Response Paper 3 Finance

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Tyler Piston

Business Finance
Professor Curtis
Response Paper 3
John Schad made many great points throughout his time in our class. The two lessons

that I took out of his talk was about figuring out our careers and the power of God. Figuring out

our careers takes a lot of trial and error. Every job that we have is a building block for the next

job. It is going to take time to figure out what we really want to do, and to figure out what we

are meant to do. In each job we need to be flexible. We need to adapt to people and different

scenarios around us. We need to be a sponge with social styles. Everybody has a different social

style. John Schad said there are 4 different styles and once you figure out how to adapt to each

one, jobs will be much easier to find. We also need to find our sweet spot. Our sweet spot is

everything that we did in the past that led up to where we are now. He also made many great

points about surrendering to God. God made us all differently, and we need to figure out how

God made us, how we stand out, and what our interests are. We need to surrender to God.

John learned a valuable lesson when he was so invested in his card business. Whatever we put

at our highest focus becomes our God. If we put work as our main focus, it will take over our

life, so we need to make sure we are putting God as the focal point. Everything that John talked

about had one main focus and it was about figuring out our careers. He said that there isn’t

necessarily a right or wrong answer, but if we trust in God he will help us find what we are

meant to do. He didn’t really talk about finance, but he did make the point that we will always

use finance in whatever we do. The last thing that he talked about was the power of investing.

He made it an emphasis to start investing as early as we can. Investing gives you a lot of
freedom as you get older. It also allows you to retire early, and to do what you want to do, not

because you have to but because you want to.

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