property while exten-
of government "informants" possibly becoming causative factors in
actual incidents. The May 13 issue of Washington Weekly carried an
sively interrogating him -- all the while saying he was "not yet a
suspect" and not charged with any crime.
editorial comment titled "The Involvement of the Federal
Government in Domestic Terrorism," which stated, in part: "The 0
Early, though, it appeared Jewell's role was more to assist the FBI question that presents itself, then, is whether any of these terrorist
in identifying composite sketches of people seen in the vicinity of
where the bombs were placed -- not defending himself against sus-
picion. However, Jewell's apartment along with an older house
plots [Oklahoma City bombing, World Trade Center bombing,
Waco] would have materialized without the involvement and assis-
tance of the federal government. The new anti-terrorism bill is

where he had previously lived were searched in detail. His truck was designed to allow the Clinton administration to better control and a
impounded and taken away to a lab to be searched. No real justifi- monitor the American people. Perhaps what we need more is a bill
cation was presented as to why Jewell suddenly became the all-con- to keep a better check on what the government is doing. We obvi-
suming target for investigators, while many apparent suspects with ously cannot depend on the mainstream media for that."
known bomb-making knowledge were ignored. Of course, right after the Olympic bomb went off, Clinton imme-
Before Jewell suddenly surfaced, and as the bombing probe was diately reasserted government desires to increase telephone moni-
launched in earnest later on Saturday, July 27, Johnson and Lord toring of conversations, use "taggants" to chemically determine
attempted to inform federal authorities and media about their where explosives were manufactured or purchased, and generally
knowledge of possible suspects. increase surveillance on the citizenry in general.
"At about 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, we telephoned the "Circumstances surrounding this event [Olympic bombing],
FBI in Atlanta, the Atlanta police and the federal security agency based on press reports available at this time, are extremely suspi-
called SOLEC, and told them that we were aware of suspects who cious," wrote Jon Roland, head of the Texas Militia, in an e-mail
know about and have made pipe bombs," Johnson recalled. "We also dispatch. "Local authorities warned people in the area to leave the
offered to listen to the 911 tape [of a caller informing police of a area a few minutes before the blast, reportedly as the result of see-
bomb some 23 minutes before it exploded] and compare it with ing a 'suspicious package' or bag under a light tower. Now, the
voice recordings of the individuals, and show our pictures of these question must be asked, what would make a package or bag suspi-
men to any eyewitnesses. The FBI official told us they were 'too cious? Why would authorities focus on this one, unless they had a
busy' to speak with us and would not give us any more information," warning that described the package or bag, or unless they planted
they said. it themselves?
Starr, still held without bond, gave a taped statement from the "If the warning originated with ATF agents, the connection with
federal penitentiary, saying that the park bomb perpetrators "should Operation Piedmont deserves our attention, and ATF agents must be

be hung." His analysis of news clips suggested that the perpetrator considered prime suspects in this incident, especially if they now try
had to be familair with security measures, and that it might have to point the finger of suspicion at militia activitists."
MBRN Launches Alternative School Approach ~
A Maryland case involving the right of the state to monitor home criminal charges against a parent for failure to provide proof 0\
schooling and its authority to enforce school-attendance laws could of education. ~
significantly affect the future of the increasingly popular alternative A recent Washington Times article concerned the case of Cheryl
to public education, experts say. Anne Battles, of Arnold, Md., who home schools her 7-year-old
Meanwhile, the future of home-schooling via the airwaves is daughter. Battles, 49, has "plenty of evidence" -- including stan-
looking up, as the Media Bypass Radio Network has improved its dardized test scores -- to show her daughter has above-average pro- ~

satellite signal and drawn "a bunch" of micro-broadcasters who ficiency in math, reading and other subjects, but refused to let Anne """"
rebroadcast the signal captured from above, according to satellite
director Greg Meadows.
Arundel County school officials see it or otherwise monitor her ~
teaching methods, the article said. ~
The hour-long broadcast (weekdays at 11 a.m. Eastern, Galaxy 7
Transponder 14, sideband 7. 71) features noted instructor Sherri
A judge postponed a motion to dismiss criminal charges of vio-

