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English lesson 7-form.

Date: ____________ _________________

Theme I am proud of Kyrgyzstan

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. To develop and consolidate skills study tour to search and solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search
reading skills. In subject competently
1. (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 2. (S/C2)
other cultures 3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: History of Kg
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
. children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
activ. you're fine. Take your sits,please.

Check-up 5 Repeat
home m
work .

Present-n I am proud of Kyrgyzstan

New 1.Do you regonize the girl in the
theme 10 picture
m Look at the picture . Discuss the 2. What do you remember about the
. questions with your classmates girl in the picture ( her name,her
M/ Ind.
school, her friends..) C1,2,3 m.
Work with pictures … 3. Where is she know ?What is she S/C
doing? 1,2,3 Pair.
4.How is she feeling?... m

Practi Ex.2.Read the text describing Anthem- гимн M/ Pair.
ce Emblem- герб C1,2,3 m
Aiguls 1st day at school after her S/C Gr.m
Work Lyrics-ырдын тексти
summer holidays/Compare your 1,2,3
with   Reflects- отражает,кубулат
ex -s .
13 ideas with the text
m. Diversity- ар туркунн
K БТ New words ^
Bravery- Эр журок
Ancient- илгерки
Looking forward- чыдамчыздык мн кутуу
Scared- корккон

Ex.3 read the text again . Are the Grou

statement True or False ? correct 1. True
2. False
the false sen-s 3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
Write the highlighted word next to 8. False
Produ the correct definition
ction 1. Lyrics
2. Diversity
3. Ancient m
Repeat after teacher 4. Looking forward Pair.
5. Anthem m
Ref- 6. Bravery M/
tion C1,2,3
7. Emblem
8. Scared 1,2,3
New words, ex. 4 b,c p 5. 9.   Reflects
Home m
Evalu 2-
: 7m

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Present Simple Tense

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercisechildren learn to use English tenses correctly solve problem(M/C3)

.2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills.
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 4. (S/C1)
other cultures 5. (S/C2)
6. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Repeat Ind.
work m
1. What new subject are you
Present-n Present Simple Tense
New going to have this year ?
theme 10 1/ Discuss the questions 2. Which of the new subject
m with classmates would you like to study? Why?
3. Which of the new subject are Ind.
afraid of? Why? m.
4. 1st September is Knowledge M/
day in our country.How did you C1,2,3 Pair.
S/C m
spend this day? 1,2,3
How to Form the Simple Present
Practi The simple present is a verb In the simple present, most regular verbs use M/ Pair.
ce tense with two main uses. We use the the root form, except in the third-person C1,2,3 m
Work singular (which ends in -s). S/C Gr.m
simple present tense when an action 1,2,3
with First-person singular: I write
13 is happening right now, or when it
ex -s . Second-person singular: You write ,We write
K БТ m. happens regularly (or unceasingly, Third-person singular: He/she/it writes (note
which is why it’s sometimes called the -s)
present indefinite). Depending on the For a few verbs, the third-person singular
person, the simple present tense is ends with -es instead of -s. Typically, these
formed by using the root form or by are verbs whose root form ends in o, ch, sh,
adding -s or -es to the end. th, ss, gh, or z.
First-person singular: I go Grou
Second-person singular: You go p/m.
Third-person singular: He/she/it Pair.
goes (note the -es) m.
For most regular verbs, you put the negation
of the verb before the verb, e.g. “She won’t
go” or “I don’t smell anything.”
The verb to be is irregular:
To make the verb to be negative, the
First-person singular: I am
Produ Second-person singular: You are
formula is [to be] + not.
ction Third-person singular: He/she/it is
I am not a pie lover, but Pauline sure is.
You aren’t ready for such delicious pie. Pair.
Ex.6 p.6 M/
Ref- C1,2,3
tion S/C

New words. Make some sen-s with m

Home Pres. Simpe / NEW WORDS


Evalu 3-
of 7m 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: My profile.
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. Teach children to use information about themselves in solve problem(M/C3)
written speech
2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search
reading skills. In subject competently
7. (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 8. (S/C2)
other cultures 9. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: ENGLISH GRAMMAR
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words. Make some sen-s
home 5
work m with Pres. Simpe / NEW WORDS Ind.
A personal profile is the most important mark
part of your CV. It is a brief description of
you. It is you opportunity to highlight your
New My profile. skills and abilities. It will be the first thing
that the reader sees and will be where they
theme 10
form their first impressions of you.
. 1. What does “Personal Личный профиль - самая важная часть
profile “mean ? What вашего резюме. Это краткое описание Ind.
вас. Это возможность подчеркнуть свои m.
information can you навыки и способности. Это будет первое, M/
usually find there? что увидит читатель, и именно там у него C1,2,3 Pair.
сложится первое впечатление о S/C m
вас. Хорошее вступительное заявление
вызовет у читателя желание продолжить Grou
чтение, а плохое вступительное p.m.
заявление даст обратный эффект. Он
должен быть кратким, лаконичным и
Practi Ex.1/ Answer these questions of M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
the piece of the paper S/C Gr.m
ex -s .
K БТ m.


ction How do you know the grammar
Lets play the game Ind/
Answer the questions m
Ref- M/
Make own personal profile C1,2,3

Home Personal profile
work Repeat all grammar

Evalu 5-
ating 4-
of 3-
pupils 7m 2-

end of Thank you for the lesson , good bye!


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: How well do you know the grammar?

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Repeat and practice the following communication(M/C2)
grammatical  The self-organization and
constructions: simple past tense, past extended tense, present solve problem(M/C3)
completed tense, and simple future tense.
* Develop conversational skills.
* Develop teamwork skills.
  Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, In subject competently
other cultures 10. (S/C1)
11. (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: ENGLISH GRAMMAR 12. (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words. Make some sen-s
home 5
work m with Pres. Simpe / NEW WORDS Ind.

New How well do you know the
theme 10 grammar? • What should you do when you step on a
1.Roly –play • Who will decide whether you answered the
question correctly or not? Ind.
Students will need a dice (one for a group
of three or four players) and • What will you do if your answer is correct?
a chip (one for each player). The teacher What will you do if your answer turns out to be
C1,2,3 Pair.
asks the students to read the instructions wrong? S/C m
for the task, • Who will be the winner of the game? 1,2,3
then uses leading questions to check how Grou
well the students understood p.m.
the task. Sample questions:
Practi M/ Pair.
ce How do you know the grammar Answers: 1) b) swim-swim-swim; 2 ) students ' C1,2,3 m
Work own answers. 3) Aigul was cooking dinner S/C Gr.m
with The teacher organizes small groups of 3 to 4 when we got home. 5) Students ' own answers,
13 6) Nursultan played in a basketball team as a
ex -s . students and announces the start of the
K БТ m. game. child
. 7) This morning, Aizada did not prepare
breakfast for the whole family. 8) Will there be
in every house? 10) Aliya finally told us the
whole story about Bakyt. 11) a) dme-fed, b)
drive- Grou
drove, c) teach-taught; e) dig - dug. 13) Look! p/m.
My turtle eats 14) Are you going out Pair.
tonight?" 15) I haven't seen any good movies m.
lately. 17) Istanbul metro system to be

18) What was Nurlan doing when you knocked

on his door? 19) Students ' own responses. 20)
Produ Have you already sent an email? 22) a) fly-flew;
ction b) drink-drank; c) run-ran; d) sleep-slept. 23)
Personal profile Did Zhuldyz watch TV all day? 24) They will get
married in June. 25) I'm flying, I'm going to fly to Ind/
Repeat all grammar Friday, 26) Students ' own responses. 27) m
Gulnaz was reading in bed
Ref- when she heard the burglars break into the M/
tion house. C1,2,3
How well do you know the 1,2,3

work 5-
Evalu 2-
pupils 7m

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Child prodigies Sensational children.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills.
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 13. (S/C1)
other cultures 14. (S/C2)
15. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Personal profile
home 5
work m Repeat all grammar Ind.
. A child prodigy is defined in psychology
research literature as a person under the age
Present-n of ten who produces meaningful output in
New Child prodigies some domain to the level of an adult expert.[1][2]

theme 10
m Look at the title of the The
. term wunderkind (from German: Wunderkind,
lesson and illustrations.What literally "wonder child") is sometimes used as Ind.
a synonym for child prodigy, particularly in
do you think the phrases “a media accounts. Wunderkind also is used to
child prodigies “ means ? M/
recognize those who achieve success and
C1,2,3 Pair.
acclaim early in their adult careers.
S/C m
Вундеркинд  1,2,3
Термин вундеркинд (от немецкого : Wunde Grou
rkind , буквально «чудо-ребенок») иногда p.m.
используется как синоним слова
«вундеркинд», особенно в сообщениях
СМИ. Вундеркинд также используется для
признания тех, кто добивается успеха и
признания в начале своей взрослой
карьеры. [4]
Practi Now read the 1st part the article In the english language there is a M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
and check your ideas phrase "God blessed him" which S/C Gr.m
means that a person has a real talent… 1,2,3
ex -s .
K БТ m. Genius - genius [ˈʤiːnɪəs]
Glossary генийм, гениальность, талант,
(genie, brilliance, talent)
prodigy [ˈprɒdɪʤɪ]
(miracle) p/m.
вундеркинд, гений Pair.
(child prodigy, genius) m.
vivid [ˈvɪvɪd] прил
Look at the photos the headlines . яркий, красочный, живописный
Can you guess why these children (bright, colorful, picturesque)
Produ are called prodigies? curious [ˈkjʊərɪəs] прил
ction Akrit Jaswal - Indian boy, who is любопытный, странный,
deservedly considered the most необычный, удивительный,
intelligent in India. The Prodigy занимательный, чудной Ind/
(interesting, strange, unusual, m
first attracted media attention in Pair.
2000 (when he was only seven surprising) m
Cleopatra Stratan (born 6 October 2002) is a M/
years old). His 8-year-old neighbor Moldovan singer, the youngest person ever to C1,2,3
severely burned her hand, which is score commercial success, with her 2006 S/C
why she could not even unclench album La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3"). 1,2,3
She holds the record for the highest paid
her fist. A small, but already young artist, the youngest artist to receive an
talented Akrit, without any medical Ind/
MTV award and the youngest artist to score a
skills, was able to perform a No.1 hit in a country ("Ghiță" in Romanian
Singles Chart).[1] As of late 2011, Cleopatra
surgical operation on the girl, after and her family have relocated and are living
which she returned to the mobility in Pipera. Partener de viata: Edward Sanda
tion of her fingers.
How many achievements does each
child prodigy from the articles Earned
above have? achieve [əˈʧiːv]- Scored
достичь Got
Look at the highlighted verbs in the Perfomed
Home 7m first two text . What tense are Burnt
work Made
they? Are they irregular or regular
Evalu Read , retell and translate the text
pupils 5-
: 4-
end of
. Thank you for the lesson , good bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Past Simple: Affirmative, interrogative, negative

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. Students can use in sen-s all forms of past simple tense solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills.
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 16. (S/C1)
other cultures 17. (S/C2)
18. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Read , retell and translate the
home 5
work m text Ind.

theme 10 Past Simple: Affirmative, The Simple Past Tense, often just called
the Past Tense, is easy to use in English.
m interrogative, negative
. If you already know how to use the Present
Tense, then the Past Tense will be easy. Ind.
Became In general, the Past Tense is used to talk
about something that started and finished at a
Earned definite time in the past. C1,2,3 Pair.
Scored S/C m
Knew p.m.

Practi How to form the Past Tense in So you just have to learn one word to be able M/ Pair.
ce English to use it in the past tense. In this case we just C1,2,3 m
Work needed to learn the one word wanted which S/C Gr.m
The main rule is that for every verb in can be used for all subjects (or people). 1,2,3
with English, there is only one form of it in the
ex -s . past tense.
Past Tense Regular Verbs
K БТ m. (The exception is the Past tense of To Be,
which has two forms: was and were) To change a regular verb into its past tense
form, we normally add –ED to the end of the
This is totally different from other verb.
languages such as Spanish, French, Italian
etc. where you change the verb ending for  play – played
every subject.  cook – cooked
 rain – rained Grou
For example: The past tense of the
 wait – waited p/m.
verb want is wanted.
Wanted is used as the past tense for all
subjects/pronouns. There are some exceptions with a slight m.
change in spelling which you can see here:
Spelling of words ending in ED.
 I wanted
 You wanted
 He wanted
Negative sentences in the Past Tense
 She wanted We use didn't (did not) to make a negative
 It wanted sentence in the past tense.
 We wanted This is for regular AND irregular verbs in
 They wanted English.
Produ  study? – I studied at the library. Examples of negative sentences in m
ction  the Past Tense Pair.
 Present: They don't live in m
Canada.  I didn't want to go to the dentist. M/
Past: They didn't live in Canada.  She didn't have time. C1,2,3
 You didn't close the door. S/C
 He didn't come to my party.
 They didn't study so they didn't pass
the test. Ind/
 We didn't sleep well last night. m


Do the ex.7.8

Ex.9.10 p.16,17
Evalu 5-
pupils 3-
: 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson , good bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Thinking differently

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills.
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 19. (S/C1)
other cultures 20. (S/C2)
21. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Ex.9.10 p.16,17 Ind.
work m

Thinking differently J: Paula how many children do you
theme 10 have?
m Listen to the interview with P (Megan`s mum): I`ve 5
Wegan Ward ,a ten yeard old chidren.Aged 6,8,13.19. Megan is in Ind.
inventor , and her mum the middle –she`s ten…. m.
Paula. Then answer the a)an anti-smoking keyring a plastic C1,2,3 Pair.
questions below braslet :a T- shirt , a Quetch , aa dogs S/C m
collar , a fishing rod,
1.How many inventions does b) No , Only an anty-smoking keyring Grou
Wegan have ? is in production
2.Are all her invertions in
Practi Glossary 1. C.Paula how many children do M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
Ex2. Look at the questions the you have? S/C Gr.m
journalist asked . Put them in order 2. E.Paula, how did you know that 1,2,3
ex -s .
13 your dougther is a genius?
K БТ m. 3. B. Megan, can I ask you some
questions? What was your first inv?
4. F.When did you invent it?
5. G
6. H
7. A
8. D Grou
Ex.3 ,Choose true or false? p/m.
1. F m.
2. T
3. F
4. F
Glossary 5. T

Regular ,irregular verb m
Ref- M/
tion C1,2,3
New words p.22 1,2,3

work 5-
pupils 7m

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Past Simple: irregular, regular verbs

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of communication(M/C2)
the new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical  The self-organization and
skills, making exercise. Teach how use the regular anf irregular verbs solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills.
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English 22. (S/C1)
language, other cultures 23. (S/C2)
24. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for
m the lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Repeat ,New words p.22 Ind.
work m
 Present: Do they live in France?
Past Simple: irregular, Past: Did they live in France?
New regular verbs
theme 1 Short Answers with Was / Were
0 In questions that use Was or Were it is
m Questions in the Past Tense possible to give short answers as follows:
. We use did to make a question in the Ind.
past tense. m.
This is for regular AND irregular verbs Short M/
in English. We can also use a question Sample Answer C1,2,3 Pair.
word (Who, What, Why etc.) before Questions (Affirmativ S/C m
DID to ask for more information. e)* 1,2,3
 Did you study? – Yes, I did. p.m.
Was I Yes, you No, you
 When did you study? – I
studied last night. correct? were. weren't.
 Where did you study? – I
studied at the library. Were you
busy Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
1. Did Rahat feel better this
Practi Ex.5 Use the questions form of M/ Pair.
ce morning? C1,2,3 m
Work the past s. S/C Gr.m
with 2. Did Mansue…? 1,2,3
ex -s .
K БТ m. 3. Did the children…?
4. Did your mother..?
5. Did your friend…?
The main verb (live in the example 6. Did the neighbours..?
above) is in its base form (of the Both Do and Does in present tense Grou
infinitive). The auxiliary DID shows questions become Didn't in past tense
that the question is in the past Pair.
questions. m.
Compare the questions in the examples
NOTICE: The only difference below:
Produ between a question in the present
ction tense and a question in the past Present: Do you need a doctor?
tense is the change in the auxiliary Past: Did you need a doctor?
Iregular Verbs in the Past Tense Present: Do you ride your bike to work?
Past: Did you ride your bike to work?
Irregular verbs are ONLY irregular in Ind/
affirmative/positive sentences. m
(An exception to this is with the
verb TO BE in the Past Tense). M/
Ref- Ex.6 . Put the words in the correct S/C
tion order

1. Why did you choose this

profession? Ind/
2. Did he rass his exam last week?
ex.7. p.21 3. How did you get acquainted
Home with your boyfriend?
work 7m 4. How did you break you leg?
5. Did you call Varina
5- yesterday?
Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-

end of Thank you for the lesson , good bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Grammar meets conversations

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills. Teach children use all forms of past simple
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 1 (S/C1)
other cultures 2 (S/C2)
3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 ex.7. p.21 Ind.
work m

Present-n 1. Did you go to the cinema last

Grammar meets week?
theme 10 conversations 2. What did you do yesterday
Prepare the questions using 3. Did you get on the internet Ind.
the words in braskets to ask yesterday? m.
each other . 4. What was the weather like M/
yesterday? C1,2,3 Pair.
S/C m
5. Did you study English last 1,2,3
Saturday? Grou
6. How did you meet your best p.m.
Practi Card b. 1. Did you play any sport yesterday? M/ Pair.
ce 2. Where did you go last weekend? C1,2,3 m
Work 3. Did you speak to your friends S/C Gr.m
with yesterday?
ex -s . 4. What time did you go to bed last
K БТ m.
5. Did you clean your house yesterday?
6. Did you visit your relatives last
7. Did you buy anything special last
8. How many times did you swim in a Grou
lake last summer? p/m.
9. Why did you begin learning Pair.
Compare the following using GO in the English? m.
past tense.

Produ  They went to the beach

ction  They didn't go to the beach
--- Didn't shows that we are talking
in the past tense.
 Did they go to the beach?
--- Did shows that we are talking in
the past tense. Ind/
Another example with an irregular verb. Pair.
The past of EAT is ATE. m
Ref- M/
tion  You ate my cake.
 You didn't eat my cake. S/C
 Did you eat my cake?

Repeat all form of PAST S T m

Home 7m
Evalu 3-
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme:I am prodigy
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills. Teach children use all forms future simple
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 1 (S/C1)
other cultures 3 (S/C2)
3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times M/ tion
in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5
work m
. prodigy [ˈprɒdɪʤɪ] прич mark
Present-n I am prodigy (gifted), (miracle)
New вундеркиндм, генийм
theme 10
m What does prodigy mean? (child prodigy, genius)
Today we will talk about 1/How do you think prodigies Ind.
prodigies learn to do amazing things? m.
2/ Do you think prodigies need the M/
C1,2,3 Pair.
help of others to develop their talents? S/C m
3/ Do you think their life is 1,2,3

interesting? Grou
1/ Niall Joseph Israel
Practi Ex/3 b.Read the interviews with Thompson[2] (born 3 September 1993) M/ Pair.
ce prodigyies and their familiesn and is an English professional footballer who C1,2,3 m
Work is currently at Truro City after S/C Gr.m
check your ideas 1,2,3
with leaving Torquay United in January 2015.
ex -s . He plays as a winger, but his versatility
K БТ m.
has seen him more recently act as
a wing-back.

2. Heidi Hankins from Winchester has

a 159 IQ. She taught herself to read and
was able to count to 40 at two years old.
New words British Mensa chief executive John Grou
achievement [əˈʧiːvmənt]- достижение, Stevenage said Heidi's parents p/m.
жетишуу "correctly identified that she shows great Pair.
wonder [ˈwʌndə]- тан калу potential". m.
vitality [vaɪˈtælɪtɪ]- энергиялуу
vivid imagination [ˈvɪvɪd ɪmæʤɪˈneɪʃn]-
According to Mensa, the average adult
живое вообраджение IQ score is 100.
Produ sensitive personality- [ˈsensɪtɪv] [pɜːsə In 2009, Oscar Wrigley, aged two and a
ction ˈnælɪtɪ]- чуствительная личность half at the time, from Reading in
impressed [ɪmˈprest]- тан калтырган Berkshire became the youngest ever
curiosity [kjʊərɪˈɒsɪtɪ]-редкость child to join Mensa with an IQ of 160.
flexibility [fleksəˈbɪlɪtɪ] –ийилчек Mr Stevenage said: "We aim to provide
joy [ʤɔɪ] –радость
a positive environment for younger Ind/
awe [ɔː] –страх
members to develop…. m
joyous [ˈʤɔɪəs] –шайыр,бактылуу
creative mind [krɪˈeɪtɪv maɪnd]-таланттуу
акылдуу m
Ref- C1,2,3
tion S/C
You know ,I was so impressed by all these 1,2,3
childs prodigies and their IQ test results that
I decided to do this test myself. Have you Ind/
ever tried to take an IQ test? Would you like m

7m to do it together with me to see if you are a

Ex.5,6 p.26
Home child prodigy or not?

ating 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson , good bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme:Future Simple
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills. Teach children use all forms future simple
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 1 (S/C1)
other cultures 4 (S/C2)
3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Ex.5,6 p.26
home 5
work m
The structure of the Future Simple mark
tense is:
Present-n Future Simple
theme 10
m he Future Simple tense is subjec
+ auxiliary wil
+ main
. often called the "will tense"
because we make the Future Ind.
Simple with the modal m.
auxiliary will. invariable base M/
C1,2,3 Pair.
S/C m
How do we make the Future 1,2,3
Simple tense? will V1 Grou
When we use the Future Simple
Practi tense in speaking, we often contract M/ Pair.
ce For negative sentences in the C1,2,3 m
the subject and auxiliary verb: S/C Gr.m
Work Future Simple tense, we 1,2,3
with insert not between the auxiliary
ex -s . I will I'll
K БТ m. verb and main verb. For question
sentences, we exchange you will you'll
the subject and auxiliary verb.
Look at these example sentences he will he'll
she will she'll
with the Future Simple tense: it will it'll

we will we'll
they will they'll
 Hold on. I'll get a pen.
How do we use the Future Simple  We will see what we can do to help
tense? you.
ction No Plan  Maybe we'll stay
We use the Future Simple tense when in and watch television tonight.
there is no plan or decision to do In these examples, we had no firm plan
something before we speak. We make before speaking. The decision is made at
the decision spontaneously at the time of the time of speaking.
speaking. Look at these examples: We often use the Future Simple tense with Ind/
 the verb to think before it: m
 I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow. Pair.
Prediction m
 I think I will have a holiday next
Ref- We often use the Future Simple tense to C1,2,3
tion make a prediction about the future. Again,  I don't think I'll buy that car. It will S/C
there is no firm plan. We are saying what we rain tomorrow. 1,2,3
think will happen. Here are some examples:  People won't go to Jupiter before the
22nd century. Ind/
 Who do you think will get the job? m
When the main verb is be, we can use the  I'll be in London tomorrow.
7m Future Simple tense even if we have a firm  I'm going shopping. I won't be very
plan or decision before speaking. Examples: long.
Home  Will you be at work tomorrow?
To do ex-s with handout

of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson , good bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Unique biography

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills. Teach children use all forms to be “going to “
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 1 (S/C1)
other cultures 5 (S/C2)
3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up How do we make the Future Simple
home 5 tense? To do ex-s with handout
work m
1/ Why do you think he is a prodigy
Present-n child?
Unique biography
New 2/ Where is he from?
theme 10
m Look at the pictures and the Tanishq Abraham, is a child genius, media
. headline. personality and role model. He is a third
Discuss the questions generation Indian-American born in Sacramento, Ind.
California. His father Bijou Abraham, a software
India and America are proud of a M/
engineer and mother Taji Abraham, C1,2,3 Pair.
prodigy child Tanishq Abraham S/C m
a veterinarian, were immigrants to the United
States of America from Kerala, India. Tanishq's Grou
Read the text p.m.
younger 10 year old sister, Tiara Abraham is
also a child genius who like her brother is a
member of MENSA and began her first college
campus classes at seven years old. …
Practi Ex.3/ Read the text and complete it with 1. Was M/ Pair.
ce the verbs in the past simple 2. Achieved C1,2,3 m
Work 3. Took S/C Gr.m
with 4. Completed
ex -s . 5. Took
K БТ m.
6. Began
7. Was
8. Graduated
9. Started
10. Graduated
11. Received Grou
1/c Pair.
Produ Ex.4 Read the text again and write what 2/a m.
ction does these figures and phrases refer to

2003- Tanishq Abraham is was born

Ex.5 Read the text again and write what Sacramento, California
does these figures and phrases refer to 99,99%-
At the afe of ten- Ind/
2012- m
Ref- Ex/6 Answer the questions M/
tion C1,2,3
7m 1,2,3


Home Ex/7 p.29


Evalu 4-
pupils 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!
end of


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme:Construction “to be going to”

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills. Teach children use all forms to be “going to “
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 1 (S/C1)
other cultures 6 (S/C2)
3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy okey?
activ. I'm glad to see you!I hope you're
fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Ex/7 p.29 Ind.
work m

Construction “to be going
theme 10 to”
m How do we use going to?
. Going to is not a tense. It is a special
structure that we use to talk about the going to for intention
future. m.
The structure of going to is: We use going to when we have the
intention to do something before we
C1,2,3 Pair.
s + b + g + to- speak. We have already made a decision
S/C m
u e o infi before speaking. Look at these examples: 1,2,3
b i niti Grou
j n ve  Jo has won the lottery. He says p.m.
e g he's going to buy a Porsche.
c  We're not going to paint our
t bedroom tomorrow.
 When are you going to go on
Practi Going to is used with M/ Pair.
ce predictions. When you are making a going to for prediction C1,2,3 m
Work decision use will; use going to after the S/C Gr.m
decision has been made. We sometimes We often use going to to make a 1,2,3
13 also use the present continuous for prediction about the future. Our prediction
ex -s . is based on present evidence. We are
m. planned events in the near
future. When we want to talk about future saying what we think will happen. Here are
facts or things we believe to be true about some examples:
the future, we use will
 The sky is very black. It's going to
 It's 8.30! You're going to
miss your train! Grou
 I crashed the company car. My Pair.
boss isn't going to be very happy! m.

