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Team Members
Student Name Student ID
Nikitha Arka Govardhan 899476215

Mahesh kumar Kurganti 899480582

Manoj Madduri 899480393

Sirajul Fayaz Mohammad 899480394

Sitaram Ramisetty 899480395

This project is about literacy rates of different countries from 1475 to 2015.This
project also includes male and female literacy rates. The following dataset contains the
statistics on literacy rates for different countries around the world. We have taken both female
and male literacy rates also.

Data Set

About “Our World in Data”: Our World in Data is a project of the Global Change Data
Lab, a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom. In this we can find all types of data
with visualization of world population, Future population, Life Expectancy, population,
Violence and wars. It is trusted in Research and media of THE NEW YORK TIMES, CNN,
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, and BBC. The data in this site is used for Teaching in

In This dataset there are 1423 countries but by using filters we selected some countries. There
are two data sets one is for both male and female combine and other is separate for male and
female. We have also created a new Column called country code.
Final Data Set
Countries The official name of the countries.

Year The Year Starting from 1475 to 2015.

World Literacy Rate % of literacy rate of some selected countries starting from year
1475 to 2015
Male Literacy Rate % of literacy rate of males in selected countries

Starting from year 1475 to 2015

Female Literacy Rate % of literacy rate of females in selected countries

Starting from year 1475 to 2015

Why Tableau?
For this project we are using Tableau for visualization because in tableau we can
customize dashboards according to our requirements. In tableau one can creates own calculated
field very easily. Mainly the Filtering and markers tabs are in the main work sheet, so that we can
quickly check the filters or change the markers to our visualization. Tableau provides some
Essential advantages for exploring and visualizing data in detail. Tableau has an intelligent
interface that enables you to create and customize the dashboards according to your
Requirements. Tableau can handle large volumes of data quickly. It is faster and provides
Extensive features for visualizing the data. The workspace area has different cards and shelves,
toolbar, sidebar, data source page, status bar, and sheet tabs.

Dashboard 1: This dashboard shows the literacy rate of some countries from 1475 to 2015, each
color represents a different country. This is a line chart. In this chart we showed every change in
data with a dot in the line. On the right side we can see all the countries we used in the graph

In this dashboard we created a floating navigation button which navigates to dashboard 2. A tooltip
is also added to navigation button

Dashboard 2: The below dashboard shows both male and female literacy rates, in the right there
are different countries. Years are on X-axis & on y-axis literacy rate (in%).
By Nikitha Arka Govardhan

In conclusion, we can see that few countries from all over the world Literacy rate has been
frequently changing from time to time and year to year and constant at some period of time, we get
to see that countries like India have the lowest literacy rate for the female when compared to the
male literacy rate. As the years passed generations changed female or the girl child education has
gained more Importance and after making education as mandatory to every child which lead to the
changes in the statistics of the literacy rate from a steep low to high rise in the literacy and now we
can see that both the male and the female Are at the same point. And by this visualization we can
easily define that the literacy rates changing from countries to countries & year to year and

By Mahesh Kumar Kurganti

By the above visualizations, we can see that male literacy percentage is higher than the female
literacy rate for all the countries. Especially in the beginning years, the male literacy rate is very
higher than that of female one. As time passed the gap decreased and the female rates caught up
with the male literacy rate. Particularly in poor countries, the female rates are really low. In India,
the parents hesitate in the education of girl children which is one of the major causes of low female
literacy rate in India. I conclude by saying that female literacy is one of the most powerful levers to
improve a society’s health and economic well-being. Making sure that the girl child is educated sets
off a virtuous chain reaction—improved literacy leading to delayed age of marriage, fewer and
healthier children and corresponding to reduction in poverty.

By Manoj Madduri

In conclusion we can see how female literacy rates were really low at the beginning years and had
rapid growth from then. Also only a few countries had literacy rates in the 1400’s. We can see that
there is a slight decrease in literacy rates around the world at the time of both world wars. Literacy
rates of the United Kingdom stayed constant for 200 years, that is from 1600 to 1800.
The gap decrease in female and male literacy rates across the years is impressive. A country with a
low economy has lower literacy rates than that of a country with a high economy. So we can say
that higher literacy rates will help increase the economic growth of a country.So literacy is very
important for a country to be well developed.
By Sirajul Fayaz Mohammad

In conclusion, we can see that all countries have varying literacy rates. Some of the
Countries growth in literacy rate is impressive while some stayed consistent. India has very low
literacy rate compared to other large countries like China and Russia. Around the 1980's China also
had a low literacy rate of around 60 percent. We can see that by 2019 China’s literacy rate is
Almost the same as Russia and Argentina. Russia has the most consistent literacy rates across all
the years. Overall almost all the countries have seen growth in their literacy rates across the years.

By Sitaram Ramisetty

I conclude by saying that literacy rates affect the economic growth of a country and vice versa. The
countries that have a low economy have lower literacy rates than those of countries with a high
economy. So we can say that education is really important for a country to grow economically and
to maintain a well stabilized society. Low literacy rates can lead to poverty and decrease the
economic growth of a country drastically. This is how education can play a huge part in the
development of a country. Education can greatly destroy poverty levels and help the society in
many ways.

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