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(A Pre-experimental Study at the 4th Grade Students of
SD Pantara South Jakarta)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata-1) in English Education





Fitrianita Pugar Rismanti 1112014000021. “The Effect of Using Flashcard in

Teaching English Vocabulary For Dyslexic Students (A Pre-Experimental Study
at the Fourth Grade Students of SD Pantara South Jakarta)”. „Skripsi‟ Department
of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State
Islamic University Jakarta 2017.
Keywords: Dyslexia, Flash Card, Vocabulary, Specific Learning Difficulties.
This research used flash card as media in learning vocabulary for dyslexic
students. Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulties which caused the students
weak in literacy aspects. The use of flash card is believed can make dyslexic
students attracted in learning English vocabulary and the teaching and learning
activity done maximally, so that the vocabulary mastery can be increased. The
aim of this research is to know whether or not the use of flash card can give a
positive effect in teaching English vocabulary for dyslexic students. This research
used pre-experimental design. The participants of this research are 11 students of
grade four (only one class) of SD Pantara South Jakarta.
The result of data analysis using t-test showed that to is 6.11 with the degree
of freedom is 20 and with the ttable in the significance degree 0.05/t0.975 (t1/2ɑ) is
2.086. it means that to has bigger value than ttable.. As a result, the null hypothesis
(Ho) is rejected and the alternative (Ha) hypothesis is accepted which means that,
there is positive effect in teaching and learning vocabulary for dyslexic students at
the grade four of SD Panatara South Jakarta by using flash card.


Fitrianita Pugar Rismanti 1112014000021. “Using Flashcard To Teach English

Vocabulary For Dyslexic Students (A Pre-Experimental Study at The Grade 4 of
SD Pantara South Jakarta)”. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas
Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta, 2017.
Keywords: Dyslexia, Flash Card, Vocabulary, Specific Learning Difficulties.
Penelitian ini menggunakan flash card sebagai media pembelajaran
kosakata (vocabulary) bagi siswa disleksia. Disleksia merupakan kesulitan belajar
spesifik yang membuat penderitanya kesulitan dalam aspek literasi. Penggunaan
Flash Card diyakini dapat membuat siswa disleksia tertarik dalam belajar
kosakata bahasa Inggris dan pembelajaran menjadi maksimal sehingga
kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggrisnya dapat meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah untuk mengetahui apakah apakah penggunaan flash card dapat
memberikan dampak positif bagi pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris untuk
siswa disleksia ataukah tidak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pra-
eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 11 siswa dari kelas 4 ( hanya satu
kelas) SD Pantara Jakarta Selatan (Sekolah khusus siswa kesulitan belajar).
Hasil analisis data menggunaka uji-t menunjukkan bahwa nilai t-hitung
sebesar 6.11 dengan derajat kebebasan 20 dan dengan t-tabel pada taraf signifikan
0.05/t0.975 (t1/2ɑ) sebesar 2.086. Itu artinya, t-hitung lebih besar daripada t-tabel.
Dengan demikian hipotesis nol ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif diterima yang
berarti ada pengaruh positif dalam pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris bagi
siswa disleksia di kelas 4 SD Pantara Jakarta Selatan dengan menggunakan flash


‫ن الرَّحِيم‬
ِ َ‫حم‬
ْ َّ‫بِسْ ِم اللَّ ِه الر‬
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful. All praise be to Allah
Lord of the world, who has given strength and blessing for the writer to finish her
„Skripsi‟ entitled „Using Flashcard to Teach English Vocabulary for Dyslexic
Students (A Pre-Experimental Study at the Fourth Grader Students of SD Pantara
South Jakarta). Peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family and

In this glad opportunity, the writer would like to convey her deepest
gratitude and thankfulness for her beloved family, her parents, H. Sri Hardiman
and Hj. Sunarti, for every single colorful life, every sweet love, every moral and
financial support and also every single prayer for the writer until the writer could
reach this phase. Also, the writer would like to thank her beloved brothers Bayu
Purnomo and Adek Isnaini Nugroho, SE., and all of her big family for cheering
the writer‟s life up, for the spirit, helpfulness and additional support in every
single part of the writers‟ life.

The witer also would like to give her sincere and deepest thanks to her
advisors, Drs. Nasifudin Jalil, M.Ag and Devi Yusnita, M.Pd who have given
guidance, help, comments and motivation during the completion of this skripsi.

Then, the writer also realizes that she will never finish this paper without
help, support and contribution of people around her. Therefore, the writer would
like to give her best gratitude and appreciations to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, as the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences
State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
2. All of lecturers and staff in Department of English Education for the
dedication in educational field and knowledge given to the writer during the
writer‟s study in State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
3. Dr. Alek, M.Pd as the head of Department of English Education State Islamic
University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum as the secretary of Department of English Education
State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
5. All of the writer‟s friends in Department of English Education 2012
(especially for class A) for being the partner in this department and keeping in
6. Her close friends, Ulia Rahmah, Nabila Faizatul Husna, and Seha for being
the partner in every condition.
7. KSR PMI Unit UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta especially for PSR KSR 12,
in teaching the writer life lesson.
8. The writer‟s close friends since she was a child.
9. Her friends in PPKT group.
10. Her friends in Paper for Better Future community.
11. The Headmaster of SD Pantara South Jakarta.
12. The English Teacher of SD Pantara South Jakarta.
13. The Psychologist of SD Pantara South Jakarta.

May Allah “SubhanallahuWata‟ala” bless them and their family. Finally the
writer realizes that this „Skripsi‟ is still far from perfect. Therefore, if there are
some suggestions to make this „Skripsi‟ better the writer will accept openly. At
last, the writer hopes that this „Skripsi‟ will give positive impact and be a valuable
writing for others. Amiin.

Jakarta, June 2017

Fitranita Pugar Rismanti

APPROVAL SHEET.. ...................................................................................... i
ENDORSEMENT SHEET. .............................................................................. ii
SURAT PERNYATAAN HASIL KARYA SENDIRI ................................... iii
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ v
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................. vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... x
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... xi
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study ...................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem ............................................... 5
C. The Limitation of the Problem ............................................. 6
D. The Formulation of the Problem .......................................... 6
E. The Objective of the Study .................................................. 6
F. The Significance of the Study .............................................. 6
CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ....................................... 7
A. Review of Related Literature. .............................................. 7
1. The Nature of Vocabulary. .............................................. 7
a. The Definition of Vocabulary. .................................... 7
b. Kinds of Vocabulary. .................................................. 8
2. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary................................. 9
a. Teaching Vocabulary in Class. ................................... 13
b. Methods Used in Teaching Vocabulary. ..................... 13
c. Important Factors in Language Learning Process ...... 14
3. Flashcard .......................................................................... 14
a. Defining Flashcard ...................................................... 16
b. Types of Flashcard and How to Make Flashcard........ 17
c. Some Benefits in Using Flashcard .............................. 18

d. Some Ways in Using Flashcard .................................. 19
4. The Nature of Dyslexia .................................................... 20
a. The Definition of Dyslexia ......................................... 22
b. Identifying Dyslexic People or Students..................... 22
c. Cause of Dyslexia ....................................................... 26
d. Characteristic of Dyslexia ........................................... 26
e. Dyslexia and Other Learning Difficulties Related ..... 29
B. Previous Study ..................................................................... 30
C. Thinking Framework ........................................................... 33
D. Research Hypothesis ........................................................... 33
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 34
A. Place and Time of the Research .......................................... 34
B. Method and Design of the Research .................................... 35
C. Population and Sample of the Research .............................. 35
D. Technique of Collecting Data .............................................. 35
E. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................ 37
F. Statistic Hypothesis ............................................................. 39
CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS ....................................................... 40
A. Data Description .................................................................. 40
B. Data Analysis. ...................................................................... 44
1. Normality Test Analysis .................................................. 44
2. Homogeneity Test Analysis............................................. 44
3. T-Test Analysis. ............................................................... 45
4. Interview Analysis. .......................................................... 47
C. Hypotheses Testing. ............................................................. 49
D. Data Interpretation. ............................................................... 50
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................. 51
A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 51
B. Suggestion ........................................................................... 51
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 53
APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 56

Table 3.1 The Schedule of the Research ........................................................... 34
Table 4.1 Students‟ Score in Pre-test and Post-test (By using flashcard). ......... 40
Table 4.2 Data Distribution of Pre-test .............................................................. 41
Table 4.3 Data Distribution of Post-test ............................................................ 41
Table 4.4 Normality Test of Pre-test ................................................................. 43
Table 4.5 Normality Test of Post-test ................................................................ 44
Table 4.6 Homogeneity Test. ............................................................................. 44
Table 4.7 The Statistical Calculation of the Gain Score of Pre -test and Post-test
Result…………………………………………………... 45


Figure 4.1 The Percentage Diagram of Pre-test Data Distribution. .................... 42

Figure 4.2 The Percentage Diagram of Post-test Data Distribution ................... 42
Figure 4.3 The Comparison Diagram of Pre-test and Post-test average score.... 43


Appendix 1 English Subject SK –KD of Fourth Grade Elementary School .... 57

Appendix 2 The Research Lesson Planning/RPP .............................................. 62
Appendix 3 Research Vocabulary List (Pre-test, Post-test answer key) ............ 66
Appendix 4 Flashcard ........................................................................................ 67
Appendix 5 Interview Transcript ....................................................................... 80
Appendix 6 Tabel Distribusi Distribusi Pada Distribusi Probabilitas Student 84
Appendix 7 Lembar Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ........................................... 87
Appendix 8 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi................................................................. 88
Appendix 9 Surat Izin Penelitian ....................................................................... 89
Appendix 10 Surat Permohonan Kesediaan Menjadi Responden ...................... 90
Appendix 11 Lembar Pernyataan Kesediaan Menjadi Responden .................... 91
Appendix 12 Surat Keterangan Telah Melaksanakan Penelitian....................... 92
Appendix 13 Reference Endorsment Sheet......................................................... 93


A. Background of the Study

Language is a key of communication. All aspects in this life connect
with language. As humankind, people interact each other to fulfill their need
by using a language, whether it is verbal, nonverbal or written language.
Many kinds of languages are used by people in this world such as; native
language, second language, and foreign language (In Indonesia, native
language used is bahasa Indonesia).

The language used to communicate globally and internationally is

English. As the international language, most of the world connects with
English in the global area for many activities (especially in teaching and
learning activities). In discussing about English, there are some language
components (beside language skills) which have to be mastered by English
learners. They are grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.

Although English is a foreign language used in Indonesia, English is

taught in some educational levels from kindergarten until college. As the
subject taught, four language skills and language components in English are
trained to be comprehended by the learners maximally. Nowadays, the
educational curriculum which is used (K13) enable English to be a main
subject started at Junior High School. However, at elementary school (SD),
English is only taught as additional lesson (muatan lokal/mulok). The material
being taught more emphasized on how to understand and know vocabulary as
a language component. So, they can recognize English as international

As international and foreign language, teaching English is so

challenging. Not all of Indonesian students used English as their daily
communication. They just learn English at school or at course place. So, good
education is needed to be existed for English. In relation with that, in


conducting classroom activity for English lesson, students and teachers have
to be actively involved. It is necessary to make the activity done effectively
and to make both learners and teachers have a good feedback. For the result,
the materials are given maximally and the learning goals can be achieved.

However, in some conditions, students have to take extra effort in

mastering English materials and English skills. Moreover, they need
appropriate approaches, methods, technique and media in learning English. It
is because, each student has different character. That is why, they cannot be
in the same condition in adsorbing the materials, so, the treatment given
might be different.

