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Admission essay has several synonyms including but not limited to “personal statement”, “letter of
intent”, “supplementary letter”, “college essay”, e.t.c.

Irrespective of the name used, what is common is that these essays want you to demonstrate that you
are a leader, a change-maker, a risk-taker.

This essay is meant to capture things about you that may not necessarily show up on your
curriculum vitae such as your passion. Whether you are passionate about cooking, saving life, or
coding is immaterial. You are expected to demonstrate that you have passion for something
regardless of what the passion is for.

This admission essay may also be tied to scholarships; where a good essay means that you get
scholarship in addition to admission. Take your admission essay very serious. This book contain
admission essay samples including original copies from graduate students who got scholarships.

Do not directly copy the content of this book. Instead, let this book inspire you to find great ideas
and layout for your admission essays.

Dr Linda Iheme,
CEO, Vantage Migration.


INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………
TABLE OF CONTENT ………………………………………………………………………………………
ESSAY 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
ESSAY 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
ESSAY 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
ESSAY 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ESSAY 5 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ESSAY 6 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ESSAY 7 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ESSAY 8 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ESSAY 9 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ESSAY 10 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 11 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 12 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 13 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 14 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 15 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 16 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 17 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 18 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 19 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 20 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 21 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 22 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 23 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 24 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 25 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 26 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 27 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 28 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 29 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ESSAY 30, 31, 32, 33 ..……………………………………………………………………………………….
CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
In the 2016 Nigeria Sustainable Development Goals Baseline Report, one of the

major indicator which had an absence of a baseline study, was the extent to which

education for sustainable development is mainstreamed at all levels, particularly in

national education policies, student assessment and teacher education. This critical

gap further underscores the nascent status of Education for Sustainable Development

in Nigeria and why a new resolve and approach is required to fast-track the realisation

of SDGs in the country. That is why I am passionate about building a career in

Education for Sustainable Development, leveraging my professional background in

Corporate Sustainability. This area of study will place me on a better footing to

influence Nigeria’s education system, using education as a tool for achieving

sustainable development in my country.

In the short term, my career goal is to collaborate and work with International

development organizations and multilateral agencies such as the International Institute

for Educational Planning, and similar bodies specifically concerned with education

planning and research. This is important for me because it will offer me first-hand

exposure to educational research, planning and policy development projects targeted

at strengthening and reforming education systems for sustainable development.

This path will also help me build capacity to launch into a doctoral degree program as

a mid-term plan. At this stage, I aspire to devote myself to conducting and leading

intensive studies and consultations on education for sustainable development and how

it can be locally adapted and mainstreamed in my country’s curricula, national

education policy frameworks, teacher education and student assessment. Most

importantly, I will help the government and policy makers in Nigeria build a holistic

education system that supports sustainable development. I also plan to stimulate a

market for sustainable schools in Nigeria, using a catch-them-young model and school

improvement programs, all expected to culminate into improved overall learning

outcomes for the future.

As a long-term plan, I aim to head a government department on education, and act in

advisory capacities on educational planning and development in my country. This

career path will afford me the opportunity to promote effective governance in

education and support the strengthening of Nigeria’s education system to deliver

improved learning outcomes and lifelong learning structures. Generally, my

contribution to Nigeria’s education sector as a trained educationist will inspire a

holistic approach to teaching, learning and pedagogy, and ensures that all learners

acquire the knowledge and skills required to promote sustainable development as a

country. This plan conforms with the UK’s shared goals on development in Nigeria

and Africa.

Over the years I have actively committed myself to efforts, policy advocacy and grass root
mobilization that doggedly clamours for a renewed education agenda that is holistic, transformative
and humanistic. An education that supports peace, inclusion and sustainable development, and so
when I got the chance to reaffirm that education facilitates peace dialogue and respect for diversity,
I seized the opportunity which ultimately reflected my effectiveness as a leader.
In 2017, Nigerians were once again divided along ethnic lines, leading to a renewed agitation for
Biafra secession. A repeat of the 1966 Civil War loomed. The situation pressed on me a social
responsibility to act in the unity of my country and enlightenment of young people.
As the founder of an unconventional book club focused on promoting lifelong learning for young
people, I decided that the best way to foster national peace was through a public book reading
campaign; to educate young people about the importance of peace, tolerance and nation building.
To achieve this, I assembled a team of young leaders of diverse social-cultural backgrounds to drive
conversations and dialogue on national peace, using social media as a tool. Our engagement reached
over a million people within a week. Seeing how effective our online engagement was, I was
compelled to crystallize the conversations into a ‘bookference’, the first and largest of its kind in
Exploring the diverse network of my team, we got all known book clubs, publishers, journalists and
over 200 young people to register and attend. Two respected national youth leaders were invited to
join our movement as panelists at the bookference. The success of this bookference and consistent
engagement of the reading community earned my book club the award for Book Club of the Year
2017 by a renowned literary group.
I recall my days as a serving Corps member in Calabar, Cross River State. I had been assigned to
teach Literature to Grade 7 students at my place of primary assignment. My first week in class was a
stark revelation of the deficiency of learning outcomes in our education system. Barely 40 per cent
of my students had literacy proficiency for the level they were in, neither did they have the
recommended texts to participate in class activities.
My focus became to help my students read the recommended texts for the school term and to
develop continuous interest for reading to help improve literacy proficiency.
With the approval of the head teacher, I negotiated with a local book store to make the books
available to the students at a subsidized rate. I also innovated on inclusive teaching methodologies in
class. Subsequently, I approached the state library board and requested for old books to be supplied
to the new book club which I set up in the school. This had a tremendous effect on the students and
their willingness to read.
With the Chevening Scholarship, I will be able to expand my social mileage to help advance access
to quality education for more Nigerians.

Networking has played a huge role in my growth as a professional. As the convener of a major book
club, I initiated a free teachers’ training workshop for primary school teachers in low and middle-
income communities, as a pay-it-forward project. Knowing that this was a project that required
collaborative efforts to be achieved, I reached out to my existing and new connections on LinkedIn
and my wider professional circle.
Following the positive reception from most of the people I reached, I proceeded to assemble a team
of experts with diverse specializations to complement the project design. This move got me the
support of a local NGO - Comfort Literacy Intervention and Capacity Enhancement (CLICE)
Foundation; an established educator and teacher training coach, a Masters student of Education
Planning, Economics and Development at the University College of London, a senior CSR
consultant from CSR-IN-ACTION and a cohort from Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI),
to join the project team as volunteer facilitators and faculty members.
On an advisory level, I reached out to Dr. Aderemi Oladele a development expert and Senior
Research Coordination Officer at the permanent delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO office, who has
been my online contact for a while, to advise the program design on Teaching for Sustainable
To foster a synergy of passion and commitment, I quickly connected everybody through a telegram
group, so we could continuously engage and plan for the project. Then I assigned roles to every
team member according to specialization and interest. This helped to deepen the relationship and
commitment among team members. Exploring the network of my team, we were able to raise funds
from our individual and professional circles. My ability to manage this team of professionals with
diverse expertise was crucial, as we have successfully developed the project ready for
implementation at the start of next year; much to the delight of both team members, beneficiaries
and sponsors.
Beyond my ability to rally people around a common cause, I also belong to a network of CSR
professionals in Nigeria. My networking skills at various industry trainings and fora earned me a
place in this senior level group, headed by Prof. Kenneth Amaeshi, a professor of Business and
Sustainable Development at the University of Edinburgh and a Chevening Alumni. As the youngest
professional on this platform for Heads of Corporate Sustainability from various sectors in the
country, my membership has afforded me the opportunity to interact, engage and learn from more
experienced industry colleagues. These relationships and knowledge garnered, have proved helpful
in delivering on the job as a Sustainability Executive.
As a prospective Chevening scholar, I plan to leverage on the larger Chevening network,
particularly the Nigerian community, to deepen my commitment to mobilizing support for support
for education for sustainable development. My immediate preoccupation will be to expand the
teacher’s training program which I have initiated, and set-up boot camps for grooming young
children in sustainability and social awareness.

I am passionate to promote education for sustainable development in Nigeria and Africa. This
interest is informed by the need to deliver quality and holistic education that empowers learners to
develop skills central to sustainable development. Over the years, Africa has continued to lose over
$195 billion annually of its natural capital through unsustainable and illegal practices.This impact is
exacerbated by decades of harmful practices by individuals and organizations unaware or mindless
of the economic, social and environmental impact of their activities and behaviour.
My professional experience in Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility in one of Nigeria’s
leading financial institutions and brief stint in Education, opened me up to the inadequacies of our
learning system with regards to the Sustainable Development Goals. Taking courses and
participating in sustainability literacy interventions like “IFC Performance Standards on
Environmental and Social Sustainability by the World Bank Group - International Finance
Corporation (IFC), and “Sustainable Businesses” by the International Network for CSR among
others, have helped to build my knowledge and expertise in sustainability education and put me on
the right path in my chosen career.
MA – International Education and Development taught by the University of Sussex is my first
choice of study. Studying this course at Sussex which ranks high in development studies, will offer
me depth in understanding the relationship between education and development. The blend of
specialties offered by the department makes a solid ground for expertise in my career. At Sussex, I
will have access to Senior Teaching Fellow; Dr. John Parry. Dr. Parry’s research interest and
laudable achievements in mainstreaming Education for Sustainable Development in the UK’s
national curriculum and sustainability advisory functions across International levels, is a strong
appeal and matches my career goals.

My second preferred option; MA – Education (Policy and International Development), taught by

the University of Bristol has a rich and broad academic offering in education and development. The
department offers a mandatory module on Education, Peace and Sustainable Development with
focus on Education for Sustainable development (ESD) and Social Justice. Studying at the
department of Education (Policy and International Development), will enhance my capacity to
develop critical insights into ESD, policy and practice.

MSc –International Development and Education taught by the University College of London (UCL)
is my third option. 94% of research works produced by the UCL Institute of Education has been
categorized as world class, a quality which resonates with my value for excellence. UCL Institute of
Education (IOE) also recently ranked as the world’s No1 for Education for the fifth year running, in
the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject. Also, London is an iconic city, home to
ancient and compelling history, with a modern accomplishment, that I would love to experience.
Overall, a chance to study in the UK and obtain a Master’s degree in any of these universities will
not only imbue me with competence to help develop my country’s education system for a
sustainable future, it will also advance the UK’s Educational interest in Nigeria to promote relevant
learning in Nigeria’s education system.
Leadership and influence
I am a renewable energy and environmental aficionado, solving the energy poverty
and environmental deficits in parts of Nigeria. This passion for the environment and
concern for climate change, led to the birth of ‘REES Africa’, with a team of equally
passionate and competent millennials. Through our work, we now organize over 240
volunteers in REES Africa, across six states creating renewable energy access and
promoting environmental sustainability. Through the work I lead, over 10, 000 lives
have changed through energy and environmental sustainability programmes and
intervention organized in the last year. Within a year, we have carried out 20 projects
in Nigeria and powered three 200-year-old rural communities with no prior access to
electricity. I am a potential future leader, major influencer when it comes to actively
solving environmental problems in Nigeria and across Africa; and I am a woman.
As regards my academic background, I studied Chemistry but I have since
diversified into pursuing my passion for solving the challenges in energy poverty and
plastic pollution, borne from direct experiences. I enrolled for a Masters programme
in Energy and Environment in 2017 to acquire knowledge and international
exposure, but funding was a huge barrier. Today, under my leadership, with no
masters or international exposure, we have successfully done things differently from
what is obtainable in the books. We have mentored youths, illuminated communities,
and trained a team of hundreds who provide out-of-the-box entrepreneurial solutions
to environmental and energy challenges in communities across Southern Nigeria. I
know that with the Chevening, I would be able to do much more! REES Africa has
helped my team and I develop the right skills to work with people of different views
and in the course of our impact, we have been able to reach out to over 10, 000 with
a different perspective to energy access and environmental sustainability. In the past
one year, we have been involved in shaping policies with the government,
international organisations such as C40 cities, and rural people.

We have more than 10 volunteers, solving environmental challenges directly via an

entrepreneurial approach through lessons learned at REES Africa. They have found
for profit entrepreneurial solutions to environmental issues in Nigeria, empowering
themselves and their immediate community. Also, several entrepreneurs serving as
volunteers have incorporated business sustainability in their workplace and salaried
employees have become a torch and go-to in their place of work when it comes to
environmental sustainability.
Through the work that I do, the youths that work with me , I inspire them through
innovative volunteering such that they do not just end up being youths but
millennials, actively contributing to sustainable development.

2. Networking
REES Africa has helped my team and I develop the right skills to work with people of
different views and in the course of our impact, we have been able to reach out to
over 10, 000 with a different perspective to energy access and environmental
sustainability. In the past one year, we have been involved in shaping policies with
the government, international organisations such as C40 cities, and rural people. My
realisation is that diversity is the spice of life hence the need to build relationships.
Giving an instance, REES Africa was represented at the Climate Action and scenario
planning workshop with C40 cities and the Ministry of Environment, Nigeria. There
was so much conflict but in my group as the panel leader, I was able to strategically
eradicate the phantasm of knowledge exhibited in other groups by listening and
finding a common ground. Also, i met with a lot of top shots in the government that
availed me the opportunity to do more in REES Africa and enjoy some benefit as
well as no bureaucracy on certain project issues. Lessons learned offered me the
opportunity to learn from others and teach them. These professional relationships
have led to some wonderful friendships as i would be serving on the bridal train of
the professional relations turned friendship in December 2018.
I am naturally a shy person with some sort of stage fright and I hate small talks from
strangers but over time with my involvement with TOASTMASTERS
INTERNATIONAL, i was taught the art of networking, public speaking (humour and
vocal variety) , building professional relationships by listening more, remembering
details such as names and sincere follow up. This has helped me greatly. As a
competent communicator and competent leader (from the TOASMASTERS
pathway), I have actively practised and has yielded great returns.

In using these skills for future use, I hope to develop it more so i can use it more
efficiently and would ensure that every person I engage with within the chevening
community s left with an indelible experience. I look forward to using these skills to
drive possible business and value-driven partnership in the energy and
environmental sector and provide mentorship for others who have passion for
solving environmental issues at large as well making friends.

3. Studying in the UK

I am interested in just one course- Sustainable Energy and Environment. Cardiff

offers this as a one year course and at the end I become an accredited Engineer.
Thrilling! The course is institutionalised with interface of traditional disciplines which
are effective in an ever increasing multidisciplinary environment. Energy remains the
dominant contributor to climate change, economic growth and lifestyle. In harnessing
the right kind of energy, the effects of climate change will be greatly alleviated. Apart
from this, household poverty is directly linked to energy poverty and over 80 million
Nigeria have no access to electricity. This largely influenced Nigeria being regarded
as the poverty capital of the world. I Studied Chemistry and it is a fact that chemistry
is life, everything around me involves some sort of chemistry. This background gives
me a clear insight to several aspects of sustainable energy and environment. I have
an in depth knowledge of greenhouse gases because I studied Chemistry. Also, my
professional experience which range from fashion to media, has made me realise
problems in different industry sector that affect sustainability and provide solutions
such as sustainable fashion. Also working in the media has made me understand
that it is a very viable tool in driving conversation and changing mindset reaching a
large number of persons about a message. All these have contributed towards the
establishment of REES Africa. I look forward to learning from the experts and the
syllabus crafted from the input, research and experience that's cuts across specified
discipline to educate and inspire. For me, in addition to possible business and value-
driven partnership in the energy and environmental sector, the course is one of the
best ways to gain knowledge on how to effectively and efficiently run a non-
governmental organisation that is goal driven ( as I have already started) and can
stand the test of time and be a better person. I also have plans of owning the largest
indigenous renewable power plants in Nigeria and across Africa as well as being a
major market provider of electric and hybrid cars in Nigeria. The knowledge and
skills gotten will be used to upgrade the strategies towards my goals and objectives
of enabling energy access and environmental sustainability. I am so certain that I
would come back trained, geared up and equipped with so many 'aha' moments.
Indeed, the lifestyle of Africans’ will be redefined through the tool - renewable energy
and environmental sustainability, by completely eradicating energy poverty within
five years. This time line is not possible with my current state unless CHEVENING
makes a wonder out of me with the offerings.

4. Career Plan
The UK government is working on ensuring poverty alleviation, education, the
implementation of renewable energy technologies and most importantly sustainable
development for Nigeria. My post study career plan is very vivid. As the founder of
REES Africa, I prompt my team to carry out rural electrification for indigents across
Nigeria and we also carry out environmental sustainability intervention programmes
that benefit the bottom line. I would involve myself in more policy meetings, now that
I have the qualification to make very informed decisions. I will be involved in more

stakeholders dialogue with the government, private organisations and NGOs to

create opportunities and strategies that will help us meet the INDs declared at the
Paris Agreement. With the knowledge gained, I will expand REES Africa ( with the
support of the board members) into countries such as Ghana and the Gambia
solving environmental issues.

My second clear cut plan is to start up my registered fully renewable energy

company , I have already started getting contracts from developers who want to
generate their own electricity in islands and estates and I advise them on using
renewable energy sources even as hybrid systems such as solar and wind but I am
not able to carry out such projects because I do not have the capacity to which
greatly relies on the qualification and technical experience as well as funding as it is
mostly a long term project. This renewable energy company will offer services such
as; very affordable solar systems, power systems in Mega Watts and Giga Watts,
Assembling and sales of electric/ hybrid cars in Nigeria and consultancy services.

My third clear cut plan is the establishment of an incubation hub, in this hub, only
millennials with innovative solutions that have the capacity to change the narrative
will be accepted. As regarding the needs in achieving these plans, I believe that i
would encounter answers of most during my studies and the rest will fall in line as i
would network like my life depends on it.
My long term career goal is to become commissioner of environment of Lagos or
Osun State by age 30-31. Policies are very essential in the work that we do, and we
need the right set of people in politics. As a millennial, I take responsibility. I will
further go ahead to become minister of Environment in Nigeria and soon enough,
play a very strategic role in the United Nations. In the end, I hope to be the first
president in Nigeria to properly introduce social capitalism as a valid tool for growth
and development.
Leadership and Influence

I regard myself as a leader concerned primarily about solving problems and impacting lives positively, this can
be best explained by my passion to end hunger and promote food security in Nigeria leveraging innovative
strategies and technology.

I have been presented with several opportunities to develop my leadership skills by solving key food security
challenges such as funding, poor information access and poor marketing.
During my time as Communications Lead with Welcome2africa International in 2017, I worked on solving
smallholder farmer’s challenges to funding. I led the Communications team as part of the steering committee
that organised a Europe-Africa Investment Summit to provide opportunities for Agribusiness SMEs to pitch
their business for investment to investors at the Summit. Ultimately, my efforts to attract local and
international media partners facilitated the ease of publicising the event to SMEs and of which about 5 of
them who were screened and permitted to pitch accessed grants up to $5000 at the Summit. These funds have
helped these Agripreneurs to expand their enterprises, improve their crop production capacity, employ new
workers which has been a major contribution to food security in Nigeria.

Later on in 2017, after visiting a farm and seeing a farmer spraying insecticides on a fungi-infected crop and
also seeing young people who wanted to go into Agribusiness but didn’t know how to join the food value-
chain, I invited 2 of my friends to work on bridging this information gap. The consequences of lack of
information for these farmers is that Nigeria will continue have food deficit, the available food would be
expensive and hunger prevalence will linger further. We determined to leverage digital tools to provide
quality information to farmers on how to improve crop productivity and also to help young people access
information about how to engage in the Agriculture value-chain and in the last 20 months of operation, our
blog, currently attracts almost 800 daily readers while our social media has had
impression on over 10,000 online users some of whom are now gainfully engaged in Agriculture profitably.
Leading a highly motivated team of over 12 volunteer staffs of MyFarmbase Africa has placed a high demand
on my leadership skills, critical thinking and interpersonal skills yet I have continually influenced the team to
deliver on our mandate, to bridge the information gap for smallholder farmers and Agripreneurs.

These experiences have helped shaped me into the leader I am today and I believe strongly that my leadership
skills combined with the exceptional education that UK Universities will offer, I will be opportune to grow
into a world-class leader deploying my skills, knowledge and experience to boost food security in Nigeria and
empower Nigerian youths to be economically emancipated


My network has been a valuable component of my personal brand and my professional development and this
explains why I continually make new connections and nurture existing ones. My network has been of great
benefit, not just for myself but for the beneficiaries of my work across the board.

Being part of global organizations has been a way I have forged new contacts in the past. I am currently a
Volunteer member of United Nations Association of Nigeria, an organization affiliated to the United Nations
Information Centre in Lagos and through active engagement in this organization, I met Mr Daniel Nwaze, a
UNESCO-GAPMIL Youth Sub-Committee member, we exchanged contacts based on similar ideologies on
Youth empowerment. He was impressed by my passion in Agriculture, so he recommended me to the
selection committee of Afrika Youth Movement’s Youth Empowerment Forum. I was selected to speak in
Ghana to over 120 youths from 14 countries on the use of technology in Agriculture and how youth can
practice it profitably to bridge food security gaps and foster youth economic empowerment. This summit was
a huge boost to my professional career and it further expanded my horizon. The experience further helped me
to create connections with farmers in other countries that are now avid readers of our blog to meet their
information needs which will help them grow their food sustainably. My meeting with Mr Daniel blossomed
because I kept in touch with him through occasional calls, sharing of valuable information with him via email
on his interests and monthly texts to wish him well.