Produ Work with handouts "Be going to" Form and Usage

ction 1. I am going to see a play tonight. ...
2. It's late so I don't think he's going to
do his work tonight.
3. Look at those clouds. ...
4. We're not going to see my mother this Ind/
summer. m
5. My favorite team is going to play Pair.
tomorrow evening. m
6. He's going to tell his boss he's C1,2,3
Ref- resigning today. S/C
tion A.   ?     He is going to buy a

B.   ?     He am going to buy a m
7m A.   ?     I am going to cook a
C.   ?     He are going to buy
a car.
B.   ?     I is going to cook a
Home Make some (+-?) sentences with
work going to. C.   ?     I are going to cook a

Evalu 4-
ating 3-
2- A.   ?     We am going to have
: a drink.
B.   ?     We are going to have
a drink.
The C.   ?     We is going to have
Thank you for the lesson , good bye!
end of a drink.



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search In subject competently
reading skills. Repeat all themes 1 (S/C1)
7 (S/C2)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 3. (S/C3)
other cultures
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy okey?
activ. I'm glad to see you!I hope you're
fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up How do we use going to? Make
home 5 some (+-?) sentences with going Ind.
work m to. mark

Present-n Test
New 1. We sometimes   
theme 10
m 1.Choose the correct form of books.(read,reads)
. present simple tense
2. 2. Emily   to the disco.
(go,goes) m.
3. 3.It often   on Sundays. C1,2,3 Pair.
(rain,rains) S/C m

4. 4. Pete and his sister   the Grou

family car.(wash,washes)

5. 5. I always   to the bus

Test M/ Pair.
answe 2.Simple present with 'have' and 'be' 1. 1.We (to have)   a nice garden. C1,2,3 m
r the S/C Gr.m
questi Fill in the correct form of the verbs. 2. 2.She (to be)   six years old.
3. 3.Simon (to have)   two rabbits
and five goldfish.
4. 4.I (to be)   from Vienna, Austria.

5. 5.They (to be)   Sandy's parents.

3. Negative Sentences Grou
Make negative sentences. Pair.
1. My father makes breakfast. → 
2. They are eleven. → 
4. Questions
3. She writes a letter. → 
Make questions. 4.

6. Past Simple  choose the correct answer

you / to speak / English → 
1. I _____ to the mall after school.

 goed 1. when / he / to go / home →  Ind/

 gone 2. they / to clean / the bathroom →  Pair.
1. Did you play tennis yesterday? → Past S                 
 went m
2. My brother _____ a bear an hour ago.
Simple Past M/
2. Have you ever watched a film in English? →             C1,2,3
 seen Present Perfect S/C
Pres 1,2,3
 saw Perf
3. Was John reading the book last night? →                
 sees Past Progressive Ind/
3. _____ Mike visit his grandmother last night? Past
Cont m
 Did 4. How long have you been waiting for me? →            
Past Perfect Progressive
 Are Past
perf Cont
5. Does Steve often go to the swimming pool? →        
4. Alex did not _____ last weekend. Simple Present
 working 6. Will you be 13 or 14 next month? →                        
w ill-future Progressive
 worked Will
Foture Cont
6.Future Simple Quiz. Choose the correct 7. What are you doing here? →     pres. Cont.             
1. He _____ arrive on time. Present Progressive

3. We _____ get there until after dark.

 not  will

2. Will your folks _____ before Tuesday?  won't

4. We will _____ what your father says.

 leaves  see

 to see

7.going to Quiz. Choose the correct
1. Going to is usually used to talk about

 the past

 the present

 the future
2. What's the base form of the verb that always
comes somewhere before going to?



3. "The train is going to arrive in an hour."
Which is the infinitive verb?

 is going

 going to

 to arrive
4. Complete the special going to structure:
"subject + be + _______ + to-infinite"



 going to
5. Going to is used to express either intentions
or _______ .


The  predicates
end of  precedents

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Regular and irregular verbs formation

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge of the communication(M/C2)
new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils practical skills,  The self-organization and
making exercise. solve problem(M/C3)

2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search

reading skills. Teach children learn how to formation regular and irregular
verbs forms In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 8 (S/C2)
other cultures 3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Irregular Verb Examples
Check-up How do we make the Future Simple
home 5 tense? To do ex-s with handout  Go
 Get Ind.
work m
 Say mark
. Regular and irregular  See

Present-n verbs formation  Think

 Make
New An English verb can be regular or  Take
theme 10  Come
m irregular. Regular verbs form  Know
. their past and past participle forms
by adding –ed. Examples are given Ind.
Regular Verb Examples m.
below. Irregular verbs form ask–asked
their past and past participle forms C1,2,3 Pair.
in different ways. S/C m
Irregular Verbs are the verbs that do Grou
not follow a fix pattern while kick-kicked p.m.
conversion from present
to past and past participle form. learn-learned
Regular verbs are formed by adding
'ed', 'd' or 'ied' to verb's base form as
per the last character in the Verb

Practi Regular verbs are verbs that follow M/ Pair.

ce C1,2,3 m
Work a regular pattern when switching S/C Gr.m
with between forms. ... The base form of
ex -s . a verb is the simple, plain form of
K БТ m.
the verb that would appear in the
dictionary. The words listed above (run, Verb
walk, jump, sing, laugh, cry) Simple Past
Past Participle
are examples of base verbs. be
been Grou
become p/m.
A verb in which the past tense is not became Pair.
Produ formed by adding the usual -ed ending. become m.
ction Examples of irregular verbs are sing break
(past tense sang); feel (felt); and go broke
(went). (Compare regular verb.) broken
chosen Ind/
come m
came Pair.
come m
do M/
Ref- Work with handouts did
tion C1,2,3
done S/C

1. 1.I   (go) outside and I    Ind/

(see) a rainbow. m

2. 2.I   (hear) a dog barking so

I   (run) across the street.

work Learn by heart 20 reg. and irreg. verbs
3. 3.I   (ride) the train to my

friend’s house and I   (hold) my

Evalu 5-
ating bag in my hand.
of 3-
pupils 4. 4.I   (pay) for my ticket and

then I   (buy) a chocolate bar.

The 5. 5.I   (say) “hello” to my friend.

end of 4m Thank you for the lesson , good bye!
lesson Later, I   (meet) a friendly girl.
6. 6.I   (give) my phone number

and I   (make) a promise.

7. 7.I   (be) happy.



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Teenagers' addiction

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational * Introduce students to the communication(M/C2)
vocabulary on the topic of "Internet addiction".  The self-organization and
* Improve your speaking skills within the topic you are studying. solve problem(M/C3)
* Develop the ability to read thoughtfully and extract detailed information.Teach
and advise not
to express it in your speech.
from the first In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 25. (S/C1)
other cultures 26. (S/C2)
27. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity M/ tion
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Repeat Ind.
work m

Present-n Teenagers' addiction Answers:

theme 10 1) c
m Ex/1/ Students connect words 2) e,
. from the first column with 3) a:
words from the second column 4) b; Ind.
5) d, m.
in order to get expres-n .the M/
6) g
work is done ind-ly.At the end of 7)f C1,2,3 Pair.
the work students compare the S/C m
answers I pairs , then together Grou
Practi b) Students insert expressions from a)has a good time M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
exercise 1a in the places of b)social life S/C Gr.m
with omissions. At the end c) talk to somebody 1,2,3
13 of the work, students compare the d) surf the internet
ex -s .
K БТ answers in pairs, then the whole e) get information
class, e) wasted time doing nothing
g) addiction to electronic gadgets
Exercise 2
Students discuss questions in pairs,
then the whole class, this exercise Grou
develops Pair.
conversational skills. The teacher m.
should not correct every mistake
and interrupt
the student with his remarks, so as
not to interfere with his free Answer: Dependence on cyberspace.
expression of his thoughts.
Produ Students read the text and share
ction Ind/
their assumptions when
determining the type Pair.
of addiction. m
Exercise 4
Ref- S/C
tion Students read the text again and discuss 1,2,3
in small groups whose opinions they
agree with. At the end of the discussion, Ind/
students share their ideas with the all m
Home Ex/5 Students read the dialogues and
work identify the sentences containing the true
information, If the information is incorrect,
students must correct it. They check the
in pairs, then check with the entire class.
ating 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-

end of Thank you for the lesson , good
the bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Should and ought to

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
 Informational competent
theme.Giving new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Develop skills in predicting the communication(M/C2)
development of text events based on  The self-organization and
the presented maps and phrases for pictures. solve problem(M/C3)
* Develop the ability to listen in order to extract specific information
* Cultivate respect for the mother
Introduce students to the ways of forming should and ought to
Check the students ' assimilation of the forms of formation of adjectives with the In subject competently
help 28. (S/C1)
of the endings-ed or-ing in oral and written speech 29. (S/C2)
30. (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects:

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Phon.drill 1) Lie, Typhoon's parents are mad at Hearn
because he spends all his time surfing.:
Check-up Internet.
home 5 Ex/5 2) True,
work m 3) Lies. Beautiful and super sweet I think the
. Typhoon needs to limit his use of the Internet.
4) True
5) False Beauty advises Typhoon to talk to his
Present-n parents.
Should and ought to
theme 10
m Exercise 6
. Students discuss questions in pairs or in
small groups. At the end Answers: m.
of the discussion, students share their M/
ideas with the whole class. c) shouldn ' + Verb, ought not to +
C1,2,3 Pair.
Ex.7. Students read negatives with the Verb S/C m
modal verbs must ought c) Students rearrange the asking 1,2,3

and the text of exercise 1d and write sentence using a modal verb Grou
down the formula of the negative Answer:
What ought I to do?
Practi Exercise 8 Answers: M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
a) Students read the sentences and 1) should S/C Gr.m
with fill in the gaps in the sentences 2) shouldn't 1,2,3
13 with the words: should 3) should
ex -s .
K БТ or shouldn't At the end of the 4) should
work, students compare the 5) should
answers in pairs, then check 6) shouldn't
with the whole class. 7) should
8) should
9) shouldn't
b) Working independently, Pair.
Answers; m.
students rearrange the sentences 1) We ought to take care of the
using ought to environment.
or ought not to Then students 2) Teenagers ought not to waste their time
compare the answers in pairs and in front of computers.
are verified by the entire class. 3) Ought we to go jogging now?
4) You ought to do your homework to be a
Produ good student
ction 5) - I have a toothache - You ought to visit a Ind/
dentist m
6) He ought not to talk so much during the Pair.
classes m
7) - Do I look all night? - You ought to wear C1,2,3
that red dress S/C
Exercise 9 B) Ought I to buy a bunch of flowers or a
Students write tips for solving the necklace for her?
Ref- 9) You ought not to swim so far into the Ind/
tion proposed problems using
the should / shouldn't or ought to /ought lake
not to modal tables. Next, students are
divided into small groups,
read out their tips and choose the best
one for each problem. At the end
of the discussion, each group of students
shares their ideas with the other groups

Home Exercise 10
work 7m a) Students write about their problem or the
5- problem of people they know well. In case
Evalu 4- of difficulties, the teacher helps the students in
ating 3- making suggestions,
of 2- b) The teacher introduces the students to the
pupils expressions they use.

Thank you for the lesson , good

The bye!
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: The greatest gift for parents.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
 Informational competent
theme.Giving new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Develop skills in predicting the communication(M/C2)
development of text events based on  The self-organization and
the presented maps and phrases for pictures. solve problem(M/C3)
* Develop the ability to listen in order to extract specific information
* Cultivate respect for the mother
Introduce students to the ways of forming adjectives using
endings or -ing In subject competently
Check the students ' assimilation of the forms of formation of adjectives with the 31. (S/C1)
help 32. (S/C2)
of the endings-ed or-ing in oral and written speech 33. (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects:

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing
m for the lesson. Good morning Good morning teacher! We`re fine,
Warm-up . thank you. Glad to see you too!
dear my children! How are
you ?Are yoy okey? I'm glad to
see you!I hope you're fine.Take
your sits,please. a) Students write about their problem
Phon.drill or the problem of people they know
work m well. In case mark
. of difficulties, the teacher helps the
Exercise 10
students in making suggestions,
b) The teacher introduces the
Present-n The greatest gift for parents. students to the expressions they use.
New Exercise 1
theme 10
Students are divided into pairs
. and are introduced to new m.
accent.Then, students look at the
lexical units M/
pictures and discuss how these C1,2,3 Pair.
If necessary, the teacher can
pictures S/C m
help students understand new 1,2,3
can be related to the story they will
words. The teacher Grou
read. At this stage, the teacher p.m.
needs to work out the
can listen to the students ' ideas, but
pronunciation of these phrases,
not comment on them
as well as draw
the students ' attention to the

Practi Exercise 2 M/ Pair.

ce C1,2,3 m
Students listen to the text and S/C Gr.m
with compare their ideas with the 1,2,3

ex -s . 13 information in the text At the end

K БТ m. of the work, the teacher asks how Answers:
many matches the students found 1) False They came to take waler
during the reading from the well
2) False Two women praised their
children. Grou
Exercise 3 3) False. They stopped because they p/m.
were tired. Pair.
Students listen to the text again to m.
Produ find sentences that contain the 4) True.
ction true inn 5) True
If the information is incorrect, 6) Faise, He said that he saw only one
students must correct it. real son.

Exercise 4 m
Then the students work in pairs,
The purpose of the exercise is to Pair.
compare their words and select ten m
Ref- teach you to retell the text in
tion words out of twenty that match. M/
English. To help C1,2,3
After that, the teacher asks the entire
students retell the text, the S/C
5m class for the first 1,2,3
teacher asks them to read it and
keyword, selects it by a majority vote.
write out ten key words Ind/
of the work, the teacher asks how
that express the main idea of the m
many matches the students found
text. The choice of words is made
during the reading
by each student individually.
Exercise 5
Students listen to the text again to
find sentences that contain the
true inn
If the information is incorrect,
students must correct it.
Evalu 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good

The bye!
end of


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme:Adjecives ending –ed -ing

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
 Informational competent
theme.Giving new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Develop skills in predicting the communication(M/C2)
development of text events based on  The self-organization and
the presented maps and phrases for pictures. solve problem(M/C3)
* Develop the ability to listen in order to extract specific information
* Cultivate respect for the mother
Introduce students to the ways of forming adjectives using
endings or -ing In subject competently
Check the students ' assimilation of the forms of formation of adjectives with the 34. (S/C1)
help 35. (S/C2)
of the endings-ed or-ing in oral and written speech 36. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing
m for the lesson. Good morning Good morning teacher! We`re fine,
Warm-up . thank you. Glad to see you too!
dear my children! How are
you ?Are yoy okey? I'm glad to
see you!I hope you're fine.Take
your sits,please.
work m
New Report: to adjectives.
theme 10
And discuss how these are formed
m Adjecives ending –ed -ing
. Exercise 5 preparatele.
The teacher asks the students to Ind.
discuss the questions with each m.
other and after the discussion C1,2,3 Pair.
share S/C m
their ideas with the whole class Grou
Exercise 6
Students read sentences and
determine which part of speech
the highlighted
words belong to.
Practi Exercise 7 M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
Students determine how and by S/C Gr.m
with what rules adjectives are formed, 1,2,3
13 then the
ex -s .
Answers: 1b, 2a
K БТ whole class is discussed, and the
teacher summarizes it with a brief
explanation that
adjectives in-ing describe the
qualities and characteristics of an
object or person, and report Answers: p/m.
some property. And the adjectives 1) boring - bored Pair.
formed with the help of the 2) tiring - tired m.
ending-od, show 3) interesting - interested
the feelings, emotions or state of a 4) disappointing - disappointed
person 5) frightening - frightened
Produ Exercise 8 6) surprising - surprised
ction Students form adjectives using the 7) exciting - excited
endings-ed or-ing Then 8) pleasing - pleased
take the answers in pairs and check m
with the teacher. Answers: Pair.
1) boring m
Ref- Exercise 9 2) frightened C1,2,3
tion Students form correct adjectives 3) excited S/C
with endings or-ing Thencompare 4) interesting
the answers in pairs and check 5) tired
together with the teacher 6) pleased m
7) surprising
Home 8) disappointed
work New words

Evalu 5-
ating 7m
of 3-
pupils 2-

end of Thank you for the lesson , good bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Work with exercises

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
 Informational competent
theme.Giving new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Develop skills in predicting the communication(M/C2)
development of text events based on  The self-organization and
the presented maps and phrases for pictures. solve problem(M/C3)
* Develop the ability to listen in order to extract specific information
* Cultivate respect for the mother
Introduce students to the ways of forming adjectives using
endings or -ing In subject competently
Check the students ' assimilation of the forms of formation of adjectives with the 37. (S/C1)
help 38. (S/C2)
of the endings-ed or-ing in oral and written speech 39. (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects:

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 New words Ind.
work m

Possible answers:
Work with exercises 1) I am excited because the journey will be
theme 10 exciting.
m Exercise 10 2) The lesson was interesting because the
. Students make sentences with students were interested in it.
their own ideas. At the end of 3) I am tired now because my flight was tiring Ind.
4) We were surprised by the score of the game m.
the work, students because the score of the game M/
compare the answers in pairs, 5) The party was disappointing for me because i C1,2,3 Pair.
then check with the teacher was disappointed with the party S/C m
6) Aibigym was pleased with her test result
because her test result was pleas Grou
7) That big dog was frightening because I was p.m.
frightened of that big dog
8) The lecture was so boring because we were
bored with the lecture.
Exercise 11
Practi Possible answers: M/ Pair.
Working in pairs, students look at C1,2,3 m
ce 1) The book is so boring that he does
Work pictures and make sentences using S/C Gr.m
with the endings -ed or-ing. The teacher not want to read it 1,2,3
13 2) The student is interested in the
ex -s . walks around the classroom and
helps students in drawing up a lesson.
sentenceAt the end of the work, 3) The journey was tiring.
students read their sentences 4) The mother was disappointed with
based on her son's behavior.
the picture to the whole class. If 5) The girl was surprised to see a
there are mistakes, they correct puppet in the box.
them together. 6) The children felt excited about the Pair.
trip. m.
7) After watching a horror film, the
boy got frightened.
8) The girl was pleased with her cake.

Produ Exercise 12
ction a) Students choose the correct Answers:
variant of the adjective At the end 1) frightened Ind/
2) disappointed m
of the work of the teacher Pair.
students compare the answers in 3) exciting m
pairs, then check with the teacher, 4) pleased M/
5) bored S/C
6) tiring 1,2,3
b) Students take turns asking each 7) interesting
Ref- other the questions given in the Ind/
tion 8) surprising
task above, writing m
short answers in a notebook. They
can also ask additional questions to
better understand the other
person's answer. At the end of the
work, the teacher can conduct a
survey to determine
7m the most interesting answers.
work New words

Evalu 5-
ating 4-
of 3-
pupils 2-

end of Thank you for the lesson , good bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: A guide for parents and teenagers.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1/Educational Repeat and consolidate the  The social
vocabulary on the topic " The relationship between parents and children»  The self-organization and
2/ Develop the skills of using colloquial expressions in monological and solve problem(M/C3)
dialectical speech in the proposed situations and role-playing games
* Develop the ability to work in a pair/group and plan your speech utterance
In subject competently
3/ Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, other 40. (S/C1)
cultures 41. (S/C2)
42. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 New words Ind.
work m

Present-n : A guide for parents and

theme 10 teenagers.
. Exercise 1
Students independently Ind.
determine what things make m.
them happy, and sort C1,2,3 Pair.
them in descending order of S/C m
importance. Then students work
in pairs, their p.m.
own, and share them with the
entire class.

Practi Exercise 2 Own answers M/ Pair.

ce C1,2,3 m
The teacher asks the students to S/C Gr.m
with discuss the issues with each other 1,2,3
13 and after discussing
ex -s .
K БТ their ideas with the whole class,
Own answers

Parents about teens Teens about their

My children parents
My parents Grou
Exercise 3 p/m.
don't help around criticize my Pair.
Students first read the script, m.
the house. appearance
clarify the incomprehensible. watch too much TV. don't allow me to go
Produ Working in pairs, students waste their time to parties
make up a dialogue between one playing computer care a lot about my
of the teenagers and ero / ee games school performance.
don't listen to my don't like my friends.
parents, you can ask advice. always tell me what
how many couples to speak in are lazy and don't to do.
front of the class. study hard. don't listen to my Ind/
opinion m
Exercise 4
Ref- M/
Students work in small groups and C1,2,3
discuss what claims parents Roly-play S/C
7m and teenagers may have against
each other. After the discussion, Ind/
the teacher asks the students to m
share their ideas with the entire
class. The teacher can write down
their ideas on the blackboard

Home Essay: What should I be like for a

work parents?

Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-

The 4m Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: A guide /Modal verbs

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1/Educational Repeat and consolidate the  The social
vocabulary on the topic " The relationship between parents and children»  The self-organization and
2/ Develop the skills of using colloquial expressions in monological and solve problem(M/C3)
dialectical speech in the proposed situations and role-playing games
* Develop the ability to work in a pair/group and plan your speech utterance
In subject competently
3/ Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, other 43. (S/C1)
cultures 44. (S/C2)
45. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Essay: What should I be like for Ind.
work m
a parents? mark

New A guide /Modal verbs
theme 10
m Exercise 5 A guide for parents
. Students work in the same A guide for teenagers
groups, but you can change the m.
composition of the groups, only M/
that the C1,2,3 Pair.
S/C m
number of people in the group is 1,2,3
no more than 4. The teacher, Grou
having distributed students into p.m.
gives one task to write
instructions to parents and the
other-instructions to teenagers.
Students can formalize their ideas on a
Practi A guide for parents Aguide for teenagers M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
Teenagers should listen to their S/C Gr.m
Work Parents should help their children parents' advice. 1,2,3
ex -s .
13 when they are in trouble.
K БТ m. Parents ought to give their children education.
a very good the house. Teenagers ought to help their parents
Parents should talk to their teens
Teenagers should answer their
like they are
Parents ought to listen to them. Grou
Teenagers shouldn't use offensive
Parents should sympathize with p/m.
language Pair.
their children's
friends m.