Furthermore in learning English, the problem of learning difficulties

might happen to students in their age of learning (especially elementary
school students). Nowadays, it is not impossible when teachers meet some
students who have difficulties in learning from the simplest to the specific. It
is possible for students to be affected by some specific learning difficulties.
There are some types included in the terms of specific learning difficulties
such as Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia and Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Specifically, the specific learning difficulties that will be discussed in

this research is about dyslexia. Dyslexia might cause some problems in the
teaching and learning activity. The problems that might indicate dyslexic
students in the teaching and learning activity are: dyslexic students are weak
in mastering literacy aspects, the Dyslexic students are difficult in
recognizing words especially in English, the Dyslexic students are difficult in
writing and reading English vocabulary, the Dyslexic Students are difficult in
having appropriate learning methods/approach for them to enhance their
learning capability especially in English vocabulary learning, English
teachers have some difficulties and problems when they teach dyslexic
students, English teachers often teach the dyslexic students with the same

methods and media as they use for teaching regular students and lack
knowledge about media to teach vocabulary for dyslexic students.

In addition, specifically this research is conducted see that dyslexic

students are difficult in getting appropriate media in teaching and learning
activity that make them difficult in gaining the material. So, in this research,
the writer uses a particular media that will be used for dyslexic students in
learning and mastering English vocabulary appropriate with their learning
material. The media will be used to teach vocabulary for dyslexic students in
this research is flashcard. Flashcard is a media used to teach and learn
vocabulary which consists of picture and words appropriate with the picture.
Usually, it is used for primary school students to enrich their vocabulary
mastery. By using vocabulary flashcard, students will enjoy their activity in
gaining the learning materials and their visual aspect in learning will be
helped to be enhanced.

By the explanation above, in this study, the writer is attracted to

conduct a research related to the teaching and learning activity for dyslexic
students in English lesson. So, by looking those reasons, the writer wants to
conduct a research by the title “The Effect of Using Flashcard in Teaching
English Vocabulary for Dyslexic Students (A Pre-Experimental Study at the
4th Grade Students of SD Pantara South Jakarta)”. Hopefully, this research
will give a positive effect upon teaching English for dyslexic students.

B. Identification of the Problem

Related to the background of the research, the problems indicated in this
research are as follows:

1. Dyslexic students find difficulties in reading, writing and spelling.1

Meehan, Margaret , Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties, (Swansea, University
of Wales Swansea, 2007) p.3

2. Dyslexic students find difficulties in recognizing words especially in

3. Dyslexic students find difficulties in writing and reading English
4. Dyslexic Students find difficulties in having appropriate learning
methods/approach for them to enhance their learning capability especially
in English vocabulary learning.
5. English teachers have some difficulties and problems when they teach
dyslexic students
6. English teachers often teach the dyslexic students with the same methods
and media as they use for teaching regular students and lack knowledge
about media to teach vocabulary for dyslexic students.

C. Limitation of the Study

The discussion of teaching English for dyslexic students is too broad and
complex. That is why, the problems of the research have to be limited. This
study is only limited on the effect of using flashcard in teaching English
vocabulary for dyslexic students at the fourth grade students of SD Pantara
South Jakarta.

D. Formulation of the Study

Based on the statements above, the study can be formulated as follows:
“Is there any effect of using flashcard in teaching English vocabulary for
dyslexic students at the fourth grade of SD Pantara South Jakarta?”

E. The Objective of the Research

Based on the problem that was mentioned above, this research is aimed to
see the effect of using flashcard in teaching English vocabulary for dyslexic
students at the fourth grade of SD Pantara South Jakarta.

F. The Significance of the Study

The activities related to this research are expected to have positive

impacts for teachers, students and other researchers.

1. Teachers
The activities of this research are expected to improve the insight of
teaching and learning English vocabulary for dyslexic students especially
at Pantara Elementary School South Jakarta. So, it is easy to recognize
students who have difficulties in learning language (especially in
mastering English vocabulary) such as dyslexia.
For the teachers, this research expects them to conduct the class with
dyslexic students wisely. Also, it can improve their teaching strategy and
enrich their knowledge in using media to teach English vocabulary for
dyslexic students. Then, globally this research is expected to make
common people wiser to face dyslexic students. Hopefully, it can change
the negative view and the discrimination for dyslexic people by giving the
right information about dyslexic people. So, dyslexic people will be more
comfortable in studying English and people can help them to overcome
their learning difficulties.
2. Students
For dyslexic students, this research is expected to enhance their ability
and knowledge about vocabulary related to the material they learned.
Hopefully, by using flashcard media, the dyslexic students are able to
memorize the vocabulary, write the vocabulary, spell the vocabulary
correctly and know the vocabulary meaning in bahasa Indonesia and of
course, they can enjoy their teaching and learning activity.

3. Other Researcher
After conducting this research, it can support the existing theory
which had been conducted by experts that have the same importance
related to this research. So it can enrich the theory related to this research.
For other researcher, this research is expected to be useful to give
information about the condition of dyslexic students and the teacher who
teach them in teaching and learning English vocabulary. Then, this
research hopely can be useful to help further researcher who want to
conduct study with the similar topic to give more knowledge about this
research and benefit reference as the basic data information to conduct
further study.
Also, the writer hopes that this research can be very useful
information for educational field in order to enrich understanding for the
parties inside. Also, this research can enrich research results those were
conducted before this research by other researcher and experts.
A. Review of Related Literature
1. The Nature of Vocabulary
As one of the language components (beside grammar and
pronunciation), vocabulary is one thing which has to be mastered early
by language learners. In addition, vocabulary has an important role for
language learners in learning a language. Knowing vocabulary is
important for getting meaning from a text. Foreign language or second
language readers frequently say that they need more vocabularies so that
they can understand the meaning of the sentence.1 With knowing the
vocabulary they read, the readers‟ vocabulary mastery can be developed.
Vocabulary development refers to the knowledge of stored
information about the meanings and pronunciations of words necessary
for communication. Vocabulary development is important for beginning
reading in that when a student sounds out a word, he or she is also
determining if the word makes sense based on his or her understanding of
the word. If a student does not know the meaning of the word, it is
difficult to check for the word that fits.2

a. Definition of Vocabulary
Discussing vocabulary, there are some idea in defining
vocabulary. As people know, Vocabulary is one of the most important
aspect of foreign language learning.3. When people want to speak and
learn a language, firstly, they have to understand the vocabulary of the
language. As Raphael stated, vocabulary is broadly defined as

Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee Feed, From Reader to Reading Teacher: Issues and
Strategies for Second Language Classroom (Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University
Pres: 1997) P.138
Multicultural & ESOL Program Services Education Dept. (April 2007) P.25
Jack C Richards, and Theodore S Rodger, Approach and Method in Language
Teaching, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001) p.31


knowledge about words and word meanings4. People can use their
language skill fluently if they have mastered the vocabulary of the
language they want to use. Another definition of vocabulary refers to
words we use to communicate in oral and print language5 that‟s
because, the language people use to interact each other are orally and
printed. Sometimes, people use oral language to interact directly in
daily life, but sometimes they need to print what they want to convey
to others. Also, Djalinus Syah stated that, vocabulary is the treasury of
the words that is a list and a number of words which we have known.6
In daily life, people interact with others. So, by the interaction
happened, everyone can enrich their vocabulary each other to express
what they need and what idea they are thougt.
So, from some explanation above, it can be concluded that
vocabulary is a component of a language which contained words, it
can be learned, and it is used by people to communicate each other.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary
In discussion of language component, there are numerous kinds of
vocabulary. Haycraft stated that the kinds of vocabulary can be
defided into active and passive vocabulary as follows:
1) Active vocabulary can be defined as words which the students
understands, can pronounce correctly and uses constructively in
speaking and writing

Taffy E Raphael, Vocabulary Teaching and Learning, (Program Research Base, Wright
Group), p.2
Susan Hanson and Jenifer F.M Padua, Teaching Vocabulary Explicitly (Hawaii, Pacific
Resources for Education and Learning: 2011) p.5
Djalinus Syah and Azimar Enong, Tata Bahasa Inggris Modern (Dalam Bentuk Tanya
Jawab), (Jakarta, CV Miswar, 1982) p. 1

2) Passive vocabulary can be defined as words that the student

recognizes and understands when they occur in a context, but
which he cannot produce correctly himself. 7
Also, Jo Ann and Aebersold classifies the vocabulary into two
kinds, active and passive vocabulary as follows
3) Productive vocabulary or people may call it as active vocabulary, is
the vocabulary items that people actually use in speaking and
4) Receptive vocabulary or people may call it passive vocabulary is
the vocabulary that people recognize it but do not use in speaking
and writing. It is commonly used in listening and reading. 8

2. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

As one of the language component which has important role,
vocabulary might be learned by language learners. Vocabulary learning
is central to language acquisition, whether the language is first, second,
or foreign. Although vocabulary has not always been recognized as a
priority in language teaching, interest in its role in second language
learning has grown rapidly in recent years and specialists now emphasize
the need for a systematic principled approach to vocabulary by both
teacher and learner9
Teaching vocabulary development involves more than teaching the
definition of technical or unfamiliar words in texts. Many encounters
with a word in meaningful contexts are needed for students to acquire it.
It also requires understanding how the words are learned in non-
instructional contexts through conversation and reading. Researchers

John Haycraft, An Introduction to English language Teaching, (London, Longman
Group Limited, 1978) p.44
Aebersold, op. cit., p. 139
Celce-Murcia, Marianne, Teaching English as A Second or Foreign Language, Third
Edition ( USA, Thomson Learning: 2001), p.285

claim students do not learn much from looking up words in a dictionary

and memorizing definitions
When teaching vocabulary special attention must be given not only
to single words but also to polywords (example: by the way);
collocations, or word partnerships (example: community service);
institutionalized utterances and idioms.10
Furthermore, the vocabulary teaching and learning must be done
effectively. Therefore, if the vocabulary learning cannot be done
effectively, it can cause some bad symptoms. Related to Wallace, some
symptoms of bad vocabulary learning are as follows:

a) Inability to retrieve vocabulary that has been taught

b) Use of vocabulary inappropriate to the given situation
c) Use of vocabulary at the wrong level of formality
d) Possessing wrong kind of vocabulary for one‟s needs
e) Using vocabulary in an unidiomatic way
f) Using vocabulary in a meaningless way
g) Incorrect use of a dictionary
h) Use of incorrect grammatical form, spelling, pronunciation, or stress11
Discussions of vocabulary learning are often divided between
intentional learning and incidental learning. Intentional learning is
defined as being designed, planed for or intended by teacher or student.
Incidental learning defined as the type of learning that is byproduct of
doing or learning something else.12
However, another opinion stated that vocabulary learning can be
divided into direct and indirect vocabulary learning. The explanation are
as follows:

Multicultural and Esol Program, op. cit., p.26
Micahel Wallace, Teaching Vocabulary, (Great Britain, Heinemann Educational Books
Ltd: 1982) pp. 9-13
Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education.
(UK, Cambridge University Press: 1995), p. 368

In direct vocabulary learning, the learners do exercises and activities

that focus their attention on vocabulary. In indirect vocabulary learning,
the learners‟ attention is focused on some other feature, usually the
message that is conveyed by a speaker or writer.13
Furthermore, Hatch stated, there are five essential steps in vocabulary
teaching and learning. The steps are as follows:
a) Encountering new words
The first is encountering new words that is having a source of words.
b) Getting the word form
The second step essential to vocabulary learning appears to be getting
of a clear image – visual or auditory or both.
c) Getting the word meaning
This step includes some strategies as “asking native English speakers
what words mean”, “asking people who speak native language the
meanings of new words”, “making pictures of word meaning in
minds”, and “explaining the meaning and asking someone to tell me
the English word.”
d) Consolidating word form and meaning in memory
Many kinds of vocabulary learning, drills such as flashcards, matching
exercises, crosswords puzzles, etc., strengthen the form of meaning
e) Using the words
Possibly, the use of a word tests the learner‟s understanding of the
word, learners feel more confident about their word knowledge once
they have used a word without undesired consequences.14
In addition, vocabulary teaching can fit into a language learning
course in any of four ways. The four ways are as follows:

Nation, I.S.P, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary (Boston, Heinle & Heinle Publisher:
1990) p.2
Hatch, op. cit., pp.373 - 390

a) Materials is prepared with vocabulary learning as a consideration.

b) Words are dealt with as they happen to occur.
c) Vocabulary is taught in connection with other language activities.
d) Time is spent either in the class or out of school on the study of
vocabulary without an immediate connection with some other
language activity.15
Some techniques that can be used in teaching vocabulary as stated by
Allen, are as follows:
a) Guessing games in which members of the class are identified by
location and by clothing
b) Actions that are performed in response to command
c) Drawing of pictures by students to match English descriptions
d) Discussions of pictures drawn by members of the class16
Also, in teaching vocabulary, the teachers have to communicate the
meaning of a word. Moreover, when the teachers‟ learners are foreign
language or second language speakers, they have to connect the relation
of a word into their custom language. The meaning of words can be
communicated or taught in many different ways such as follows:
By demonstrating a picture:
a) Using an object
b) Using a cut-cut figure
c) Using gesture
d) Performing an action
e) Photographs
f) Blackboards drawings or diagram
g) Pictures from books
By verbal explanation
a) Analytical definition

Hatch, op. cit., pp.3-4
Virginia French Allen, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, (New York, Oxford
University Press: 1980), p.30

b) Putting the new word in a defining context

c) Translating into another language17

a. Teaching vocabulary in class

Some ways in teaching vocabulary in a class are as follows
1) Focusing on vocabulary
Giving vocabulary is a high profile in the syllabus and the
classroom so that students can see its importance and understand
that learning a language is not just about learning grammar18
2) Repeating and recycling
Learning vocabulary is largely about remembering, and
students generally need to see, say, and write newly learned words
many times before they can be said to have learned them.
3) Providing opportunities to organize vocabulary
Organizing vocabulary in meaningful ways makes it easier to learn.
There are three broad headings in organizing vocabulary which are:
real-world groups, language-based groups, and personalized
groups, and examples of which are given below.
a) Real-world groups occur in the real world
b) Language-based groups draw on linguistic criteria as ways of
c) Personalized groups use students‟ own preferences and
experiences as the basis for the groups19

b. Methods Used in Teaching English Vocabulary

In teaching English Vocabulary, there are two methods which can be
used as follows:
1) The grammar-translation method of foreign language teaching is
one of the most traditional methods, dating back to the late

Nation, I.S.P, op. cit., p.51
Jeanne McCarten, Teaching Vocabulary (USA, Cambridge University Press: 2007) p.20
Ibid., pp.21-22

nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The principal

characteristic of the grammar-translation method is a focus on
learning the grammar rules and their application in translating texts
from one language into the other.20
2) Communicative Approach. The first concern of communicative
approach is language acquisition rather than conscious learning.
According to Krashen, “acquisition is a natural process, similar to
the way children develop ability in their first language.21

c. Important factors in language learning process

There are some important factors in language learning process as
1) motivation
2) data (samples of the language, plus - maybe - information about the
3) opportunities to experiment with the data
4) feedback22

3. Flashcards
Learning vocabulary can be more effective by using visual aid such
as pictures. With visual aids (in this case picture), teacher can be easier to
handle the class in mastering the material. It help students recognize what
the teacher explain without any real object media. Pictures are not just
an aspect of method but through their representation of places, objects
and people they are an essential part of the overall experiences so,
teachers must help students to cope with. Visual aids in teaching are well
established. Pictures provide a great deal of information at a glance,

Dana Shejbalová, Methods and Approaches In Vocabulary Teaching and Their
Influence on Students’ Acquisition (Czech, Masaryk University, Faculty Of Education Department
of English Language And Literature: June 2006), p.4
Ibid., p.8
Ibid., p.13

when used to illustrate the meaning of a particular expression. 23 pictures

contribute to:
a) Interest and motivation;
b) A sense of the context of a language;
c) A specific reference point or stimulus.24
One of the kinds of picture media used in teaching vocabulary is flash
card. Flashcards are easy to use and founds media to help teaching and
learning process especially in English vocabulary.. Flash card drills
provide students with a means to memorize key information. Information
that can be acquired through flash card drills is varied and may include
math facts, sight words, state capitols, foreign language vocabulary, and
so on. Because of the broad potential utility of flash card instruction,
teachers can benefit from knowing research-based guide- lines for
obtaining the optimal effectiveness of this strategy.25 With flashcard,
learners visual sense can be helped, so, the information given can be
adsorbed maximally because flashcards usually show pictures which are
attracted for the learners.
Flashcards exercise the mental process of active recall : given a
prompt (the question), one produces the answer. Beyond the content of
cards, which are collected in decks , there is the question of use – how
does one use the cards, in particular, how frequently does one review
(more finely, how does one schedule review) and how does one react to
errors, either complete failures to recall or mistakes? Various systems
have been developed, with the main principle being spaced repetition –

Robert Lado, Language Teaching A Scientific Approach (New York, McGraw Hills
Inc. 1983), p. 194
Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning (Great Britain, Cambridge University
Press: 1989), p.2
Diane M Browder and, Maura. L Rob, Journal of Behavioural Education (Vol. 3, No. 3
pp. 235-245 : 1993) p.1

increasing the review interval whenever a card is recalled correctly and

recalling the important information of the subject of study.26
Flashcards can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practicing
structure and word order, or for a variety of the games. They are simple
and effective, but they also requires careful thought and preparation in

a. Defining Flashcards
There are numerous opinions in defining flashcard media.
However, the writer only chooses several of the definition to be
discussed. The definitions about flashcard which is chosen by the
writer may be stated as follows:
1) Flashcards are picture cards and can be used on their own or with
word cards. They are great for introducing new vocabulary,
memorizing, revising and consolidating vocabulary and concepts,
and for stimulating discussion.28
2) Flashcards are pictures or photographs mounted on small cards.
They are used as a visual resource in language teaching.29
3) A flashcard or flash card is a set of cards bearing information , as
words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in classroom drills
or in private study. One writes a question on a card and an answer
overleaf. Flashcards can bear vocabulary, historical dates, formulas
or any subject matter that can be learned via a question-and-answer

26 Last edited on 12 May 2017, at 09:32,
(accessed on May, 17th 2017 14.25)
Haycraft, op. cit., p.100
28 (accessed on May, 16th
2017 13.00)
29 (accessed on May, 17th 2017

format. Flashcards are widely used as a learning drill to aid

memorization by way of spaced repetition.30
4) Flashcards are sets of cards with a word or phrase on one side and
its meaning usually in translation on the other.31
5) Flashcards are cards with single pictures which can be held up by
the teacher.32
6) Flashcards are the cards on which words and/or pictures are printed
or drawn. They should be big enough to be seen clearly by every
student in the class. The flashcards is easy to make either as
drawing (manually or printed) or with cut out from pictures or
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that flashcards are
set of cards which contained pictures and words (also its‟ explanation
or some information based on the picture) about something, to help
someone in mastering a vocabulary of a language.

b. Types of Flashcard and How to Make Flashcards

Haycraft stated that There are some kinds of flashcards as follows:
1) Word Cards
Word cards is number of cards which representing all the words in
a sentence. In using this kind of cards, students can be asked to
arrange some cards which contain some words into a correct
2) Picture Cards
This kind of cards is used to represent vocabulary in number of
pictures. This kind of cards is also used to illustrate the characters
in a dialogue, to help students improvise.33

30 Last edited on 12 May 2017, at 09:32
(accessed on May, 17th 2017 14.25)
Lado, op. cit., p. 197
Adrian Doff, Teach English, A Training Course for Teachers, Trainers’ Handbook,
(Cambridge University Press:1992), p. 82

3) Combining Word and Picture Cards

This kind of cards combined both words and picture in a card. This
kind of cards is used to make students easier in memorizing
vocabulary by combining visual aids and words so it can help the
students‟ improvement in vocabulary mastery.34
Also, as cited from There are various
different types of flashcard as follows:
1) pictures only
2) pictures with words in first language
3) pictures with words in English on front of the same card
4) pictures with the English word on the back of the card
5) Picture-only cards with separate word-only cards.35
Flashcards can be made very easily using PowerPoint. It is to
use a separate slide for each card and then print them out as two-to-
a-page or six-to-a-page handouts, depending on the size of card
required. They can be printed on card, or paper if teachers are
going to laminate them, and then cut to form flashcards. Using
PowerPoint creates a more professional simple and easy works as
all the cards will be exactly the same size, and the images are more
stable than they will be in a Word document.36

c. Some Benefits in Using Flashcards

Flashcards as visual aids can play many roles in the teaching and
learning process, as follows:
1) To supply concrete reference for the idea
2) To make abstract idea become concrete

Haycraft, op. cit., pp.100 -101
Haycraft, op. cit., p.104
35 (accessed on May, 16th
2017 13.00)
36 (accessed on May, 16th
2017 13.00)

3) To motivate the learners

4) To direct the attention
5) To repeat information in different formats
6) To remind the previous learning
7) To reduce learning effort/simplify some information which is
difficult to be understood.37

d. Some Ways in Using Flashcard

As cited from, there are some ways in using
flashcards, as follows:
1) Pairs
It is to use a set of image and word cards to play pairs (also known
as Pelmanism). Teachers might ask the learners to do a simple
matching activity before you play, to consolidate understanding.
2) Sorting activities
Learners sort the cards into categories/groups and explain their
choices, their reasoning and the connections between the items.
The items could sort into groups, a table, Venn diagram, or flow
diagram for example.
3) Bingo
It is to choose a grid size e.g. 3x3, 3x4, 4x4 and fill the grid with
picture cards, word cards or a mixture. Teachers could let the
learners choose, or choose the cards for them. They put the
remaining cards in a bag or pile and you or a learner selects in turn.
The winner is the first player to complete a line/the whole grid.
Teachers might ask the learners to do a simple matching activity
before playing, to consolidate understanding. It is a good idea to
model a relevant structure teachers would like the learners to say

Sharon E. Smaldino, Deborah L. Lowther ,James D. Russel, Instructional and Media
for Learning: Teknologi Pembelajaran dan Media untuk Belajar, (Jakarta, Kencana: 2008), p.72

correctly in order to be allowed to put a card in the grid, e.g. „It‟s a

river ‟ / „ They‟re cliffs‟, or „I like …‟ / „I don‟t like …‟
4) Connect 4
Connect 4 is a bit like Bingo, but for two players, played on one
board of 8x8. Players have a set of cards each, of different colours,
and have to make a line of four.
5) Snap
With cards in two piles, players take it in turns to turn over a card.
If the cards match, the player who shouts „snap‟ (or the
word/phrase you are trying to practise) first keeps the cards in the
5) Odd one out
It is to sort the cards into groups, with one „odd one out‟. Groups
identify the „odd ones out‟ and explain their reasoning.38

4. The Nature of Dyslexia

In teaching and learning activity, teachers might meet specific
learning difficulties faced by students in learning school subject. It is also
faced by students in learning English lesson, especially for students who
use English as a foreign language. One of the specific learning
difficulties faced by students is dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty
that can affect someone‟s literacy aspect, so the impact is they can feel
difficult to learn language especially English. Dyslexia can affect pupils
or students in their learning ages. Related to specialist doctor of children,
Dr. Anjana Thadhani, dyslexia is a nerve development disturbance which
is appeared since a pupil was born. At least, dyslexia is suffered by 10%
pupils in their school age whether boys or girls can be suffered by

