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rey rw yea ea ‘Surveyor Indonesia, Batam Branch, SI 01- 202210 10778 411787 SURVEYOR INDONESIA erry REPORT OF ANALYSIS (CRT-660/SIBAT-VI/NNI/2022 Fee Os ih LP-LAB-01-054 + LP-LAB-01/054-22-02-046 : RUMAH SAKIT BADAN PENGUSAHAAN BATAM J. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Sekupang, Batam + (0778) - 322121 / 322122 + Mr. Joniy Chendri ‘Scope of Analysis + Waste Water (1 pts), Drinking Water (1 pts) Date / Time Sampling +: May, 24 2022 /14:18 - 14:27 WIB Date of Analysis : May, 25 - June, 13" 2022 ‘Standard References a ey ok a Tee 5 Year 2014 2. Based on Ministry of Health Regulation No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 Detail : See attachments (page 1 - 2) free. CVU ey Batam, June 14" 2022 t Neni Alfiana Technical Manager « “é bc fa Dc = 4 ea et r ey ‘st page not given number "ht nee tf sc tn ye ne Mase wt ci nia a oe ‘Acton anna on red of fo ee ai acd Wh ew & PT SURVEYOR INDONESIA (Persero) VKAN LP-77340N ‘Attachment-1 : CRT-660/SIBAT-VI/NNI/2022 Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Sekupang, Batam May, 24° 2022 /14:18 WIB lSample Received : May, 24” 2022 /16:00 WIB Joate of Analysis: May, 25"- June, 13" 2022 [Sample Matrix: Waste Water [GPS Coordinate nN = ororess | Toss 658 No] PARAMETER unr | STANDARD| RESULT METHOD Physical Properties T [Temperatre st = Ed 5 S06 SS IIOOE 2 [Total Oissaived Sade TOS mat 2000, 365 [ MMLAB-TDS-052 (Become) [Total suspended Soids, TSS mal 30 23 | SM 6589.5:2019 iT. Chemical Properties Tp nse pions | 6-9 S70 Ser ewe ZOTS 2 |Biocheniea Oger Darand, BOD | — maj 30 20 | SN106-6589.72:2008 ‘5 |Ghemea’ Oxygen Demand. COD aft 80, 65.6 | SM APHA 23° ed. 5220-0, 2017 [OH and Grease gl 10 <5 | sal 6909.10:2011 5 Ammonia nitrosee, NASA mg/l 10 2.47 TKH-LAB-PAS-429 (Specrophotomiety) [Total Covform TPN 100 | 000 1140 —[ Membrane Fier 7 [tron dssoved Fe “g/t 5 0.8168 | so PHA 23° ed. 31208, 2017 © [manganese, dissed g/t 2 0.0908 —| SH APHA 23% ed. 3120 8, 2017 9 [@arium, Be gh 2 -<0.016 [SM APHA 257 ed. 3120 B, 2017 [canner Gr gh 2 0.013 | SM APHA 237 ed. 3120 8, 20 gh 5 0.011 | SM APHA 237 ed. 3120 B, 2017 ght cI <0.01 [kv AB-C™-004 (Specrophotomety) | malt 05: 0.009 | SM APHA 23% ed. 3120 8, 2017 may 0.05 0.014 | So APHA 237 ed, 3120 B, 2017 mall 0,007 —| ~<0.00046 | Si 05-5982:7:2004 inght 1 0.0123 | SM APHA 23" ed. 3120 B, 2017 may 7 (0.017 —[ SN 06-482351998 mg/l 04 0.012 | SM APHA 23” ed. 31208 207 imght 005 <0.01 | SM APHA 237 ed. 3120 8, 2017, raft 02 0,009 | SM APHA 23% ed 3120 8, 2017 g/t 04 <0.012 | 5M APHA 23 ed. 3120 B, 2017 maf B05 "20.041 | IKH-LAB-PSN-052 (Spectrophatomety) g/t 005 <0.1_ | SM APHA 23° ed. 4500-5" D, 2017 maj 2 "0.16 [TKN AB-PFS027 (Spectrophotomety) maf 1 (0.27 | IKM-AB-PCS-028 (Spectrophotomety) malt i (0.09 | 1KlM-LAB-PAS-079 (Spectrophatomery) maf 20 