Parents ought to laugh at their watch TV all the time

jokes. Teenagers ought to study hard.
Parents should take an interest in Teenagers ought not to play video
their music, games and
Produ worries.
Parents should show their teens Teenagers should take care of their
that they like younger m
them. brothers and sisters. Pair.
Parents ought to allow their teens Teenagers should be polite with their m
enough parents. C1,2,3
freedom. clothes and sporting passions. S/C
Ref- Exercise 6
tion Ind/
The teacher draws the Students vote for the best m
students ' attention to the presentation and explain their
expressions they should use choice. At the same time, the
during the presentation, and teacher
only then do the students writes down the students '
begin the prepare for it. mistakes on the board for
Home . discussion and correction, but
work 7m Presentation does not name the students who
5- made mistakes
Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good

The bye!
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Giving advice

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Repeat and consolidate the communication(M/C2)
vocabulary on the topic "The relationship between parents and  The self-organization and
children". solve problem(M/C3)
Develop the skills
of search activity (extracting the necessary information on a given topic),
writing (using the necessary lexical units and phrases when
writing a text), In subject competently
collective cooperation and working in groups 46. (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 47. (S/C2)
other cultures 48. (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects:

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Presentation
home 5
work m

Giving advice
theme 10 Exercise 1
m Students work individually and Answers:
. find the correspondence 1) authoritarian
between words and their 2) supportive Ind.
meanings. The teacher gives 3) overprotective M/
students the opportunity to try 4) tolerant C1,2,3 Pair.
to guess the meaning of the 5) strict S/C m
words themselves. At Grou
the end of the work, students p.m.
compare the answers in pairs,
then check with the teacher

Practi Exercise 2 Answers. M/ Pair.

ce C1,2,3 m
Students read the sentences and 1) supportive S/C Gr.m
with fill in the gaps with words from the 2) tolerant 1,2,3
13 frame. At the end 3) authoritarian
ex -s .
K БТ of the work, students compare the 4) stric
answers in pairs, then check with 5) overprotective
the teacher

Exercise 3 Grou
Students look at the pictures and, p/m.
based on them, answer questions m.
from the exercise
Produ in pairs or small groups, then share
the information with the entire
class. This
exercise is aimed at developing
speaking skills, so the teacher
should not correct them. Ind/
absolutely all the mistakes that Pair.
students make in their speech M/ m
Ref- Exercise 4 S/C
tion Students read about situations
related to the problems of
adolescents. Working in pairs Ind/
, students discuss which teenager
has the most serious problem

work What does mean”The most
serious problem “?

Evalu 5-
pupils 3-
: 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson , good
lesson bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: To do exercise
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Repeat and consolidate the communication(M/C2)
vocabulary on the topic "The relationship between parents and  The self-organization and
children". solve problem(M/C3)
Develop the skills
of search activity (extracting the necessary information on a given topic),
writing (using the necessary lexical units and phrases when
writing a text), In subject competently
collective cooperation and working in groups 49. (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 50. (S/C2)
other cultures 51. (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects:

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 What does mean”The most Ind.
work m
. serious problem “? mark

New To do exercise
theme 10 Answers:
m Exercise 5 1) No Trust
. 2) Missing Love
Students once again read about
the situations and determine 3) Overprotective Parents m.
whether the headings of the 4) Help Me, Mum M/
data C1,2,3 Pair.
S/C m
correspond to the situations. At 1,2,3

the end of the work, students Grou

compare the answers in pairs,
check with the teacher.
Practi Ex/6 M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
a) Students read the advice that S/C Gr.m
Work Answer:
with was given to one of the teenagers 1,2,3
13 Raushan
ex -s . (Exercise 4), and determine
K БТ who it was addressed to

b) Students read the advice again

ction and ask their fellow students if
they agree Grou
with the advice. If not, they offer p/m.
their own. At the end of the Pair.
discussion, the teacher asks the
to share their tips with the class
b) After the students have written the
7m Exercise 7 tips, they read them to each other,
Ref- a) Students write advice to the
tion working in
other three teenagers. The teacher groups of 3 people. Their goal is to Ind/
reminds the students that choose the best sopet for each m
they should treat the problems of teenager At
teenagers with understanding and the end of the work, the teacher M/
give them practical advice selectively listens to the best advice
for each teenager. 1,2,3

Home Repeat all new words

work Ind/

Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-


The Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Progress check 1

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational • To consolidate skills in the use of: communication(M/C2)
- lexical units studied during the first quarter,  The self-organization and
Past Simple in affirmative, negative, and interrogative form; solve problem(M/C3)
- regular and irregular verbs in the Past Simple;
structures should / ought to,
- adjectives with the endings -ed, ing
In subject competently
52. (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 53. (S/C2)
other cultures 54. (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects:

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Repeat all new words Ind.
work m
Present-n Progress check 1 1) What are the lyrics to that song?
New 2) always look forward to seeing my
theme 34
Exercise 1 classmates during my summer
Students find mictakes in holidays.
sentences and correct them. The 3) Correct Ind.
teacher should 4) The statistics reflect a change in M/
warn them that not all people's habits C1,2,3 Pair.
suggestions containmistakes. 5) Turatbek got a medal for bravery. S/C m
6) Correct Grou
7) She is scared of heights. p.m.
8) Cotton and wheat surrounding the
emblem symbolize the diversity of
cultures in Kyrgyzstan.
9) Correct
Exercise 2
Practi Answers: 1) buy, 2) start; 3) go; 4) M/ Pair.
Students choose the correct form C1,2,3 m
ce speak, 5) feet, 6) know, 7) do.
Work of verbs. S/C Gr.m
ex -s . Answers
K БТ Exercise 3 1) When did you leave the party?
Students make interrogative 2) Did you watch TV last night?
sentences, placing the spov in the 3) What did your friend do last
correct summer?
order . 4) Where did Bolot usually spend his
holidays? Grou
5) What time did you got up this p/m.
morning? m.
Exercise 4
Students open the brackets to Answers:
form a question sentence. 1) Did Jibek catch her train to
Past Simple. Balykchy?
2) Did the water freeze in the pipes
because of the cold?
3) Did Nurlan read the play for the Ind/
Exercise 5 literature iesson? m
Students fill in the gaps with the modal verbs Pair.
4) Did your mother tell you about the m
should/shouldn't or ought/ not to.
accident? M/
1) shouldn'Vought not 5) Did Ainura get all her money back S/C
2) should/ought to after the robbery? 1,2,3
3) t/ought not to 6) Did the dog hide some bones in
4) should/ought to Ind/
5) shouldn'Vought not to the garden?
6) should/ought to
7) should/ought to
8) should/ought to
9) should/ought to
1) interested
Exercise B 2) tired
Students read the sentences and choose the 3) boring
correct option from the two suggested ones 4) frightening
Answers: 5) excited
6) surprising
7) disappointed
8) pleasing
Repeat all themes

Thank you for the lesson , good

The bye!
end of
English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________
Theme: Kyrgyz national food
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational –3 Familiarize students with the communication(M/C2)
vocabulary on the topic of "National food", teach them to use  The self-organization and
words in practice solve problem(M/C3)
* Instill interest and respect for the traditions of the national cuisine and expand
students ' knowledge of the national cuisine
* Introduce students to the words and phrases for expressing quantity and
teach them to apply them in practice In subject competently
* Develop students ' independent thinking 55. (S/C1)
Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English language, 56. (S/C2)
other cultures 57. (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects:

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 Repeat Ind.
work m

Present-n Kyrgyz national food

New Answers may by vary
theme 10
m Discuss the following questions My favorite food is…
. 1.What is your favorite food? I can cook …
What is in it? I would like… Ind.
2. What kind of food can you Our country famous is… m.
cook? Would you like to learn C1,2,3 Pair.
how to cook more types of food? S/C m
3. Is our country famous for any 1,2,3

foods? What are they? Grou

4. What is your favorite foreign
food? How is it different from
our country's cuisine?
Practi Ex.2.(a)Today Aigul is gong to D M/ Pair.
ce E C1,2,3 m
cook Kyrgyz national food, S/C Gr.m
Work H
beshbarmak. What are the 1,2,3
with C
ex -s .
13 ingredients of beshbarmak? A
K БТ m.
(b) Look at the pictures. Put them G
in the correct order. F

Ex/3.Read the conversation

between Aigul and Amrita talking -Hi, Amrita. Grou
on the phone. Compare your ideas. -Hi, what are you doing? p/m.
- I'm cooking beshbarmak for culture m.
day which is gong to be held today.
Don't you remember?
-Yes, I do…

New words
ction Main, dough, ingredients, noodles,
broth, chopped, sauce Ind/
Ex/4. Answer the questions Pair.
Why is Aigul making beshbarmak M/

tion today? C1,2,3

Has Amrita ever tried beshbarmak? S/C
What is chyk sauce?

Learn by heart new words Ind/

Evalu 3-
ating 2-
pupils 7m

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _____________

Theme: Quantity expressions

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
practical skills, making exercise.
2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search
reading skills. In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English 1.(S/C1)
language, other cultures, creating a relaxed, non-threatening 3. (S/C3)
atmosphere in the class-room
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Learn by heart new words
home 5
work m

Quantly expressions
theme 10 Broth
m Ex.5. Match the words in bold in Noodles
. the text with the definitions. Ingredients
Unique flavor Ind.
Chopped M/
Sauce C1,2,3 Pair.
dough S/C m
Practi Grammar: Quantity expressions A:With How many?(far) M/ Pair.
ce _____nouns too many not many C1,2,3 m
Countable – Uncountable nouns S/C Gr.m
Work (only ) a few
Ex/7.Complete the headings for 1,2,3

ex -s .
13 each category(A,B,C) with
K БТ m. countable or uncountable. B: with _____nouns How much? (far)
too much not much
(only) a little

C:With ____and Not enough

_______nouns A lot
Lots(of) Grou
Ex.8. Choose the correct quantity
expressions in each of the sen-s
Produ 1) A little
ction 2) A little
3) A lot of
4) Only a little
5) Far too many
6) A lot of cream
7) Enough Ind/
8) A little m
What do you learn about quantity 9) A little Pair.
expressions?How do we use them in a m
10) M/
Ref- sentence? C1,2,3
tion S/C
Make some sent-s with countable and
uncountable nouns
work 7m
Evalu 3-
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Phone conversation

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material, making test corrections, encouraging pupils  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
practical skills, making exercise.
2) Developing – Development to strengthen students` study and search
reading skills. In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
language, other cultures 3. (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects:
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity M/ tion
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Make some sent-s with countable and
home 5 uncountable nouns Ind.
work m

Present-n Plov: far too much meat

Phone conversation ______oil
theme 15 Describe the pictures. Write sen- ______rice
m s using
. A lot of
(far)to many _______onions Ind.
Not many ________carrots m.
(only) a few Pancakes : a few eggs M/
(far) too much C1,2,3 Pair.
Not much
S/C m
(only) a little _______flour 1,2,3
Not enough ________salt Grou
A lot of ________sugar p.m.
Lots of
Practi Ex.10. Nought (0) and crossed(x) Far too Not enough A lot of M/ Pair.
ce much C1,2,3 m
Rules: Work with your classmate. S/C Gr.m
One person draws (0) . The other 1,2,3
with Only a little Not many Far too
ex -s .
8m. person draws (x) many
Not much Lots of Only a few

Ex/11 . Complete the gaps with 1. …a place where there are too M/
Produ appropriate quantifiers in brackets. _____ people (much,many). C1,2,3 .
ction Work in pairs and talk about each S/C Pair.
2. …someone who has too _____ 1,2,3
topic for 1 minute. clothes(much,many). m.
Talk about… 3. …a fried who doesn't eat
______vegetables (enough,
4. …someone who drinks ______
tea. (far too much, far too
many) Ind/
7m 5. …a classmates whose English
is so good that he/she makes m
______ mistakes. (only a little,
only a few)
How many quantity expressions did 6. … a time when you ate ____
Ref- you learn? Which of them do you food.(a lot of, a few)…
tion remember? Ind/
Learn and remember new words

Evalu 3-
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Table manners

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.Teach children to good manners  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Teach children how to properly hang themselves at the
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English In subject competently
language, other cultures 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: 3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Learn and remember new words
home 5
work m
1.Why do we have rules about how ti
Present-n Table manners eat?
theme 10 2. What rules /table manners do you
m Discuss the questions with
your partner. know? M/ Pair.
. C1,2,3 m
3.Have you ever been in a situation 1,2,3 Grou
where the rules that you are used to p.m.
were not appropriate?
Practi Ex.2 Match the words from the box New words M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
with the pictures below. Knives –5 S/C Gr.m
m. Seasoning-2 1,2,3
ex -s . A napkin-1
K БТ A fork-3
A spoon-4
Ex.3. look at the statements below
and mark them as true or false False / true

Study the grammar chart

The Imperative p/m.
1.Affirmative verb(infinitive)+x
We use Imperatives in commands Pair.
Place your napkin in your lap. ! Don't
or orders,instructions, advice, m.
use “to” with the infinitive
offers and invitations.
2.Negative Don't +verb(infinitive)
Don't blow your nose with a napkin.
Ex.5. Which of the sen-s below are Don't use “to” with the infinitive
Produ imperative?Mark them with “I”
ction 1. You made a mistake in the last
exercise. __
2. Set that box down on the M/ m
floor__ C1,2,3 Pair.
S/C m
3. You are afraid of dogs.___ 1,2,3
4. Put these envelopes in the
mailbox when you go out.___
5. You are not the brightest bulb
What kind of sentences did you learn?
in the lamp.___ Ind/
Ref- m
tion Ex/6. p.55


Evalu 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ _________________

Theme: Zero Conditional. Recommendations

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.Teach children to good manners  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Teach children how to properly hang themselves at the
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
language, other cultures
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: 3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Ex/6. p.55
home 5 Learn and remember new words Ind.
work m

Present-n Recommendations
New Picture1- Don't disturb people by
theme 10 making loud noises at the table M/ Ind.
m Ex. 7.Look at the pictures. Do Picture2-Don't get distracted when C1,2,3 m.
. the people have good table you eat S/C
manners? Write down your Picture3- Don't talk when your mouth
1,2,3 Pair.
recommendations. m
is full
Picture 4-Don't everything Grou
Picture 5- Don't rush when you eat p.m.
Picture 6-
Picture 7-
Practi Grammar. We can also use the If clause Main clause M/ Pair.
ce (condition) (result) C1,2,3 m
Imperative in the Zero S/C Gr.m
Work If/when+subject +imperative
Conditional sentences to give 1,2,3
with +Present simple
ex -s .
10 instructions , recomanditions, If you want to come Call me before
K БТ m. advice, etc. 5p.m
You can also the order of the
Main clause If clause
(result) (condition)
Imperative + If/when+subject
Call me before +Present simple
5p.m If you want to come
Produ Ex/9. Use the correct form of the M/
ction verbs in the sen-s below, Present C1,2,3
Simple or Imperative S/C Grou
1. When you (leave) the table, 1,2,3
_______ (not forget ) to say Pair.
“excuse me”. m.
2. If you ______ (eat) meat,
________ (use) a knife and a
3. If you ______ (pass) the
food,____ (do) it from your left
to right.
10 What types of offer rules did you learn 4. When you ______ (finish)
m today? Let's ask each other questions eating, ______(put) your fork
Ref- about today's topic and knife on the right of the
tion plate to tell the waiter you are Ind/
Learn and remember new words done. m
Evalu 3-
ating 2-

The Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Linking words

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.Teach children how we use linking words  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Teach children what linking words are used to join
and connect the clauses in the sen-s and ideas in the text. What they
also have different positions in the sentence. In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English 2 (S/C2)
language, other cultures 3 (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects: Biology

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Learn and remember new words
home 5
work m
And: And expresses addition . When mark
we use it, we add something to a
Present-n Linking words previous idea.
New But: When we use but, we connect
theme 13
m Remember: Linking words are opposite ideas. M/ Pair.
. used to join and connect the Because: When we use because, we C1,2,3 m
clauses in the sen-s and ideas in are presenting the reason for S/C
the text. They have different something 1,2,3 Grou
purposes and express different p.m.
So/That is why: So/That is why
things.The also have different express the result of something that
positions in the sentence. we had stated before.
Firstly: is used to organize the ideas
in the correct order. We often use
other words like secondly,thirdly,
then, finally,…Although: When we
use although, we connect contrasting
ce Ex/2. Read the article and choose Why do onions make us cry? M/ Pair.
Work 1) Firstly C1,2,3 m
the correct linking words S/C Gr.m
with 2) And 1,2,3
ex -s . 3) Secondly
K БТ 4) But
5) So
6) But
7) So
Ex.3. Join the two parts of the sen-s
below that illustrate the pictures on
1. I went to the supermarket Grou
ction the left by using but,and,so or
because I wanted to buy some p/m.
vegetables. Pair.
2. I had to cook everything very m.
quickly ________my friends
promised to come soon.
3. I washed the cucumbers _______
I started peeling them. S/C Ind/
4. I chopped the cucumbers 1,2,3
10 ________ I put them into a bowl. Pair.
m 5. I like cutting cucumbers m
_________I don't like cutting
6. I wanted to grade the
cheese______ I couldn't find the
What do you know about linking grater.
words? 7. I couldn't find the
grater________ I decided to
chop the cheese.
Learn by heart the linking words

Evalu 3-
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Why do onions make us cry?

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.Teach children how we use linking words  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Teach children what linking words are used to join
and connect the clauses in the sen-s and ideas in the text. What they
also have different positions in the sentence. In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, English 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
language, other cultures 3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Biology
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Learn and remember new words
home 5
work m

Present-n Why do onions make us cry?

New The way the onion bulb is designed is
theme 10 very smart. Within each onion cell
Let's remember why do onions
there is a glob ( a kind of ball) filled M/ Pair.
. make us cry?
with some chemicals. When you cut C1,2,3 m
or bite into an onion , a glob breaks 1,2,3 Grou
and the chemicals go out. But it is not p.m.
the strong smell of the onion that
makes us cry. It is the gas that
chemical form when the onion cell is
Practi Ex.4. Choose the linking words 1) Because M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
given on the right. 2) But S/C Gr.m
with m. 3) So 1,2,3

ex -s . 4) So
K БТ 5) Because
6) Because
7) And
8) Although
9) But
10) Because p/m.
11) Because Pair.
12) And m.
Ex.5.Look the pictures and write
down the instructions for cooking
ction pizza. Use the words under the Write the new words: M/
pictures and don't forget to use Flour –ун C1,2,3
linking words from the ex-s above. warm-жылуу S/C Ind/
yeast-ачыткы m
salt-туз Pair.
dough-камыр m
cover-жабуу, ороп кою
topping-устуно кою
Did you understand how to use pat-кесим Ind/
linking words in the sentences? m

tion New words

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme:A great passion

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Get information about I.K.Ahunbaev.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn to tell the story of the hero.
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, to instill
patriotic feeling In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History ,Match
3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 New words Ind.
work m

A great passion Isa 25.09.1908
theme 10 Konoevich Ahunbaev: 1946
m biography 1916 M/ Pair.
. 1948 C1,2,3 m
Ex/1 .Read the biography of S/C
15 1,2,3 Grou
I.K.Ahunbaev. Then work with a 20 p.m.
partner and tell each other what 1959
the following dates and numbers 300
mean: 1925
1975 1936 2008
Practi Ex.2. You are going to read a real M/ Pair.
ce Shepherd C1,2,3 m
story that happened to Isa S/C Gr.m
m. Konoevich Ahunbaev. Look at the Real shepherd yurt 1,2,3
ex -s . pictures below.All of the things are Komuz
K БТ important. CAN you guess what Tweezers
they mean? penknife

Children read the text and try retell Glossary C1,2,3 Grou
Produ Pasture-land covered with grass that S/C
the text 1,2,3
is used for feeding animals Pair.
Moan-to make a long deep sound,
usually expressing unhappiness or
Plaintively-making sad sound, m
especially in a weak complaining Pair.
7m m
Be in doubt-not knowing what to do
What important facts did you learn
about I.K.Ahunbaev?
tion Ind/

New words, translate the text

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Verbs of thinking

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Get information about I.K.Ahunbaev.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn to tell the story of the hero.
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, to instill
patriotic feeling In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History ,Match
3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 New words Ind.
work m

Verbs of thinking Hardworking
theme 10 Responsible
m Ex.3 .Which words can you use Affectionate M/ Pair.
. to describe I.K.Ahunbaev? Courageous C1,2,3 m
Explain your opinion? Proffessinal S/C
1,2,3 Grou
Beautiful p.m.
Practi Ex.4. The verbs in the diagrams a) Think M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
below all relate to thinking. Cross b) Understand S/C Gr.m
m. out the phrases that are not possible c) Recognise 1,2,3
ex -s . to use with each of the verbs d) Remind
K БТ e) Decide

Ex.5.Choose the best verb to a) Remind/recognise C1,2,3 Grou
Produ complete the following sen-s b) couldn't decide/think S/C p/m.
ction c) understand/decide 1,2,3
d) understand/think m.

e) recognized/think
f) decide/think
g) understand/think
Ex.4. Some of the sen-s below have Pair.
7m mistakes. Correct them Correct m
Ref- Incorrect
tion Correct…

What important facts did you learn Ind/

about I.K.Ahunbaev? Tell about

New words, translate the text

of 5-
pupils 4-
: 3-

end of
lesson Thank you for the lesson , good bye!


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________


The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Teach children to avoid stress  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn keep calm
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, to instill
patriotic feeling In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects:
3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity M/ tion
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 New words Ind.
work m


New 1. Traffic jam
theme 10 2. Crowded transport
m Ex/1.Look at the pictures on the 3. Taking exams M/ Pair.
. next page and answer the 4. Losing keys C1,2,3 m
questions below? S/C
5. Being late 1,2,3 Grou
6. Having arguments p.m.
1. What is stress?Try to explain
Practi Ex.2. Work with a partner and M/ Pair.
how you understand it? C1,2,3 m
ce answer the questions
Work 15 2. What can cause stress? S/C Gr.m
with m. 3. How can you find out what
ex -s . makes you stressed?

Listen to the radio program and M/
Is it a particular person or place that C1,2,3
check your answers to the Grou
makes you stressed? S/C p/m.
questions in ex.2 When do I feel the most stressed 1,2,3
during the day? m.

Do I make bad decision when I'm


Ex.3b. Listen to the program again Ind/

1) Is stress good or bad for
Produ and answer the questions ? m
people? Pair.
ction m
2) What positive role can stress
play in our life?
3) What are the symptomsof
4) Is it easy to find the reasons for Ind/
stress fir each ind. person? m
What important facts did you 5) Why is it important to be able
learn about stress? Is stress good to control your stress?
or bad for people?
New words, translate the text

work 5-
5m 3-
pupils Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of




English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Degress of adjectives

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Teach children to avoid stress/ Teach children use  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
degress of adjectives in sen-s
2) Developing –Children will learn keep calm
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, to instill In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
patriotic feeling 2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
home 5 New words Ind.
work m

New Degress of adjectives
theme 10
m Ex/4. Work with a partner and M/ Pair.
. I think you need to sleep a
make the list of C1,2,3 m
minimumof 8 hours a day S/C
recommendations that help 1,2,3 Grou
avoid stress or reduce the level p.m.
of it.