lating the state's compulsory education law, a misdemeanor. The (I)
Pitman and is divided into three segments. "The first segment is devot- crime carries a 10-day jail sentence and a $50 fine; the law provides I
ed to teaching parents how to teach," Meadows said. "Parents think that parents who do not provide proof of education must enroll them a
there's no way they can compete with professional educators, but in public or private schools.
a I
Sherri has identified the problems and tested ways to overcome them." "This is not a case against home schooling," Prosecutor Andrew O:i
The program then takes phone calls from parents with specific
questions relating to their experience; afterward comes the "actual
Jezic told the Times . "It's here to stay and the results are wonder-
ful." But he argued at a July 23 hearing that allowing Battles to con-
teaching," Meadows said. tinue thwarting the state's monitoring could "open the door for thou- ~
Meanwhile, the state of Maryland has, for the first time, leveled sands of parents who would say, ' Hey, school board, trust me.' 47
By Larry Becraft with adaptations by Mark and Tina Terry (o""'"I"I'J%\k d, .. Jhp.",\1"·"""

Open Letter To IRS Commissioner

Dear Mrs. Margaret M. Richardson, of July 1, 1862, was the Office of the Furthermore, I have found in 27 USC @
I have been searching for many years to Commission er; neither the Bureau of 250.11 (copy enclosed herein and marked
find, within U.S. Code Title 26, the Internal Internal Revenue, nor the "Internal Revenue Exhibit D) that the definition of "Revenue
Revenue Code, the section(s) which created Service" was created by any of these acts. I Agent" is given as:
am enclosing a copy of IRM 1111 .2, marked "Any duly authorized Commonwealth
your agency, the "Internal Revenue Service,"
but I have been unable to find it/them. I Exhibit A, for your convenience . Internal Revenue Agent of the Department
decided to research and locate whatever I have no doubt that, when the employees of the Treasury of Puerto Rico," and that the
other sources of information I could regard- of the "Internal Revenue Service" were definition of "Secretary" is given as: "The
ing how the "Internal Revenue Service" was researching the origins of the so-called Secretary of the Department of the Treasury
agency so that this statement could be of Puerto Rico."
established; what my research has uncov-
included in the IRM II 00, that these So there apparently exists another
ered is astounding and bizarre. Here are
employees must have performed a very "Department of the Treasury" -- in Puerto
some of the things which I have found:
In 1972, an Internal Revenue Manual thorough and exhaustive investigation. I am Rico. Is "Internal Revenue Service" found
("IRM") 1100 was published in both the sure that the position of the "Internal somewhere in the Department of the
Federal Register and the Cumulative Revenue Service" regarding how the alleged Treasury of Puerto Rico, since it isn't found
Bulletin; see 37 Fed. Reg. 20960, 1972-2 "IRS" came into being is the best that can be in the list of organizations in the Department
Cum. Bul. 836. On the very first page of written under the circumstances. of the Treasury in Title 31, United States
this statement published in the bulletin, the However, besides the problem that these Code, or within any of those listed organi-
following admission was made: acts simply did not create either the Bureau zations?
"(3) By common parlace (sic) and understanding of of Internal Revenue or the "Internal Finally, I have found at 48 USC @1402
the time, an office of the importance of the Ofllce of Revenue Service,", there exists the fact (copy enclosed herein and marked as
Commissioner of Internal Revenue was a bureau. these acts were repealed by the adoption of Exhibit E), the following:
"The Secretary of the Treasury in his report at the the Revised Statutes of 1873. Therefore, it "Title III of the National Prohibition Act,
close of the calendar year 1862 stated that 'The Bureau would appear that your "agency" has never as amended and all provisions of the inter-
of Internal Revenue has been organized under the Act of actually been created by any act of Con- nal revenue laws relating to the enforcement
the last session .. .' Also it can be seen that Congress had gress. This is obviously a serious flaw. thereof , are hereby extended to and made
intended to establish a Bureau of Internal Revenue, or I have also found the following statement applicable to [Puerto Rico and] the Virgin
thought they had, from the act of March 3, 1863, in in the Federal Register Vol. 41, Sept. 15, Islands ... "
1976: I tlnd still further, in the same section,
which provision was made for the President to appoint
with Senate confirmation a Deputy Commissioner of "The term 'Director, Alcohol, Tobacco under History, Ancillary Laws and Direc-
Internal Revenue 'who shall be charged with such duties and Firearms Division' has been replaced by tives.
the term 'Internal Revenue Service'." "Title III of the National Prohibition
in the bureau of internal revenue as may be prescribed by
the Secretary of the Treasury, or as may be required by A copy of the instant Federal Register is Act", referred to in this section, is Act Oct.
law, and who shall act as Commissioner of internal rev- enclosed herein and marked as Exhibit B 28, 1919, ch 85, Title III, 41 Stat. 319,
enue in the absence of that ofllcer, and exercise the priv- for your conven ience. What this says to which was generally classified to 27 USC
me is that "Internal Revenue Service" is, at @@ 71 et seq. prior to supersedure by the
ilege of franking all letters and documents pertaining to
the office of internal revenue.' In other words, 'the ofllce least in this case, simply another name - an Internal Revenue Code of 1939, and subse-
of internal revenue' was 'the bureau of internal revenue,' alias; or, as the Federal Register clearly quently by the Internal Revenue Code of
and the act of July I, 1862 is the organic act of today's states, a "term" - for the term "Director, 1954."
Internal Revenue Service." Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division", The previous statement says to me that
This statement, which appears again in a which is itself (as stated) a term, and not an Title III of the National Prohibition Act was
similar publication appearing at 39 Fed. agency which Congress has ever created. classified through several stages to the
Reg. 11572, 1974-1 Cum. Bul. 440, as well In addition, I have looked in 31 USC, Internal Revenue Code. That conclusion is
as the current IRM 1100, essentially admit Chapter 3, at the list of Organizations of the supported and confirmed by the following,
that Congress never created either the Department of the Treasury, only to find found in the same section:
there is no "Internal Revenue Service" listed "The internal revenue laws", referred to
Bureau of Internal Revenue, or the Internal
Revenue Service. To conclude that "it can be there as an organization of the Department in this section, are located generally at 26
seen that Congress had intended to establish of the Treasury. uses@@ 1 et seq."
Further research reveals that there is no Mrs. Richardson, as you know, 26 USCS
a Bureau of Internal Revenue, or thought
they had" (see IRM 1111.2 - Exhibit A) "Internal Revenue Service" listed as an is the Internal Revenue Code, and " @@ I
(Emphasis added) is an admission that even agency, or even a term, within any of the et seq." means: "Section 1 and all which fol-
the government itself cannot find anything organizations listed in Chapter 3. A copy of lows it."
31 USC Chapter 3 is enclosed herein and In other words, this cite from Title 48
whatsoever which actually created either
agency. The only office created by the act marked as Exhibit C. plainly states that the entire Internal

