OCA Circular No. 88 2022 - Compressed

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l\epubltc of tbe ~bilipptn~

6upreme ~ourt
efftu of tbe ~ourt ~tnt.trator





Relative to OCA Circular No. 69-2022 dated 25 March

2022 (Re: Rules on Expedited Procedures in the First Level
Courts), appended herewith are the forms indicated/required in
Rule IV (The Rule on Small Claims) of the subject Rules.

For information and compliance.

19 April 2022

l\epullltt of tbe ~btltppinef
6upreme ~ourt
etftu of tbe ~ourt ~tnt.trator





In accordance with the 01 March 2022 Resolution in A.M.

No. 08-8-7 -SC, the Court En Bane RESOLVED to APPROVE the
"Rules on Expedited Procedures in the First Level Courts," the full text of
which is appended herewith as Annex "A" for reference.

Particular attention should be given to the following effectivity

provision of the Rules, to quote:


The Rules on Expedited Procedures in the First Level

Courts shall take effect on 11 April 2022 and shall
prospectively apply only to cases filed from the said date of
effectivity. Those pending cases covered by these Rules. which
are currently before the second and first level courts. shall
remain with and be decided by those same courts based on
the rules applicable at the time those cases were filed.

Any prior issuance from the Office of the Court Administrator

on this matter which is contrary to the foregoing is hereby

For information, guidance, and strict compliance.

2S March 2022

~J/F}t:/riO/am.no.08-8-7 -sc/rulesonexpedltedproccdUl"C$inthcflntlevekourts
~ORM~1~SCC Nabla ng Pags;ngil

• YOU ARE THE PLAINTIFF. The person you are suing is the defendant.
Before you fill out this form, read Form 1-8-5CC, Information for the
Plaintiff, to know your rights. Get Form 1-8-5CCat the Office of the
Clerk of Court of any court nearest you or go to
h [tps:l/ oca. judi cia rv. gov. p II/smail-cia imsl

Fill out pages 1-6 of this form. Then make copies of all pages of this and emaii:
• form and the attached documents (make one copy for each I----------:--cc--:-·-:--c-:-::-::----:·----,
defendant named in this case and an extra copy for yourself.) Take
the original and these copies to the Office of the Clerk of Court and
pay the filing fees. Have the forms and all your supporting documents
notarized or administered by either a notary public, the Clerk of Court f-S-tr-e-e-t-o-d-d-re-s-s-:-------------·--
(OCC) where the case will be filed, a Branch Clerk of Court, or a
Barangay Chairperson.
• Go to court on your trial date and time indicated in the Notice of Emailaddress:

Mga Bilin sa Taong Nagdedemanda: Case Number:

IKAW ANG NAGHAHABLA. Ang Wong sinampahan mo ng koso oy
ang Hinanabla.

• Bogo mo punan/saguUn ang form na ito, bosahin anq Form l-B-SCC Case Title:
(Koalaman para so Naghahabla) para malaman ang iyong mga
karapatan. Kumuha lamang ng kopya ng Form l-a-See so Office of
the Clerk of Court ng hukuman malopit sa iyo a bisitahin ang
h ttps://oca. judiciary. gov.ph/small-ciaimsL
Branch Clerk of Court fills out this checklist
• Punan/sagutin ang pahina 1-6 ng form no ito. Gawan ng mga kopya 1. Cause of action
ang lahat ng pahina ng form na ito at ng nakalakip no mga f-----------,-----.---.---j
dokumento (Gowan ng kopya ang bawat Hinahoblo at mag-iwan ng 0 Check C Contract
kopya para sa iyo). ihaln ang orihlnol at mga kopya sa hukom at 0 Oral
0 Promissory Note
magbayad ng filing fees. lposertipikodo lahat n9 form at dokumento 0 Written
alinman 50 Clerk of Court (DCC) kung soan isasampo any koso a so f---------_L-----------1
Branch Clerk of Court a notaryo publiko 0 Punong Barangay. I Barangay Agreement
n Others (Pis. specify)
• Dumalo sa pagdinig sa peisa at oras no ipinaiJiwotig sa AlJiso so
Pagdinig. 2. Barangav conciliation
I I Required
o Certificate to File AcLion attached
o Compromise Agreement attached
o Not Required (Pis. state reason):

: 1 ,THE ,PLAINTIFF (the person, business, or'publlc entItY that Is sutng)ls:'Ang Naghahtibla" !:: ::·n;. i1 -' 1."
Name Panga/an ng Naqhohoblo Sex Kasarian Age Edad Civil Status Katayuang Sibil

._- ._-_._---'-------'-----------_._._----
Check those that apply: Pumili sa mga sumusunod at /agyan I1g tsek:
Type of Plaintiff Uri I1g Naqhchobta Type of Business Uri flg Negasyo
::::J Individual Taa/lndibidwal Banking Bangko
::::J Corporation Karporasyon Lending f'agpapauto(Jlj
::::J Partnership Bokosan Others (pis. indicate): lila pang uri I1g neqosyo
::::J Cooperative Kooperatiba

-= _ :~:gay _=~~~.
Sole Proprietorship Solong Oangrnoy-ari
-_._--------------_ .. _----_j
Home Address Pahatirang Sulat So 8a/lOy ng Nagl1Ohab/a

Unit/Fi~e/Building No. ~alap(1g_~tree_~:~~;~da _ ~~~~co~~=~=

Province Lolawigan Region Relliyon

'---c_o_nt_a_ct_N_o_._~_el_e_po_'_IO_'iS_e_IP_O_n_/3_1_9. __l Ema:ddress


l-orrn I-SCC, Page 1 of 10

Plaintiffs Statement of Claim/s
(Small Claims)
Plaintiff (list name) Case Number:

----_.- .._------------
Place of Work/Business
'Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag
Lugar ng Pinagtatrabahuan/Negosyo
Street Ka/sada Barangay ]----- Zip Code

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad Province Lalawigan Region Rehiyon

Contact No. Telepono/Selpan Big. Email Address

If more than one plaintiff, list next plaintiff here:
Name Panga/an ng NagiJahab/a Civil Status Katayuang Sibif

Check those that apply: Pumili sa mga sumusunod at lagyan ng tsek:

Type of Plaintiff Uri ng Naghahabla Type of Business Uri ng Negasya
I Individual Tao/tndibidwa/ r Banking Bangka
L Corporation Korporasyon r Lending Pagpapautang
Partnership Bakasan r Others (pis. indicate): tbo pallg uri Ilg Ilegosyo

Cooperative Kooperatiba
Sole Proprietorship Solong Pangmay-ari

Home Address Pahatirang Sulat Sa Ba/JOY ng Naghababla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Pa/apag Street Ka/sada Barangay

Province La/awigan Region Rehiyon

.liP Code

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipolidod

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon Big. Email Address
Place of Work/Business Lugar ng Pinagtatrabahuan/Negosyo ng Naghabab/a
Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Pa/apag

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad

Street Kalsoda Barangay

Province t.alowiqan
Zip Code

--- ._-----_._-
Region Rehiyon

---_ .._._-------
Contact No. Telepono/Selpon BIg. Email Address

C Check here if more than two plaintiffs and attach Form l-A-SCC (Other P/amtiffs or Defendants).
Lagyan ng tsek kung higit pa sa da/awa ang Naghohab/a at ilakip anq Form l-A-SCC(Iba Pang Mgo Naghahablo a Hinohabla).

Plaintiffs Representative, if applicable Kinafawan ng Naghahabla, kung meron

Na me Panga/an ng Kinatawan I1g Noghahabla

Home Add ress Pa/lOtirang Sutat Sa Bahay ng Kinatawan ng Naghahnbta

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Ka/sada------,--Ba-r-a-n-ga-y-----------------J-Z-iP'E~d~------

+; / :u_n_ici~:t_y_M-,U=_:n-i.S-iP-a-'-id-a-d----------I--"p-ro_v."'in_~c-ce:_:L-a-/a-W-ig-a-n-------f\-e-g-iO-"
Contact No. Teiepono/SelponB/g. Email Address

Place of Work Lugar"g Pinagtatrabahuan ng Ki"atawan ng NagllOhabla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapog Street Kalsada Barangay

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad Province Lalawigan

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon BIg. Email Address

1'2. :.THE D~FENDANT (the perSDn, business, or. public entIty belng sued) Is: Ang Htriahab/i/ ; I: ;:' }\::;: l'~:';
Name Panga/all ng Hinahabla Sex Kasarion Age Edad Civil Status sotovuaru; Sibil

Check those that apply: Pumili so mga sumusunod at lag yon ng tsek:
Type of Defendant Uri ng Hlnanobk: ["' Cooperative Kooperatiba
[ Individual Tao/ll1dibidwal [ Sole Proprietorship Solong Panqmoy-ori
[ Corporation Karporasyon
[ Partn_ership B_a_ka_s_a_I1 _

Plaintiff's Statement of Clairn/s Form I-SeC, Page 2 of 10

(Small Claims)
Plaintiff (list name) Case Number:

Home Add ress Pahatirallg Sulat Sa [Jahay ng Hinahabla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Kalsada Barangay ]------
lip Code

City Lungsod j Municipality Munisipa/idad Province La/awigan Region Rehiyon

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon 8/g. Email Address

Place of Work/BusinessLugar ng Pinagtatraba/JUan/Negasya ng Hina/rabla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. P%pog Street Kolsada l3arangay
~_ J lip Code

_ __-_.I
Contact No. Telepono/SelponO/g. ._ Email Address _ _

--, Check here if there is more than one defendant and attach Form l-A-SCC (Other Plaintiffs ar Defendants).
Logyon ng tsek kung higit pa 50 isa ang lllnohabta at i/okip ang Form l-A·SCC [tbo Pong Mgo Noqhobablo a Hinahabla].

Check here if any defendant is detained or serving sentence in a prison facility. Write his/ner name and the name and
address of the detention or prison facility Logyon ng tsek kung ang Hiuahablo oy nakaku/ong. Isulat ang pongo/an nyo poti ang
panqatat: at /ugar ng btlonqquan:

Defendant's Representative, if applicable Kinatawan ng Hinuhabla, kllng mernn

Name Ponga/on ng Kinatowan ng Hinahab/o

Home Address Pahatirang Sulat Sa BallOY ng Kinatawan ng Hinohabla

Unit / i':-lo-o-r/-:-H-'-o-u-s-e/7B=-u""il:-d;'-in- -g--:N-'-o-_-p-o-=-/a-p-a-g--S-tr-e-e-t i;;Cod;--------

~pr-O-v-~ir:_'c~e-~L-a/-o-w-~-o_r_' R_e_g_io_-_n-R-eh_~_o_n_--
__ -_--
__-_ -_--_1
Contact No. Teleponoj5elpon B/g_ Email Address

Place of Work Lugar ng Pinagtatrabohuan ng Killatawan ng /-linahab/o

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Pa/apag Street Kolsada Barangay ·-- . J·-z;-p-COde-----·
itY-M·-u--n-is·-ip-o-I,-'d--o-d -----cR:-e-g-:-io-n·--Rc-e~hivo-Il -~~~=-J
Contact No. Telepono/Setpon BIg. Email Address I

I-g. P.LAINTIFF'S:CLAIM. .". ,,-~ .:-' .,.' .: . l'" ',:" .. ,.:" ; .' "" . i· 'q ; . ;,-:,.; ~~ .' ,~~ i
A. Plaintiff claims that the defendant owes him/her/it money in the amount of:
Ang Hinohabla ay umutonq 50 Naghahab/a ng ho/agang

B. Why does the defendant owe the plaintiff money? Bakit nagkautang ong Hinahabla ng sa/api sa N~ghahab/~?

c. ._---- ---_._---_ ._------------

When did this happen? Kolton ito nongyari? Date Petso :
If no specific date, give the time period Kung wo/ang tiyak no petso, ibigoy ang tantiyang panahon:

Date started Petsa nagsimulo: _ Through Hanggallg: _

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s Form 1-See, Page 3 of 10

(Small Claims)
Plaintiff (list name) Case Number:

D. How did you compute the money owed to you'? (Do not include court costs or fees.) Paono ma kinuwento ang
salaping inutang sa ivon? (Hindi kasama ong bayad sa pagpapotala so hukuman.)

J Check here ifyau need more space. You may write at the back of this form or attach additional sheets of paper and write
"Form 1-SCC, Item 3" at the top. Kung kailangan ma ng karagdagana patiang, maori mang isulot so likod ng Form no ito a
maglakip ng mga karagdagang popel at isulat ang "Farm 1-SCC,./tem 3" so itaas.


-:._. - -- _!
'. ':,' '. < .' ',' ,,;. : ' .' "
• - --
," : ' . ,' . '
,;',r._ '~\:1·,':_'l:,~-;{.,\:,
--~------- _'_
A. Did you ask the defendant to pay you before filing this case?Siningil ma ba ang ninobobta baga ko nogsampa ng kasang
L Yes 00
No Hindi. If no, please explain. Kung hindi, ipa!iwanag:

B. How did you ask the defendant? Paano masiningil allg Hinahabla?

J In person Sa kanya misma L By phone So telepono

J In writing So sulat L Others (pis. specify) Iba pa (pakisulat kung poano}:

C. When did you do this? Kailon Ina ginawo ito?

What is your proof that defendant owes you money? Ano otu; koUbayan a pruweba no anq Hinahabla ay may utong no
salapi so iya?
[ signed o checks
deed/contract/agreement o latest demand letter (with proof of delivery and receipt)
[ promissory note n affidavit of witnesses to support the claim
[ bank deposit slip n others (pis. specify):
L receipts

your proof to this form? tvo bang inilakip ang katibayon a pruweba sa form 110 ito?

I' Yes 00 n No Hindi.

Was this claim referred to the barangay?Dumaan ba sa barangay ang paniningil no ito?
If yes, do you have any of the following from the barangay? Kung 00, meron ka
ba nil mgo ito no isinagawo sa barangoy?

Yes 00
L Certificate to File Action Patunay so Pagsampa ng Kaso
I' Compromise Agreement Kasunduan
1-------------+----- --------------.-------- .-.-----
If no, state reason. Kung hindi, isulat ang dohikm:
L No Hindi.
Not covered Hindi sokop
'----------------'-----_. ---------------------- -----_ .. _------

Form i-scc. Page 4 of 10

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s
(Small Claims)
Plaintiff (list name) Case Number: -]

How many small claims cases have you filed within this calendar year prior to this present case in this court
station and in the entire country? _
Pang ilong koso no itong isinampo mo so loob IIg koso/okuyong taon sa korte 110 ito ot sa buong bonsa? _

By the filing of this action, plaintiff hereby waives any amount in excess of P-1Miliion Pesos, excluding interests
and costs. 50 pagsampa ng kasang ito, ang Naqhahabla ay isinusuko ang anumanq ha/aga /abis sa f!1Milllion Pesos, hindi
kasama ang tuba at gastos so pagsompa ng kasonq ito.

I I give my consent to be served with official court notices, processes, orders, resolutions and decisions, as well
as filings by the Defendant, through: Nagbibigay aka ng pahintulot no maihatid sa akin ang mga apisya/ no pounawa,
proseso, utos, reso/usyon, at desisyon nq hukuman, pati anq mga pagsasampa ng Hinohobio, so pamamagilan ng:
(Check those that apply Pumili so mga susunod at lagyan ng tsek)

o email address: _
U faxnumber: _
n cell phone number: _
o phone call
o text message (SMS)
o instant message (ex. Viber, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger) pis. specify: _

WHEREFORE, plaintiff respectfully prays for judgment ordering defendant/s to pay the amount of (in words)

(in figures) p-. --' with interest at the rate of __ % per annum/month, from
______ until fully paid.

DAH/L D/TO, ang Naghahab/a ay maga/ang no sumasamo no igawad ang kapasiyahang utusan ang Hinahab/a na
magbayad sa Naghahabla ng halagang (in words) (ill figures)
fJ pati ang tubo na __ % bawat toon/buwan, simulo hanggang ganap
a lubas no mabayaran ito.

City Lungsod: Date Petsa:

. __ ..L_ . . _

Plaintiff's Signature Lagda ng Nagllahabla:

L-- .