Mr Daniel Introduced me to Mr Cedric who I spoke to about a 14-paged paper that I wrote on “How
technology will power Agriculture in Africa”. He shared with me details of a youth-focused journal (Young
African Leaders Journal on Development) where I could publish the paper for the benefit of young people
who would find the information invaluable. He also helped to peer-review it based on his work in the
Agriculture sector in the United States. I submitted the paper and was selected as top 30 papers of the over
200 submitted papers, the paper was published and I was invited to give a 10-minutes presentation of the
paper at the African Union Headquarters which also boosted my professional profile some more and made me
a much sought-after speaker on Agriculture development in Nigeria. Based on Mr Cedric’s advice and
financial support, the content of this paper was thereafter redrafted into a manual which was used to train
over 1200 youths in Nigeria on how they can plug into the Agric-tech value chain to earn income for
themselves as part of the activities of MyFarmbase Africa.

I believe that the quality network I have built will be of added value to the Chevening community and a
Chevening scholarship will help me to build new connections with scholars, educators from UK and other
countries working on similar projects with an opportunity to collaborate on these food security projects.

Studying in the UK

Nigeria’s Agriculture sector is faced with challenges such as climate change, poor access to financing leading
to food deficit, hunger prevalence and malnutrition and from the knowledge acquired form my first degree
and the technical skills and network built during engagements with professionals at industry events, I have
executed Agricultural development projects that has empowered almost 100 farmers in Nigeria to gain
resilience to climate change and that has also empowered more than 1200 youths with the skills of technology
use in Agriculture to earn income.

The need to create sustainable solutions to climate change effects on farms leveraging global best practices has
motivated my choice of a post graduate studies through one of the 3 courses discussed below.

My selection of Agriculture and Development at the University of Reading being my first choice is motivated
by my findings which revealed that, “Agriculture is ranked the best at this University”. My quest to study in
one of the best Universities in the world will be actualised at this University when selected because I will be
able to learn from world-class educators, interact with exceptional students and build a global network that
will boost my career development and also help me to garner global best practices of helping smallholder
farmers gain resilience to climate change effects in Nigeria.

Also, based on my career plan to help smallholder farmers in Nigeria to grow their food sustainably insulated
against the effects of climate change, I believe that studying Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture as my
second choice at the University of Exeter will further equip me with the knowledge of building sustainable
farming systems, a very important module in the course. The course alongside my passion for food security
will help me to support farmers in Nigeria will Climate Smart Agriculture practices based on my exposure to
key stakeholders in the UK, educators and scholars alike.

My third choice is MSc Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security at the Newcastle University. This course
will provide me with the deep knowledge of food security which will help me reach more smallholder
farmers in rural communities with a better understanding of sustainable agriculture as a better approach to
end hunger and boost food security. This course being relatively focused on food production, marketing and
policy development for rural Agriculture will add to my knowledge and expertise.

I am convinced that obtaining a postgraduate degree from any of the above reputable universities will give me
a better chance to actualise my career goals which is to boost food security and bridge unemployment gap in
Nigeria and with the access to outstanding education and world-class experts through Chevening Scholarship,
I will be of immense positive benefit to both Nigeria and the UK.

Career Plan

Upon completion of my postgraduate studies, I will return to the company I founded, MyFarmbase Africa, a
social enterprise that has been training youths on how to leverage emerging technologies to earn income for
themselves as a way to combat youth unemployment through its Smart Farming Workshops.

The Smart Farming Workshop is in line with a DFID project, “harnessing economic opportunities for
marginalised youth in Northern Nigeria” and based on MyFarmbase audacious goal of training 1 million
youths in Nigeria by 2020 with the skills of technology use in Agriculture, I will explore implementation
partnerships with DFID such that we can empower more youths in Northern and Southern Nigeria and I will
do this for 2 years after graduation.

Myfarmbase Africa has also been training smallholder farmers in Nigeria with Climate Smart Agriculture
methodologies to insulate them against climate change through its Farm Drive project.
I plan to continue the implementation of Farm drive, a project designed to train farmers on climate smart
agriculture strategies and methodologies in a bid to insulate their crops against climate change and in 5 years,
my plan is to join the Agricultural extension department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture as a Senior
Consultant to continue these efforts but on a large scale in the Northern part of Nigeria targeting focused
grains like Maize, Sorghum and other crops that will make it easy for the United Kingdom to source materials
and as well establish companies that can process these crops in Nigeria, thereby creating employment
opportunities for Nigerians and bringing economic benefits to the UK.

In 10 years, I plan to setup a collaboration between MyFarmbase, and The Technical Centre for Agricultural
and Rural Cooperation (CTA) to build an Agric-tech hub that will catalyse the use of ICT and blockchain
technology for the sales and marketing of cash crops between Nigeria, the UK, Europe and other continents.
This also falls in line with the Market Development Programme for Northern Nigeria project of the UK in
Nigeria. I will leverage my established connections with CTA to establish a secured partnership with DFID to
setup these tech hubs in Northern and southern Nigeria and also deploy low-cost and easy-to-use technologies
to Nigerian commodity traders to meet its development target.

Ultimately, the Chevening scholarship will be a great springboard for my career in the Agriculture sector and
based on the world-class education, multicultural research experience and global network that my study in
UK will provide to me for my career growth and development, the resultant effect will be a boost in the ties
between Nigeria and UK and with the implementation of the above listed project, there will be a boost in the
economic development of my country.
I am an education activist working with Pencils of Promise, an international NGO working in the
educational sector to improve student literacy. As the Learning and Evaluation Coordinator, I have
through my exceptional leadership abilities influenced the provision for children with over 133 safe
classrooms in 90 rural communities and empowered 600 teachers to effectively teach children with
the use of technology.
When I joined Pencils of Promise in 2015, the organisation had high regards for data transparency.
However, there were delays in integrating evaluation results into interventions. After a quick
research, I realized collecting data electronically will not only eliminate inputting time but ensure
real-time data access. I put forth a solution to this and embarked on creating digital data collection
forms to address the problem. I went a step ahead to run training programs for the staff of the
company to orient them, on access to quality and timely data as it is crucial to bridging Ghana’s
educational policy implementation gap.
Within 3 months, I was able to design a digital application, which was operationalized. Through my
leadership, influence and innovation, there was timely performance evaluation and access to real-
time data. As a result of the new data innovation, literacy program was expanded from 20 schools to
70 schools, impacting over 12,000 children in deprived communities in Ghana to gain access to
quality education. Donor grant for our programs also increased by 27 per cent in 2016 because of
data transparency. This experience made me appreciate that interventions informed by timely and
evidence-based results can increase impact.
In 2016, I also influenced literacy evaluation in Liberia through a partnership between my
organization Pencils of Promise whom I represent, Bridge International Academies and Liberian
Government. Liberia’s educational system has been greatly devastated by the civil war and the
deadly Ebola outbreak in 2014. Upon my arrival, I held a stakeholder meeting between the staffs
and government officials to discuss the roadmap for the evaluation. I designed a protocol guide and
trained twenty enumerators to collect accurate and timely data on students learning for 850 students.
Six months after the evaluation report the partnership was renewed for another 2 years.
In August 2017, I led a team of seven to conduct performance evaluation through which I developed
an E-reader library model projected to serve 12,000 students by October 2018 and presented it to
management. The model recorded a 100 per cent success rate by July 2018 and two countries
namely Guatemala and Laos have expressed interest in using the model. The e-reader with 120 text
and storybooks on them have contributed to addressing the gap in access to teaching and learning
materials in Ghanaian public schools. The experience exposed me to the power in harnessing team
spirit to achieve organizational goal.
My experience together with the Chevening scholarship and the network it provides will enhance
my leadership skills and prepare me for senior managerial position to push frontiers of creativity in
designing sustainable solutions for quality education.

I understand that in today’s globalized world, forming lasting relationships is a necessity for
personal and professional development. As a result, everywhere I go, I seek to form relationships
with other professionals for mutual benefit.
My most recent networking collaboration was during an educational technology conference in
August 2018 organized by Edify Ghana (an education NGO). I met with Dr Paul Kim who is the
Chief Technology Officer and Assistant Dean at Stanford University Graduate School of Education.
I connected with him because of his ground-breaking project titled Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based
Learning Environment (SMILE). SMILE is a trans-disciplinary project aiming to promote
innovation through a programmable and open mobile internet. This will bridge the technology gap
which hinders quality education. We discussed how my organization (Pencil of Promise) could
partner with him to extend wireless digital learning to 70 deprived communities in Ghana without
internet access. Through continuous interaction on skype and email, we were able to reach the final
stage of the partnership agreement due to be piloted in November 2018. This partnership is expected
to increase the reading proficiency of about 20,000 students in deprived rural communities from 15
correct words per minute (cwpm) to 70 cwpm in three years.
Also, in August 2017, I had an opportunity to broaden my network while attending a conference
organized by the West African Civil Society Institute (WACSI) on leveraging digital transformation
in Non-Profit Organisations. At this conference, I connected with Mrs Anne Musyoki, the Senior
Programs Manager for TechSoup. The latter is a civil society organization seeking to improve lives
globally through the use of technology. Impressed by Mrs Anne's background in digital technology,
I was in touch with her through email and twitter. As a result, I benefited from a training series on
digital data collection. With this skills, I was able to design digital forms for data collection in my
organization and trained staffs on how to use them.
I am also a member of the Global Shapers Community (GSC) Ho. GSC is an initiative of World
Economic Forum and comprises a diverse community of young people. I take interest in our regular
meetups either face to face or social media to engage policymakers. Through active contributions to
educational policy debates, I was able to build rapport with Mr Courage C. Tetteh, founder of
LifeMAC Foundation, a nonprofit that builds the capacity of students through mentorship programs.
He invited me to the Technology Entertainment and Design (TEDx) Youth event, at the Ho
Technical University on the theme, ‘Transforming Mindsets, Empowering Dreams’. I was
privileged to share how my organization is empowering over 20,000 students through innovative
cloud-based learning in Ghana and Liberia. This experience taught me the invaluable lessons in
building strategic relationships with a passionate professional to bring positive change.
My career ambition and passion form the basis for my strong professional and personal networking
skills to connect with other Chevening scholars to initiate sustainable education interventions based
on sound data management.

I am highly motivated to study MSc in Evidence-Based Intervention and Policy Evaluation at the
University of Oxford as my first choice; MSc in Impact Evaluation for International Development at
the University of East Anglia as my second choice; and MSc in Policy Evaluation at the University
of Aberdeen as my third choice.
The MSc in Evidence Based Intervention and Policy Evaluation programme at the University of
Oxford will equip me with analytical, problem solving and research skills to design innovative
impact based strategies to the multifaceted challenges of education interventions in Ghana. My
experience working with various educational stakeholders have exposed me to the disconnection
between Ghana’s Education Strategic Plan policy initiative and implementation. This situation is
attributed to inadequate professionals and lack of expertise in impact assessment and evaluation, to
leverage on timely, accurate and relevant data to inform evidence based implementation. However,
with applied knowledge from modules such as evaluation methods, community analysis and critical
appraisal at Oxford, I hope to build the needed professional competence to improve educational data
management system in Ghana. I am also fascinated to study in a world-class university; ranked by
QS World University ranking scheme by subject as the second in Social Policy and Administration
globally. Learning from renowned experts like Professor Lucie Cluver, whose work on child anti-
social behavior have shaped UK Government Policy will shape me into a global leader and thinker
of influence in my field.
The Masters in Impact Evaluation for International Development at the University of East Anglia is
well noted for its practical based approach to teaching and learning. The intriguing modules in
Welfare and Evaluation in Development, and Education for Development will equip me with skills
in community analysis, research and wellbeing. This is critical to ensure a well targeted and a
pedagogical approach in addressing complex educational interventions. The department’s work on
expanding social protection policy in Malawi and Botswana offers an excellent case study to learn
hands-on international ‘best practices’ to implement development interventions in Ghana. As a
Chevening Scholar, I will network with professionals from multicultural backgrounds at the
Norwich Science Festival and Cleantech Conferences; a forum to meet global shapers in business,
leadership and technology to discuss sustainable and innovative strategies to address global.
Last but not the least, studying the MSc programme in Policy Evaluation at the University of
Aberdeen will also shape my analytical, research and critical thinking skills to design smart
innovative strategies to bridge the professional gap in educational policy evaluation and data
management. This I can achieve by leveraging competencies in modules such as Qualitative and
Quantitative Sociology, Psychology and Methods to improve my current skills. Ranked 5th overall
in the UK, it is among the UK’s top research universities, with 76% of research assessed through the
UK's Research Excellence Framework.
After the programme, I will be able to contribute to achieving Ghana’s educational policy and
programmes of action, which seeks to increase access to quality education and strengthen
partnership with UK
Upon completing my masters, I will return to my previous role as Learning and Evaluation
Coordinator at Pencils of Promise. With the skills gained from my study, I will ensure that evidence-
based decision making becomes an integral component of our literacy interventions. I will design
transparent and innovative data management model that will involve creating sustainable
technology-based programs, adapted to fit local context. This will ensure that we iterate on
programs faster to achieve maximum impact for students in the deprived regions of Ghana.
Currently, my Organisation has impacted about 12,000 students through our innovative cloud-based
learning program. My intention is to increase it to over 50,000 through the implementation of
creative strategies like the Library Model where one electronic reader serves more than one
Two years post-graduation, with my extensive network skills, I will launch the Literacy Impact Data
Hub (LiDaH). LiDah is an initiative to bridge data gap among various educational actors in the
private and government institutions. This hub will be a platform to bring together experts in Data
Science, Technology and Education to discuss emerging trends by harnessing data revolution for
sustainable development. Further, I intend to partner with various literacy driven organizations to
provide access to reliable real-time data through this platform. With the knowledge acquired through
the Master's programme on evidence-based interventions, I will facilitate virtual classes and conduct
workshops to build capacities of policy designers and implementers. As a Chevening scholar, I will
use my excellent networking skills to partner with the UK government through the Collaborative
Data Innovation Fund, - an initiative largely financed by the UK’s Department for International
Development (DFID). Through this partnership, I hope to increase diverse perspectives in
identifying and implementing interventions in the use of technology to promote the utilization and
assimilation of data.
In the long term, I hope to collaborate with policymakers to take a proactive approach to design
innovative interventions to foster access to quality education. Also, I hope to take up Senior Policy
Analyst role at the National Development Planning Commission (the apex body of planning in
Ghana). With this role, I will develop mechanisms for coordinating multilevel linkages between the
government, the private sector and civil society.

UK government through DFID is currently supporting over 900,000 poor and vulnerable
Ghanaians, through the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty. With my skills from the masters
in the UK, I will be able to promote intergovernmental negotiations between Ghana and UK in
building strong institutions to engage key policy issues. The outcomes I hope to achieve include;
effective implementing of innovative economic development interventions in areas of education
based on reliable, timely and efficient data.
Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries.
Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing
skills to support your answer.
(minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

0 of 500 words
The preconceived need to improve the technological capabilities of Nigeria had nudged me to chart a course
in science promotion and advocacy. I started carving out my niche in 2010 as a medical student when I co-
founded Society of Biology at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Southwest Nigeria. The student
society is an affiliate of the Royal Society of Biology, United Kingdom and through the activities of
promoting the life sciences, the society spread to other universities in Nigeria as we keep up with members
and fellows of the society in London who are Nigerians.
During National Youth Service in Ebonyi State, 2016, my science campaign took another turn when I
delivered a presentation to 7500 Youth Corps members from different socio-economic backgrounds, tribes
and religions on science and leadership being a panacea to Nigeria’s development at the orientation camp,
Old MacGregor College, Afikpo. I was able to leverage on the platform to convince and register 250 youths
onsite, then recruited, built and influenced a diverse team of 95 youth corps members to deliver the first of its
kind Science Fair and Olympiad in Ebonyi State, Southeast Nigeria. The initiative was able to impact 10,000
post-primary students in that state and Nigeria through the media.
Having an excellent acumen to glean the resourcefulness in people had helped me unify the team from my
undergraduate period and youth service days into the present squad of volunteer members and executive of
Rouleaux Foundation, a non-profit organisation I incorporated in 2017, aimed at promoting science for
sustainable development. The need to develop scientific literacy of the society through public engagement,
with a business model, made me register Café Scientifique Nigeria, 2017. The Lagos Café had reach over a
million people in Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria, during its inaugural event from social media
analytics. The Café Scientifique was adapted from the initiative pioneered in Leeds, United Kingdom by
Dallas Duncan of blessed memory through the support of the Welcome Trust and British Council with
presence in over 240 cities in the world.
Through the effect of my work, I presently have about 250 young professionals from different geo-political
zones who have shown commitment to the science and technology development space with feedbacks from
those who have volunteered with me having been considered for fellowships, appointments, employments
and others going on to become enthusiastic STEM ambassadors in various capacities.

Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening
community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this
requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these
skills in the future.
(minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

0 of 500 words

The ability to leverage on professional interactions with proven results make me an excellent candidate for
the prestigious scholarship.
During medical school, I had a vision to create a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) exchange platform for undergraduates in Nigeria to build capacity from relevant institutions in
the United Kingdom. Working on this idea made me have an index interaction with the former Provost of my
university’s College of Health Sciences, Prof. Fatusi Adesegun in 2010 who afterward became my mentor.
Activities at the Society of Biology, Obafemi Awolowo University had brought me in contact with Prof.
Oyewale Tomori, who was the President of the Nigerian Academy of Science who spoke at some of our
By 2014, while I led a delegation that was self-sponsored from Nigeria to attend the Intercollegiate Model
African Union Summit organized September that year by the Youth Alliance for Leadership and
Development in Africa student branch at Sheldonian Theatre, University of Oxford, an opportunity to pitch
the idea before the executive team of the society in London, led by Dr. Mark Downs, presented. My team and
I seized the opportunity not just to participate in the summit, but network with other young African delegates
representing their countries and the University of Oxford community. My academic interest had made me
book an appointment and met with Prof Nicolas La Thangue at the Department of Oncology, Oxford,
working on Retinoblastoma (cancers of the eye). During a break in the summit, I had visited the Charles
Darwin House in London which headquartered the Royal Society of Biology with my team. We were able to
eventually interact with the executive management team to pitch the capacity building STEM undergraduate
exchange idea.
During youth service in 2015/2016, being able to network to build and sustain the teams of 95 volunteers in
the 13 local government areas in Ebonyi State, having reached out to them at the orientation camp with a
register of 250 interested youth corps members had made the inaugural Science Fair and Olympiad a success.
The values of open-mindedness, diversity and inclusion was practically appreciated for the first time as the
project was achievable despite the initial backlogs when the volunteers who understood the culture of the
locales where selected.
As I was preparing to incorporate Rouleaux Foundation in 2017, Prof. Fatusi and Tomori were consulted and
they gladly embraced joining the Board of Trustees. In addition, I efficiently utilize the social media to
consolidate on the network of the young leaders I had built at Oxford in 2014, Ebonyi in 2016 and expanded
on it to meet some other of their noteworthy friends virtually. I kept up with their works and anticipate future
collaboration with them.
The scholarship would make me build on this skill judiciously to sustain lasting relationship with individuals,
groups and partners of the Chevening community in Nigeria, worldwide and most particularly reaching out to
the alumni of the network to observe, share ideas, learn, create and grow together.


Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to
your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.
*Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education
section of this form (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)
*0 of 500 words

The United Kingdom has been known to lead the world in the biomedical sciences and scientific
entrepreneurship through her historical research institutions and learned societies. According to the World
Health Organization Global Health Estimates, non-communicable diseases such as cancer are emerging as the
leading cause of death in low and middle income countries like Nigeria in contrast to previous attention on
infectious diseases. The capacity for cancer research and for preventing and treating it is limited in Nigeria.
Applying for a master in oncology stalks from the need to understand the basic concepts of cancer at the
molecular level and also develop valuable scientific skill and commensurate clinical understanding to parallel
the best oncologists in the world. My interest in the Master courses in Cancer and Clinical Oncology at the
Queen Mary, University of London, Clinical Oncology at the University of Birmingham and Oncology at the
University of Nottingham is because the Barts Cancer Institute is one of the top five cancer centres in the UK
and one of the 13 Cancer Research UK Centre of Excellence, Birmingham is a major Centre for Cancer
Treatment, both adult and paediatric, led from University Hospital Birmingham and has a CR-UK Cancer
Centre which was re-established at the University of Birmingham in 2017and t he University of Nottingham
is rated amongst the top 10 in the UK according to the Research Excellence Framework. Having volunteered
with the Oncology Group of Prof Adegbehingbe at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria and published
a research work in musculoskeletal cancer, I intend to passionately further a career in that discipline with a
simultaneous campaign for science as a social entrepreneur. The Master of Science in Cancer Studies will
open up lee ways to research prospects for me.
Far more than the scholastic leanings of the multinational Chevening Award, the privilege to fellowship and
collaborate through this network is priceless to solve many of the defining challenges of the 21 st century-
from climate change and food security, to poverty reduction and nuclear disarmament- through scientific
dimensions. No one country will be able to solve these common problems on his own. As a young leader
with the awareness of the geo-political and economic relevance of my country in Africa, choosing to promote
science is important to strengthen the symbiosis among Nigeria, United Kingdom and other countries. The
Chevening scholarship affords me both a career in cancer research and science advocacy and diplomacy as a
perfect match.
The network the Chevening scholarship gives would be invaluable for Rouleaux Foundation to develop into a
world class scientific institution. The scholarship is priceless for me to work towards reducing the burden of
cancer in Africa. In the short term, I would return and take up an academic position in a university in my
home country. In the mid-term, I would pursue a PhD in Oncology and a clinical fellowship in Oncology. My
long term plan is to revive the singular non-functional cancer institute in Nigeria and establish one through
public-private partnership.


Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please outline your
immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals. You may wish to consider
how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your country. (minimum word count: 100
words, maximum word count: 500 words)
The Government of the United Kingdom through the Department for International Development’s report of
July 2018 for Nigeria is committed to reducing poverty and improving the lives of its citizens by: improving
health services; increasing access to clean water and sanitation; and increasing access to modern family
planning methods. The report also states that the United Kingdom government is dedicated to help the
government of Nigeria carry out ambitious reforms to grow and diversify its economy so it can tackle growth
and development issues without international assistance. DFID support will include: expert advice and
investment on infrastructure development; delivering training to increase people’s skills enabling them to
find jobs; creating jobs to improve incomes; tackling corruption; and making Nigeria an easier country to do
In line with the above, my post-study career plan would be;


My academic career aim is to become an oncologist so I could deliver good health services with issues that
borders around cancers.
IMMEDIATE ACADEMIC CAREER PLAN: I should take up an academic position at a local university in
Nigeria and/or a post graduate residency program in oncology at a government teaching hospital.
LONG TERM ACADEMIC CAREER PLAN: By the second year of my stay on return, I intend to apply for
a PhD study in oncology. Being a scholar would easily afford me the privilege to realize my long term plan
of reviving the singular non-functional cancer institute in Nigeria and establishing one through public-private
partnership and the support of the UK government.


Science and Innovation underpins the economies of Nigeria and the United Kingdom. The overall aim of my
professional career is to build Rouleaux Foundation into a foremost scientific institution and contribute to the
acceleration of the plans of Nigeria in diversifying her economy. The Science and Innovation Network as a
product of collaboration of the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Foreign
Commonwealth Office based in 31 countries has been very strategic in fostering research and development in
1. I plan to expand Café Scientifique Nigeria to six geo-political zones through the partnerships with the
Welcome Trust in its public engagement in science programme and British Council Nigeria
analogous to Café Scientifique Uganda by Betty Kikuyi.
2. I crave to either consolidate on the work of DFID and Royal Society through the ‘Africa Capacity
Building Initiative’ to crystalize the undergraduate STEM exchange initiative of Rouleaux
Foundation or start a fresh project in that regard with the same partnership.

LONG TERM PROFESSIONAL CAREER PLAN- I am committed to improving scientific literacy and
policy in Nigeria through the projects that we would embark on. Collaborations with DFID, the Royal
Society and the Science and Innovation Network of the Foreign Commonwealth Office would be priceless, as
being a Chevener makes it realistic. My organization could present as a potential strategic partner in
corporate social responsibility with established and prospective British businesses and institutions with
interests in Nigeria
Throughout my undergraduate days, I have found human resource development as what I am most passionate
about. I discovered a major threat to the socioeconomic performance of Nigeria and how it impedes our
national development based on my research on ‘Teamwork and Organizational Performance' in partial
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management. This is why
I seek to pursue a career as an academic and specializes on human resources development which will place me
in a position to influence sound policy formulation that will transform manpower development.

As part of my short-term career goals, I envisage becoming a Graduate Assistant in the Department of
Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University,
Nigeria, where I shall contribute to implementing the technical and theoretical knowledge acquired from my
proposed study in the United Kingdom (UK) to teach, mentor, and train university students. This resonates
with my prior teaching experience as a Graduate Assistant in the Renaissance University, College of
Management and Social Sciences during my mandatory National Youth Service year in Enugu State, Nigeria. I
will also continue my research to encourage evidence based polices that will facilitates capacity-building.

Channeling my career further as an academia, this will prompt my immediate plan of obtaining a doctorate
degree. It will enhance my capacity to conduct rigorous and thorough analysis to critically assess, evaluate and
develop sound policies for human capital development for private and public sector, and to offer consultancy
to multilateral and bilateral organizations like the United Nations Development Programmed and the UK
Department for International Development (DFID) respectively.

In the long-term, I aim to become a Professor of Human Resources Development, serving in the advisory
board of think-tanks organizations like the African Research Institute and editorial teams of refereed journals.
I intend to contribute to the formulation of informed policies in the service sector of the ministry of
employment, labor and productivity, Nigeria; either in an advisory capacity or as the head of a Government
Department. Pursuing this career path will promote people-centered policy formulation, where the masses
will be involved in the formulation stage so as to inputs what concerns their development and make
suggestions on how those inputs can be achieved. Furthermore, local and developing industries will also be
encouraged by the government with all necessary incentives to stimulate economic growth. This will
contribute to the 62% of the UK Department for International Development on human and economic
development plan (United Kingdom, Department for International Development, 2018/2019) which will
strengthen and encourage the UK-Nigeria trade relationships that will provide solutions to reduce poverty,
improve the lives of citizens and attain economic growth and development that will foster local and foreign
business investment.

Finally, through my proposed training as a human resources development expert, I will provide the support to
help Nigeria in achieving an emulative record of increased socio-economic performance, increased
productivity and raised her ratings in the future Human Development Report by the UNDP.
The United Nations Development Programmed (UNDP, 2018) Human Development report ranked Nigeria
157 out of the 189 member countries based on its socioeconomic performance, which eventually lead to the
low rating of its human development indices. To address this, there is a need for trained policy makers capable
of employing result-oriented strategies; thus, the major drive for my proposed postgraduate study
programmed in the Human Resource Development and Consultancy field.

My background in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management has helped me gained robust experiences,
knowledge, skills and abilities needed to succeed in these chosen courses. And, I desire a degree in this course
because of its emphasis on human capital development, the totality of knowledge attributed to an individual
in producing economic value. This knowledge will help to augment skills and productivity, energize
resourcefulness, entrench good governance, support infrastructure development as well as enhance
development in the education systems, especially in the area of curriculum and profession of teaching. The
all-encompassing nature of this course makes it a favorite for me and I cannot wait to start this exciting

MS.c Human Resource Development and Consultancy taught in the Birkbeck University of London is my first
choice. The course will equip me with deep understanding and knowledge of people-centered strategy in
human capital development. I will learn from scholar like Erica Levy on how to critically assess, evaluate and
develop leaders and policies makers which will not only focus on the training aspect of human capital but
with- the major focus in developing human capital here in Nigeria. Education, career management, coaching
and the psycho-motor of human capital for sustainable development which are closely related to my study
objectives will be effectively implemented having undergone this particularly discipline and profession.

The MA Human Resources and Consulting from the Lancaster University is my second choice, which will
furnish me with the expertise of working with and through people to developing human resources for
strategic objectives. For instance, in the course module of consulting and organizational diagnosis, I will be
learning and understanding consulting practices from developmental and strategic perspectives. Using the
United Kingdom as a reference where consulting and human development policies have been affected
extensively, I will be trained to model the theoretical and practical framework to demonstrate the analysis of
government policy and its effects on human resources practices.

My third preferred course, M.Sc International Human Resource Management and Development from the
University of Salford. My study objectives here are on how to comprehend human resource management and
development in a global context and industry with a collaboration project that will provides opportunity to
examine a challenge vital to an organization through the applied dissertation.

Finally, studying in the United Kingdom will offer me the opportunity to build advance and technical
knowledge of human resource development practices in line with global practices which with professional
collaborations will support Nigeria’s goal of raising her human development indices and makes Nigeria to be
among the league of best nation to reside.

My zeal for community development service, matched my thirst for human rights activism, and
good governance propelled my motivation towards Student Unionism and active involvement in
extracurricular activities that defines me as an all-inclusive visionary leader.

As an undergraduate in Lagos State University, I noticed some irregularities in the welfare of students; the
major challenges included transportation, and delayed academic calendars that subsequently reduced students'
academic performance. These amidst other encouraged my decision to contest for the position of the Welfare
Director, the campaign and electioneering process was quite intense and highly influencing but I was
eventually elected the Welfare Director, Students' Union 2015/2016 Academic year.

My major focus was maintaining the peace and well-being of students on campus. I created a team as a leader
would always need a team of trusted hand to run a mandate. We engaged with the student populace to know
their basic needs, and it was evidently proven that transportation of the students was the major challenge as
the University is not a fully residential campus. Consequently, we devised innovative strategies to cut down
the levies paid by the union external shuttle service which conveys students from the school to their
respective hostels in a way to make it accessible at little charges for the students to ease the stress of
transportation. I delegated tasks based on the unique abilities of members of my team and appointed operation
officers of the independent transport regulatory committee for the collection of levies from the students’
union internal and external shuttle service and paid directly to the students’ union account to ensured proper
accountability. This eased the huge stress of transportation and subsequently led to improved academic
performance among students.

However, the most challenging task was a foreseen crisis between the School Management and the Academic
Staff Union of Universities. The Student executives in council assigned me to represent the students’ to act as
a mediator and establishing a commonality of interest. We were able to reach an agreement between both
parties which stand out as the outstanding achievement of my administration as we were able to avoid a delay
in the academic calendar for the first time in the history of the Lagos State University Students’ Union

In addition, I further exhibited my leadership traits when I volunteered to work as a project officer with
‘Involve Africa’, a Non-Governmental Organization where we prepare, and mentor Africa youths for
leadership challenge; as well as organizing, coordinating and implementing projects to enlightening youths in
local communities on civic responsibilities and public policies. We also influenced the passage of the “not too
young to run” bill to law in the Nigeria's National Assembly by organizing rigorous campaigns and outreaches
on all social medias, newspapers, radios and television stations.

I believe with the Chevening Scholarships, I will be able to expand my knowledge on leadership and broaden
my level of influence and learn how to develop sound policies and proffer solutions to challenges before
Nigerians and other developing nations.

My interests and experiences in networking have developed and transformed over time which have made me
to be an advocate of networking. These experiences came to fore in 2016 when I met the renowned Professor
Olusegun Matanmi.

I met him during a lecture on international human resource management. Fortunately, he was assigned by the
Department to be the supervisor of my undergraduate research project. After my work with him, he took me
up as his pupil and this strengthened our relationships. The bond between us got even more strengthened
after I volunteered to provide support to him for the United Nations Development Research Programme that
he was conducting at that time. I started my research project as a sub-project to his UN project to gain
insights. Subsequently, this action influenced and aided the successful completion of the study with what he
described as one of the most efficient and timely research work he has ever conducted.

While serving as the Welfare Director of the Students’ Union, We had the rare opportunity of meeting with
the Governor of Lagos State and his executive cabinet. This meeting was highly productive as we had
constructive discussions on how the State Government could collaborate with the school to help meet the
basic needs of the students especially in financing their studies. We were also able to seek support and build
partnerships with multinational companies to offer scholarships to students to pursue their education.

In my quest to accomplish this goal, I engaged my networking skill. I submitted proposals to Government
Departments and multinational companies that are strategic to the union goals. Through the Ministry of
Education, we were able to get a referral to the Ministry of Civic Engagement that support students with
funds for textbooks.
Also in our quest to build a better Student Union, I facilitated meetings with the Country Marketing Manager
of Dufil Prima Foods PLC and MTN Nigeria to ensure the endorsement of our proposal thus, fostered
partnerships. They provided me with an introductory letter which I presented to the School Management to
request for the approval of the companies event activation on campus where they awarded one million naira
(#1,000,000) and one million, five hundred thousand naira (#1,500,000) worth of scholarships to students
respectively. This experience really broadens and sharpened my networking skills that I have applied in my
professional and social networks.

My passionate desire as a prospective Chevening Scholar is to create positive relationship, hear about their
success stories in influencing and promoting human capital development which I can learn from and apply to
stir up more engagements in my country. I also want to work closely with the Chevening community globally
and the network of the Young African Leaders I have built to engage the Government and advocate for their
contribution to enhancing human resources development. In partnership with the Nigerian Chevening
Community, I also plan to organize outreaches and seminars on leadership and civic engagement where
youths are prepared for the work environment.
Throughout my adult life, I have applied myself to take up leadership responsibilities. I have sought
strategic partnerships and taken deliberate actions to try and overcome the prevailing challenges
within my community. This is what I believe leadership to be all about.

During my undergraduate studies, I was the international representative of my faculty. I liaised with
staff to provide solutions to issues that affected students’ educational outcomes. We had a diverse mix
of students and cultures, and the big issue at the time was that a significant number of international
students, especially first year students, were struggling to acclimatise to their new environment. I
reasoned that international students do not view the university locality as their host community, and
that good community immersion was necessary. Therefore, I organised visits to a few places within
Southampton. This had a positive effect, not only on the students’ affinity for the city, but also for the
UK, as not long afterwards, there were suggestions for trips outside the city. I was able to obtain
approval for a visit to The Royal Society, London.

After university, and during my national service in Nigeria, I was opportune to serve as the president of
my medical community group. I coordinated community health outreaches. Previously, the group held
outreaches once in three months. However, due to the alarming prevalence of certain diseases such as
malaria, cardiovascular diseases, and HIV/AIDS in the host and neighbouring communities, I convinced
my team of the need for a more regular and tailored approach. We agreed to have monthly
sensitisations instead; and utilise the general hospital’s medical records to guide us on the specific
needs of each community.

Utilising this framework, I spearheaded the organisation of mobile clinics and sensitisation of
community members on how to prevent particular prevalent diseases in their communities. I also gave
talks on stroke, HIV and malaria prevention.

Currently, I am a teaching fellow with Teach for Nigeria. I lead and ensure the acquisition of quality
education by the 57 pupils under my tutelage, in a public school in Ogun State, Nigeria. My pupils’
culture of achievement and literacy levels, when I resumed, were underwhelming. We have since
recorded some progress, due to my concerted efforts to influence my pupils positively, and bridge this
gap. I worked with the not-for-profit organisation, Plough Africa, to renovate and repurpose one of the
disused offices in the school as a library. I conducted book drives, and as a result, have the library
stocked with a variety of children books. To ensure sustainability, I instituted a Press Club and a
Literacy Club, championed by the pupils. These initiatives have ushered in positive attitudinal change
towards learning for my pupils, and increased their literacy rate from 30% to 70%.

A Chevening masters scholarship will present opportunities to further improve my leadership

capabilities, and when it does, I will not relent in demonstrating that it is the collaborations I make to
inspire positive actions, which makes me a leader.

Networking is an extremely powerful tool, one, which I exploit to form relationships, exchange ideas,
and bring goals to fruition.
I once attended the Southampton Neurosciences Group Conference due to a collaborative research
work I took part in investigating how hypertension was linked with Alzheimer’s disease. At the event, I
made side presentations to other researchers and scientists about what our work had entailed. One of
the people I conversed with was Dr Asuni, an immunology researcher, whom I have always desired to
meet due to his insightful work in immunotherapy research. Following our conversations, he agreed to
send me learning resources to keep abreast with immunology discoveries. Afterwards, we also met up
a few times to discuss immunology trends. To this day, through email exchanges, he continues to offer
me invaluable career guidance, in the capacity of a mentor.

At this event, I also spoke with the Program Coordinator for Biomedical Sciences. He was particularly
interested in how second year students may benefit from an undergraduate research experience; and
he invited me to speak to them. Seeing as I also desired to hone my public speaking skills, and had first-
hand experience to draw from, I gladly obliged.

Social media is also one powerful platform I use in developing and sustaining relationships. I regularly
share my teaching fellowship stories on Instagram. Recently, I was contacted by a friend whom I went
to university with, about the possibility of working with medical researchers from the NeuroMind
Foundation, UK. The researchers are working on using technology to improve the learning experience
of children with learning difficulties. This friend had seen my stories on social media, and he reckoned I
would be best suited for this collaboration. After several Skype calls, I agreed to be a part of this
research work. Currently, I am speaking to the relevant authorities to obtain permission for this
project. It is our hope that other classrooms can also benefit, and I have begun discussions with other
teachers within my network. I am excited about the potential of this opportunity to expand my
network within the education research community.

A UK Masters provides great opportunity to further extend my network. Presently, I write about health
issues, leveraging the sheer power of social media, to educate readers and foster conversations about
health topics. It is my desire to expand my writing and bring immunological science and discoveries, to
the public. I plan to attend the UK Immunology Congress, and speak to immunologists, both within and
outside my faculty, to write guest entries on my website.

After I return to Nigeria, I plan to immerse myself into the Nigerian Chevening alumni community. I
hope to attend meetings, initiate events, and collaborate with other alumni members, especially health
sector stakeholders, to push for universal health coverage for all Nigerians.

As I seek to pursue a career in Immunology, I will continue to take proactive steps to build upon my
existing network, as the dividends strategic partnership yields is indeed unquantifiable.

Studying for a degree in Biomedical Sciences enabled me to holistically appreciate the effective
machine that the body is. However, it was when I studied a course on Infection, Immunology and
Inflammation that I understood in-depth how various diseases arise and progress due to a deficient
immune system.

My interest in immunology, led me to study two additional immunology modules; carry out my final
year dissertation on an immunology-based research project; and enrol in online courses after
university. Presently, I seek to study Immunology at Masters level. This would arm me with the
practical skills to delve into vaccinology research, and the science communication skills to share and
teach immunology research in a most effective manner.

Immunotherapy, through both active and passive vaccines, is revolutionising the field of Medicine. I
developed a strong interest in this area after my undergraduate research investigating how
immunotherapy can be used to treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s and stroke. The immunotherapy
component of the MSc in Immunology and Immunotherapy course, at the University of Aberdeen,
aligns with my career plans, making it my first choice. I also find the prospect of learning
immunogenetics exciting, as it is an emerging subspecialty, which studies how our genes influence our
immune system. Additionally, studying at Aberdeen would afford me the opportunity to learn flow
cytometry, a technique that will feed my interest in investigating the crosstalk between immune and
viral cells. I really look forward to improving my data presentation and science communication skills,
which are also elements of this course.

The MSc in Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases course at the University of Glasgow is my second
choice. The university’s GLAZgo Discovery Unit resonates with my penchant for taking evidence-based
medicine from bench to the bedside. This Centre, serves to identify and develop novel immune-
therapeutics. I believe learning in a stimulating space such as this would be crucial to my development
as an immunologist. The Immunology course at Glasgow also integrates the learning of inflammation
biology, which will improve my understanding of the immune response in conditions such as asthma
and cystic fibrosis.

Finally, I have chosen the M.Sc in Immunology of Infectious Diseases course at London School of Health
and Tropical Medicine as my third choice. This course offers the opportunity to learn in a
multidisciplinary environment of clinicians, biologists, and pharmaceutical scientists. I believe this
would serve to make my learning incredibly robust, and consolidate my collaborative and
interdisciplinary outlook on medical research. The course also comprises clinical immunology
modules; which would provide me with the opportunity to review the connections between what I am
learning and what is indeed obtainable in clinical practice.

A postgraduate study in immunology would enable me learn advanced immunology principles, greatly
enhance my science communication, and develop modern immunological research techniques. This
will form the foundation on which to build the expertise to fulfil my aspirations as an immunologist
researching the development of novel vaccines, and communicating how immunology is
revolutionising the field of Medicine.

The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) conducts medical research into prevalent diseases
in Nigeria, thereby enhancing national health. Immediately upon my return to Nigeria, I plan to register
and work with the NIMR as an immunologist. I believe it is the right place to apply my skills towards
the development of novel immune therapeutics, as they possess the requisite facilities. Of special
interest to me, is the on-going research to find a HIV vaccine at the NIMR. In Nigeria, the most common
HIV strain in circulation is the least responsive to VRC01. VRC01 is a passive vaccine, which blocks the
entry of HIV by binding to the part of the immune cell where the virus will otherwise bind, to facilitate
entry into the cell. However, it is still not clear why this vaccine has not recorded utmost success. I
aspire to join the brilliant minds leading this research. I will harness my immunotherapy practical
skills and know-how, which studying for an Immunology masters will avail, to contribute in advancing
future HIV vaccinology studies.

In the longer term, I aim to merge my interests and experience in education and medical science, to
teach immunology at post-secondary school level. While my interests within immunology vary,
immunotherapy is a clear favourite. It is my hope to pursue a doctorate in immunotherapy and build
the capacity to run an independent laboratory investigating the possibility of new vaccines. I plan to
bring my research into the classroom, and teach cutting-edge immunology to future scientists. I am
convinced that education is the foundation to achieving profound societal transformation; and
scientific research is a catalyst to this growth. I hope to partner with the UK Department for
International Development (DFID), to train and mentor future immunologists, in order to boost
Nigeria’s human capital development.

In addition, I plan to launch a social innovation called: School Beds Nigeria. Teaching in a public school,
has exposed me to some of the inequities in healthcare, children in underserved communities
experience. In these schools, when pupils feel sick, they are sent home to get better. This presents
issues. Their illness may worsen as they journey home; moreover, their parents are rarely home, they
are usually at work. Therefore, care is not received at home, hence defeating the entire purpose of
being sent home. This birthed the idea of setting up sickbays in rural public schools across Nigeria.

My interest in vaccinology will also be ploughed into the sickbays to ensure children receive
recommended vaccinations. Nigeria accounts for 20% of the approximately 20 million children
worldwide that miss out on basic vaccines annually. I hope to partner with the World Health
Organisation to enlist these sickbays as avenues to effect improved administration of vaccines to
schoolchildren in rural areas.

I am well aware that my immediate plans would inform the scope and extent of my longer-term plans.
Therefore, I am certain that a Chevening scholarship would position me, with the skills-set and
network, necessary to make my aspirations a reality.
Please attach a statement describing your special academic interests and your objective in undertaking
postgraduate study. Please also include any other relevant information to support your application,
including details of any publications and/or relevant preliminary reading that you have already undertaken.

Only two weeks ago, I woke up to a trending tweet by Adamu Garba, a former presidential aspirant
of Nigeria’s ruling political party. He tweeted about how “feminism is a waste of time, having the title
of a wife is more important than becoming a Central Bank governor, and that may God forbid
Nigerian women from the menace called feminism”. I was angry that although he exuded such level
of ignorance on the topic, the tweet had over 300 retweets and 700 likes. The situation reminded
me of the poor awareness, understanding and closed mindset many Nigerians possess on gender,
feminism and women empowerment.

