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Choosing your tent:

When choosing the tent you want to buy there are many things you want to consider. Like size, weight,
durability, material etc. It is important to research what you will need and buy accordingly to your

Things to look for when finding set up area:

Find a flat, soft and dry (where possible) area to set up your tent. Remove rocks, sticks and large
obstacles that could damage the tent or cause an uncomfortable night's sleep. Make sure your chosen
area is away from courses such as creeks rivers or lakes to avoid overflowing creeks due to rainfall
overnight or disrupting water sources for native fauna.

Finding shelter from trees and plants can help from rain and sun and weather conditions but avoid in
windy conditions due to falling trees or branches.

Using a tarp to lay underneath your tent can help you keep warm and dry from moisture and cold
temperatures from the ground and helps your tents’ durability and last longer.

How to set up:

As all tents are different there will be different methods of setting up. The tents we will be setting up
today are 1 pole tents, with an inner, fly and pegs. There are a couple of ways of setting up this
particular tent and that can help you stay dry in the rain. Putting up the fly first and then clipping the
inner to the fly from the inside allows you to shelter from the rain asap and

Packing up:

To pack up your tent, first you must remove the poles and

At the completion of the camp, hang up your tent to dry and air out, especially after use in wet weather.
This will eliminate the mold and release unpleasant aromas from the fibers of the tent that have
accumulated over the use.

Lesson plan:
Introduction – why we need a tent, things to look for when buying, how to choose a spot to set up, brief
explanation of setting up and pack down a tent.

Activity – get the group split up into 2 or 4 groups and get them to try setting up and packing down the

Reflection – what went well when setting up and what could be improved when on camp.

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