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s Form l-SCC, Page 5 of 10

(Small Claims)
Plaintiff(list name) I Case Number:

','11! VERIF;ICATI~NAN~ C.ERTIFj'~ArIPN'A~A,',NST:'~.ORU~~~HC?~~iNG'lSP,Ltrf.lNG ~,~A9,~~"c?~~':~;':i "".( t,;~

'ACTION,AND MULTIPLICITY OF SUITS PagpapatotDo 0 p'agpdpatlmay na WaJcingfbang;Kdsorlg,I' '.. ,.. 1
;'Nakasampa/NakablnblnstllbanI1HUkuman, '\ ' t', .' <' '. " : .. ' "', :, . ;;':,;' .: ,~.;}~:. .~
I Aka, , of legal age nasa hustonq gulang, _
(Name Pangalan) (Citizenship Pagkamamamayan)
________ -' and a resident of _
(Civil Status Katayuang Sibil)

(Residence Tirahan)
under oath, state ay sumusumpa na:

1. I am the plaintiff in the above-entitled case who prepared and filled out the Statement of Claim/s.
I read and understood its contents which are true and correct of my own personal knowledge
and/or based on true records.
Ako anq Naghahab/a sa kasong ito, na gumawa at nagpuno ng Habta ng Pagsingil. Naiintindihan ko ang
mga nilalaman nita at pinatotohanan ko ang mga nakosoad dito base so akinq personal no pogkakaalam,
tunay na taiaan, dokumento, at ebidensyo;

2. The Statement of Claim/s is not filed to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase
the cost of litigation.
Ang Habla ng Pagsingil ay isinumite so hukuman hindi upanq magdulat ng paq-abolo, pag-antala, 0 walang
kabuhulang pagpapahirap so proseso ng hukuman;

3. I have not commenced any action or proceeding involving the same issue or subject matter in the
Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency, and that the check/s covered in
this case has/have not been the subject of a criminal charge filed before the Office of the
Provincial/City Prosecutor; that to the best of my knowledge, no such action or proceeding is
pending in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency; and that, if I
should learn thereafter that a similar action or proceeding has been filed or is pending before this
court, tribunal, or agency, I undertake to report that fact to this court within five (5) days
Aka oy walong ibang kasong isinampa 0 nakabinbin sa ibong hukumon 0 sa ibang ahensya ng pamahalaan
potungkalsa transaksyon na ito, at kung may cheke/mga cheke no naisamo rita, walang hiwolay na kasong
criminal na isinampa rita. Kung aka man ay may madiskubrenq kaso na nakasampo a nakabinbin sa
hukuman a ibang ahensya ng pamahalaan potunqko! sa transakysong a cheke/mqa chekeng ito,
nongangako okong isiwalat ito so hukuman sa loob ng /imang (5) araw mula sa aking pagdiskubre;

4. The filing of this case is not in violation of the rule against splitting a single cause of action or
multiplicity of suits.
Ang pagsampa ng kasong ito ay hindi labag 50 patakaran ng Korte Supreme no ipinagbabawal ang
pagsampo ng iba't-ibanq kaso no nogmumula /amang 50 isang transaksyon;

5. I knowingly and voluntarily waive and forego the institution of any criminal complaint for violation
of Batas Pambansa Big. 22 against the defendant herein based on the same check/s subject
matter of this Small Claims Complaint.
Aking isinusuko (waiver) ang pagsampa ng kosong poglabag ng Bolos Pambanso Big. 22 laban sa aking
hinahabla mula sa cheke/mqa chekenq isinama 1<0 sa kasonq ito.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of .__J 20__ .

Plaintiff's Name and Signature

Pangalan at Lagda ng Nanghahabla

SUBSCRIBEDAND SWORN to before me this __ day of r 20_.

Notary Public / Administering Officer

Form l-SCC, Page 6 of 10

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s
(Small Claims)

Kaalaman para sa Hinahabla

This information sheet is written for the person suedin the small claims court. It explainssome of the rules of, and some
general information about, the small claimsprocedure. It may also be helpful for the personwho sued.
Ang donoon ng impormasyonna ito ay isinukit para sa taong hinahobla ukol sa Pagsingil I1g maliit na
halaga. Ipinapa/iwanag nito ang ilan sa mga tuntunin/patakaran ng Pagsingil at ilang pangkalahatang impormasyon
tungkol sa proseso. Maaari din itong maging kapaki-pakinabongpara sa taong naghabla.

1. "Small Claims Rule" is a simple and informal procedure "Tuntunin sa Pagsingil I1g Mali/iit na Haloqa" ay Isanq
where money claimsfor f!1 Million Pesosor lessare heard simple at impormal na pamamaraan sa pagdinig kung
by the Metropolitan Trial Courts (MeTCs),Municipal Trial soan ong halagang salapi na sinisingil ay fJ1 Million Pesos
Courts in Cities (MTCCs).Municipal Trial Courts (MTCs) a mas mabobo. Ang mgo ito ay dinudulog sa Metropolitan
and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts (MCTCs). If your claim Trial Courts (MeTCs), Municipal Trial Courts in Cities
exceeds P1 Million Pesos, the excess shall be deemed (MTCCs), Municipal Trial Courts(MTCs)at Municipal Circuit
waived. Trial Courts (MCrCs). Ang 110Iaga ng sinqil labis sa JJ1
Million Pesosay hindi na kailonman maihahabla po.

The claim or demand may be for the following: Allg habla ay maaaring para so mga sumusunod:

a. Ang singil oy pera 110 inutang sa ilalim ng alinman sa

a. Money owed under any of the following: mga sumusunod:
1) Contractof lease 1) Kontroto ng pag-upa
2) Contract of loan and other credit accommodations 2) Kontrato ng utang at iba pang credit
3) Contractof service accommodation
4) Contractof sale of personalproperty (this excludes 3) Kontrata ng serbisyo
the recovery of personal property unless it is the 4) Kontrata ng pagbebenta ng personal na pag-aari
subject of a compromiseagreement). (hindi kasoma ang pagbawi I'Ig personal na pag-
aari maliban kung napapailalim sa isang
kasunduanso kompromiso).

b. The civil aspect of Batas Pambansa(B.P.) Big. 22 b. Ang aspetong sibil ng mga kosonq Botos Pambansa
cases,if no complaint for the offense has yet been (D.P.)Big. 22, kung wala pang reklamong naisampa so
filed before the Office of the Prosecutor. The filing of Office of the Prosecutor. Ang pagsasompa ng
a small claims case constitutes a waiver of the pagsingil ng maliit na halaqt: ay burnubuo ng waiver
correspondingcriminal complaint for violation of B.P. ng kaukulang reklama sa krimen sa paglabag 119 LlP.
Big. 22 for the same check/so 22 para sa parehonq tseke 0 rnga tseke.

c. The enforcement of a barangayamicablesettlement c. Ang paqpopotupod ng isang pag-areglo 0 arbitration

or an arbitration award involving a money claim if award ng barangay na kinasasanqkutan IIg pagsingil
within six (6) months from the date of the amicable so perc, kung 50 loob ng anim (6) na buwan mula sa
settlement or arbitration award, no execution has peisa Ilg pag-areglo or arbitration award, wala pang
been enforced by the l3arangay,pursuant to Sec.417 ipinapatupad ang Darangay, alinsunad sa Sec. 417 ng
of Republic Act No. 7160 (The Local Government RepublicAct No. 7160 {The Local GovernmentCodeof
Code of 1991). 1991}.

2. What must I do upon receipt of the Summons and Ano ang dapat kong gawin matapos matanggap ang
Statement of Claim? You must file in court and serve on patawag at ang Habla ng Pagsingil? Kailangan mong
the plaintiff a verified Response,attaching all documents isampa sa hukuman at ihatid sa Naghahablaang iyong
and evidence to support your defense. You must also napatunayang Sagot na nakalakip lahat ng dokumento at
attend the hearing on the date and time indicated in the ebidensiyang sumusuporta sa iyong napatunayangSagot,
Notice of Hearing. at dumalo sa pagdinig sa petsa at oras na nakasulat sa
Abiso sa Pagdinig.

3. How do I file my verified Response? Paanoko isasampaang aking napatunayangSagat?Dapat

You must do the ff: mong gawin ang mga sumusunod:
a. Fill out Form3-SCC (Response) a. Punan/Sagutan ang Form 3-SCC(Sagot)
b. Attach all documents and evidence supporting your b. ttakip ang labat ng dokumento at ebidensya na
response,if any. sumusuporta sa iyong napatunayang Sagot, kung
c. Make copies of all pages and your supporting meron man.
documents (file the original in court and make copies c. Gowan ng kopya anq lahat ng pahina at ng iyong mga
for the plaintiff and yourself).
pang-a/alay no dokumento (ihain ang otihinal sa
d. If the original documents consist of records that
hukumon, gumawa ng kopya para sa noqhohabla at
could not be separated, you can photocopy the
para sa iyo.
pertinent document and have it certified by the Clerk
Kung ang orllilnal na dokumento ay binubuo ng mga
of Court (OCC) as a faithful reproduction of the d.
original. talaan no hindi mapaghiwalay,maaari mong ipakopya
e. Have Form 3-SCC and all supporting documents, ang nouukol na dokumento at iposertipikodo so Clerk
especially part 8 on Verification (or part 9 on of Court I1g Officeof the Clerk of Court (~CC)na ito ay

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s Form i-sec, Page 7 of 10

(Small Claims)
Plaintiff (list name) Case Number:

Verification Certification Against Forum Shopping, topat na kapya ng orihinol.

Splitting a Causeof Action, and Multiplicity of Suits, if e. Kailangan na ang Form 3-SCC at lahat ng kalakip na
you have a counterclaim), subscribed and sworn to pang-alalay na dokumento, lalong hiqit ang iko-B na
before either a notary public, the Clerk of Court of bahagi so Pogpapatotoo (0 ika-9 110 bohaqi sa
the Office of the Clerk of Court (OCC) where the case Pagpapatotoo/ Pagpapatunay no Walang Ibong
will be filed, a Branch Clerk of Court, or a Barangay Kaso/Nokabinbin sa Ibang Hukuman, kung meron
Chairperson. kang Ganting Paq-sinqit}, ay ni/agdaan at sinumpaan
f. If you have a counterclaim, pay the filing fee, if any.
alinman sa harap fIg notaryo pubiiko 0 Clerk of Court
g. Within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the
(OCC) kung soan isasompa ong koso 0 [Jrancl1 Clerk of
summons, you must serve on the plaintiff a copy of
Court 0 Punong Bortmqov.
your verified Response, together with the supporting
documents, and file the original with the court that f. Magbayad ng bayarin sa pagsampa ng ganting-
issuedthe summons. pagsingil, kung meron man.
g. Sa loob ng sampung (.10) araw ng kalendaryo mula
pagtanggap ng Patawag, kinakailangon na
maghatid/maghain IIg kopya ng iyong napaiunayang
Sagot kasama allg mga pang-alalay na dokumento sa
naghabla at isampa ang orihinol nito sa hukuman.

Kung ikaw ay mayroang mga katanungan tungkol sa Form

3-5CC, maaari kang magtanong sa hukumati no
If you have questions regarding Form 3-SCC, you may inquire nagpalabas ng Patawag. Maaari mo ring kontakin ang
with the court that issuedthe Summons.You may also contact hukurnan sa numero a email address no nakasulat sa
the court at the number or email addresswritten in the
Patawag at /-labia ng Pagsingil.
Summonsand Statement of Claims.

4. What is a counterclaim? It is a claim that you, the Ana ang Ganting-Pagsingil? Ito ay pagsingil na mayroon
defendant, may have against the plaintiff. There are two ka laban sa Naghahabla. Ito ay may dalawang uri:
(2) kinds of counterclaims: compulsory and permissive. compulsory at permissive.

a. A compulsory counterclaim arises out of or is a. Ang "compulsory counterclaim" ay ganting-

connected with the same transaction or occurrence pagsingil nu naqmula 0 sakop sa transoksyon na
subject of the Statement of Claim/s. You must raise it siyang pakso ng /-labia ng Pagsingil. Kinakailangan
as a defense in the same case; otherwise, it will be no isoma ang gal1ting-pagsingil sa parehong kaso;
deemed waived. You can set up a counterclaim in kung hindi, ito ay ituturing na kusang tinalikdan na
your Verified Response(Form 3-SCC) if: at hindi na mainohabla pa. Ang Hinahubla ay
mooring mogsampo ng ganting-pogsingil sa
I} It is not more than P1 Million Pesos, exclusive konyang napotunayanq Sagat (Form 3-SCC) kung:
of interest and costs. Any amount in excess of
P1 Million pesos, excluding interests and costs, 1) Ang ganting-pagsingil ay hindi lampas ng PI
shall be deemed waived; Million Pesos, ria hindi kasama ang interes at
2} It does not require the joinder of third parties; gastos sa pagsampa ng koso. Ana mang
and haloga labis so PI Million Pesos ay itinuturing
3} It is not the subject of another pending action, na tinalikdan na ng /-linahobla;
2) Hind! kinakaiJangan ang pagsa/i ng ibang
Partido sa isinasampang kaso; at
3) Walang ibang kasonq isinampa at riakabinbin
sa parehong ganting-pagsingil.

b. A permissive counterclaim does not arise out of the b. Ang "permissive counterclaim" ay ganting-pagsingil
same transaction or occurrence subject of the na hindi nagmulo a sokop sa transaksyon ng siyang
Statement of Claim/s. It may be filed in the same paksa ng Hobla ng Pagsingil. Maaring isompa ong
case, provided that the amount and nature of the ganting-pagsingil sa parehonq koso kung ang
claim are within the coverage of the Rule on Small halago oy hindi lompos ng PI Million Pesos at kung
Claims Cases and the prescribed filing and other legal kumpleto any lobat ng bayorin na kinakailangan sa
fees are paid. pagsompa I1g qantinq-poqsinqil.

Anong mangyayari kung hindi aka maqhain ng

s. What happens if I do not file the verified Responseand napatunayang Sagot at hindi duma/a sa pagdinig? Ang
do not appear at the hearing? The court shall proceed hukuman ay mogpapatulay sa pagdinig. Kung ikaw 0 ang
with the hearing. If you or your representative did not iyong kinatawan oy hindi dumalo sa pagdinig, mogbibigay
attend, the court will render judgment as may be ng desisyon ang hukuman ayoll sa iginawad ng mga
warranted by the facts alleged in the Statement of katotohanan na sinasood sa Habla ng Pagsingil.
Anong mangyayari kung hindi aka maghain ng
Ilapatunayang Sagot nqunit duma/o aka sa pagdinig?
6. What happens if I do not file a verified Response within Isasaalang-alang ng hukuman ang anumang pagtatanggol

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s Form 1-SeC, Page 8 of 10

(Small Claims)
Plaintiff (list name) Case Number:

the required period but I appear at the hearing? The nu iaolok mo sa panahon ng pagdinig bilang Sagut mo.
court will consider any defense you offer during the Magpapafuluy ang pagdinig sa mismong arow na iyon at
hearing as your Response. Hearing will proceed on the magbibigay ng desisyon ang hukuman sa loob ng
same day and the court will render judgment within dalawampung apat na oras (24 hours) mula sa
twenty-four (24) hours from termination of the hearing. pagwawakas ng pagdinig.

Kailangan ko ba ng abagada? HINDI KA MAAARING

7. Do I need a lawyer? YOU CANNOT HAVE 1\ LAWYER AT kumunsulta sa aboqado bago a pagkatapos ng pagdinig
THE HEARING. You may consult a lawyer before or after pero ang abogado ay hindi pinahihintulutang dumalo para
the hearing but the lawyer cannot appear for or with you sa iyo 0 sumama sa iyo so pagdinig.
at the hearing.
8. What if I do not speak English well? The judge will speak Poano kung hindi aka makapoqsalitanq mabutl ng
in Filipino or the local dialect. A court interpreter shall Ingles? Ang hukom ay magsasalita sa Pilipino a so local no
also be available on the hearing day. diyalekto. Isang panghukumang tagasalin ang tiyok no
tutulong din so araw ng pagdinig.

