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6/21/2011 5:54 PM

OC4J - The 'Other' Oracle Application Server

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Application Server are installed using Oracle Universal Installer, so all you ever need to look for in the "Disk 1" directory is the setup.exe (or runInstaller) executable? As we will see later on, the answer is false. This article is the first of a multi-part series focusing on Oracle's more Web-like version of Application Server, J2EE applications, and XML. Being able to differentiate the versions of Application Server (what is common, what is different), basic administration (using XML configuration files), performing a new type of installation, and acquiring an XML editing tool (free and lasts forever) are some of the topics that will be covered.

The different flavors of Application Server

Which version do you need, is it part of a bundle, and does it come in a standalone version? Part of the answer is shown in the version comparison matrix found under the Middleware (not Applications) link under "Products" at (see /appserver_family.html).
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Scrolling down a bit on the page, the OC4J version shows the following availability by version.

Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

Version Availability Java SE/SE1 Yes EE Yes

internet.commerce Be a Commerce Partner

Fastest J2EE-certified Java environment with support for Web services (UDDI, SOAP and WSDL), Fast Start Fault Recovery Architecture, cluster support for JSPs, servlets, and EJBs, and J2EE-based security framework.


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Under product information for Application Server at OTN, you can expand a list of features f two tables below show a consolidated listing for each type. Common elements are aligned at t Application Server 10g Release 2 Oracle HTTP Server Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Oracle Application Server Web Cache J2EE and Web Cache Oracle Application Server Contain Oracle HTTP Server Oracle Web Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g A Server Control

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OC4J - The 'Other' Oracle Application Server

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Server Control OracleAS Backup and Recovery OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool Oracle Application Server Portal Oracle Application Server Wireless Oracle Sensor Edge Server Oracle Database Server 10g ( Oracle Internet Directory Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Oracle Application Server Directory Integration Provisioning Oracle Application Server Delegated Administration Services Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority Oracle Application Server Forms Services Oracle Application Server Reports Services Oracle Application Server Personalization Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Oracle Security Developer Tools Oracle Application Server Guard OracleAS Upgrade Assistant and Plug-Ins OracleAS Change IP/Host Name OracleAS Cloning Scripts Oracle XML Developer's Kit

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 ( Standard Edition One

Oracle Application Server J2EE D Pure Java - Runs on all certified P

Oracle HTTP Server Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Oracle Application Server Web Cache Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Oracle Application Server Portal Oracle Database Server 10g Oracle Internet Directory Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On

Oracle HTTP Server Oracle Application Server Contain Oracle Application Server Web C Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g A Server Control

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6/21/2011 5:54 PM

OC4J - The 'Other' Oracle Application Server

Oracle MapViewer The J2EE downloads (pure Java) version is of interest to us in that this version installs withou Installer. Click the "Pure Java" link and you will see several standalone versions (the product somewhat misleading given that there is, in fact, a standalone version). Version is a over 35MB) and results in a compressed file named Reader's Note: For the purposes of this particular article, it is not necessary to install this prod before deciding whether or not you want to sample this version. One thing to take note of is that Oracle Corporation is not consistent in how it refers to featur used, sometimes not. Is it Application Server Web Cache, or HTTP Server Web Cache?

Installing Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE

Expand the zipped file and open the Readme.txt file. I staged the uncompressed version of th C:\oracle\oc4j. To perform the installation, you need the Java "java" executable (may have to Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_02\bin folder to your path). To test your environment and setup, run "java command prompt.
C:\>java -version java version "1.5.0_02" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_02-b09) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_02-b09, mixed mode, sharing)

In the j2ee\home directory, start the installation with java jar oc4j.jar install.
C:\oracle\oc4j\j2ee\home>java -jar oc4j.jar -install Auto-unpacking C:\oracle\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\dms0.war... done. To enable in-process JSP compilation (which can be faster in some cases), please add the path to your tools.jar in application.xml Example: <library path="../../../jdk/lib/tools.jar" /> Enter an admin password to use: oracle Confirm admin password: oracle If you are using J2SE 1.4 or higher, please ensure that all your imported c with in packages, as required by the Java Language Specification. Installation done C:\oracle\oc4j\j2ee\home>

If the installation was successful, the next step is to test it by starting an OC4J instance. This p to Forms developers running a Developer Suite OC4J instance (used to run Forms on the Web Application Server).
C:\oracle\oc4j\j2ee\home>java -jar oc4j.jar 06/01/08 18:48:18 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (10.1.2 06/01/08 18:48:18 !!! No valid java compiler found !!! 06/01/08 18:48:18 javac.exe not found under C:\Program Files\Java\ jre1.5.0_02, please use a valid jdk or specify the location of your java compiler in server.xml using the <java-compiler .../> tag

Note the error about javac.exe not being found under C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_02. Let' JDK or JRE does javac come with? That would be JDK, so why is Oracle looking for javac Environment (JRE) installation path? I have JDK listed first in my path statement, not JRE, b difference. The Standalone User's Guide (installs with the product) even mentions JDK as bei Oracle is looking for javac under JRE. Anyway, this leads into one of the topic areas for this s XML-based configuration files.