Yes,I agree. And you need to

drink warm milk before you go
to bed
Practi Ex.5 Liste to the second part of the Sometimes stress seems like M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
radio program and compare your something that we just have to S/C Gr.m
m. ideas with the expert's accept. But it's not true. Take the 1,2,3
ex -s . recommendations.How many of following steps to manage your stress
K БТ them are sibilar? and get more out of your day.
Glossary  Eat healthily
Accept-to get something as good  Get enough sleep
enough  Exercise
Handle- to control  Take a time out
Throughout-during the whole  Drink tea p/m.
period of time  Get support Pair.
Irritated- angry C1,2,3
Impact- the strong effect on S/C
somebody or something Comparative degree of adjectives 1,2,3

Grammar Superlative degree of adjectives

What's the opposite of …?
Comp.d- Adj+-er(+than) Ex: shorter Ind/
Produ Ex.6/Do the Comparative and Superl.d-the+adj.+-est Ex: the Pair.
ction Superlative quiz. shortest m
Comp.d-more+adj ,(+than) Ex.more
relaxed than the most +adj. Ex: the
most relaxed
Ref- Comparative degree of adjectives
tion Superlative degree of adjectives

Ex.7. p.73 New words


Evalu 3-
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of




English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Board game on Comparative and Superlative adjectives

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Teach children to avoid stress/ Teach children use  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
degress of adjectives in sen-s
2) Developing –Children will learn keep calm
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, to instill In subject competently
patriotic feeling 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Ex.7. p.73 New words
home 5
work m

Present-n 1. Curly
Board game on
New 2. Tiny
theme 10 Comparative and 3. Amazing
m Superlative adjectives 4. Intelligent M/ Pair.
. C1,2,3 m
Ex.8. Use the superlative degree 5. Good S/C
of adj. Use the adj in the 6. Slow 1,2,3 Grou
brackets 7. Noisy p.m.
8. Hot
9. tall
Practi Ex. 9.Complete the sen-s with the a) Peaceful M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
correct form of the adj. b) Popular S/C Gr.m
with m. c) Intelligent 1,2,3

ex -s . d) Difficult
K БТ e) Healthy
f) Fast
Comparative degree of adjectives g) Beautiful
Superlative degree of adjectives h) Beautiful
i) Populated
Work in small groups. You will p/m.
need a dice and a counter. Roll Pair.
For example: My bag is bigger than M/
the dice to move along the board. C1,2,3
Uce the word in the box to make yours. Natasha's bag is the biggest in
a comparative and then a our class 1,2,3

superlative sen-ce.

Start: Big Ind/

Produ Long Pair.
ction Small m
New m
Juisy Comp.d- Adj+-er(+than) Ex: shorter
nice Superl.d-the+adj.+-est Ex: the
Lets remembered the form of the
Ref- adjectives Comp.d-more+adj ,(+than) Ex.more
tion relaxed than
New words, make the questions with the most +adj. Ex: the
Comparative degree of adjectives and
Home most relaxed
Superlative degree of adjectives

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of




English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Who leads the healthiest lifestyle?

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Children learn to lead a healthy lifestyle  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn take care of yourself and health
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
toobserve the daily routine
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words, make the questions
home 5 with Ind.
work m Comparative degree of adjectives mark
. and
Superlative degree of adjectives ___Active
New Who leads the healthiest ___ Athletic
theme lifestyle? ___lazy
10 M/ Pair.
Ex.1 Look at the picture of the C1,2,3 m
. ___healthy S/C
boys. Write D or B next to the ___chubby 1,2,3 Grou
words that describe the picture ____fit p.m.
Practi Ex. 2.(a) Describe the two boys 1.Who do you think has a M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
using the ex.1. and healthy Lifestyle? S/C Gr.m
m. comparative adj. 2.What do you think Daniyar 1,2,3
ex -s . (b) Answer the questions does to lead a healthy lifestyle?
1. Do exersices
Ex/3. Look at the picture that
suggest ways to keep healthy. 2. Drink water
Match the phrases with the 3. Take a deep breath
picture 4. Eat healthy food
5. Eat fruit and vegetables Grou
6. Sleep 7-8 hours a day Pair.
M/ m.
B) Choose the three most Use the following phrases S/C
important aspects of being healthy Useful language
from the above list in ex-s. I think…
In my opinion… Ind/
What do you think?
You are right m
It depends on…
I bagree with you
Ex/4. Complete the questions That’s true
Produ with appropriate words
Keep Ind/
ction m
Interview each other using the Lead
questions from ex.4 a.Is your
lifestyle similar to your partners
tion lifestyle?

New word

Home 5-
work 4-
Evalu 2-
Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of
. 5m



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Aigul's report/ adverbs also,too

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Children learn to lead a healthy lifestyle  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn take care of yourself and health
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up
toobserve the daily routine In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m

Present-n Aigul's report/ adverbs

New Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?
theme also,too
10 Ex.5. Aigul is making up a What your score means:
M/ Pair.
m 7-8: super! You lead the C1,2,3 m
questionnaire to find out who
healthiest lifestyle. You take S/C
leads the healthiest lifestyle in 1,2,3 Grou
care of yourself a lot.
her family. Help her put the p.m.
5-6: Good! You try to lead a
words in the correct order to
healthy lifestyle
make questions
4-3: Could be worse.But not
much worse
1-2: You need to rethink your
lifestyle. Chang your habits.
And you will see the result.

Practi Ex. Aigul asked her family M/ Pair.

ce C1,2,3 m
15 members to do the questionnaire. S/C Gr.m
with m. Then she wrote a report. The 1,2,3
a) Who leads the healthiest
ex -s . computer has found ten mistakes. lifestyle in Aiguls family?
K БТ Can you correct them? b) What problem does each
Answer the questions
members of the family have?
c) What conclusion did Aiguls
family come to?
Grammar p/m.
Adverbs: also,to 1. Do the underlined words have the Pair.
same meaning? M/ m.
Ex.8. read the sen-s . Answer the C1,2,3
questions 2. What is the position of these S/C
words? 1,2,3

a) She also likes sweets.

b) We like sweets too Ind/
Ex.9 Complete the gaps with also Pair.
1. Also m
or too
2. Too
3. Also
4. Too
5. Also Ind/
6. Also m
Which adverbs do you know?
7. Too
Make some sen-s , please
Ref- 8. Too

Ex/10. Writing task

Home 5-
work 4-
: Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Ecological Problems in Kyrgyzstan

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Expand the horizons of students communication(M/C2)
on the topic "Environment"  The self-organization and
2) Developing – To develop the skills of: solve problem(M/C3)
conversational speech,
introductory and search reading
* Improve the vocabulary of students on the topic "Environment".
In subject competently
* Teach students to use suffixes to form nouns
1 (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up 2 (S/C2)
toobserve the daily routine 3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine,
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy thank you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m

Present-n Ecological Problems in

theme Kyrgyzstan Students' own answers.
5 Exercise 1 M/ Pair.
m C1,2,3 m
. a) Students work in pairs or
small groups and answer 1,2,3 Grou
questions At the end p.m.
of the discussion, students share
the answers with the entire class
Practi b) The teacher draws the students ' M/ Pair.
All ecological problems mentioned in C1,2,3 m
ce attention to the pictures and helps
Work 15 ex. 1b are presentin Kyrgyzstan, S/C Gr.m
with m. them pronounce except heavy industry 1,2,3

ex -s . the words correctly. Working in

K БТ pairs, students discuss the answer
to the question from the exercise. a) False(Kyrgyzstan is not a center of
c) Students read the article and heavy industry)
check their ideas, After finishing b) True (Air pollution is becoming a
the work, students write very big problem the cities of
the answers in pairs, then check Kyrgyzstan because of Grou
together with the teacher the sharp increase in traffic. Pair.
c) True (Water is also one of the M/ m.
Exercise 2 C1,2,3
biggest problems in Kyrgyzstan, S/C
Produ a) Students read the text again and especially in the 1,2,3
ction mark the True / False prepositions south in this region people suffer
At the end from different waterborne diseases.
of the work, students compare the d) False (in agricultural areas, people m
answers in pairs, then check with don't control the use of chemicals Pair.
the teacher. and water that effects m
Answers: the soil quality and safety of food
e) False (Uranium and gold mines are
Ref- Students' own answers. also dangerous for the environment.
tion They release toxic Ind/
substances into the soil that can do m
10 True (The climate in Kyrgyzstan has
m been changing recently. Since the
1950s there has
been a significant rise of annual
temperatures in this region. As a
result, the threat of
glacial melting has increased in
Retell the text Kyrgyzstan, causes problems like
work mudflows, floods and
5- landslides On the other hand, global
4- warming in other regions of the
Evalu 3- country results in
ating 2- draughts and lack of water for the
of population )
: Thank you for the lesson

end of
the 4m


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Suffixes to form nouns

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Children learn to lead a healthy lifestyle  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn take care of yourself and health
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up
toobserve the daily routine In subject competently
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m

Suffixes to form nouns
New Exercise 3
theme a-b) The teacher explains that all
the words given in this exercise Answers: M/ Pair.
C1,2,3 m
. are found in 1) population S/C
the text Students read the 2) pollution 1,2,3 Grou
definitions and find the words 3) disappearance p.m.
corresponding to them If the 4) researcher
students 5) degradation
have a high level of language 6) safety
proficiency, they should perform 7) increase
the exercise without relying on 8) damage
the text
If the level is weak, then the task
is performed using text.
Practi Exercise 4 M/ Pair.
ce Answers: C1,2,3 m
15 The teacher explains that some S/C Gr.m
m. nouns in English are formed with ion/-sion/-tion 1,2,3
ex -s . the help of special suffixes. population
K БТ Students work with the table, pollution
writing nouns in degradation
the column with the correct -ance / -ence
variant. At the end of the work, disappearance
students compare the answers -er
in pairs, then check with the researcher Grou
teacher. -ity l-iety / -ty l-y Pair.
safety M/ m.
Increase and damage are different S/C

Exercise 5 1) information
Students perform the exercise 2) writer Ind/
Produ individually, using the information m
ction 3) reaction
from the exercise 4) invitation
Step 4 At the end of the work, 5) appearance
students compare the answers in 6) discussion
pairs, then check with the 7) assistance
teacher. B) swimmer
Exercise 6
Students work in small groups on

Learn by heart the new structures


Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-

The Thank you for the lesson

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Snow Leopard Facts

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
information.  Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational To develop skills:  The social
- introductory listening; communication(M/C2)
 The self-organization and
listening skills with finding detailed information, solve problem(M/C3)
- colloquial speech (answering questions, comparing answers, and expressing your
point of view on the topics "Environment" and "Endangered species")
 Children will learn take care of yourself and health
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve the
1 (S/C1)
daily routine
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times M/ tion
in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
. Snow Leopard Facts
Exercise 1 Answers:
Present-n a) Students discuss questions in pairs or If an animal is "endangered," it means that
New there are not many of this type of animal left in
theme 10 in small groups. At the end the
m of the discussion, students share their world, and one day, they might disappear all M/ Pair.
answers with the entire class
. together! This means that animals become C1,2,3 m
Possible answers:
«extinct», S/C
They live in Kyrgyzstan. They are
for example, dinosaurs 1,2,3 Grou
endangered (disappearing)
After completing the first task, students work in p.m.
b) Students discuss the answers to
questions in pairs. At the end of the small groups and discuss
discussion, they share possible reasons for the disappearance of
their assumptions with the entire class. animals, writing down their ideas in a notebook
The teacher accepts all the ideas At
expressed the end of the discussion, students share their
by the students, without evaluating ideas with the entire class. The teacher is
them. encouraged to keep
share the answers with the entire class a brief record of the students ' ideas on the
d) This exercise is performed to develop reading
or listening skill
c) This exercise is performed to develop During listening, students should not use
Practi reading or listening skills. the text to better understand M/ Pair.
ce During listening, students should not use the material by ear C1,2,3 m
Work 15 S/C Gr.m
the text to better understand the After listening to (reading) the text, they 1,2,3
with m.
material by ear compare their ideas with the ideas that
ex -s . After listening to (reading) the text, they were
discuss the answers to the questions in voiced in the radio program. The teacher
pairs, then checks the answers with the entire class.

Exercise 2
Students discuss questions in pairs or in Students' own answers.
small groups. At the end of the discussion
, students share their answers with the Pair.
entire class. M/ m.
Answers: Answers: C1,2,3
Exercise 3 1) They spend most of their lives alone and can 1,2,3
Produ The teacher explains to the students that live 5,859 meters above sea level.
ction they will be listening to a program about the 2) Snow leopards are smaller than other true
snow leopard and focuses big cats. They weigh only about 27 - 54 kg and Ind/
their attention on the words before the text. are about 91 - 151 cm long. They stand about m
Together with the students, the teacher 0.6 metres high at the shoulders. The female Pair.
parses the words,helping them with is about 30% smaller than the male m
pronunciation. For a better understanding of 3) The fur is very thick to help them survive in
the meaning of words by students, the the cold mountain climate
teacher asks leading questions. After that, he 4) They have specially adapted paws that act
draws the students ' attention to the b like snowshoes and don't let them sink in
questions before the text. The teacher must deep snow.
make sure that the students understand 5) Its long, furry tail helps it walk, run and leap. m
everything. After listening to (reading Sometimes, leopards use their tails as a
) the text, they discuss the answers to the blanket to warmly cover their faces when they
questions in pairs, then share the answers are having a rest.
Ref- with the entire class, 6) They can jump really high - 6 meters
tion 5m vertically - that's the length of three adults lying
New words head to toe!

work Retell the text

Evalu 5-
ating 4-
of 3-
pupils 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Word formation,Noun

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
information.  Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational To develop skills:  The social
- introductory listening; communication(M/C2)
 The self-organization and
listening skills with finding detailed information, solve problem(M/C3)
- colloquial speech (answering questions, comparing answers, and expressing your
point of view on the topics "Environment" and "Endangered species")
 Children will learn take care of yourself and health
In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve the
1 (S/C1)
daily routine
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words . Retell the text
home 5
work m

Present-n Word formation,Noun

New Exercise 4
theme Answers: a) Verbs, b)How? C) after
10 a-b) Students can perform the M/ Pair.
m exercise individually or working verbs C1,2,3 m
. S/C
in pairs. After 1,2,3 Grou
the students have answered the p.m.
questions, the teacher asks
them to check their answers
in exercise 4b. At the end of the
work, the students check the
answers together with the
Practi Exercise 5 M/ Pair.
ce Answers: C1,2,3 m
15 The teacher demonstrates the task S/C Gr.m
m. on the blackboard. Next, students 1) adjective 1,2,3
ex -s . work individually, writing down 2) adjective
K БТ sentences in a notebook At the 3) adverb
end of the work, students check 4) adverb
the answers in pairs, then together 5) adjective
with the teacher. 6) adjective
7) adverb
8) adjective Grou
9) adverb Pair.
10) adjective M/ m.
11) adverb S/C
Exercise 6
Students perform the exercise individually, Answers:
rewriting the sentences in a notebook. Denis:
At the end of the work, students check the 1) He left the room quietly. Ind/
sentences in pairs, then together with the m
2) Jannat works hard. Pair.
3) He's a very nice man. m
Produ Exercise 7 4) The sun is shining brightly.
ction The teacher demonstrates the task on the 5) Smoking is bad for your health.
blackboard. After that, students work 6) Samara behaves very well.
individually, writing down the correct
7) Daniar always dresses smartly.
answers in a notebook, At the end of the
8) Zamir shouted angrily at me. Ind/
work, students
9) This chair is comfortable. m
check the sentences in pairs, then together
with the teacher. 10) He smiled sadly.
11) You drive very slowly.
Exercise 8
Ref- The teacher draws the students ' attention Answers:
tion to the table, which contains the rules
for the use of comparative and superlative
2) Yes, they're working very quietly.
adverbs. The teacher checks the assimilation 3) Yes, he always very loudly.
of the teaching 4) Yes, he's very angrily.
How many actions do we compare when 5) Yes, she's laughing very happily.
using comparative degree of adverbs? How 6) He answered it very sleepily.
many actions do we compare when we use
7) Yes, she's playing this piece very
degree of adverbs? slowly.
Exercise 9,10
Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-
Thank you for the lesson
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Progress Check 2

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
information.  Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – Consolidate the skills of using:  The social
- words and phrases to express the number of;  The self-organization and
- imperative mood; solve problem(M/C3)
- conditional sentences of the zero type with the imperative mood;
- static verbs of thinking;
- comparative and superlative degree of comparison of adjectives;
- comparative and superlative degrees of comparison of adverbs. In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve 1 (S/C1)
the daily routine 2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing
m for the lesson. Good morning Good morning teacher! We`re fine,
Warm-up . thank you. Glad to see you too!
dear my children! How are
you ?Are yoy okey? I'm glad to
see you!I hope you're fine.Take
your sits,please.
work m
. New words mark
Exercise 9,10
New Answers:
theme 10 1) lots of
m Progress Check 2 2) many M/ Pair.
. Exercise 1 C1,2,3 m
3) a lot of
Students choose the correct 4) far too much 1,2,3 Grou
option from the two suggested 5) much p.m.
options. 6) only a few
7) a lot of
8) too many
9) enough
10) too much / few

Practi Exercise 2 1) dry; 2) buy. 3) read, 4)cook; 5) M/ Pair.

ce Students choose the appropriate verb in C1,2,3 m
Work 25 parentheses. S/C Gr.m
with 1) If people live to be 100 in the UK, they
m Exercise 3
ex -s . receive a letter from the Queen
K БТ Answers: 2) If you want to become healthier, don't stay
Students open the brackets and form indoors all the time.
conditional sentences of type zero. 3) If you need ice to melt easily, leave it near
. the cooker.
4) If it rains, put on a raincoat and take an
5) If you want the flowers to bloom very well,
don't forget to water the garden. Grou
Exercise 4 Pair.
Students find errors in sentences and correct M/ m.
a) Correct C1,2,3
them. The teacher should b) I'm thinking of you.
warn you that not all sentences contain S/C
C) My mother reminded me to buy some milk. 1,2,3
errors. d) Correct.
G) I remembered to phone my granny.
f) Correct. Ind/
g) Aigul always solves her problems by herself. m
Exercise 5
Students open the brackets using adjectives
Answers: m
in a comparative or comparative
1) Do you think this summer will be hotter than
2) This is the most exciting book that I have ever
Exercise 6 3) Tom is the laziest person I know.
4) Flying is the quickest way to travel. Ind/
Students fill in the gaps with the words also m
or too. 5) The camera you bought is better than mine
Answers: 6) His mother had three sons, and he was the
1) also, 2) too, 3) also; 4) also; 5) too; 6) too, youngest.
7) also; 8) too. 7) Today was the worst day of my life.
8) Mary is one of the prettiest women in
9) You're more beautiful than I remember you.
10) Women are on average physically weaker
Exercise 7 than men.
Students form nouns from verbs and fill in
the gaps with them. Answers:
1) information
Exercise 8 2) invention
Home 3) decision
Students choose a suitable adjective or
work 4) manager
adverb and fill in the gaps in
the sentences. 5) assistance
6) performance
Evalu 7) learners
ating 5-
8) revision
of 4- 9) discovery
pupils 3- Answers:ex.8
: 2- 1) easy
2) quietly
3) well
The Thank you for the lesson 4) brave
end of 5) led
the 6) quickly
lesson 7) easily 8) happily 9) good
English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Agriculture is everywhere

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Children learn to use new lexical units/Children  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
learn to use new grammar structure
2) Developing –Children will learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

home 5 Repeat Ind.
work m

Present-n Agriculture is everywhere

8 Ex.1. Work with a partner and
1)What is “agriculture”?
m answer the questions M/ Pair.
. 2) How does each of the C1,2,3 m
photos below show the S/C
1,2,3 Grou
connection to agriculture? p.m.
3) Can you live a day
without agriculture?
Explainyour opinon

New words:agriculture-
Practi Ex/1 b) Read the article and check M/ Pair.
Bricks- C1,2,3 m
your ideas. Suffer- S/C Gr.m
with m. Soil-
ex -s . Harvest-
Grammar Grains-
Could ,couldn`t Drought- p/m.
We use Could to talk about Pair.
+ Could Run fast M/ m.
ability or possibility in the past C1,2,3
I,you,we, couldn`t last year
period of time? Example: I could - S/C
they,he, 1,2,3
play football when I was five? ? Could
she,it Run fast
We use couldn`t to talk about last year?
what wans`t possible in the past Ind/
period of time m
Produ Ex.4/The sen-s below are from the 1) Could m
ction radio program above. Complete the 2) Had to
gaps with the correct verb could 3) Could
had to. 4) couldn`t
5) had

Which was the first country to
tion develop agriculture?
Make some sen-s with could and
had to …

Ex.6. p.98

Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-
The Thank you for the lesson , good bye!
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Ancient Egyptian agriculture

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Children learn to use new lexical units/Children  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
learn to use new grammar structure
2) Developing –Children will learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

Check-up Could
home 5 Ex/6. Had
work m Couldn`t mark
. Didn`t have to

Ancient Egyptian
New agriculture
theme Ancient Egyptian agriculture
was the first within the history of
m M/ Pair.
. mankind.The agriculture in
We use had to if something was necessary or C1,2,3 m
ancient Egypt was considered a very important in the past S/C
lifeline at that time. … + had to do the
1,2,3 Grou
Grammar I,you,we, didn`t p.m.
- ironing
Had to, didn`t have to they,he, have to
Did she,it Have to do the

Example: The weather was terrible, so I

had to take my umbrella
Practi Ex.7. Complete the gaps with the M/ Pair.
1. Had to C1,2,3 m
ce correct form of had to
Work 15 2. Didn`t have to S/C Gr.m
with m. 3. Had to 1,2,3

ex -s . 4. Did you have to

5. Didn`t have to
6. Had to
7. had to
8. Didn`t have to
Ex/9.Complete the sen-s with the 9. Did you have to
correct form of could or had to Grou
1) Had to Pair.
M/ m.
2) Didn`t have to C1,2,3
3) couldn`t S/C
4) ha d to
5) couldn`t
6) had to
Ex/10 Find someone who… 7) could
8) couldn`t
ction 1)______could could play tennis well.
2)_____ couldn`t sing well m
3)_____ had to look after a younger Pair.
brother or sister m

+ Could Run fast 4)______ Didn`t have to go to bed

I,you,we, couldn`t last year before ten p.m
they,he, 5) _______could bake a cake
Could Run fast
? she,it
last year?
+ had to do the
I,you,we, didn`t ironing
- Ind/
they,he, have to
Did she,it Have to do the
Repeat new words

Home 4-
work 3-
Evalu 5m
pupils Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Green revolution

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Children learn to use new grammar structure  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History
3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

home 5 Repeat new words Ind.
work m

Present-n Green revolution

theme Aigul and her friend ,Nurlan are A: You know what ? Yesterday I
10 watched a documentary on TV in
talking about the future of
m M/ Pair.
agriculture. Look the pictures which some expertpredicted that by
. C1,2,3 m
below and discuss what you see. the year 2050 the population will S/C
Try to guess how the objects in be more than9 billion people! 1,2,3 Grou
these pictures will be connected N: Wow! Where will all these p.m.

with agriculture in the future. people live?And what will they eat?
A: I don`t think people….