9. What happens at the hearing? Be sure you are on time Ano ang nangyayari so pagdinig? Magsiguro na nasa
for the hearing. You must bring with you the original tokdang oras ka para sa pagdinig. Dapat mong dalhin ang
affidavits of witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you mga orihinal na sinumpaong salaysay ng mga saksi a
need to prove your statements in your verified Response, testigo, mga resibo, at anumang ebidensya na
if these have not been previously submitted to the court. kakailanganin mo para patunayan ang iyang mga pallOyag
If you are representing a juridical entity, you must bring so iyong napotunoyanq Saqot, kung ang mga ito oy hindi
mo pa naibigay sa hukuman. Kung ikaw ay kurnakatawan
your original written authority to appear at the hearing
so isang orqanisasvon/samohan no kinikilala ng bates
and to enter into an amicable settlement, submit to
bi/ang isang juridical entity, dapat mong dol/lin ang
alternative modes of dispute resolution, and enter into
orihtnal na nakasulat na kapangyarihan para ikaw ay
stipulations or admissions of facts and of documents. dumalo sa pagdinig at pumayag so mopayapang
paqkakasunduan, sumailattm so alternatibong paroan ng
poolutos ng pagtatalo, at pumayag so kasunduan at
gumawa ng pag-amin ng pangyayari at ng mga
If you or your representative and the plaintiff or
his/her/its representative appear at the hearing, the judge Kung ikaw 0 ang iyong kinotawan at ang nagiJahabla a
will listen to both of you. The judge will conduct kanvam; kinatowan ay dadalo so pogdinig, ang hukom ay
mediation and encourage you and the plaintiff to settle mokikinig sa inyong dalawa. Ang hukom cry mamamagiton
your case. If you do not settle, the judge will render at hihikayatill kayo na mag-avos at lutasin ang inyong
judgment within twenty-four (24) hours from termination koso. Kung hindi kayo moqkakasundo, magbibigay ng
of the hearing. You cannot appeal the decision. hatal ang hukuman sa loob ng dalawampu't apat (24) na
oras mula sa pagwakas ng pagdinig. Hindi ka maaaring
mag-apela so desisyon ng hukuman

10. Do I have options? Yes, you can do any of the following: Mayroon ba okang mga pogpipiJian? 00, maaari monq
• Settle the case before the hearing. If you and the gawin ang alinman sa mgo sumusunod:
plaintiff agree on how to settle the case, both of you • Ayusin na ollg usapin bago pa dumating ang
must notify the court. You may ask the Office of the pagdinig. Kung ikow at ang Naghahablo ay rnagkaisa
Clerk of Court (OCC) or Branch Clerk of Court for help. kung paano mapagkasunduan ang koso, dapat kapwa
• File your verified Response and/or appear at the ninyo ito ipaalarn sa hukumon. Maaaring humingi ng
hearing. Bring the original affidavits of witnesses, tulonq sa Office of the Clerk of Court (aCC) a so Branch
receipts, and any evidence you need to prove your case, Clerk of Court
if these have not been previously submitted to the
w Magfwil1 I1g napatul1ayang Sagot ot/o dumalo sa
pagdinig. Dalhin anq mgo orihinal na sinumpoonq
Agree with the plaintiff's claim and pay the same. If
salaysay ng mqo saksi a testigo, mqa resibo at
you cannot pay the amount claimed now, go to the
anumang katibavan na iyong koilongan uponq
hearing and manifest before the court that you want to
make payments by installment. mopatunoyan atu; iyong koso, kung ang mga ito ay
• let the case proceed without you. If you did not settle, hindi mo pa nai/Jigay so hukuman.
did not file a verified response, and did not attend the • Sumang-ayon sa halagang sinisingil IIg Naghahobla
hearing, the judge may give the plaintiff what he/she/it at bayaran ito. Kung hindi mo mabayaran agad ang
is praying for, including court costs. If this happens, the Iwlaga ng sinisinqit, dumalo ka sa pagdinig at
court may order that your money or property be taken ipohayag so hukutnan no gusto mong magbayod IIg
to pay the monetary award together with interests as hulugan.
stated in the Decision. • Hayacmg magpatuloy ong kaso I1g walo ko. Kung
hindi ka nakipag-ayos, hindi naqhain ng
napatunayang Sagot, at hindi dumalo so pagdinig,
moaaring ipagkaloob ng hukom ang onumang
hinihingi ng NagfJahoblo sa Nabla ng Pagsingil. Kung
nangyari ito, maaaring ipag-utos ng hukurnan na
kuhain ang iyong pero 0 ari-arian para bayoran ang

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s Form 1-SCC, Page 9 of 10

(Small Claims)
PlaintiFF (list name)
ENurn._b_e_r_: . ___J

ha/aga no ipinaqkaloob sa Desisyon, kosamo ang

in teres .
11. What happens if the plaintiff does not appear at the Ana ang mangyayari kung ang naghahabla ang hindi
hearing? The court will dismiss plaintiff's Statement of dumalo sa pagdinig?
Claim without prejudice. This meansthat the plaintiff is Ibabasura ng hukumon ang kanyang Habla so Pagsingi/ ng
allowed to re-file the claim. If you, the defendant, walang kapinsalaan/pagtatanggi. Ang ibig sabihin nita ay
appearsat the hearing, you may be entitled to a judgment pinapayagan ang Naghahabla na isampa muli ito. Kung
on your counterclaim, if any. ikaw na hinahabla ay dumalo so pagdinig, ikaw ay may
karapatan na makakuha ng desisyon 50 iyong ganting-
pagsingil, kunq meron man.

12. What happens if both you and the plaintiff fail to appear Ano allg mangyayari kung kapwa komi hindi duma/a ng
at the hearing? If both you and the plaintiff fail to appear nagtwbla sa pagdinig? Kung pareho kayo ng Naghabla no
at the hearing, the court shall dismisswith prejudice both hindi dum ala so pogdinig, ibabasuro ng hukuman anq
the Statement of Claimand your counterclaim, if any. parehong Habla ng Pogsingil at ang iyong ganting-
pagsingil, kung meron man.

13. What happensafter a decision is rendered by the Court? Anong monqvayarl pagkatapos I1g pag/lOtol? Kapag ang
When a decision is rendered in favor of the plaintiff, and desisyon ay pabor 50 Nag/wbla, at may patunay so
there is proof on record that you received the same, record/ta/aan na natanggap mo ito, rnaaaring ipatupad ng
plaintiff can cause the execution of the decision by filing Naghabla ang desisyon 50 pamamagitan ng pagsampa ng
an ex-parte motion (Form 12-SCC). However, if the ex-parte rnosyon {Form 12-SCC}. Gayun pa man, kung ang
decision is based on a compromise agreement, the proof desisyon ay base sa Napagkasunduan a Kompromiso, ong
that you receivedthe decision is no longer necessary. patunay 110 natanggap mo ito oy hindi no kailanqan,

If a decision is rendered against you, you may file a Kapag ang desisyon ay hindi pabor so ivo, maaari kong
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court magsampa ng "petitionfor certiorari" sa ilalim ng Rule 65
only if there is grave abuse of discretion or lack of ng Rules of Court kung may motindinq poq-obuso sa
jurisdiction on the part of the judge. For this, you will paghu/lUsga a may kawalan ng hurisdiksyon ang
need the assistance of a lawyer. The petition must be hukuman. Kakailanganin mo ng tulong ng abogado para
filed with the Regional Trial Court within sixty (60) dito. Kailangang isampa ang petition sa Reqlonal Trial
calendardaysfrom your receipt of the decision. Court so loob ng animnopunq (60) araw ng kotendorvo
mula sa pagtanggap mo ng desisyon.
If the RegionalTrial Court still decides against you, you
may no longer question its judgment, except on pure Kapag ang desisyon ng Regional Trial Court ay hindi po rin
questions of law which shall be directly filed with the pabar so iyo, hindi mo na maaring kwestvunin ito, maliban
SupremeCourt. so mqo pawong tonollg so batas no siyang dapat
direktang isasampa so Korte Suprema.

Plaintiff's Statement of Claim/s Form I-SeC, Page 10 of 10

(Small Claims)
Case Number:
Iba Pang Mga Naghalwbla 0 Hinahabla

C This form is attached to Form I-SCC (Statement of Claim/s), item lor 2.

Ang form no ito ay nakalakip so Form 1-See (Habla ng Pagsingil), item 1 02.

Name Pango/an ng Naghohab/a Sex Kasarian Age Edad Civil Status Katayuong Sibil

__------_-----~----------~--------~----------_----__ -----
Check those that apply: Purni/i so rnga sumusunad at /agyan ng tsek:
Type of Plaintiff Uri ng Naqhohoblo Type of Business Uri ng Negosyo
[ Individual Too/lndibidwo/ 0 Banking Bangko
[ Corporation Korparasyon o Lending Pagpopoutang
L Partnership Bakasan o Others (pis. indicate): /bapang uringnegasyo
[ Cooperative Koaperatiba
L Sole Proprietorship Sa/ang Pangmoy-ori

Home Address Pa/,atirong Sulat Sa Bollay ng Naqhahabla

Unit/ Floor/House/Building No. Polopog Street Kalsado 1 --,- - __
-_-__~~_=~~~_-~~Iii~~O~~ ===1
Contact No. Te/epono/Se/pon un_i_SI_P_O_fid_O_d
__Big. -L_p_r_O_Vi_tl_Ce_._La_'_OW
Email Address __
ig_o_n R_e_g;""'_eh~_O~
__ __ -_-_-.
- •. I

Place of Work/Business Lugar ng Pinagtatrabahuan/Negosyong Naghahabla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Po/apag Street Ka/sodo I Barang:-a-y~-'--'-'.-------------------rnP Cod~-----

__ L _
City Lungsod / Mu-~icipalitY Munisipo/idad Region Rehiyon


- --I
______ . J
City Lungsod/ Municipality Munisipo/idad Province Lo/awigon

I-contact No, Te/epono-/·'CS-e.,-,p-o-n-B...,/9-.-----------------'E~aii-:A--d;-:d:-re-s·-s-----------------------------·-----·-----··

Place of Work Lugar ng Pinagtatraballllal1 I1g Kinatawan ng Nagiral,ab/a

f--U.,.n_it_/_F_lo_D_r_/H._o;-u_s_e_/_Bu_i_ld;-in_g_N_O_'_P_ l
a_'O_p_o_g g_a_Y . _L -_==C~~~_-__

f--C_it_Y_L_lIn_g __UI_li_Ci..,p_a_lit_Y_M_U_I_'i_si_p_a/_id_o_d .__ j'.~OVin_c_e_L~:Wi90~

__S_O_d_/..,M R_e_g_iO~:_~:~: _

Contact No. Tetepono/Selpon B/g. Email Address

Check here if more than three (3) plaintiffs and fill out as many Form l-A-SCC as may be necessary.
Lagyan ng tsek kung higit sa tatlo (3) ang Nagila/JaLJla at punan ang mga karagdagang Form 1-A-Sec.
I Case Number: . _____ J

Other Plaintiffs or Defendants

(Small Claims)
Name Pangalan ng Hinahabla Sex Kasarian Age Edad Civil Status Katayuang Sibil

Check those that apply: Pumili so mga sumusunad at lagyan ng tsek:

Type of Defendant Uri ng Hinahabla 0 Cooperative Kooperatiba

C Individual Taa/lndibidwal I I Sole Proprietorship Solong Pangmoy-ari

I Corporation Korporosyon

C Partnership Bakasan

Home Address Pahatirang Sulat Sa Bahay ng Hinahabla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Kolsada Barangay
__ l::ode ___
City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad Province Lalawigan Region Rehiyon

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon Big. Email Address

-- -----
Place of Work/Business Lugar ng Pinagl'atrabahllafl/Negosyo !':i'g"-:'-'H.:.:.in.:.:.a::.:h:::a.:.:.I).:.:.la'-- ,.-:::-~--.-------
Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Kalsada llarangay Zip Code

City Lungsod / Province Lalawigan Region Rehiyon

Contact No, Telepono/Selpon Big. -- Email Address

Defendant's Representative, if applicable

Name Pangalon ng Kiruitawan I1g Hinohabla

Kinatawan fig Hinahabla,'-k:.:,:u::.:_n"'gc.:mc.:c:..e:_:ro_n _

Home Address
Pahatirang Sulat Sa Bahay ng Kinatawan ng Hinahabla
Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Kalsada Barangay Zip Code

City Lungsad / Municipality Munisipalidad Province Lalawigan Region Rehiyon

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon Big. Email Address

L_ ~. __ . ._._

Place of Work Lugar ng Pinagtatrabahuan ng Kinatawan ng Hinahabla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No, Palapag Street Kalsada Barangav ~PC~de

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad Provi nce Lalawigan Region Rehiyon

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon Big. Email Address


] Check here if more than two (2) defendants and fiJI out as many Form l-A-SCC as may be necessary.
Lagyan ng tsek kung higit sa dalawa (2) ang Hinahabla at' punan ang mga karagdagang Form loA-Sec.

Other Plaintiffs or Defendants

(Small Claims)
This information sheet is written for the person who sues in the small claims court. It explains some of the rules of,
and some general information about, the small claims court. It may also be helpful for the person who is sued.
Ang dahoon ng impormasyon no ito ay isinu/at para so taong naqhahobto so hukuman para sa habla ng pagsingil ng maliit no
haloqa, Ipinapaliwanag nito ang ilan so mga tuntunin/patakaran at i/ang ponqkatahatanq impormasyon tungkol so hukuman
para so habla ng pagsingil ng maliit no holoqo. Maaari din itong maging kapaki-pakinabang para sa taong hinoblo.

1. "Small Claims Rule" is a simple and informal procedure "Tuntunin sa Pags/ngil ng Maliliit no Halaqo" oy isang
where money claims for j:!,1 Million Pesos or less are heard simple at imparmal no pamamaraan so pagdinig kung
by the Metropolitan Trial Courts (MeTCs),Municipal Trial soan onq ilalagang salapi na sinisingil ay III Million Pesos
Courts in Cities (MTCCs),Municipal Trial Courts (MTCs) o mas mababa. Ang mga ito ay dinudulog so Metropolitan
and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts (MCTCs). If your claim Trial Courts (Me TCs), Municipal Trial Courts in Cities
exceeds PI Million Pesos, the excess shall be deemed (MTCCs),Municipal Trial Courts (MTCsj at Municipal Circuit
waived. Trial Courts (MCTCs). Ang halaga ng singi! labis sa P-l
Million Pesos ov hindi no kai!anman maihahabla po.

The claim or demand may be for the following: Ang habla ay rnaaaring para sa mga sumusunod:

a. Money owed under any of the following: a. Ang singi! ay pera no inutang so ilalim ng alinman so
1) Contract of lease mqa sumusunod:
2) Contract of loan and other credit accommodations 1) Kontrata ng pog-upa
3) Contract of service 2) Kontrata ng utang at ibu pang credit
4) Contract of sale of personal property (this excludes accommodation
the recovery of personal property unless it is the 3) Kontrata nq serbisyo
subject of a compromise agreement). 4) Kontrato ng pagbebenta ng personal na pag-aari
(hindi kasama ang pagbawi ng personal na pag-
aari maliban kung napopailalim so isang
kasunduan so kampromiso).

b. The civil aspect of Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Big. 22 b. Ang aspetang sibil ng mga kasang Botos Pambansa
cases,if no complaint for the offense has yet been (B.P.) DIg. 22, kung wala pang reklomong naisampa so
filed before the Office of the Prosecutor. The filing of Office of the Prosecutor. Ang pagsasampa ng
a small claims case constitutes a waiver of the pagsingi! ng moliit no /lalago oy bumubuo ng waiver
correspondingcriminal complaint for violation of B.P. ng kaukulang reklamo sa krimen sa paglabag ng B.P.
Big. 22 for the same check/so 22 para so parehonq tseke 0 mgo tseke.

c. The enforcement of a barangayamicable settlement c. Ang pagpapatupad ng isang pag-areglo 0 arbitration

or an arbitration award involving a money claim if award ng barangay na kinasasangkutan ng pagsingil
within six (6) months from the date of the amicable sa pera, kung so loob ng onim (6) no buwan mula so
settlement or arbitration award, no execution has petsa ng pag-areglo or arbitration award, wala pang
been enforced by the Barangay,pursuant to Sec. 417 ipinapatupad ang Borangay, alinsunod sa Sec. 417 ng
of Republic Act No. 7160 (The Local Government nepubtic Act No. 7160 (The Local Government Code Of
Codeof 1991). 1991).