Revenue Code, from start to finish , is "gen- which to invest one, there can be no officer. An office U.S. 5 12, 5 16, 40 S.Ct. 374, 376 ( 1920); Metcalf & Eddy
erally" made up of "internal revenue laws" may exist only by duly constituted law." v. Mitchell , 269 U.S. 514, 46 S.Ct. 172, 173 ( 1926);

which are relevant to the enforcement of State v. Quinn, 35 N.M. 62, 290 P. 786,787 ( 1930); N.L.R.B. v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Louisville, 350
Title III of the National Prohibition Act, Turner v. State, 226 Ala. 269, 146 So. 60 1, 602 (1933); U.S. 264,269,76 S.Ct. 383 (1956)-" 'Offi cers' normal-
which is presently located in Puerto Rico Oklahoma City v. Century Indemnity Co , 178 Okl. 212, ly means those who hold defined offices. It does not
and the Virgin Islands . mean the boys in the back room or other agencies of
62 P.2d 94, 97 ( 1936); State ex rei. Nagle v. Kelsey, I 02
This is truly astounding. Obviously,
when I read the above statute, I must ask
Mont. 8, 55 P. 2d 685 , 689 ( 1936); Stapleton v.
Frohmiller, 53 Ariz. II, 85 P. 2d 49, 51 ( 1938);
invisible government, whether in politics or in the trade-
union movement;" Crowley v. Southern Ry. Co., 139 F.
this question: Buchholtz v. Hill , 178 Md. 280, 13 A. 2d 348, 350 85 1, 853 (5th Cir. 1905); Adams v. Murohy, 165 F. 304
Which internal revenue laws "generally (1940); Krawiec v. Industrial Comm ., 372 Ill. 560, 25 (8 th C ir. 1908); Sull y v. United States, 193 F. 185, 187
located at 26 USCS @@ I et seq." are rele- N.E. 2d 27,29 (1940); People v. Rapsey, 16 Cal. 2d 636, (D.Nev. 191 0) - "There can be no offices of the United
vant to anything other than and/or in addi- I 07 P. 2d 388, 391 ( 1940); Industrial Comm. v. Arizona States, strictly speaking, except those which are created
tion to the enforcement of Title III of the State Highway Comm ., 61 Ariz. 59, 145 P. 2d 846, 849 by the Constitution itself, or by an act of Congress, and,
National Prohibition Act? ( 1943); State ex rei. Brown v. Blew, 20Wash. 2d47,145 when Congress does so establish an inferior office;"
So far my research reveals the following: P. 2d 554, 556 (1944); Martin v. Smith, 239 Wis. 3 14, I Commi ssioner v. Harlan , 80 F. 2d 660, 662 (9th Cir.
a) The only "Internal Revenue Service" I N.W. 2d 163, 172 ( 1941); Taylor v. Commonwealth, 305 1935); Varden v. Ridings, 20 F. Supp. 495 (E.D.Ky.
can find so far is not an agency at all, but Ky. 75, 202 S.W. 2d 992, 994 (1947); State ex rei. 1937); Annoni v. Bias Nadal's Heirs, 94 F. 2d 5 13, 515
simply an alias (term replacement) for the Hamblen v. Yelle, 29 Wash. 2d 68. 185 P. 2d 723, 728 ( I st Cir. 1938); and Pope v. Commissioner, 138 F. 2d
term "Director, Alcohol , Tobacco and (1947); Morri s v. Peters, 203 Ga. 350, 46 S.E. 2d 729, I006, I 009 (6t h Cir. 1943).
Firearms Division." 733 (1948); Weaver v. North Bergen Tp, 10 N.J. Super. Since I have reached the conclusion that
b) "Internal Revenue Service" isn't listed 96, 76 A. 2d 701 (1950); Tomaris v. State, 71 Ariz. 147, an agency known as "Internal Revenue