The Gender in Nigeria Report (2012) by DFID stated that “Nigerian women and girls have
significantly worse life chances than men and their sisters in comparable societies”. Nigeria needs
more specialists and advisers in gender and development to strategically implement gender-
equality focused interventions. This is a major motivating force behind my decision to obtain a
postgraduate degree in Gender and Development at the University of Sussex’s Institute of
Development Studies (IDS).

Despite obtaining my BSc in Microbiology, I have within the past five years, garnered technical
experience in development themes. This includes Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
(SRHR), participatory democracy, social inclusion and gender. My final year course in
Epidemiology and Public Health sparked my interest in community and global development. I
dedicate my social media platforms and physical presence to campaigning for a gender-equal
society. For instance, I attended the 2018 UN Women African Youth Conference (Nairobi) and
contributed to UNICEF France’s 2018 Women, Health and Climate White Paper publication. In
August 2019, I represented YOUNGO’s Women and Gender working group at the SRHR, Gender
and Climate Change Resilience Symposium of UNFPA ESARO (Pretoria). Such experiences fuel
my dedication to global youth engagements and enhance my public speaking and advocacy skills.

So far, I have broadened my generic knowledge and gained hands-on experience of gender, as it
relates to development. Yet, to critically integrate gender strategies in development programmes, I
require extensive interdisciplinary knowledge gain in a global context. For a basic understanding, I
have obtained online certifications in Feminism and Social Justice courses as well as Women and
Girls Rights. However, I am thrilled at the prospect of gaining concrete knowledge and capacity
through a master’s at the University of Sussex. Also, Chevening and University of Sussex Alumni,
Prince Gideon Olanrewaju’s testimony on the credibility of the institution fairly influenced my choice
of IDS. Moreover, I am confident of experiencing outstanding academic growth because IDS is
number one in the world for development studies (QS 2019).

Moreover, relevant to my current programmatic activities under the European Union co-sponsored
‘Security for All’ programme, are the modules on Politics of Gender, Research Design as well as
Governance of Violent Conflict and (In)security. A combination of my study and work experience
would be valuable in the build-up to my dissertation, possibly on the Gendered Impacts of the Lake
Chad Basin Insurgency in North-East Nigeria. It would be exciting to work under the supervision of
Professor Sohela Nazneen, who works on women’s inclusion in politics, policies and legislations in
Sub-Saharan Africa. I am also lured by the chance to undertake fieldwork during my study at IDS.
Likewise, as a UNESCO Youth Forum (Nigeria) Ambassador for Inclusion, I find Brighton city to be
a diverse society where I can promote my mandate by exploring the people and culture. Being a
big follower of the English Premier League, I am excited to watch live football matches across

On completing my master’s, I would return to Nigeria to secure a Gender Officer consultancy with a
Non-profit organisation. I aim to technically support the design, incorporation and implementation of
gender-transformative objectives in participatory democracy, and champion inclusive security
sector reform.

Please give details of your relevant work experience (300 words max)

I am a youth activist for women’s right and gender equality. My areas of influence cut
across gender justice, education, youth, sexual and reproductive health and rights, climate
justice and fashion modelling. I have gained about three (3) years of engagement in the
non-profit and Non-governmental sector while strengthening research, monitoring and
evaluation, and project management.

For the past 15 months, I have been conceptualising gender-sensitive approach to

programmatic activities coordinated by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nigeria. My task as a
Project Assistant focuses on realising social democracy by promoting equal participation of
marginalised groups - women and youth - in governance, and to shape Nigeria’s economy.

Likewise, out of my role as a Research/Project Assistant, I have engaged in volunteerism,

community service, capacity building and advocacy. I have worked with several
organisations on community-based and national level projects. Some of them include the
Clinton Health Assess Initiative, Population Services International (PSI), Voluntary
Services Overseas (VSO) as well as the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health. I, therefore,
possess skills in planning and organising, formulating strategies and concepts, effective
communication and teamwork.

Additionally, I belong to the Women and Gender Working Group of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change’s Youth-NGO. In August 2019, I represented the working
group at the SRHR, Gender and Climate Change Resilience Symposium of UNFPA
ESARO. Such experiences fuel my dedication to global youth engagements and enhance
my public speaking, facilitation, collaboration and networking, and advocacy skills.

Furthermore, I use social media to amplify campaigns and I disseminate knowledge

through workshops. I collaborate with UNICEF Nigeria as an ambassador of her over 3
million U-Report subscribers and as such, I have participated in activities including the
2018 UN Women African Youth Conference in Nairobi. I also contributed to 2018 UNICEF
France’s Women, Health and Climate White Paper publication.

Write a statement of intent (300 words max) on how an IDS Master’s degree will
complement your work to date and position you as a future leader, committed to
addressing issues of poverty and social inequality and to bring about positive social

One of my assignments is to integrate gender in a programmatic approach by

conceptualizing gender-sensitive techniques. I lack extensive interdisciplinary knowledge
to competently execute this task. MA Gender and Development degree at the Institute of
Development (IDS), offer module, assessment and fieldwork options that would enrich my
work outputs and consequently, outcomes. I am thrilled at the prospect of gaining concrete
knowledge and capacity through lectures, research and activism at the best institution in
the world for development studies (QS 2019).

For instance, relevant to my task under the European Union co-sponsored ‘Security for All’
programme, are the modules on Politics of Gender, Research Design as well as
Governance of Violent Conflict and (In)security. My master’s experience would be valuable
in the build-up to my dissertation, possibly on the Gendered Impacts of the Lake Chad
Basin Insurgency in North-East Nigeria. I would harness the advanced critical analysis and
policy-research skills gained during to enrich future implementable actions.

Additionally, one of my eventual course teachers, Professor Sohela Nazneen works on

women’s inclusion in politics, policies and legislations in Sub-Saharan Africa. Women and
girls in Nigeria suffer gender-based violence, socio-economic marginalization and a lack of
representation in national decision-making. With Prof. Nazneen’s guidance, I can efficiently
design roadmaps for actions towards amending gender discriminatory policies/laws in
Nigeria. My study would incite my commitment to tackling social inequality and striving for
positive change. Also, an IDS master’s would boost my career prospects since Nigeria
needs more gender specialists to successfully implement gender-transformative schemes.

Within five years after graduation, I would assume a Gender Advisor role in the development
sector. My focus would be to promote a society where all human beings, irrespective of their
gender, enjoy fair opportunities, rights and obligations in all spheres of life. I would technically
support the incorporation and implementation of gender-transformative objectives in participatory
democracy, and champion inclusive security sector reform. This would directly contribute to the
SDGs on Gender Equality and significantly influence actions geared at overcoming the socio-
economic and political obstacles undermining women advancement.
In the words of Edmund Burke, an Irish political theorist ‘all that is necessary for evil to prevail is
that good men do nothing.’ There is a call to action in my heart towards the situation of things in my
country, Nigeria, and I must stand to do something about it. The lifestyles of children in Nigeria and
Africa, who are not given due attention tends to be contributing to both national and continental
woes. The supposed ‘gifted’ children whose potentials ought to be channeled towards having a virile
future are skewed to favor hideous societal delinquencies because of the negligence and ignorance
of their potentials or perhaps, the absence of a child’s advocate. The result is abject poverty,
illiteracy, increased crime rate, and overall negative impact of the Nation regarding the
empowerment of youth and children. Having found this situation appalling, it is pertinent that I
consolidate on the foundation being laid in both my undergraduate and graduate level, in which I
related relentlessly with kids, adolescents and youths. I now understood how talented they are and
how much they are in need of help from professionals and the government. The question then is
‘who will inform the government?

It is my passion to help children in giving soothing voices to their silent cry for help. It is on this
note that I returned from theUK after the completion of my studies in January 2018 to start a non-
governmental organization called "Operation Feed The Gifted." ‘Operation Feed The Gifted’
(OFTG) is a vision that seeks to give values to the lives of children by speaking to private and
governmental institutions on their behalf. There are many children in the rustics of Nigerian states
who are talented but do not have access to quality education. In most cases, they could not afford to
eat well. In this bid, I became committed to visiting some of these rustics with cooking utensils,
gave easy-to-cook food, and ask questions about the children's education. I documented the
children's educational concerns, their home address and parent details. After this, I wrote to private
sectors and the government to support these children. After raising some funds from sponsors, I re-
visited selected families to defray their children’s school fees. I also ensured that writing materials
were distributed to these kids as their parents can't afford to provide for their educational needs. The
onus of my Foundation is to give voice to the gifted children, send a note for responsible actions to
the Nigerian Government, and ultimately raise and attain the hopes of the 'hopeless.

The reason I now seek for a doctoral education lies in my vision to extend such passion for
humanity beyond the rustics of Nigeria, to Africa as a continent. However, to achieve this, I will be
needing more knowledge that will give me the opportunity to act as a qualified nexus who will
integrate the children’s concerns with governmental policies. I found out that the Nigerian
government was willing to hear from me about the children and take steps to raise them as they
ought to. The question is 'why were the kids neglected before my intervention?' I now see that the
lack of qualified child’s advocate and personnel among policymakerswas the bane. Apparently, the
government is in a dire need of a professional between the people and themselves. Hence, I deemed
it fit to make myself available with all scholarly knowledge whereby I can be a professional in all
sense to stand in this gap for a nation like Nigeria, and Africa as a continent.
The well-equipped faculty members at the School of Public Serviceattracts my attention to Old
Dominion University. In the absence of a 'think tank' for the missing‘positions’ in policy making in
most African countries, I believe my Doctoral studies under the supervision ofoutstanding faculty
members likeMarina Saitgalina (PhD.), Wie Yusuf (PhD.), Joshua Steinfield (PhD.), among a host
of others who are inclined to public and private/non-profit collaborations, will inculcate in me, the
fundamental knowledge needed to set the pace for proper governance in Africa. Their input will
help me with the information needed to relay to the local, state, and the federal government of
Nigeria, the effective policies that concern children. I believe that the School of Public Service at
Old Dominion Universityis the best place I can get all the required knowledge needed to help many
African countries.

It is also my well-founded belief that ODU is proficiently capable to take me to the educational
heights I need to contribute my quota towards empowering children and the disadvantaged ones
across societies, both nationally and internationally through the courses that teach proper
governance. My degree will raise me as a professional who is knowledgeable to advise
thegovernment in African countries on initiatives/policies that have worked elsewhere (particularly
in the United States of America), and foster appropriate collaborations between government and the
children; policies that are up till now, absent. The projected result of my interest is in line with the
United Nation’s vision 2030 sustainable development goal ‘4’ that seeks to ensure inclusive and
quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities. This will ultimately maintain
ODU’s Pride and Legacy as advocate for excellence in her contribution to global issues. It is worth
mentioning that a PhD degree in Public Administration and Urban Policy will also give me
employability credence in the UN aside being a think tank for Nigeria and the international scene in
general. I am optimistic that the School of Public Servivehas the perfect combination and facilities
for the achievement of my dreams and aspirations. Such facilities can raise me as a person who will
ultimately do ‘something’ for a nation in need, to avoid the prevalence of evil.

I believe that I am very much prepared for the challenges of more advanced graduate education. I
am confident of this because of my excellent academic track records. Knowing fully well that my
GRE scores do not reflect my true academic potentials, my other academic track records at
undergraduate and graduate level attest to my academic brilliance. In 2013, upon the completion of
my undergraduate studies at Babcock University, Nigeria, I obtained an award of academic
excellence for being the overall best student in the Department of Political science and Public
Administration with a cumulative GPA of 4.84 on a scale of 5.0 (3.87/4.0 in USA scaling system)
with a 100% grade in the major field category. This feat announced me for several scholarships for a
master’s degree. This led to my MSc in Human Resource Management from the University of
Sussex, England, where I graduated with distinction, a summa cum laude equivalent. These two
experiences exposed me to various courses that are prerequisites to my pursuit for a more advanced
graduate education in Public Service. Courses in management, social welfare administration,
comparative government, economic planning were rigorously inculcated during my undergraduate
studies. At Sussex, I also excelled in all the courses. Crucial among them were courses like
Workplace and Racio-ethnic diversity, Talent management, Leading and managing people,
developing skills for business leadership, Strategic Human resources management, and International
Human Resources management. I was theoretically and empirically exposed to the importance of
enhancing racial diversity, and students/individual team working in the international arena, which
was, in fact, the topical discourse of my graduate dissertation. All of these make me an all-around
candidate who is ready to make an impacton her generation and add to the growing avalanche of
success stories that accrue to Old Dominion University.
Leadership to me is the ability to get things done by inspiring and aligning others towards achieving a
common vision. One of my core visions is to contribute to sustainable peace in the world, especially in
Nigeria. Over the years, I have honed my leadership skills and developed an expertise in utilizing the
airwaves to promote peace and stability as well as support rehabilitation, reintegration and reconciliation
efforts in post conflict communities. I have done this by designing, producing and broadcasting over 12
radio programs in several post-conflict communities in Nigeria.
One post-conflict regions in which I am currently working is the Lake Chad Basin in Africa, especially the
North Eastern part of Nigeria where Boko Haram insurgency has left the region reeling and recovering from
the devastation caused. Boko Haram narratives have centered on skewed religious teachings which
radicalized the youths. Since 2017, I have worked with stakeholders to create 10 Deradicalization,
Rehabilitation and Reintegration (DRR) radio programs in Hausa and Kanuri languages to challenge and
counter these narratives in the Lake Chad Basin. These programs, while still ongoing, have been reaching
over 10 million people weekly. I also trained 20 media personnel from 2 radio stations in Borno state on
production of true and verified news and media content so as not to exacerbate the conflict situation.
Between 2012-2014, I worked in 7 Niger-Delta communities, using the airwaves as well as innovative
programs, to influence wider conflict dynamics and support the Presidential Amnesty and Disarmament,
Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) process. I created, produced and broadcasted 2 radio programs
which demonstrated the benefits of reconciliation and reintegration in 7 trendsetting communities across 3
Niger-Delta states. The programs had an estimated reach of over 7 million people across the region cutting
across about 10 ethnic groups.The end-term project evaluation showed that the programs were successful
in maintaining peace and reintegration of ex-agitators with their former communities.

I am a Master Trainer on leadership, peacebuilding and prejudice awareness and reduction with the United
States Institute of Peace (USIP) Generation Change Fellows Program. Within the past 3 years, I have
supported Generation Change in training over 60 youth leaders from over 30 countries across Africa, Asia
and Latin America.
Finally, I am a leader in my organization, African Radio Drama Association (ARDA), a foremost development
communication organization in Nigeria. Since becoming project coordinator of the organization, I have
increased our visibility across every continent of the world through representation at conferences, trainings,
workshops and networking meetings. As a result of my leadership skills, our funding base has expanded and
we have been able to attract multi-year projects worth over $1million.
Networking to me does not only mean relationship building, it also involves collaborating and sharing my
knowledge and resources as well as receiving same from people in my sphere of influence. I belong to
multiple networks of young leaders across the world and that has strongly sharpened my collaboration and
networking skills. Some of the networks I belong to include Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) network
of the US state department which includes members from 49 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. My network
also includes the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Generation Change Fellows Program which has
young leaders from 3 continents. Finally, I am an Alumni of the US Embassy Carrington Youth Fellowship
Initiative (CYFI) with fellows across different sectors making a difference in the country.
I have harnessed my networks to support the work of other youth leaders, increase my own reach and
sphere of influence as well as progress with my dream of global peace. For example, this year, I collaborated
with a youth leader from Afghanistan who was a youth participant at a USIP Generation Change program, to
conduct a leadership training for 25 young from the Ghazni, Bamyan, Nangarhar, and Kabul provinces in
Afghanistan during her Young Women’s Leadership Conference.
Also, in April 2018, I collaborated with a young leader from Pakistan, whom I met in Bangkok, to train 30
youths from Pakistan during the SOCH Digital Storytelling Boot Camp. The Boot Camp was designed to
partner with young leaders to build resilience and capacity in conflict management, effective
communication, leadership and digital storytelling skills to support them in their community services, peace
initiatives and startups. I was able to share my knowledge of media production and storytelling as well as
how these creative concepts can be harnessed to promote peace in their regions.
I am currently in the process of starting an online trauma healing program with a fellow from Mauritius who
is a certified life coach. I met her during my YALI training in the US. Combining our expertise, we plan to
create a program where victims of violent conflict can begin a journey to find inner peace and heal from
their pain and trauma through storytelling.
In 2016, I worked with 3 Nigerian fellows to implement a grassroot good governance project which built the
capacity of community leaders and youth leaders in 4 Tarkwa Bay communities to hold their leaders
accountable and demand impactful governance.We empowered them with the knowledge and skill of non-
violent action and also produced a toolkit manual for their use. The project impacted about 400 people
within these communities. At the end of the project, the community was able to advocate, without
violence, for services and infrastructure which they have been denied for years.
As a Chevening Scholar, I would bring to the Chevening Network, all the wealth of knowledge and resources
which abound in the various networks I already belong to. I would also make use of the Chevening Network
to expand the reach of my peace projects across the world.

My life changed completely in year 2011 after I became a victim of a hit and run accident that left my face
forever scarred. A year prior, my aunt, who had been living with her family in Northern Nigeria was caught-
up in an ethnic conflict that gother husband and only son murdered and even though she fled the state she
died a year later. Before these traumatic incidences, I was ready to make real income in the corporate world
as I was a Distinction graduate of Estate Management but I knew I needed to do more to make sense of the
chaos in our world. I quit the corporate world, obtained a PGD in Peace studies and have since devoted my
life to sustainable development and peacebuilding.
Having observed that most of our post conflict interventions in Nigeria centers around ‘forgiveness’ I
believe that for peace to be sustained, there must be a balance between forgiveness and justice. This is why
I am motivated to make the following choices as my course of study.
 MSc. Post Conflict Justice and Peacebuilding from the University of Aberdeen
 MA. Peace, Resilience and Social Justice from the University of Bradford
 MSc. Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding from Durham University
I have chosen MSc. Post Conflict Justice and Peacebuilding from the University of Aberdeenbecause it
focuses on the policies and mechanisms by which justice assists in establishing sustainable peace and the
relationship between peacebuilding and justice mechanisms. University of Aberdeen is a unique choice
because it is the only university in the UK that offers a Masters program specifically on Post-Conflict Justice
and Peacebuilding and it has also produced 5 Nobel Prize winners.
I am also interested in Masters in Peace, Resilience and Social Justice from the University of
Bradfordbecause it will provide me with tools to explore the importance and options of social justice as well
as its role in building sustainable and resilient societies. The program is delivered by the Division of Peace
Studies and International Development, which maintains an international reputation as a centre for
excellence in research, teaching, training and policy engagement. I particularly look forward to learning
from Dr. Rhys Kelly, a lecturer in the department who has a background in Conflict Resolution, with specific
interests in memory and reconciliation in post-war societies.
Finally, I have chosen Masters in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding from Durham Universitybecause it is
going to equip me with a complex set of skills straddling conflict analysis, conflict mediation and
negotiation, peace processes and post-conflict reconstruction; skills which are highly required for conflict
prevention and building sustainable peace. Durham ranks overall sixth in the 2019 UK University League
I want to study in the UK because of the unrivalled high quality of education, with international recognition,
which UK universities provide. Above all, obtaining a degree in any of the courses highlighted above will
provide me with transferable skills which will be invaluable in building lasting peace in Nigeria.

Upon returning to Nigeria after completing my Masters program, I plan to launch a national inter-religious
tolerance campaign which will bring local religious leaders together to discuss issues affecting their
communities. The campaign will not be limited to only Christian and Muslim leaders but will also involve
traditional religious leaders as well as young leaders who have strong understanding of their religion as well
as the issues in the communities.The campaign, which will be aimed atfostering open dialogue among
different religious groups,is going to be in two parts. First, religious and youth leaders in various regions in
Nigeria will be the trainedon tolerance, peace and conflict resolution strategies and skills, leadership as well
as advocacy. The second part of the campaign will include live radio programs across the country where the
religious leaders will serve as the hosts in the studio answering questions from callers. They will be
discussing peacebuilding within the larger spectrum of issues such as poverty, unemployment, pollution,
education, climate change etc.
I also plan to start a movement of peacebuilders in Nigeria and ultimately, across Africa and amplify their
voices through the use of Digital Media. I will be operating a YouTube channel and online podcast channel
to achieve this. To this end, I have started and registered an Initiative called ‘Kayemo’ for African
Development Initiative to develop programming to drive peace in Africa through storytelling and other
creative methodologies. We will produce highly entertaining and compelling programs, which are culturally
appropriate and relevant but ultimately provides peace and tolerance education to listeners.
Within the next 5 years, I plan to work in more post-conflict communities including the communities that
have suffered inter-ethnic violence, Fulani Herdsmen vs. Farmers conflict, settlers vs. owners land struggles
among others. I want to work in every region in Nigeria, promoting peaceful coexistence as well as fostering
reconciliation and justice. I plan on using innovative approaches such as facilitated Exchange Programs
between conflicting communities, training them on prejudice awareness and reduction, thereby fostering
peaceful coexistence in the various regions of the country
My ultimate lifetime goal is to become a Nobel Peace Prize winner, recognized for my work in promoting
local and global peace through creative and innovative programming and methodologies. My goal for the
next 10-15 years is to own the foremost media outfits (Radio and television stations) in Nigeria that are
dedicated to broadcasting creative, entertaining and innovative programs that promote peace, justice,
reconciliation, tolerance and peaceful co-existence in Nigeria. It is said that whoever controls the media
controls the world. I aspire to counter the narratives of divisiveness, radicalization and violent extremism
and instead through my programs, promote rule of law, human rights, reconciliation, deradicalization,
rehabilitation, trauma healing and justice while still ensuring that the ‘Do No Harm’ principle is upheld. This
will be made possible by my several years of experience in communicating development messages and
expertise in using the airwaves to promote stability coupled with my unrivaled understanding of
peacebuilding principles.
Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.” This simply explains my
cravings and inquisitiveness as a young innovator. With this established passion, my venture into a discipline that
focuses on the practical application of ideas to design solutions-based systems during my undergraduate studies came
rather unsurprisingly. My keen interest to become a Professor of mechanical engineering was spurred by my belief in
the ability to develop the required skills needed to bring about paradigm shifts in the academia, industry, and society at
large. I remain committed and optimistic.