Work Glossary M/ Pair.

with C1,2,3 m
15 Rotate—to move or turn around a S/C Gr.m
ex -s .
K БТ m. central fixed point 1,2,3

Quality- standart of something

Efforts- a physical or mental energy
that you need to do something
Weed- awild plant growing where
it`s not wanted
Ex/3.Look at the sen-s from the a)Might p/m.
conv-s above and complete the Pair.
b) will definitely
gaps. Then listen again and check. M/ m.
c) will probably C1,2,3
d) probably S/C
e) definitly won`t
Ex/3 (c) order the sen-s from ex-s
3a from 1 (=the most possible ) to 5
(=the least possible) Positive sentences Negative sentences

Grammar: will, might, definitely,

probably, etc, for making
predictions m
Ref- Please tell me what words we use m
tion when we want to talk about

5m Learn new words,structure Ind/

Evalu 3-
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Agriculture in future guessing from pictures

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Children learn to use new grammar structure  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History
3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

Phon.drill Glossary
Check-up Rotate—to move or turn around a central
home 5 Repeat new words fixed point
Quality- standart of something Ind.
work m
Efforts- a physical or mental energy that you mark
need to do something
Agriculture in future guessing Weed- awild plant growing where it`s not
New from pictures wanted
theme I, will definitely Work hard
10 Grammar:
m will, might, definitely, you, M/ Pair.
. C1,2,3 m
probably, etc, for making
predictions we, will probably Work hard 1,2,3 Grou
Remember! Will + definitely, they, might Work hard
probably but definitely,
probably+ won`t he, definitely won`t Work hard
it probably won`t Work hard
Work 1) This year farmers in our M/ Pair.
with Ex.4. Put the words in the correct country probably won`t grow
C1,2,3 m
ex -s . 15 S/C Gr.m
order to make predictions more beetroot. 1,2,3
K БТ m.
2) When I finish my school I
definitely won`t become a
3) I think people might use
drones in farming because it`s
more effective
4) Tractors soon will be more Grou
modern Pair.
5) I think I`ll don`t have a big M/ m.
Grammar: will, might, definitely, garden because I can`t look C1,2,3
probably, etc, for making S/C
after the trees 1,2,3
predictions 6) I`ll imagine when I` m older I
continue to live in the
Produ Ex/5. Now answer the following
ction questions 1) Might Ind/
2) Will probably m
3) will definitely m
4) might
5)will probably
6) probably won`t
Please tell me what words we use
7) Will definitely
Ref- when we want to talk about
tion predictions? Ind/

Learn new words,structure

Evalu 5m
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Making predictions

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing –Children will repeat how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History
3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

home 5 Repeat new words Ind.
work m

Making predictions
10 You are going to make your
m predictions about the role that Grammar: will, might, definitely, M/ Pair.
. probably, etc, for making predictions C1,2,3 m
farming and agriculture will play
in your partner`s life in the 1,2,3 Grou
future . Follow the instructions p.m.
Work M/ Pair.
with Choose a partner you are going to C1,2,3 m
ex -s . 15 S/C Gr.m
work with. It should be a person For example: You Might ask 1,2,3
K БТ m.
who you don`t know very well 1. Do you have a garden?
2. What is your favorite fruit?
Prepare at least eight questions for 3. What flowers do you like?
your partnerthat will allow you to 4. Do you have a pet?
learn some basic information about
5. How much time do you spend
in the garden?etc.
Use: Grou
b) will definitely p/m.
c) will probably M/ m.
d) probably C1,2,3
e) definitly won`t 1,2,3

Produ Interview your partner and don`t

ction forget to write down your partner

Repat new words,structure Pair.
Ref- m

Repeat all new words

Evalu 3- Ind/
ating 5m 2- m

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ___________ ________________

Theme: The unuasal jobs

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
theme.Giving new information.  Informational competent (M/C1)
 The social communication(M/C2)
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the  The self-organization and solve
knowledge of the new material. Children learn to use new problem(M/C3)
grammar structure
2) Developing –Children will learn how to make sent-s with a
new grammar structure пк –
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject пк -

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure Mi Com Valuati
Times n Teacher`s activity Student `s activity M/CS/C on
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for Good morning teacher! We`re fine,
m the lesson. Good morning dear my thank you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

Check-up 5 Ex 1 Students will answers all of the

home m Page 109 questions
work .

Discuss the questions. m
1) What are some of the M/C1,2,3
best/the worst/ the most 1,2,3
unusal jobs you can think
of? Grou
2) What kind of job do you p/m.
want to get in the future? What Pair.
kind of m.
tasks will you have to do?
3) How long do you want to
work? golf ball diver
4) Is it better to be a boss or an are responsible for collecting all the golf
ejnployee? Why? balls from the bottom of ponds on Ind/
courses. m
Present-n Ex1 M/C1,2,3 Pair.
Page 109 pet food testers
New S/C
taste pet food to evaluate the flavors m
theme 1 . Match the unusual jobs with 1,2,3
0 their descriptions. and check if it’s of good quality.
m water slide testers bed testers
. paper towel sniffers test beds (mattresses and pillows) for
pet food testers companies and hotels.
worm pickers paper towel sniffers
snake milkers sniff paper towels for manufacturers to
bed testers make sure they don’t have any bad
Work golf ball divers smells Ind/
with ex - water slide testers m
s . K БТ take multiple trips down the slide to see
Ex 4 how much Waiter it needs, how quickly
Page 110 you can reach the bottom, and how safe
Comlete the table and fun it is.
snake milkers
spend their days pushing certain types
Prodcu-n Ex 5 of snakes into a plastic container to get
Page 111 milk from them.
Look at the pictures. Answer the worm pickers
questions. Walk in grassy areas (gardens, parks) in
the evening and pick up earthworms.

Ref-tion Cons Physical

Pros (Bad or
a) What do you think the names of Jobs (Good sides) mental
these jobs are? sides) characte
b) What are the responsibilities of ristics
people who do these jobs?
c) Do they have to wear a
uniform? What kind of?
bed They They . Their
tester don't can get body is
s have to bored very
Home do with sensitiv
work physical their e.
work. job.
To learn new words by heart.
combine Their
job is
Evaluatin 5- their job
g of 4- with
pupils: 3- relaxatio
2- n.

The end s
of the wor
lesson Thank you for the lesson , good m
bye! picke

English lesson 7-form. Date: _____ _____________

Theme: Vebs followed by the infinitive end –ing form
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
theme.Giving new information. А
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the
knowledge of the new material. Children learn to use new
grammar structure
2) Developing –Children will learn how to make sent-s with a
new grammar structure пк –
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject пк -

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure Mi Com Valuati
Times n Teacher`s activity Student `s activity M/CS/C on
Organ 3 Good morning pupils How are you?I Good morning teacher
moment m am fine.What date is it today?What We are fine
. day is it today?I am glad to see you How are you?
again. I hope you all feeling well Today is 27th of January
today and I think everybody is ready Today is Monday
for the lesson. Now let s begin our We are glad to see you too.
lessonGood .
home 5 water slide testers
work m New words paper towel sniffers
. pet food testers
Ex5 worm pickers
New Page 111 snake milkers
bed testers Pair.
theme Look at the pictures. Answer the
golf ball divers m
questions. M/C1,2,3
with ex -s
Vebs followed by the Grou
. K БТ infinitive end –ing form 1) Train stations in Japan are p/m.
usually crowded during the morning Pair.
1 a) What do you think the names of and evening rush hours, so m.
0 these jobs are? professional train pushers need to push
m b) What are the responsibilities of people onto the overcrowded trains.
. people who do these jobs? They also take care of passengers’
c) Do they have to wear a safety and help people safely board and
uniform? What kind of? exit the trains. They have to wear a Ind/
uniform with white gloves and to work m
between 7 a. m. - 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. - 9 M/C1,2,3 Pair.
p.m. This job is considered part-time S/C m
and students don’t mind doing this job.

Productio ) Ind/
n m

People waste a lot of lime waiting In

line. Some people hate waiting in
line, so ^gy'^re professional
stand-in-liners to do the job.
Stand-in-liners libid a place for
them while they take care of an
equally important activity
Read the text again. Are the elsewhere i.e. at the clinic, the
statemantes true or false. Correct shopping mall or even at the
the false statements. movies
1) The train pushers’ job is a full- ) Ice cream tasters are food scientists
time job. FuLs^jll’s a part-time job. who earn a university degree.
2) Trains are crowded in the They work for large icq-cream
morning and in the evening. corporations. They manage to
3) People hire stand-in-liners not evaluate ice cream, not. just for
to waste their time waiting in taste but also for texture, smell,
queues. and consistency. They create new
4) Not everybody can work as an flavors and develop new products.
Reflec-n ice cream taster.
5) Ice cream tasters work for They work in a safe and clean
themselves. environment. They have to wear a
6) uniform. The average ice cream
taster earns about $60,000 per
Ex 8 year. Besides having a good sense
Page 112
Home of taste, ice cream tasters really
work love eating ice cream.

1. False It’s a part time job
Evaluatin 3-
g of 2- 2. True
pupils: 3. True
4. True
5. False they work for large
Thank you for the lesson , good corporations.
The end bye!
of the

English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Jobs, verbs ending -ing

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the biography of
ZuurakanKainazarova . Students learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure Pres.simple and Past simple In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History of KG. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

home 5 Repeat new words Ind.
work m

Present-n Jobs, verbs ending –ing

New Answers:
Exercise 10
theme M/ Pair.
10 Students fill in the table with the Verb + to-infinitive Verb + -ing form C1,2,3 m
m appropriate verbs. At the end of the work S/C
. , the students compare the answers in need, manage don't mind, waste 1,2,3 Grou
pairs, then check them together with the time, hate, love p.m.
Work Exercise 11 Vert + to-infinitive Verb + ing form M/ Pair.
with C1,2,3 m
15 This exercise lists the verbs that S/C Gr.m
ex -s . agree, can't allord, avoid, can'tstand,
K БТ m. students should write in choose, decide, enjoy, like, spend

the appropriate column. At the forget, manage, time

end of the work, students compare refuse, want, would
like, try
the answers in pairs, then
test them together with the
teacher. Answers:
1) performing
Exercise 12 Grou
2) studying p/m.
Students choose the correct option
3) to work Pair.
from two data sets. At the end of M/ m.
4) wearing C1,2,3
the work, students
5) to do / to be S/C
compare the answers in pairs, then 1,2,3
6) to go
check with the teacher.
7) being
8) waiting
Produ 9) to get
ction Exercise 13
Students fill in the gaps in the sentences Answers:
with appropriate tabular 1) to get
verbs, using the ending-ing or infinitive. At 2) working
the end of the work, students check Ind/
3) to become
each other's answers. 4) having Pair.
5) to be m
6) to communicate
7) dealing
8) to be
Exercise 14
Ref- a) Students compose sentences using the
tion ending-ing or infinitive.
b) Students work in small groups, analyzing
their suggestions to
find out what they have in common, and at Ind/
the end of the work, students share m
information about each other with the
whole class.
Home Repeat new words Exercise 15
work 5m

Evalu 5-
ating 4-
of 3-
pupils 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good

end of bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: The price of success

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the biography of
ZuurakanKainazarova . Students learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure Pres.simple and Past simple In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
Combination with other subjects: History of KG. 2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

home 5 Repeat new words Ind.
work m

The price of success
theme T: Which of these jobs do you A pilot_______
10 think are difficult?Put a tick next A taxi driver____
m M/ Pair.
to them. Add one more job. A stuntman__________
C1,2,3 m
Then discuss the reasons for A firefighter____ S/C
your choice in a small group. A carpenter____ 1,2,3 Grou
A police officer____ p.m.
An electrican______
Work E x/2. Here are some words from  Elect- to choose someone for a M/ Pair.
with C1,2,3 m
the text you are going to listen to. particular job or position by S/C Gr.m
ex -s .
K БТ m. voting 1,2,3

 Shelter- to protect someone

from difficult or unpleasant
 Cultivates –to prepare land and
grow crops on it
 Harvest- to pick and collect
crops p/m.
 Crop- Pair.
 Outstanding- C1,2,3

Complete each sen-ce below  Awarded- S/C

 Orphan- 1,2,3

Produ  Rural-
1. Elect
2. Shelter
3. Cultivates
4. Harvest
What does mean shelter ? … 5. Crop Ind/
6. Outstanding m
7. Awarded m
Ref- 8. Orphan
tion Repeat new words 9. Rural

Home 4-
work 3-
2- Ind/
5m m

of Thank you for the lesson , good
pupils bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: ZuurakanKainazarova
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the biography of
ZuurakanKainazarova . Students learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure Pres.simple and Past simple In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History of KG. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
A pilot_______
Phon.drill A taxi driver____
Check-up A stuntman__________
5 Ind.
home Repeat new words A firefighter____ mark
work m A carpenter____
. A police officer____
An electrican______
10 Look at the picture of a  Do you know this woman?
m woman. Answer the M/ Ind.
. C1,2,3 mark
questions  What do you think she was S/C
famous for? 1,2,3 Grou
 Have you seen her statue?
Where did you see it?
Work E x/4. Children work in groups . 1.She is Zuurakan Kainazarova M/ Gr.m
with C1,2,3
They read the text and Compare the 2. Zuurakan Kainazarova was famous S/C
ex -s .
K БТ m. text. They try discuss the text in for harvesting a record crop of sugar 1,2,3

English beets
3. Monumants to her are situated on
Erkindik Avenue in Bishkek and
square of he regional center
Ex/5.Listen to the text again . Are Grou
1. False p/m.
the statements true or false?
2. True Pair.
Correct the false statements m.
3. False
4. True
5. True
Ex.6/ Listen to the text again. What 1902
Produ these numbers refer to? C1,2,3
ction 1929
S/C Ind/
1000-1100 1,2,3
400 Pair.
The 1940s-50s m
Ex/7 Discuss the questions 1982
tion Retell the text a. How would you describe
Zuurakan Kainazarova`s
5- m
4- b. How did her biography impact
3- you?....
pupils Thank you for the lesson , good
: bye!

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Present Simple Passive Past Simple Passive

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the biography of
ZuurakanKainazarova . Students learn how to make sent-s with a new
grammar structure Pres.simple and Past simple In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History of KG. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

5 Ind.
home Retell the text . Ex.4 mark
work m
. 1. Underline he passive forms
Present Simple Passive V. in the sen-s below .
Present-n  Today ? a secondary school
New Past Simple PassiveV. in the village of Chatkul, as
theme well as streets in the village
10 Ex8.Read and answer the
m of Sokuluk and Asylbash
M/ Ind.
. questions are named after her in the
C1,2,3 mark
Sokuluk district S/C
 In those years ,in average of 1,2,3 Grou
400 centners were received p.m.
from one hectare in the
2. The PresentSimple Passive :
am,is,are + past participle
3. The Past Simple PassiveV:
was,were + past participle..
Work Ex/9. Choose the best form (active 1. Grew M/ Gr.m
with C1,2,3
or passive) to complete the sen-ce. 2. Are fed S/C
ex -s .
K БТ m. 3. Is grown 1,2,3

4. Was awarded
5. Painted
6. Did you water
7. Were arrested
8. Are influenced Grou
9. Visited p/m.
10.Is situated m.
Ex/10 Complete the sen-s with the
Present Simple Passive V or
1.Are written
Past Simple PassiveV.
2. were caught/ were sheltered spoken M/
4.Aren1t worn C1,2,3
S/C Ind/
5.was built 1,2,3
6. was made/ bought Pair.
7was perfomed m
Ex/11 . Rewrite the sen-s in the 8.are picked up
Passive Voice 9.are used
10.was given
ction 1. Where was the mobile phone
2. Delicouse cakes are made by
my mother
3. Is the grass cut every month?
4. A new shop was opened in
Ref- Ex/12/ p.120. New words Kuyukova Street a week ago
tion 5. Meerim was offered a well-
5- paid job in an international
4- company
Home 3- 6. The article wasn`t
work 2- publishedlast week
7. Comfortable clothes are
Evalu appreciated
Thank you for the lesson , good
pupils bye!

end of



The lesson plan 7-grade date ______ _______

Theme of the lesson : A dream job
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
 Нк
theme.Giving new information.
 А
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational * Increase the use of  Д
lexical units on the topic "Profession".
* Develop the ability to work in a team and the ability to listen to
other people's opinions
* Develop a responsible attitude to the choice of profession.
* Develop the ability to gradually build a coherent text on the
topic " In subject competently Пк
My dream profession".
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject
Metods of teaching :Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson , Pair work,Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Procedure M Com Valuati
Times in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity M/ on
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine,
m lesson. Good morning dear my thank you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are youokey?
activ. I'm glad to see you!I hope you're
fine.Take your sits,please.

home Phon.drill rk
work m

1. Chief
A dream job M/
2. a computer programmer C1,2,3 rk
Present-n S/C
New 3. a teacher 1,2,3 Group.
theme Match the jobs with the pictures
5 4. a farmer m.
m a taxi driver 5. a taxi driver
an actor/actress
a farmer 6. a lawyer
a journalist 7. a doctor
a teacher
a doctor 8. an actor/actress
a computer programmer 9. a journalist
a lawyer
a chef

2. Whiich of the jobs above do,  an actor/actress

you think are the most  a taxi driver
Work interesting to do? Write the  a chef
with ex - jobs ih. order from the most
s. 1  a farmer
K БТ 3 interesting to do (1) to the least  a journalist
m interesting (6).
 a doctor
3. Discuss the questions.
a) Which of the jobs above are
popular in our county?4
Productio Students will answer
b) Does someone you know have
n For example:
any of these jobs?.
Ref-tion Computer programmers are popular in
5 c) Is it a good job or not?
m Why/not? our country.
;> Yes I know for example my mother is
d) What was your dream job chief
when you were a young child?
e) What kind of job do you want
to get in tird\future?
f) What kind of tasks will you
have to do? • an interest in science
g) What do you think the following
quotation means? • the ability to work under
pressure and make quick
and accurate decisions
Choose a job you love, and you will
never have to work a day in your • good communications skills
Refl-tion life.
You will read a text, about Aigul's • The desire to help people.
m dream job. First, read the
qualifications that she needs New words- Responsibilitie
for the job. Then guess what Examine
her dream job is. Treat
Retell the text ex.6.p.122
Home Medicines
work Qualifications
1 Patient
m 5-
Evaluatin 3-
g of 2-

2 Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

The end .
of the

English lesson 7-form. Date: 14/02 ______________

Theme: Aiguls dream jobs

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational * Increase the use of lexical units on  The social
the topic "Profession".  The self-organization and
* Develop the ability to work in a team and the ability to listen to other people's solve problem(M/C3)
* Develop a responsible attitude to the choice of profession.
* Develop the ability to gradually build a coherent text on the topic "
In subject competently
My dream profession".
1 (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.tehn. 3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

5 Ind.
home Retell the text ex.6.p.122 mark
work m

Aiguls dream jobs Answer: Aigul's dream job is a doctor.
10 Exercise 6 Answers: Responsibilities: Firstly,
m Students read the text and M/ Ind.
. doctors examine, diagnose and treat
compare their answers. C1,2,3 mark
patients for illnesses and S/C
Exercise 7
injuries. Secondly, they teach their 1,2,3 Grou
assistants and medical students how
Students read the text again and to treat patients
fill in the table. At the end of the Thindlu, doctors have to make notes
work, students about patients' health and the
compare the answers in pairs, medicines that they are
then check with the teacher. supposed to take
Qualifications Aigul is patient, good al
Work M/ Gr.m
talking to people, good at solving C1,2,3
ex -s . 15 problems and making S/C
K БТ m. quick decisions
Place of work: Algul wants to work in
one of the hospitals in Bishkek.

Exercise 8 Answers:
Students connect the selected a) look at - examine Grou
words in the text with their b) tolerant - patient p/m.
synonyms. At the end of the work Pair.
c) drugs - medicines m.
, students compare the answers in d) to give medical care - treat
pairs, then check with the teacher skills - qualifications
f) cure - treatment
g) duties – responsibilities
Exercise 9
students think about professions that are S/C Ind/
common or even nonexistent Examples 1,2,3
Produ can be taken from books or movies, or Pair.
ction students can come up with a profession m
This profession can be difficult, but
inspiring and fun. Students work
independently and answer questions in
writing about their chosen profession.
Then they exchange notebooks and
Exercise 10 give each other feedback about the
Ref- Using their answers to Exercise 9, written text In
tion students compose a text about their review, they take into account
their dream profession. the following points: the classmate
was able to describe the profession Ind/
New words .Essay” My dream of his dreams, what personal and m
Home gob” professional qualities are needed for
work this profession, where
and why he wants to work. After
Evalu reading a review of their text,
ating students rewrite it with
5m 2- these recommendations and hand
pupils over the work to the teacher

The Thank you for the lesson , good

end of bye!



English lesson 7-form. Date: 14/02 ______________

Theme: Progress check 3.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Consolidate the skills of using communication(M/C2)
the verbs of opportunity, ability, and commitment,  The self-organization and
- constructions with the meaning of assumptions about the future, expressing different solve problem(M/C3)
degrees of confidence in the events of the future,
Phrases and grammatical constructions of the future tense will, may, migrit, definitely
probably, etc. for making assumptions,
verbs in the form of an infinitive or with the ending-ing In subject competently
of the passive voice in Present Simple and Past Simple 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)

Combination with other subjects: Ph.tehn.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

5 Answers: Ind.
home New words .Essay” My dream mark
work m 1) couldn't
. gob” 2) couldn't
3) couldn't
Present-n Progress check 3. 4) couldn't
New Exercise 1 5) couldn't
theme Students fill in the gaps with the correct 6) could
35 form of the modal could 7) couldn't
m M/ Ind.
. Answers: C1,2,3 mark
Exercise 2 1) I probably won't go to the festival in Bishkek S/C
Students arrange the words in order to this year. 1,2,3 Grou
make a sentence 2) I definitely won't take my grandmother to the p.m.
6) Imagine that I'll continue to live in rock concert.
Spain when I'm older. 3) I think I'll go to Osh by plane because it's
7) I hope I'll be a famous rock star and faster.
make lots of money 4) I'll probably buy a new bike soon.
8) I hope I won't have a boring job 5) I don't think I'll have a swimming pool
9) I'll definitely have a big birthday party. because I can't swim
1) waiting
Work Exercise 3 M/ Gr.m
2) to do C1,2,3
with Students should fill in the gaps
ex -s . 3) to get S/C
K БТ with verbs using the-ing ending or 4) working 1,2,3

their infi - 5) making

native form. 6) creating
S) to be 7) to earn


Exercise 4 Answers:
Students transform the sentences 1) The magazine was found behind
below to the passive voice. the sofa yesterday.
2) Thousands of trees are cut down
every day. S/C Ind/
3) Penicillin was discovered by 1,2,3
Alexander Fleming. Pair.
4) The vase was dropped yesterday.
5) He was elected a member of
6) Milk is delivered every day.
7) Mona Lisa was painted by
Leonardo da Vinci.
8) The puppy is fed every day.
Repeat all themes
9) The White Steamship was written
Home New words by Chyngyz Aitmatov.
work 10) The plants are watered every
4- other day. Ind/
Evalu 3-
ating 2-

Thank you for the lesson , good

The bye!
end of

English lesson 7-form. Date: 14/02 ______________

Theme: Kok boru

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Teach students to recognize and use modal verbs in speech  The self-organization and
that express commitment / necessity and permission. solve problem(M/C3)
Introduce students to the Kyrgyz national sports game "Kokboru".