2. Who can file a claim? Sino allg maaaring magsampa ng pagsingil?

a. You must be at least eighteen (18) years old to file a a. Ikaw oy dapat no lobing-walong (18) taonq gulong
claim. If you are not yet eighteen (18), a parent or upang magsampa ng pogsingil.· Kung wala ka po sa
legal guardian may file the claim for you. sapot ria gulang, isang magulang a ang iyong legal
na taqopaq-oloqa ang magsosompa ng pagsingil
para so iyo.
b. If a juridical entity files a claim, it shall notify the b. Kung ang nogsasampa ng pagsingil ay organisasyon
court and name its authorized representative in o korporasyon na kinikilala ng betas bilong isong
writing, attaching a board resolution or secretary's juridical entity, kinakailangan no ipagbigay-alam sa
certificate stating that such representative is du Iy hukuman ang pangalan ng kinatawan no binigyan
authorized to file the claim in its behalf. ng kapangyarihan no magsompa ng koso, kolakip
ang board resolution a secretary's certificate na
noqsasoad no ang noturanq kinotowon ay
pinabihintulutnn na moqsampo ng pagsingil so
ngolon nito.

3. What must you prepare before filing a claim? Ana ang dapat mong ipaglJanda bago ka mogsampa ng
a. Documents and evidence supporting your claims, pagsingil?
such as signed deeds and contracts, promissory a. Mga dokumento at katibayon no sumusuporta so
notes, checks, receipts, affidavits of witnesses, and iyong pagsisingil tulod ng pirmadonq kasulaton at
other important documents. kontrata, katibayan ng pagkakautong, mgo tseke,
b. Latest demand letter, if any, its proof of service and

Information for Plaintiff Form l-B-SCC, Page 1 of 6

(Small Claims)
receipt. mga resibo, salaysay ng mga saksi/testiqo, at iba
c. Certificate to File Action from the Barangay, if pang importantenq mga dokumento.
necessary, and only when you and the defendant b. Pinakohuling liham. ng paniningil, kung meron,
reside within the same municipality or city. katibayan ng pogpapadala at pagkatanggap nito.
d. If you cannot attend the hearing, a Special Power of c. Katibayan uponq Dumulog sa Hukumon galing sa
Attorney (SPA) authorizing your representative to f3arangay kung ikaw at ang hinahabla ay nakatira sa
represent you during the hearing, enter into an
iisang munisipyo 0 lunqsod.
amicable settlement, submit to alternative modes of
d. Kling hindi rno kayang dumalo so pagdinig, isang
dispute resolution, and make admission or
Natatanging Gawad-Kapangyarihan (SPA) na
stipulations of facts and documents without further
nagpapahintulot sa iyong kinatawan no kumotowan
consultation from you.
e. If you are filing the claim in behalf of a legal entity, a
sa iyo sa panahon ng pagdinig, pumayag sa isang
Secretary's Certificate or Board Resolution mapayapang pagkakasunduan, sumailalirn sa
authorizing you to file the case. alternatibong paraan ng paglutas ng pagtatalo, at
gumawa ng pag-amin a pumasok so kosunduon ng
mga pangyayari at dokumento ng walang
karagdagan konsuitasyon mula sa iyo.
e. Kung ong pagsampa ng pagsingil ay so ngalan ng
isang juridical entity, kinokailongan ang Secretary's
Certificate or Board Resolution na nagpapahintulot
sa iyo na isampa ang kaso.

4. Where can you file your claim? You must sue in the right Soan ka maaaring magsampa ng iyong pagsingi/? Dapat
court and location. This rule is called venue. If vou file kong magsampa sa tamang hukuman at lokasyon. Ang
your claim in the wrong court, the court can dismiss the panuntunon no ito ay tinatowag no venue. Kung isasampa
claim. The right venue is in the court of the city or mo ang pagsingi/ sa maling hukumon, puwede itong
municipality where the defendant resides or is holding ibasura ng hukumon. Ang tamang venue ay ang bukuman
business. If there are two (2) or more defendants, the sa lungsod a munisipyo kung soan nokotira ang hinahoblo
case shall be filed in the court of the city or municipality o lugar ng kanyang negosyo. Kung dalawa (2) 0 higit pa
where any of them resides or is holding business, at your ong mga ninohobla, ong paninigil ay dapat isampa sa
option. lungsod a munisipyo kung soan ang olinmon sa kaniia ay
noninirohon a moyroong neqosyo, ayon sa iyong

5. How do I file my claim? Paano ko isosampo allg aking pagsillgil?

a. Fill out Form 1-SCC (Statement of Claim). a. Punan/Saguton ang Form l-SCC (Hablo ng
b. Attach all documents and evidence supporting your Pogsingil)
claim. b. IIakip ang lahot ng dokumento at ebidensvo na
c. Make as many copies of all pages of Form I-SCC and sumusuporta sa iyong pagsingil.
your supporting documents as there are defendants. c. Gawan ng kopya ang lahat ng pahina ng Form 1-
d. If the original documents consist of records that SCC at ng iyong mga pang-alalay na dokumenta.
could not be separated, you can photocopy the Ang dami ng kopya ay dapot kasinq dami ng
pertinent document and have it certified by the
mga hinahabla.
Clerk of Court (OCC) as a faithful reproduction of the
d. Kung anq orihinal no dokumento ay binubuo ng
mga talaan na hindi mapaghiwalay, maaari
e. Have Form I-SCC and all supporting documents and
copies thereof notarized or administered by either mong ipokopya ang nouukol na dokumento ot
the notary publlc, Clerk of Court (OCC) where the ipasertipikado sa Clerk of Court ng Office of the
case is filed, any Branch Clerk of Court, or a Barangav Clerk of Court (aCC) na ito ay tapot na kopya ng
Chairperson. orihinal.
f. Pay the filing fee (except if your motion to plead as e. Kai/angan na ang Form 1-SCC at lohot nq kolakip
an indigent has been granted by the Executive na pang-ala lay na dokumento, pati ang mga
Judge). kopya nita, ay nilagdaan at sinumpaan olinmon
g. Get the date and time of vour hearing from the court 50 horao fig notoryo publiko a Clerk of Court
to which your case was raffled or assigned. (OCC) kung saan isasampa ang kaso a Branch
Clerk of Court a Punong f3arangay.
f. Magbayad fig bovarin sa pagsampa (maliban
kung ikaw ay pinayagan ng Executive Judge na
makapagsampa ng koso bilang indigent a isang
taong wolanq sapat na kabuhayan).
g. Alamin ang araw at oras ng pagdinig mula sa
hukuman kung soan ang iyong kaso ay naripa 0

6. What if I cannot afford to pay the filing fee? If you are Paano kung hindi ko kayang bayaran ang bayarin so
unable to pay the filing fee because you have no adequate paqsampa? Kung hindi mo mabayaran aru; boyorin sa
financial means, you may file the case as an indigent by pagsampo dahil wala kang sapat na kakayahang
filling out Form 6-SCC and attaching the following pinansval, maaari kong magsampa ng koso bilong isang

Information for Plaintiff Form I-B-SCC, Page 2 of 6

(Small Claims)
documents: indigent (toong wolong sapat no kobuhayan) sa
a. Affidavit of Indigency pomamagiton ng pagpunan 0 pagsogot ng Form 6-SCC at
b. l3arangay Certificate of Indigency naglalokip ng mgo sumusunod no document:
c. City or Municipal Assessor's Certificate
d. City or Municipal Treasurer's Office Certificate a. Sinumpaang Salaysay na Walong Sopat ng
e. Affidavit of two (2) disinterested persons KabuhayolJ
b. Katiboyan ng Baranqay na Walollg Sapot na
c. Katibayan ng Taqotasa (assessor) ng Lungsod a
d. Katibayan ng Tanggapan ng Pombayang Ingot-
Yaman I1g Lungsod 0 Munisipyo
e. Sinumpoong Salaysay ng dalawang (2) Taong
Walang Interes so Koso

7. How does the defendant find out about the claim? You Paano malalaman IIg hinahabla ang tungkol sa
must make sure the defendant finds out about your pagsillgil? Oaput mong siguraduhin no malaman ng
lawsuit. This has to be done according to the rules. hinahabla ong tungkol sa iyong kaso. KaiJangan ito ay
Otherwise, your case may be delayed or dismissed. The magawa a/insunod sa mga tuntunin 0 patakaran. Kung
correct way of telling the defendant about the lawsuit is hindi, ang iyong kaso ay maaoring maantala a mobasura.
called service of process. This means serving Summons Ang tamang paroan ng pagbibigay a/am sa hinahabla
along with the Notice of Hearing,a copy of the Statement tunqkol so hobla ay tinatawog no serblsyo ng proseso. Ibig
of Claim/s and all its attachments, and a blank copy of sabihin nito ay paghatid/paghainng Patawag at pagbigay
Form 3-SCC (Response),to the defendant. ng kopya ng pogsingil.

a. Ways to serve the defendant with Summons: a. Mga paraan para ilwfid/ihoin ang patawag at kopyo
ng pagsingil sa hinalrabla:

1) Personal Service. This entails handing the 1) Personal no Serbisyo. Koilangon no ibiqov ng
Summons to the defendant in person and personal ang Pal'awag so hinahabla at ipagbigay alam
informing him/her that he/she is being served. If so konyo na siva ay pinapaghotiran 0 pinaghainan nito.
he/she refuses to receive and sign for it, the Kung tatanggi siyang tonggapin at pumirma para dito,
Summons may be left within the defendant/s' ang Potowaq ay rnaoaring iwonan sa harap ng
view and presence. This shall be done by: hinahobla no abot kayo ng kanyang paning ill. Ito ay
dopat gawin ng:
A) The sheriff, his/her deputy, or other proper
court officer; or A) Sheriff, kanyang kinotowon, 0 ibang natatanging
alagad/opisyalnghukuman; 0
13) You or your representative, when the court so
orders under the following instances:
OJ lkaw, a ang iyong representonte, kung ito ay
ipinaq-utos ng hukumon sa i/alim mga sumusunod
i. When Summonsis returned by the sheriff,
na pagkakataon:
his/her deputy, or other proper court
officer without being served on any or all
of the defendants;and i. Kopag ang Potawog ay ibinalik ng serip,
konyong kinatawan, a ibang natatanqinq
alagad/opisyal ng hukuman nang hindi ito
ii. Where Summons is to be served outside
the judicial region of the court where the naihottd/naihaln sa sino man sa hinahabla 0
case was filed. lahat ng hinahabla; at

ii. Kung ang Patawag ay ihahatid/ihahainsa labas

ng panghudikaturang rehiyon ng hukuman kung
2) Substituted Service. If, for justifiable causes, the
saon sinampa ang kaso.
defendant cannot be served personally after at
least three (3) attempts on two (2) different dates,
2) Kapolit no Serbisyo. Kung ang personal na serbisyo sa
servicemay be effected by:
hinahabla ay hindi kayang gawin ayon sa makotwirong
kadohilonan motopos ang tatlong (3) beses na poqtanqka
A) Leaving the Summons at the defendant's
residence with a person residing thereat who sa dolawong (2) mogkoibang petso, ang serbisyo ay
is at least eighteen (18) years old and with maaaring moisagawa sa pomamoqitan ng:
sufficient discretion;
AJ Pag-iwon I1g Patowoq so tirohan ng hinahobla sa
B) Leaving the Summons at the defendant's taong nakatira rito no labing-walong (18) taong
office or regular place of businesswith some gulang man lang at may sapat na panghuhusga;
competent person in charge thereof. A
competent person includes, but is not limited 0) Paq-iwan ng Potowoq sa tanggapan ng regular no
to, one who customarily receives lugar ng negosyo ng hinahabla sa taonq
correspondencesfor the defendant; maaasahan at namamahola nito. Kasama sa
taong mooosohon ang taong karaniwan no

Information for Plaintiff Form 1-B-5CC, Page3 of 6

(Small Claims)
C) Leaving the summons, if refused entry upon tumatanggap ng mga sulat para sa hinahabla,
making your authority or purpose known, nqunit hindi ito fimitado rito.
with any of the officers of the homeowners'
association or condominium corporation, or C) Pag-iwan ng Patawaq, kung hindi pinayagan ang
its chief security officer in charge of the pagpasok so subdivision, condominium 0
community or the building where the korporasyon motapos ipag-alam eng ivonq
defendant may be found; or awtoridad at layunin, sa afinman sa mga opisyal
ng samahan ng mga mov-ori ng bohoy a
D) By sending an email to the defendant's email
korporasyon ng condominium, 0 ang hepe ng
address, if allowed by the court.
kotiwosoyan na namamahala ng komunidad 0
gusali kung saan matatagpuan ang hinahabla; a

O} Sa pamamagil'an ng pagpapadala ng email so

3) When the defendant is a domestic corporation, email address ng hinatiabta. kung ito ay pinayagan
partnership, or association with a juridical nq bukuman.
personality, service may be made on the
president, managing partner, general manager, 3} Kung ang hinahabla ay isang korporasyon, bokason, a
corporate secretary, treasurer, or in-house samahan na may juridical personality, maaoring ipadala
counsel of the corporation, wherever they may be ang Patawag so president, managing partner, general
found. If they are absent or unavailable, service manager, corporate secretary, treasurer, or in-house
may be made on their secretaries. counsel ng nasabing kotporosyon, kung soan man silo
matataqpuan. Kung silo oy wala 0 hindi mahanap,
4) When the defendant is a prisoner confined in a jail maaaring ibigoy ang Po to wag so kanilang sekretarya.
or institution, service shall be effected upon him
or her by the officer having management of such 4} Kung ang hinohablo ay isong preso no nakokulonq so
jailor institution who is deemed as a special bilangguan, ang Patawag oy ibibigay so kanva ng opisyal
sheriff for this purpose. The jail warden shall file a no namamahala so bilangguang iyon. Ang nasabing
return within five (5) calendar days from service of opisyal ay ituturing no special sheriff para sa layuning ito.
Summons to the defendant. Ang jail warden ay maqsusumite ng Pagbalik ng Patowag
sa hukumon so loob ng limang (5) arow mula sa
pagtanggap ng hinohabla ng Patawag.
b. Timing and proof of service. No matter which
method of service, the defendant must be served by
a certain date (30 days from filing of Statement of b. Timing and proof of service. Sa alinmang para an ng
Claim/s or 60 days if defendant is outside of the paghatid/paghoin no nasabi so itaas, dopat
judicial region), or your case may be dismissed. The maihatid/maihain so hinahabla ang Patawag sa tiyak
sheriff, his/her deputy, or other proper court officer no petsa (30 araw mula so pagsampa ng Statement of
must serve the Summons, together with the Notice Claim/s 0 60 days kung ang Hinahablo ay nakatira so
of Hearing, within ten (10) days from issuance. If the labas ng rehiyan ng hukumon] . Kung hindi, ang koso
service is to be done by you, you must inform the mo ay maaaring ibasura. Ang sheriff 0 ang konyang
court within thirty (30) days from notice if Summons kinatawan 0 ibang natalanging a/a gad ng hukuman
was served or not (Form 5-SCC, or Form 5-A-SCC in ay dapat ihatid/ihain ang Patawag kasama ang abiso
case of substituted service). sa pagdinig so loob ng sampung (lO) araw mula so
paglabas nito. Kung ikaw ang gagawa ng
paghatid/paghain, kailangan mang ipagbigay alam so
hukuman so loob ng tatlumpung (3~} oraw mula so
abiso kung naihatid/naihain mo no ang Patawag 0
hindi (Form 5-SCC, or Form 5-A-SCC pag substituted

8. What if the defendant also has a claim? Sometimes the Paano kung mayroon ding pagsingil ang blnahabla?
defendant may also have a claim against you. This is called Minson ang taong hilla/wbla ay mayroon ring pagsingil
a counterclaim. There are two (2) kinds of counterclaims: laban so nagsampa ng koso (ang Naghahahla). Ang
compulsory and permissive. pagsingil na ito ay tinatawag na qantinq-paqslnqi!
(counterclaim) no may dolo wang uri: compulsory at
a. A compulsory counterclaim arises out of or is permissive.
connected with the same transaction or occurrence
subject of the Statement of Claim/s. The defendant a. Ang "compulsory counterclaim" ay ganting-
must raise it as a defense in the same case; otherwise, pagsingil no nagmula a sakop so transaksyon no
it will be deemed waived. The defendant can set up a siyang pakso ng Habla ng Pagsingil. Kinakailangan
counterclaim in his/her/its verified Response if: no isama ang ganting-pagsingil sa parehong koso;
kung hindi, ito ay ituturing no kusang tinalikdan na
1) It is not more than Pi Million Pesos, exclusive at hindi no maihahabla po. Ang hinahabla ay
of interest and costs. Any amount in excess of maaring magsampa ng ganting-pagsingi/ so
Pi Million pesos, excluding interests and costs, kanyang napatunayang Sagat kung:
shall be deemed waived;
2) It does not require the joinder of third parties; 1) Ang ganting-pagsingil ay hindi lampas ng Pi
and Million Pesos, hindi kosoma ang in teres at

Information for Plaintiff Form 1-9-5CC, Page 4 of 6

(Small Claims)
3) It is not the subject of another pending action. gastos sa pagsampa ng kaso. Ano mang
halaga labis sa Pl Million Pesos ay itinuturinq
no tinalikdan na ng hinahablo;
2) Hindi kinakailangan ang pogsoli ng ibang
Partido so isinasampang kaso; at
3) Wolong ibang kasong isinompo at nakabinbln
sa parehong ganting-pagsingil.

b. Ang "permissive counterclaim" ay ganting-pagsingil

b. A permissive counterclaim does not arise out of the na hindi nagmu/a 0 sakop sa transaksyon ng siyang
same transaction or occurrence subject of the paksa ng Habla ng Pagsingil. Maaring isampa ang
Statement of Claim/s. It may be filed in the same ganting-pagsingil so parehong kaso kung ong
case, provided that the amount and nature of the halaga ay hindi lampas ng Pl Million Pesos at kung
claim are within the coverage of the Rule on Small kumpleto ang lobot ng bayarin no kinakailangan sa
Claims Cases and the prescribed filing and other legal pagsampa ng ganting-pagsingil.
fees are paid.