After acing rigorous tests prior to my internship placement at British American Tobacco Nigeria, I was inducted
and posted to work with the utilities team as an intern. There, we encountered the major problem of oil transference into
engine parts due to the unavailability of an efficient machine. My consistency in achieving success and transformational
change was put to test. A year later, during my research project in the university, it all came back to me. I designed it all
into a portable (Noiseless) solar-powered suction pump using the Computer-Aided Design skill previously obtained as
an MTN Foundation Scholar (see resume for academic awards). It was able to solve a major problem encountered
during maintenance procedures in industries. It was now very, very clear, 3 years later. I could connect the dots looking

The success of the designed project after being assisted by my undergraduate supervisor and Dean of Faculty, SEET
(Prof. M A Akintunde) further ingrained in me the passion to become a resource person in the academia driving in me,
the powerful urge to healthily add to global advancement, particularly in the area of innovation and sustainability. First-
hand participation in practical laboratory sessions and reading of journal articles on the advancements in the mechanical
engineering discipline has dramatically increased my fascination in this field of endeavor. My undergraduate program in
mechanical engineering gave me a comprehensive insight to numerous modules I found interesting, viz- Engineering
Design for Economic Manufacture, Science of Materials, Manufacturing Technology, Heat Transfer etc. The in-depth
knowledge obtained from these modules served as a strong foundation for the other modules, enabling me to emerge as
the Magna Cum Summa with a CGPA of 4.73/5.00 (First Class Honors Division) in my department in 2018.

Another of my research works as an undergraduate was focused on the characteristics of aerospace alloys, their
simulation and analysis tools; which made me develop a particular interest in the production of high-performance
aerospace parts such as jet engine and airframes. I also developed Computer-Aided Design skills which helped in the
simulation and analysis of these different alloys under real-life conditions. During the period of my research, I was able
to work with other students in my laboratory on the various properties of aerospace alloys which affect their strength
and stress-corrosion resistance using the method of Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization (MDO). I also
volunteered as a tutor, and taught some mechanical engineering modules such as applied thermodynamics, vector
mechanics, fluid mechanics and Kinematics while in my fourth year. I proctored tests, graded assignments and
mentored sophomores. These helped me hone interpersonal and good communication skills needed for effective

I recently worked with a team of three to design and develop an Amala (a local Nigerian delicacy) machine with the
integration of control system (see resume for refereed publications and presentations). The objective of the project
was to develop an automated machine that eliminates the traditional strenuous and unhygienic processing of the flour.
Although similar machines exist for similar processes, none were automated. The unique feature of the machine was the
inclusion of automation and the elimination of the need to preprocess plantain to flour. Upon fabrication, we carried out
a performance evaluation that showed a mechanical efficiency of 90%. This is an improvement in comparison to
existing machines of similar functions.

Studying outside my home country will though pose a challenging experience due to the variety and myriad languages
and cultures that I will be exposed to. However, there are advantages that this beautiful diversity brings, clearly
outweighing the challenges posed. Also, studying in an innovative country like the US presents a great opportunity to
nurture international exposure. The idea is to work very hard and improve on my existing research skills to develop as a
brilliant and independent researcher through the acquisition of new skills and expertise in the areas of manufacturing
processes, machine learning, materials development, characterisation and testing, etc. I want to secure research
collaborations and linkages with the leading researchers in America. I am particularly intrigued by Professor Brian
Landrum’s cutting edge research works in Aerospace Engineering. My plan is to produce similarly great and fantastic
research outputs including gaining new journal and conference publications, patents and writing book chapters. Apart
from the cutting edge researches being carried out in the mechanical engineering department, I specifically chose the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville because the university is invested in creating and maintaining a living and learning
environment that embraces individual differences.

As a short term career aspiration, I plan to engage in the teaching, supervision and mentoring of undergraduate
students while undertaking my doctoral program in America. The purpose is to build their interests in the engineering
discipline which are keys to developing the manufacturing sector of any country. My long-term plan is to grow in
America transiting from a post-graduate researcher to a full-time lecturer, Post-Doc researcher and then Professor. I
plan to secure and jealously guide many healthy academic-industrial relationships throughout the course of my career.
These, I will pursue aggressively with a degree in Energy Science and Engineering from University of Tennessee. I
enthusiastically look forward to joining The Bredesen Center at the university in the great historic city of Knoxville.

I have gained relevant practice and research experience in environmental regulation which is the broad area of my proposed
project. My practice experience introduced me to environmental regulation, and my research experience has strengthened my
knowledge in this area.

With regards to my practice experience, I worked as a lawyer at two law firms for a total of four years in Nigeria, focusing
mostly on energy and environment. I advised clients such as Biofuel Development Farmers Association, a group of small-
scale farmers that supply biofuel feedstock such as Jatropha, Rapeseed, and Mahua, and Green Energy Plant, a small
company that processes waste into biofuel. While searching for government environmental standards and incentives
applicable to these clients, I learned about environmental regulation.

As for my research experience, I have been fortunate to work with senior scholars and practitioners on several environmental
regulation projects.My assigned parts of these projects have mostly covered carbon mitigation and risk regulation, with tasks
to gather and/or analyse data, brainstorm ideas, and/or contribute to papers. For instance, as part of a Memorial University
team working on an emissions mitigation project of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, I contributed to
brainstorming policy alternatives, and wrote the governance section of a cabinet paper draft; and in two transnational risk
regulation projects supervised by Dr Fenner Stewart at the University of Calgary, I gathered and analysed data, and wrote

I have also published relevant sole-authored peer-reviewed publications in the broad area of environmental regulation. For
instance, I recently examined the contracts for difference and capacity market low carbon mechanism under the Energy Act
2013 of the United Kingdom (UK), and conceptualized it as a hybrid renewable energy policy model that others could learn
from (95 Energy Policy [Elsevier]). Also, I recently theorized functional distributive justice, identifying common ownership
and environmental justice as channels for actuating it (16 Human Rights Review [Springer]). Then, I have examined several
renewable energy support mechanisms to generate low carbon policy design clues (6 Renewable Energy Law and Policy

Beyond my familiarity with environmental regulation as the broad area of my proposed doctoral research, I have specific
experience with the research problem I intend to address in my project. In 2015, I analysed the UK’s low carbon policy while
on a research visit to the Department of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. I found its major
problem as the inability of government regulation to satisfy business interests. This was the highlight during the review of my
article on this UK’s policy, published in Energy Policy. Then in 2016, I was accepted to present my work on the next phase
of this research at the Sabin Colloquium, Columbia University. Some of the senior scholars at the colloquium encouraged me
to explore a broader governance view of low carbon policy to bring out its problems. One of these scholars, Professor
Michael Gerrard, referred me to the Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project. From this project and my further research, I
found the limitations of law as a major problem of low carbon policy across countries. This problem, which my project will
address, further underlines my earlier finding on the failure of government regulation, including law, to satisfy business

As another indication of specific experience with my proposed doctoral project, I have a concrete idea about how to address
my research problem. In 2016, as a research fellow at the University of Calgary and research intern at Artis Research and
Risk Modelling, I worked on projects that introduced me to regulation through society. To address my research problem, I
will examine how this emerging mode could support law, hence addressing the latter’s limitations.
Your reasons for applying into the chosen degree program, explaining your career goals
and how thisprogram will help you achieve them?
Growing up in a multilingual rural setting, “Sabo” (a reserve for foreigners at Ibadan, Nigeria), where
several tribes interact, I was forced to learn diverse modes of sharing information. These modes did not only
include dialects such as Yoruba, Hausa and versions of English-based Pidgins, but also alternative ways of
passing information, for instance signs used where people do not speak the same language. During inter-tribal
riots (such riots were relatively common in Nigeria, especially in places like “Sabo,” in the 1990s and early
2000s), knowing these modes could save one’s life, as sharing information could facilitate escape. With this
background, I realized the importance of information, and developed a broad interest in it at an early age.
My background has shaped this interest by exposing me to how dynamic information processes could be.
The types of information strategies I employed in my neighborhood as a young child are different from the
type I used in school as a student. Moreover, the advent of Information and Communication Technology has
drastically changed the way information flows. Influenced by my childhood socialization, schooling and
information technology experience, I have now focused on a subset of information and communication:
library and information studies.
My experience has prepared me for my intended graduate work. I completed my undergraduate
degree with First Class Honours, finishing top of my class, from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria’s oldest
university. However, this overall result says little about my potential for research in my area of interest.
Hence, more importantly, I took relevant courses such as Audiovisual Librarianship, Library Administration,
Information and Development, Information Repackaging and Community. These courses exposed me to
relevant library concepts, including how information technology has shaped library systems and the role
libraries play in governance and development. I have also authored or coauthored relevant articles and
chapters in edited volumes, and have presented papers at conferences. My most important lesson from these
research engagements is how to pay attention to details, as I had to revise papers during peer-reviews and
answer probing questions during conferences. I have also worked as a Library Intern, Teacher-librarian and
Library Assistant. Most significantly, this work experience has exposed me to the ethics of librarianship and
enhanced my library troubleshooting skills, which would also enhance my research quality.
I have also done a relatively long project, so this suggests I have perseverance and could be
mentored, and more significantly, that I could contribute to knowledge, among other things. My bachelor’s
final year project was titled: Access to and Use of Indexes and Abstracts by Undergraduate Students of the
University of Ibadan, Nigeria. My project results showed, among other things, how much time students could
save by using information gained from Indexes and Abstracts to design research topics. Traditionally, most
students would do a preliminary literature review to ensure that their topics address a relatively new issue.
My findings showed that when choosing a topic, students might be able to skip this preliminary stage by
narrowing potential questions with relevant information in indexes and abstracts. Although there are findings
corroborating mine, my study brought out some unique circumstances of its case study. Working on the
project led to my specific interest in using information as a catalyst for improved performance in higher
education, which I hope to build on with a graduate degree.

Nevertheless, I have decided to apply for the Master of Library and Information Studies program in the
Information School, University of British Columbia, to fill the gaps in my background and experience. I hope
to learn new areas which I had no opportunity to learn due to the absence of suitable expertise and facilities.
Such areas include data services, information interaction and design, and information and culture. I hope to
take courses relevant to these areas.
Learning about these areas would also enhance my research. Broadly, I hope to research on how to use
library information to shape society. Hence, I am open to working on projects that have a direct social
significance. Specifically, I am considering working on papers and a project on the management of
information affecting human security, for instance in situations of conflict or terrorism. However, as I am
only in a formative stage, this interest will be largely shaped by my mentors.
Therefore, I hope to be mentored by people working in the area of library studies and society. I have gone
through the works of Professors Muhammad Abdul-Mageed on intelligent social machines, Jennifer Douglas
on archives in human communities and Julia Bullard on information and knowledge organization. These
professors would be excellent mentors, given their research focus on how to use information to shape
After completing my master’s programme, I hope to apply for a PhD in information studies. Eventually, I
hope to work as an academic or a policy researcher.
I am very keen on pursuing a Master's degree in (your course). It would be
wonderful if my research could help people by making a positive impression
to the world. I want to pursue more advanced
traininginthisimportantfield,Iamlookingforagraduateschoolthat will
encourage me to give my best. After thorough inspection and contemplation
of the graduate program offered by many prominent institutions, I was
extremely impressed by the excellent innovative
researchsupportedbyyourUniversityandIhadnosecondthoughtin choosing
your university. The renowned faculty combined with the world class
research facilities, pleasant University ambience and a balanced academic
program are the factors which have motivated me to apply to your university
where I will be able to enhance my knowledge with the opportunity of
getting exposure to the latest developments taking place and am sure it
would help me to mold my
careerinagreatway.Thisuniversityisknownforitsleadingresearch in Health,
therefore a perfect choice forme.

As an immigrant candidate, I am among those individuals who acknowledges

their gratitude for a country that has enabled them to explore endless
opportunities and to write this very statement. I have been given an
opportunity, one which lets me offer a glimpse of my individuality, the story
behind my journey, my capabilities and future possibilities for a health
researcher. In recognizing my ethnicity, my academic progression, continuous
community involvement, work experience, and strong regard for humanity and
its health, I have been equipped with the passion, knowledge and determination
to pursue a career in health research.
My journey was challenging, but has characterized the man I've become, and
solidified the mark I want to leave in this world. Given that, my specific career
goals are to contribute in the field of research and become an asset to one of
the prestigious institutes of research, and also work with the government of
Nigeria, to successfully implement health screening programs across the
country. In my experiences as a traveler, researcher and student, I understand
health to be one of the most defining characteristics of a national identity as
well as the focus of key clashes between equity andefficiency.
Graduate studies in health science is the ideal corollary to my academic,
personal and social background. I am most keen to explore the relationship
between pharmaceutical science and health science to hopefully advance a more
holistic social sciences perspective on why people act against their own self-
interest when it comes to their health. The skills I aim to acquire through
this graduate training are crucial to the evolution of mypractice.
My university career, employment and volunteer experiences have further fueled
my passion for health science. Additionally, they have enhanced my academic
thought, cultural awareness and critical approach in the field of health. The
education I gained at University of Nigeria, Nsukka, with a major in Pharmacy
provided me with an advanced knowledge of health science. As a student, I
gained the research skills to analyze individual behavior and public policies
from a theoretical and statistical standpoint. The analytical framework and
organizational skills I gained are notable qualities that I can apply to my
studies. During my entire university career, I took courses in General Biology,
General Physics for Life Science, Statistics For Biological Science, Introduction
To Nutrition And Diet, Introduction To Psychology, Introduction To Home
Science, Nutrition And Diet, Humanities, Nutrition Education, Community
Health, Human Anatomy And Physiology, Introduction To Clinical
Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapeutics, Literature Evaluation & Drug Information,
Practical Phytomedicinal Analysis, Phytochemistry &Environmental
Medicine, Pharmacology, Cosmetic Science & Technology, and Human
Anatomy & Histology.
I also have work experience as a Monitoring & Evaluation officer at Family
Health International (FHI 360), Technical officer at Achieving Health Nigeria
Initiative (AHNi), Chief Executive Officer at V-Mediz Pharmacy Ltd,
Manager Medical Representative at Grace Drugs and Pharmacist at Medical
Hospital Management Board. Additionally, I have remained active within the
community in partaking in numerous volunteer events, and associations, such as
World Pharmacist Day, World Malaria Day, Global Voluntary AIESEC
program, International Pharmaceutical Student Federation, Community Health
Outreach Organized by Family Health International (FHI 360) and several
others which taught me discipline, effective communication, and team
Furthermore, my passion for health has led me to explore creativity with health
stakeholders of all backgrounds. I have challenged my writing abilities, and
allowed myself to be vulnerable and ready to grow. My ability to balance
employment, volunteer,and academics has characterized my motivation to
improve myself as a student, and as a tenacious health researcher. Alternatively,
my career experiences have tested my creativity in utilizing various resources to
achieve my end goal. Evidently, I am pertinent to apply similar critical
perspective to further my research by exploring multiple measures to gain a
I have conducted research using mixed methods to
(1) assesstheknowledge,attitudeandpracticeofwashinghandsin(10)
communities in Imo State,Nigeria,
(2) research on knowledge, attitude and practice of health workers on
infections disease control in Rivers State,Nigeria,
(3) research on awareness of unit Dose Dispensing among health
practitioners in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, ItukuOzala
Enugu, and
(4) research on evaluation of Antitrypanosomal property of Vernoniacinereal
leaves family: (ASTERACEAE). This means that I have experience doing both
quantitative and qualitative research. And have assisted in Statistical Analysis of
Data Collected for a Service delivery points at Family Health International
(FHI 360) and also performed statistical analysis for a study on mortality rate
during child delivery in (151) communities in Ughelli, Delta State,Nigeria.
Myresearchexperiencesofarhasmademeappreciatetheimportance of research as
a tool in understanding the phenomenon of things, most especially in the
field of health, how best to solve issues and the
goingfurtherwiththismaster’sprograminHealthSciencewillhelp enhance my
research prowess thereby positioning me to become an expert in the field of

My interest in the Health Science with specialization option in Epidemiology is

a testament to my conviction that health is one of the most interesting and
complex determinants of social welfare. The choice of specialization is in
relation to my career goals has to do with the research aspect of Epidemiology
which deals with outcome research which is multidisciplinary and relies on
diverse domains of expertise with an explicit goal of direct relevance to care
delivered to patients. The fundamental constructs that epidemiology embraces
are key to conduct outcomes research today. Indeed, envisioning the burden of
disease through the lenses of the traditional epidemiological constructs of time
and person can provide powerful guidance to shape the direction of outcomes
research and assess itsimpact.
Given that this is the path I want to tour, it will enable me to find answers to
the phenomenon of health issues and how to make informed policies to
elevate such issues and improve health. In relation to my specialization I have
had some coursework on General Biology, General Physics for Life Science,
Statistics For Biological Science, Introduction To Nutrition And Diet,
Introduction To Psychology, Introduction To Home Science, Nutrition
Humanities, Nutrition Education, Community Health, Human Anatomy And
Physiology, Introduction To Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapeutics,
Literature Evaluation & Drug Information, Practical Phytomedicinal Analysis,
Phytochemistry & Environmental Medicine, Pharmacology, Cosmetic Science &
Technology, and Human Anatomy & Histology which I was among the top
20% of myclass.
I have gained working experience serving as Monitoring & Evaluation officer at
Family Health International (FHI 360), Technical officer at Achieving Health
Nigeria Initiative (AHNi), Chief Executive Officer at V-Mediz Pharmacy Ltd,
Manager Medical Representative at Grace Drugs and Pharmacist at Medical
Hospital Management Board. Also, I have volunteered in numerous volunteer
events and associations, such as World Pharmacist Day, World Malaria Day,
Global Volunteer AIESEC program, International Pharmaceutical Student
Federation, Community Health Outreach Organized by Family Health
International (FHI 360), Awareness Campaign on Say NO to Drug Abuse
under Aegis of Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria, Organized
free medical treatment, health screening for 10,000 participants of poor rural
communities in Rivers State by Association of Community Pharmacists of
Nigeria, Co-ordinated (35) free drugs programs in Ugehili Central, Ugehili
South, Ethope East and other communities in Delta State and Volunteer
speaker, Medical group, National Youth Corps. Conducted awareness
campaigns on Prostate Gland Cancer, Free HIV testing, Tuberculosis and
counselling under the federation of Catholic Pharmacist Students. Conducted
Awareness campaigns on washing of hands and counsel in University of Nigeria
Nsukka under Africa HealthInitiative.
In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education
lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. I
feel that graduate study at your University will be the most logical extension
of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I
would be grateful to you if I am accorded the opportunity to pursue my
graduate studies at your institution. Given the opportunity I would sincerely
work with dedication and give my best to make substantial contribution to
field of work and live up to high standards of your graduate program. I look
forward to the discovery and challenge of my chosen career and a mutually
beneficial association. I thank you immensely for considering my application.

I have applied to study Masters of ………. at ………… University startingfall,

20…... In the next few paragraphs, I will tell you why I am the right candidate for
your program.

From my earliest years, I realize that I had a penchant for more questions
than answers about life and other living things. This growing interest in
understanding the origin, growth, structure, and functions of living creatures
led me to major in science laboratory technology with option in pharmacy
and physiology. I want topursue the Master of Health Sciences in order to
research and implement interventions policies aimed at providing the
population with direct access to health care services. Also, inspire to infuse
health care conceptsinyoungmenandwomenbyintegratinghealthawarenessin
educational programs and conducting campaigns that would elevate a sense
of responsibility for a better wellbeing. I have keenly observed and can say
that the routine here in Nigeria is merely a repetition of “how it is done”
with little or no visibly strong research efforts towards discovering new
methods and solutions to the overwhelming
Given the fact that my specific career goal is to teach in our higher
myenthusiasmforresearchinmasterofHealthScienceisappropriate. As a result,
I hereby wish to use the knowledge gained to train local researchers here in
West Africa and to be able to conduct quality
researchwhosefindingscanbebeneficialinformulatinglocalpolicies while
helping them to become competitive in international research.Hence, my
career desire is to become a vibrant and internationally recognized
investigator who will effectively communicate the results of evidence based
on research to decision makers in order to enable them make informed
health policies and healthcare development. It is my utmost desire that the
knowledge thatwouldbegainedfromthismaster’sprogramwhichisthesis based,
would tremendously help me to develop my career as a health scientist.

Although I majored in science laboratory technology with the option of

physiology and pharmacology during undergraduate study, I did some courses
such as principles of drug action, hypertension, alcoholism and drug therapy,
research project, scientific research and communication, pharmacology,
toxicology, blood and body fluids, cardiovascular system, central nervous
system, respiratory system, alimentary system, chemotherapy and renal system.
I also undertook an additional training in antimicrobial resistance, designing
HIV prevention, and an introduction to impact evaluation of health. In
addition to the training I have undergone, I have acquirednecessary
experiences with industry stakeholders such as in the health community
development service group, Afonchies Pharmaceuticals limited, and science
laboratory technology field. With all these experiences gained, both in class and
in the field, I have been able to understand the study, research, and knowledge
of health services and its application to improve health, cure diseases, and
understanding howhuman’sfunctions.

