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Summative assessment for unit on the concept of ''Interactions''

Learning objectives 11.L2 Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of
unfamiliar topics
11.S3 Explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics
Assessment criteria ● Identify specific information while listening
● Provide consistent argument while conveying ideas on the topic
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes

City Bank Customer Service Log

Questions 1–4
Complete the table below.

Example Answer
Type of query: Term deposits

Customer name: David 1 ________________

Phone: 023 - 561 - 055

D.O.B.: 18 / 02 / 1968

Customer's Term Deposit details:

Amount: $18,000
Term: 2 ________________

Interest rate: 3.45% per annum

Current Term Deposit interest rates:
1 year 3.65% per annum
2 years 3 _______________% per annum
4 ___________________Term Deposits
Minimum deposit: $20,000

Questions 5–10
Complete the table below.
5 _________________tax rate: 28%
Investment returns Depend on 6_______________
Term Effective rate of return
2 years Salary Salary

$48,001 – $70,000 $70,001 –

  7 ________________$

3.75% per annum 3.92% per annum

Minimum investment amount: $10,000
Hidden charges/fees: 8______________________
Interest payment options: monthly, 9_________________, 6-monthly, annually
Application options: 10 _________________

in person

Describe a method to save money

You should say :
-What the method is
-When you started to use it
- How you knew it
and explain why it is helpful
Describe something special that you saved money to buy.
You should say:
- what it was
- why you bought it
- how long you saved money to buy it.
and explain why it was important to you to buy it.
Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money
You should say:
Who you had the discussion with
Why you discussed this topic
What the result of the discussion was
And explain why this discussion was interesting for you
Describe something you want to buy but can’t afford.
You should say:
What you would like to buy
How much it costs
Why you can’t afford it
And explain if there is any other way you could acquire it.
Describe a special day out that cost you little money
You should say:
– When the day was
– Where you went
– How much you spent
And explain how you feel about the day
Describe something you bought that you had to save money for.
You should say:
• what it was
• how long you saved money for it
• how you saved the money
and explain how you felt after you bought it.
Describe an activity you enjoy doing occasionally that is a bit expensive
You should say:
– What activity it is
– When and where you do this
– Who you do it with
and explain Why you enjoy doing it
Describe a time that you saved money for something.
You should say:
- When it was?
- Why you saved money?
- How did you save?
and explain what you how you felt about it
Talk about a situation when you saved some money.
You should say: 
- why you did it
- how long it took you to save this money
- how much you saved
and explain what you did with it.
Listening Answer Key


1. Marshall
2. 180 days
3. 3.85 (%)
4. Monthly Interest / monthly interest
5. maximum
6. income bracket
7. 120,000 / 120000
8. no fees
9. quarterly
10. (by) phone

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 
Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

Assessment criteria   
provides relevant ideas and examples;   1 
speaks confidently and fluently with correct pronunciation;   1 
no more than 1 grammar mistakes are allowed;   1 
uses appropriate connectors;   1 
uses a range of grammatical structures;   1 
uses less frequent vocabulary consistently.   1 

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