38 (accessed on May, 16th 2017

dyslexia39. From the statistic data above, it is noted that the total amount
of children in the age of Elementary School and below in Indonesia is 50
million people. With the assumption that dyslexic children is 10%; so,
the prediction of dyslexic children is 5 million people.40
According to British Dyslexia Association, Dyslexia is a specific
learning difficulty that mainly affects the development of literacy and
language related skills. It is likely to be present at birth and to be life-
long in its effects It is characterized by difficulties with phonological
processing, rapid naming, working memory, processing speed, and the
automatic development of skills that may not match up to an individual„s
other cognitive abilities. However, the biggest challenge that dyslexia
causes in education and in working life is with reading and writing. It is
therefore understandable that the primary focus of interventions and
support for people with dyslexia is on reading and that teachers all agree
such support is better provided as early as possible in a child‟s
Early identification and knowledge of the characteristics of dyslexia
are important. Dyslexia can be a confusing condition. There are plenty of
theories on its nature, from the phonological deficit hypothesis, visual
deficit and dietary imbalance theories, to speculation on movement and
coordination difficulties. So, often the busy classroom teacher does not
have time to read all the latest literature and develop new teaching

39 (accessed: December
30 , 2016, translated into English)
Indah Lestari et al, Dysfun Course (Kursus membaca dan menulis pertama di Indonesia
bagianak-anak yang mengidap Disleksia) –translated by the writer, (bandung, Jurnal Fak Psikologi
Universitas Padjajaran), p.1
Joanna Nijakowska, et al, Dyslexia For Teachers Of English As A Foreign Language,
(Dystefl: 2003) p. 9
Jim Ros, Dyslexia Still Matters (UK, Dyslexia Action, Park House, Wick Road, Egham,
Surrey: 2012) p.13
Gavin Reid, 100 Ideas for Supporting Pupils With Dyslexia, (London,Continuum
International Publishing Group: 2007), p. xi

That is why the clear and right information about dyslexia is very
important for those who gained in educational and language field. So,
how about the clear explanation for the nature of dyslexia? Here is the
a. The Definition of Dyslexia
Dyslexia might be a confusing condition. People might be
unfamiliar with this condition and think that one that is affected by
dyslexia is stupid and cannot learn well. Discussing about dyslexia,
the term comes from two Greek words: dys (here meaning „difficulty
with‟) and lexicos or lexis (meaning „words‟).44 From the term
meaning, there are some statements represented the definition and
explanation about what dyslexia is. Here are the statements:
1) According to International Dyslexia Association, Dyslexia is a
specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is
characterized by difficulties with accurate and / or fluent word
recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities.
2) According to International Dyslexia Association, Dyslexia is a
specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is
characterized by difficulties with accurate and / or fluent word
recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities45
3) Dyslexia is one of the specific learning disabilities. Children with
dyslexia have difficulties in word recognition, word reading and
dictation. It is not caused by intellectual disabilities, sensory
impairments, environmental factors or emotional problems.46
4) is a type of learning disability. Specifically, it is a language-based
disorder characterized by problems learning to read, write, spell,
and decode single-words. A person with dyslexia has reading skills

Elke Schneider, and Margaret Crombie, Dyslexia and Foreign Language Learning,
(London, David Pulton Publisher: 2003), p. ix
Nijakowska, op. cit., p. 9
Hong kong Special Administrative Region, (HKSAR),Developmental Disorder Series
Child Assessment service,( Hong Kong, Department of Health: 2008), p.1

significantly below what is expected given his/her intelligence and

educational experiences. 47
So, generally it can be concluded that dyslexia is a Specific
Learning difficulties or learning disorder that affects someone‟s
literacy (language) aspects and skills. Dyslexic people might difficult
in reading, writing, spelling, speaking fluently and recognizing letters
or words. So, in this case, dyslexic students might have to get an extra
attention and support to maximize the learning activity which they are

b. Identifying Dyslexic People or Students

To know whether someone is affected by dyslexia or not, a teacher
can identify from identification checklist below that represent the
weakness and strength owned by a dyslexic students. Angela Fawcet
stated Early identification checklist and Children checklist. The
cheklist can be showed below.
1) Early Identification Checklist
a) Is there a family history of learning difficulties?
b) Did the child have delayed speech, a lisp or is the speech
c) Does the child have problems getting dressed, putting shoes on
the correct feet, doing up buttons, laces, etc.?
d) Does the child enjoy hearing stories but shows no interest in the
written word?
e) Do people continually say the child is lazy and not paying
f) Does the child have problems with games:

Pierre SD, Dyslexia Handbook for Teachers and Parents in South Dakota (South
Dakota Department of Education: March 2009) , p.3

1) tripping 4) catching a ball

2) bumping 5) skipping
3) falling over 6) hopping
g) Can he clap a rhythm back?
h) Does he often accidentally say blue is green, red is yellow, etc.?
i) Does he often have to search for words and often mislabel them?
j) Does he confuse under/over, up/down?
k) Can he select the odd word out, i.e. cat, mat, pig, fat?
l) Can he put things in sequence:
1) nursery rhymes 3) alphabet
2) numbers up to ten 4) days of the week
5) using coloured beads, thread green, red, blue, white
correctly? Can he put things in sequence:
m) Does he grip pencils and pens too tightly?
a) Is he quick thinking and does he have a lot of original thought?
b) Is he good at creativity, art/colour?
c) Does he have an aptitude for construction games like building
blocks, or remote control and keyboards?
d) Does he appear bright but unable to do simple things?

2) Children Checklist
Reading and Spelling
When a child reads and spells, does he frequently:
a) confuse letters that look similar: d – b, u – n, m – n?
b) confuse letters that sound the same: v, f, th?
c) reverse words: was – saw, now – won?
d) transpose words: left – felt?
e) read a word correctly and then further down the page read it

f) change the words around: the cat sat on the mat (the mat sat on
the cat)?
g) confuse small words: of, for, from?
h) have difficulty when reading in keeping the correct place on a
line and frequently loses his place.
i) read correctly but does not understand what he is reading?
Even after frequent instruction does he/she still:
a) not know whether to use his right or left hand?
b) leave out capital letters or use them in the wrong places?
c) forget to dot „i‟ and cross „t‟?
d) form letters and numbers badly?
e) use margins and does his writing slope on the page?
f) use punctuation and paragraphs in the wrong places or not at all?
Other Indications
a) Is there a family history of dyslexia or similar difficulties?
b) Was he a late developer?
c) Is he easily distracted and has poor concentration?
d) Does he get confused between left/right, east/west, up/down,
e) Does he have sequencing difficulties:
1) alphabet 4) numbers in tables
2) nursery rhyme
3) months of the
f) Does he hold a pen too tightly and awkwardly?
g) Does he have problems telling the time?
h) Does he have problems with tying shoe laces, etc.?
i) Does he have short-term memory problems related to printed
words and instructions?

j) Does he have mixed laterality (i.e. uses either right or left hands
or eyes in writing and other tasks)?
k) Does he have particular difficulty copying from a blackboard?
l) Does he have confusion with mathematical symbols (plus/minus
m) Does he have an inability to follow more than one instruction at
a time?
n) Is he unable to use a dictionary or telephone directory? 48
c. Cause of Dyslexia
When they become a difference in the way the brain works
problems in the development of phonological awareness Includes
difficulty with:
1) understanding the sound system of our language
2) recognizing individual speech sounds in words
3) learning how letters represent those sounds
4) remembering sounds in the correct order
5) the ability to quickly say letter names, object names, and name
common words
6) anatomical and brain imagery studies show differences in the
way the brain of a student with dyslexia develops and functions.

d. The Characteristic of Dyslexia

There are some characteristics owned by a dyslexic students
1) Hearing
The ear represents the auditory aspects. These can be important
in relation to developing phonological awareness. Phonological
awareness is seen as being a crucial factor in dyslexia – that is,
differentiating between sounds, especially sounds that are similar,

Maria Chivers, Dyslexia and Alternative Therapies (UK, Jesica Kingsley Publisher:
2006), pp.20 - 23

remembering these sounds and identifying them in words. These

aspects can present difficulties for dyslexic children.
2) Sight
Some dyslexic children may have some visual disturbance
when reading print and this can cause blurring, words merging
and omissions of words or lines when reading. Coloured overlays
for some children have been successful, as has the use of coloured
background for text and the font characteristics and font size.
3) Connections
Between the eye and the ear represents the neurological
basis for dyslexia and the importance of neurological connections.
These connections help with the integration of different skills
such as visual/motor integration, as in copying, and
auditory/kinaesthetic integration, as in listening and carrying out
instructions.There is considerable research evidence that
highlights the neurological basis of dyslexia and in particular the
connecting pathways of the left and right hemispheres as well as
aspects relating to the cerebellum and the magnocellular visual
system. These factors affect processing speed as well as visual
accuracy and co-ordination.
4) Motor skills
The cerebellum in particular has been implicated in this, and a
number of dyslexic children will display fine motor and gross
motor difficulties that can result in poor handwriting and/or
5) The core difficulties
It is related in difficulties associated with dyslexia – reading,
spelling and writing. These tasks are usually left hemisphere skills,
apart from creative writing, which can be associated with the right
hemisphere. The research indicates that dyslexic children have
weaknesses in the left hemisphere so therefore tasks involving

phonics, accuracy, sequencing and remembering will be more

challenging and often more exhausting for the child with dyslexia.
6) Interaction
The teacher and the student highlight the importance of
interaction. Quite often children with dyslexia need interaction
with the teacher in order to provide the most appropriate cues,
structure and to help develop connections with previous learning.
This aspect cannot be emphasised strongly enough because if
interaction does not take place, for example through teacher/pupil
question and answer, then the dyslexic person may fail to grasp the
underlying concepts and the information will be less meaningful.
This interaction can lead to what is sometimes referred to as
metacognition. This involves the student questioning him/herself as
to why he/she thinks in a certain way. This type of self-questioning
is an aspect of metacognition
7) School ethos
The symbol of the school highlights the importance of the
school ethos and the learning environment. It is important that
the child feels comfortable in the school particularly since for
many dyslexic children school represents a place of failure. It is
crucial that this view is reversed and a welcoming and positive
school environment can help greatly with this.
8) Diet
Dyslexic children and indeed all children require a well-
balanced diet to learn effectively. Research by Richardson
(2002) highlights the importance of essential fatty acids to
maximize efficient learning and that many children with
dyslexia are deficient in Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty
acids. The whole diagram seeks to highlight the breadth of the

areas involved in dyslexia – it is not a narrow syndrome, but one

that incorporate many aspects of language and of learning.49

e. Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties Related

There are some kinds of learning difficulties that can be suffered
by people, especially pupils in their learning ages. Beside Dyslexia, the
kinds of learning difficulties (related to dyslexia) those will be
discussed are dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia. Here is the
1) Dyscalculia
The first learning difficulty related to dyslexia is dyscalculia.
Dyscalculia is difficulty in counting, and gaining numbers. Widely,
dyscalculia can be described as a specific learning difficulty relating
to mathematics. Like dyslexia, dyscalculia can be caused by a visual
perceptual deficit.50
2) Dysgraphia
The second learning difficulty to be discussed is dysgraphia.
Dysgraphia is the inability to write properly, despite a student being
given adequate time and attention. The cause of this disorder is still
unknown but is thought it could be due to a language disorder and/or
damage to the motor system.51
3) Dyspraxia
Dyspraxia is also called developmental dyspraxia or
developmental coordination disorder (DCD). It is not certain what
causes dyspraxia but it is thought to be due to an immaturity in
neurone development in the brain. Dyspraxia affects approximately

Gavin Reid,, Dyslexia and Inclusion, (London, David Fulton Publisher: 2005), p. 5-7
Chivers, op. cit., p 25
Chivers, op. cit., p.26

10% of the population, some severely. The overwhelming majority

are male.52
4) Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
It is a difficulty in maintaining attention on any task and paying
undue attention to external stimuli.
5) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
It is a difficulty in physically remaining still as well as not being
able to keep focused on tasks.53

B. Previous Study
In conducting this research, the weiter sees some researches which have
been done by other researchers similar with this research.
The first is the research which is conducted by Neneng Suhaimi, the
student of Department of English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The tittle of this research is „The Effectiveness of Using Flashcard in Teaching
Vocabulary‟. this research was conducted in January 28th until March 7th 2014
at MTsN 13 South Jakarta. The aim of this research is to know the
effectiveness of flashcard in teaching vocabulary. This research used
quantitative method with quasi-experimental design. The technic in collecting
data in this research is pre-test and post-test at the grade 7A as experimental
class and 7D as control class. The result of this research with t-test is t-count is
2.43 with t-table with significance 5% is 1.671. t0>tt it means that Ho is rejected
and the use of flashcard in teaching vocabulary is effective.54
The second research is the research which is conducted by Aschurotun
Nadziroh, the student of English Department of STAIN Salatiga by the tittle
The Use Of Flashcards to Improve Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action

Chivers, op. cit., p.28
Margaret Meehan , Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties, (Swansea, University
of Wales Swansea, 2007) p.3
Neneng Suhaimi “The Effectiveness of Using Flashcard in Teaching Vocabulary (A
Quasi-Experimental Study in the Seventh Grade of MTSN 13 Jakarta” Skripsi of Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2014, unpublished.

