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Experiment No -9

Object /Aim-
Designing a BCD counter showing the count values on a 7-segment display.

Components Required-
Op-Amp : LM741, Transistor 2N222A, Resistor : Four 330, Three 10kΩ, two 100kΩ, Diode : One
Diode 1N4007, Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG), Breadboard, Connecting wires, ICs : One 74LS00
(NAND gate), one 74LS93 (4-bit binary counter), 74LS47 (Decoder)

Task 1-

Object /Aim-
Designing a BCD counter showing the count values on a 7-segment display.

Working Procedure-
1. We will first connect the circuit as shown in Fig.1 with ‘CLKB’ connected to ‘QA’. Make sure
the power supply ground is connected to the circuit ground.
2. Then we will make it a Mod-10(decade) counter. For this you can use the remaining NAND
gates of 7400.
3. Toggle the flip-flop output (‘Q’) by changing R and S values as described in working principle
above to give pulses to the counter ‘CLKA’ input.
4. Now, disconnect the RS flip-flop and try to give a single pulse to the counter ‘CLKA’ input
(pin ‘14’) by momentarily touching it to ground and then leave it open Fig.2 You will expect
the count value will increase by one.

Circuit diagram –
Fig.1 Circuit Diagram for BCD counter with 7-segment display

Fig.2 Circuit Diagram for BCD counter with 7-segment display when the counter is momentarily being
connected to ground with the help of toggle switch.

Simulation and Analysis-

We will obtain count for the above circuit in the 7-bit display from 0 to 9; we will also obtain some garbage
values for values between 10-15 as the display is only single.
Some of the real time simulations are below.
Fig.3 Simulation for the above circuit, observe the count at this position (binary 2)

Fig.4 Simulation for the above circuit, observe the count at this position (binary 7)
Fig.5 Simulation for the above circuit, observe the count at this position (binary 12, ‘garbage’)
1. Now we disconnected the AND gate and connected to ground and gave it single pulses, we
observed that value of BCD count increases by one. The simulation for one is given below.

Fig.6 Simulation for the circuit in Fig.2, observe the count at this position (binary 8) it is changing with the
change input signal; it is increasing by 1 with the change in input signal.

Result and Discussion-

Therefore we can reach at few results from the simulations.
1. We successfully simulated a BCD counter circuit.

Precautions and guidelines

1. While switching on the set-up, switch on the oscilloscope first, then the power supply to the
circuit, and finally the function generator. When switching off, follow the sequence in reverse
2. For any IC, never exceed the input voltage beyond the power supply limits.
3.Keep ground terminals of the oscilloscope probes and function generator output, and power
supply common connected together throughout the experiment.

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