Using qualitative research method during my undergraduate studies, I carried

out my project research on “The Effect of Garcinia Kola on the Lipid Profile
of Mammalian Kidney using Experimental Rats and “The Effect of Ethanol
Leaf Extract of MoringaOleifera on Blood Pressure, the Project and Lipid
Profile and Vital Organs of Experimental Rat. This research was basically to
prove what gracinia kola could do to the kidney of a rat after it cures a disease.
This experiment was done in the laboratory using albino rats to test the
hypoglycaic effects of diabetics and cholesterol level in these albino rats. The
courses that gave me this broader scope of research was scientific research and
communication, and Biostatics. In these courses I learned how to identify and
prioritize a problem, analyze the statement of the problem and source for
literature reviews. They also helped me in formulating research objectives,
research methodology, data collection and processing, research work plan,
budget, administration, monitoring and utilization of results.The ability to
develop proposals, carry out field-work activities and reports justifies de awe-
inspiring benefits of these courses. With the aid of these courses, I also learnt
report a scientific paper using the

The data collection for the research was done through observation of the
rats and administering the drug to the rats to see how it works on the rats
and the changes that are notable. During the research, after a given number
of days, the rats were bisected and their organs (precisely the kidney and the
liver)were taken to the laboratory for further analysis. The results were
interpreted and presented using Minitab statistical software (version 14).
The results show that the gram-negative bacteria can cause damage to tissues
and the probable mechanism of the reported antimicrobial properties of
Gracinia kola
extract.Basedonthesefindings,acontrolledconsumptionofGarcinia kola

As mentioned above, my true intention for the chosen specialization

ofHealthScienceinEpidemiologyistobecomeaspecialistresearcher in the field
of epidemiology and a health administrator. With this, I will help to carry
out research that contributes to a better understanding of the causes of
major diseases and the methods for their control here in Africa. Therefore,
with my keen interest to
thecompletionofthismaster’sprogram,IalsowishtopursueaPhD in this
distinguished field of epidemiology thereby building my confidence both in
the sphere independent and industrialresearch.
In preparation for this broader goal, I have taken courses in relation to this
specialization which includes history and philosophy of science, Biological
Techniques, General Laboratory Technology, Microbial
Physiology/Biochemistry, Invertebrate Paleontology, General Geology,
Biological Laboratory, Endocrinology, Chemotherapy, and Scientific Research/
Communication. I have also worked in related field as Physiology Laboratory as
assistant to the university Medical Sciences in Nigeria. There I was assigned
with assisting in conducting physiology practical and writing research papers,
carrying out electrocardiogram test and as examination co-invigilator. I was the
vice president at the Health Community Development Service Group during
my national service duties in Nigeria.During this period, I had the rare privilege
of collecting blood samples for blood sugar, malaria parasite, and wildal clinical
investigations, determined vital signs. I also assisted in the dispensing of over
the counter medications like multivitamins, anti-malaria, analgesics and
antibiotics. Currently, I serve as a supervisor at Afonchies Pharmaceuticals with
the sole responsibility of patient-to-patient care interactions, reading of
prescription, and dispensing of drugs and entering of products invoices
supplied to thecompany.

My enthusiasm for this chosen career filed has put me in the part of
contributing my quota to the society by volunteering for over ten outreaches
such as Network World Environment Day “Clean up the
Environment Program”, Campaign against suicide tagged “Suicide Not an

Environment Day “Clean up the Environment Program (YALI

Network),InternationalWomen’sDayfreemedicaloutreachby Afonchies
Pharmaceuticals, Household mobilizer for Polio Immunization organized by
World Health Organization (WHO), Household mobilizer for Roll Back
Malaria Campaign organized by the Catholic Relief Service (CSR). In
recognition of my community work I received two awards on Most Active
Leader Health Community Development Service Group during my National
Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and Most Outstanding Cop Member of the
Year, University of Medical Science (UNIMED)/Mother and Child

I believe I am committed, compassionate and competent individual who has

the potential of rising up to the challenges of life academically and socially
and along with my drive, determination and perseverance to carry out research. I
hope to flourish at your reputable university and in this field of research

IamhonoredtoapplyfortheMaster’sdegreein ............................................................................ at
………...University because for as long as I can remember, I have had a love
affair with science. Since I was a kid in school, I have known I wanted to be a
health scientist. A desire to extend my knowledge and enthusiasm to solve the
demanding problems faced by the health industry today has motivated me to
pursue a Masters in Health Science. I believe that my educational background
has instilled in me the qualities required to meet the rigor of this demanding
course, and subsequently, the profession. I bring along with me a strong grasp
of fundamentals in health, unique but relevant experiences, alongside with a
desire to learn, a penchant for teamwork and leadership, and a zest for
challenges. I am particularlyinterested and happy to apply to
…………..University because of its set records in research and the ambience
environment provided by the university for an excellent learning and I believe
this is the kind of environment I need to mold me into achieving my career
dreams in the field ofhealth.
As one who has a background in health my specific career goal is to become a
renowned health researcher who will effectively communicate the results of
evidence based research to decision makers in order to enable them make
informed health policies and healthcare development. Also, I intend to teach in
our higher institutions and train students, helping them become competitive in
international research, and equally contribute my quota in solving
somehealthissuesinNigeriauponmycompletionofthismaster’s program. I also
wish to further my career to PhD level to enable me become an authority in the
field of health research. It is my utmost
thisMaster’sprogramat………Universitywhichisthesisbased,would massively help
me to develop my career.

Masters in …is ultimate to my career background. I am most keen to explore

the relationship between pharmaceutical science and health science as one who
majored in Pharmacy in undergraduate, to hopefully advance a more holistic
social sciences perspective on why people differ in health status. The skills I aim
to acquire through this
My undergraduate experience, work and volunteer experiences have driven my
zeal for ……... Furthermore, it has improved my academic thought, social
consciousness and critical approach in the field of health. The knowledge and
skills I gained at ……... University, in Nigeria, majoring in Pharmacy
(undergraduate) has equipped me with cutting-edge knowledge in health
science. As an undergraduate then, I gained the research skills to investigate
problems from a theoretical, hypothetical, and empirical perspective. The
conceptual framework and organizational skills I learnt are essential qualities
that I can apply in
thisMaster’sprogram.InthecourseofmyundergraduateprogramI undertook the
following courses, General Biology, Introduction to Genetics, Human Anatomy,
Human Physiology, Research Methodology/Biostatics, Pathology,
Biopharmaceuticals Clinical, Computer Application, Public Health &
Pharmacoepidermiology, Communication Skills/ Drug Information,
Management of Minor Diseases, Herbal and Alternative Medicine,
Parasitology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, and Pharmacology/Toxicology/ I
have also gained work experience as a Pharmacist, as one who believe in giving
back to the community through voluntary work, I always seize each opportunity
to contribute my quota in the community as a way of assisting in the
development of my community and other communities as well. I have
volunteered for a community outreach organized by Association of Community
Pharmacist, volunteered Pharmacist for Health for All, organized by Lecahmed
and Diagnostics Center, and volunteered for Sickle Cell Awareness Forum in

Capino Pharmaceutical Limited. This has shaped me in discipline, effective
communication, and team collaboration. Alternatively, my acquired experiences
have established my creativity in applying different means in achieving my
During my undergraduate, I gained experience in the use of statistics analysis,
qualitative and quantitative research methods through the course work
undertaken on Research Methodology/Biostatistics, which I was among the
10% of my class. I gained insight through the course content; Proposal
Development I (Problem Analysis), Proposal Development II (Research
questions), Qualitative Research Methods, Quantitative Research Method,
Proposal Development III (Study Objectives/Methods), Research Study
Designs, Research Ethics, and LiteratureReview.
I have also conducted research on Toxicological evaluation of
Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim on liver function
and architecture of male albino rats. Additionally, I have assisted in data
collection on a research topic; Managing stress in the work environment, and
also statistical analysis of data collected for the research topic; Latest update on
Ebola virus disease in Karshi General hospital Abuja, Nigeria. The experience I
gained through the research made me understand the value of research as a
means in solving problems and gaining new knowledge about etiology of things,
most especially in the field of health, on how best to solve problems and the
most useful and practical ways of eliminating health problems. And I
believegoingfurtherwiththismaster’sprogramin…willhelpenhance my research
prowess thereby positioning me to become an authority in the field of
My specialization interest is in Epidemiology, the motivation for this interest is
in relation to my specific career goals as mentioned above, I believe
Epidemiology relates to my career goals in light of how research is used in
epidemiology to find answers to health related events. Epidemiology has helped
develop methodology used in clinical research, public health studies, and basic
research in biological sciences, therefore epidemiology is based on how the
patternof the

disease causes changes in the body functions of humans. Since epidemiology is
the study of the health of human populations, the study presented here has to
do with research as most scholars in the past like John Snow who is referred to
by many today, as the father of epidemiology, employed research in finding out
the cholera outbreak in London in the year 1854. Through this it is my utmost
conviction that specializing in epidemiology under health science is the right
choice as it will help me achieve my dream career in becoming a renowned
researcher in the field ofhealth.
In relation to this chosen specialization I have taken course work in
thefollowing during my undergraduate program; General Biology,Introduction to
Genetics,HumanAnatomy,HumanPhysiology, Research Methodology/Biostatistics,
Pathology, Biopharmaceuticals Clinical, Computer Application, Public Health
&Pharmacoepidermiology, Communication Skills/ Drug Information,
ManagementofMinorDiseases,HerbalandAlternativeMedicine, Parasitology,
Pharmaceutical Microbiology, and
Pharmacology/Toxicology, which I was among the top 10% of my class.
IhavealsoworkedasaPharmacistin a Medical laboratory and Diagnostics center,
Hospital and Pharmaceutical center. More so, I have volunteered for a
community outreach organized by Association of Community Pharmacist,
volunteered Pharmacist for Health for All, organized by Lecahmed and Diagnostics
Center, and volunteered forSickle Cell Awareness
ForuminpartnershipwithCapinoPharmaceutical Limited, this has helped equipped
me with practical knowledge in going further with mycareer.
In conclusion, in my family there is a saying that to understand a frog you need
to be one, although I am not sure I will ever be able to get
intoafrog’smind,butIbelievethattounderstandhowresearchworks in the field of
health and become a health research expert, I need this opportunity to study in
your prestigious university to be trained and equipped with all necessary
knowledge and skills that will enable me to become an expert in research and
also be able to train other students who have the same burning zeal as me in
my country Nigeria uponmycompletion.Iamaself-

looking forward to challenges and am totally ready to solve difficult
problems. I hope that I am offered an opportunity to not only study at
………University, but to become fully immersed in your interactive community.

I have applied to study Masters of Science (MSc.) in Public Health and Health
Systems at the University of Waterloo starting fall, 2019. In the next few
paragraphs, I will tell you why I am the right candidate for yourprogram.
I am academically competitive and have experience working with industry
stakeholders. First, I graduated as part of the top 2% of my graduating class.
My School; (your name of university), gave me the opportunity to learn in a
small class where lecturers knew students by name as opposed to the norm
of about 500 students per class in many
experiencedoingbothquantitativeandqualitativeresearch.Thirdly,I did three
summer internships with different public health
organizationsduringmyundergraduateprogram.Inoneofthecases,I assisted a
non-for-profit organization in Nigeria to develop and implement the
Standard of Operation (SOP) for public health
Although I majored in public health during undergraduate study, I
knowthatanMSc.Inpublichealthwillenhancemyresearchprowess, and better
position me in my ambition to work with the government of Ghana to
successfully implement screening programs across the
country.Followingtheimplementationofuniversalhealthcoveragein Ghana,
focus has been rightly shifted toward preventive services as a means of
reducing health care expenditures. However, more research needs to be done
to inform policies that will increase the uptake of these screening programs.
Before now, I have been involved with

educating community dwellers on the need for immunization and food safety.
As a result of my community works, I gain the United States government
recognition as a young African leader. Hence, I was among 138 out of 9000
applicants selected and trained in the
My research interests include
(1) Immunization and cancerscreening/control,
(2) Equity in access to healthcare services,and
(3) Food regulation andPolicy.

IalreadycontactedDr.………whoiscurrentlyanexpertinmyresearch interest
areas, and after a skype meeting she agreed that I list her as
mypotentialsupervisor.Iamexcitedtoworkwithher.Itismyutmost conviction
that the knowledge and skills that would be gained from this thesis-based
masters program at the University of Waterloo, would tremendously help
me to develop my career as a public health expert.

Growing up, I heard the gory tales of the Biafran war (1967-1970), in which
my people (Igbo) were the main victims. I cannot recall anyone showing me
pictures of fallen soldiers, but I cannot forget the pictures and short films of
malnourished children during the war. With the policy of food blockade in
1968, food became a weapon of war against the Biafrans. Indeed, the history of
my people coincides with my understanding of the importance of food, but
specifically in relation to policies. Good policies, of course. In continuity with
my undergraduate
interest,IhaveappliedforMaster’sdegreeinFoodSecurityPolicyand Management at
the prestigious University…….., Ireland. The study program is set to start by
fall, 20…. In the next few paragraphs, I shall inform you why I am the right
candidate for your scholarship program.

am academically competitive and have garnered some valuable experience while

working with stakeholders in the food industry. First, I graduated as part of the
top 2% of my class and my thesis focused on food safety. In that thesis, I
applied mixed methods in investigating the knowledge, attitude, and food
safety practices of food vendors in Amarhia community in Ghana. This means
that I have experience doing both quantitative and qualitative research.
Secondly, I had the privilege of participating in several summer internship
programs with different organizations during my undergraduate studies. Two of
these internship programs afforded me significant exposure to issues concerning
food and public health. In one of these, I assisted a non-

implement the Standard of Operation (SOP) for public health
Intheothercase,Iassistedanon-governmentalorganization(Nameof the NGO)
in Ghana to develop and implement My Community Farm
mobilizingcommunitiesinGhana’sAgotime-Ziopedistrictto establish and own a
community farm in a bid to promote the culture of sustainable food
systems. These experiences serve as strong
foundationuponwhichIintendtocarryoutresearchintheMaster’s program.
Meanwhile,asonewhomajoredinpublichealth,aMaster’sdegreein Food Security
Policy and Management – which is one of the key branches in Public Health
– helps me to specialize on the important
areaoffoodpolicyresearch.Thisspecificspecializationisatthecenter of my
ambition to work with the governments of Irish and Nigeria, and even
beyond. My focus would be on the successful implementation of food
security policies and management programs across the country. Following
the implementation of universal health coverage in Nigeria and other
countries, the focus has been rightly shifted toward preventive services as a
means of reducing health care
expenditures.Asexpected,foodsecuritymeasuresplayaverybigrole here, because
most diseases and health issues result from the quantity and quality of the
food we eat. Therefore, more research needs to be done to better inform
food policies and management programs. It is my guarded opinion that these
researches be done in differentiated forms so that we move away from a one-
fit-all policy guidelines that one finds in places like, Ghana and Nigeria. In
line with this, I considertheMaster’sdegreeasachallengethatwouldimprovemy
intellectual capacity, affording me a deep understanding of the
multidimensional and multi-sectoral nature of the food security and
nutritional researches, and enable me come up with creative and innovative
solutions. It is my utmost convictionthat

theknowledgeandskillsthatIwillgainfromthisMaster’sprogram would help me to
develop my career in the field of food security, particularly policy and
programme management, policy development and implementation, and impact
assessment of programmes aimed at improving food security and dietaryquality.

Before now, I have been involved with organizing several free community health
programs that focuses on educating community dwellers on the need for food
security and food safety measures. As a result of my community works, I gain
the United States government recognition as a young African leader in 2018.
Hence, I was among the
138 young people (out of 9000 applicants) who were selected for training in
leadership, under the prestigious fellowship, Young Africa Leaders Initiative
(YALI), in 2018. While studying at UCC, I intend to engage in community
organization and volunteer events so as to impact positively on my

Startingwithmymaster’sprojectandafterIgraduatefromthis program, I will

continue to collaborate with UCC professors in comparative research. Already,
I have started discussing with the dean of my faculty on how UCC professors
could be invited to (name of university) (my Alma Mater) as visiting professors.
In the world of today, we ought to be building more bridges if we are to
promote the culture of sustainability. Many Universities in Nigeria and Ghana,
due to lack of professors with expertise on food security, are willing to
collaborate with other well-established institutions across the globe, and I am
very disposed to facilitate this research/academic exchange. It is my resolve to
make the University………… proud in the future as an accomplishedalumnus.

Finally, I intend to be a self-acclaimed ambassador of Ireland, for two reasons:
first (which is communal), in gratitude for the positive humanitarian role played
by the Irish in the history of my people (Igbo), and second (which is
personal), for the privilege of this anticipatedscholarship.


A few years ago, I lost my father who was diabetic to cancer of the stomach
even after several sessions of chemotherapy and surgical procedures. That
moment left me bereft, and the bond I had with him, made me curious to learn
in depth about the mechanisms involved in the uncontrollable growth of
abnormal cells. Already, being a graduate of biochemistry who has always been
interested in human body and intrigued about the complex and diverse
mechanisms of the human body, and how they work in concert to enable an
individual to function effectively, my passion increased the desire to find a
cure to diseases with fewer sideeffects.
Studying life at a molecular level deeply appeals to me. The intricate
processes of life are all governed by chemical reactions, the breaking and
forming of bonds, the movement of electrons from one entity to
anotherareconceptsthathavefascinatedme.However,theapplication of such
reactions in living organisms is also another reason that has led me towards
biochemistry and my goal is to understand it to the
Eager to learn more about this fascinating branch of science, I undertook a six
months industrial training at a renowned medical laboratory, spending my time
at different units such as serology, phlebotomy, hematology, chemical
pathology, and microbiology. My duties included; collection of samples and
carrying out various laboratory tests. I also worked per time at blue house
hospital in Kano state Nigeria as a laboratory assistant where I assisted the
laboratory scientist in carrying out certain medical tests without supervision.I
also executed a project work during my undergraduate studies on the effects
of certain herbs on the glucose level alloxan induced diabetic albino rats and
graduated as the second best student in my class.
All these were very exciting as it involves diagnosing any disease through
different methods. I can also link this to my career as they apply to the needs
of the community by a way of diagnosis of disease and use this to provide
the building blocks necessary to develop solutions to their health.
Combining these experiments with the knowledge I have gained helped me
to appreciate and understand not only what biochemistry is but the reasons I
am doing it for. I find
volunteeringatcancerresearchveryrewarding,allowingmetousemy personal
qualities to help the community and to contribute to the world and its
worthy causes. It also gave me the opportunity to learn new skills and gain
much needed experience, hence increasing my confidence.

I have a strong desire to work for the welfare of the society and this has
encouraged me to participate in many charitable events. I have worked as a
counselor for HIV testing and counseling unit of my Alma Mata (mention the
university) where I received a recognition award as the friendliest counselor of
the year. During the days of my national youth service scheme (NYSC), I
worked as a health educator and volunteered in some outreach programs
organized by the mobile clinic community development group. I participated in
several HIV awareness and sensitization campaigns right from my high school
days up to my undergraduate days. I am a member of the student chemical
society of Nigeria, and have worked as an auditor for the University
of……Chapter of this organization. I volunteered as a laboratory scientist and
participated at the biochemistry week of my Alma Mata where we carried out
free blood group and blood sugar testing. I was awarded best student in the
course tissue biochemistry and commended greatly for my outstanding project
defense by the dean of faculty of natural and applied science. Volunteering
with the sanctuarykeepingunitofmychurch,Itakepartinvariouscleanliness
drives in orphanages around our immediate community. This has expanded
my exposure to the hygiene conditions of my local community and I’m
aware of the importance of taking necessary precautions and measures to
avoid cross infection.
My utmost desire is to find cures for different diseases and aid in saving lives
with science and research. Upon completion of this
master’sprogram,IwishtopursueaPhDinthisfield,whichwould give me a wider
experience in the field of research. Also, it would strengthen my profile and
build my confidence in the sphere of laboratory basedresearch.

I hope to gain access to independent and industrial research in addition to

college teaching. In the future, I want to contribute in the field of research and
become an asset to one of the prestigious institutes of research. I believe I am a
committed, compassionate and competent individual who has the potential of
rising up to the challenges of life academically and socially and along with my
drive, determination and perseverance I hope to flourish at your reputed
university and in the field of research andbeyond.

