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1. Environmental science is the study of how living and nonliving things interact.

It involves a lot of
discipline and fields of study such as physics, biology, chemistry, geography, oceanography, etc.
Environmental science is very important because it enlightens us on how to conserve the
environment especially now that technology is starting to ruin the natural resources and the
ecosystem. Another importance of environmental science is to spread global issues through
international conferences so that immediate solutions can be applied.

A. Understanding that environmental issues are a global issue You may understand environmental
issues including climate change, global warming, ozone layer loss, acid rains, and effects on
biodiversity and marine life via the study of environmental science. These issues are not simply local
or national issues; they also affect the entire planet. To solve these issues, global cooperation is thus

B. Understanding the Environmental Effects of Development Development leads to industrial growth,

urbanization, the expansion of telecommunication and transportation infrastructure, high-tech
agriculture, and the rise of housing, as is well-documented and measured. In order to relieve traffic in
metropolitan regions, industries must be decentralized, as environmental science aims to educate the
general public about. Decentralization will result in a significant exodus from metropolitan areas,
which will help to cut down on the pollution that comes with population growth. The objective is to
accomplish all of this in a way that doesn't jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their
own demands.

3. Renewable Resources- Water , Wind, Energy, Air

Non-Renewable Resources- Coil, Oil, Sand, Iron

4. Major Components of an Ecosystem: Ecosystems are composed of a variety of abiotic and biotic
components that function in an interrelated fashion. Some of the more important components are:
soil, atmosphere, radiation from the sun, water, and living organisms.

5. Major Components of an Ecosystem: Ecosystems are composed of a variety of abiotic and biotic
components that function in an interrelated fashion. Some of the more important components are:
soil, atmosphere, radiation from the sun, water, and living organisms.

6. Ecological footprint is a method of gauging humans’ dependence on natural resources by

calculating how much of the environment is needed to sustain a particular lifestyle. In other words, it
measures the demand versus the supply of nature.

7.OPEN SYSTEM In an open system, both matter and energy are exchanged between the system and
its surrounding environment. Any ecosystem is an example of an open system. Energy can enter the
system in the form of sunlight, for example, and leave in the form of heat.
CLOSE SYSTEM- In science, a closed system is a system that doesn’t allow matter from outside
environments to enter its space. It does not have interactions with other systems – though it may be
influenced by outside energy depending on its environment. A closed system falls in between an open
system and an isolated system in terms of outside influence.

8. Feedback mechanism is a loop system in which the system responds to perturbation either in the
same direction (positive feedback) or in the opposite direction (negative feedback). In a biological
sense, a feedback mechanism involves a biological process, a signal, or a mechanism that tends to
initiate (or accelerate) or to inhibit (or slow down) a process. An example of a positive feedback loop
is the onset of contractions in childbirth. When a contraction begins, the hormone oxytocin is
released into the body to stimulate further contractions. As for the negative feedback loop, an
example is the regulation of blood glucose levels. If blood glucose levels continue to rise it may result
in diabetes. In fact, there are many biologic processes that use negative feedback to maintain
homeostasis or dynamic equilibrium.

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