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Name: Brylle Earl Calinog Carpina

Course/ year/ section: BSHM-1A

Date submitted: March 31, 2022
Instructor: Jodie Biatriz Zamora

Activity 1:1: Elements of Communication

Have you ever tried to show your grandparents memes on Facebook? How did they react?
Is their response similar to your response given the similar stimulus? Explain why your
responses to the meme vary using the context element of speech. In 3 paragraphs, not less
than 200 words. (20 pts).

Yes. But only in my grandmother because sad to say my grandfather is already past, about my
grandmother she react laughing because of the joke in the memes and I am happy when I see
Lola's laughing I being her grandson it is my pleasure to making my grandmother happy.
A lot of memes we can find in the internet especially at the Facebook site. If I found a Funny
videos i show this to my grandparents even though i don't say a word but the process of
communication still remains. Message can be both verbal and non- verbal, just like a memes it
is can be a verbal and nonverbal communication it's depend on how we will execute it.
The message of the memes was received by my grandparents and then started to give their
response. The stimulus is forwarded and recognize the perception. This is the feedback and this
goes on until both parties feel that the purpose of communication is fulfilled. The
communication process begins with the presence of stimulus like an idea, it activate the
process the sensory of a person- the sender of the message.
Activity 1.3. Models of Communication

1) Compare and contrast the Competent Communication Model and the Interactive
Communication Model? (10 pts)
The interactive or interaction model of communication describes communication as a process
in which participants alternate positions as sender and receiver and generate meaning by
sending messages and receiving feedback within physical and psychological contexts, and the
Competent communication model is a transactional process where communication takes place
between interdependent. parties simultaneously encoding and decoding within a relational
context, a situational. context, and a cultural context.
2) Among the models of communication presented, which model best describes a
communication process. Why? (10 pts).
The transmission model of communication describes communication as a one-way, linear
process in which a sender encodes a message and transmits it through a channel to a receiver
who decodes it.

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