I am a young Political Scientist from Nigeria, with a focus on international

relations. In my country, people refer to political scientists as politicians and
the students I teach in high school would
alwaysaskwhatpoliticalscientistsdo.There’sadearthofinformation among the
undergraduate students admitted to the course concerning the discipline, as
they are most times there in a bid not to remain out of school and thus, have
no working knowledge of the utility of their programme. Need I say that
this misconception makes it even harder for women to pursue a career in the
discipline, and as you go up the
ladder,therearefewerwomen.Alsolackingarementorshipplatforms where
undergraduate and graduate students directly glean from older academics the
modalities of traversing the researchterrain.
AftermyBachelor’sinPoliticalScience(2015)fromtheUniversity……., I enrolled in a
Master's programme at the University of Ibadan, Department of Political
Science. This is because I favor gathering research and teaching experience
across institutions, knowing that this is best for a well-rounded foundation in
research. During my MSc, I prioritized courses on research methods, statistics,
foreign policy, issues in contemporary international relations, theories of
international relations, etc. I have also applied and gotten into research
fellowships,engaged in volunteer activities, attended conferences, workshops,
trainings and seminars, and belong to an online graduate research community
(Graduate Research Clinic) which cuts across various fields and cadres in
academics. I have undertaken more than a dozen leadership positions across
religious, social and educational platforms, and I submit that the experiences
have refined my perspective.
I am a highly resourceful individual and always open to new ideas and
opportunities. As a recent graduate, I wrote a conference paper with my
supervisor on “ICTs and Political Development in Nigeria” and presented it at
the Nigerian Political Science Association South-Eastern Chapter conference
in 2015, making an appearance as the youngest attendee and paper presenter at
the conference. My current MSc dissertation explored Nigeria-China bilateral
relations andhowthispartnershiphasdevelopedhumancapacityinNigeria.
I desire to be an active component in the solutions to challenges that plague
my discipline in Africa by sharing theoretical and practical knowledge within
and outside the university classroom setting. I am therefore eager to acquire
more rigorous research training in order to independently carry out ground-
breaking research and become an expert in my field. This training would
assist me in impacting those
whohavenothadthesameopportunitiesasIdid.Itwouldalsoenable me to train
undergraduates and young graduate students to be more research-oriented,
and enable me to create a mentorship platform which is desperately needed
but has been longmissing.
I am interested in the field of international relations, but I am particular
about the place and role of African countries in contemporary international
politics. I am interested in development politics, in public policy, in political
history and in comparative political analysis.
Amaster’sdegree/PhDinthisprestigiousinstitutionwillbringme several steps
closer to my goal. I will strive for exceptional excellence and give my best at all
times should this opportunity be given me. I look forward to the most
intellectually engagingexperience.
Thank you. (your
full name)
After my secondary education, I returned to my home community & started helping my father
out in his store, close to his store are retail meat shops, outlet (not cold room), and mini
abattoir for goats/fowl. Whenever I purchase meat for consumption purposes, i would see
heaps of flies hovering over this meat (lumps), and the level of hygiene practice by the butchers
& sellers is alarming.

I said to myself with the little knowledge that the practice or level of unhygienic practice and
the way the flies pile up on the lumps could/can lead to food poison if not a disease to

Talking to the abattoir is a different case because blood and feces from the animals they kill
are left open, for vultures, dogs, same flies that pile on the meat lumps, and other animals to
come feed on them. These waste products are not adequately disposed of maybe in septic tanks
or wells, thereby making the environment unfit/inept for humans and as a foo
production/selling site(meat).

Moreso, my father as subsistence and pastoral farmer, grows different crops (including
annuals, biennials & perennial vegetables).

Going to farm has always made me wonder and reason of there could be a way of getting some
tree plants to produce fruits within a short period rather than taking years to mature& bear

These two incidents/experiences made me interested in studying microbes/microorganisms

and how tree plants can be made to bear fruits in a short period, though I have knowledge
regarding microbes but still want to do more research and study, not just limited to microbes
causing disease from meat but generally.

Having discovered the level of unhygienic practice in these retail shops and mini abattoir, I
decided to sensitize them on the danger of their unhygienic practice to desist from it.

Still, then I found it difficult because this set of people believe that if Heep's/piles of house
flies are not found on the lumps of meat in the retails shops/ abattoir then it is not fit for
consumption. Still, they do not know that these same house flies can serve as a vector for
disease-causing microbes, which is my area of utmost concern.

Trying to change their belief was a difficult one, at first I was rebuked, then I had to devise a
strategy. I started making friends with pleasant ones as they do come to my father's shop to
buy some things, gradually from individuals to groups; I explained to them about the disease
and its dangers to the human environment and health.

I have to accept their belief, but I taught them the piles of house flies must not touch the
lumps before people buy them, having the flies around is alright. I brought up the idea of using
a showcase (glass made) to exhibit these lumps of which these flies can't gain access into,
taught them on washing the showcase, table, knives, shops, and apron daily.

I suggested a well is dug to empty every rubbish from the abattoir to keep the environment
clean and healthy. I was happy they adopted the change.

I helped out in raising funds for building the open well into septic tanks and built two
restrooms(one for male, the other for female) to avoid foul odor from the open well and stop
incessant dropping of feces/urine of animal and human at regular places.

Once in a while, I organize a sanitation day for them, especially last Saturday of the month, for
general cleanup, after which I remind and teach them the importance of good hygiene and the
adoption of modern innovations.

As an individual with a drive for innovation, excellence, and humanity, I have engaged in
several community works and received awards. My academic performance, which is always of
excellent outcomes, is not left out too.

My experience from the retail meat shops and mini abattoir made me do my undergraduate
research on isolation, characterization, and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of microbes
isolated from cow poultry products (meat).

Gaining this master program will equip and empower me to take my Ph.D. so that I can
become research expertise, to do more research on my goals which are researching on microbes
in general, (pathogenic and non pathogenic microbes) and to genetically manipulate tree plants
to bear fruit in a short period rather than taking a long time.

My dream is to return to my country and creat a research institute where microbiologist or

other science professionals can come and do their research works especially those that can't
afford to come overseas for research training, not just that; I have always love to give to
humanity in one way or the other, I will also love to create an NGO that would focus on
humanity especially health wise, so that I can train students, individual and professionals, and
also to raise funds to support bright students with promising future living in remote or rural
areas, I can also expand to other sectors like agriculture because it's a major area in which
several lives can be changed as well as the economy of the nation.

My thesis is focused onbacteriology; mycobactarium(TB) interaction with its host and

aerobiology, having worked on cow and poultry products(meat) where I isolated different
microbes, I would want to seize this opportunity in studying mycobacterium profoundly.

I have also contacted professor Jeffrey Chen from the department of vetenary microbiology
whose research focus is on tuberculosis (TB) vaccines, and understanding mycobacterial
physiology and mechanisms of virulence, he has released lots of work on mycobacteria to his

His recent being Poor stimulation of bovine dendritic cells by Mycobacterium bovis culture
supernatant and surface extract is associated with decreased activation of ERK and NF- κ B
and higher expression of SOCS1 and 3 which is amazing and commendable.

I promise to make this noble institute proud if given the opportunity to study in your

Plutarch once said, ‘The mind that questions is not a vessel to be filled but a fir to be kindled’,
this was my case. As a child, I have always wondered and asked a lot of health related
questions like, ‘What causes illnesses?, Why do people fall sick?, What can be done to prevent
this? But I was never satisfied with the answers I got in return. Rather, it kindled a burning
desire to get the answers I wanted.
In search of these answers, I volunteered on weekends at a primary health care center in my
community. Because of my love for children, I opted to work in the children's ward. I was
shocked at the number of children that were suffering from ailments like chicken pox, measles,
polio and other diseases that could have been prevented by vaccines. When I asked why this
was so, it turned out the mother's of these children weren't well informed. During my days at
the health care center, my eyes was opened to the dilapidated state of our health care system.
This was very disturbing but there was nothing I could do because poorly equipped to tackle
the matter.
This experience sparked up my interest in the healthcare sector of my country, motivating me
to do my quota in disseminating useful health information to members of my community,
emphasizing the need to take care of their health because health is wealth.
With this deal, I graduated high school as the best graduating student and was awarded the
best student in Biology.
I pursued and undergraduate degree in in Microbiology in the Federal University of
Technology Owerri (FUTO). During my program I was more interested in Pathogenic
Microbiology, Virology, Epidemiology, also I wanted to discover the Effects (both desirable
and undesirable) microbes exert on the health of an individual.
During my undergraduate program and after graduation, I have actively participated in
volunteer roles. I have gone on health campaigns sensitising people on HIV and Hepatitis C
Virus. I have also assisted in research works aimed at bettering the lives of individuals living
with HIV.
I am always my happiest when I volunteer because I am helping people and touching lives. The
smile they have when they learn something new, the lines on the faces when confused and the
anticipation in their eyes when we are about to teach them, gives me a sense of fulfillment and
achievement. It makes me feel that even if things aren't all rosy, I can still do some good in this
Although I have these accomplishments I am not satisfied because there is a limit what I can
do. This is resulting from the fact that I do not have adequate knowledge in the field. In this
regard, pursing my Masters in Public Health at your prestigious Institution would avail me the
great opportunity in achieving my life long dream of becoming a Public Health
Consultant.Furthermore, it would give me a shot at experience diverse cultures and sharing
knowledge with other like minded students.
With my education, and experience not forgetting passion, I believe I would be a great
addition to your Masters in Public Health Program.

In all, it would be an honor to be part of your student body. If granted this chance, I promise
to give my utmost best.

My name is Eunice Adjei. I obtained my first degree in Economics (Second Class Hons Upper
Degree). My passion for teaching and impacting knowledge birthed my drive to work with students
which I started doing officially as a national service personnel and currently lecturing in Economics
at Academic City University College in Ghana. I am a very determined focused and result oriented
and strong ethical values who is seeking admission in your Master of Art in Economics and further
pursue a PhD in economics.
Through my senior high school education and tertiary education, I have always felt the need to seek
for appropriate ways to impact positively in my community and then develop my economy as a
whole. This need challenged me to read economics, geography and government in my senior
secondary school education and I further pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at University of
Ghana. During my undergraduate education, I saw how surface mining was destroying vegetation
and farms that would have brought revenue to my country and therefore was impacting negatively in
the mining communities in my country. Therefore, I decided to do a team research on the topic
“surface mining and its impact on the Ghanaian economy”. This research helped to bring a lot of
awareness through our presentations to various stakeholders in my country. This aided to the
banning of illegal mining activities in my country.
My quest for knowledge in research and also have a broader knowledge in financial issues to enable
me gain a better perspective in economics and finance, I pursued Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in
Finance at the University of Ghana Business School. There I gained knowledge (but limited) in
research which aided me to write on my research topic “Exchange Rate Volatility and Economic
Growth in Ghana”. I decided to research on this topic because I realized how most local businesses
in my country are collapsing as a result of the escalating nature of the United States dollar against
the Ghanaian Cedi, hence the need for my topic. In my research, I gathered the information that,
most business were involved in importation of goods and that led to the collapse of some local
businesses. I therefore concluded that exchange rate volatility impacted negatively to the economic
growth in my country. I made recommendations to various stakeholders involved and this aided in
stabilizing the exchange rate and help grow many businesses in my economy. As a result, there was
an improvement in the National Income of my country.
I am hard working with strong and outstanding leadership qualities, hence I was achieved an award
in my current university where I lecture for hard work and dedication. I also do a lot of volunteering
activities in my community and other rural communities to educate them on issues such as pollution,
deforestation, girl child inequality in education which that can impede our progress and growth. Due
to this effort, I was nominated and recognized as the person of the year out of 1000 youth in my
region in 2018.
I strongly believe that pursuing a MA in Economics will help me to further pursue a PhD in
economics which will give me the required push towards achieving my ultimate career goal which is
becoming a University Professor and Research Professional and enable me supervise my students
research work better when I return back to my country. This will further push me to offer
consultancy services in government policy making so I could render my expertise in making sound
economic decisions and policies to grow our economy.
My research interest still remains development economics, and to research on “Financial
Independence and its impact on economic growth in Africa” though I am open to other areas in
By getting a MA in Economics and further pursue a PhD in economics will help me be in a better
position and placed on a higher pedestal to go back home and improve on the educational system in
my country by experiencing the change I so desire in Canada.
I also envision of setting up an educational facility for my community and other rural community
when I return back home to educate more people especially girls to improve the living standards in
my country.
MA in Economics and a further PhD in economics will aid me to be well -positioned to effect the
change my country needs in the academic and research sector.

I have apply to study Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Safety

Management at Ottawa College, Stating fall 2020. In the next few paragraph
I will be telling you why I am the right candidate for your program.

From my earliest years in dental fields, I have experienced my colleagues

counter some hazards while conducting some practical in Dental Laboratory,
resulting to injuries and damages.

So I kept on reviewing on how some hazards can be reduced so as to

enhance safety Dental Department and other organizations as well. This
growing interest in understanding the various whereby hazards can be
reduced in dental department and other organization in Western Africa gave
me the thought of pursing a carrier in occupational Safety and management
and since my first degree is dental technology, I decided to apply for
Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Safety and Management so as to have
the basic understanding of the Course and also prepare me for masters in the

I am particularly interested and happy to apply to Ottawa College because of

it's set record in research and the ambience environment provided by the
college for an excellent learning and I believe this is the kind of environment I
need to mold me into achieving my carrier goals in the field of Occupational
Safety and Health Management.

Since my specific career goal is to educate the dental team and other
organizations in Africa the need for safety implementation I believe that my
enthusiasm for Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health
Management is appropriate. As a result I hereby wish to use the knowledge
gained to educate the dental team and other organizations here in West
Africa on the need for Occupational Safety and Health Management. Hence
my career desire is to become a vibrant and internally recognized Researcher
and Safety Manager who will effectively communicate the need to inconcate
Safety Management in all Organization hereby reducing hazard.

In relation to this chosen specialization I have taken course work in the

following during my undergraduate program which are : general Laboratory
Techniques I, Dental Laboratory Engineering Techniques, office and Hospital
Management, Biological Techniques, Science and properties of materials,
general laboratory Techniques II, organic and inorganic Chemistry. I have
also worked in Dental Department as an Intern Dental Technologist. I have
volunteered for a community outreach organized by Association of Dental
Technology, volunteered for health and Safety awareness in partnership with
Health awareness CDS group. This has helped equip me with practical
knowledge in going further with my career.

My specialization is in Safety and Health, my motivation for this interest is in

relation to my specific Career goals as mentioned above, I believe that Safety
and Health relates to my Career goals in light of how research is used in
Health and Safety, therefore health and Safety is based on making sure that
workers and others are protected from anything that may cause harm,
effectively controlling any risks to injury or health that arises in the work
place. This helps the Safety Professionals perform their responsibilities such
as; creating and reviewing safety plans, providing ongoing training for all
employees, documenting work observations, analyzing safety date,
preventing workplace health and safety hazard and creating sustainable
practices for better environmental impact.

In conclusion, I hope to gain access to Occupational Safety and Health in

future I want to contribute to the Safety and Health of organizations and
Africa at large. I believe I am a committed, compassionate and competent
individual who has the potentials to raising up the challenges of life
academically and socially along with my drive, determination and
perseverance, I hope to flourish at your reputable college in the field of
health and safety and beyond.
As one who has an academic background in art, my specific carrier goal is to become a
renowned Chartered Accountant and Financial Advisor who will effectively carry out her
results in a true and fair view and help in the decision making of the economic system of the
I am academically competitive with a strong drive having acquired knowledge in some
government parastals. First, I graduated as a student in University of Nigeria Nsukka. My
University career, employment and volunteer experiences have further fueled my passion for
management science. However, it has build up my academic thought, and managerial approach
in the field of Accounting. I also have work experience as a secretary & Administrative Officer
at Ministry of Women Affairs Delta State (MOWA), Accounting Officer at Ministry of
Education Enugu (MOE). I have volunteered with Non Profit Organizations programs like
World Malaria Day, winners chapel outreach, conducted Awareness Campaign on road safety
signs by Federal Road Safety Marshel NYSC.
I want to pursue more advanced training in this important field, I am looking for a great
institution like University of Waterloo to give in my best. However, having inspected some
graduate program offered by many prominent institutions, I got impressed by the excellent
research supported by University of Waterloo which became my best of choice in attending
greater or career progression.
I am hoping that the graduate school will provide me with a deeper understanding of the
business world and increase the range of choices and options available for me after graduation.
Accounting and finance, acquiring mathematic & business courses, work place management
have helped me develop my skills and given me a wider understanding of various concepts and
methods that are relevant to the accounting field. I have the ability to acquire knowledge
quickly, apply it when relevant and I am capable of studying independently and conducting
I have taught commerce and accounts to young children while in college and I have also
tutored many of my classmates in preparation for exams. I have passion in reading literature; I
enjoy listening to business news update and visiting any libraries around the country and the
world that I come across. My recent job has also taught me to be more tolerable and patient
with others in order to render adequate services to my organization.
Gaining experience & practical exposure is always an integral part of education and I truly
believe in it too. These experiences helped me to understand real factors involved in the
business, i.e. successful running with an aim of profit making at the end of fiscal year.
I also worked as an English teacher for a while in a local primary school too, which helped and
disciplined me in time management and building my career plans too.
I am a best student until now with so much enthusiasm to learn new things and new
experiences those that can be of help in my professional career.
With all the mentioned acquisitions, I can definitely turn into a promising professional to
serve well to my country. Thank you.

I grew up in a community where construction of houses was on a fast track, I remember

seeing the pathway construction companies heavy truck and the Julius bagger cranes and tractors.

During this time the structures were so strong that I found it so difficult to drive nails through the

walls of my room. I developed interest in the construction industry, got a bachelor degree in

architectural science and started to practice. As the year goes by things begging to change, so many

other construction firms sprout up, the good, the bad and the ugly. Over the course of my

professional practice, I have been so much involved in project and construction roles. During this

period, I discovered a lot of anomalies in the industry, these ranges from substandard building

materials, mis interpretation of drawings, lack of safety check, misappropriation of funds and so

many others. All this might in a long run lead into building duplication and collapse.

Because of my interest in making a huge change in this industry and to build my career , I

got more involved in the design and construction of fascinating structures from conception to

completion. I decided to go back to school for a master’s degree in architecture thinking that by the

time I heat back into the industry, I will be able to make some impact. But this never happened. The

knowledge i got was from the architectural perspective which had very little impact in the

construction industry. My Curiosity lead me to some practical base research on substandard building

materials, concrete stress and strain, effect of latent heat on building materials and a training on

standard production process of some common building materials. But still I found some lapses I

could not do much about.

I consider myself to be very ambitious and determined, highly motivated and enthusiastic,

even though in the society where i practice, architects have little level of impact in the construction
industry, I did not allow that to discourage me in pursuing my goal in getting totally involved in

construction management from start to finish.

This program will allow me to put all of my experience and knowledge to work in my home

country, I will be able to educate and expose my colleague and the construction industry to the

modern construction management techniques. By getting a master’s degree, I will be in better

position educate and clear so many setbacks in the construction industry.

This has been my greatest desire, I am convinced of my ability to succeed in the master’s

degree program in construction management, I have been diligent and perseverate in my

professional career. I hope my qualifications and background will be suitable for a masters in

construction management in the university of …………


Continuous fluctuation of business environment keeps people on their toes. I came to

this realisation when I went to the market with my mother.
Growing up in the business environment, I also realized that people encountered
challenges such as mismanagement of funds; low savings; cash scarcity, high cost to
engage professional Accountants prepare their petty business financials and lots more
primarily due to lack of financial literacy. This guarded my decisions from a very
young age and it has continuously motivated me to pursue a noble career that will
give me a platform to affect the lives of people immensely with my knowledge, hence
opting for the Bachelor’s program in Accounting from Michael Okpara University,
where I graduated with Second class Upper Division.
The bachelor’s degree curriculum is dynamic, fast-paced and fascinating. Research
Project in Internal Control as a tool to prevent fraud in government parastatals and
practical experience in my resident local government further heightened my desire to
lend a helping hand in correcting the decay in Nigerian financial sector. To further
prepare myself to tackle these issues in business environment, I opted for a Master of
Business Administration where I specialize in finance and investment.
The interest and zeal got me the position of departmental course representative. Upon
graduation, I took some volunteer finance roles without pay, this was as a result of my
zeal in the discipline of finance. During my youth service, my assigned primary place
of assignment was a Non-Governmental Organization but they rejected corp-members
with the reason that due to the high level of community engagements and volume of
work in the organization that they cannot afford to employ corp-members without
giving stipends but because of my vision I requested that they absorb me as a
volunteer; that way I can participate in outreaches and educate people. I and my team
carried out so many outreaches and community level workshops in various areas like
finance management, platforms for life-time savings; combination of hard work and
working smartly; investment opportunities etc.
During the course of youth service, I was the vice president of my Community
Development Service which heightened my engagement with the community and
aided spread of financial literacy gospel. My duty was to organize outreaches for
sensitization on the effects of illiteracy/ignorance in finance management. I and my
team went to various Secondary Schools educating young teenagers on preparing
themselves on the efficient financial systems.
In finance, no matter how financially literate one is, you can always improve the skill
set because the issues involved continuously shift and are so vast and complex that
there is always something new to learn and understand which is why I have acquired
series of trainings and professional qualifications like CPA, ACA, Proficiency in
accounting software, Advanced Diploma and lots more in order to keep myself
continuously updated. I have spent the first post-graduation five years of my life in
Finance, Accounting, Business and Operations related jobs in a bid to ensure that I
know my onions in this path I decided to trod.
In this regard, studying Finance will give me the opportunity to fulfill that burning
desire. With all of my experience listed, I want to bring my career to the next level.
The subject offered in this program are specifically in line with my professional goals.
With this qualification, am well equipped with professional knowledge and skills to
practice finance to its optimum thereby giving me the supremacy to correct and
amends all ills in any organization I find myself. My overall goal in my career is to
ensure high level of financial literacy in the country to achieve financial inclusion,
financial stability, economic growth and development in the country which will be
done through various platforms like the internet, social media, outreach and lots more

Nigeria is the most populous country in the Sub-Sahara Africa often referred as the ‘Giant of Africa’ with the
largest economy and huge market for foreign investors. But the issue of insecurities due to conflicts arising
from electoral violence, Boko Haram insurgency, Religious clashes, Farmer-Herdsmen clashes, Niger-Delta
Militants among other conflict-related matters has discouraged a lot of foreign investors and has impacted
negatively on the economy.
I began to ask myself a pertinent question about the cause of these problems; I started delving more into the
issues like Peace, Conflict and security. What I discovered was that the issue of insecurity is not peculiar to
Africa but cuts across the world. It is a global issue

I am AMOKE GLORIA OBIOMA, and I am applying to study MSC International Relations in your
Prestigious University( University of British Columbia). My undergraduate degree was in International
Relations from the prestigious Covenant University Ota, Nigeria in the department of Political Science and
International Relations college of Leadership Development Studies.
Prior to this, I was working in the Travel and Tourism Industry. I am Travel Consultant and I work with a
Travel Management Company (Carlsonwagonlit Travels). We manage and handle travel itineraries of
corporate clients of multi-national companies. I am responsible for providing end to end service while
organizing their trip from issuing tickets, hotel reservation and transportation (airport pick-up and drop off).
This companies have travel budget that runs in millions of dollars per annum and their employees go on
business trip across the world, many of them work off-shore and in oil rig and they face a lot issues like
kidnapping and other security issues. It was in the course of discharging my duties as a travel Consultant that
I discovered security issues faced by this companies’ employees travelling over the world. As I study their
travel policy document I discovered some countries were flagged as high risk destination areas especially
countries in Africa like Nigeria which happened to be my country.