9. Do I need a lawyer? YOU CANNOTHAVE A LAWYER AT Kailangan ko ba ng abogado? HINOI KA MAAARING

THE HEARING. You may consult a lawyer before or after MAGSAMA NG ADOGADO SA PAGDINIG. Maaari kong
the hearing but the lawyer cannot appear for or with you kumunsulta sa abogado bogo 0 paqkataoos ng pagdinig
at the hearing. pero ang abogado oy hindi pinahihintulutang dumalo para
sa ivo () sumamo 50 ivo so pagdinig.

10. What if I do not speak Englishwell? The judge will speak PaanD kung hindi ako makapagsalitang mabuti ng
in Filipino or the local dialect. A court interpreter shall Ingles? Ang hukom oy mogsasalita sa Pilipino 0 sa local no
also be available on the hearingday. diyalekto. lsatiq panqhukumanq toqasalin ang tiyak no
tutulang din 50 craw ng pagdinig.

11. What happens if I do not appear at the hearing? The Ana ang mangyayarikung Ilindi aka dumala sa pagdinig?
court will dismiss your Statement of Claim without Ibabasura ng hukuman ang iyong Habla 50 Pagsingil ng
prejudice. This means that you are allowed to re-file the walang kapinsalaan/pagtatanggi. Nangangahulugan no
claim. If the defendant appears at the hearing, he/she/it ikaw ay pinapayagan no isarnpa rnuli ito. Kung dumalo ang
shall be entitled to judgment on a permissive hinohobla sa pogdinig, siyo ay may karopatan no
counterclaim (a claim that does not arise out of the makakuho ng desisyon so kanyang mapagpohintulot no
plaintiff's cause of action), if any. ganting-pogsingil (singil na hindi nogmula so Pogsingil ng
Naghahabla), kung rneron man.

12. What happens if the defendant does not file a verified Ana ollg manqyavari kung ong hinahabla ay hindi
Responseand does not appear at the hearing? The court naghain ng nopatunoyang Sagat at hindi dumala sa
shall proceed with the hearing and render judgment as pagdinig? Ang hukumon ay magpapatuloy sa pagdinig at
may be warranted by the facts alleged in your Statement magbibigay I1g desisyon oyon sa iginawad I1g rnga
ofClaim/s. kaiotohanon na isinaad sa Habla I1g Pagsingil.

13. What happens if the defendant does not fiie a verified Ana ong mangyayari kung ang hinahabla ay hindi
Responsebut appears during the hearing? The court will naghain ng napatunayang Sagot nqunlt durnalo siya sa
consider any defense the defendant offers during the pagdinig? Isasaalang-alang ng hukurnan ang anumang
hearing as his/her/its Response. Hearing will proceed on pagtatanggol na iaa/ok I1g hinohobki sa panahon ng
the same day and the court will render judgment within poqdiniq bilang Sagot niya. Magpapatuloy anq pagdinig
twenty-four (24) hours from termination of the hearing. sa mismong craw no iyon at magbibigay ng desisyon on9
hukuman sa loob I1g dalawampung apat no oras (24 hours)
mula sa pogwawakas ng pogdinig.

14. What happensif both the defendant and I do not appear Ana ang mangya)lari kunq parehos komi ng hlnahablo no
during the hearing? The court shall dismiss with hindi duma/a sa pagdinig? Ibabasura ng hukuman ang
prejudice both the Statement of Claim and the pare/Jong Habta ng Pagsingil at allg ganting-pagsingil.
Ana allg nangyayari sa Ilagdiniq? Magsiguro na nasa
15. What happens at the hearing? Be sure you are on time takdang oras ka para sa pogdinig. Dapat mong dalhin ang
for the hearing. You must bring with you the original rnga orihinal na sinumpoanq salavsay ng my a soksi a
affidavits of witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you testiqo, rnga resibo, at anu mang ebidensya no
need to prove your case, if these have not been previously kakuilonqanin ma para mopatunovan all9 iyong koso,
submitted to the court. If you are representing a juridical kung ang mga ito ay hindi rno pa nabibigay so hukuman.
entity, you must bring your original written authority to Kung ikaw ay kumokatowon sa isaru;
appear at the hearing and to enter into an amicable orqanisasvon/samohan na kinikilala I1g batas bi/ang lsanq
settlement, submit to alternative modes of dispute juridical entity, dapat mong dalllin ang orihinal na
resolution, and enter into stipulations or admissions of nokosulat na kaponqyorihan para ikaw ay dumalo sa
facts and of documents. pagdinig ot pumasok sa mopoyapang pagkakasunduan,
sumoilotim sa alternatibong paraon ng poqlutos ng
If you or your representative and the defendant or pagtatalo, at pumosok sa kasunduan at gumawa ng pog-

Information for Plaintiff Form 1-I3-SeC,Page 5 of 6

(Small Claims)
his/her/its representative appear at the hearing, the judge amin ng pangyayari at ng mga dokumento.
will listen to both of you. The judge will conduct
mediation and encourage you and the defendant to settle
your case. If you do not settle, the judge will render Kung ikaw at ang Hinabio ay dadalo sa pagdinig, ong
judgment within twenty-four (24) hours from termination hukom oy mokikinig so inyong dalawa. Ang hukom oy
of the hearing. You cannot appeal the decision. mamamagitan at hihikayotin kayo na mag-ayos at lutasin
ang inyong koso. Kung hindi kayo magkakasundo,
magbibigay ng hotol ang hukuman sa loob ng
dalowampu't apat (24) na oras mula so pagwakas ng
pagdinig. Hindi ko maaoring mag-ape/a so desisyon ng

16. What happens after a decision is rendered by the Court? Anong mangyayaripagkatapos I1g paghatol? Kapog ong
When a decision is rendered in your favor as the plaintiff, desisyon ay nasa iyong pabor, at may patunay ria
and there is proof on record that the defendant received natanggap ito ng hinablo sa rekord/talaon ng koso,
the same, you can cause the execution of the decision by maaari mong ipatupod ito sa pamamoqitan ng pagsampa
filing an ex-parte motion (Form 12-SCC). However, if the ng ex-parte mosyon (Form 12-SCC). Hindi koilongon no
decision is based on compromise agreement, the proof abisuhan ong hinab/a 0 ang kanyang partisiposyon. Gayun
that the defendant received the decision is no longer pa man, kung ang desisyon ay base sa Nopaqkasunduon 0
necessary. Kompromiso, ang patunay na natanggap ito ng hinohabla
oy hindi no kailangon.
If a decision is rendered against you, you may file a
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court Kapag ang desisyon ay hindi pabot sa ivo, maoari kang
only if there is grave abuse of discretion or lack of magsampa ng "petition for certiorari" 511 i/alim ng Rule 65
jurisdiction on the part of the judge. For this, you will ng Ru/es of Court kung may matinding pag-abuso so
need the assistance of a lawyer. The petition must be paqhubusqa a may kawalan ng hutisdiksyon anq
filed with the Regional Trial Court within sixty (60) hukuman. Kakailonganin mo ng tulong ng abogado para
calendar days from your receipt of the decision. dito. Kailongang isampa ang petition so Reqional Trial
Court so loob ng animnopung (60) araw ng kalendaryo
If the Regional Trial Court still decides against you, you mula so pagtanggap mo ng desisyon.
may no longer question its judgment, except on pure
questions of law which shall be directly filed with the Kapag ang desisyonflg Ilegional Trial Court oy hindi pa rin
Supreme Court. pabor sa iva, hindi mo na mooring kwestyunin ito, moliban
50 mgo po wong tonong 50 betas no siyong dapat
direktanq isasampa 50 Korte Suprema.

Information for Plaintiff Form l-B-SCC, Page 6 of 6

(Small Claims)
(Small Claims)


Plaintiff (Naghahab/a),
vs. Civil Case No. _
For: _

Defendant (Hinahabla).
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

TO: _

Sirs and Mesdames:

Mga Ginoo at Binibini 0 Ginang:

You are hereby required, within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of this Summons, to file with
this Court and to serve on the plaintiff, your verified Response to the attached Statement of Claim/s. The
form of the verified Response [Form 3-SCC (Small Claims) is attached hereto.
{Ikaw ay kinokailanqan, 50 loob ng sompung (10) orow ng kalendarvo mula sa pagtonggap nQ
Patawog no ito, 170 moqsampa sa Hukumang ito CIt maqhatid sa NaghalJabla, flg iyong beripikadong
Sagot sa nakalakip no Hable ng Pagsingif. Ang pormufaryo para sa kaiioriqanq Saqot [Form 3··5CC (Small
Claims)] ay nakafakip dito.}

You are required to submit with your Response certified copies of documents as well as affidavits
of any witness to stand as your evidence in this case: You must present the original document/s on the
day of hearing.
(Kinakaifangan mong lsumiie kasamo 50 lvouq Sagot ong sertiuikodonq mgo kopyo ng tnqo
dokumento pati na tin ong mga sitwmpoonq salaysay ng slnutnanq saksi no siyang tatayo bi/ang iyong
ebidensiya sa kosonq ito. Dapat mong iharoo ot ipakito anq orihinol ng mgo dokumento so craw ng

A motion to dismiss is prohibited and shall not be entertained. Any ground for dismissal should
be included in your Response. Likewise, motions for bill of particulars and for extension to file pleadings.
affidavits or any other paper are prohibited.
(Ang mosyon no ibasuro 0 ipawalanq-savsay ay ipinagbabawal at hindi isosoalang-alang 0
bibigyan ng ponsin. Ang anumang botavan 0 dahi/an para sa ooqpopobasura 0 pagpapawo/ang -soysay
ay dapat nang isama sa iyong Sagot. Gayon din. ipinaqbobowo! ang paghain ng mosyon para 50 detalye
at mosyon para dugtungan 0 pahaboin ang panohon para sa pagsampa ng mga paqsusumomo,
sinumoaanq solvsoy 0 anumanq iba pang papeles.)

Your failure to respond within the la-day calendar period AND TO APPEAR AT THE HEARING OF
THIS CASE will authorize the Court to render judgment.
(Ang iyong hindi pagsogot so loob ng sampung (10) arow ng kalendorvo AT HINDI PAGDALO at
PAGPAPAKITA SA TINAKDANG PAGDINIG NG I<ASO oy maqpaoahintulot so Hukumon na qowaran nu
desisyon ang koso.)

Witness my hand under the seal of this Court, this day of -' 20 __ , at
_______________________ -' Philippines.


Email Address ng Hukuman:
FORM3~SC¢ ____ --'-P_;.oc_ro::._s:;_;a:_O;:Jpoci:.JsJl_aj_.!2(1_Gamit
Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
lang_ . ,

Beripilcadong Sagot
Case Number:

Case Title:

Republic of the Philippines Street address:

Branch: Emolt address:

Notice to the person being sued:

1. You are the defendant - the person against whom the case is filed, if your name is listed in box no. 2 on page 2 of the
Statement of Claim/s (Form i-SCq. The person suing you is the plaintiff, listed in box no. ion page 1 of the Statement of
2. Read the Statement of Claim/s and all pages atlached to understand the claim against you and to allow you to protect your
3. You are required to file with this Court this verified Response (Form 3-SCC) within ten (lOJ calendar days from receipt of
Summons. If you do not file a verified Response, the court will render judgment based on the Plaintiff's Statement.
4. You are required to submit along with your verified Response your evidence, such as certified copies of documents,
receipts, and affidavits.
S. You or your representative (not a lawyer) and the plaintiff or his/her/its representative (not a lawyer) must go to court on
the trial date indicated in Summons, Form 2-SCC. If not, judgment may be rendered.
6. If you lose, the court can order that your wages, money, or property be taken to pay this claim.

Paalala sa taong dinedemanda:

1. Ikaw ang Hinahabla - ang taong sinampahon ng koso, kung ong iyong pangolon oy nakalista so kahon bilang 2 so paliiria 2
ng Hobla ng Pogsingil (Form l-SCC). Ang toong nagsampa ng koso laban so iyo ay ang Naqhoboblo, nokolisto so kahon
bi/ang 1 so pahina 1 ng Statement of Claim.
2. Boschin ang Habla ng Pagsingil at lohat ng mgo pohinang nokolokip upang maunawoan ang pag-angkin laban so iyo at
protektahan anq iyong mga karapatan.
3. Dapat mong isompa sa Hukuman no ito ang iyong napatunayang Sagot (Form 3-SCC) so loob ng sampunq flO} arow nq
kalendaryo. Kung hindi ko maqhoin I1g nopatunovanq Sogot, mogbibigoy I1g desisyon ong hukumon oyon sa iginawad ng
mga katotohanan na sinasabi so Habla ng Pogsingil.
4. Koilangon kong magsumite kasamo ng iyong nopatunoyong Sagat ong iyong ebidensiyo, tu/od ng mgo sertipikadonq kopya
ng mgo dokumento, resibo, at mga sinumpaanq salaysoy.
5. Ikaw a anq iyong kinatawan (no hindi abogado) at anq noghahabla 0 ong konyong kinatawon (no hindi abogodo) ay dopot
pumunto 50 korte so petsa ng pogsubok no nokalisto saPotowaq, Farm 2-SCC. Kung hindi, magbibigoy ng desisyon ong
hukumon oyon so iginowad ng mgo katototianon na sinasabi so Hobla ng Pagsingil.
6. Kung talunon ko, mooring maq-utos ol1g korte IIU kunin an9 iy0l19sohod, perc, a pag-oori upong bavartm al1g baoo! na tao

Name Panga/an Sex Kasarian Age Edad Civil Status Katayuang Sibil

Home Address Pahatirang Sulat Sa Bahay ng ninahobta

Unit/ Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Kalsada I Barangay I Zip Code

City Lungsod /Municipality Munisipalidod I Province Lalawigan Region Rehiyan

CO""" ". ",,,00'/5,,,," ",g jE_m_ai_IA_d_d_r_e_s_s --'

Place of Work/Business Lugar ng PillagtaIToba/lUall/Negosyo

Unit / Floor/House/Building
No. Palapog Street Kalsada Elarangay I Zip Code

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad Province Lalawigan Region Rehiyon

~ ____

Contact No. Telepono/Se/pon BIg. Email Address


Form 3-SCC, Page 1 of 5

(Small Claims)
Defendant's Representative, if applicable Kinatawan IIg liinohabl«; kung meron

Name Pangalan
Home Address PahatirangSu/at Sa Gabay IIg Kinotowon ng Hinobobta
Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Kalsada [larangay I Zip Code

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad Province l.alawigan Region Rehiyon

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon Big. Email Address

Place of Work Lugar ng Pinoqtatrabahuon ng Kinatawan ng Hina/labla

Unit / Floor/House/Building No. Palapag Street Kaisado Barangay I Zip Code

City Lungsod / Municipality Munisipalidad Province Lalawigan Region Rebivon

Contact No. Telepono/Selpon Big. Email Address

A. The defendant denies the Statement of Claim/s for any of the following reasons (Check those that apply):
Tinatanggihan ng Hinohobla ang Habla ng Pasgingil sa olinmang sumusunod no do hi/an (Pumili so mga sumusunod at lagyan ng tsek)

U The defendant does not owe the plaintiff money. Ang Hinahabla ay walang pagkokoutong no salapi sa Naghahablo.
I I The defendant owes the plaintiff only a portion of the amount claimed. Ang utang ng Hinahabla ay baliagi lamang ng
halagang sinisingil ng Naghahabla.
IJ It is the plaintiff who owes the defendant money. Ang Naqhohobki oy siyang may utona ng salapi 50 Hinohabta.