In subject competently
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the game kok boru.
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)
Students learn how to make sent-s with a new grammar structure
can,can`t and have to and don`t have to
Combination with other subjects: Ph.tehn.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

5 Ind.
home Ex/4 Rewrite the sen-s in the passive mark
work m voice

New Kok boru
theme a)“A horse is a man`s wings” Do ypu
10 Discuss the questions with your agree with this statements ? Why or
m M/ Ind.
classmates why not?
. C1,2,3 mark
b) There are number of Kyrgyz S/C
proverbs about horses such as “ A 1,2,3 Grou
horse is with his owner and a head p.m.
is with its brown “, “While only one
whip is enougt for a good horse , a
bad horse need a thousand whips”
Work Ex/3. Circle thecanswer that best  Grazing M/ Gr.m
with 1. Drink water C1,2,3
matches the meaning of each S/C
ex -s . 2. Eat the grass
K БТ m. highlighted word 1,2,3
 Carcass
1. The dead body of an
2. The sceleton of a ship
 Chased
1. Play with
2. Run after Grou
 Objective p/m.
1. Aim Pair.
2. Place m.
 Herd
1. An example
2. A large group of
 Saddle M/
1. Game rules C1,2,3
Ex/4 Read the text and find 2. A leather seat on a S/C Ind/
answers to your questions horse 1,2,3
Ex/5 . Read the text again . Are the
statements true or false?
1. True
2. False
Read the summaries and match 3. True
them with the paragraphs in the text 4. True
5. False
6. True
Ref- Ind/
tion Retell and translate the text ex.4 (b) m
a) “Kok boru” has some rules that
players have to follow
b) “Kok boru” is an ancient game ,
Home 5,4,3, which was started in order to
work protect the herds of animals from
the wolves
of Good bye!

end of
. 5m



English lesson 7-form. Date: 17/02 ______________

Theme: Permission and obligation

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material. Teach students to recognize and use modal verbs in speech  The self-organization and
that express commitment / necessity and permission. solve problem(M/C3)
Introduce students to the Kyrgyz national sports game "Kokboru".

In subject competently
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the game kok boru.
1 (S/C1)
Students learn how to make sent-s with a new grammar structure
2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)
can,can`t and have to and don`t have to
3) Bringing with
Combination –up: to
otherbring –upPh.tehn.
subjects: love, interest to the subject
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

5 “A horse is a man`s wings” Ind.
home Ex/4 Rewrite the sen-s in the passive mark
work m voice

New Permission and obligation
theme 8 1- 4
m Ex/7 Match the underlined 2- 1
. parts of each sen-s (a-d) with M/ Ind.
3- 3
C1,2,3 mark
the correct meaning(1-4) 4- 2 S/C
1,2,3 Grou
Work Ex/8 Read the rules for players . 1. Can`t M/ Gr.m
with C1,2,3
Complete the gaps with can, 2. Have to S/C
ex -s .
K БТ m. can`t,have to, don`t have to 3. Can`t 1,2,3

4. Don`t have to
5. Can
6. Can
7. Can
8. Can Grou
Ex.9 . MATCH THE WORDS WITH 9. Have to p/m.
Hit M/
Throw S/C Ind/
Catch 1,2,3
Carry Pair.
Ex/10 a)Read the clues and guess m
the sports
Produ b)Choose a sport from the list .
ction Don`t tell your classmate about Football
your sport . Your classmates Basketball
will ask you four questions to Tennis
guess thevsport
Which sport do you like? Tell
about it?
tion Ind/
Ex.11 m

work 5,4,3,

pupils Good bye!

end of
lesson 5m



English lesson 7-form. Date: 18/02 ______________

Theme: Tolubai Synchy

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the biography of Tolubai
Synchy . Students learn how to make sent-s with a new grammar
structure Past.simple vs. Past Continuous In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History of KG. 3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

5 Ind.
home Ex/11 mark
work m
a) Look at the picture of a horse .
Present-n Tolubai Synchy What does it look like?
8 b) Have you ever ridden your a horse
m Discuss the questions with your ? Tell your class-s about
. classm-s experience. M/ Ind.
c) Could you say that this horse will C1,2,3 mark
come to the finish line first ? Why 1,2,3 Grou
or why not? p.m.
d) Do you know anyone who could
foresee which horse will win the
Work Ex/2 . Here are some words from M/ Gr.m
with C1,2,3
the text you`re going to listen to. S/C
ex -s .
K БТ m. READ their definitions 1,2,3
1. Renowded
a) Exclaim
2. Take care of
b) Give up
3. Wisdom
c) Skull
4. Soothsayer
d) Take care of sb/sth
5. Skull
e) Renowned
6. Gorge…out Grou
f) Escape
7. Escaped p/m.
g) Soothsayer Pair.
8. Give up
h) Gorge something out m.
i) wisdom
Once upon a time there lived
Ex/5. Listen to the legend and
Tolubai Synchy who was famous for
compare your ideas
his wisdom , many saying and M/
provebs… C1,2,3
S/C Ind/
Produ Ex/6/ Listen to the legend again . 1. True
ction are the statements true or false? 2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False

Ex.7.b. listen to the ending of the

Ref- legend and check your ideas. Were
tion you right?

Ex.8. Discuss the questions Ind/

: Good bye!

end of 5m



English lesson 7-form. Date: ______________

Theme: Past simple or Past continuous

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving The main competently
 Informational competent
new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – to form the knowledge communication(M/C2)
of the new material.  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
2) Developing – to acquaint children with the biography of Tolubai
Synchy . Students learn how to make sent-s with a new grammar
structure Past.simple vs. Past Continuous In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: History of KG. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.

5 Ind.
home Ex/11 mark
work m

Present-n Answers:
Past simple or Past
theme 8 continuous a) Janybek Khan saw Tolubai Synchy
. when he past him.
Exercise 9 M/ Ind.
Past Simple, V + -ed or V2 C1,2,3 mark
Working in pairs, students
Past Continuous was/were + V-ing S/C
answer the questions. 1,2,3 Grou
b) Past Continuous describes p.m.
something that was in progress when
another event happened.
Exercise 10 Answers:
Work M/ Gr.m
Students fill in the gaps with verbs 1) When we came home, our friends C1,2,3
ex -s . 17 in Past Simple or Past Continuous were waiting for us S/C
K БТ m. 2) Ajan was watching TV when she
heard this beautiful song
3) As I was speaking on the phorie,
someone knocked at the door.
4) While it was raining heavily, they
were watching a film Grou
5) When I broke my leg,I was roller p/m.
skating m.

Students Asan was saddling his horse when

check the answers in pairs, then Uson arrived home from school.
the whole class.
S/C Ind/
ction Exercise 11 The teacher asks the question: What were you
doing at 6.00 in the evening? The first student
students must complete sentences answers this question, and the next student
using Past Continuous and Past must repeat his answer and answer the
Simple. question himself. Each subsequent student
Exercise 12 repeats
the answers of all the previous students and
Students play the game "Who has only then answers the question himself. This
Ref- a good memory". task
tion Exercise 13 can be performed in the form of a competition.
Working in pairs, each player selects any two If someone forgot a sentence or made it
pictures and makes a sentence incorrectly Ind/
using Past Continuous and Past Simple. If the , then they are out of the game. Whoever uses m
second player believes that the sentence the times correctly and repeats all the
Home is correct, the first player gets one point. In suggestions is the winner.
work case of difficulties in evaluating
the proposals, they turn to the teacher. The
teacher should warn the students that they
Evalu cannot use the same picture twice.
New words
pupils 5-
: 4-
The 5m
end of
lesson Thank you for the lesson



English lesson7-form. Date:

Theme: Describing a sporting event.
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
 Нк
theme.Giving new information.  А
 Д
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational – Apply in
practice and fix in the speech of students the lexical units
on the topic
In subject competently
"Sports event» Пk
* Develop the skills of monologue and dialogic speech,
reading skills with the extraction Combination with other subjects: ph/tehn.
of the necessary information
* Develop the ability to gradually build a coherent text on
the topic "
Unforgettable my sporting event".
Metods of teaching :Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson , Pair work,Group work
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Val
Times in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity uati
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
m lesson. Good morning dear my you. Glad to see you too!
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are you
active okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please
Check-up Exlaim, soothsayer,escape, give up, take
New words
home care,gougesmth out
m Ex 1 page 139
Present-n S/C
New Describing a sporting 1,2,3
theme 10
m event. 1. Hard work beats talent when
. talent doesn’t work hard. Ind.
2. I never worry about the mar
problem. I worry about the k
Use the words to make quotations M/C1,2,3
solution. S/C
said by famous sportsman about 3. If you can believe it,the mind 1,2,3
sport. Do you agree with the can achieveit.
4. Winning is not everything but
quotations? Why \not
wanting is to win.

1,2,3 k

Work  Oodarysh
with ex -  Kokboru
s .K БТ  Tyun enemy
13  At chabysh
m 1. Work/talent/when  Jambyatmai
work/beats/hard/Hard/  Kyzkuumai
doesn’t /talent.  Kuresh up.
2. The/worry/the problem/about  Kyzdzharysh m..
3. It / believe/can/you/if/the/it/
Productio 4. To /isn’t/ wanting/is 1. Kokboru
n winning/everything/but/ 2. Oodarysh
win. 3. Kuzdzarysh
5 4. At chabysh
m Ex 3 5. Kuresh
Look at the list of sports. Which 6. Jambyatmai
sports do you think are the most 7. Tuyn enemy
Ref-tion interesting to watch? Write the sports
in order from the most interesting to
watch to the least interesting to watch. Beats - биение
4 Believe-ишенуу
m Achieve-достигать
Exercise 4
The teacher draws attention to the
Worry- тынчсыздануу
picture and tells them that Aigul attended
a Solution-чечим
sports event in September 2018. Wanting- каалаган
Students guess what kind of event it was, winning –утуш
Home what kind of sport she was watching, and
work explain why they think so.
Evaluatin m
g of Retell the text p/140
pupils: Glossary
m 5-
The end
of the

Thank you for the lesson , good bye!

English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: While, during –linking words

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational To develop skills:  The social
- introductory listening;  The self-organization and
listening skills with finding detailed information, solve problem(M/C3)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve the
daily routine
In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Retell the text p/140
home 5 Glossary Ind.
work m

While, during –linking
theme 10 words
1) Name, time, place of the ovent. M/ Pair.
. C1,2,3 m
Exercise 6 Paragraph C S/C
Students read the text again and 2) Description of the ovent. 1,2,3 Grou
compare the plan with the Paragraph A p.m.
paragraphs. Students 3) Feelings, comments, final thoughts
test the answers in pairs, then Paragraph B
the whole class,
Are read the burial service:
Practi Students look at the examples and During is a preposition. It is followed M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
10 choose the option that matches by a noun. While is a conjunction, S/C Gr.m
with m. the rules. followed by the 1,2,3

ex -s . Then there is a discussion by the whole sentence. While combines two

K БТ whole class, and the teacher simple sentences. Students check the
summarizes it with a brief answers in
explanation: pairs, then the whole class.
during + noun, while + clause
Exercise 8 (subject+verb) p/m.
Produ Students fill in the gaps with the Pair.
Answers: M/ m.
ction words during and while, check the C1,2,3
1) during
answers in pairs, then S/C
2) while 1,2,3
the whole class.
3) while
4) during
5) while m
Exercise 9 6) during Pair.
7) during m
Students compose a text-a
Ref- description of an unforgettable
sporting event that they
have watched or attended. To help
them, a plan (algorithm) is Ind/
proposed, following
which students will be able to
perform this exercise.

New worfd , new grammar


Evalu 4-
pupils 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson


English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Culture Handicrafts around the world

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educationa-l Improve the skills of monologue and  The social
dialogical speech on the topic "  The self-organization and
Needlework from around the world», solve problem(M/C3)
Improve your reading skills by extracting the necessary information
* Arouse interest in needlework and foster a respectful and careful attitude
towards it.
* Introduce students to compound nouns. In subject competently
* Teach students to use compound nouns in their speech. 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
Culture Handicrafts around the
theme 10
m Exercise 1 M/ Pair.
. Students look at pictures of Answers: C1,2,3 m
different types of needlework S/C
1) embroidery 1,2,3 Grou
and use the arrow to 2) knitting p.m.
connect them to the names. At 3) beads handicraft
the end of the work, students 4) leather handicraft
check the answers in pairs, then 5) woodcraft
together with the teacher. 6) felt handicraft
Practi Exercise 2 M/ Pair.
1) Handicraft is a type of craft where C1,2,3 m
ce To complete the task, students
Work 15 people make things using only their S/C Gr.m
with m. work in pairs or small groups and hands or basic tools. 1,2,3

ex -s . discuss the answers to the 2) Handicraft is very important

K БТ questions. because it represents our culture and
The teacher may ask students to tradition.
provide information for the entire 3) Students' own answers.
class. 4) Students' own answers.
5) Students' own answers.
Exercise 3 Grou
Students look at the pictures and, p/m.
based on them, discuss the M/ m.
questions from the exercise in C1,2,3
pairs or small groups, then share 1,2,3

the information with the entire

class. This exercise is
aimed at developing speaking m
skills, so the teacher should not Pair.
correct m
absolutely all the mistakes that
students may make in their
speech. Answers:
1 - Blue (JJaipur, India);
Produ Exercise 4 2 a - Matryoshka (Russia); m
ction Students read the text and connect 3 - Kite (China)
paragraphs with pictures. At the
end of the work, students
check the answers in pairs, then
together with Answers:
1) False, Blue pottery is made in Jaipur.
the teacher.
Ref- 2) False Blue is used to make objects like flower
tion vases, lamp shades, jewelry boxes,
Exercise 5
small and other things
Students read the text and determine which
3) True.
sentences contain true
4) False. It was a cheap toy.
information. If the information is incorrect,
5) True.
students must correct it. They check the
6) False It was created at the end of the 1890s
Home 7) False. Flying a kite is also widely used on
in pairs, then with the whole class.
work Chinese holidays
8) False. The first kites were made of wood and
Ex.6 p.146
Evalu bamboo, which were later replaced by paper,
ating 9) True
pupils 4-
: 3-
end of
the Thank you for the lesson
. 5m



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Compound nouns

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational -Improve the skills of monologue and  The social
dialogical speech on the topic "  The self-organization and
Needlework from around the world», solve problem(M/C3)
Improve your reading skills by extracting the necessary information
* Arouse interest in needlework and foster a respectful and careful attitude
towards it.
* Introduce students to compound nouns. In subject competently
* Teach students to use compound nouns in their speech. 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5 Ex.6 p.146 Ind.
work m
Compound nouns
Exercise 7
theme 10 Students work with each other
Form: Noun + noun
m and discuss the answers to M/ Pair.
. Acompound noun is a noun that is C1,2,3 m
questions. At the end made with two or more words. S/C
of the discussion, the teacher b) Students find compound nouns in 1,2,3 Grou
asks the students to share their the text. At the end of the work p.m.
ideas with the class. , students check the answers in pairs,
Exercise 8
a) Students work with examples of then together with the teacher.
compound nouns, determine how they Answers: animal and bird motifs,
are formed, and formulate a definition of porcelain dolls, woman name,
compound nouns (Compound nouns
are words that contain two or more
souvenir shops, master
components) carpenter.

Practi Exercise 9 M/ Pair.
1) games C1,2,3 m
ce The teacher draws the students '
Work 15 2) sets S/C Gr.m
with m. attention to the words in the table. 3) juice 1,2,3

ex -s . Students work one

K БТ at a time and fill in the gaps in the 4) ice cream
sentences with appropriate words. 5) teacher
At the end of the work 6) job
, students check the answers in 7) parks
pairs, then together with the 8) box
teacher Grou
M/ m.
Exercise 10 C1,2,3
Possible answers; S/C
Produ Students compose their questions 1,2,3

ction using the words and 1) Do you prefer strawberry jam to

the pronoun uoi suggested in the raspberry jam?
2) When was the last time you ate Ind/
exercise. When students are m
working on their own, the teacher apple pie? Pair.
helps 3) Do you like chocolate milkshake? m

with the questions. The students 4) Have you ever broken a flower
then work in pairs, ask each other vase?
questions 5) What is your favourite sports car?
, and answer them 6) Can you tell me about your school Ind/
day yesterday? m
7) Have you ever been to a health
Ref- Form: Noun + noun
tion Flower vase
Lamp shade
Jeweey box

work New words
Evalu 5-
pupils 3-
: 2-

end of
lesson Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Shyrdaks
The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational - Foster a positive emotional and value  The social
attitude to the national leadership " shyrdak»,  The self-organization and
Develop the ability to listen in order to extract specific information. solve problem(M/C3)
* Teach students to recognize and use adjectives in speech.
* Develop educational, information and communication skills, logical
In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in Teacher`s activity Student `s activity M/ tion
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m p/148 Ind.

Shyrdaks 1 . What are some things that define

a culture?
theme 10 Exercise 1 2.what would life
m be like without M/ Pair.
The teacher asks the students to
culture? Etc C1,2,3 m
discuss the issues with each S/C
other and, at the end of the 1,2,3 Grou
discussion p.m.
, share their ideas with the other
Practi Ex/2 M/ Pair.
1) pattern C1,2,3 m
ce Match the words with the pictures
Work 10 2) stitching S/C Gr.m
with m. 3) folt
ex -s . 4) layer
5) wool
Exercise 3 6) eagle
Students look at pictures and 7) horns
discuss questions with each other. 8) claws
At the end Answers:
of the discussion, the teacher asks a) This type of carpots is called a p/m.
the students to share their ideas shyrdak. Pair.
M/ m.
with the whole class b) Shyrdak got its name from the C1,2,3
Students listen to the text and word shyryk, which means stitching - S/C
determine how correct their one of the main
assumptions were, processes in making this carpet,
After the work is finished, students which makes it strong and durable. Ind/
compare the answers in pairs, then c) The patterns on the shyrdaks are Pair.
check with the teacher animals, the dog's tail, the horns of m
mountain goats and
duer, the claws of birds, dancing
Exercise 5
women, warriors, the sun and the
Produ Students listen to the text again and answer
the questions, working in pairs, then moon, the eagle and the
ction Ind/
test together with mountains, all of which have a certain
meaning and value.
Exercise 6 Ex/5
Ref- 1) The carpet is beautiful due to the contrasting
tion Students look at the pictures depicting the
process of making shyrdak and colours and large patterns, its pattern is made
compare them in the sequence in which the using the mosaic technique.
entire process takes place. At the end 2) The name comes from the word shyryk,
of the work, students compare the answers which moans stitching - one of the main
in pairs processes
in making this carpet.
Home Exercise 7 p/151 3) The shyrdak is strong and durable due to its
work Students read the text and check their stitching
answers. At the end of the work, students 4) It can tell about the history of the people and
compare the basics of its culturo.
Evalu the answers in pairs, then check with the 5) The UNESCO accepted the shyrdak into the
ating list of social heritage.
end of
the 2-
10 Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Word -formation

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational - Foster a positive emotional and value  The social
attitude to the national leadership " shyrdak»,  The self-organization and
Develop the ability to listen in order to extract specific information. solve problem(M/C3)
* Teach students to recognize and use adjectives in speech.
* Develop educational, information and communication skills, logical
In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5 Answers: 1) c; 2) a; 3) e; 4) b; 5) Ind.
work m

Present-n Word –formation

New Answers:
theme 10
m Exercise 8 1) The pattern is a mother and child.
M/ Pair.
. Working in pairs, students It symbolizes a safe home. C1,2,3 m
discuss what the patterns in the 2) The pattern is soldiers. It describes S/C
pictures mean. At
1,2,3 Grou
soldiers who protect our Motherland. p.m.
the end of the work, students 763) The pattern is a dog's tail.
check the answers together with symbolizes friendship.
the teacher 4) The pattern is a bird in flight. It
symbolizes the wish that our dreams
come true.
Exercise 9 Answers:
Practi M/ Pair.
a) Students read the sentence and 1) The sentence sounds dry C1,2,3 m
Work 15 answer questions. At the end of 2) Adjectives are missing S/C Gr.m
with m. the work, students 3) An describes nouns.
ex -s . check the answers together with 4) We use adjectives to make our
the teacher speech beautiful.

b) Students find the sentence Answers:

mentioned in exercise 9a and the 1. a) traditional; b) beautiful, c)
adjectives formed from the words decorative.
tradition, beauty, decorate, then 2. Noun + -al = Adjective, Noun + - ful p/m.
the whole class discusses how = Adjective, Verb + - ive = Adjective Pair.
adjectives are formed from nouns M/ m.
Noun + -al = Noun + - ful = Verb + - ive = C1,2,3
and verbs S/C
Adjective Adjective 1,2,3
Exercise 10
music - wonder - act - active
Students form adjectives from the words
musical wonderful attract -
suggested in this exercise. At the Ind/
region - harm - attractive
end of the work, students compare the m
regional harmful talk -
answers in pairs, then check with the Pair.
person - caro - careful talkative
teacher. m
personal pain - painful create -
origin - success - creative
original successful
politics - uso - useful
political skill - skillful
Exercise 11 m
Produ Students circle adjectives and draw an arrow
to a) Aruuke is such an attractive girl
the noun they are describing. At the end of b) The tour-guide gave us useful information.
the work, students compare the answers in c) His latest tay is a personal computer.
pairs, then d) Careful preparation for the test is important.
check with the teacher. e) Though he is old, he leads an active life.

Ref- Exercise 12
tion Students fill in the blanks with adjectives Answers:
from the frame, check the answers in 1) painful
then the whole class 2) harmful
3) beautiful
4) political
5) original
ex.13. p.153 6) active
Home 7) creative
work 8) regional
Evalu 4-
pupils 2-

The Thank you for the lesson

end of




English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Making a paper crane.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational - Develop  The social
introductory reading skills;  The self-organization and
- search activity with the extraction of the necessary information on a given solve problem(M/C3)
* Introduce students to the Japanese art of origami.
* Develop students ' hard work, attention and perseverance,
In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
ex.13. p.153 Ind.
work m

Making a paper crane.
New Exercise 1 New words
theme 10 The teacher draws the students '
m Species-
attention to the picture of Aigul M/ Pair.
. Vocal- C1,2,3 m
and says that she and Berries- S/C
her classmates learned a lot of Social-
1,2,3 Grou
interesting things about cranes. p.m.
The teacher is interested in the Holy-
heap- Eternal-
tell them what they know about Longevity-
cranes. Students share
information with the class

Exercise 2
Practi Students read the text and check their M/ Pair.
ce assumptions. At the end of the work, C1,2,3 m
Work 15 students S/C Gr.m
with m. compare the answers in pairs, then check
ex -s . with the teacher. Answers:
K БТ 1) They are usually brown, white, or grey in
Exercise 3 their color.
Students read the text again, work with each 2) Cranes live on all continents except in South
other, and answer questions. At the America and Antarctica.
end of the work, students check the answers 3) They use several different types of calls,
together with the teacher. Cranes also communicate with their bodies.