After I discovered this challenge I decided to go get a degree that will enable me research on the issue of
peace and conflict resolution that will enable us find a sustainable solution for the issue of insecurity in the
world. I studied International Relations in the Prestigious Covenant University known for their commitment
to raising a new generation of leaders in all fields of Human endeavors.
International Relation is a multi-disciplinary course that cuts across other disciplines like political science and
other social science courses and allow students investigate and research the relationships between states and
government including non-state actors. I took particular interest to courses offered like theories of war and
peace, peace and conflict, foreign policies of Nations as regards their relationship to other nations. And such
have decided to take my enquiries further by going for Master in International Relations.
I am hard working, driven and energetic, efficient communicator and organized. I am very determined person
and quite exceptional because during my under graduate studies despite combining my studies with work and
child bearing I got one the best result in my set and I was also given an award of achievement in recognition
of my research project by the College of Leadership Development Studies. I carried out an outstanding
research on the cause of post electoral violence, the Role of ECOWAS in managing post electoral crisis, a
case study of the Gambia. I am also an alumni of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) which was
initiated by the former president of the USA (President Barack Obama) in conjunction with United States
Agency For International Development (USAID). My work experience and coupled with my knowledge and
skills prior to graduation has given me a solid foundation and increased my self-confidence and ability to
communicate effectively also appreciate human diversity.
Pursuing a Master degree program in international Relations will prepare me to pursue a PhD in the same
field that will enable me achieve my ultimate career goal which is becoming a university Lecturer and an
international Relation expert. My research focus will be on Peace, Conflict and security studies. It will
deepen my understanding of how peace can be achieved across the world through research into the cause of
conflicts and war and thereby proffering sustainable solution to the issue of insecurities in the world and my
country Nigeria in particular thereby making the world a better place for all. This is one of the goals of the
SGDS “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all
and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”. This goal was targeted at among
other to reduce all forms of violence and Strengthen relevant national institutions, including international
cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and
combat terrorism and crime.
Given my experience, passion and enthusiasm for learning I believe that I am a fit candidate to be considered
for a master degree program in your university.
I look forward to a favorable consideration of my application and will be honored to be one of your student
and promise to give it my best if given the opportunity. Thanking you in advance.

I am Your name, a purpose-driven and enthusiastic fellow.

When growing up, I became passionate about assisting the vulnerable, underprivileged and sick
people around me. I had an Aunty who was very caring and kind; she lost her husband to an
earlier undisclosed sickness and because of inadequate information did not get proper medical
attention, this was later found out to be a Diabetic condition.

A neighbor and an age mate took ill, he was later rushed to a teaching Hospital, where he was
attended to by the Doctors at the emergency ward and was sent to the Laboratory to do some
tests, which he did. The result showed that he had Malaria Parasite, he was treated and got
back on his feet. The two incidents while going through my Secondary School flamed my
desire to work toward studying a health-related course. I eventually studied Medical laboratory
Science during my first degree. The concerns I held encouraged and motivated me to pursue

I was actively involved in science clubs in my secondary school which sharpened my focus and
being a hardworking and diligent fellow; I finished with good grades in all the science subjects.
My love for humanity and well being of the vulnerable, underprivileged and all persons
prompted my pursuit of the study of Medical Laboratory Science for my first degree. The
course provided the knowledge and skills to analysis samples from patients to determine the
cause of ailment. This skills and knowledge enabled me to solve many patient crisis, which
brought great relief and hope to them.

The interpersonal relationship I had with both Lecturers and students alike alongside a
dedication to the course earned me the position of course representative during my third and
fourth year in my department. As course representative, I facilitated the smooth running of the
scheduled lectures and course work, planning and execution of all in collaboration with fellow
students and Lecturers. I participated as a committee member in the planning and execution of
world biomedical Laboratory Science day, which was marked with outreaches, awareness
programmes, and career talk to secondary school students on such days.

Having taken off to study other courses, I aspire to return to a health related field in order to
do more for the people in my community and humanity at large. This will help me in my
present position and responsibility of handling the planning and supervision of outreaches in
communities In my current place of work. The world is currently fighting the COVID-19
pandemic, and I will support the fight with the additional skills that I will gain through this
course to enable me to render to the people in the community around me and the world at
large to be safe and productive.

Your university will provide me with the best equipment and environment I need to be the best
in this chosen field and groom me towards better serving communities with inadequate health
care workers.

In the modern world, money acts as a statement, a barrier, a greeting, a lifeline, and a vehicle.
Grasping knowledge of how it works and how to manage it efficiently is essential.

For this reason, I ventured into Accounting. I feel it is imperative, yet underestimated as a part
of the global economy, business structures and our day-to-day decision-making processes. My
father’s company, JB exports, a renowned importer and exporter of rare Chemicals used in the
production of drugs broke down and right now is no more in existence.

Unlike most people who start their interests through achievements, my interest in accounting
started with the failure of JB exports. When the Ill-planned budgets, the non-existent
accounting systems and processes caused the capital strand breaks, government litigation and
all of our clients to lose confidence in the management of the company. I was 13 when these
events unfolded and overtime, I realised that accounting and management is the soul of a
company and began to take every chance to learn about it.

After completing my high school education in which I paid a lot of focus to accounting, I went
on to earn a B.Sc. degree in Accounting from Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Osun, Nigeria.
Being far away from My home and family for the first time in my life and lack of experience in
life in general initially affected my ability to focus on my studies. As a result, I only managed to
get an average grade during my undergraduate education which in no way represents the
current experience and skills I have.

I feel that applying for the Diploma in Intermediate Accounting will allow me to redeem
myself to produce a better foundation in this field and also propel me towards achieving an
MSc in Accounting and Finance at the Schulich School of Business.

Working in an Audit Firm for one year re-ignited my passion for Accounting immediately
after my underwhelming Undergraduate study in Nigeria. Appealing to me is its versatility;
accounting interlinks with various fields, thus widening my professional horizon, and even
within the profession you can branch out into several specialised sectors such as tax, advisory
and auditing to name a few.

Subsequent to this, I joined Edmark Group of Companies which has a really complicated
company structure with market presence in over 30 countries and is involved in various
business interests from manufacturing, exporting, distribution, and real estate development. But
the same regulations and set rules in accounting and controllership they shared has helped
every subsidiary company and country to be independent as well as co-operate with each other.
I find out that it is the well-designed internal control system and the continued updating of the
accounting processes that make sure that everything is under control. That's precisely what I'm
seeking for.

I’ll like to emphasize on the complex company structure which has been simplified by strategic
accounting procedures and operations between different countries and subsidiary companies.
This has opened my eyes to a lifetime career I would like to pursue.

Mingling with various people who have come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds for
the past years as well as being in the professional environment during my employment has
shaped my personality today.

This working experience has taught me to be highly observant and meticulous and it has
sharpened my research and analytical skills

I feel that I am a lot more resilient, confident, highly motivated and ambitious which I believe
will become a major factor for me to complete the diploma in Intermediate Accounting and
then proceed to the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program and probably write the Common
Final Examination (CFE).

Furthermore, being an employee of a few organizations for the past years has allowed me to
observe the way an organization manages its investment portfolio. This has motivated me to
explore further the most effective and efficient way an organisation may invest and grow its
portfolio in other countries, which I intend to investigate if there is a research dissertation for
this course.
It is my sincere desire to return to finish this program as a distinguished Master of
Accountancy degree holder to help companies in Nigeria, and Other Countries develop its
accounting practices to be among the world leaders in this area.

The Diploma in Intermediate accounting courses will strengthen my foundation in accounting.

In contrast, the Master of Accounting courses will help to prepare me for my future career in
controlling company Accounting processes and operations. The outstanding faculty, along
with the excellent selection of courses available within your program, will equip me with the
latest in accounting theories and practices and allow me to obtain my professional goals.

My employment experience has helped me to define my future goals - to study in the best
accounting program in Schulich School of business which has the most robust curriculum and
the best location (Toronto) where I can get first-hand experience as well as the crucial
perspective to understanding the global market.

I know that I am now fully qualified and prepared to take on this challenge.
I strongly believe that my passion in the accounting and future career, my courage in facing
challenges and my strong ability to adapt and solve problems as they arise have fully prepared
me for the Diploma and MAcc program at the Schulich School of Business at York University.

I spent my childhood in the Secondary School setting with my Dad as a teacher and that was
how I develop interest on teaching. My passion for taking care of people birthed officially in
my undergraduate days in Ebonyi State University, when I started teaching some of my mate
and some group of student Financial Accounting.
In my desire to improve and perform better in academics made me decide to pursue M.ed in
Special Education. Previously, I intended to specialize in Financial Accounting but being in the
classroom setting I observed that some student seems to be lost in class, while some seems to
behave in strange manner and I couldn’t beer see them come to school and not gain any
knowledge because they needed a special care, so I opted to special Education.
During my Secondary School days I remembered that, there were some student in school that
behave in abnormal way both my junior and senior some of them have hearing problem,
visually impaired etc. This people has every right to education that they full participate and
contribute but not the other way round, I notice they needed special attension
This interest and zeal made me single out student with one disability or the other, teach them
and give them attension and time. I observed that some of them started picking up and
participating whereby they started feeling free to talk to me about how they feel. Despite all
these coupled with my other involvements in teaching, creating awareness against female genital
mutilation, which is very common in my town, enlighten parents and children against child
abuse, encouraging the girl child to say no to rape, I still have time for my student.
Pursing a M.ed in Special Education, will give me the required push towards achieving my
ultimate career goal which is becoming a Professor. By getting a M.ed in special education will
make me be in a better position and placed on a higher pedestal to go back home and make a
change in the educational system in my country which we desperately need in the academics

My name is Ogundiran Oluwafunmilayo Amope Kudirat. I obtained my first degree in

Nursing Science (Credit). My passion for Nursing starts when I was still very young by
dressing the wounds and taking care of the sick in my village (Oke-odan, Nigeria). I had a
privilege of going to health centres to see how the sick were being taken care of voluntarily.
Since then, I made up my mind to either go for Nursing or Medicine with the mission – “TO
The passion for Nursing made me to further my academic career to School of Nursing,
Abeokuta, Nigeria (after my O’level School certificate with good grades), which gave me
the opportunity to learn in a small class of 50 students where lecturers knew the student by
I am academically competitive; I came out from School of Nursing and Midwifery with
good grades and registered as RN, RM and RFP with Nursing Council of Nigeria. During
the course of training, I was posted to many Communities/Health organizations for my
experience in quest to perform better in the academic. As a person of integrity, I decided to
secure a job in a private setting where I worked independently; I later got employed with
Government organization where I work till date (Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Ogun
State, Nigeria).
I was fully involved in various health campaigns, awareness, some of which were campaign
on prevention of malaria, HIV/AIDS, Immunization, Tuberculosis and Family planning, also
health outreaches for Sensitization - Health Education.
Furthermore, as a volunteer for Medical Mission organized by the Nurses in UK to reach out
to the communities in Nigeria. Due to the immense contribution, I made for the promotion
and progress of the organization, I was awarded the best Nurse of the year and I was given
the opportunity to be released for further studies.
I obtained my first degree in Nursing (BNSC) at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Nigeria for 4 years with credit.
The passion for Community and Public made me to pursue my Post Basic Diploma in Public
Health at the same University and registered as RPHN with credit.
I have the opportunity of working with different Public/Community Health organization in
Nigeria, especially TB organizations; HIV/AID, Family Planning programs and assisted and
volunteer in Community Outreaches, Health talks and Community programmes.
I volunteer as a Church Nurse (Fire and Miracle Ministry Church), where I was given an
award of recognition. I also volunteer to give health talks to other churches, mosques and
social gatherings in the Community. My contribution to the health of my Community has
also been recognized.
I hold a leadership position at my place of work (Federal Medical centre, Abeokuta, Nigeria)
as the Head of the Unit over 20 Nurses. I am a good team leader who can work with a group
of people with little or no supervision and produce a substantial result.
My work experience for 18 years coupled with my knowledge and skills has motivated me
even more to pursue my career in Masters Degree in Nursing and Health (MS.c in Nursing)
at University of British Columbia in Canada.
I relished the opportunity in touching lives of people through my career since about 22 years
ago. In this regards, studying MS.c (Public Health) will give me the opportunity to fulfill
that burning desire. With all of my experience listed, I want to bring my career to the next
level. The subjects offered in this program are specifically in line with my professional
Additionally, the mandatory study abroad semester provides a great grounding to further
experience divergent cultures and exchange of knowledge for the huge passion for
improving health of people. I am confident that I am excellently fit for the Masters program
in your University.
Thank you for considering my application, look forward to hearing from you soon.
I must say that it will be an honor to be your student and a student of this prestigious
University and I promise to do my utmost best if given this wonderful opportunity.

Your name.
A desire to deepen my understanding of forestry and willingness to contribute to solving the
challenging problems of climate change faced by the world today fuels my decision to pursue a
doctoral degree.
I have always loved nature. More often than not, I would take a walk around the vast forest a
few miles from the community where I live; sober reflecting, taking breathing exercises and
then sit at my favorite spot putting ideas down on paper. Unfortunately, as I grow older, the
forest also started to shrink. The sale of the wood from the felling of trees helped our
community out of poverty, but it also came at the price of destruction.
The relaxed ambience became harsh. In fact, water became scarce. Afterwards, I became
curious. While surfing the internet, I came across the terms “watershed “and “watershed
management”. Thence, my goal to become a research expert (carrying out cutting edge
research) and coaching younger researchers to enhance their research capacity ensued.
Through my five years undergraduate study of Forest Resources Management in Nigeria, I
have learnt that the sustainable management of forests and the environment as a whole is of
great importance to water availability. I was also involved in volunteering with an organization
where I served as a team lead in an outreach to residents and other stakeholders to embrace
In pursuit of my goals, I enrolled for Master of Science (MSc) in Forest policy, law and
administration at University of Ibadan, Nigeria under the supervision of Professor B. O.
Agbeja. Though financially constrained, I won a scholarship which encouraged me to forge
During my MSc, I prioritized equipping myself with various research methodologies. Hence, I
attended a workshop on research proposal writing and use of appropriate statistical tools for
analysis amongst others. I went further to take courses in project evaluation in renewable
resources, forest policy systems and planning, advanced forest marketing and environmental
impact assessment.
In all, I have come to understand that to truly make huge impacts in any project, the
implementation of favorable, comprehensive, inclusive, integrated and sustainable policies
cannot be over emphasized.
Presently, I am an intern with DEFTRAIN, a non-governmental organization concerned with
community and entrepreneurial development, behavior competency as well as social
development and governance.
My research interests include: Integrated Watershed Management Sustainability and Gender
issues with respect to climate change; Regional Assessment of Land use effects on water
quality; traditional and local knowledge, perception and participation of watershed
management with respect to climate change; the involvement of non-farm residents of
watershed in development programmes.
This is important because watershed management ensures sustained use of land and water
resources. Therefore, this research would contribute to addressing water related problems
central to climate change adaptation.
I am certain that pursuing this PhD research would set me on a high pedestal required of
becoming an internationally recognized and vibrant researcher as well as a change agent for
sub-Saharan Africa as I have the determination to learn and have a penchant for team work and

My name is YOUR NAME, I hold a Bachelor of Law (L.L.B) in Law from the University of
Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu Campus and a B. L from Nigeria Law School Abuja, Nigeria. I have
extensive experience in Law Practice for about eleven (11) years.

I have applied for Masters of Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Prestigious
Queen’s University of Kingston; Smith School of Business Canada, the program is set to start by
August. In the next few paragraph, I shall inform you why I am the right candidate for your
scholarship program.

Since my childhood, growing up as my mother’s sales assistant before her demise, I became
interested in business, it has always been my aspiration to unfold the talents and resources at my
disposal to the service of humanity; I have always been endowed by the desire to make the world a
better place.
I focused on Law as a course of study, to give me the much-needed insight into the problems and
challenges of the society and to as well equip me with the necessary knowledge to influence or
effect a reform in the world. Hence, I became dedicated to social justice with a passion for
advancement of equal access to justice.
In addition to my educational experiences, my enthusiasm for this career field has put me in the part
of contributing my quota to the society. I actively pursued entrepreneurship and Network marketing
as I have carried out leadership and managerial duties in different areas.

I have been a member of the section on Business Law, (Nigeria Bar Association) and I have
organized and sensitized citizens on Business and the Law, I have attended conferences and
workshops on Business Law and professional development in almost all the 36 states of the
federation as an Exco and Committee Member.

As a young lawyer, I volunteered with Voter Education Campaign for market women; Prison
visitation and handled pro bono cases for inmates without the means to hire a Solicitor and I got a
good number of releases.

I organized a rehabilitation workshop with special training on how to start small scale businesses.
During our Law week, as part of the continuous Legal Education of Nigeria Bar Association, I
delivered Lectures and presentations on Law and Entrepreneurship; this earned me an award of best
female Young Lawyers, Nigeria Bar Association Port Harcourt.

Presently, I am the Financial Secretary of the University of Nigeria ALUMNI, Nigeria.

I have headed some committees in the past and present, during my law school, I was the Deputy
leader Bursary Committee for law students, we had several meetings with the then Governor of Imo-
State Nigeria which yielded, 70% of Law school fees and a Laptop for the Indigenes of the said
I was secretary Dinner and Cocktail Committee; Provost Bar, Bench forum Rivers State Judiciary;
Public Relation Officer (PRO) Dinner & Cocktail Committee of Nigeria Bar Association; Treasurer
New Rivers Lawyers Initiative (NRLI), Port Harcourt; Female Secretary Professional Bodies,
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Rivers Nigeria; Chief Protocol Officer, African Bar Association;
Provost Decoration Unit, Winners Chapel Port Harcourt.
In other to equip myself as a champion of diversification, I joined Oriflame Sweden a cosmetic and
Wellness Company from Sweden, into Direct Sales and Reward Systems.

I channeled my energy to various ways of combining resources to realize a market value.

Oriflame Sweden gave me that platform, I attended the Academy training and became a professional
Network marketer, and the company gave consultant the opportunities of free master classes on
Sales, Entrepreneurship and business strategy development. I rose to a senior manager/distributor
within a space of three (3) months, with about One hundred plus Consultants working under me.

I have been exposed to free seminars and training on leadership, both local and foreign. I targeted
the retirees with huge capital savings in the bank, not knowing how to utilize or what to invest in;
and the second class of persons are the stay at home mums.

I earned several awards and recognitions in Oriflame, one of which is fastest growing trader in
Oriflame. I conducted Oriflame opportunity meetings (OOM) twice every forth nightly. The focus
of this trainings is to guide and groom persons, especially women and youth on the importance of
entrepreneurship and business buildings, I am changing the mindset of youths in my country,
Nigeria by encouraging them to discover themselves, be creative and also create jobs for
themselves, this also has brought me to limelight and I have been called to grant Radio and
Television (TV) Interviews.
All these leadership positions gave me courage, patience, self-confidence and ability to
communicate to any class of persons in the society.
As a Nigerian born and bred in the South Eastern part of the country known for traditional business
of buying and selling, although affected by the Civil war. I craved to be a self-made woman, and a
top-notch entrepreneur.
My imagination was thus fired to major in this career area Entrepreneurship and Network
Marketing, having not had the opportunity of taking the course at my undergraduate level,
Entrepreneurship is not offered as a course on its own, but comes as an elective course in our
various institutions.
I am a professional Network Marketer and an Entrepreneur and over the years, I have enlightened
the minds of ones that will hold the future, without a degree to show for it.
With a Masters degree (MA) in Management: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, I will be
empowered to accomplish my life goals, one of which is getting the professional recognition as a
trained expert in entrepreneurship and also boost my consultancy firm in the cooperate world.

Presently I am a staff member of a law firm; I have managed a branch in one of the States for about
three (3) years as a Senior Legal associate. To attain to a Partnership level, one of the criteria is a
Masters degree in a reputable field.
The Queens University at Kingston, Smith School of Business is one of the leading research
institutions that offers highly innovative multidisciplinary education to students. It is my utmost
belief that this great citadel of learning is the appropriate place to garner this knowledge for my
personal development.

The Smith School of Business in Queens University is one of the best in the world as their programs
are designed especially for growth, drive and new ventures. The Smith School of Business is a hub
for great communication skills, passion for change and development of a proven ability to execute.

The University is well equipped with modern facilities that enhances learning. Besides, the
University is student-friendly as an overview of the course has shown so. The institution has a great
reputation for its relationship with international students, especially African students.

My research interest includes undertaking a business activity that creates non-monetary and
monetary benefits to the industrialist, discover new activities/ ways of combining resources to
realize a market value, gaining access to research as a focus, industrial innovation and creativity,
distribution, production, and sale of products and services and innovation roles in an organization.

I possess an exceptional passion for this course and I am determined to participate enthusiastically
in the program and to excel within.

I believe that if given the opportunity to develop my mind in this field of career path at this great
institution, I shall actualize my ambition and be in position to impact the world positively.

Thank you for considering my application, I look forward to hearing from you soon; and I promise
to give back to this great institution and the world.

Essay ideas are endless.

Remember that your admission essay needs to be a story about you. Make it real. Make it personal.
Be yourself and tell that your story. It is good enough.

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