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Things to Do A Week Before the Nursing Licensure Examination Nurses who are going to take the nursing licensure

examination have one thing in common at this point in time they are all stress, worried and very anxious about the upcoming board examination. Some are maybe taking time to rest and relax while most are quite busy scanning notes, recalling the discussed concepts and joining group studies for brainstorming purposes. Before that big test future RNs, the following things are very important to do: A week before the examination

Give yourself a break and relax.

We all want to pass that big test so we should study. But too much stress and escalating anxiety wont help you improve your brain functioning. Remember that one essential factor in passing that big test is by having a well-rested brain. It is advisable to relax a week before the examination. You studied so much for the past months its time to reward your body and brain with RELAXATION.

Fit your uniform.

Uniforms should be fitted a week before the examination to make some adjustments if necessary. Some test-takers have anxiety during the day of the exam not because of the questions asked but because of their uniforms. Most nurses gain weight during the review session thus, it is necessary to check the uniform ahead. Also, examine your uniforms for some torn areas or for missing buttons. You dont want to be late on your big test because of your uniform problem. Always remember, on the day of the exam your FOCUS should be the exam alone and not your uniform.

Visit the area where you are assigned to take the test

If you are not familiar with the place where you are going to take the test, visit it a week earlier and familiarize the route going there. Be aware of the time needed to reach the testing area from where you are staying and know the fastest way to get there. You do not want to be anxious on the examination day because of being lost or late due to the unfamiliar route.

Get rid of those depressing problems and emotional baggage

For those who are in a romantic relationship, it is essential that you ask your partner or beau to give you a week free of quarrel. Having a fight on or before the examination isnt helpful and could be a major cause of failure.

Things to do the night before the board examination


Sleep early

Give yourself a long rest before the test. Studying the night before that big test will not really help. Why? Because the more you scan your notes, the more you get anxious because you are not done with this topic and you forget this and that. And because of the escalating anxiety you decided to stay up the whole night. The following day, your head feels different due to the lack of sleep and your brain is exhausted. Youve done so much for how many months of studying so rest yourself. This is the part where you just have to entrust everything to the Almighty Coach. Youve done youre best, let God or Allah do the rest.

Sleep in a quiet and peaceful area

If you are living in a room with noisy roommates where sleeping early and peacefully is impossible to achieve you should set aside money to rent a hotel room for you to sleep well the night before that big test. Trust me, having a satisfied sleep before the exam is beneficial to your brain.

Prepare your uniform

Uniforms should be pressed and placed in a hanger the night before the test. Some test-takers neglect the importance of this part because pressing uniforms is a very easy task. However, you should be ready ahead. This prevents you from being late and becoming anxious if electrical problems might occur on the day of the exam and your uniforms are not yet pressed.

Prepare the things that you have to bring on the big test Notice of Admission (dont ever forget this) PRC receipt Pencils ( I suggest you bring 3 pencils) Non-programmable calculator Big brown envelope Candies or snacks Water Other required things Plan your meals the following day

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Your breakfast should consist of foods that promote maximal brain functioning. Remember, eating a heavy breakfast might make you feel lethargic during the day. Taking the exam with a very full stomach might distract your focus on answering the questions. Eating too little also would result to pangs of hunger throughout the day. (See section on foods that improve grades)

Things to do on the day of examination

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Wake up early. Perform mental exercises. Avoid studying before going to the testing area. This will just increase your anxiety. Keep in mind that the following are not allowed once the test has started: Cellular phone use Notebooks Review notes Talking with seat mates Giving signs or gestures to other test-takers Avoid discussing topics with a friend.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Take a look on the situation: Mary and Diana are both taking the board examination. While waiting for the examination to start Diana asked Mary which is used for alcohol detoxification, Librium or Lithium. Mary rationalized that its Lithium. Diana corrected her friend by discussing that Lithium is an antimanic while Librium is used for alcohol detoxification. Dianas confidence is reinforced while Mary is telling herself that her friend is knowledgeable than her. This situation is very common among test-takers. In an argument of a certain topic, one would be reinforcing his or her confidence while the other person will feel down and think that the other person is knowledgeable and better than him or her. Confidence is one important thing to pass the board the board exam. To prevent anyone from pulling your confidence level down is by avoiding discussing concepts and brainstorming on the day of exam. Remember the first step in passing the board exam is by believing that you can make it by having CONFIDENCE.

Start your test with a silent prayer

Praying not only lowers anxiety but it gives you a divine intervention and guidance in taking the test. Our brain is incapable of memorizing all the concepts and topics in all nursing books. That is why we need to ask wisdom from the Almighty Coach as we take the test. Before I end this article, I would like to share how worried am I when I am about to take the board examination. The most agonizing part is trying to figure out what might possibly come out of the test. But every time I feel this way I just read this passage from the bible and I am strengthened and my confidence is reinforced (I have shared this one in my previous article). The verse is taken from James 1:5 where it says, If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives GENEROUSLY to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. Just believe and never doubt. You can pass that test!

God bless you all future RNs!

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