Print Ad Rubric

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Print Ad Rubric

Group Name:
Total Score is… /50
Developing Sufficient Average Above average
Improvement Score
4 6 8 10
Ad does not Ad Ad Ad Ad is geared
Audience have a target demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates towards an
and audience and limited use of a some use of a considerable obvious
Purpose does not target audience target audience use of a target audience and
demonstrate a and shows and shows audience and has a very
purpose limited purpose some purpose has a effective
considerable purpose /10
The ad does The message Ad Ad Ad
Message not have a in the ad is demonstrates a considerably demonstrates
and clear confusing and message to the demonstrates an overt and
Persuasion message and therefore is not audience for an overt and implied
is not very persuasive them to buy the implied message in
persuasive. It for the product, but it is message in order persuade
is trite and/or audience to only somewhat order persuade the audience to
cliché. purchase the persuasive. the audience to purchase the /10
product. No Strategies or purchase the product with a
evident techniques are product. high degree of
strategies or evident. Strategies and effectiveness.
techniques techniques are Strategies and
were used. superior. techniques are
Ad is not Ad is plain and Ad is somewhat Ad is Ad is visually
Creativity appealing and limited effort visually considerably appealing and
almost no was put into its appealing and appealing and extremely
effort was put creation. It has creative. creative creative.
into creating copious dead /10
it. It is trite space.
and cliché.
Does not Incorporates a Incorporates Incorporates Incorporates
Use of incorporate a distracting color “Design “Design “Design
Design solid color scheme or Elements” with Elements” with Elements” with
Elements scheme and layout. Ad is some a considerable a high degree
consistent messy. effectiveness. effectiveness. A of
font into print There may be solid and effectiveness. /10
ad. Layout some messy or effective color Color scheme,
and Spacing distracting scheme and font, and all
are horrid. elements. layout. Fonts visual elements
aimed at are clearly
audience. aimed at target
Features of There is only 1 There are only 2- There are only 4 There are only 5 Features of
Persuasive feature seen on 3 features seen on features seen on features seen on persuasive text /10
are complete
Texts the print ad the print ad the print ad the print ad

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