Research for the Fourth Year Students of MI Duren Bandungan in the

Academic Year of 2009 / 2010). This research is aimed to find out whether the
flashcard can improve students‟ interest in English subject and whether the
flashcard can improve students‟ mastery in English vocabulary or not. This
research used Classroom action research as a method in this research. The
researcher used pre-test and post-test to see the capability of the students in
vocabulary mastery. Then, the researcher also did some cycles in teaching and
learning activity. The researcher found the result of t-table show 2,05. Then, it
is compared with t-calculation which shows that cycle 1 is 6,256, cycle 2 is
8,712 and cycle 3 is 9,784. Because t-calculation is higher than t-table, so the
researcher conclude that there is significant different between pretest and
The third research is the research which is conducted by Ana Zulaecha, the
students of Department of English Education of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta by the tittle „Reinforcing Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery Through
Picture (A Classroom Action Research In First Grade of SMP Prakarya
Anjatan-Indramayu). The aim of this research is to know how the first grade
students of SMP Prakarya Anjatan master English vocabulary using pictures
and how the implementation in developing students‟ vocabulary mastery. This
research used classroom action research. The research used observation,
interview and test. The steps of this research are planning, implementing,
observing and reflecting. The result of this result is the increasing of students‟
score average in vocabulary with the amount of 35,53%. Most of the students
can pass KKM score, 86.95% students in cycle 1 or 26 students can pass KKM
with the average score 70.86. In the cycle 2, 100% students or 29 students can
pass KKM with the average score is 84.82.56

Aschurotun Nadziroh, “The Use Of Flashcards to Improve Vocabulary Mastery (A
Classroom Action Research for the Fourth Year Students of MI Duren Bandungan in the
Academic Year of 2009 / 2010)”, skripsi of English Education of Education Faculty State Islamic
Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga, Salatiga, 2010
Ana Zulaecha „Reinforcing Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery Through Picture (A
Classroom Action Research In First Grade of SMP Prakarya Anjatan-Indramayu). Skripsi of Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2013, unpublished

The fourth research is research which is conducted by Fajar Kawuryan

from Faculty of Psychology, University of Muria Kudus. The tittle of the
research is Pengaruh Stimulasi Visual Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Membaca Pada Anak Disleksia. This study aimed to investigate the influence
of visual stimulation on the ability of dyslexic children to read in elementary
school. The research was conducted in SD 2 and SD 3 rotten Holy Bae District.
The sample in this study amounted to 21 dyslexic students from SD 2 and SD 3
rotten Holy Bae Dsitrict . This research uses experimental research by
providing treatment to students through visual stimulation using a one group
pretest-post-test design. Data shows different coefficient of 3.141 with a p =
0.005 (p <0.05). It is also indicated by the mean difference in both the average
post-test data reading skills of elementary students are dyslexic 170.910 higher
than pre-test data reading skills of elementary school students are dyslexic of
90.173. These results indicate that there is a significant difference between pre-
test and post-test of students' reading ability of dyslexic SD before and after
treatment with visual stimulation.57
The fifth research is the research that was conducted by Raras Octaviany
from Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. The tittle of the research is
“Penerapan Multimedia Berbasis Komputer dalam Pembelajaran Membaca
Nyaring pada Anak Disleksia di Lembaga Bimbingan Studia Center”. This
research aimed to describe the application of computer-based multimedia
which used a presentation program that is microsoft power point 2010 in
teaching reading aloud for grade four dyslexic students at the Studia Center
institution. This research used descriptive design. The instruments used are
power point 2010 slides, informal assessment sheets, observation sheets. From
the research, the result described that the application of multimedia-based
computer in learning reading aloud at Studia Center institution conducted into
three steps. The steps were early step, main step, and last step. From the steps,

Fajar Kawuryan, “Pengaruh Stimulasi Visual Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Membaca Pada Anak Disleksiaá” University of Muria Kudus, Kudus, 2012.

however, there are some errors which still existed and the difficulties in
reading aloud.58

C. Thinking Framework
Vocabulary is one of important elements in learning English language.
Someone can be fluent to produce a language both written and orally while he
or she is rich in vocabulary mastery. However, it is not easy to learn English
vocabulary for those who speak English as a speaker of foreign language
moreover for those who have Specific learning difficulties (LD) such as
dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, ADHD and ADD.
Usually, people who have specific learning difficulties (in this case, the
researcher discuss about dyslexic students) cannot make effective method or
strategy even appropriate media in enriching their English vocabulary mastery.
Because of that, in this research, the researcher would offer a media that can be
used in teaching English vocabulary for dyslexic students.
The media used in this research to teach dyslexic stduents at the grade 4 of
SD Pantara South Jakarta is visual media – flashcard. Flashcard is media in
learning vocabulary which consists of picture and words of a vocabulary.
Flashcard can make teaching and learning activity‟s goal be achieved.
Hopefully, the use of flashcard in this research to teach English vocabulary
for dyslexic students can give positive impact and enrich the dyslexic students‟
vocabulary mastery.

D. Research Hypotheses
The hypotheses from this research are expressed as follows:
Ho : There is no effect of using flashcard in teaching English Vocabulary for
dyslexic students at the grade 4 of SD Pantara South Jakarta
Ha : There is an effect of using flashcard in teaching English Vocabulary for
dyslexic students at the grade 4 of SD Pantara South Jakarta.
Raras Oktaviani, “Penerapan Multimedia Berbasis Komputer dalam Pembelajaran
Membaca Nyaring pada Anak Disleksia di Lembaga Bimbingan Studia Center”. Skripsi of Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2013, unpublished.


A. Place and Time of the Research

The research is conducted in SD Pantara South Jakarta. The school is
located in Tebet Dalam VI No. 39 South Jakarta. This school is one of school
which held inclusive education in around Jabodetabek area. Students who
study in this school are basically the students who have Learning Difficulties
(LD) such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and dysgraphia. The time in
conducting this research was around one month. The research is conducted in
January 24th to March 8th 2017.
The research was done in five times/meetings for dyslexic students. First
meeting was used for pre-test of English vocabulary. The next 3 meetings is
used for giving treatment (using flashcard to teach English Vocabulary).
Table 3.1
The Research Schedule
No Date Activity

Meeting Headmaster and School Counselor

1. January, 24th 2017
to ask permission for the research

First Pre-Research
2. February, 7 2017 (Disposition for research and setting up
research planning)
Second Pre-Research (Setting up next
3. February, 14th 2017 research agenda) and interviewing English
4. February, 20th 2017 Pre-Test and Opening of The Research
5. February, 21st 2017 First Treatment
6. February, 28th 2017 Second Treatment
7. March, 7th 2017 Third Treatment
8. March, 8th 2017 Post-Test and Closing of The Research


B. Method of the Research

In this research, the quantitative research is used with pre experimental
study design. It is used in order to know the effect of using flashcard to teach
English vocabulary for dyslexic students and how effective it is used in
teaching English vocabulary for dyslexic students.

C. Population and Sample of the Research

Population in this research is all of dyslexic students at SD Pantara South
Jakarta. The Sample in this research is dyslexic students of class four of SD
Pantara South Jakarta.
This research uses purposive sample. Purposive sample is oriented to
sample choosing where the population and the purpose those were specific
from the research, known by the research from the first.1 It is used in order to
take the data from the sample who truly affected in one case (in this case is
dyslexic students).

D. Technique in Data Collection

The technique in collecting data used in this research is Test and Interview.
a. Pre-test and Post-Test
a. Pre-test
The pre-test is done before the treatment is done to see the
capability of dyslexic students at the grade four of SD Pantara south
Jakarta in English vocabulary mastery. In this session, the dyslexic
students are asked to write 25 vocabularies and its meaning in bahasa
Indonesia mentioned by the researcher. The vocabulary are gotten from
their material book. The score per item is four and they will have 100 if
all of the answers are right. The vocabulary tested are related to the
learning material and learning book used by English teacher to teach

Nurul Zuriah, Metodologi Penelitian Sosial dan Pendidikan, Teori – Aplikasi (Jakarta,
Bumi Aksara: August 2007), p.141 (translated)

his/her class and also related to the dyslexic students’ need to be

b. Post-test
The post-test is done after the treatment is done to see the effect of
using flashcard to teach English vocabulary for dyslexic students at the
grade four of SD Pantara. In this session, the dyslexic students are also
asked to write 25 vocabularies and its meaning in bahasa Indonesia
mentioned by the researcher. The vocabularies are from their material
book. The score per item is four and they will get 100 if all of the
answers are right. The vocabularies tested are related to the learning
material and learning book used by English teacher to teach his/her
class and also related to the dyslexic students’ need to be strengthened.
b. Interview
The interview method involves questioning or discussing issues with
people. It can be a very useful technique for collecting data which would
likely not be accessible using technique such as observation or
Informant of this research is the teacher who teach English for
dyslexic students in English subject at the grade four of SD Pantara South
The Interview session will include some aspects as follows
a. English vocabulary mastery of the dyslexic students at the grade of SD
Pantara South Jakarta
b. Activity in teaching and learning English vocabulary for the dyslexic
students at the grade four of SD Pantara South Jakarta
c. Learning media in English vocabulary for the dyslexic students at the
grade four of SD Pantara.

Ibid., P.172

E. Technique in Data Analysis

The data which were collected from the research are analyzed to have the
research result. The data come from pre-test and post-test session and
interview session done by the researcher. Here is the explanation:
a. Normality Test
The normality of the data was checked through SPSS 20. The
normality test is needed to find out whether or not the data from the
population had been normally distributed. The tests used were
Kolmogorov-Smirnov. It can be said that the data distribution is normal if
the significance level is more than 0.05 which means that Ho is accepted
and Ha is rejected. The steps in testing the normality of the data are as
1) open the data file that was already inputted,
2) select Analyze
3) select Descriptive Statistics Explore.
4) Input both of the variables in the Dependent List box.
5) click Plots and choose the Normality plots with test,
6) click Continue and OK.
b. Homogeneity Test
After testing the normality of the data, the writer test the
homogeneity of the data. It was done to know whether the data of the
population of research homogeny or not. Homogeneity test is also checked
by using SPSS 20. The tests used were Levene’s test. If the index
significance is more than 0.05, then the data distribution is homogenous
and Ho is accepted. The steps of the test are as follows:
1) select Analyze
2) compare Means
3) selectone-way ANOVA.
4) input the variable. C
5) click Option and check Homogeneity of variance test,
6) click Continue and OK.

c. T-Test
The pre-test and post-test formulation use T-test formula that is adapted
from Budi Susetyo3. The T-test formula is used to compare both the pre-
test and post-test done by the respondents or sample of the research.