as an organization of the Department of the 224 P. 2d 209,2 11 (1950); Poll ack v. Montoya, 55 N.W. Service" has never been created by Con-
Treasury in Title 31 , but that there does 390, 234 P. 2d 336, 338 ( 1951 ); Schaeffer v. Superior gress, I am hereby requesting that you
exist in statute another "Department of the Court in & for Santa Barbara County, 248 P. 2d 450, 453 provide to me the citation of any statute(s)
Treasury" - of Puerto Rico - which has a (Cai.App. 1952); Brusnigham v State, 86 Ga. App. 340, which really did create the/an "Internal
"Secretary" and "Revenue Agent(s)", and 71 S.E. 2d 698, 703 ( 1952); State ex re i Mathews v. Revenue Service" (other than the "Internal
perhaps an "Internal Revenue Service" Murray, 258 p. 2d 982, 984 (Nev. 195 3); Dosker v Revenue Service" referenced in Exhibit B,
although I have yet to locate such "agency" Andrus, 342. Mich. 548, 70 N.W. 2d 765, 767 (1955); which is admittedly only a term replacing
or "term" therein. Hetrich v. County Comm of Anne Arundel County, 222 another term , and clearly not an agency.)
c) The internal revenue laws relevant to Md. 304, 159 A. 2d 642, 643 ( 1960); Mciland v. Cody, I am also requesting that you inform me
the enforcement of Title III of the National 359 Mich. 78, 10 1 N.W. 2d 336, 34 1 (1960); Jones v. where in the Department of the Treasury (of
Prohibition Act are "generally located at Mills, 2 16, Ga. 6 16, 118 S.E. 2d 484,485 (1961); State the United Sates, not: of Puerto Rico)
26 uses @@ 1 et seq.", in other words, v. Hord, 264 N.C. 149, 141 S.E. 2d 241 , 245 (1965); "Internal Revenue Service" is located and
throughout the entire Internal Revenue Planning Bd Of Tp of West Milford v. Tp. Council of listed as an agency, and provide me with the
Code, and I have no way of knowing which Tp. of West Milford, 123 N.J. Super. 135,301 A. 2d 78 1, statutes to support its establishment and
internal reven ue laws in the Code are 784 (1973); Vander Linden v Crews, 205, N.W. 2d 686, location therein.
relevant to anything other than and/or in 688 (Iowa 1973); Kirk v Flournoy, 36 Cai.App. 3d 553, Finally, I am also asking you to provide ~
addition to Title III of the National I II Cal. Rptr. 674, 675 ( 1974); Wargo v. Industrial me with a clear and statutorily supported ~
Prohibition Act. ~.58 Ill . 2d 234, 3 17 N.E. 2d 519,521 (1974); statement which clarifies exactly which
internal revenue laws "generally located" in
At the state level, it is a well-acknowl- State v. Bailey , 220 S.E. 2d 432,435 (W.Va. 1975); Leek !-...
edged and accepted rule that a duly consti- v. Theis, 217 Kan. 784, 539 P. 2d 304, 323 (1975); the entire Internal Revenue Code are rele- \0
tuted office of the state government must be Midwest Television Inc v. Champaign-Urbana vant to anything other than and/or in addi- 0..
created either by the state constitution itself, Communications Inc , 37 III.App. 3d 926, 347 N.E. 2d tion to the enforcement of Title III of the ~
or else by some specific legislative act; see National Prohibition Act.
the following:
34, 38 ( 1976); and State v. Pickney, 276 N.W. 2d 433 ,
436 (Iowa 1979). Since this is a question of profound per-