XML Configuration Files

For an overview of all the files involved, Figure 2-1 shows a good representation. The specific covered later (along with an XML editor), but for now, the server.xml is what needs our atten

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OC4J - The 'Other' Oracle Application Server

The server.xml file is located in J2EE_HOME\j2ee\home\config, which resolves to C:\oracle\ given that I used C:\oracle\oc4j as my Oracle, oops, make that J2EE, home. The error messag java-compiler tag needs to be used to set the JDK location. The default server.xml file does n (more on what a directive is later, but for now, consider it to be a very close cousin of an HTM added. The contents of the server.xml file are shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "Orion Application Server Config" ""> <application-server application-directory="../applications" deployment-directory="../application-deployments" connector-directory= <rmi-config path="./rmi.xml"/> <!-- JMS-server config link, uncomment to activate the JMS service --> <jms-config path="./jms.xml"/> <j2ee-logging-config path="./j2ee-logging.xml" /> <log> <file path="../log/server.log"/> </log> <global-application name="default" path="application.xml"/> <global-web-app-config path="global-web-application.xml"/> <!-- <web-site path="./secure-web-site.xml" /> --> <web-site path="./http-web-site.xml"/> <!-- Uncomment the following, to deploy these apps. <application name="callerInfo" path="../jazn/demo/callerInfo/callerInfo. <application name="ssoInfo" path="../jazn/demo/ssoInfo/build/ssoInfo.ear <application name="ejbsamples" path="../demo/ejb" /> <application name="news" path="../applications/news.ear" /> <application name="logger" path="../demo/messagelogger.ear" /> <application name="petstore" path="../applications/estore-patched.ear" / <application name="ws_example" path="../demo/web_services/java_services/ <application name="ojspdemos" path="../demo/ojspdemos.ear" /> --> <!-- Compiler, activate this to specify an alternative compiler such as jikes for EJB/JSP compiling. --> <!-- <compiler executable="jikes" classpath="/myjdkdir/jre/lib/rt.jar" </application-server>

Directives, just like tags in HTML, have beginning and ending parts. Some tags are self-closin are not, like "table." With the server.xml file, the configuration part is between the "applicatio

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OC4J - The 'Other' Oracle Application Server

Somewhere in between the opening and ending is good enough as far as adding java-compiler for adding the java-compiler tag include: Provide a name of the compiler ("javac" in this case) Provide a path name using "bindir" For Windows-like paths, escape the back-slash character with another back-slash chara An example is shown below.
<j2ee-logging-config path="./j2ee-logging.xml" /> <java-compiler name="javac" bindir="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_02\ <log> <file path="../log/server.log"/> </log>

Let's restart the OC4J instance and see what happens.

C:\oracle\oc4j\j2ee\home>java -jar oc4j.jar 06/01/08 20:52:37 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (10.1.2

Looks like a clean start. At this point, the basic webapp should be available. Access it via a U http://localhost:8888.

As another example, the Standalone User's Guide should be available at http://localhost:8888 This URL suggests that where the PDF is located is also the Web server document root. The r C:\oracle\oc4j\j2ee\home\default-web-app, and a simple test of trying to access other files wi web-app directory should prove this to be true.

Where is Enterprise Manager for this version of Application Server? Despite Oracle's Web sit includes Enterprise Manager, it does not. The next version up J2EE and Web Cache is the to get Enterprise Manager. Just for grins, if you note that the contents of the server.xml file remind you of a simple HTM (or any) XML file in a browser.
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OC4J - The 'Other' Oracle Application Server

In Closing
So far, we have seen a listing of the features included in the four types of installation for App Applications can be deployed via the standalone OC4J version, and administration can be per editing of (many) XML files. Knowing the specifics of XML is not necessary, but it certainly appreciation of the who-what-where of what Enterprise Manager changes when you, as the a making changes via the EM console. See All Articles by Columnist Steve Callan
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Oracle Archives 3 Comments (click to add your comment) By Anj December 16 2009 20:46 PST Thank you. This is great
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By Alexis May 26 2009 10:26 PDT

Excelente!! estaba buscando esta respuesta. Thank you!!

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By Alexis May 26 2009 10:26 PDT

Excelente!! estaba buscando esta respuesta. Thank you!!

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