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67 Fun
Questions for
By Crystal Schwanke
BA Psychology

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Don't let getting to know someone new be boring.

Instead, entertain yourself with questions for
couples. Learn something new through these
funny relationship questions.

Fun Questions to Ask on a

Whether it's your first date or your thirtieth, you
can always ask questions to get to know someone
better. Try some general ones like these or
choose a theme and let the conversation roll from

If you had one day left to live, what would

you do?
Where would you most like to go on
What would you do if you won $10,000?
What do you like best about me?
What one thing would you like to change
about me?
Who was the first person you kissed?
How would you feel if I made more money
than you?
Would you be willing to stay home with the
kids while I work?
What is the craziest dream you've ever had?
If you could trade lives with someone, who
would it be?
What's one thing no one knows about you?
Would you rather go for a hot air balloon
ride or bungee jump?
What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
If you could ask me anything and have me
answer truthfully, what would it be?
What keeps you up at night? Or do you go to
bed at a reasonable time and go right to
sleep with no problems?

Does Each Wall Need a Picture

Hanging on It? | LoveToKnow

Media and Today's Culture

From pop culture and phone apps to old favorites
and magazine subscriptions, learning about a
person's media preferences can give you insight
into who they are early in a relationship. During
the first couple of dates, questions like these may
feel more comfortable than some other types.

If you could pick any character from a TV

show and pair them with any character from
a book for a whole new story, who would you
put together?
What phone apps are you obsessed with?
Would you rather give up music or television
for a month?
Which magazines do you subscribe to?
Is there a show you used to watch as a kid
that you would love to see come back?
Which movie do you most regret wasting two
hours of your life on?
If you could meet any band, past or present,
which one would it be?
What's a word or phrase people use that you
just can't stand?
How do you feel about emojis and
abbreviated words (like "u" instead of "you")
in texts and emails?
Have you ever gotten revenge in a silly way
on someone who hurt you (a prank, for
example)? What did they do and what did
you do?


Personality and Fun Facts

People love talking about themselves and sharing
little tidbits that make them feel unique. Ask
these, then sit back and listen. Be prepared to
answer them, too.

How do you handle it when your family

doesn't approve of a decision you've made?
What song can always make you dance,
especially when no one's around?
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you have any odd quirks?
Do you have any hidden talents?
Do you read your horoscope? Do you do it
for fun or do you take it seriously?
Do you consider yourself an old soul?
How do you feel about crowds of people?
Do you hold grudges or forgive easily?
Do you like when people give you gifts, or
does it make you feel awkward?
If you had to wear one outfit from head to
toe every day for a year, what would it be?
(You could have more than one of each item
so you could wash them and they wouldn't
wear out before the year was done, but you'd
have to look the same every day.)

Learn more

Future Dreams and Career

Knowing a potential boyfriend or girlfriend's
future goals will let you know if you're on similar
paths and whether you're compatible. It's also
fun to ask questions that compare where
someone thought they would be at this age to
where they actually are now.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

What are three things on your bucket list?
If you could choose any career right now,
what would it be?
When you were a kid, did you think any
dream career choice was out of reach? What
was it?
What was the first major you declared in
What do you see yourself doing after
If money didn't matter, what would you do
with your time?
If you had to choose a career you loved for
little money or choose one you didn't enjoy
for a high salary - and commit to it for five
years - which would you pick?

You could set this up as a question game for
couples and ask each other as many "favorites"
type questions as possible within an allotted
amount of time. Asking someone what their
favorite things are, will give you a lot of
information in a short amount of time, and it
usually won't feel like you're prying (especially if
you are both answering the questions) or that
you're taking a couples' questionnaire. You can
also get ideas for future date activities.

Who is your favorite movie star?

What's your favorite kind of food?
What's your favorite outdoor activity?
What's your favorite book?
What's your favorite time of day and why?
Who is your favorite superhero?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite season?
What is your favorite restaurant?
What is your favorite sport to watch? To
What is your favorite thing to write or draw


This or That Questions for

This or that questions ask what your partner
prefers between two options. Even easy questions
like "chocolate or vanilla" can lead to
conversations that prompt deeper discussion.

Sleep in or rise early?

Read a book or watch TV?
Kiss or hug?
Strength workout or cardio?
Ocean or lake?
Winter or summer?
Family or friends?

Potentially Embarrassing
Before you launch into questions that could
potentially have embarrassing answers, gauge
how the other person is feeling. Are they the type
of person who's likely to be an open book with
their answers and willing to laugh them off with
you, or are they more guarded and probably
worried about sharing too much? If you're
relaxed together, feel free to ask these questions
and share a few good laughs. You should be
willing to answer questions too, just to keep
things fair.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

What is something you did as a child your
parents don't know about?
What do you think is the dumbest thing
you've ever done?
Is there a silly accomplishment you've made
that you're secretly proud of?
What's a silly habit you have now that you
don't tell a lot of people about?

Ask Away
Obviously, certain questions are appropriate for
different phases of a relationship. You wouldn't
want to ask someone on the second date to reveal
to you what most people don't know about him,
but you may be able to if you've been together for
several months. Some questions that will be
perfect for anything from a casual date to date
#455 with your boyfriend, however. Use your
judgment when it comes to asking questions, and
you'll feel as if you know each other in record
time. Questions like these - as well as a couple of
serious ones - are good to have in mind on dates
because they keep the conversation lighthearted,
keep it moving, and most importantly, they keep
it fun.

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