0.5 | IKM-LAB-NO,-002 (Specrophotonety) mg/l 1 "0.03 — | TKM-LAB-PNS-024 (Spectrophotometry) maf = ‘0.31 | SM 06-6589.51:2005 maf as (0.83 | KM-AB-PPnS.033 (Spectrophotometn) “weather during of sampling: Sunny Porameters that printed Ral accreted according to SMI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 with Cerifcate No. LP-773-1DH “The Resut relate ony to the sample terted and report shall not be reproduced except ull without writen approval of the Laboratory 7 og LABORATORIUM LINGKUNGAN SURVEYOR INDONESIA 31, Kerapu Mo. 2 atu Ampar, Batam 29452 ‘Tel: (0778) 411444, Fox: (0778) 411787 page 1 of attch.1 > Pr sunvevor INDONESIA (Persero} ‘Attachment-2 : CRT-660/SIBAT-VI/NNI/2022 3. Dr. Ci May, 24° ‘Mangunkusumo, Sekupang, Batam 2022 /14:27 WIB Depot May, 24% 2022 /16:00 WIB May, 25° - June, 13" 2022 Drinking Water No PARAMETER uNtT ‘STANDARD RESULT METHOD 1 Physical Properties T fosou i ears ress | SH 06-6860-7002 2 [color Ta 15 6 SHI 06-6969.24.2005 3 otal bssaved Sands, TOS ight 500 741 [IKLAB-T0s-052 (Blecromety) 4 fupaty NTU 3 1 SNE 06-6969.25.2005 3 = “Tasteless “Tasisiess | SN 06-6859:2002 6 Temperature rity SC | ai temperature = 3 29.5 | SAI 06-6969.25:2005 IE. Chemical Properties 7 Prsenic, As mt oor =0.005 | SM APHA 73 ed, 3120 8, 2017 2 [Fuorde,F cma/t 15 "<0:06 | TKW-LA5-PFS-027 (Spectrophotomeiy) 3: [Total Chromium, © mgt 0.05 <0.019 [SM APHA 25" ed. 3120 B, 2017, 4 [eacmiam, co mgt 0.005 <0.0007 | SM APHA 23% ed 3120 B, 2017 5 ]brte as NO> img 3 -<0.03 | IKW-LAB-PNS024(Spectrophotomety) 6 [Nitrate as NO; img/t 30, “<0.6 | TKM-LAB-NO, 002 (Spectrophotometry) 7_joyande, Cu ng/t 0.07 20.017 | IKW-LAB-PSNS-032(Spectroohotometry) 6 [Selenium, Se mgt O01 <0.007 | SM APHA 23° ed 3120 B, 2017, 3 [Auminum, A mgt 02 0.0041 | SM APHA 237 ed. 3120 8, 2017 40 fron, Fe ght 03 '<0.01 [5M APHA 23 ed. 3120 8, 2017 11 [Hardhess, Total CaCO, img/t 500 8.70 | SM APHA 237 ed. 3120 B, 201 12 [chirde, gh 250 17.58 IK¥-\AB-PCRS-026 (Spectrophotomety) 13_| Manganese, Hin ght os <0.026 | SM APHA 23" ed 3120 B, 2017, 14 ist Unis 55-85 7.32 | SAI 6969-11:2015 35 [anc zn g/t 3 “0.01 | sw APHA 23% ed 3120 8, 2017 16 [Sulae, 50. mg/t 350 20____[IK¥-LAB-PSFS-031 (Spectrophotomety) 17 [Copper Cu mgt 2 0.015 | Sw APHA 23" ed, 3120 8, 2017 [ammonia, Ny 0.07 | TK¥-LAB-PAS-029 (Spectrophotomet) 2.00078 — [sr 06-6992.2:2004 <0,0033 [5 APHA 23% ed, 31206, 2017 <0.009 |S APHA 23% ed. 31208, 2017 -<0.008 [$M APHA 237 ed. 3120 B, 2017, -<0,003__| SM APHA 23 ed, 3120 8, 2017 <0.016 | SM APHA 73" ed 3120 B, 2017 7.068 [SM APHA 237 e. 3120 8, 2017 -<0.007 | SM APHA 23 ed. 3120 B, 2017 -<0.08 | IKW-LAB-PCS-026 (Spectrophotametry) Mambrane FRET LABORATORIUM LINGKUNGAN SURVEYOR INDONESIA 2, Kerapu No.2 Batu Ampar, Batam 29452 page 3 of attch.2 als (0778) 411411, Fax: (0778) 4347

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