4) They eat small fish, insects, berries, leaves Grou

and many kinds of plants. p/m.
M/ Pair.
5) They live in groups with other cranes because
C1,2,3 m.
they are highly social birds.
6) If you want your wish to come true, you have 1,2,3
to foid 1,000 cranes.
7) They symbolize eternal youth, happiness and
Exercise 4
Produ longevity.
Students correlate the words in bold in the
ction text with the definitions, At Ind/
Answers: m
the end of the work, students compare the
1) holy Pair.
answers in pairs, then check with the
2) berry m
3) eternal
4) characteristic
5) longevity
6) social
7) vocal
8) species Ind/
Exercise 5
Ref- Students work with each other and answer
tion questions. At the end of the work, students
check the answers together with the

Exercise 6
Students look at the pictures, try to guess
work 5m the meaning of the words, and find
pictures that correspond to the words.
ating 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Aigul`s instructions to make a paper cranes

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational - Develop  The social
introductory reading skills;  The self-organization and
- search activity with the extraction of the necessary information on a given solve problem(M/C3)
* Introduce students to the Japanese art of origami.
* Develop students ' hard work, attention and perseverance,
In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine,
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy thank you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words ex/6
home 5 Answers: 1) fold, 2) turn over, 3) inflate; Ind.
work m 4) hole. mark
Follow Aigul's instructions to make a
Present-n Aigul`s instructions to make a paper crane,
theme 10 paper cranes
m M/ Pair.
. Exercise 7
C1,2,3 m
The teacher shows the students a crane
already made of origami paper, so that 1,2,3 Grou
they p.m.
can see what they have to do themselves.
The teacher gives students instructions
for learning
and shows them how to make origami.
Students make a crane, repeating the
actions of the teacher.
Practi 1) Fold the paper in half M/ Pair.
ce 5) Fold upper layer of right C1,2,3 m
15 (diagonally) and unfold S/C Gr.m
m. so that the colored side corner inward to the 1,2,3
ex -s . is facing up again. Then, center so that it looks
K БТ fold the paper in half like the image below.
(diagonally) in the other Repeat this step with the
direction. left corner.
2) Unfold your paper so 6) Fold top corner down
that the colored side is until it meets the upper
facing down. section of the fold made Grou
3) Fold the paper in half. in step 5. Pair.
Unfold so that the 7) Turn over your paper. M/ m.
colored side is facing Repeat steps 5 and 6 on S/C
down again. Then, fold this side. 1,2,3
Produ 8) Unfold your paper so
ction your paper in half in the
other direction. Unfold. that it looks similar as to
4) Bring the top, right, and what it did at the end of m
left corners down to the step 4. Pair.
9) Open the top flat. m
bottom corner.
10) Fold both sides inward.
11) Turn over the paper and
repeat step 10. Carefully
fold both sides inward, Ind/
just like before. m
12) Fold the left and right
bottom edge to the
Ref- Make own crane middle.
tion 5m
13) Fold each leg up at an
angle. Unfold only what
New words you did in this step.
Home 14) Fold the "legs" inside
work reverse along the creases
you just made. Repeat
5- with the left leg.
4- 15) Fold a head and pull at the wings
Evalu 3- to open the crane. Under your
ating 2- crane, you will notice a
pupils little hole. You can use
: the hole to gently blow
air and "inflate" your
Thank you for the lesson
The paper crane.
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: A symbol of peace and hope

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational -• Develop skills;  The social
introductory reading;  The self-organization and
- search activity with the extraction of the necessary information on a given solve problem(M/C3)
- written speech using the necessary lexical units and phrases when
writing the text,
- collective cooperation and work in groups. In subject competently
Introduce students to a brief history of origami. 1 (S/C1)
* Foster a responsible attitude to the preservation of peace on Earth 2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m

A symbol of peace and hope
theme 10 Exercise 1
m The teacher reminds the M/ Pair.
. C1,2,3 m
students that in the last lesson
they made an origami crane and 1,2,3 Grou
asks them the questions "What p.m.
do you know about origami?
What does the crane symbolize
in Japan? " The students
discuss these questions with the
whole class. Answer: In Japan, the crane symbolizes good
Exercise 2 fortune and longevity.
Students read the text and check the
correctness of their answers
Practi M/ Pair.
ce Exercise 3 C1,2,3 m
Work 15 S/C Gr.m
The teacher draws the students ' 1,2,3
ex -s . attention to the pictures. Students
K БТ discuss how these pictures
relate to each other.

Exercise 4
Students read the text and arrange Grou
Answers: 1) b, 2) d; 3) a: 4) p/m.
the pictures in order. At the end of Pair.
the work, learn. M/ m.
esa checks the answers in pairs, S/C
then the whole class 1,2,3
1) Sadako was very ill and she had to spend a lot
of time in the hospital
Exercise 5 2) The doctors worried that she did not have
Produ Students look at pictures and much time left to live. Pair.
ction answer questions in writing, then 3) Chizuko Hamamoto, Sadako's best friend, m
they exchange visited her one day and made a paper crane
for her
text with their fellow students to 4) Then she told her an ancient Japanese legend
check if there are any mistakes that says that anyone who folds a thousand
Taking into account the comments cranes, will have their wish come true
5) She immediately started folding paper Ind/
of their classmates, students m
cranes, it gave her hope and made her feel safe
rewrite the letter and
correcting the shortcomings, and lucky
hand over the work to the teacher 6) She used the paper from medicine bottles,
candy wrappers, and left over gift wrap paper
7) Her wish was that she would get well again,
Note: if this is a homework
and she wanted peace in the world.
Ref- assignment, the students must 8) On 25 October, 1955 Sadako Sasaki died
tion prepare the text at home, and 9) She was 12 years old.
the work on mutual verification is 10) Her classmates folded the remaining 356
carried out in the classroom.
Home Ex/6 p/163

Evalu 4-
ating 3-

end of
Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Progress Check 4

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational - To consolidate skills in the use of:  The social
- modal verbs expressing obligation/necessity and permission;  The self-organization and
- Past Continuous and Past Simple in the same sentence using the words while, when, as; solve problem(M/C3)
- compound nouns; In subject competently
- adjectives 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Introduce students to a brief history of origami. 3 (S/C3)
* Foster a responsible attitude to the preservation of peace on Earth
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
Ex/6 p/163 Ind.
work m

Progress Check 4
theme 10 Exercise 1
a) have to;
m Complete the gaps with -can, M/ Pair.
. b) can't; C1,2,3 m
can`t, have to, don’t have to c) can S/C
4) don’t have to 1,2,3 Grou
5) can
6) can
Practi Exercise 2 M/ Pair.
1) When they arrived home, their C1,2,3 m
ce Students find four sentences with
Work 25 parents were waiting for them. S/C Gr.m
with m. errors and correct them. 2) V 1,2,3

ex -s . 3)V
4) As I was watching a video, the Wi-
Fi stopped working.
5) Aidar fell asleep when he was
doing this homework.
7) Jamilia was singing when the lights p/m.
went out. Pair.
M/ m.
Exercise 3 8)V C1,2,3
Students fill in the gaps with words S/C
from the frame to form composite
nouns. Answers:
1) limit; 2) job; 3) uniform;
4) office, 5) center, 6) m
Exercise 4 lights; 7) films. Pair.
Students fill in the gaps with m
adjectives from the frame. Answers:
1) wonderful
2) painful
3) creative Ind/
4) original m
5) successful
6) regional
7) personal
8) musical

Repeat all materials

work 4-
Thank you for the lesson
end of

English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Let's discover… the USA.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational To develop colloquial communication(M/C2)
speech;  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
- introductory and search reading;
- cooperative work,
- critical thinking.
In subject competently
* Expand the vocabulary of students on the topic "United States of
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
3 (S/C3)
* Teach students to use definite, indefinite, and null articles
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
Let's discover… the USA.
Exercise 1
New How much do you know about UsA?
theme 10 Work with a Partner and answer the
m questions M/ Pair.
. Answers: 1) a; 2) c; 3) a; 4) a; 5) b; 6) C1,2,3 m
The teacher invites students to take a S/C
"trip" to the United States to learn b; 7) a; 8) b; 9) a; 10) b. 1,2,3 Grou
interesting p.m.
facts about this country. Students
work in pairs and answer questions.
, this exercise can be organized in the
form of a competition. To do this, the
teacher writes down the students '
answers on the blackboard. These
answers can be used after completing
the following exercise to determine
the winner.
Practi Ex.2 Read the text a) M/ Pair.
1) The country is in the middle of the C1,2,3 m
Work 15 North American continent between S/C Gr.m
with m.
b) The teacher should make sure Canada and Mexico
ex -s . 2) The Pacific Ocean.
K БТ that the questions do not cause
difficulties for the students. 3) Canada.
Participate. 4) The population of the country is
They read the text and find the about 300 million people.
answers. After reading the text, 5) There are 50 stars on the flag, one
students compare the answers in for each state, and there are 13
pairs, then check with the teacher. stripes representing the p/m.
13 original states Pair.
M/ m.
Exercise 3 1,2,3
Produ a) Students work in pairs and
answer questions, At the request
of the teacher, this m
task can be organized in the form Pair.
of a competition. To do this, the m
teacher writes down the students '
on the blackboard. These answers
can be used after the next Ind/
exercise to determine the winner, m
If a competitive element is
excluded, no entry
1) English and Spanish.
on the board is required. 2) The national bird is the Bald Eagle and the
Ref- b) Students read the second part national flower is the rose.
tion 3) New York city.
of the text and check their
4) The largest state is Alaska and the smallest
answers. If state is Rhode Island.
a competitive element was 5) The highest point in the USA is Mount
entered in the previous stage, the McKinley.
6) The USA is famous for many different things:
teacher checks the answers to the cities (New York, California, Boston, etc )
Home questions together buildings (the Empire State Building, the White
work with the class and determines the Housetc.)
winner-the group with the highest
Evalu number of correct
ating answers. If there was no
of competitive element, students
check the answers in pairs,
then together with the teacher.

The Retell the text p/168

end of
the Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Definite article the and zero article

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational To develop colloquial communication(M/C2)
speech;  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
- introductory and search reading;
- cooperative work,
- critical thinking.
In subject competently
* Expand the vocabulary of students on the topic "United States of
1 (S/C1)
America", 2 (S/C2)
* Teach students to use definite, indefinite, and null articles 3 (S/C3)
with geographical names.
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
Retell the text p/168 Ind.
work m

Definite article the and zero
New article
theme 10
m Exercise 4
Students complete the task in notebooks,
Continents: X; countries: X; states: X; M/ Pair.
. C1,2,3 m
compare the answers in pairs, and then cities/towns: X; parks: X; mountains: S/C
check X; mountain ranges: 1,2,3 Grou
with the teacher. the;lakes: X; seas: the; oceans: the; p.m.
rivers: the; canals: the; countries
whose names include the
words states, kingdom, or republic:

Practi a) the Atlantic ocean (the rest of the M/ Pair.

ce Exercise 5 C1,2,3 m
15 mountain ranges) S/C Gr.m
Work The teacher explains that in each
with m. b) nil (it is a stream, other large 1,2,3

ex -s . line with geographical names there bodies of water)

K БТ is one C) Suez (the canal, the rest of the
extra one. Students determine river)
which name should not be in this d) the Mediterranean sea (that sea,
group, and the rest of the river)
explain why. At the end of the
work, students compare the Grou
answers in pairs and
check them with the teacher. M/ m.
Answers: S/C
Exercise 6
1) I went skiing in the Alps. 1,2,3
Produ Students complete the task in
ction 2) Buckingham Palace-one of the
notebooks, compare the answers
many residences of the Queen.
in pairs, and then check Ind/
3) There is a tunnel under the English m
with the teacher. Channel Pair.
4) I usually spend my summer
holidays on Lake Issyk-Kul.
5) The ship disappeared somewhere
The teacher explains that some in the Pacific Ocean.
Ref- articles are used incorrectly in the 6) They had a small cabin near Lake Ind/
tion sentences. Winnipeg. m
Students find and correct mistakes 7) The American president lives in the
individually. White House.
8) There was a rock concert in X
5m Panfilovsky Park
9) I would like to go on holiday to
Exercise 7 p/ 170 Sustralia.
10) The highest mountain in New
Zealand is Mount Cook.
11) The river flows into the
Evalu 5- Mediterranean Sea.
of 4- 12) x Hawali is an American state.
pupils 3-
: 2-

end of
the Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Let’s discover … a cowboy country

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new The main competently
 Informational competent
theme.Giving new information. (M/C1)
 The social
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational To develop skills: communication(M/C2)
- introductory listening; To expand the horizons of students on the  The self-organization and
solve problem(M/C3)
topic "the United States of America".
To develop skills:
- colloquial speech; Expand the vocabulary of students on the topic
In subject competently
"United States of America", 1 (S/C1)
* Teach students to form and use defining 2 (S/C2)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up 3 (S/C3)
toobserve the daily routine
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
Exercise 7 p/ 170 Ind.
work mark

Present-n Theme: Let’s discove…r a

New cowboy country
theme 10 Exercise 1
m The teacher draws the students '
Answers: M/ Pair.
. attention to the pictures and asks C1,2,3 m
1) cattle S/C
them to match them.
missing words. At the end of the 2) wide-brimmed hat 1,2,3 Grou
3) vest p.m.
work, students compare the answers
in pairs, then together with 4) bandana
the teacher. When checking the 5) Texas Longhorn
answers, the teacher is recommended 6) toe-pointed boots
to pay special attention to the
7) stirrup
8) chaps
of words and use various techniques
9) buckskin gloves
to practice pronunciation
10) lasso
The "examiner"
Practi After working with the lexical M/ Pair.
calls the number of the picture, and C1,2,3 m
ce material, the teacher can organize
Work 12 the "student" must name the subject S/C Gr.m
with m. work in pairs, depicted on it. Before 1,2,3

ex -s . where one of the students acts as conducting the "Exam", the teacher
K БТ an examiner, and the other as a gives about one minute to memorize
student. the words,
Exercise 2
Students, working in pairs or small Answers: Students ' own answers.
groups, express their suggestions Grou
about p/m.
the possible connection between M/ m.
the depicted objects and the work C1,2,3
of cowboys. At the end 1,2,3
of the discussion, students share
1) cattle - Cowboys worked with cattle.
their assumptions with the entire 2) wide-brimmed hat - a part af the Ind/
class, uniform. m
Produ Exercise 3 3) vest - a part of the uniform. Pair.
ction m
This exercise is performed to develop 4) bandana - a part of the uniform,
reading or listening skills. If 5) Texas Longhorn - cattle.
the teacher plans to practice listening 6) toe-pointed boots - a part of the uniform.
skills, then students should close 7) stirrup -helped cowboys to get on a horse
the text with a sheet of paper to better 8) chaps - protection of cowboy's legs from
perceive the material by ear In the cacti and cattle horns. Ind/
absence of an audio recording, the 9)8) - m
teacher 9) buckskin gloves - Protected their hands
can read the text Students listen to from getting burned by lasso rope.
(read) the text, compare the answers in 10) lasso - to catch cattle and horses.
pairs, Answers:
then check with the teacher.
1) A real cowboy was a man who rode
Ref- Exercise 4 horses and worked with cattle.
tion - b) The teacher should make sure that 2) Cowboys wanted their arms to be free
the questions do not cause difficulties for for work so they wore a vest instead of
the students jackets to
Working individually, students answer stay warm.
questions. After that, they listen to 3) In hot weather they used it as a dust
7m (read) the text again and check their mask to cover both nose and mouth.
answers. Warning! Worn
At the end of the work, they check the this way a cowboy could also be a
answers together stagecoach robber.
work with the teacher. 4) Cowboys' boots have high heels. The toes
of the boots are pointed.
Evalu Exercise 5 p.174 5) The toes of the boots were pointed to
New words make it easier to get foot out of the stirrup
of 5- in a hurry.
pupils 4-
: 3-
end of 2-
lesson Thank you for the lesson




English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Defining relative clause

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educationa- colloquial speech (comparison of points  The social
of view in pairs and small groups).  The self-organization and
- critical and logical thinking. solve problem(M/C3)
To develop skills:
- introductory listening;
listening skills with finding detailed information,
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve the In subject competently
daily routine 1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
Defining relative clause
New Exercise 6. The teacher explains
theme 10
m that all the words of this M/ Pair.
. exercise were used in the texts. 1) cowboy C1,2,3 m
Students read the definitions 2) explorer S/C
and solve the crossword puzzle, 3) America Grou
complete the task individually, 4) lasso
and then 5) hat
memorize the answers in pairs. 6) glove
At the end of the work, they 7) bandana
check the answers together with 8) spurs
the teacher. 9) chaps

Practi Ex/7. Study the chart and comlete Answers: M/ Pair.

ce C1,2,3 m
the rules with who, where, that, or a) For things we use which or that S/C Gr.m
m. which b) For people we use who or that. 1,2,3
ex -s . (The students read the rules and (NOT what or which)
K БТ answer the questions individually. c) For places use where
At the end of the work
students compare the answers in
pairs, then check with the teacher.)
1) Its a type of clothes that / which Grou
Exercise 8 cowboys p/m.
The teacher during the day 2) They re special types of footwear Pair.
M/ m.
onstrates the task on the that / which have pointed toes C1,2,3
blackboard students work indi. 3) It's a horso that / which lives in S/C
visually, making up sentences and Mexico in the wild.
writing them down in a notebook. 4) It's a person who cooks food
The teacher reminds students 5) They're wild cattle that / which live Ind/
in Texas and have long horns. m
to follow the rules described in Pair.
exercise 7. At the end of the work, 6) I''s a metal thing that / which you m
students compare use for hunting
the answers in pairs, then check
1) who
the results with the teacher.
2) who/that
Produ Exercise 9 3) where Ind/
ction m
Students complete the task 4) which/that
individually, and at the end of the 5) who/that
work, students 6) which/that
compare the answers in pairs, then 7) where
check them together with the 8) who/that
teacher. 9) where
Are read the burial service: 10) which/that
Ref- 11) which/that
tion The teacher explains that there are mistakes 12) who/that
in the sentences that need to be corrected.
Students Answers:
complete the task individually. At the end of 1) This is the coffee bar where my friends are
the work, the answers are compared in having a drink there.
pairs, then 2) You can buy anything what that / which we
Home checked together with the teacher. saw in a shop yesterday.
work 3) Old people in my country, who many of them
Ex/11 p.176 new words are widows or widowers, often move to Old
People's Home
Evalu 5- 4) I can't hear everything what that you are
ating saying
5) I'd like you to meet my brother who you will
pupils 3-
be studying with him next year.
: 2-

The 8m
end of Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Let's discover … Kyrgyzstan!.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) To develop skills:  The social
team work;  The self-organization and
- colloquial speech (comparison of points of view in pairs and small groups). solve problem(M/C3)
- critical and logical thinking.
* Expand the vocabulary of students on the topic "Country Studies: Kyrgyzstan".
* Teach children to prepare presentations by following a set pattern.
* Teach children to present the prepared material in oral and written form. In subject competently
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve the 1 (S/C1)
daily routine 2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up Ex/11 p.176 new words
home 5
work m
Let's discover … Kyrgyzstan!.
Present-n Exercise 1
New The teacher draws the attention of
theme 10 This exercise is aimed at activating
m knowledge based on the life the students
M/ Pair.
. experience to the photo of the Aigul and the C1,2,3 m
of students, as well as developing
instructions for the exercise. He S/C
conversational skills 1,2,3 Grou
explains that students should p.m.
prepare a tourist guide for traveling
around Kyrgyzstan, and also draws
students ' attention to the criteria for
evaluating project work
Working in groups, students discuss
what information they will include in
their curriculum, make notes and
brief notes. At the end of this stage of
Practi the work M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
15 , students should proceed to the S/C Gr.m
with m. registration. The project work can be 1,2,3

ex -s . in the form of a brochure or poster.

K БТ It is necessary to allocate sufficient
time for the preparation of projects.
The teacher
should provide any assistance
M/ m.
Exercise 2 1,2,3
Produ The teacher reminds the students
ction of the rules and criteria for
preparing and conducting an oral Ind/
presentation Pair.
, and after each presentation, the m
students evaluate each other using
the criteria described in Exercise 1.

Ref- Did you know ?( write some
interesting facts about Kyrgrzstan)

Project work

Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-

The Thank you for the lesson

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Let's discover … the Land of Yummies

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Repeat and practice words and phrases  The social
on the topics "Food" and " Clothing»  The self-organization and
* Develop solve problem(M/C3)
conversational skills (constructions with the meaning of an assumption, comparison of
of view in pairs),
critical and logical thinking; In subject competently
introductory and search reading: 1 (S/C1)
- written speech; 2 (S/C2)
- work in groups; 3 (S/C3)
preparation of presentations in oral and written form.
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
Let's discover … the Land of
10 Exercise 1
1) fruit juice
m Students work individually, 2) pancakes
M/ Pair.
. 3) gingerbread C1,2,3 m
selecting words and
4) sausages S/C
corresponding pictures. At 1,2,3 Grou
5) bread rolls
the end of the work, students p.m.
6) marmalade
check the answers in pairs
7) hamburger
8) honey
9) ice-cream
10) brooch and necklace
11) footwear
12) clothes
Practi M/ Pair.
a) rain C1,2,3 m
ce Exercise 2
Work 15 b) tap S/C Gr.m
To complete the task, students 1,2,3
with m. c) forest
ex -s . need to know the names of the
d) stone
K БТ subjects depicted
e) snow
in the pictures, the Teacher asks
f) window
students to name the subjects,
9) roof
working in pairs. At
h) bush
the end of the work, the teacher
i) tree
checks the students ' answers Grou
j) door p/m.
k) oak-tree Pair.
M/ m.
l) fence C1,2,3
After students repeated the names 1,2,3
Produ of the objects, the teacher asks Answers:
them to read 1) fruit juice - tap
text and find a link between 2) pancakes - roof m
depicted objects in exercises 2 and 3) gingerbread - door Pair.
1. At the end 4) sausages - fence m
work students compare answers in 5) bread rolls - tree
pairs, then check together with the 6) marmalade - window
teacher. 7) hamburger - stone
8) honey - rain Ind/
9) ice-cream - snow m
10) brooch and necklace - bush
11) footwear - oak
Ref- Now yoy know what life in the
12) clothes - forest
tion 5m Land of Yammies is like . Would
you like to live there?