The formulation of T-test as follows:

To find t value:


To find D average / D mean

D = = X 1- X

To find standard deviation of D average / Mean of D

D √

To find standard deviation:

√∑ ( D)

D = the couple of score = X1 – X2

∑ = Cumulative of all D value

t = t value

D = Average/mean of D

X = mean ( X 1 = pre-test average, X 2 = post-test average )

Budi Susetyo, Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung, PT Revika
Adiatma: August 2010), pp.208-209

= Standard Deviation

= Standard Deviation of D average

n = Number of sample

a. Interview
The interview question and answer will be displayed by the writer
and the result is concluded to gain the fundamental data needed. The
result of interview will be displayed in appendix.

F. Statistical Hypotheses
Statistically, the hypotheses of the research are expressed as follows.
Ho : µA = µB
Ha : µA = µB
In which,
Ho = Null Hypothesis
Ha = Alternative Hypothesis
The criteria used are as follows:
Ho is accepted if –t(1-1/2ɑ) < t < t(1-1/2ɑ) from t distribution list with the
opportunity (1-1/2ɑ). It means that there is not any effect in using flashcard
media to teach vocabulary for dyslexic students.
Otherwise, Ho is rejected in other value. It means that there is an effect in
using flashcard media to teach vocabulary for dyslexic students.


A. Data Description
As described previously, this research was conducted by teaching and
learning activity. As pre-experimental study, this research was held for
dyslexic students of SD Pantara South Jakarta at the grade four (only one
class). The participants of this research are eleven students. The research data
was taken from pre-test and post-test given by the researcher. The pre-test
was done before the treatment (teaching English vocabulary using flashcard)
begin. Then, the post-test was done after the treatment finished.
The result of pre-test and post-test in this research is described in table 4.1.
Table 4.1
Students’ score in pre-test and post-test
(By using flashcard)

Student’s Frequency Score (x) Gained score

Code (f) Pre-Test Post-Test (Post-Test – Pre-Test)
1 1 58.5 84 25.5
2 1 38.5 44 5.5
3 1 65 91.5 26.5
4 1 68 92.5 24.5
5 1 67 82.5 15.5
6 1 30 40 10
7 1 55.5 60.5 5
8 1 60 91 31
9 1 79 96 17
10 1 71.5 88.5 17
11 1 52 87 35

Ʃ 645 857.5 212.5

f = 11
Mean ( x ) 58.64 77.95 19.32


Related to the result of pre-test and post-Test displayed above, it can be seen
that in pre-test, the highest score of pre-test is 79 and the lowest score is 30. Then,
in the post-test, the highest score is 96 and the lowest is 40.
From the table above, it also can be seen that all of students’ score are
enhanced. To see more detail about frequency distribution of the students’ score,
the data can be seen on the table of class interval below:
To see class numbers
= 1 + 3.3log n
= 1 + 3.3 log(11)
= 1 + 3.44
= 4.44= 4
To see the percentage of the data (P)

P= x 100%

In addition, it is also shown the table of data distribution of pre-test and

post-test to see the students’ score distribution in pre-test and post-test session.
The tables can be seen as follows
Table 4.2
Data distribution of pre-test
Number Class Interval Frequency Percentage
1 30 – 42 2 18.18
2 43 – 55 2 18.18
3 56 – 68 5 45.45
4 69 – 81 2 18.18
Ʃ 11 100

In pre-test session, 2 students got score around 30-42, 2 students got score
around 43-55, 5 students got score around 56-68, and 2 students got score around
69-81. most of students (5 out of 11 students) got score around. It means that,
most of students who became the participants in this research got score 56-68 (5
out of 11 students)

Table 4.3
Data distribution of post-test
Number Class Interval Frequency Percentage
1 40 – 54 2 18.18
2 55 – 69 1 9.09
3 70 – 84 2 18.18
4 85 – 99 6 54.54
Ʃ 11 100

In post-test session, 2 students got score around 40-54, 1 student got score around
55-69, 2 students got score around 70-84, and 6 students got score around 85-99.
.It means that, most of students who became the participants in this research got
score 85-99. It means that, most of students got score around 85-99 (6 out of 11
students) and most of students’ score in post-test were increased from pre-test.

Also, it can be seen the percentage diagram of students’ score in pre-test and post-
test as follows:

30 – 42 43 – 55 56 – 68 69 – 81

Figure 4.1
The Percentage Diagram of Pre-Test Data Distribution

In pre-test session, there are 18.18% students who got score around 30-42,
18.18% students who got score around 43-55, 45.45% students who got score
around 56-68 and 18.18% students who got score around 69-81.

40 – 54 55 – 69 70 – 84 85 – 99

Figure 4.2
The Percentage Diagram of Post-Test Data Distribution

In pre-test session, there are 18.18% students who got score around 40-54, 9.09%
students who got score around 55-69, 18.18% students who got score around 70-
84 and 54.54% students who got score around 85-99.

From the result of the research, the comparison between pre-test and post-
test result can be seen in the diagram below:
Figure 4.3
The Comparison Diagram of Pre-Test and Post-Test
Average Score

Pre Test Post-Test

From the diagram above, it can be seen that there was a score increase
between pre-test and post-test session.

B. Data Analysis
1. Normality Test Analysis
Table 4.4
Normality Test of Pre-test Result

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 11
Mean 58.64
Normal Parameters Std.
Absolute .141
Most Extreme
Positive .102
Negative -.141
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .467
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .981
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

Table 4.5
Normality Test of Post-test Result

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 11
Mean 77.95
Normal Parameters Std.
Absolute .317
Most Extreme
Positive .185
Negative -.317
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.050
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .220
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

From the calculation above, it can be concluded that the pre-test and post-
test data was distributed normally because the significance level is higher
than 0.005.

2. Homogeneity Test Analysis

Table 4.6
Homogeneity Test
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Nilai Pre-Test Post-Test
Levene df1 df2 Sig.
1.762 1 20 .199
From the calculation above, the pre-test and post data is homogenous
because the the significance level is higher than 0.005.

3. T-Test Analysis
Before analyzing, the data had been calculated into statistic
calculation. The researcher used ttest data to find empirical evidence
statistically and to make the testing of hypothesis easier. Here is the
Table 4.7
The Statistical Calculation of the Gain Score of Pre – Test and Post-Test Result

Score (x) Gained score/D

Student’s Frequency
Post- (Post-Test – Pre- D- D (D - D )2
Code (f) Pre-Test
Test Test)
1 1 58.5 84 25.5 6.18 38.21
2 1 38.5 44 5.5 -13.82 190.94
3 1 65 91.5 26.5 7.18 51.58
4 1 68 92.5 24.5 5.18 26.85
5 1 67 82.5 15.5 -3.82 14.58
6 1 30 40 10 -9.32 86.83
7 1 55.5 60.5 5 -14.32 205.01

8 1 60 91 31 11.68 136.46
9 1 79 96 17 -2.32 5.37
10 1 71.5 88.5 17 -2.32 5.37
11 1 52 87 35 15.68 245.92
Ʃ 645 857.5 212.5 0.002 1098.69
f = 11
x 58.64 77.95 19.32 0 91.56

The formulation of T-test is as follows:

a. To find D average / D mean

D =

D= X 1- X /Post Test – Pre Test

= 212.5

D = = 19.32

b. To find standard deviation:

= = 10.48

c. To find standard deviation of D average / Mean of D


= = = 3.16

d. To find t value:

= = 6.11

e. Determining degree of freedom

( df )= (n1 + n2) – 2
df = (11+11) -2
df = 22 – 2
df = 20
significance (ɑ) = 0.05
t(1-1/2ɑ) = 1 – 0.05 = 0.975
the t(0.975) value with the df = 20 is 2.086

4. Interview Analysis
In this research, the writer held an interview session to gather early
data. The data gotten from interview was used as a supporting data in
getting the main data. The respondent of the interview is the English
teacher who teach English lesson at the grade 4 Pantara Elementary
School. The interview consisted three big question topics as follows:
a. English vocabulary mastery of the dyslexic students at the grade of
SD Pantara South Jakarta
b. Activity in teaching and learning English vocabulary for the dyslexic
students at the grade four of SD Pantara South Jakarta
c. Learning media in English vocabulary for the dyslexic students at
the grade four of SD Pantara.

From the interview which had been done, it can be showed the result
like this
a. The dyslexic students at the grade four of Pantara Elementary School
are accustomed in communicating with English even in the simple
one. They are often watching television program which use English.
b. Related to the English teacher, the teacher stated that Vocabulary is
important to be learned because it can support students’ language
mastery. But, the learning way is adjusted to the students’ capability.
c. The kinds of vocabulary which is easy to be learned by dyslexic
students is the vocabulary that similar between oral and written. The

difficult one is the vocabulary which is quite different between oral

and written. However, the teacher did not forcing the students in
mastering written language at first. But, the teacher just emphasizing
the ability of how the students can pronounce the words and how can
they understood the words/vocabulary they said.
d. The dyslexic students’ interest in learning English vocabulary is
quite big because, the teacher held the teaching and learning activity
in fun condition.
e. In conducting teaching and learning activity, usually, the teacher did
a question and answer session continue with the game session and
then the students were given a worksheet related to the material.
f. Usually, at the beginning of a material being taught, the teacher
taught vocabulary first, then after the students recognize and
understand the vocabulary, the teacher teach them the written
g. The teacher always do enrichment in the teaching and learning
activity with recalling previous material taught before learning new
h. At the last session, the teacher giving the students worksheet to make
students do practice of the learning material so the teacher could see
the accomplishment of the material. If a students could not done the
worksheet maximally, the teacher would give new worksheet to
train the students with the material so that the teaching and learning
material could be done maximally.
i. Actually, the teacher did not have any significant obstacle. However,
the main obstacle faced by the teacher was the difficulties of the
dyslexic students in translating oral language into written language.
Furthermore, the teacher was not mind of it because, related to the
teacher the important one in a language is oral language so the
written language can be learned after the students understand the oral
language and understand what the words’ meant.

j. The teacher oftenly used flashcard as learning media to teach

English vocabulary.
k. In using flashcard, the teacher firstly show the picture and then teach
the vocabulary of the picture.
l. Related to the teacher, flashcard is quite effective in improving the
dyslexic students’ vocabulary mastery.

C. Hypotheses Testing
This research is to answer ‘is there any effect in using flashcard to teach
English vocabulary for dyslexic students at the grade four of SD Pantara?’ To
know the answer, the writer does the hypotheses testing.
In this research, the researcher proposes null Hypothesis (Ho) and
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) as follows:
Ho : µA = µB
Ha : µA = µB
In which,
Ho : There is not any effect of using flashcard in teaching English Vocabulary
for dyslexic students at the grade 4 of SD Pantara South Jakarta
Ha : There is an effect of using flashcard in teaching English Vocabulary for
dyslexic students at the grade 4 of SD Pantara South Jakarta
The criteria used are as follows:

Ho is accepted if –t(1-1/2ɑ) < t < t(1-1/2ɑ) from t distribution list with the
opportunity (1-1/2ɑ). It means that there is not any effect in using flashcard
media to teach vocabulary for dyslexic students.
Otherwise, Ho is rejected in other value. It means that there is an effect in
using flashcard media to teach vocabulary for dyslexic students.
Based on the description of data calculation, it can be inferred that:
1. The t-test value (to) is 6.11

2. The degree of freedom (df) is 20, so the value of ttable in the significance t(1-
1/2ɑ ) / t(0.975) is 2.086.
It shows that to ≥ ttable, it means that null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

D. Data Interpretation
Flashcard is one of media that is creatively used in teaching and learning
English vocabulary. The flashcard is a kind of card which consists of pictures
and vocabulary words that is drawn or printed. With the use of flashcard, it is
considered that it can enhance students’ English vocabulary mastery.
Moreover, for dyslexic students, it is not easy to teach English vocabulary
with the specific learning difficulty they have. So, flashcard is a good choice
as a media used for them in enjoying their learning in English vocabulary.
Flashcard can help dyslexic students’ visual aspect in mastering English
vocabulary so, they can memorize the vocabulary and understand the words’
function and how can the students’ use the words in their daily life.
In this research, the result of data analysis using t-test showed the value
of to is 6.11 with the degree of freedom is 20 and the significant level is
0.05/5% and the ttable/t(0.975) is 2.086. It means that to > that ttable (to is higher
than ttable). Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Then, the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It also means that there is positive
effect in using flashcard in teaching vocabulary for dyslexic students.
This research showed the increasing score between pre-test and post-test.
The average score in pre-test is 58.64 and in post-test, the average score is
77.95. The highest score in pre-test is 79 and in post-test, the highest score is
96. The lowest score in pre-test is 30 and the lowest score in post-test is 40.
All of participants’ score in this research is increased after they have studied
English vocabulary with flashcard. From the result of the research, it can be
concluded that there is positive effect in using flashcard to teach English
vocabulary for dyslexic students and the use of flashcard is effective to teach
English vocabulary for dyslexic students.


