Common Grassland Weeds

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Common Grassland Weeds

1. Creeping & tall buttercup

Both buttercups are poisonous to animals

Creeping buttercup spreads by stolons (similar to strawberries), tall buttercup has fibrous roots

The leaves have 3 lobes with white blotches on them and the flower is yellow

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

2. Nettles

Nettles grow on well drained good soil – high in nitrogen

There are annual & perennial nettles – do you know the difference? – root system, shape of leaf
base, height when mature…..

Perennials have yellow roots that spread – rhizomes.

Annuals have fibrous roots – generally found on newly cultivated ground.

Not to be confused with Red dead nettle or White dead nettle which are common but do not sting.

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

3. Creeping Thistle

Creeping thistle are troublesome to remove

They spread by underground rhizomes on dry land – the usually are seen in clusters or clumps

They have spindles on leaves

They are perennial

Spear thistle

Spear thistle has sharper points than creeping thistle

Upright with clusters of purple flowers

This is a biennial so should be controlled before it sets seed

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

4. Ragwort

This is poisonous to cattle (silage) – usually doesn’t occur on sheep farms – why?

Young plant forms a rosette of foliage

Tall annual or biennial with familiar yellow flowers

Purple colour at base of leaf stems

Can be controlled by pulling – be careful of where it is disposed of.

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

5. Docks

Docks flourish under high fertility (nitrogen) – high slurry use & with silage cutting

2 types – broad leaved (meadows & pastures) & curled leaved (arable

(1)Broad lower leaves & bear thick clusters of brownish-green flowers

(2)Curled leaf have narrow lance shapes leaves, wavy margins & small green-red flowers

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

6. Dandelion

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

7. Plantain

(a) Broad leaved

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

(b) Narrow Leaved

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

8. Annual meadow grass

Ligule short and pointed, 1-4mm long

Generally a smaller plant which dies back after flowering
Flowers all year round – prolific seeder.

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

Common Grassland Weeds

9. Chickweed

C.Gavin – Grassland Weeds

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