B. If the defendant owes the plaintiff only a portion of the amount claimed, how much is this?
Kung ang utang ng Hinahabla ay bahagi lamang IIg halagang sinisingil ng NaghahalJ/a, moqkano ita?

A. Do you know of any other reason why the Statement of Claim/s should be dismissed? Meron ka bang alam no ibang
dahilan kung bokit dapat ibasura ang Habla ng Pagsillgii?

Yes 00 If yes, please specify Anong dahilon ito: ~

No Hindi
B. Do you have any proof? Meron ka bang onumanq katiboyan?
1--------_._--,----------------------------_._-----. __ ... --.------.
Yes 00 If yes, please specify AIIOllg kotibayon ito>:
No Hilldi

A. If it is the plaintiff who owes defendant money, how much and when did this happen? Kung aru; Naghahab/a anq
siyang may utang /10 salapi so Hinohnbto, maqkano at katian ito nonqyori?

Amount Ha/aga: If no specific date, estimate the time period Kung wotonq Uyak no petsa,
ibigay ang tantiyont; ponohon

Date Petsa: Start: I Through:

Simll/a _HI...;Jn~g'_'<g.::.an_'_'g'__ . .. _
B. How did you compute the money owed? (Do not include court costs or fees for service)
Paana rno kinuwenta ang sa/aping pagkakulitang so iva? (Huwag isama {lng filing fees far service}.

Response Form 3-SCC, Page 2 of 5

(Small Claims)
C. Did you ask the plaintiff to pay you? Kung al1g Naqhahabla av s;vang may pagkakautang so iva, s;nil1g;1 mo ba siva?

If yes, how? Kung 00, paano?

] Yes 00 [ In person Sa kanya mismo 0 By phone 50 teiepono
_I No Hindi. L In writing So su/at LJ Others (specify) Iba pa (ana ito):

D. Do you have any proof? Meron ko bang anumang kotibavan?

If yes, what it this proof? Anong kotibayon ito?
.J Yes 00 1- signed deed/contract/agreem ent -I latest demand letter (with proof of delivery
I No Hindi. I promissory note and service)
I bank deposit slip l affidavit of witnesses to support the claim
[ receipts l others (pis. specify):
C checks

5 PRAYE~ Pagsamo '. "

. "
. . ." , \. '. ~ ,r,.
. .,. •.. ~ . ~
' _: r".
.,..... ,
. , " :":. \ J? 1 ~ ?(~:;~': '. ." 'I' <, .: ~ J

WHEREFORE, the defendant respectfully prays for a judgment ordering (Check those that apply):
DAHIL DI7D, ang Hinahabala ay magalang na sumasamo na igawad ang kapasiyahang (Pumili sa mgn sumusunod at iaqvon ng tsek}:

] the dismissal of the Statement of Claim/s. ibasura ang Hab/Cll1g Pags;ngi/.

-] the plaintiff to pay the defendant the amount of R , with interest at the rate of _% per
annum/month from until fully paid. utusan ang Nughahubla na rnagbayud sa Hinohobk: ng fla/agang
fJ pati ang tuba ng_% bawat taon/buwon simula IWllggang ganap a /ubos no mabayaron ita _

_j the plaintiff to pay the defendant the amount of f! as actual damages. utllsal1 and
Naghahab/a no magbayod sa Hlnohablo ng halugong flc_____ _ para sa aktwol na pinsolang idinulot ng
pagsasumpa ng kaso..

.J the plaintiff to pay the defendant the amount of f! as costs of suit. utusan ang Nagilahabla
na magbayad sa Hinohabla ng halogong fI , para sa kabayoron/qostos so kasong tsinompo.

By the filing of this counterclaim, defendant hereby waives any amount in excess of ,f!1Miliion Pesos, excluding
interests and costs. So pagsasampa ng ganting pasgingil no ito, ang Hinahobia ay isinusuko ang anumanq ha/aga no hiqlt sa
R1Milllion Pesos, hindi kasama ang tubo at qostos sa pagsompa ng kosong ito.

',7 CONSENT TO ELECTRONICSERVlCE"t ,'." ,.,_:-: - , __ ,. - .. ; .-;:.'; \:":':: - ,-

I give my consent to be served with official court notices, processes, orders, resolutions and decisions, as well as
filings by the Plaintiff, through: Nagbibigay aka ng pahintulot na moihotid sa akin angmga opisval no paunawa, proseso,
utos, resolusyon, at desisyon I1g hukuman, pati ang mga pagsasampa ng Naghahabla, sa pamamagitan ng:
(Check those that apply Pumili 50 mga susunod at logyan ng tsek)

email address: _
I' fax number: _
I' cell phone number: _
o phone call
o text message (SMS)
o instant message (ex. Viber, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger) pis. specify: _

__"" ~~~_j_D_a_t-_e-p-e-ts-a-;
__ ~-_-_-_-_-_- _
Defendant's Signature Lagda ng Hlnahabta:

'-------------------------------------------- - ------_ .. -

Form 3-SCC, Page 3 of 5

(Small Claims)
I Ako, _ , of legal age nasa Iiustonq gulang, _
(Name Pangalan) (Citizenship Pagkamamamayan)
________________ _J and a resident of _
(Civil Status Katoyuonq Sibil)

(Residence Tirahan)
on oath, state ay sumusutnpa na:

1. I am the defendant in this case, and I have caused the preparation of the foregoing Response;
Ako ang Hinahabala sa kasong ito, na gumawa at nagpuno ng Sago!";

2. I have read and understood the allegations contained herein, and the same are true and
correct based on my own personal knowledge and on authentic records; Naiintindihan ko ang
mga nilolaman nita at pinatotohanan ko ang mga nakasaad dito base sa aking personal no
pagkakaalam, tunay na talaon, dokumento, at ebidensya;

3. This Response is not filed to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost
of litigation; Ang Habla ng Pagsingil/Sagot ay isinumite so korte hindi upang magdulot ng poq-obala,
paq-ontoia, 0 walang kabuhulang pagpapahirap sa proseso ng hukuman;

4. The factual allegations herein have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, will
likewise have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for discovery. Ang mga
alegasyon dito ay makatotohanan at suportado ng ebidensya a di kayo ay magkakaroon ng ebidensivo
kung magkakaroon ng pagpapatuklas nita.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of --' 20__

Defendant's Name and Signature

Pangalan at Lagda ng I-linahabla

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of _________________ , 20 .

Notary Public/Administering Officer

'-------- ~J

Response Form 3-5CC, Page 4 of 5

(Small Claims)
•••• • ,,\.~. ", .r.','
c ' l.~ 'T I ;;, .,_;;'
I ••rr: ~.
::I' , , \",.- OJ ~ ~'

AND MULTIPLICITY OF SUITS :(if with cou~terclalm only) PlIgptJpatotoo0 pagpapatuliav'na Walang ',' ,
1bimg'Ki:lson'g Nakasampa/NakabTnbTn SCI Ibang Hukuman(kung may Gantlng'pt:tg.slnglllamtingi ': ' ", r",:: ", < ~' : :

I Ako, -' of legal age nasa hustong gulang, _

(Name Panga/an) (Citizenship Pagkomomomayon)
________ -' and a resident of _
(Civil Status Katayuang Sibil)

(Hesiuence Tiralian}
on oath, state oy sumusmupa no:

1. That I am the defendant in the above-entitled case and have caused this Response to be prepared;
that I read and understood its contents which are true and correct of my own personal knowledge
and/or based on true records. Ako ang Hinahabala sa kasong ito, na gumawa at nagpuno ng Sagot.
Naiintindihan ko ong mga nilalaman nito at pinototohonan ko ang mga nakasaod dito bose sa aking
personal no pagkokaalam at tunay na talaan, dokumento, at ebidensya;

2, The Response with counterclaim is not filed to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly
increase the cost of litigation. Ang Habla ng Pagsingil no may kasamang Ganting Pag-singil ov isinumite
sa hukuman hindi upang magdulot ng pag-abala, paq-antalc, 0 walang kabuhulanq pagpapahirap sa
proseso ng hukuman;

3. I have not commenced any action or proceeding involving the same issue or subject matter in the
Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency, and that the check/s covered in
this case has/have not been the subject of a criminal charge filed before the Office of the
Provincial/City Prosecutor; that to the best of my knowledge, no such action or proceeding is
pending in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency; and that, if I
should learn thereafter that a similar action or proceeding has been filed or is pending before this
court, tribunal, or agency, I undertake to report that fact to this court within five (5) days
therefrom. Ako ay walang ibang kasong isinampa 0 nakablnbin sa ibang hukuman 0 sa ibang ahensya ng
pamahalaan patungkol sa transaksyon no ito, at kung may. cheke/mqa cheke na naisama rita, walanq
hiwalay no kasong criminal na isinampa rito. Kung ako man ay may madiskubrenq koso no nakasampo 0
nakabinbin sa hukuman 0 ibang ahensya ng pamahalaan patungkol sa transakysong 0 cheke/mga chekeng
ito, nangangako akong isiwalat ito sa hukuman sa loob ng limang (5) araw mula sa aking pagdiskubre;

4. That the filing of this case is not in violation of the rule against splitting a single cause of action or
multiplicity of suits. Ang pagsampa ng kasong ito ay hindi labag sa patakaran ng Korte Supreme na
ipinagbobawa/ ang pagsampa ng ibo't-ibanq kaso no nagmumula lamang sa isang transaksyon;

5. That I knowingly and voluntarily waive and forego the institution of any criminal complaint for
violation of Batas Pambansa Big. 22 against the defendant herein based on the same check/s
subject matter of this Small Claims Complaint. Aking isinusuko (waiver) ang pagsampa ng kasonq
paglabag ng Batas Pambansa BIg. 22 laban sa aking hinahabla mula sa cheke/mga chekeng isinama ko so
kasong ito.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of __J 20__

Defendant's Name and Signature

Pangalan at Lagda ng Hinahobla

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of _ . , 20_.

Notary Public/Administering Officer

Response Form 3-SCC, Page 5 of 5

(Small Claims)
(Small Claims)

Plaintiff (Naghahabla),
vs. Civil Case No. _
For: _

Defendant (Hinahabla).
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X


YOUR CASE IS SET for hearing before the Presiding Judge of this Court on
__________ at
(Ang inyong koso ay diringgin ng Pinunong Hukom 119 Hukumang ito so
___ -' so ganop no .J







Babala Para So Mga Pagdinig so Videoconjerencing

The photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of the court proceedings are strictly prohibited.
Violations of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including contempt of court.
Mohigpit na ipinagbabawal ang pagkuha ng litrato, pagrekord, at muling pag-broadcast ng pagdinig sa
korte. Ang paglabag sa mga pagbabawal na ito ay mooring mogresulta sa mgo patusa, kabilang ang
contempt of court.

WITNESS the HON L...Presiding Judge of this

Court, this __ day of____, 20 , at_ Philippines.

Branch Clerk of Court

Tala: Para so katanunqon. tumawag sa Korte sa Tel. Big. _

Email Address ng Hukuman: . _
FORM S-SCC Page 1 of 2
(Small Claims)


VS. Civil Case No.
For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

[Personal Service)

This is to certify that the undersigned personally served the Summons, Statement of Claim,
together with the Annexes and Notice of Hearing upon the defendant/s, as shown by her/his signature
appearing at the lower portion of the summons:
(Ito ay aking pagpapatunay no personal no natanggap ng Hinahobla ang Patawag, Habia /lg
Pagsingil kasama ong mga Annex nito, at A/Jiso ng Poqdiniq, no pinatutunayon 17g kanyang/konilollg
lagda sa ibabang bahagi ng Patawag:)

However, the undersigned failed to serve the Summons, Statement of Claim, together with the
Annexes and Notice of Hearing upon the following defendant/s on the ground/s that:
(Subalit, hindi ko nafhatfd/nafhafn onq Patawaq, I-Iabla ng Pagsingillwsama ang mga Annex nito,
at Abiso ng Pagdinig sa mga sumusunod no Hinohabla sa kadahilaruuiq.]
FORM 5-SCC Page 2 of 2
(Small Claims)

. ri':;~!ll'" ,;.t. j r rl! tl P . lble R 5 5 tor . F arure

iure of'Setvlce ..

,,:; ,'i';' .
~;r-'¥'~~. ,~~!:~,. • ~~,!! ,.If'~' or. 0~51 ea on r- "" :.' _:,
").; .
"::~~';'11~:t .. i .• :·· :~"f, Mga Posibleng Dahifan Baki!' Hindi Naihatid/Naihoin '., .. '.~:-',
• Address cannot be located (hindi mahanop ang address)
o Insufficient address (hindi kumpleto ang address)
• Defendant moved out (Iumipot. no ang Hinahob/o)
• Refused to receive (ayaw tanggopin)
• On leave (naka-Ieave so trabaho}
• No longer connected with the office/establishment/agency (hindi no nagtatrabaho sa
• Death of defendant (pagkamatay ng Hinahobla)
• Others, please indicate (lba pa, manqvcrinq ipolliwotig ong duhilun)

WHEREFORE, the original copy of the Summons is respectfully returned to the Honorable Court,
(DAI-IIL OITO, ang orihinal no kopya I1g Patowag ay isinasauli sa I(agaiang-galong no Hukumouq

_______ -' Philippines, (date) (petsa),



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of _______ --' 20_,


Notary Public/Notoryo Publiko

FORM 5-A-SCC Page 1 of 4
(Small Claims)


vs. Civil Case No. _
For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

[Substituted Service]

This is to certify that the undersigned served the Summons, Statement of Claim, together with
the Annexes and Notice of Hearing upon the defendant/s, through his/her representative, as follows:
(Ito oy akinq pagpapotunay na naihatid/naihain ko ang Patawag, Habla ng Pagsingil kasamo ang
mgo Annex nita, at Abiso ng Pagdinig so Hinahobla, sa pamamogitan ng i<onyang/kaniiang kinatawan,
tulad ng sumusunod:)

Said persons were either: (a) least eighteen (18) years of age and of sufficient discretion residing with
defendant; (b) in charge of defendant's office or regular place of business; or (c) an officer of the
homeowners' association or condominium corporation, or its chief security officer in charge of the
community or the building where the defendant may be found. Their signatures may be found at the
lower portion of the summons.
(Ang mga tumanggap ay maaaring: (a) hindi bababo so 18 taong gulang at may sapat na diskresyon na
noniniratian kosamo ang Hinahabla; (b) namamahala sa opisina 0 fugar na pinagtatrabahuan ng
Hinohablo; a (c) isang opisyal ng homeowners' association 0 condominium corporation, 0 ang chief
security officer no namomahala so komunidad 0 qusal! kung soan matatagpuan ang Hinahabta. Ang
kanilanq mga fogda oy matataqpuon so ibabonq bahagi I1g Patawag.)