A. Conclusion
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the average score
in pre-test is 58.64 and in post-test is 77.95. Then, it is obtained that ttable is
lower that to in significant level 0.05/t0.975 (t1/2ɑ ) 2.086. In other words, the
null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It
means that there is a positive effect of using flashcard in teaching English
vocabulary for dyslexic students at the fourth grade students of SD Pantara
South Jakarta and the use of flashcard is effective to teach English for
dyslexic students.

B. Suggestion
From the conclusion above, the writer would like to give some suggestions
as follows:
1. For the Teachers
After seeing the result of this research, it can be seen that there is
positive impact in using flashcard to teach English vocabulary for dyslexic
students at the grade four of SD Pantara South Jakarta and the use of it is
effective. So, this research suggests to the teachers who teach English
vocabulary to use flashcard in conducting the teaching and learning
activity. The use of flashcard can help dyslexic students to increase their
vocabulary mastery. Also, the teacher should be able to conduct the
teaching and learning activity creatively in gaining dyslexic students’
learning attention.
However, flashcard is not only one media which can be used to teach
vocabulary. The teachers can use any other media and method appropriate
with dyslexic students’ need in their learning activity. Also, the teachers
should be able to build cooperation between them and their students in the
teaching and learning activity, so the activity can be done maximally.


2. For the Students

For the students, as an important aspect in the teaching and learning
activity, in mastering English vocabulary, they can use flashcard
maximally. Both teacher and learners/students have to have cooperation in
teaching and learning activity. The students may have to pay attention
maximally when the teacher explains the vocabularies and the media, so
the cooperation between teacher and students can be gained. Then, the
students can do repetition in memorizing the vocabularies helped by
teacher to avoid forgetfulness in their vocabulary mastery.
3. For Other Researchers
For other researchers who need to conduct other research with the
similar topic and sample, this research can be a reference before the
research conducts. However, flashcard is not only to teach English word
and its meaning in bahasa Indonesia, but flashcard can be used to show
the words’ function and how can the students’ use the words in their daily
life. Then, it can help the dyslexic students visually in mastering the
vocabularies because of their learning difficulties and they just need
special treatment, method and media in helping their learning activity.

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Reid, Gavin, Dyslexia and Inclusion, London, David Fulton Publisher: 2005
Richards, Jack, C and Rodger, Theodore, S, Approach and Method in Language
Teaching, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 2001
Rose, Jim, Dyslexia Still Matters , UK: Wick Road, Egham, Surrey, Dyslexia
Action, Park House: 2012
Schneider, Elke, and Crombie Margareth, Dyslexia and Foreign Language
Learning, London, David Pulton Publisher: 2003
SD, Pierre Dyslexia Handbook for Teachers and Parents in South Dakota South
Dakota: Department of Education: March 2009

Sharon. E, Lowther, Deborah L, Russel James D, Instructional and Media for
Learning: Teknologi Pembelajaran dan Media untuk Belajar, Jakarta,
Kencana: 2008
Shejbalová, Dana Methods and Approaches In Vocabulary Teaching and Their
Influence on Students’ Acquisition Czech, Masaryk University, Faculty Of
Education Department of English Language And Literature: June 2006
Susetyo, Budi, Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, Bandung, PT Revika
Adiatma: August 2010
Syah, Djalinus and Enong, Azimar, Tata Bahasa Inggris Modern (Dalam Bentuk
Tanya Jawab), Jakarta, CV Miswar: 1982
Wallace, Micahel, Teaching Vocabulary, Great Britain, Heinemann Educational
Books Ltd: 1982
Wright, Andrew, Pictures for Language Learning Great Britain, Cambridge
University Press: 1989
Zulaecha, Ana, “Reinforcing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Picture (A
Classroom Action Research In First Grade of SMP Prakarya Anjatan-
Indramayu)” Skripsi of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta,
Jakarta, 2013, unpublished
Zuriah, Nurul, Metodologi Penelitian Sosial dan Pendidikan, Teori – Aplikasi
Jakarta Bumi Aksara: August 2007 (translated) (accessed on May,
16th 2017 13.00) Last edited on 12 May 2017, at 09:32
(accessed on May, 17th 2017 14.25)
December 30, 2016, translated into English) (accessed on May, 17th
2017 14.15)

Tahun Pelajaran : 2016 -2017


Kelas : IV (Empat)
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Semester : 2 (Dua)

Standar Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi

Kompetensi Dasar KKM
Kompetensi Kompetensi Waktu
5. Memahami 5.1 Merespon dengan Merespon dengan
instruksi sangat melakukan melakukan tindakan
sederhana dengan tindakan sesuai sesuai dengan instruksi
tindakan dalam dengan instruksi secara berterima
konteks kelas secara berterima
dalam konteks
kelas dan dalam

5.2 Merespon Merespon instruksi

instruksi sangat sangat sederhana secara
sederhana secara verbal

Mengetahui, ………, ……………20…..

Kepala SD …………………… Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) (_________________________)
NIP : ......................................... NIP : .........................................

Tahun Pelajaran : 2016 -2017


Kelas : IV (Empat)
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Semester : 2 (Dua)
Standar Kompetensi :

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar KKM Pencapaian
6. Mengungkapkan 6.1 Menirukan ujaran Menirukan ujaran
instruksi dan dalam ungkapan dalam ungkapan
informasi sangat sangat sederhana sangat sederhana
sederhana dalam secara berterima
konteks kelas

6.2 Bercakap-cakap Mengungkapkan

untuk menyertai berbagai tindak tutur:
tindakan secara  Memberi contoh
berterima yang melakukan sesuatu
melibatkan tindak  Memberi aba-aba
tutur: memberi
contoh melakukan
sesuatu dan
memberi aba-aba

6.3 Bercakap-cakap Mengungkapkan

untuk berbagai tindak tutur:
meminta/memberi  Meminta bantuan
jasa/barang secara  Meminta barang
berterima yang
melibatkan tindak  Memberi barang
tutur: meminta
bantuan, meminta
barang, memberi

6.4 Bercakap-cakap Mengungkapkan

untuk berbagai tindak tutur:
meminta/memberi  Meminta ijin
informasi secara

berterima yang  Memberi ijin
melibatkan tindak  Menyetujui
tutur: meminta ijin,  Tidak menyetujui
memberi ijin,
menyetujui, tidak  Menyangkal
menyetujui,  Meminta kejelasan
menyangkal, dan
meminta kejelasan

6.5 Mengungkapkan Mengungkapkan

kesantunan secara kesantunan secara
berterima yang berterima yang
melibatkan melibatkan ungkapan:
ungkapan: thank  Thank you
you, sorry, please,  Sorry
dan excuse me
 Please
 Excuse me


Mengetahui, ………, ……………20…..

Kepala SD …………………… Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) (_________________________)
NIP : ......................................... NIP : .........................................

Tahun Pelajaran : 2016 -2017


Kelas : IV (Empat)
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Semester : 2 (Dua)

Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar KKM
Kompetensi Waktu
7. Memahami tulisan 7.1 Membaca nyaring  Melafalkan kata,
bahasa Inggris dengan ucapan frasa, dan kalimat
sangat sederhana yang tepat dan dengan benar
dalam konteks berterima yang  Membaca kata, frasa,
kelas melibatkan: kata, dan kalimat dengan
frasa, dan kalimat intonasi yang benar
sangat sederhana  Membaca nyaring
dengan baik dan

7.2 Memahami  Mengidentifikasi

kalimat dan pesan berbagai informasi
tertulis sangat dalam kalimat-
sederhana kalimat sangat
 Mengidentifikasi
berbagai informasi
dalam dialog

Mengetahui, ………, ……………20…..

Kepala SD …………………… Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) (_________________________)
NIP : ......................................... NIP : .........................................

Tahun Pelajaran : 2016 -2017


Kelas : IV (Empat)
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Semester : 2 (Dua)

Indikator Alokas
Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar KKM Pencapaian i
Kompetensi Waktu
8. Mengeja dan 8.1 Mengeja ujaran Mengeja ujaran
menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris bahasa Inggris
bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan ejaan yang
sangat sederhana secara tepat dan benar
dalam konteks berterima dengan
kelas tanda baca yang
benar yang
melibatkan: kata,
frasa, dan kalimat
sangat sederhana

8.2 Menyalin tulisan Menyalin tulisan

bahasa Inggris bahasa Inggris sangat
sangat sederhana sederhana dengan
secara tepat dan benar
berterima seperti
ucapan selamat
dan pesan tertullis


Mengetahui, ………, ……………20…..

Kepala SD …………………… Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) (_________________________)
NIP : ......................................... NIP : .........................................




Nama Sekolah : SD Pantara Jakarta Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : IV/II (Genap)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 35 Menit

A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Mendengarkan : Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam
konteks kelas
2. Menulis : Menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat
B. Kompetensi Dasar
1. Merespon dengan mengulang kosa kata baru dengan ucapan lantang.
2. Menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat
C. Indikator
1. Merespon kosa kata baru yang diucapkan guru.
2. Mengulang kosa kata baru yang diucapkan guru dengan ucapan lantang
3. Menuliskan kosakata baru yang diucapkan guru dengan baik dan benar
4. Memahami arti dan makna kosakata baru yang diucapkan oleh guru dengan baik
dan benar
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat merespon kosa kata baru yang diucapkan guru.
2. Siswa dapat mengulang kosa kata baru yang diucapkan guru dengan suara
3. Siswa dapat menuliskan kosakata baru yang diucapkan guru dengan baik dan
4. Siswa dapat memahami arti dan makna kosakata baru yang diucapkan oleh guru
dengan baik dan benar
E. Materi Pembelajaran

“Clothes and Color”

F. Metode Pembelajaran
Metode Demonstrasi gambar
G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan pertama
a. Kegiatan Awal (20 menit)
- Mengucapkan salam.
- Absensi.
- Memulai pelajaran dengan mengucapkan “basmallah” bersama-sama.
- Tes Awal (pre-test)
b. Kegiatan Inti (40 menit)
- Guru memperlihatkan gambar kepada siswa melalui flashcard
- Guru menanyakan kepada siswa-siswi tentang gambar tersebut
- Guru melafalkan kosa kata tersebut dan meminta siswa mendengarkan
dengan baik..
- Siswa mendengarkan apa kata-kata guru.
- Guru meminta siswa-siswi untuk mengulang kata-kata yang sudah
diucapkan guru baik secara individu maupun kelompok
- Guru memperhatikan dan membetulkan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang
c. Kegiatan Akhir/Penutup (10 menit)
- Guru meminta siswa untuk mengulang kata-kata tersebut kembali di
- Menutup pelajaran dengan mengucapkan “Hamdalah” bersama-sama.
- Salam dan keluar kelas.
2. Pertemuan Kedua
d. Kegiatan Awal (15 menit)
- Mengucapkan salam.
- Absensi.
- Memulai pelajaran dengan mengucapkan “basmallah” bersama-sama.
e. Kegiatan Inti (40 menit)

