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Office of the Civil Surgeon cum Chief Hospital Suprintendent, District Rajgarh M.P.

District Hospital Campus RAJGARH M.P. - 465661

Phone : 07372-255048, 255028, email :, Website : Dispatch No. 55/2011/07-07-2011 To, M/s Adroit Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., 8/16, Dr.Baliga Nagar , Mumbai, Maharastra, PIN - 400017
Phone : 0712-2766731, 0712-2769832, FAX : 0712-2766731, 2730529, email -


0 5 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 5
07 July 2011

. Please undertake to supply the following Drugs & Medicines to the under signed Civil Surgeon cum Chief Hospital Suprintendent, District Rajgarh M.P. as per the delivery schedule and terms and conditions mentioned.
Sr.No. Item Code

Item Description
Benzyl benzoate emulsion - 25% Vitamin. B complex tab. NFI (PROPHYLACTIC) : B1 2mg, B2 2mg, B6 0.5mg, Niacinamide 25mg Celecium Paracetamol Syp. - 125 mg/5ml

100ml Bottle 10 x 10 Tab. 60 ml Bottle

Quantity 2000

Rate 9.00

Amount 18000


2 3

MP122 MP084

1000 3000

7.25 4.64

7250 13920

Total of 3 Items :
Add VAT @5% : ! 1958

! 39170

Grand Total : ! 41128

Terms and Conditions :

Total in words Rs. Forty One Thousand, One Hundred Twenty Eight Only.

The terms and conditions of the tender and the agreement executed by you will apply to the supply. The supply shall commence within 30 days and completed within 60 days from date of order on door delivery basis. Each supply should be accompanied with Invoice/Delivery Challan indicating Purchase Order no, Name of drug, Quantity, Batch No., Date of manufacture, date of expiry etc. Ensure Batch No. on the packages which should tally with Batch No. mentioned in the Invoice and delivery Challan. The Place and the quantity of the supply will be as per the schedule enclosed. Please ensure the supply along with Test Certificate within stipulated time. The payment will be made by the undersigned and the bills in 3 copies should be submitted to the consignee for verification. Supplies should be in generic name with logogram.

JURISDICTION : In the event of any dispute arising out of the tender or orders such dispute would be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court . of Madhya Pradesh or Honorable High Court of Madhya Pradesh.

Schedule to supply above materials will be within 60 Days from the Order date i.e. 05-09-2011
Copy to : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Director Health Services, 5th Floor, Satpura Bhawan, Bhopal M.P. Financial Advisor,(Finance Accounts), Directorate of Health Services, Bhopal M.P Joint Director, Procurement, 5th Floor, Satpura Bhawan, Bhopal M.P Divisional Joint Director of Health Services, Division Bhopal M.P. Office copies distribution : Stores/ Purchase/ Accounts.

Civil Surgeon cum Chief Hos. Supdt. District Rajgarh M.P.

Civil Surgeon cum Chief Hos. Supdt. District Rajgarh M.P.

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