With the court's permission, I also served the Summons, Statement of Claim, together with the
Annexes and Notice of Hearing upon the defendant/s, by sending an electronic mail to his/her/their
electronic mail address, as follows:
FORM 5-A-SCC Page 2 of 4
(Small Claims)

(Nang may pahintulot ng I-Iukuman, pinadala ko rin ang Patawag, Nabla ng Pagsingil kasama
anq mga Annex nito, at Abiso n[l PC/[ldinig sa Hinuhabla, sa pamamagitan 17g electronic mail sa
kaniya/kanilang electronic mail address, tulad ng sumusunod.)

Substituted service was made after the undersigned made at least three (3) attempts on two (2)
different dates to serve the Summons, Statement of Claim, together with the Annexes and Notice of
Hearing upon the defendant/s, but failed and unavailing on the following ground/s:
(Aka ay napi/itang gumamit ng substituted service' motopos mabigo ang okitiq paqsusutnikop no
ihatid/ihain ang Patawag, J-Iabla ng Pagsingill<asanw ang mga Annex nita, at Abiso ng Pagdinig, no hindi
bababa sa tatlong (3) pagtatangka so maqkaibonq oraw, so kadahilanang:)

[* * use additional page/s, if needed. (gllmarnit rig /<aragdagong pahina, kung kinakailangan)]

1Ang "substituted service" na tinutukoy dito ay ang pagpapadala/paghahain ng opisyal na dokurnento ng

Hukurnan sa taong bukod sa Hinahabla, na pinahihintulutang turnanggap nito ayon sa Section 6, Rule 14
ng 2019 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure.
FORM S-A-SCC Page 3 of4
(Small Claims)

WHEREFORE, the original copy of the Summons is respectfully returned to the Honorable Court,
(OAN/L OITO, aflg orihinal na kopya ng Patawag ay isinasauli so Kagalang-galang no Hukumang

_______ ....J Philippines, (date) (petsa].



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of , 20_.

Notary Public/Administering Officer

(Small Claims)
Page 4 of 4



[) Address cannot be located (hindi mahanap ang address)

[ ) Insufficient address (hindi kumpleto ang address)
[ ) Defendant moved out (Iumipat na ang Hinahabla)
.;;, .;: ~/;,:,M,~ress of '?~-fe'1da9t 'Iii t •• ".:.' ' [ 1 Refused to receive (ayaw tanggapin)
.;~: . (PahatJtang-Sulat'ng'Hinahabla) i. [ 1 On leave (naka-Ieave sa troboho]
[ 1 No longer connected with the office/establishment/agency
(hindi no naqtatrobaho sa oplsina/poqtatatoq/ahensyo)
[1 Death of defendant (pagkamatay IIg Hinohabla}
[1Others, please indicate llbu po, rnangyaring ipahiwatiq ang
j'''":l::;::~'''f!~~-:-~e-}-~, 7'~=,
i:;>oO;;-' ~~'--~?-t-'~': :"'':
:~'"' 1t~""-:-l ~-. 1d.tf:-.}~·
•.. .J.:"..:(:j:;,.:rc:.:..;.. }-C~-,-, -~t"";
rns.u...: ;t;._~-.I$-o-:,n-, ·-:,....~t-t~e-m-p-t-~
?"'" -m-, I se rvlce . ' , •
.a-?-e-•• a-,t-p-e-.r-s-o-n-a
j,~~!~'.lqnnf7 :fl1~W~/gQy'. n~:,de.tr;.'rcn.( ~ 9 :~/a~ f!P ".)ga pa.nqy~y.,? ( V,~~I ~agtata~~~q~,g, maih~,ti~(mai~a0,;
fL, '.. . . •.. '"J' :;;;' ~';~_ ,!:l~""l:ng personal.apg mga dokumel?to).· .
r _',' !.l,_ ,f, " • " • ,.
FORM 6-SCC Page 1 of 2
(Small Claims)


vs. Civil Case No. _
For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


(Mosyon no Maghabla Bilang "Indigent"l;

________ --' unto this Honorable Court, respectfully alleges that:

_________ , so I(agalang-galang na Hukumang ito, isinasaad na:

1. I am a resident of _
(Aka ay nakatira sa ;)

2. My gross income and that of my immediate family does not exceed:

(Aka at ang aking mag-anak ay kumikita ng ilalagang hindi IlUmilligit sa:)


Dps,ooo.OO np8,OOO.OO DPll,OOO.OO _OP14,OOO.OO
Dp6,ooo.OO DP9,OOO.OO o P12,OOO.OO QJthers (iba pa):_ .. _. __ . -

3. I do not own real property with a fair market value of more than (amount as provided in the Revised
Rules of Court, as amended) as stated in the current tax declaration from the Office of the City/Municipal
(Wala akong pagmamay-aring lupa na may fair market value na higit sa (/wlagang nakatakda sa Revised
Rules of Court, as amended) ayon sa pinakabagong tax dec/aration mula sa Tanggapan ng Tagapagtasa
ng Lungsod/Muni5ipalidad;)

1 Ayon sa Section 21, Rule 3 ng Revised Rules of Court, as amended, ang "indigent" ay isang tao na walang
sapat na pera at pag-aari para sa rnga gastusln sa pagkain, tirahan at iba pang pangunahing
FORM 6-SCC Page 2 of 2
(Small Claims)

4. Due to financial constraint, I cannot afford to pay for the expenses of a court litigation as I do not have
enough funds for food, shelter and other basic necessities;
(Oahil sa pampinansyal na kagipitan, hindi 1<0 makokayanang bayaran ang gastos ng pagJilitis sa
hukuman lalo na at hindi sapat ang aking kinikita para so mqa gastusin so oaqkatn, tirahan at iba pang
pangunahing pangangailangan;)

5. Should the court render judgment in my favor, the amount of the docket and other legal fees which I
was exempted from paying shall be a lien on the judgment, unless the court orders otherwise.
(Kung ang desisvon ng hukutncn ay pabor so akin, ang ibinukod so akinq halaga ng bayod 50 daket at ibo
pang bayarin ay ibabawas so iginawad no halaga sa desisyon, maliban kung iba ang utos ng hukuman.)

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed that I be exempted from the payment
of docket and other legal fees as indigent pursuant to Section 21, Rule 3, in relation to Section 18, Rule
141 of the Revised Rules of Court.
(OAHIL OITO, isinasoalang-alang al1g lahat, aka ay magalang na sumusamo 110 maibukod ako sa
pagbayad sa daket at lba pang bayarin bilang isang indigent alinsunod so Section 21, Rule 3, kaugnay so
Section 18, Rule 141 ng Revised Rules of Court.)

Other reliefs just and equitable under the premises are likewise prayed for.
(Anumang kaluwagan ang makatarungan 01" pates sa kalagayong ito ay isinusumamo ko rin.]

FORM 7-SCC Page 1 of 2
(Small Claims)




I, of legal age, single/ married, with residence at

do hereby appoint, name and constitute
_____________ r who is not a lawyer, as my true and legal representative to act for and in
my name and stead, and to represent me during the hearing of Civil Case No. , to enter into
amicable settlement, to submit to alternative modes of dispute resolution, and to make admissions or
stipulations of facts and documents without further consultation from me.
(AKO, , may sopat na gulang, walang ascwo/mav asawo,
naninirahan at may pahatimng-sulat sa , dito ay isinasaad na
aking itinatalaga, pinipi/i at hinihirang si sapat din ang gulang, walang
asawa/may asawa, naninirahan at may pohatiranq-sulat sa
na hindi isang oboqado, hilang aking tunay at' totoonq kinatawon so betas, upanq moqsaqawa at kumilos
sa aking kapakanan at panqalan, at magsilbing kinatowan ko sa pagdinig I1g Civi/ Case No ... ..... _._,
makipag-areglo ng kasunduon, sumailalim sa alternative modes of dispute resolution/ at moqbiqay ng
mga admisyon 0 magtal<da I1g mga katotohanan at mga dokumenio nang hindi kinaikailangang
kumunsulta pa sa akin.)

I hereby grant my representative full power and authority to execute and perform every act
necessary to render effective the power to compromise as though I myself have so performed it and
hereby approving all that he may do by virtue of these presents.
(Dito ay aking iginagawad sa naturan kong kinatawan ang lahat I1g karapatang kumilos at
magsagawa upang isakatuparan ang kapangyarihang mag-areg/a ng kasunduan sa bisa I7g karapatang
ito ay iginagawad sa kanya nang kahalintulad ng kung aka, so ganang aking sarili mismo, ang
nagsagawa, at dito ay aking pinagtitibay ang lariat ng kanyang gawin.)

In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand this __ day of , 20--, at

(Sa katunayan ng labat, aka ay /umagda sa ibaba nita, ngayong ika-_ I1g __ , 20_, dito sa
___ .J



1 Ang "Alternative Dispute Resolution System" ay anurnang proseso nang paglutas 0 pagpapasya ng alitan 0 hindi
pagkakaunawaan, bukod sa paglilitis sa hukuman 0 iba pang ahensya ng gobyerno, kung saan may neutral third party
na tutu long upang solusynan ang mga isyu. Saklaw nito ang arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early neutral
evaluation, mini-trial, 0 anumang konblnasvon ng rnga ito.
FORM 7-SCC Page 2 of 2
(Small Claims)

(Mgo Saksi}:


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in , on this _ day of 20---, the
following affiants personally appeared with their respective valid IDs as follows:
(SA HARAP KO, no isong Notoryo Publiko 50 ngoyong ika-_ ng ' 20_1
ay dumulog ong mga sumusunod no nokakaako na may katibayan ng pagkakakilanlon:)

Name 10 Number
{Pang a/an) (Katibayan ng Poqtcakakitankm}

(Principal) (Puno)

(Agent) (Kinatawon)

(Witness) (Saksi)

(Witness) [Saksi}

known to me to be the same persons who executed the above document, and who acknowledged to me
that the same is their own free act and deed.
(na kilala kong silang nogsagawa ng nauunang kasuJatan no pinatunayan so harap kong moJayo at saril!
nilong pagpapasiya, at lubos nilong noiintindihon anq legal no kahihinotnan ng kanilonq soriling pasya.)



Doc. No. __ ,
Page No. __ ;
Book No. ___;
Series of 20_
FORM 8-SCC Page 1 of 2
(Small Claims)


VS. Civil Case No. _
For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

(Pinagsamang Mosyon na Ibasura at Ipawalang-saysay)

Plaintiff and defendant, unto this Honorable Court, respectfully allege that:
(Ang Naqhohabla at Hinahobla, sa I(agalang-galang no J-Iulwmang ito, ov nagsasood:)

1. Plaintiff and defendant have mutually and voluntarily settled their claim and counterclaim to
the entire satisfaction of each other; and
(Ang Naqhahabla at Hinahabla ay naqkaisa at kusanq loob no naqkosundo na wale na .silang
paghahobol so isa't iso; at)

2. The parties no longer have a cause of action against each other,

(Ang mga sangkat ay wala nang cause of action' laban sa isa't isa.)

WHEREFORE, premises considered, plaintiff and defendant respectfully pray that the plaintiff's
statement of claim and defendant's counterclaim incorporated
in his response be dismissed.
(Dahil dito, ang Naghahoblo at Hinahabla oy buang galang ria sumasanqquni no ang habol ng
Naghahabla at ganting-habol ng Hinohabla ay porehoru; ibasura.)

Other reliefs just and equitable under the premises are likewise prayed for.
(Anumang kaluwogan no mokotonmqan at palos so /<alagayangito ay isinusumomo rin.)

Place (Lugar) Date (Petsa)

Plaintiff Defendant
(Naghahabla) [Hinahabla}

1 Ang "cause of action" ay ang kilos 0 pagkukulang kung saan ang isang tao ay lumalabag sa karapatan ng
FORM 8-SCC Page 2 of 2
(Small Claims)

To the Branch Clerk of Court:

Please submit the foregoing motion for the consideration of the Court without hearing and
further argument from the parties.

Plaintiff Defendant
(Naghahabla) (Hinahobla)
(Small Claims)


vs. Civil Case No. _
For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x


(Mosyon para sa Pagpapa-aprulJa ng Kasunduan 0 Kompromisa)

The parties respectfully allege that:

(Ang mga sanqkot ay huang go/ang na nagsosaad nat}

1. Plaintiff filed this claim against defendant for:

(/sinampa ng Naghahah/a ang habol no ito laban so Hinahahla para sa:)

______ collection of sum of money (pagsingil/pangango/ekta ng salapi]

______ enforcement of barangay agreement
(pagpapatupad ng napagkasunduan sa barangay)

2. The parties have come to an amicable settlement and have executed a

Compromise Agreement attached to this Form.
{Ang mgo sangkot oy noqkosundo at sumulot ng Kasunduan 0 Kompromiso no
nokatakip sa Pormularyonq ito.}
"(Attach the Compromise Agreement to this Form)
(llaldp.sa Pormularyong ito any Kasunduan 0 Kompromiso]

3. The parties agree that the approval of this agreement by the Court shall put an
end to this litigation, except for purposes of execution in case of default.
(Ang mgo sangkot ay naqkosundo na ang paq-aprubo I1g Hukumon sa Kosunduan
o Kompromiso no ito ay magwawakas so kasong ito, malibon sa hanqarin no
isakatuporan ang nasobinq oprubadong Kosunduon a Kompromiso kung hindi
nakotupod and sanqkot/ptutido.}

WHEREFORE, premises considered the parties respectfully pray that the court
approve this agreement and render judgment on the basisthereof.
(OAHIL OtTO, ang mgo sangkot ay buonq go/ang no sumosangguni no aprubahan 119
Hukumon ang Kosunduan 0 Komprotniso no ito, at maglabas ng desisyon no nokabatay dito.}

Place(Lugar) Date (Petsa]

Plaintiff {Naqlvahobta) Defendant (Hinahablo)

FORM 10-See
(Small Claims)



vs. Civil Case No. _

For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x


Plaintiff filed this case against defendant for in the amount of

Defendant denied plaintiff's claim on the ground of ______ , and set up a

counterclaim for _

The parties, however, reached an amicable settlement and submitted to the court a compromise
agreement, the terms and conditions of which are attached to this Decision.
*(Attach the Compromise Agreement to this Decision)

It appearing that the agreement is not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public moral and
public policy, and pursuant to Articles 2028 and 2037 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the same is
hereby APPROVED and ADOPTED as the Decision of this court.

The parties are hereby ordered to faithfully comply with the terms and conditions of the

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered approving the Compromise Agreement and the
parties are ordered to comply with the terms and conditions, as follows:

(The judge should define the riqhts and obligations of the parties
under the judgment approving the Compromise Agreement to be enforced by
a Writ of Execution.)


Place Date

Presiding Judge
FORM ll-SCC Page 1 of 4
(Small Claims)



VS. Civil Case No. _

For: _


x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -x


1. The small claims action filed in this case is for money owed under:

[1 Contract of Lease [1 Contract of Loan/other credit accommodations

[1 Contract of Services [1 Contract of Sale of Personal Property
[1 Enforcement of a Barangay Amicable Settlement

2. In the Statement of Claims, Plaintiff/s claim/s the defendant/s owe/s him the principal
amount of P with interest rate of computed, as follows:

3. In the Response submitted, Defendant/s interposed the following defense:

[ 1 Defendant/s doles not owe Plaintiff/s any money.

[ 1 Defendant/s owe/s Plaintiff/s only a portion of the amount claimed.
[ 1 Defendant/s already paid the principal amount claimed and the interests charged to the
loan is excessive.
[ ] It is the Plaintiff/s who owes the Defendant/s money.
[ 1 Defendant/s admits owing money to the Plaintiff/s but has/have no financial capacity to pay
at the moment.
[ 1 Defendant denies the loan obtained and raises the defense of forgery.
[ 1 Defendant is a mere co-rna ker of the loan and has the benefit of excussion.
[ 1 Others
FORM ll-SCC Page 2 of 4
(Small Claims)

4. On (date), both parties:

[ I personally appeared during the hearing

[ I appeared through a specially authorized representative.