- Guru memperlihatkan gambar kepada siswa melalui flashcard
- Guru menanyakan kepada siswa-siswi tentang gambar tersebut
- Guru melafalkan kosa kata tersebut dan meminta siswa mendengarkan
dengan baik..
- Siswa mendengarkan apa kata-kata guru.
- Guru meminta siswa-siswi untuk mengulang kata-kata yang sudah
diucapkan guru baik secara individu maupun kelompok
- Guru memperhatikan dan membetulkan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang
f. Kegiatan Akhir/Penutup (15 menit)
- Guru meminta siswa untuk mengulang kata-kata tersebut kembali di
- Permainan mencocokkan gambar dengan kata
- Menutup pelajaran dengan mengucapkan “Hamdalah” bersama-sama.
- Salam dan keluar kelas.
3. Pertemuan Ketiga
g. Kegiatan Awal (15 menit)
- Mengucapkan salam.
- Absensi.
- Memulai pelajaran dengan mengucapkan “basmallah” bersama-sama.
- Tes Awal (pre-test)
h. Kegiatan Inti (10 menit)
- Guru memperlihatkan gambar kepada siswa melalui flashcard
- Guru menanyakan kepada siswa-siswi tentang gambar tersebut
- Guru melafalkan kosa kata tersebut dan meminta siswa mendengarkan
dengan baik..
- Siswa mendengarkan apa kata-kata guru.
- Guru meminta siswa-siswi untuk mengulang kata-kata yang sudah
diucapkan guru baik secara individu maupun kelompok
- Guru memperhatikan dan membetulkan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang
i. Kegiatan Akhir/Penutup (20 menit)

- Guru meminta siswa untuk mengulang kata-kata tersebut kembali di
- Tes akhir (post-test)
- Menutup pelajaran dengan mengucapkan “Hamdalah” bersama-sama.
- Salam dan keluar kelas.
H. Sumber/Bahan/Alat Pembelajaran
Gambar-gambar/ flash card.
Buku bahasa Inggris Grow With English, pengerang mukarto, penerbit: Erlangga,
I. Penilaian
Pre-Test ( untuk mengetahui pengetahuan siswa sebelum pembelajaran) dan Post-
Test (untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa setelah belajar) dengan kriteria
Apabila siswa dapat menuliskan kosakata dan arti kosakata dalam bahasa Indonesia
dengan benar, siswa mendapatkan skor 4 per nomor. Apabila siswa benar semua
baik dalam penulisan kosakata dan penulisan artinya di semua soal (25 soal) maka
siswa mendapatkan nilai 100

Jakarta, Februari 2017

Guru Peneliti

Fitrianita Pugar Rismanti


Research Vocabulary List

(Answer key of pre-test and post-test)

Put On = Mengenakan Pink = Merah Muda

Fold = Melipat Orange = Oranye/Jingga Tua

Take Off =Melepaskan/Lepas Trousers = Celana Panjang

Shirt = Kemeja
Hang Up = Menggantung
Shoes = Sepatu
Green = Hijau
Socks/Sock = Kaos Kaki
Blue = Biru
Dress = Gaun
Red = Merah
T-Shirt = Kaos
Yellow = Kuning
Cap = Topi
White = Putih
Uniform = Seragam
Brown = Coklat
Jacket = Jaket
Grey = Abu-abu
Shorts = Celana Pendek
Purple = Ungu

Wear = Memakai




green blue

red yellow

grey Purple
wear Pink

orange TrouserS
shirt shoes

socks dress
t-shirt cap

uniform jacket


TAKE OFF Hang up green

blue red yellow

Brown grey

Purple wear Pink

orange TrouserS shirt

shoes socks dress

t-shirt cap uniform

jacket shorts



Respondent Data

Name : Rizky Novianti (Bu Kiki)

Job : English Teacher of grade 3 and 4 of SD Pantara

Education Background : Students of State University of Jakarta (UNJ)

No Interview Questions Interview Response
a. Menurut ibu, penguasaan Karena sudah terbiasa menonton
kosakata bahasa Inggris pada anak acara televisi dari luar negeri, jadi
disleksia kelas 4 SD Pantara penguasaan kosakatanya sudah
Jakarta Selatan itu seperti apa? cukup baik dan tidak terlalu sulit.
Untuk mentranslate dari bahasa
Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia sudah
cukup baik, bahkan mereka sudah
mampu berdialog menggunakan
bahasa Inggris.
kosakata bahasa
b. Menurut ibu, seberapa penting Karena dalam penguasaan bahasa
Inggris pada
1 penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris yang perlu dikuasai pertama
siswa disleksia
Inggris bagi siswa disleksia kelas 4 adalah kosakata jadi cukup penting,
kelas 4
SD Pantara ini? tetapi dikembalikan lagi ke
kemampuan siswanya. Ada beberapa
siswa yang bisanya hanya mengenal,
tetapi belum bisa menghapal.
c. Kosakata seperti apa yang mudah Kosakata yang mudah dikuasai oleh
dikuasai oleh siswa disleksia di siswa diseleksia di kelas 4 SD
kelas 4 ini? Pantara ini adalah kosakata yang
antara bahasa lisan dan tulisan itu

d. Kosakata seperti apa yang sulit Kosakata yang sulit dikuasai oleh
dikuasai oleh siswa disleksia di siswa diseleksia di kelas 4 SD
kelas 4 ini? Pantara ini adalah kosakata yang
antara bahasa lisan dan tulisan itu
cukup berbeda jauh. Itu bisa
membuat mereka banyak salah tulis.
Tapi, saya tidak terlalu
memperdulikan penulisannya karena
bagi saya dengan mereka bisa
mengucapkan itu sudah cukup.
Kemampuan menulis itu yang
e. Seberapa besar minat siswa Minatnya sangat besar karena
disleksia kelas 4 SD Pantara dalam pembelajaran dibawa menyenangkan
mempelajari kosakata bahasa (dilakukan pembelajatan
Inggris? menyenangkan).
f. Bagaimana proses/ aktivitas Biasanya saya melakukan kegiatan
pembelajaran kosakata bahasa tanya-jawab di awal, lalu ada
Inggris bagi siswa kelas 4 SD permainan dan terakhir siswa
Pantara yang ibu lakukan? diberikan lembar kerja (latihan)
g. Teknik dan metode pembelajaran Kalau sudah kenal kosakatanya
seperti apa yang sering ibu lanngsung belajar menulis, jadi
kosakata bahasa
gunakan dalam pembelajaran pembelajaran membaca dan menulis
2. Inggris pada
kosakata bahasa Inggris bagi kosakata bersamaan. Ketika masuk
siswa disleksia
siswa disleksia kelas 4 SD materi baru pasti kosakata terlebih
kelas 4 SD
Pantara? dahulu yang dipelajari.
h. Seberapa sering ibu menggunakan Cukup Sering
metode tersebut?
i. Adakah kegiatan Itu pasti ada dan dilakukan, di akhir
penguatan/pengayaan penguasaan pelajaran ada lembar kerja dan

kosakkata bahasa Inggris pada pertemuab berikutnya sebelum mulai
siswa disleksia kelas 4 SD materi baru diulangi lagi materi
Pantara? Jika ada bagaimana sebelumnya.
Menggunakan lembar kerja karena
j. Bagaimana ibu melaksanakan
dari situ sudah terlihat
assessment pengetahuan
penguasaannya, kalau belum
penguasaan kosakata bahasa
maksimal saya beri lagi lembar kerja
Inggris bagi siswa disleksia kelas 4
lainnya yang masih sesuai dengan
SD Pantara?
kosakata materi yang dipelajari.
Secara umum tidak ada kendala
yang cukup menganggu, kendala
yang dihadapi hanya kesulitan siswa
k. Adakah kendala yang dialami dalam menterjemahkan bbahasa
selama proses pembelajaran lisan ke bahasa tulisan, tapi hal itu
kosakata bahasa Inggris bagi tidak terlalu saya pentingkan karena
siswa disleksia kelas 3 SD kemampuan menulis itu terakhir
Pantara? Jika ada apa saja asalkan mereka paham kosakata
kendalanya? yang sedang dibahas. Jika salah
salah sedikit saya ingatkan untuk
diperbaiki semisal boleh melihat
buku, dsb.
3. Media l. Media pembelajaran apa yang flashcard
Pembelajaran biasa ibu gunakan?
kosakata bahasa m. Bagaimana pengunaan media Biasanya saya tunjukkan
Inggris bagi tersebut? kosakatanya terlebiih dahulu, baru
siswa disleksia nanti ada tanya jawab terkait
kelas 4 SD kosakata yang ada di flashcard.
Pantara n. Seberapa sering ibu menggunakan Cukup sering dan biasa saya
media tersebut? gunakan

o. Apakah media tersebut dirasa Ya, saya rasa media flashcard cukup
cukup efektif? efektif untuk digunakan karena
cukup bisa meningkatkan
kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris
bagi siswa disleksia kelas 4 SD






Surat Permohonan Menjadi Responden

Di Tempat

Dengan Hormat,
Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, Mahasiswa program S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Nama : Fitrianita Pugar Rismanti
NIM : 1112014000021
Bermaksud melaksanakan penelitian dengan judul ““Using Flashcard to Teach English
Vocabulary for Dyslexic Students ( A Pre-Experimental Study at The Grade IV of SD Pantara
South Jakarta) / Penggunaan Media Kartu Bergambar Dalam Pembelajaran Kosa Kata
Bahasa Inggris Bagi Siswa Disleksia (Studi Pra Eksperimen bagi Siswa Kelas 4 SD Pantara
Jakarta Selatan)”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran penggunaan media
kartu bergambar terhadap penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris bagi siswa dengan karakter disleksia.
Penelitian ini tidak akan menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan bagi responden karena
semua data serta informasi yang didapatkan akan digunakan sebaik-baiknya oleh peneliti demi
kepentingan penelitian. Apabila Bapak/Ibu/Wali Siswa berkenan saya mohon kesediaannya untuk
mengizinkan putera/puterinya menjadi responden dalam penelitian yang saya laksanakan ini.
Atas perhatian yang Bapak/Ibu/Wali Siswa berikan, saya mengucapkan terima kasih.
Kepala SD Pantara

Fajriyatul Hidayah, S.Pd Fitrianita Pugar Rismanti


Pernyataan Kesediaan Menjadi Responden

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama :

Orangtua dari :

Menyatakan kesediaan untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian “Using Flashcard to

Teach English Vocabulary for Dyslexic Students ( A Pre-Experimental Study at
The Grade IV of SD Pantara South Jakarta) / Penggunaan Media Kartu
Bergambar Dalam Pembelajaran Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris Bagi Siswa Disleksia
(Studi Pra Eksperimen bagi Siswa Kelas 4 SD Pantara Jakarta Selatan)”.

Saya memberikan izin kepada Sdri. Fitrianita Pugar Rismanti untuk melaksanakan
kegiatan penelitian dan pengambilan data terhadap putera/puteri saya, berupa pra-tes,
pasca-tes dan kegiatan pembelajaran terkait dengan penelitian. Saya juga memberikan
izin penggunaan data tersebut untuk mendukung proses penelitian yang dilakukan.

Jika suatu saat dianggap perlu, atas pertimbangan apapun, saya dapat
membatalkan/menarik kesediaan dan seluruh informasi/data yang telah saya berikan.

Jakarta, 2017

( )





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