Patton y. Bd. Of Health, 127 cal. 388, 393, 59 P. 702, This same rule applies at the federal level sonal and national importance, I request that
704 ( 1899) - "One of the requisites is that the offi ce must See United States v. Germaine, 99 U.S. 508 (1879); you provide an answer to me within thirty ~

be created by the constitution of the state or it must be Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, 441, 6 S. Ct. (30) days. Failing a response within that "'"'
authorized by some statute." I 121 ( 1886) - "there can be no officer, either de jure or time period, I shall conclude that you can ~
First Nat. Bank of Colom bus v. State, 80 Neb. 597, de facto, if there be no office to fill ;" United States v. find no such statute(s) responsive to my ~
114 N.W. 772, 773 (1908): State ex rei. ~ Mouat, 124 U.S. 303, 8 S.Ct. 505 ( 1888); United States request, and I shall act accordingly. s·
Cunnin~ham, 39 Mo nt. 197, 103 P. 497 , 498 (1909); v. Smith, 124 U.S. 525, 8 S.Ct. 595 (1888); ~ Respectfully, Mark & Tina Terry
State ex re i. Stage v Mackie, 82 Conn. 398, 74 A. 759, United States, 182 U.S. 595 , 607, 21 S.Ct. 891 (1901)- 405-C South Beeline Highway I
76 1 ( 1909); State ex rei. Key v Bond, 94 W. Va. 255 , 118 "The law creates the office, prescribes its duties"; Payson, Arizona 85541 a
S.E. 276,279 (1923)- "a position is a pub lic offi ce when Cochnower v. United States, 248 U.S. 405 , 407,39 S.Ct. ~
it is created by law." 137 ( 1919) - "Primaril y we may say that the creation of O:l
Coyne v. State, 22 Ohio app. 462, 153 N.E. 876, 877 offices and the assignment of their compensation is a leg- (Editor's Note: Larry Becraft is a
( 1926)- "Unless the office existed there could be no offi- islative function ... And we think the delegation of such private attorney who also serves as
cer either de facto or de jure. A de facto officer is one function and the extent of its delegation must have clear legal counsel for this magazine. The Vl
invested with an office; but if there is no office with expression or implication"; Burnap v. United States, 252 Terrys are legal researchers.) 49
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