Attempts for alternative dispute resolution failed. The court thus proceeded with the hearing of
the case which was terminated on _

5. In establishing the small claim, Plaintiff/s presented the following documentary evidence:

[ I Signed deed or agreement captioned as _

and marked as Exhibit/s _
[ I Promissory Note marked as Exhibit/s _
[ I Receipts marked as Exhibits _
[ I Bank deposit slips marked as Exhibit/s _
[ I Check/s marked as Exhibit/s _
[ I Latest Demand Letter marked as Exhibit_· _
[ I Barangay Amicable Settlement marked as Exhibit _
[ I Others: marked as Exhibit/s

6. Plaintiff/s likewise submitted the affidavits of the following witnesses who alleged, in
summary, as follows:

Name of Witness Gist of Testimony

7. In defense, Defendant/s submitted the following documentary evidence:

[I Signed deed or agreement captioned as _

and marked as Exhibit/s _
[I Promissory Note marked as Exhibit/s _
[I Receipts marked as Exhibits _
[1 Bank deposit slips marked as Exhibit/s
[I Check/s marked as Exhibit/s _
[I Barangay Amicable Settlement marked as Exhibit _
[I Others: marked as Exhibit/s

8. Defendant/s likewise submitted the affidavits of the following witnesses who alleged, in

b__ -d
summary, as follows:

Name of Witness
FORM 11-SCC Page 3 of 4
(Small Claims)

9. In the same action, Defendant/s raised the following compulsory counterclaim:

[ I They are mutual creditors and debtors.

[ I Defendant has commission/s due from the Plaintiff.
[ lit is the Plaintiff/s who owe/s him money.
[I Others.

10. With the same having been submitted for judgment, this court finds:

[I The claim of the Plaintiff/s is meritorious.

[I The compulsory counterclaim of the Defendant is meritorious.

Wherefore, the small c1aim/ counterclaim is granted.

(State reason).

This court orders to pay to the amount of

(state the monetary award or damages)with interest of until fully paid.

Plaintiff's prayer for the withdrawal of the remaining balance in the Sheriff's Trust Fund in the
amount of P is granted, subject to accounting and auditing procedures. The
Clerk of Court is directed to release such amount to the Plaintiff or his/her authorized representative.

[I The claim of the Plaintiff/s is devoid of merit.

[I The compulsory counterclaim of the Defendant is devoid of merit.

Wherefore, the small claim/ counterclaim is denied.

(State the reason).

Plaintiff's prayer for the withdrawal of the remaining balance in the Sheriff's Trust Fund in the
amount of P is granted, subject to accounting and auditing procedures. The
Clerk of Court is directed to release such amount to the Plaintiff or his/her authorized representative.

[I The action is dismissed is with prejudice.

[ I The action is dismissed without prejudice.
FORM ll-SCC Page 4 of 4
(Small Claims)

Wherefore, the small claim/ counterclaim is dismissed with / without prejudice.

(State the reason).

Plaintiff's prayer for the withdrawal of the remaining balance in the Sheriff's Trust Fund in the amount of
P is granted, subject to accounting and auditing procedures. The Clerk of
Court is directed to release such amount to the Plaintiff or his/her authorized representative.


Place Date

Presiding Judge

Copy furnished:
All parties
Office of the Clerk of Court of
(Small Claims)


vs. Civil Case No. _
For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


(Mosyon so Pagpapatupad I1g Desisyon)

Plaintiff/Defendant, unto this Honorable Court, respectfully alleges that:

(Ang Naghahabla/Hinahabla ay nagsasaod:)

1. On r a judgment was rendered by the Court, the dispositive portion of which reads:
(Noong , ang Hukumon oy naqlabas I1g Desisyon no nagsasabi:)

2. The judgment is final, executory and unappealable.

(Ang Desisyon ay wakas no at hindi no maaaring t-apeta}.

3. The defendant has not complied with the judgment.

(Ang Hinahabla ay hindi sumunad sa Desisyon}.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed that a WRIT OF EXECUTION be issued

to implement the judgment of the Court dated _
(DAHIL DITO, buonq galong 110 hinihiling no maglabas I1g isang PAGPAPATUPAD ng Desisvon ng
Hukuman na may petsa .)

Place (Lugar) Date (Petsa)

(Small Claims)



VS. Civil Case No. _

For: . _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x

(Money Judgment)
(Kautusan Para so Pagpapatupad ng Pansalaping Hatol)


:WHEREAS, on (date oUhe Decision) ,this Court rendered a Decision in the above-entitled
case, the pertinent portion of which reads as follows: : (Samantala, noonq _
ang Hukuman ay nagJabas ng Desisyon sa kasong ito, ang kaugnay na bahagi ay mababasa sa
mga sumusunod:) \ / . . . . . . . .

This court orders (name defendant/judgment obligor)

(Ang Hukumang ito ay nag-uutos kay)
to pay ---'(.!_!n~a!.!.m~e'-'o<.Lf_"p"'lo""i!.!n!:!.tiLL(f;:LJj""u~d""gmC!.!.!:€.!_!n., _~ob~/"-,i
t g._,e,-,,e:.L) the a mou nt of
(na bayaran si) (ong halagang)
__ J.:.(m:.:_o""nc:.:e::.!t""o.:..JrYLa",_w=o,_,rd:_o""r:...:d"_,a::.:.'.:.:ll",ag""e,,,,s,-,-J_--I, with interest of per annum
(na may interes na) (bowat toon)
reckoned from __ (L!:d~a~te::...!:CofL!:.!.th,-,=e,-,D"-,e::.!c:.!!is,,,io~n.!.l.until )_ fully paid.
(simula so) (hanggong mabayaran ng buo.)

WHEREAS,the aforesaid Decision is final, executory, and unappealable.

(Samanta/a, ang noturang Desisyon ay wokas no, lpatutupad no, at hindi no
maoring i-apela}

NOW THEREFORE, you are commanded to cause the execution of the Decision, and
demand from (name of defendant/judgment obligor) the payment of the judgment
obligation, together with your lawful fees for the service of this writ, and to tender the same to
the plaintiff/judgment obligee.
(Kayo ngayon, ikaw ay inuutusan no ipatupad ang Desisyon, at mag-demand/singilin kay
________ ang kabayaran sa binotol no ob/igasyon, kasoma fig iyong na-aovon sa
batas na bayarin para so paghain/pagsisilbi nitonq kautusang pagpapatupad, at ibigay ito so
naghahab/a 6 nahatu/ang nanolo so koso.)
(Small Claims)

You are guided as follows:

(Ikaw oy inuutuson no sundin ong mgo sumusunod:)

1) If the judgment obligor cannot pay all or part of the obligation in cash, certified
bank check or other mode of payment acceptable to the judgment obligee, you shall levy upon
the properties of the judgment obligor of every kind and nature whatsoever which may be
disposed of for value and not otherwise exempt from execution giving the judgment obligor the
option to immediately choose which property or part thereof may be levied upon, sufficient to
satisfy the judgment. (Kung ang hinatulang obligado na magbayad ay hindi mabayaran ang
lahat 0 bahagi ng ob/igasyon so pamamagitan ng salapi, sertipikadong tseke ng bangko, 0
anumang paraan ng pagbabayad na katanggap-tanggap sa hinatulang nanalo, ikaw ay
inuutusan na magpataw ng kabayaran sa mga art-arion ng hinatulang obligado na maaaring
maibenta sa halaga, basta hindi ito kasama sa mga ari-orion na pinagbabawal no isali sa
pagpapatupad ng hatol. Ana hinatulang obligodo ang may opsyon no mamili kung aling art-
arian a bahagi nita ang maaaring ipataw, sapat para matugunan ang kabayaran sa hatol.)

2) If the judgment obligor does not exercise the option, you shall first levy on the
personal properties, if any, and then on the real properties if the personal properties are
insufficient to answer for the judgment. You shall sell only a sufficient portion of the personal or
real property of the judgment obligor which has been levied upon. (Kung ang hinatulang
obligado na magbayad ay hindi pumili sa nasasabing opsyon, ikaw ay inuutusan na patawan
muna so ang mga personal no ari-arian (halimbawa: sasakyan, muwebles, alahas, at iba oa),
kung meron man, saka isusunod ong mgo tunay na ari-arian (holimbawa: lupo, bahay at iba pa]
kung ang mga personal no ari-arian ay hindi sapat upang matugunan ang hatol na kabayaran sa
hinatol na bayarin. Ikaw ay maaring magbenta lamang ng sapat na bahagi ng personal a tunay
no ari-arian ng hinatulang obligodo no ipinotow.}

3) You shall not levy upon so much of the salaries, wages, or earnings of the
judgment obligor for his personal services within the four months preceding the levy as are
necessary for the support of his family. They are exempt from execution. (Hindi ka pwede
magpotaw ng napakaraming sweldo, sahod, a kita ng hinatulang obligado para sa kanyang mga
personal na serbisyo sa loob ng apat na buwan bago ang pagpataw na kinakailangan para sa
pang-suporta sa kanyang pami/ya. Ito ay hindi sak/aw IIg pagpapatupad ng hatol.

4) You shall make a report to the court every thirty (30) days from receipt of the
writ on the proceedings taken thereon until the judgment is satisfied in full, or until the
effectivity of the writ expires, in accordance with Section 14, Rule 39 of the 2019 Amendments
to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. (/kaw ay dapat gumawo ng ulat sa hukuman kada-
taUumpung (30) araw mula 50 pagkatanggap nitong kautusan para sa iyong mga isinagawang
pagpapatupad ng paghatol hanggang sa ganap na mabayaran ito, 0 hanggang ang kautusan ay
mawalan ng biso, alinsunod sa Seksyon 14, Hule 39 of the 2019 Amendments to the 1997 Rules
of Procedure.

GIVEN under MY HAND and SEAL of the COURT, this __ day of , 20__ .
(lBlN/GAY sa ila/im ng AKING KAMAY at SELYO ng KORTE, ngayong __ araw ng
___ 20

Clerk of Court
(Small Claims)



vs. Civil Case No. _

For: _

(Decision Based on Compromise Agreement)
(Kautusan Para sa Paqpapatupod ng Desisyan base sa Kasunduan sa Kampromiso)


WHEREAS, on (date of the Decision) , this Court rendered a Decision in the above-
entitled case, the pertinent portion of which is quoted hereunder: (Samantola, noang
______ --' ang Hukuman ay nagiobos ng Desisyon so kosong ito, ong kougnay no bohagi
oy sinipi so ilalim nita:)

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered approving the Compromise

Agreement and the parties are ordered to comply with the terms and conditions, as
follows: (DAHIL DITO, itinatakda ang paqhahatol na eta no ina-aprubahan anq Kosundu-
an sa Kompromiso at ang mga sangkot ay inuutusan na sundin ang mga sumusunod na
mga termino at kondisvon: )
(To the Clerk of Court: quote the entire judgment on compromise for reference of the SI,eriff)
(Smail Ci--Ia:__i
__ ----,
(continued from page 1- judgement on compromise)

WHEREAS,the aforesaid Decision is final, executory, and unappealable.

(Samantala, ang naturang Desisyon ay wakes no, ipotutupad na, at hindi no
moaring t-apeta)

NOW THEREFORE, you are commanded to cause the execution of the Decision, and
demand from (name defendantl the payment of the amount agreed upon, subject to
deduction of payments made by the defendant after the execution of the Compromise
Agreemeent, if ally, together with your lawful fees for the service of this writ, and to tender the
same to the plaintiff.
(Kayo ngoyon, ikaw ay inuutusan no ipatupod ong Desisyon, at mag-demand/singilin kay
ang kabayaran ng halagang napagkasunduan, no isasailalim sa
pagbawas ng ana mang halaga no naibayad na matapos ang pagsasagawa ng Kasunduan sa
Kompromiso, kung meron man, kosama ang iyong na-oovon so betas no bayarin para sa
paghain/pagsisilbi nitong kautusang pagpapatupad, at ibigay ito sa naghahab/a 0 nahatu/ong
nanala so kaso.)

You are guided as follows:

(Ikaw ay inuutusan 110 sundin ang mga sumusunodt}

1) If the defendant cannot pay all or part of the obligation in cash, certified bank check
or other mode of payment acceptable to the plaintiff, you sh,1I1 levy upon the properties of the
defendant of every kind and nature whatsoever which may be disposed of for value and not
otherwise exempt from execution, giving the defendant the option to immediately choose which
property or part thereof may be levied upon, sufficient to satisfy the judgment. (Kung ang
hinahabla av hindi mabayaran ang lohot 0 bahagi ng obligasyon sa pamomogitan ng solapi,
sertipikadong tseke ng bangko, a cnomanq paraan ng pagbabayad na katanggap-tanggap sa
noghahab/a, ikaw ay inuutusan na magpataw ng kabavaran sa mga on-orion ng hinohobla no
maaaring maibenta so haloqa, basta hindi ito kasama so mga ori-orion na pinagbabawal no
isali sa pagpapotupad ng hotel. Ang hinahabio ang may opsyon no momili kung aling art-anon a
bohagi nita ang maoarinq ipotaw, sapo!" para matugunan ang kobovaron sa hato/.

2) If the defendant does not exercise tile option, you shall first levy on the personal
properties, if any, and then on the real properties if the personal properties are insufficient to
answer for the judgment. You shall sell only a sufficient portion of the personal or real property
of the defendant which has been levied upon.(Kung ang hinahablo ay hindi pumil! sa nasasabing
opsivon, ikaw ay inuutusan no patowan muna ang mga personal /10 ari-arian (hafimbawa:
(Small Claims)
sasakyan, muwebles, otahos, at iba pa], kung mefOn man, soka isusunod ang mga tunay na ari-
arion (halimbawa: lupo, bahay at iba pa) kung ang mga personal na art-arion ay hindi sopot
uponq matugunan ang hatol. tkaw ay maorinq maqbenta Jamang ng sapot no bahaqi ng
personal 0 tunay ria art-orion ng hinohob!a no iplnatow.}

3) So much of the salaries, wages, or earnings of the defendant for his personal services
within the tour months preceding the levy as are necessary for the support of his family are
exempt form execution. (Ang mga sweldo, sahod, a kita ng binahabla para sa kanyang mga
personal na serbisyo sa Joob ng apat no buwan bago anq poqoataw na kinokoilonqan para sa
pang-suporta sa kanyang pamilya ay hindi sakJaw ng pagpapatupad ng hatol.

4) You shall make a report to the court every thirly (30) days on the proceedings taken
thereon until the judgment is satisfied in full, or the writ's effectivity expires, in accordance with
Section 14, Rule 39 of the 2019 Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. (lkaw ay
dapat gumawa ng utot sa hukuman kada-taUumpung (30) araw mula sa pagkatanggap nitong
koutusan para sa iyong mga isinagawang pagpapatupad n9 hato! hanggang so ganap no
mabayaran ito ng buo, a hanggang ang kautusanq ito ov mawalan ng bisa, aJinsunod sa Section
.14, Rule 39 of the 2019 Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Procedure.)

GIVEN under MY HAND and SEAL of the COUR1; this __ day of 20__ .
(WINIGAY so ilalim ng AKING KAMAY at SfLYO ng KORTE, nyayong __ arow rig

Clerk of COUit
(Small Claims)



vs. Civil Case No. _

For: _

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x

[Specific Judgment)
(Kautusan Para sa Pagpapatupad ng Partikular na HatoJ)


WHEREAS, on (date of the Decision) , this Court rendered a Decision in the above-
entitled case, disposing thus: (Samantala, noong r ang Hukuman ay naglabas

ng Desisyon sa kasong ito:)

WHEREAS,the aforesaid Decision is final, executory, and unappealable.

(Samantala, ang naturang Desisyon ay wakas no, ipatutupad na, at hindi no
maaring t-apeta}

NOW THEREFORE, you are commanded to cause the execution of the Decision, including
payment in full of your lawful fees for the service of this writ. (Kaya ngayon, ikaw ay inuutusan
na ipatupad ang Desisyon, kasali na ang kabayaran ng buo ng iyong na-aayon sa batas na
bayarin para so pagha-in paghain/pagsilhi netong nitong koutusang pagpapatupad.)

GIVEN under MY HAND and SEAL of the CQUln, this __ day of ,20 __ .
(/BIN/GAY so ilalim ng AKING KAMAY at SELYO ng KORTE, ngayong __ arow ng
___ 20

Clerk of Court

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