Retell the text
Evalu 4-
ating 3-
of 2-
Thank you for the lesson

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: The land of Yummies

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Repeat and practice words and phrases  The social
on the topics "Food" and " Clothing»  The self-organization and
* Develop solve problem(M/C3)
conversational skills (constructions with the meaning of an assumption, comparison of
of view in pairs),
critical and logical thinking; In subject competently
introductory and search reading: 1 (S/C1)
- written speech; 2 (S/C2)
- work in groups; 3 (S/C3)
preparation of presentations in oral and written form.
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m

Present-n The land of Yummies

theme 10 Exercise 3
m The teacher explains that
When M/ Pair.
. students must now "create" C1,2,3 m
the material is ready, students will be S/C
their own country.
able to start a small essay-a 1,2,3 Grou
To do this, they must follow the p.m.
instructions given in the
of the new country
exercise, the task is performed
individually. Students take brief
notes as answers to questions.
Practi Step 1: First you have to choose M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
15 where your new country will be. S/C Gr.m
with m. Choose 1,2,3

ex -s . from the list below or create your

K БТ own:
swims in the ocean
in space
under the ocean a) Who lives in your country?
b) What is the nature in your Grou
in a volcano
on Mars country? Pair.
c) What kind of houses do they have? M/ m.
Step 2: Name your country. C1,2,3
What are they made of? S/C
d) What do people eat? Where do 1,2,3
Produ Step 3: Answer the questions
they get their food?
below and plan your country. Try
e) What do people drink? Where do
to think through all the details and Ind/
they get it? m
things that you may need.
f) How do they make or get clothes? Pair.
g) What do they do in their everyday

New words ;
gingerbread (n.) Ind/
Ref- Step 4: Finally, write a one-page sausages (n.) m
tion description of your country. bread rolls (n.)
ice cream (n)
float (V.)
5m honey (n.)
work Create their own country. marmalade (n.)
footwear (n.)
5- brooch and necklace (n.)
ating 4- raisins (n.)
of 3- fruit juice (n.)
pupils 2- pancakes (n.)
: clothes (n.)
hamburger (n.)
The almonds (n.)
end of
Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: My passion is music

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
To develop skills;  The social
- colloquial speech,
 The self-organization and
- introductory and search reading; solve problem(M/C3)
- cooperative work;
- critical thinking
* Expand the vocabulary of students on the topic "Music»
* Repeat adjectives to describe characteristics and emotional state, In subject competently
* Teach students to use the present perfect tense to describe 1 (S/C1)
events that occurred in the past but have meaning in the present. 2 (S/C2)
* Teach students to distinguish and use phrases in the present perfect and the 3 (S/C3)
past tense.
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
My passion is music
Present-n 1. Work with a partner and discuss the
New Exercise 1 questions below.
theme 10
Students work in pairs or small groups a) How often do you listen to music?
m M/ Pair.
and answer questions, and at the end
. b) What's your favourite type of music? C1,2,3 m
of the discussion, students share the
answers with the entire class. c) Do you prefer music in English or in S/C
your own language? Why? 1,2,3 Grou
Answers: Students ' own answers.
d) Do you listen to music on the radio?
What's your favourite radio
e) Can you play a musical instrument? If
so, which one?
Practi Exercise 2 M/ Pair.
Read the poem below and describe C1,2,3 m
ce Students work individually, read a
Work 15 what music for people is. S/C Gr.m
with m. poem, and find words and phrases Music has the power, 1,2,3

ex -s . that describe To help and heal,

K БТ the meaning of music for people. It's truly amazing,
After reading the text, students How it makes us feel.
compare the answers A single song.
in pairs, then check with the Countless hearts it may touch,
teacher. Will help us love others,
So very much. p/m.
It brings us hope, Pair.
M/ m.
Exercise 3 a) Students work in S/C
Produ pairs or in small groups, explaining 1,2,3
ction quiet serious
the meanings
emotional slow fast energetic
of spas to each other.
unpleasant Ind/
If necessary, the teacher helps mysterious
them, It is recommended to nolsy silly meaningful m
explain the words with amazing sensitive
the use of definitions, not exciting sad aggressive
translation, and also use the
necessary techniques, such Ind/
as leading and verification m
questions and techniques for
5m practicing pronunciation
Ref- b) Students read the instructions for the
tion exercise. The teacher should make sure
that the students do not have difficulty
understanding it. Students work
individually At the end of the work, students
compare the answers in pairs As feedback
, the teacher can use a survey of students:
how many matches and / or differences they
among themselves.
work New words p.184 ex/4 a

Evalu 5-
ating 4-
of 3-
pupils 2-

Thank you for the lesson
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Present Perfect

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
To develop skills;  The social
- colloquial speech,
 The self-organization and
- introductory and search reading; solve problem(M/C3)
- cooperative work; In subject competently
- critical thinking 1 (S/C1)
* Expand the vocabulary of students on the topic "Music» 2 (S/C2)
* Repeat adjectives to describe characteristics and emotional state, 3 (S/C3)
* Teach students to use the present perfect tense to describe
events that occurred in the past but have meaning in the present.
* Teach students to distinguish and use phrases in the present perfect and the
past tense.
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Phon.drill 1) love 6) dream
Check-up 2) spend 7) boys
home New words ex/4.a
work 5 3) studying 8) music
p.184 Ind.
m 4) solo 9) record
Answers: mark
. 5) piano 10) weddings
Present Perfect
Present-n Exercise 4 b
theme 10 b) Answer the questions about the
m text. Answers:
. a) How important is music for a) Music is very important for Anita as she M/ Pair.
Anita? Explain why you think so, spends more time playing than studying C1,2,3 m
b) What has she always dreamt of? b) She has always dreamt of becoming a good S/C
performer either playing in a band or solo. 1,2,3 Grou
c) What did her mum want her to p.m.
c) Her mother wanted her to study classical
study? music - piano.
d) Did she follow her mum's d) No, she didn't. She actually followed her
dream? Why (not)? dream and got a band.
e) How many people are there in e) She met three other boys who also loved
Anita's band? music. So they decided to join together and
become a band. Now there are 4 of them.
f) What was her mother's reaction f) Her mother was afraid the music might be too
to her music? heavy -metal or rock. But in the end she liked it.
g) What are their plans for the next g) They want to record a single or a CD.
year? h) They have played in clubs, and even at
h) Where have they played? weddings.
Exercise 5 Answers:
Practi 1) M/ Pair.
Students read the questions and C1,2,3 m
ce a) I have always dreamed of becoming a good
Work 15 answer them individually. At the performer. S/C Gr.m
with m. end Do we know when Anita started dreaming
ex -s . of the work, students compare the about being a good performer?(No.)
K БТ * Does Anita still want to be a good performer?
answers in pairs and check with (Yes. )
the teacher. b) My mother always wanted me to study
What is the sentence (s) (a-b) about the last classical piano
action that is finished?(b, c) * Does Anita's mom still want her to study
• Which sentence (s) (a-c) refers to an action classical piano? Has
that continues from the past to the present? she changed her mind about Anila's music? Grou
(a) (Yes. p/m.
• Which sentence (s) (a-b) uses the Past C) the Mother soon liked the music that we play Pair.
Prime - (b, c)The Real Perfect? - (a) • Do you know when Anita's mom started liking M/ m.
• How to make the present perfect plays?) C1,2,3
tense7(have / has + past participle (V3) • Does Anita's mom like the music she plays? S/C
• Find all examples of these tenses in the (Yes. )
above text ( I decided to follow / I

Exercise 7 Ind/
Produ Answers: m
ction Students complete the task in 1) My mother is not at home right Pair.
notebooks, compare the answers now. She went to the supermarket. m
in pairs, and then check 2) So far this month I've seen three
with the teacher. films
3) I'm so hungry! I haven't had my
lunch yet. Ind/
Exercise 8 4) I haven't seen Munara today, Is m
tion The teacher demonstrates the task she at school?
on the blackboard. Next, the 5) Our football team has won all its
students work matches so far this year.
individually, each in his own 6) I don't know your boyfriend. I
notebook. At the end of the work, haven't met him yet.
students compare the answers in Answers:ex/8
pairs, then check with the teacher. 1) Has your father paid the bills?
1) your father/pay/the bills? 2) Has Kylych lost his keys?
2) Kylych/lose his keys? 3) Have your parents come back?
5m 3) your parents come back?
4) you/hear about Kristina? 4) Have you heard about Kristina?
5) everybody/go home? 5) Has everybody gone home?
6) What/Bakyt/tell his teacher? 6) What has Bakyt toid his teacher?
7) What/your mother/cook for dinner?
Home 7) What has your mother cooked for
8) Where Daniar/put his bag?
work dinner?
Ex/9 p/187 B) Where has Daniar put his bag?
ating 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-
end of
the Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Present Perfect and Past Simple with time words

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
To develop skills;  The social
- colloquial speech,
 The self-organization and
- introductory and search reading; solve problem(M/C3)
- cooperative work;
- critical thinking
* Expand the vocabulary of students on the topic "Music»
* Repeat adjectives to describe characteristics and emotional state, In subject competently
* Teach students to use the present perfect tense to describe 1 (S/C1)
events that occurred in the past but have meaning in the present. 2 (S/C2)
* Teach students to distinguish and use phrases in the present perfect and the 3 (S/C3)
past tense.
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please. For the next three questions prepare your
Phon.drill own ideas.
8) Have you ever….
Check-up New words
5 Partner's answer:…
home Ex/9 p/187
m 9) Have you ever… Ind.
work mark
. Partner's answer:…
10) Have you ever…
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Present-n Partner's answer:…
with time words
theme 10 Grammar II a) days, dates, times, b) last and ago.
m Present Perfect and Past Simple and years. • Did you seg the M/ Pair.
with time words
. • They arrived on "Superman" last C1,2,3 m
2) To talk about actions or states in a
Thursday/at about night? S/C
period of time which continues
gix o'clock/in the • We moved to three 1,2,3 Grou
from past till now, we use the Present
morning. years ago. p.m.
Perfect with:
started learning
• I've never wanted to be a doctor. (= not
English in 2017.
at any time in mylife)
• I've already done it. (= before now)
c) questions and a) no time
• Mum's just made dinner. (= a short
statements with She has visited five
time before now)
when. different countries.
sister got married b) time words as
• Have you finished yet? I haven't done it
when she was never, already, just,
yet. (= before now.
eighteen. lately, recently, this,
Used only in questions or negative
• When did you wake yet.
c) time
Practi Exercise 10 M/ Pair.
1) Has Ainura ever tried sushi? C1,2,3 m
ce Students complete the task in
Work 15 2) Did you go to the party last night? S/C Gr.m
with m. notebooks, compare the answers 3) I have never been to Paris. 1,2,3

ex -s . in pairs, and then check 4) This year we have travelled to

K БТ with the teacher. China three times so far.
5) Have you finished your homework
6) Last night our aunt Nurila came by.
7) When did you come to Osh?
8) Our family arrived here four years Grou
ago. p/m.
M/ Pair.
9) Did you watch "X-men" yesterday? C1,2,3 m.
Exercise 11 10) Email Bolot in 2016, so we have S/C
Students complete the task in known each other for three years.
Produ notebooks, compare the answers
ction Answers:
in pairs, and then check 1) yet Ind/
with the teacher. 2) already / yet m
3) just m
4) yet
Exercise 12 5)
To complete the task, students will 6) ever
Ref- need dice (one for a group of 7)-
tion Ind/
3-4 people) 8) never m

will mark the time (conditionally

"coach"). The goal of the game is
to reach the finish line.

5m New grammar structure

Evalu 3-
ating 2-
Thank you for the lesson
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Music is life

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational * Expand the horizons of students on the  The social
topic of "Music".  The self-organization and
Time solve problem(M/C3)
to develop skills:
- colloquial speech;
- introductory and search listening.
Add to the vocabulary of students on the topic "Music". In subject competently
Teach students to form and use sentences with the construction used to 1 (S/C1)
to describe routine and repetitive actions in the past. 2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic. 3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
Music is life
New 1. Work with a partner and
theme 8
m discuss the questions below.
1) What kind of music do you like? M/ Pair.
. C1,2,3 m
2) When was the last time you S/C
listened to classical music? 1,2,3 Grou
3) Do you like opera? Why? p.m.
4) Do you know any opera singers?
Can you name them?
Practi Exercise 2 M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
17 a) The teacher draws the students ' S/C Gr.m
with m. attention to the 3 questions 1,2,3

ex -s . preceding the text to Answers:

K БТ make sure that the students do not 1. They felt excited and a little bit
have difficulty understanding nervous.
them. This exercise 2. They used to think that opera
is performed to develop reading or singers were very strict and very
listening skills, If the teacher plans often stand-offish.
to develop 3. They felt comfortable and relaxed. p/m.
listening skills, then students b) Students, working in pairs or small Pair.
should cover the text with a piece M/ m.
groups, discuss the answers to C1,2,3
of paper to better perceive questions. S/C
the material by ear. If there is no 1,2,3

audio recording, the teacher can

read the text. Students Ind/
listen to (read) the text, answer m
questions, compare the answers in Answers: Pair.
Produ m
ction pairs, and then Students' own answers
test together with the teacher.

Feedback: The teacher can ask

students (selectively) to share Ind/
questions m
that they would ask a famous 1) What were you like as a child?
opera singer 2) How did you know that music
would be your future?
c) Listen to the interview with 3) When did you decide to become
Zamira Mavlyanova and tick the an opera singer?
questions that she answered.
Note, there are two extra
Home questions.
Ex/2/d p.194

ating 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-

end of
lesson Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Grammar. Used to.Past time.

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational * Expand the horizons of students on  The social
the topic of "Music".  The self-organization and
Time solve problem(M/C3)
to develop skills:
- colloquial speech;
- introductory and search listening.
In subject competently
Add to the vocabulary of students on the topic "Music".
1 (S/C1)
Teach students to form and use sentences with the construction used to
2 (S/C2)
to describe routine and repetitive actions in the past. 3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Phon.drill Answers:
1) False
Check-up New words 2) True
home 5 3) False
Ex/2/d p.194 Ind.
work m 4) True mark
. 5) False
6) False
Present-n Grammar. Used to.Past time. 7)False
theme 5
m Exercise 3
M/ Pair.
. Students discuss the answers to C1,2,3 m
questions in pairs or in small Answers: S/C
1,2,3 Grou
groups. At Students' own answers. p.m.
the end of the discussion, the
teacher asks the students
(selectively) to share their ideas
with the entire
Practi Exercise 4 M/ Pair.
a) past C1,2,3 m
ce a-b) The students answer the
Work 15 b) Her habit S/C Gr.m
with m. questions individually, and at the c) No, she doesn't 1,2,3

ex -s . end of the work, the students d) differences

K БТ compare the answers in pairs, then e) infinitive
check them in the table of exercise f) didn't use to. I didn't use to think
4b. After self - about it
verification, students analyze the when was a child
answers together with the teacher. g) differences
h) infinitive p/m.
i) still Pair.
M/ m.
b) Now look at the chart and check your Wee don't use used to for single actions in the 1,2,3
Produ answers. past. We use the
ction We use used to + infinitive to talk about Past Simple instead,
usual or regular actions Example: My voice became raspy. NOT My Ind/
in the past that do not happen now. voice used to m
Used to + infinitive shows the difference become raspy. (Become is the short and not Pair.
between the past and repeated m
present. action. )
E x a m p l e : I used to have a lot of pets. We use didn't use to + infinitive to talk about
(But now I don't things that were
have any. ) not true in the past, but are true now.
Didn't use to + infinitive shows the difference
between the past Ind/
Ref- Glossary m
and present.
tion raspy ['ra:spr] (ndj. ) voice - having a rough Example: I didn't use to have a lot of pets. (But I
sound, as if the person has have
a sore throat. a lot now. )
to stutter ['state] (v.) - to have difficulty We use still when we want to say that the
10 speaking because you action in the past
m cannot stop yourself from repeating the hasn't stopped and continues up to the present.
first sound of some words several times. Example: We used to live with music and I still
d) Listen to the interview again and mark the live with it.
statements as true (T)
Home or false (F).
Ex.5 p.196

pupils 5-
: 4-
end of
Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Form: Used to .Do ex-s

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational * Expand the horizons of students on  The social
the topic of "Music".  The self-organization and
Time solve problem(M/C3)
to develop skills:
- colloquial speech;
- introductory and search listening.
In subject competently
Add to the vocabulary of students on the topic "Music".
1 (S/C1)
Teach students to form and use sentences with the construction used to
2 (S/C2)
to describe routine and repetitive actions in the past. 3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5 Ex.5 p.196 Ind.
work m
Answers: mark
1) There used to be more shops in the
Form: Used to .Do ex-s past
New 2) I did not use to do my homework in
theme 10 Exercise 6 the afternoon.
m The teacher demonstrates the M/ Pair.
3) Did they use to go to school by car?
. task on the blackboard. Next, C1,2,3 m
4) He used to watch horror films.
students work 5) They didn't use to study English. 1,2,3 Grou
individually, writing down 6) We didn't use to go to the park. / Did p.m.
sentences in a notebook. At the wo use lo go to the park?
end of the work, students check 7) No, I (we) didn't,
the answers in pairs, then 8) I didn't use to play tennis.
together with the teacher. 9) I used to like drinking milk and i still
like it.
10) They used to watch soap operas.
Practi M/ Pair.
1) When I was a child, I used to live in
ce Exercise 7 C1,2,3 m
15 Talas. S/C Gr.m
Work The teacher demonstrates the task 2) He used to have a lot of money, but 1,2,3
with m.
ex -s . on the blackboard. Next, students now he hasn't.
K БТ work individually 3) Anara used to play the guitar. Now
indie. she plays the violin.
mentally, writing down sentences 4) He used to go to the cinema regularly
in a notebook At the end of the and he still does it.
work, students check 5) When i was a little girl, used to eat a
the answers in pairs, then together lot of sweets. Grou
with the teacher. 6) We used to go swimming every day p/m.
before breakfast. Pair.
M/ m.
7) There didn't use to be many trees C1,2,3
here, but now there are a lot S/C
Exercise 8 B) She didn't use to get up early before. 1,2,3
a) The teacher draws the students ' 9) He used to have a shower every
attention to the table and asks morning and he still has it Ind/
them to write briefly about 10) When Nursultan was a child, he used m
what they liked when they were to bite his nails. Pair.
seven years old and what they like
now. Students Remember yourself when you were
work individually, writing down seven years old. Complete the
their ideas in a notebook. chart below with your favourites in
the past and present, m

b) Students work in pairs and compare

their sentences using used structures
Ref- to /didn't use to and still. At the end of
tion 5m the discussion, students report how
many matches and
differences they found.

work New words p.198

Evalu 5-
ating 4-
of 3-
pupils 2-

end of
Thank you for the lesson



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Make a music magazine

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational Expand the horizons of students on the  The social
topic of "Music".  The self-organization and
• Develop skills: solve problem(M/C3)
- team work;
- colloquial speech (comparison of points of view in pairs and small groups),
- critical and logical thinking.
• Add to the vocabulary of students on the topic "Music" In subject competently
• Teach children to prepare presentations, following a given scheme 1 (S/C1)
* Teach children to present the prepared material in oral and written form 2 (S/C2)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve the 3 (S/C3)
daily routine
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5 New words p.198 Ind.
work m
Make a music magazine
Present-n Exercise 1
theme 10 See the introduction and instructions for
the exercise. He explains to them how to Hello, my friends! Do you like reading
m M/ Pair.
create a magazine about magazines? C1,2,3 m
music and musicians.
How about making your own music S/C
Working in groups, students follow step-
by-step instructions and discuss what magazine? Let's 1,2,3 Grou
information they will include in their do it together, Work in small groups
journal. While working, the teacher of 3-4 students.
should motivate students
to take notes and brief notes. At the end
Read the instructions below and
of this stage of the work, the students create something
must amazing!
start the registration process. The project
work can be in the form of a brochure,
magazine or poster.
1) Cover page
Practi It is necessary to allocate sufficient M/ Pair.
Think about the style of your C1,2,3 m
ce time for the preparation of
Work 15 magazine. S/C Gr.m
with m. projects. The teacher You will need a title for your 1,2,3

ex -s . should provide any assistance. The magazine and

K БТ completion of the work can be some photos of singers or music
given as a homework bands.
assignment. • What title are you going to have?

What singers/bands do you like?
Where are you going to take photos? p/m.
M/ m.
4) Interview page S/C
music band (coll. ) You need to interview a famous 1,2,3
Produ creative (adj. ) person. Or maybe your classmate
ction style (n.)
illustrations (n.) include (v.) magazine (n.) or teacher? This page also needs
lyrics (n.) photos or drawings. m
Who are you going to interview? Pair.
What questions are you going to ask? m
• Who is going to take photos or
make illustrations?
Ref- Who is going to write the text?
Exercise 2
tion Ind/
The teacher reminds students of After each presentation, students m
the rules and criteria for preparing evaluate each other's work, noting
and conducting an oral the most interesting, colorful and
presentation. creative. The teacher can create their
New words .project work own system for evaluating students '
work project work,

ating 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-

Thank you for the lesson
end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Music in my life

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Develop skills:  The social
- written speech;  The self-organization and
- introductory and search reading; solve problem(M/C3)
- colloquial speech (recommendations, comparison of points of view in pairs and small
- critical and logical thinking.
* Teach students to write a structured essay, following the proposed plan. In subject competently
Put into practice the words on the topic "Music" 1 (S/C1)
3) Bringing –up: to bring –up love, interest to the subject, bring up toobserve the 2 (S/C2)
daily routine 3 (S/C3)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.

Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive

Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5 New words .project work Ind.
work m
Music in my life
theme 10 Exercise 1
m Students read the text and M/ Pair.
. choose the best title. At the end Answers: C1,2,3 m
of the work, students compare S/C
a) My guitar lessons. 1,2,3 Grou
their options in pairs, b) Music in my life. p.m.
then check with the teacher c) Music and feelings.
Music is one of the most important
Practi M/ Pair.
Read the text and powerful things in my C1,2,3 m
Work 15 life. My life without music would be S/C Gr.m
with m. absolutely empty. Listening
ex -s . to music helps me to relax and get rid
of stress. I love listening
200to music on my way to school, as I
feel it helps me to prepare
for the day that awaits.
When I was younger, I didn't use to
love music as much as I do p/m.
now. I used to listen to any music Pair.
M/ m.
that was playing in the background C1,2,3
or that my parents were listening to, I S/C
didn't use to care about musical
Produ Exercise 2 compositions or types of music very
ction Students read the text again and much. But now, as I'm older, Ind/
choose the correct version. At the I enjoy classical music and the blues. m
end of the work Pair.
, students compare the answers in
pairs, then check with the teacher. Answers:
1) b; 2) b; 3) a; 4) c; 5) c

Exercise 3 m
The teacher draws the students '
attention to the requirements
tion when writing an essay and
explains that there should be 4
paragraphs in the essay.e lesson

Home 5m
Exercise 4
The teacher asks students to work in
pairs and exchange their draft
essays. Students should read each
other's work and give written
using the questions from the exercise.

ating 5-
of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-

The Thank you for the lesson.Good bue

end of



English lesson 7-form. Date: ____________ ______________

Theme: Progress check 5

The aim of the lesson: Presentation material about new theme.Giving new The main competently
 Informational competent
The objectives of the lesson: 1) Educational - Consolidate your usage skills:  The social
- definite, indefinite and null articles with names  The self-organization and
of geographical places; solve problem(M/C3)
- determinative subordinate clauses,
- phrases used in the present perfect and simple past tense;
- sentences with the used to construct to describe routine and repetitive
actions in the past In subject competently
1 (S/C1)
2 (S/C2)
Combination with other subjects: Ph.Edic.
3 (S/C3)
Metods of teaching : Communicative Interactive
Form of the lesson : , Pair work, Group work ,
Resourses: books, pictures, handouts , paper , table , inter.board, audio disk ,
Prosedure of the lesson
Procedure M Com Valua
Times in M/ tion
Teacher`s activity Student `s activity CS/C
Motivation 3 Motivate students to preparing for the
m lesson. Good morning dear my Good morning teacher! We`re fine, thank
Warm-up . children! How are you ?Are yoy you. Glad to see you too!
activ. okey? I'm glad to see you!I hope
you're fine.Take your sits,please.
Check-up New words
home 5
work m
. Answers:
Progress check 5 1) The tallest building in New York is the
Empire State Building.
theme 10 Exercise 1 2) There are many theaters in x New
m Students must put the definite York. M/ Pair.
. article the or the zero article 3) The story took place in z France. C1,2,3 m
4) The capital of the United Kingdom is S/C
1,2,3 Grou
London. p.m.
5) Mark Twain wrote about the
Mississippi River.
6) The lowest place in the USAis x Death
7) The plane crashed somewhere in the
8) They went on honeymoon to x

Practi Exercise 2 1) This is the news that wasn't printed M/ Pair.
ce C1,2,3 m
Students connect two simple by the newspaper
Work 24 S/C Gr.m
m. sentences using relative pronouns. 2) The film is about a girl who / that has 1,2,3
ex -s .
who, which, that or where, to get a special powers.
K БТ single compound sentence. 3) I was sitting on a bench that / which
suddenly fell into pieces.
4) I was told the story by a girl who I
visited in an orphanage.
5) I looked after the boy who / that was
eating a doughnut. Grou
6) Who was the girl that you were p/m.
M/ Pair.
speaking to just now?
C1,2,3 m.
Exercise 3 7) I've lost all the money that / which S/C
Students choose the correct verb you gave to me. 1,2,3

form. 8) She gave me the car key that / which I

Answers: put in my pocket.
1) I have already finished doing the 9) We stayed at the hotel that / which Ind/
exercise. overlooked the sea m
2) My brother just got into university. m
3) Dad didn't water the plants. Exercise 4
4) Was there a Swamp in the US? Students open the brackets by using
5) Our English teacher never rode a verbs in the Past Simple or Present
horse. Perfect.
6) Nurlan and Aisuluu bought a new Answers: Ind/
house. m
1) Did you read Harry Potter when you
were on vacation?
Exercise 5
2) What happened to Alisher last night?
Students emphasize the correct
3) They have already left the bus station.
4) I saw the twins in town last week.
5) Where were you yesterday?
1) Paul Smith wasn't a good tennis
6) Grandma hasn't found her glasses yet.
player before, but now he's too old.
7) Brian lived in England until he was
2) Currently, Murat does not have a
car, but he often drove it.
8) We went to the movies twice this
3) Before Ann went to Scotland, she
was not used to experiencing such
9) The weather was not very good last
cold weather
in the winter
Home 10) Aigul no, she's gone.
work Repeat all materials
of 4-
pupils 3-
: 2-
end of Thank you for the lesson


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